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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Associations Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Malignant Lymphomas

Baecklund, Eva January 2005 (has links)
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are at increased risk of developing malignant lymphoma, although details about this association remain unclear. The aims of this thesis were to investigate risk factors for lymphoma in patients with RA and to characterize these lymphomas regarding subtype, presence of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), clinical manifestations and prognosis. The Swedish hospital discharge register and the cancer register were used to identify RA patients with lymphoma. Two case-control studies were performed, one smaller including RA patients with lymphoma hospitalised in Uppsala health care region 1964-1983 (n=41) and one larger study of hospitalised RA patients with lymphoma in Sweden 1964-1995 (n=378). RA patients from the same cohorts, but without lymphoma, were matched as controls. Medical records for cases and controls were scrutinized for exposure information. The lymphoma tissues were reclassified according to the WHO classification, and presence of EBV was analysed by EBER in situ hybridisation. The most important risk factor for lymphoma development was high RA disease activity. No association was determined between treatment with traditional disease modifying drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, peroral and intra-articular corticosteroids and lymphoma risk. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) was more frequent in RA patients than in lymphoma patients in the general population and displayed stronger association with RA disease activity than other lymphoma subtypes. RA patients with DLBCL had increased extranodal involvement and more advanced lymphoma stage at presentation than DLBCL patients in general, and the prognosis was poor. A further subdivision of DLBCL into germinal centre (GC) and non-GC subtypes by the expression patterns of CD10, bcl-6 and IRF-4 showed a predominance of the non-GC subtype. This suggested peripheral activated B-cells as the cells of origin in these lymphomas. The presence of EBV was low in lymphomas in RA patients (12%).

Essays on the term structure of interest rates and long-run risks

Henrik, Hasseltoft January 2009 (has links)
Stocks, Bonds, and Long-Run Consumption Risks. Bansal and Yaron (2004) show that long-run consumption risks and time-varying economic uncertainty in conjunction with recursive preferences can account for important features of equity markets. I bring the model to the term structure of interest rates and show that a calibrated version of the model can simultaneously explain properties of bonds and equities. Specifically, the model accounts for deviations from the expectations hypothesis, the upward sloping nominal yield curve, and the predictive power of the nominal yield spread. However, an estimation of the model using Simulated Method of Moments yields less convincing results and illustrates the difficulty of precisely estimating parameters of the model. Real (nominal) interest rates in the model are positively (negatively) correlated with consumption growth and real stock returns move inversely with inflation. The cyclicality of nominal interest rates and yield spreads is shown to depend on the relative values of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution and the correlation between real consumption growth and inflation. The “Fed-model” and the Changing Correlation of Stock and Bond Returns: An Equilibrium Approach. This paper presents an equilibrium model that provides a rational explanation for two features of data that have been considered puzzling: The positive relation between US dividend yields and nominal interest rates, often called the Fed-model, and the time-varying correlation of US stock and bond returns. Key ingredients are time-varying first and second moments of consumption growth, inflation, and dividend growth in conjunction with Epstein-Zin and Weil recursive preferences. Historically in the US, inflation has signaled low future consumption growth. The representative agent therefore dislikes positive inflation shocks and demands a positive risk premium for holding assets that are poor inflation hedges, such as equity and nominal bonds. As a result, risk premiums on equity and nominal bonds comove positively through their exposure to macroeconomic volatility. This generates a positive correlation between dividend yields and nominal yields and between stock and bond returns. High levels of macro volatility in the late 1970s and early 1980s caused stock and bond returns to comove strongly. The subsequent moderation in aggregate economic risk has brought correlations lower. The model is able to produce correlations that can switch sign by including the covariances between consumption growth, inflation, and dividend growth as state variables. International Bond Risk Premia. We extend Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005, CP) to international bond markets by constructing forecasting factors for bond excess returns across different countries. While the international evidence for predictability is weak using Fama and Bliss (1987) regressions, we document that local CP factors have significant predictive power. We also construct a global CP factor and provide evidence that it predicts bond returns with high R2 across countries. The local and global factors are jointly significant when included as regressors, which suggests that variation in bond excess returns are driven by country-specific factors and a common global factor. Shocks to US bond risk premia seem to be particularly important determinants for international bond premia. Motivated by these results, we estimate a parsimonious no-arbitrage affine term structure model in which risk premia are driven by one local and one global CP factor. We find that international bond risk premia are driven by a local slope factor and a world interest rate level factor.

EBV-Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses in Acute Infectious Mononucleosis: a Dissertation

Precopio, Melissa Lynn 01 April 2004 (has links)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous herpesvirus that establishes a life-long latent infection of B cells. It is usually asymptomatic in healthy individuals; however, individuals with compromised immunity often develop EBV-induced lymphoma. EBV also encodes potential oncogenes that can contribute to tumorigenesis. Therefore, vaccine and immunotherapeutic strategies targeting EBV are desirable. Recent studies have shown that infusion of EBV-specific CD8+T cells can elicit remission of lymphomas arising after administration of immunosuppressive drugs during transplantation, suggesting an important role for T cells in the prevention of EBV-induced malignancy. A better understanding of the cellular immune components involved in the control of EBV will aid in the development of methods to prevent infection and/or treat EBV-associated disease. While EBV infection is usually acquired asymptomatically during childhood, primary infection of adolescents and young adults can result in an illness termed acute infectious mononucleosis (AIM). Because of the characteristic symptoms of the illness, individuals with AIM can be readily identified and diagnosed with acute EBV infection. Thus, primary CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses against the virus can be evaluated. It has been previously found that there is a marked expansion of lytic EBV protein-specific CD8+ T cells early during AIM, with delayed detection of lower frequencies of latent EBV protein-specific CD8+ T cells. The magnitude and specificity of CD4+T cell responses during AIM has been less well characterized. This thesis dissertation presents data from both functional assays and direct staining experiments documenting the timing, magnitude, and antigen-specificity of CD4+ T cells over the course of primary EBV infection. Lytic and latent protein-specific CD4+ T cells were readily detected by intracellular IFN-γ production at presentation with AIM and declined rapidly thereafter. Blood EBV load was also quantitated and found to decrease over time following AIM. By contrast, CD8+T cell IFN-y responses remained high for several weeks following presentation with AIM. Direct staining of lytic epitope-specific CD4+ T cells during AIM revealed high frequencies of virus-specific cells with low proliferative and IFN-γ-producing potential. Blood EBV load in these patients was persistently high through 6 wk following AIM. These data suggest a relationship between high EBV load during acute infection and impaired EBV-specific CD4+ T cell responses, which are compatible with impaired CD4+ T cell responses reported during high viremia associated with other viral infections. This may represent a mechanism by which persistent viruses, such as EBV, are able to establish a life-long infection in their hosts.

Vectorisation de molécules biologiques par la protéine ZEBRA du Virus Epstein-Barr : applications en thérapie humaine / Optimization of ZEBRA protein as an innovative delivery system for therapeutic molecules

Marchione, Roberta 04 June 2014 (has links)
La compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de différentes pathologies a permis la caractérisation de gènes et de protéines impliqués dans la pathogénèse et l'identification de cibles thérapeutiques intracellulaires. La nature hydrophobique de la membrane cellulaire empêche le passage des médicaments dans les cellules. Les Cell-Penetrating Peptides (CPP) ou domaines de transduction protéiques (PTD) sont des peptides qui permettent l'internalisation de macromolécules hydrophiles in cellulo et in vivo. Un nouveau peptide issu du facteur de transcription ZEBRA du virus Epstein-Barr, et qui possède des propriétés de transduction a été caractérisé récemment dans notre laboratoire. Des études par mutagénèse de délétion de la protéine ZEBRA ont permis d'identifier la région d'acides aminés (nommé ainsi MD) impliquée dans la pénétration cellulaire. Ce peptide traverse les membranes des cellules de mammifères par un mécanisme de translocation directe, même lorsqu'il est fusionné à des molécules telles que la protéine reportrice eGFP. Le mécanisme de pénétration directe représente un grand avantage pour les applications thérapeutiques: les molécules cargos peuvent être internalisées directement dans le cytoplasme cellulaire sans dégradation et sous une forme biologiquement active. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier les propriétés de pénétration cellulaire du peptide MD et d'évaluer ses applications thérapeutiques comme système de vectorisation des protéines. Ce travail est structuré en trois parties. La première partie porte sur l'étude de l'optimisation de la séquence peptidique MD par réduction de taille et l'évaluation du rôle de sa composition en acides aminés dans le processus de translocation à travers la membrane cellulaire. Cette étude a conduit à l'identification d'une séquence plus courte MD (MD11) possédant une efficacité et un mécanisme de translocation inchangés. La deuxième partie décrit une approche thérapeutique basée sur MD11 visant à la complémentation protéique d'un dysfonctionnement identifiée dans la plupart des cancers. Les cellules tumorales présentent des altérations dans la machinerie de traduction résultant dans une prolifération cellulaire incontrôlée. Parmi les différents facteurs intervenant dans la régulation de ce processus, le facteur eucaryote d'initiation 3 (eIF3) contribue à l'oncogenèse et au maintien de l'état cancéreux. Ce complexe est composé de 13 sous-unités, désignées eIF3 a-m. L'expression de certaines sous-unités est altérée dans plusieurs cancers, et en particulier la sous-unité f (eIF3f) est significativement diminuée dans le mélanome, les cancers du pancréas, de la vulve, du sein, de l'intestin et de l'ovaire. L'expression ectopique par transfection transitoire du gène eIF3f inhibe la synthèse protéique et induit l'apoptose dans le mélanome et dans les cellules cancéreuses pancréatiques. A partir de ces observations, nous avons développé une approche thérapeutique innovante pour le traitement des cancers dans lesquels la protéine manquante eIF3f est produite sous forme recombinante fusionnée à la séquence de MD11, et ensuite internalisée dans les cellules cibles tumorales. Ces résultats démontrent que le système de transfert de eIF3f basé sur MD11 représente une stratégie efficace pour supprimer la prolifération des cellules tumorales. La dernière partie de cette thèse explore la propriété de pénétration de MD11 dans les cellules de levure, et en particulier dans le champignon pathogène Candida albicans. Les résultats obtenus démontrent la polyvalence de MD11, qui fonctionne comme vecteur de protéines à activité biologique aussi bien dans la levure que dans les cellules de mammifères. Le potentiel de MD11 comme système de transport et de relargage des protéines a donc été établis, toutefois certaines améliorations en ce qui concerne la formulation des protéines de fusion et des études in vivo doivent être réalisées afin de valider son efficacité thérapeutique. / In recent years, the understanding of disease molecular mechanisms has led to the identification of genes and proteins that are altered in disease state and many therapeutic targets have been found located within cells. The protective and hydrophobic nature of plasma membrane prevents therapeutic drugs from entering cells. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) or protein transduction domains (PTDs) have emerged as a group of non-invasive delivery vectors for various hydrophilic macromolecules, and several in vitro and in vivo applications as pharmaceutical carriers have been reported. A novel cell-penetrating peptide deriving from the Epstein-Barr virus ZEBRA transcription factor has been recently characterized in our laboratory. A reductionist study of full-length ZEBRA protein has allowed to identify the amino acid region (named as Minimal Domain, MD) implicated in cellular uptake. This peptide is able to cross the mammalian cell membranes via a direct translocation mechanism even when fused to cargo molecules such as eGFP reporter protein. The direct penetration mechanism represents a great advantage for therapeutic applications as the cargo molecules can be directly delivered into cells cytoplasm in a biological active form. The aim of this thesis is to explore the cell-penetrating properties of the MD peptide and evaluate its applications as therapeutic protein delivery system. This work is structured in three parts.The first part describes the study on the optimization of MD peptide sequence by size-reduction and the evaluation of its amino acid composition role in the translocation process across the cell membrane. This study has led to the identification of a shorter MD sequence (MD11) with unvaried mechanism of translocation. The second section describes a MD11-based therapeutic approach aiming at repair a dysfunction of the protein synthesis identified in most cancers. The regulation of the protein synthesis has a crucial role in governing the eukaryotic cell growth and subtle defects in the translational machinery can alter the cellular physiology and lead to cell malignancy. Among the different factors intervening in the regulation of this process, the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) contributes to oncogenesis and maintenance of the cancer state. This complex is composed of 13 subunits (designated eIF3 a-m). The expression of eIF3 subunits is altered in several cancers, and in particular the f subunit (eIF3f) is significantly down-regulated in pancreas, vulva, breast, melanoma, ovary and small intestine tumors. The eIF3f ectopic expression by transient gene transfection inhibits cellular protein synthesis and induces apoptosis in melanoma and pancreatic cancer cells. Starting from these observations, we developed an innovative therapeutic approach for cancer treatment in which the missing eIF3f protein is produced in vitro in fusion to MD11, and delivered to cells. These results have demonstrated that the MD11- based eIF3f transfer system may represent a powerful strategy to suppress the tumor-cell proliferation. The last part of this thesis explores the cell-penetrating property of MD11 in yeast cells, and in particular in the pathogenic fungus Candida albicans. The presented results demonstrate the versatility of MD11, functioning as vectors in both yeast and mammalian cells and as carrier for proteins with biological activity.The MD11 potential as protein delivery system is evident; however some improvements regarding the fusion protein formulation and in vivo studies should be realized to validate the effectiveness of its therapeutic application.

Parent involvement in early childhood development in Kwazulu Natal

Bridgemohan, Radhika Rani 11 1900 (has links)
This study on parent involvement in Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal investigates the experiences of educators and parents of the different types of parent and community involvement as set out in the Epstein typology. In order to investigate this phenomenon a thorough background of the theory and practice of the Epstein model has been provided. In addition the work of other researchers that support the Epstein typology of parent involvement forms an integral part of the discussions. As parent involvement is the key focus of the study, parent involvement in education before and after 1994 are discussed. In this regard relevant educational policy and legislation that are designed to increase the role of parents and the community in Early Childhood Development are highlighted. Parents' role in the provision of Early Childhood Development is explored. The provision of Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal, which provides a backdrop for the investigation, is explained. In addition contextual factors that influence parent involvement in KwaZulu Natal are provided. The research methodology and the research design used in this study are described in detail. By means of a qualitative approach the experiences of a small sample of educators and parents in Early Childhood Development are explored using the six types of parent involvement that include parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home and collaborating with the community as set out in Epstein's comprehensive model. The experiences of educators and parents of Grade R learners of the six types of involvement have been included. Although all schools engage in some form of parent involvement, it is evident that not all schools involve parents in all types of parent involvement to the same extent. The study concludes with recommendations for developing strategies to involve parents more effectively in Early Childhood Development in KwaZulu Natal. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

Poética beat no cinema: “Howl” e On the road / Beat poetics in film: "Howl" and On the Road

Brito, João Luiz Teixeira de January 2015 (has links)
BRITO, João Luiz Teixeira de. Poética beat no cinema: “Howl” e On the road. 2015. 228f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-06-08T11:16:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_jltbrito.pdf: 3466253 bytes, checksum: 20edd3103d946df889c4ffe55c09431e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-06-08T12:59:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_jltbrito.pdf: 3466253 bytes, checksum: 20edd3103d946df889c4ffe55c09431e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-08T12:59:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015_dis_jltbrito.pdf: 3466253 bytes, checksum: 20edd3103d946df889c4ffe55c09431e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / This paper constitutes a comparative study between the pinnacle works of the American beat generation of the twentieth century (“Howl”, by Allen Ginsberg, and On the road, by Jack Kerouac) e their filmic adaptations produced in the first decade of the twentieth first century. Our goal is to bring forth a dialogue established by these four objective elements, based on the analysis of the congress of their individual poetics, and, in light of this, to contribute to a process that appears to be contemporarily inescapable, the relations between cinema and literature. To this end, the following dissertation will consist of the study of regularities of behavior in the adaptation process presented in the corpus before us as a means of deducing and describing possible systemic norms that underlie and regulate the transpositions between the beat literary system and the contemporary cinematographic system. On the other hand, but not separately, as we understand adaptation as rounded semiotic systems, we must consider the contexts in which they are inserted and what relations they actualize within their arrival system, not only that but investigate possible analogies to the departure system, We hope to demonstrate that these different strands of the problem are intertwined and connected if we create a common filed of tension in which the art-works are able to sustain dialogue – this we endeavored to do with the stablishment of an organizing principle, the common theme of madness. Our goal is, ultimately, to try to equate the importance of the product of adaptation and its counterpart in our analysis, transforming the field of Translation Studies into something closer to Compared Studies – of Literature or Cinema, as if our objects of research were ontologically comparable entities. We base our endeavor to achieve this task in the works of Walter Benjamin (2012), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Itamar Even-Zohar (1990), Jacques Derrida (1995), Maurice Blanchot (1987), Michel Foucault (1989), Gideon Toury (1995), Patrick Catrysse (1992), amongst others. / Este trabalho constitui um estudo comparativo entre as produções literárias pinaculares da geração beat americana de meados do século XX (“Howl” de Allen Ginsberg e On the Road de Jack Kerouac) e as suas reescrituras fílmicas produzidas na primeira década do século XXI. Procuramos aqui trazer a diálogo as quatro obras e, fundamentando-nos em uma análise do congresso de suas poéticas, contribuir para o estudo de um processo que nos parece contemporaneamente inescapável, a relação entre cinema e literatura. Para tanto, a presente dissertação consistirá do estudo das regularidades de comportamento do processo tradutor apresentadas no corpus que nos é possível analisar de modo a deduzir e descrever as possíveis normas sistêmicas que subjazem e regulam as transposições entre o sistema literário beat e o sistema cinematográfico contemporâneo. Por outro lado, mas não separadamente, na medida em que enxergamos as adaptações como sistemas semióticos acabados, devemos considerar os contextos em que elas se inserem e que relações elas desenvolvem dentro do sistema de chegada, além de investigarmos possíveis analogias com os contextos e sistemas de partida. Esperamos demonstrar que estes lados do problema se interligam se criarmos um campo tenso comum em que as obras possam dialogar, o que buscamos fazer através do estabelecimento de um princípio organizador, o tema comum da loucura. Nossa proposta é, finalmente, tentar igualar a importância do produto da tradução e do elemento de partida em nossa análise, transformando o campo dos estudos da tradução em algo mais próximo dos Estudos Comparados – de Cinema ou Literatura, como se nossos objetos fossem seres ontologicamente equiparáveis. Pautamo-nos, para realizar esta tarefa, nos trabalhos de Walter Benjamin (2012), Mikhail Bakhtin (2010), Itamar Even-Zohar (1990), Jacques Derrida (1995), Maurice Blanchot (1987), Michel Foucault (1989), Gideon Toury (1995), Patrick Catrysse (1992), entre outros.

Séquençage du génome complet du virus d’Epstein-Barr dans des prélèvements issus de lymphomes T angio-immunoblastiques / Sequencing of the complete genome of the Epstein-Barr virus in samples from angioimmunoblastic T lymphomas

Bahri, Racha 21 December 2017
Le virus d’Epstein-Barr (EBV) est un herpèsvirus humain qui infecte plus de 90% de la population mondiale. Il est décrit comme associé à plusieurs pathologies cancéreuses humaines comme les carcinomes nasopharyngés et gastriques et divers lymphomes, comme le lymphome de Burkitt, les lymphomes NK/T et certains lymphomes de Hodgkin. Le lymphome T angio-immunoblastique (LTAI), un cancer des cellules T folliculaires helper TFH, contient souvent des cellules B porteuses de l’EBV. Mais jusqu’à présent le rôle de l’EBV dans la pathogenèse de cette maladie reste inconnu. Dans ce contexte, notre travail avait pour objectif de déterminer si l’EBV associé au LTAI présentait une particularité laissant envisager son rôle dans cette pathologie. Pour ce faire, nous avons étudié la séquence complète de l’EBV au sein d’échantillons de LTAI et comparé les résultats à ceux obtenus pour d’autres lymphomes (B, NK/T) ainsi qu’aux séquences publiées. Le séquençage a tout d’abord été réalisé sur 7 lignées cellulaires positives pour l’EBV, afin de valider la technique, et a ensuite été appliqué aux échantillons d’adénopathies de 40 patients atteints de syndrome lymphoprolifératif, parmi lesquels 20 souffraient de LTAI. L’enrichissement en génome viral a été réalisé par capture à l’aide de sondes spécifiques du génome de l’EBV. Ensuite les librairies ont été synthétisées et séquencées sur les plateformes Illumina MiSeq et NextSeq. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons réalisé l’assemblage de novo des reads et déterminé la séquence complète du virus majoritaire dans chaque échantillon. Les données obtenues ont été analysées bioinformatiquement. D’une manière intéressante, le virus a été trouvé clonal ou quasi-clonal dans les LTAI alors que les lymphocytes B étaient dans la plupart des cas polyclonaux. En outre, le profil de mutations trouvé présentait des similitudes avec ce qui était trouvé pour les autres lymphomes associés à l’EBV, notamment au niveau des épitopes cibles des cellules de l’immunité suggérant un processus de sélection de la souche virale identique à celui d’une tumeur clonale associée à l’EBV. Ceci pourrait jouer un rôle important dans l’échappement au système immunitaire du virus dans ce contexte multicellulaire complexe. La présence de cellules B polyclonales avec un EBV clonal dans un compartiment T tumoral clonal pourrait relever d’une double sélection tumorale, endogène T et exogène EBV clonal, et pourrait suggérer l’existence de cross-talk entre les cellules B-T. / More than 90% of the world's population is infected by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a human herpesvirus. EBV is thought to be implicated in the pathogenesis of several human malignancies including epithelial tumors such as nasopharyngeal and gastric carcinomas as well as lymphoproliferative diseases such as Burkitt's lymphoma, NK/T lymphomas and some Hodgkin lymphomas. In angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL), a peripheral neoplasm of follicular helper T (TFH) cells, a recurrent finding is the presence of EBV-positive B lymphocytes at the beginning of the disease. However, whether this EBV infection of B cells plays a role in AITL pathogenesis remains unclear. In this context, our work aimed to determine if the EBV associated with the AITL presented an oncogenic profile allowing us to consider its role in this pathology. To do this, we sequenced the whole EBV genomes in AIL samples and compared the results to those obtained for other lymphomas (B, NK / T) as well as to previously published sequences. Sequencing was first performed on 7 EBV-positive cell lines to validate the technique, and then was applied to lymphadenopathy specimens from 40 patients with lymphoproliferative disease, of whom 20 had AITL. Enrichment of the viral genome was performed by capture using specific EBV genome probes. The libraries were synthesized and sequenced on Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq platforms. In a second step, we performed de novo assembly and determined the sequence of the virus in each sample. The data obtained were analyzed bioinformatically. Interestingly, the virus was found to be clonal or quasi-clonal in AITL, while B cells were in some cases polyclonal. In addition, the mutational pattern was similar to other EBV-associated lymphomas, especially at the level of the target epitopes of immune cells suggesting a process of selection of the viral strain identical to that of a clone tumor associated with EBV. This could play an important role in the virus escape from the immune system in this context. The presence of polyclonal B cells with clonal EBV in a clonal tumor T cell compartment could be a dual tumor selection; or that is endogenous T and exogenous clonal EBV, and could therefore suggest the existence of a cross-talk between B-T cells.

Autonomia e campo ampliado: Peter Eisenman, Rosalind Krauss e The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (1964-1984) / Autonomy and extended field: Peter Eisenman, Rosalind Krauss and The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (1964-1984)

Bruno Schiavo 24 June 2016 (has links)
A atualidade é marcada pela descoberta contínua dos interstícios disciplinares como catalisadores de toda sorte de práticas; expressões como \"Campo ampliado\" e \"Complexo artearquitetura\" são chamadas para refletir como tais arranjos acontecem especialmente na confluência entre a arquitetura e as artes. A pesquisa busca localizar, na passagem dos anos 1960 aos 1980, um debate que solicitou desses campos a reconfiguração de seus instrumentos de análise, de crítica, de abordagem à forma, e mesmo uma nova inscrição de seus significados e abrangências: o cruzamento das trajetórias intelectuais da teórica e crítica de arte Rosalind Krauss e do arquiteto e teórico Peter Eisenman no The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies - IAUS, sediado em Nova York de 1967 a 1985. O instituto colocou-se como núcleo da pesquisa interdisciplinar de seu tempo ao promover cursos, conferências, mostras, publicações, e ao legar dois periódicos especializados que encaminhariam as agendas da arquitetura e das artes nas décadas seguintes, respectivamente, Oppositions: A Jornal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture (1973-1984) e October (1976 até o presente). O estudo passa pelas proposições questionadoras da primazia do suporte artístico no minimalismo até a cristalização dessas dinâmicas no ensaio \"A escultura no campo ampliado\", de Krauss; e pela verificação, no início dos anos 1960, da necessidade pela reelaboração das questões de relevância para a arquitetura e para o urbanismo, que levariam ao sentido autocrítico investido na noção de autonomia disciplinar, e ao sentido autorreferencial da autonomia da forma arquitetônica, como engendrado por Eisenman. As experiências que assumiriam o espaço físico como constitutivo do trabalho artístico contrastam em diversos níveis com a modalidade conceitual perscrutada por essa arquitetura. Alguns dos pontos de apoio compartilhados pelos movimentos teóricos em questão são as noções de objeto, ambiente, formalismo, linguagem, modernismo e pós-modernismo. Mantendo entre si relações de complementaridade, de reciprocidade, de contradição, o empréstimo a tais categorias entre disciplinas é compreendido em vista de um segundo plano institucional. / The current situation is marked by the continuous discovery of the disciplinary interstices as Catalysts of all kinds of practices; Expressions such as \"Expanded Field\" and \"Complexo artearquitetura\" Are called to reflect how such arrangements Confluence between architecture and the arts. The research seeks to locate, over the years 1960 to the 1980s, a debate that called for these areas to reconfigure their Instruments of analysis, criticism, approach to form, and even a new inscription of Their meanings and scope: the crossing of the intellectual trajectories of the theoretical and critical Rosalind Krauss and the architect and theorist Peter Eisenman at The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies - IAUS, headquartered in New York from 1967 to 1985. The Has placed himself as the core of interdisciplinary research of his time while promoting courses, Conferences, exhibitions, publications, and by bequeathing two specialized journals Would move the agendas of architecture and the arts in the following decades, Respectively, Oppositions: The Journal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture (1973-1984) and October (1976 to present). The study goes through the questioning propositions of primacy Of artistic support in minimalism until the crystallization of these dynamics in the essay \"The sculpture In the extended field \", by Krauss; And the verification, in the early 1960s, of the need By the re-elaboration of issues of relevance to architecture and urbanism, which Would lead to the self-critical sense invested in the notion of disciplinary autonomy, and to the sense Self-referential autonomy of the architectural form, as engendered by Eisenman. At Experiences that would take physical space as constitutive of artistic work contrast In several levels with the conceptual modality examined by this architecture. Some of Points of support shared by the theoretical movements in question are the notions of Object, environment, formalism, language, modernism and postmodernism. Keeping each other Relations of complementarity, of reciprocity, of contradiction, the loan to such Between disciplines is understood in view of a second institutional plan.

Tillbaka till framtiden : Modernitet, postmodernitet och generationsidentitet i Gorbačevs glasnost´ och perestrojka / Back to the Future : Modernity, Postmodernity and Generational Identity in Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika

Petrov, Kristian January 2006 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the concepts glasnost and perestroika during the Gorbachev era 1985–1991. It offers an explanation to the rise and fall of these concepts and casts light on their modern and postmodern implications, as well as their historical and generational preconditions. In light of the Soviet and Russian conceptual history, Gorbachev’s articulation of glasnost and perestroika is contrasted with the reception of these concepts in what at that time came to be called Russian postmodernism. Glasnost and perestroika both confirm and transcend Soviet modernity. They are both future-oriented but at the same time possess retrospective anchorage. The present study reconstructs the experience encapsulated in the concepts, the expectations they unleashed and the tensions they triggered. The Gorbachev era signaled a rupture in the temporal order of modernity. During this time Soviet modernity lost confidence in its self. With glasnost and perestroika a suppressed past opened up which blocked the futurist potential inherent in the present. The concept-theoretical perspective assumed in the dissertation helps explain essential aspects of the dramatic turn of events. Postmodernism’s relationship to the concepts is mainly antagonistic. At the same time glasnost and perestroika were essential to the self-identity creating process of postmodernism and its development of an understanding of a specific late Soviet postmodern situation. Beneath the surface a conflict evolves, constituted in intergenerational terms. The vast differences in deployment of the two key notions appear related to generation specific historical experiences. This is apparent in the glasnost- and perestroika discussions of the 19th and 20th centuries. In several respects the 20th century discourse reflects that of the 19th century. The analysis in the present dissertation demonstrates how Gorbachev, on the basis of his generation-specific experience as a man of the 1960s actively sought to articulate an alternative reconstruction (perestroika) and did so with a distinct ideological accent. The postmodernists, the last Soviet generation, bore the imprint of the stagnation of the Brezhnev era and had no ideal past to resuscitate. Instead of reconstructing social reality they tried to place themselves outside it. This apolitical stance however embodied both anti-political and political implications.

Filosofický kontext sociálního konstruktivismu jako teorie mezinárodních vztahů / A philosophical context of social constructivism as a theory of International Relations

Vácha, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The present thesis interpretes Nicholas Onuf´s fundamental book World of Our Making. This text tries to evaluate Maja Zehfuss´ and Charlotte Epstein´s poststructuralist arguments against constructivist IR theory and tries to resolve the problem within a broader philosophical context. In the end it seeks to consider their argument against the inherent tension of Onuf´s constructivism and consequently suggest a possible solution.

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