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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representational diversity

Archibong, Uduak E., Ashraf, Fahmida, Bucktrout, A., Giga, Sabir I., Jackson, H., Johnson, M.R.D., Baxter, C. January 2007 (has links)
No / Although the rationale for equal opportunities has been accepted within the UK public sector, there is little research into people's aspirations and experiences of Positive Action (PA) as a means of achieving equality of opportunity during the whole employment cycle. A research project was carried out to explore meanings of race-, disability- and gender- related PA initiatives and their impact on workforce diversity in Higher and Further Education and the National Health Service in England, with the aim of developing an understanding of the concept of PA and informing good practice in the effective use of such measures in these sectors. Using a combination of research methods including a literature review, interviews and focus groups, the paper highlights understanding of the concept of PA as well as its practice and interpretation amongst key stakeholders including senior managers, designers, current recipients and their peers.


Urbánková, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the status of women and opportunities for women in the labour market. The thesis focuses on harmonization of work and family life for women in terms of promoting the use of two concepts in the European labour market: (1) the concept of flexicurity and (2) the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility, also: CSR). The thesis aims to explore the possibility of harmonizing family and work life in the Czech Republic in terms of these two concepts and their degree of usage and their potential future use and enforcement. The situation of women in the labour market and the possibility of reconciling work and family life are a statistical examination of data on the Czech Republic and my own research, which are set in a European context.

Špecifiká kariérneho rozvoja žien / Specifics of career development of women

Oleárová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
Main goal of diploma thesis is to show what motivates women in their career, where they see the barriers. It also gives a look at the specific organizations, institutions and documents which focus on equal opportunities.

Application of equal opportunities in firms in the Czech Republic / Uplatňování rovných příležitostí ve firmách v ČR

Kmeťová, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on application of equal opportunities for women and men in firms in the Czech Republic. The purpose is to define the concept of corporate social responsibility as well as equal opportunities. The thesis also introduces the Czech legislation that deals with discrimination and the advantages for companies of complying with equal opportunities for men and women. It is concluded with a research of application of equal opportunities in firms in the Czech Republic and it summarizes the results and introduces recommendations.

Politika rovných příležitostí ve vybrané organizaci / Policy of equal opportunities in a selected organization

Krátká, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The Master's thesis is dealing with equal opportunities in organizations in terms of gender, gender discrimination, work-life balance and other related topics. The aim of the thesis is to analyze equal opportunities in a selected organization, to find out the viewing of equal opportunities by female and male managers and to compare programs supporting equal opportunities offered by bank to programs of organizations awarded for their innovative approach to this issue. After analysis of all available materials it's possible to conclude that the Bank is not the leader in the field of equal opportunities but a successful follower. Currently the bank is trying to implement various programs supporting women in management and work-life balance and following the principles of diversity.

O princípio constitucional da democracia intrapartidária e a igualdade de oportunidades : um estudo crítico sobre o processo de formação da representação política brasileira

Monte, Gaio Lima January 2017 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, o tema da representação política no contexto brasileiro adquiriu maior relevância na pauta nacional a partir das manifestações de rua que eclodiram por todo o Brasil em junho de 2013. A presente dissertação tem os objetivos de analisar o dever dos partidos de assegurar a autenticidade do sistema representativo sob a perspectiva intrapartidária e de verificar o significado da expressão “igualdade de oportunidades” no direito eleitoral e partidário brasileiro e sua aplicação. A metodologia adotada consiste em pesquisa qualitativa, por meio do método lógicodedutivo de abordagem. A coleta dos documentos e bibliografias foi realizada por meio de pesquisa em livros, periódicos, jurisprudências e artigos armazenados em arquivos públicos, bibliotecas e sites eletrônicos na Internet. O estudo mostra-se relevante em face da perda de confiança nos partidos políticos para a melhoria da democracia representativa brasileira, bem como a intervenção do Supremo Tribunal Federal na legislação eleitoral em nome de um chamado equilíbrio da igualdade política. Nesse contexto, resta à ciência investigar as causas da falha dos partidos políticos no cumprimento do dever de assegurar a autenticidade do sistema representativo e verificar o que se entende pela expressão “igualdade política”. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo tem a função de delimitar o horizonte de compreensão a respeito de conceitos e questões fundamentais ao tema. O segundo capítulo tem o escopo de analisar o dever dos partidos de assegurar o sistema representativo sob a perspectiva do princípio da democracia intrapartidária. O terceiro capítulo se ocupa em verificar o significado da expressão “igualdade de oportunidades” no direito eleitoral e partidário brasileiro e sua aplicação. O quarto capítulo trata da análise do conteúdo da última reforma eleitoral realizada em 2015, bem como a PEC do Senado Federal nº 36/2016. / In recent years, the theme of political representation in the Brazilian context has become more relevant in the national agenda, based on the street demonstrations that broke out across Brazil in June 2013. The present dissertation aims to analyze the parties' duty to ensure Authenticity of the representative system from an intraparty perspective and to verify the meaning of the term "equal opportunities" in Brazilian electoral and party law and its application. The Methodology consists of qualitative research, through the logical-deductive method of approach. The collection of documents and bibliographies was conducted through research in books, journals, case law and articles stored in public archives, libraries and electronic websites. The study is relevant in the face of the loss of confidence in political parties to improve representative Brazilian democracy, as well as the intervention of the Federal Supreme Court in electoral legislation in the name of a socalled balance of political equality. In this context, it remains for science to investigate the causes of the failure of political parties to fulfill the duty of ensuring the authenticity of the representative system and to verify what is meant by the term "political equality". The work was divided into four chapters. The first chapter has the function of delimiting the horizon of understanding about concepts and questions fundamental to the theme. The second chapter has the scope of analyzing the duty of the parties to secure the representative system from the perspective of intraparty democracy principle. The third chapter is concerned with verifying the meaning of the term "equal opportunities" in Brazilian electoral and party law and its application. The fourth chapter deals with the analysis of the content of the last electoral reform carried out in 2015, as well as PEC from the Federal Senate nº 36/2016.

Jämställdhet och läromedel : En kvalitativ textanalys av historieläromedelför årskurs 4-6 / Equal opportunities and textbooks : A qualitative text analysis of history textbooks in grade 4-6

Demir, Gabriel January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta arbete var att kritiskt granska historieläromedel ur ett genusperspektiv.Arbetet belyser hur utvalda karaktärer såsom Gustav Vasa, Gustav II Adolf och drottningKristina framställs i text under en 20 års period, det vill säga från år 1980-2000. För attavgränsa mig valde jag att granska sju läroböcker i ämnet historia, som är eller har varitläromedel för årskurs 4-6. Avsikten med arbetet är att se vilka egenskaper som förmedlas omde ovanstående karaktärerna, och om läromedlen är förenliga med styrdokumentens krav omjämställdhet. Resultatet visade bland annat att de manliga karaktärerna utmärktes medegenskaper såsom: Ledarskap, aktiva, energiska och kloka. Samt att Kristinas egenskaperutmärktes såsom: Omogen, pojkaktig och känslosam. En av mina slutsatser i detta arbete varatt läromedlen visade tydliga exempel på traditionella stereotypa föreställningar. Samt visadearbetet tydliga mönster på att män utgör den typiska ledarskapsförmågan och beskrivs av envästerländsk manligt idealtyp.</p> / <p>The purpose of this essay was to critically research the historical teaching materials through agender perspective. The essay highlights how the chosen characters such as Gustav Wasa,Gustav II Adolf and Princess Christina are represented in the text during a period of 20 years,more specifically year 1980 until 2000. To be more explicit, I have chosen to analyze seventext books as study material that are currently utilized or have previously been in use, withinthe subject of history for 4 to 6 grade students. The main reason of this study was to determinewhether the quality of the message conveyed about the characters mentioned above matchwith the study materials on gender equality issue as of the steering documents’ requirements.The result stated amongst other, that the male characters had been distinguished as, leaders,active, energized and intelligence. Queen Kristina, the female character has beendistinguished as, immature, childish and sensitive. One of my conclusions was that the studymaterial displayed a very traditional and stereotype conception. The report also illustrate thatthe male had always constituted the ideal leadership and been portrayed in the literature assuch.</p>

Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet

Good, Hillevi January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Network communication for equal opportunities (Nätverkskommunikation för jämställdhet)</p><p>Number of pages: 47 (54 with enclosures)</p><p>Author: Hillevi Good</p><p>Tutor: Ylva Ekström</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies D</p><p>Period: Spring Semester 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the possibilities to bring about change by the means of communication in two networks, focusing on the implementation of the Swedish Equal Opportunities Act.</p><p>Material and method: The study draws on data collected in an electronic survey among representatives of two networks consisting of representatives from trade unions and employer’s associations. The material is analyzed using descriptive tools, cross tables and correlation matrices in which general characteristics as well as individual understandings of the network communication are presented and discussed.</p><p>Main results: The general results indicate that the network communication serves important purposes, such as providing support and motivation for the members and changing attitudes towards equal opportunities. The analysis suggests that the network members have good communicative possibilities to serve as agents of change within their organisations. Moreover, there is an observed relation between, on the one hand, organizational context and, on the other hand, the network members’ own communicational behaviour and their experienced possibility to influence their organizations.</p><p>Keywords: network communication, diffusion of innovations, behaviour change, Equal Opportunities Act</p>

Gender mainstreaming in Estonia

Kuhl, Mara January 2008 (has links)
Content: 1 The Development of the Estonian Gender Policy Machinery 1.1 Initiation of Institutionalisation as a Result of International Commitments 1.2 Institutional Measures Facilitating EU Membership 1.3 Assessment of the Gender Equality Machinery 2 Conditions for Gender Mainstreaming in Estonia 2.1 Social Conditions 2.2 Administrative Conditions 3 Gender Mainstreaming Activities in the Estonian Public Administration 3.1 The Legal Foundations 3.2 Inter-ministerial Cooperation 3.3 Gender Mainstreaming Training 3.4 Knowledge Basis 3.5 Lack of Standards for data and Statistics 3.6 Non-adminsitrative Liaisons 4 Conclusion

A study of investigating organisational justice perceptions and experiences of affirmative action in a learning and development organisation

George, Munique January 2011 (has links)
There have been good arguments made for the development of aggressive affirmative action policies with the end goal of quickly moving black South Africans into corporate and high ranks within management of organisations. One of the central arguments in favour of aggressive AA policies is the risk of racial polarization post-apartheid should a quick fix not be initiated. It makes good business and economic sense for AA policies to be implemented as black consumers coupled with black managers will have the eventual end point of lower unemployment and crime, through job creation and security of the representative majority.

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