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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between job satisfaction and organisational justice among academic employees in agricultural colleges in South Africa

Hamman-Fisher, Desireé Ann January 2009 (has links)
Magister Administrationis - MAdmin / In an attempt to make South Africa a more just society after the first democratic elections on 27 April 1994, the South African society had to undergo a number of radical changes which impacted the social, economical, political and educational arena. These changes have influenced recruitment, retention and turnover. Changes at leadership levels in the private and public sphere coupled with a huge exodus of highly skilled professionals are evident as topics of equality and social justice appear at the top of company agendas. Many proponents have conducted research on organisational justice and the fact that more than twenty five thousand articles have been published on job satisfaction attest to the importance of these two variables on organisational performance. In an article examining past, present and future states of organisational justice it is argued that organisational justice has the potential to explain many organisational behavioural outcome variables. An investigation of the relationship between organisational justice perceptions and work behavior found job satisfaction to be made up of a large fairness component. The rationale behind the support for the study is the argument that employees who perceive that they have been fairly treated is likely to hold positive attitudes about their work, their work outcomes and their managers. If South African organisations wish to remain competitive then organisations need to understand how perceptions of justice influence attitudes and behaviour and consequently affect the success of the organisation. Agricultural Colleges, a division of the Department of Agriculture are no exception. The Agricultural Colleges' primary aim is to provide training to its prospective communities, and is continuously being evaluated in terms of how well its academic employees achieve its vision, mission and goals. It is evident from responses to job advertisements, low morale and high turnover that most of the academic employees in Agricultural Colleges are dissatisfied with their jobs, pay, management and the institutions based on their current salary. Attracting, recruiting and retraining highly skilled, internationally marketable and mobile employees are critical factors in determining the present and future success in agricultural training in South Africa. Limited research to examine the effects of organisational justice on organisational outcomes in an environment where the workforce consists of academics is the gap this research attempts to fill. This study is designed to assess the impact of organisational justice on job satisfaction of academic employees in agricultural colleges in South Africa. Also, to determine whether biographical values influence the relationship between organisational justice and job satisfaction. / South Africa

Teaching Experience and How it Relates to Teacher Impressions of Work Intensification

Warren, Shannon 01 January 2018 (has links)
Changes in schools can cause teachers to experience an intensification of work as they strive to meet expectations of students, parents, and administrations. This study includes an examination of factors that may lead to work intensification (WI) for teachers. The study also includes an examination of how years of experience and teacher perceptions of administrative support may moderate the relationship between teachers' impressions of WI and their job satisfaction. Based on equity theory, data were collected using a Likert-type scale survey distributed to 9 public high schools in southern California. A test for correlation was performed followed by a hierarchal ordinal logistic regression analysis to test for significant relationships and strength of those relationships. Findings revealed at a .95 confidence level a significant relationship between factors of WI and teacher impressions of WI in the areas of the addition of more students to the classroom, fear of losing job, changes in curriculum, decreased pay, the addition of students with special needs in to the classroom, and changes in technology use in the classroom. Findings also revealed that the addition of furlough days, fear of losing job, decreased pay, and an increase of students with special needs in the classroom were significantly related to decreased job satisfaction. Findings revealed that perceptions of administrative support moderate the relationship between teacher impressions of WI and job satisfaction. This study allows for better understanding of how years of experience and administrative support may moderate the relationship between factors of WI and teacher job satisfaction so policy-makers may make better-informed choices that support student education.

工作情境、能力高低、與不同激勵策略對工作表現的影響 / Effects of work situation, ability, and different motivation strategies on task performance: A study of social compensation phenomenon

黃國倫, Huang, Kuo-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
早期有許多實證研究均發現,個人在團體中的表現,反而不若只有個人獨自一人時的的表現,除了可能有因在團體中彼此協調不足所造成的損失外, Latan'e 等學者 (1979) 更進一步指出,這還有可能是因為當處在團體中時,由於責任分散了而形成混水摸魚的現象,並稱之為「社會閒散」 (social loafing) ,這是一種動機性的損失。 不過,在某些情況下,我們也可能在團體中的表現反而比個人自己一人時更好, Williams 與Karau (1991) 稱此相對於社會閒散的現象為「社會補償」 (social compensation) ,例如,當團體的工作對我們而言是有意義的或重要的,又知覺到團體其他成員的能力較弱時,我們便可能會付出較多的努力工作,以補償同伴能力之不足。本研究之主要目的,即在探討最可能產生社會補償現象的情況。 然而,由於人類行為的複雜性,影響個人是否表現社會補償的因素或許甚多,但本研究者假設,最主要的因素還是在於強化個人主觀覺知的「輸入與輸出的連結強度」以及「不可或缺性」。所以在本研究中,研究者將工作類型限定在不連續性工作上,而操弄工作情境、個人能力高低以及獎懲制度等三個獨變項,而在控制其他變項的情況下,探討獨變項對於引發社會補償現象的影響。因此,本研究實際上為一2×2×2 的三因子受試者間設計。 本研究採實驗室實驗法操弄獨變項,實驗中所要進行的工作為綁提圈作業,研究者藉由指導語的說明及假回饋來操弄175 位大學生對於「輸入與輸出連結強度」及「不可或缺性」的知覺。研究結果顯示,工作情境與個人能力高低在工作表現、知覺到的不可或缺性強度、知覺到的輸入與輸出連結強度、以及個人與他人努力程度差異之預期等方面有交互作用存在,顯示當個人能力高時,團體組受試者比個人組受試者知覺到較高的不可或缺性,而輸入與輸出之連結強度亦變得較緊密;而當個人能力低時,團體組受試者則反而比個人組受試者知覺到較低的不可或缺性,及較弱的輸入與輸出連結強度。 此外,知覺到的不可或缺性程度與工作表現有正相關存在,不可或缺性愈高,工作表現也有愈佳的趨勢,而由工作情境與能力高低在工作表現上的交互作用看來,團體╱高能力組受試者的工作表現高於個人╱高能力組,而團體╱低能力組則低於個人╱低能力組,表示在不可或缺性高的情況下,受試者最有可能產生社會補償行為。而在本研究中也發現,能力高低的操弄亦會造成個人工作表現、知覺到的不可或缺性與負向情緒反應的不同,低能力者的工作表現反而優於高能力者,且在工作過程中會產生較強烈的負向情緒。而接受懲罰操弄的組別,受試者也有較強的控制感及負向情緒。研究者最後並以徑路分析整合前述各項證據,大致支持原先的理論建構。

追索權價值、負權益與違約房屋抵押貸款關連性在台灣之研究 / The study on relationship among the value of recourse, negative equity and default mortgage in Taiwan

賴宗炘, Lai,Tsung Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
金融海嘯(financial tsunami)對全世界造成了相當大之衝擊,遭受最大損失者莫過於金融機構,其中房屋抵押貸款(mortgage)違約(default)產生之損失在銀行損失中占了一定的比例,本文認為深入研究影響違約之因素有其必要性。過去文獻於探討貸款違約時,主要可分為兩種學說,分別為權益學說(Equity Theory)與支付能力學說(Ability-to-Pay Theory),本文以台灣地區之實際房屋抵押貸款資料作為研究對象,以確認權益學說與支付能力學說於台灣房屋抵押貸款之適用程度。 本文採用二元羅吉特迴歸模型(Binomial Logit Regression Model, BLR)與比例危機模型(Proportional Hazards Model, PHM),並於權益學說之驗證中,考慮台灣房屋抵押貸款契約中常見之貸款追索權(right of recourse),以了解是否因借款人考慮追索權價值(value of recourse)而較不易違約。 實際結果發現,由於台灣長期房價趨勢皆為上漲之緣故,且台灣之貸款成數(Loan-to-value, LTV)較國外為低,導致處於負權益(Negative Equity)之抵押貸款筆數較少,然本研究發現,在修正了過去研究所使用之借款人權益變數後,其顯著性於BLR模型與PHM中皆較佳,而考量了追索權之價值後,考量追索權之修正後權益變數的表現更優於修正後之權益變數,顯示本研究於權益變數上之修正與考量追索權價值有助於模型改善違約預測之能力。 就權益學說與支付能力學說而言,由於兩種學說之相關變數皆有部分變數顯著,顯示兩種學說於台灣皆有其適用性,故於違約模型中需將權益學說與支付能力學說之相關變數皆列入考慮。 / Financial tsunami caused considerable impact in the world, and the financial institutions suffered huge losses in this crisis. Mortgage default losses accounted for a certain proportion in losses of financial institutes. It’s necessary to research the factors which influence the default decisions. In the past, the literatures divided the theory related to mortgage default into two parts, the Equity theory and the Ability-to-Pay theory. This article use the mortgage data in Taiwan to confirm which theory is more applicable in Taiwan. To understand if the borrowers would consider value of recourse when they make decision of default, this study adopts Binomial Logit Regression Model (BLR) and Proportional Hazards Model (PHM), adding the right of recourse, which is common in the mortgage contract in Taiwan. The result shows that owing to the rising trend of Taiwan housing price and the lower loan-to-value (LTV) level than foreign countries, there are fewer mortgages in negative equity situation. However, we discover that after we modify equity variable, the modified equity variable is more significant than non-modified equity variable. Besides, if we consider the value of recourse, the modified equity variable with value of recourse performs best among three types of equity variable. The results above show that the modification of equity variable and the consideration of recourse can improve predicting ability of default model. And it shows the clause of recourse in Taiwan has certain influence on the decision of borrowers’ default behavior. Furthermore, the results of model illustrate the equity-related variables and ability-to-pay-related variables have certain explanation power on the behavior of default, which mean equity theory and ability-to-pay theory are applicable in Taiwan. We infer when carrying out the prediction of default, it’s necessary to take equity-related variables and ability-to-pay-related variables into consideration.

Sjuksköterska: ”inte längre bara “ett kall”!” : en kvalitativ studie om sjuksköterskans val av yrke och intention att stanna inom yrket

Al-Musfi, Mays, Åström, Mia January 2022 (has links)
Across a large part of the world, there is currently a shortage of nurses, this is no exception in Sweden. In this study, we have thus intended to investigate the contributing factors behind the shortage of nurses in Sweden. This purpose has been investigated through a qualitative method, where nine semi-structured interviews have been conducted with licensed nurses who have been in the profession for a maximum of 5 years. The results of the study have been analysed through Herzberg's two-factor theory and Adam's equity theory. The results that came from this study show that nurses choose the profession with an expected return in the form of patient contact, the possibility to make a difference and self-development within the profession. What creates the intention to leave the profession is when the return is smaller and there is no room to establish the return, which is derived from the nurse's context, in the form of, among other things, too high a workload, lack of support and neglected skills. Conclusions of the study show that measures in the form of increased decentralization, increased professionalization of the profession and consideration of individual needs need to be taken to retain more nurses in the profession. / Över en stor del av världen råder det just nu en brist på sjuksköterskor, detta är inget undantag i Sverige. I den här studien har vi därmed ämnat undersöka vilka bidragande faktorer som ligger bakom bristen på sjuksköterskor i Sverige. Detta syfte har undersökts genom en kvalitativ metod, där nio semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med legitimerade sjuksköterskor vilka har varit i yrket i max 5 år. Resultatet av denna studie haranalyserats genom Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori och Adams jämviktsteori. Resultatet som kom av denna studie visar att sjuksköterskor väljer yrket med en förväntad avkastning i form av patientkontakt, att göra skillnad och självutveckling inom professionen. Det som skapar intentionen att lämna professionen är när avkastningen blir mindre och utrymme inte finns för att etablera avkastningen, vilket härleds till sjuksköterskans kontext, i form av, bland annat, för hög arbetsbelastning, brist på stöd samt försummad kompetens. Slutsatser av studien visar att åtgärder i form av ökad decentralisering, en ökad professionalisering av professionen och hänsynstagande till individuella behov behöver tas för att bibehålla sjuksköterskor inom professionen.

Need for Cognition and its Effects on Equity Theory Predictions

Bookmyer, Eric Daniel 22 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the job satisfaction levels of educators

Tsvara, Peter 06 1900 (has links)
South African schools have experienced a high rate of educator turnover which has led to greater school instability, disruption of curricular cohesiveness and a continual need to hire experienced and inexperienced educators, who may be typically less effective, as replacements for educators who leave. Unfortunately, principals of schools lack organizational capacity to provide the necessary management strategies that can enhance educators’ job satisfaction. Since the principals are fully responsible for the proper functioning of the schools and their personnel, this study explored the relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the educators’ job satisfaction levels within the context of South African schools. It examined how management strategies of principals impact on job satisfaction levels of educators in various school environments. The study explored literature from local and international perspectives on management strategies and the job satisfaction of educators. It described the background and findings of the relationship between management strategies of principals and educators’ job satisfaction levels from an education management perspective. For the empirical inquiry the study adopted a qualitative research paradigm, and as such, a qualitative investigation of the relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the educators’ job satisfaction levels in schools was conducted. Non-probability sampling methods were used to select a sample of six school principals and twelve educators. Individual and focus group interviews were used in data collection and were audio-recorded. Throughout the research study, ethical considerations were upheld. Data analysis involved a mix of content and thematic analysis instruments. The study findings determined the relationship between management strategies of principals and educators’ job satisfaction levels. An understanding of human relationship is very important to school principals who have the responsibility of establishing an environment that not only motivates educators, but can also help to enhance their job satisfaction levels in a positive way. An understanding of educators’ needs also helps school principals to devise management strategies to enhance the job satisfaction levels of educators. Based on the findings, recommendations to improve the management strategies of school principals in the enhancement of educators’ job satisfaction were proposed. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the job satisfaction levels of educators

Tsvara, Peter 06 1900 (has links)
South African schools have experienced a high rate of educator turnover which has led to greater school instability, disruption of curricular cohesiveness and a continual need to hire experienced and inexperienced educators, who may be typically less effective, as replacements for educators who leave. Unfortunately, principals of schools lack organizational capacity to provide the necessary management strategies that can enhance educators’ job satisfaction. Since the principals are fully responsible for the proper functioning of the schools and their personnel, this study explored the relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the educators’ job satisfaction levels within the context of South African schools. It examined how management strategies of principals impact on job satisfaction levels of educators in various school environments. The study explored literature from local and international perspectives on management strategies and the job satisfaction of educators. It described the background and findings of the relationship between management strategies of principals and educators’ job satisfaction levels from an education management perspective. For the empirical inquiry the study adopted a qualitative research paradigm, and as such, a qualitative investigation of the relationship between the management strategies of school principals and the educators’ job satisfaction levels in schools was conducted. Non-probability sampling methods were used to select a sample of six school principals and twelve educators. Individual and focus group interviews were used in data collection and were audio-recorded. Throughout the research study, ethical considerations were upheld. Data analysis involved a mix of content and thematic analysis instruments. The study findings determined the relationship between management strategies of principals and educators’ job satisfaction levels. An understanding of human relationship is very important to school principals who have the responsibility of establishing an environment that not only motivates educators, but can also help to enhance their job satisfaction levels in a positive way. An understanding of educators’ needs also helps school principals to devise management strategies to enhance the job satisfaction levels of educators. Based on the findings, recommendations to improve the management strategies of school principals in the enhancement of educators’ job satisfaction were proposed. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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