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臺北水源特定區協建經費政策績效評估研究藍瑞珉 Unknown Date (has links)
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Student Perception of Social Loafing in University TeamworkSinger, Carey 24 February 2020 (has links)
This study investigated perceptions of social loafing in undergraduate student teams at a South African university. Student participants, randomly assigned to teams, received coursework instruction about team dynamics (including social loafing) and worked together for 12 weeks on a team assignment that was graded at the end of the semester. Students (n = 243) wrote individual reflections on the reasons for social loafing in student teams. Some (n = 24) also participated in an experiential social loafing exercise. These two sources of qualitative data were used in the development of a survey questionnaire, which was completed by 229 students. Fifty-four percent of the student participants (n = 229) perceived social loafing to have occurred in their teams. Four components of perceived social loafing behaviour were identified using factor analysis: unavailability, poor work quality, tech loafing and discussion non-contribution. Loafer apathy (a general lack of care or interest) predicted significant variance in each of the four loafing behaviours and social compensation. Team performance (assignment grades) was not related to the perceived presence social loafing in a team. Rather than reducing effort in response to perceived social loafing (the sucker effect), a social compensation effect occurred in the perceived presence of poor work quality. Effective leadership moderated the relationship between loafer apathy and tech loafing as well as loafer apathy and social compensation. Practical implications and recommendations for future research are presented.
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A Study on the Evaluation of Environmental Resources and Social Compensation in Land Use Restricted Area in TaiwanHsu, I-wen 26 August 2004 (has links)
In order to maintain a sustainable development and biological balance of the territory, the government defines several kinds of restricted areas for land development in National Comprehensive Development Plan. The classification of restricted areas is defined according to the environmental, biological and cultural sensitivities of land, and areas with such restrictions should limit the land use and development. However, owing to the high density of population and finite area of territory, the extension of economical activities to restricted areas such as the commercial activities in a national park is hard to avoid. Besides, during recent years, the fairness of the defining the boundary of restricted areas is often challenged and sometimes causes resistance of local inhabitants. As a result, such problems worsen under the pressure of economical development and thus lead to the malfunction of the land use regulation. To avoid this situation, the establishment of a system of a social compensation for restricted areas is vital to land management.
Although some strategies such as impact fee have been made in order to deal with the environmental external effects caused by land development and modification, such strategies mostly focus on the compensation for people whose rights were damaged. However, there has not been a fair social compensation system dealing with the internalization of external advantages made by the beneficiaries by such land use regulations. Moreover, the traditional compensation strategies mostly deal with the standard of solatium calculation and the law base. Such strategies lack of a positive motivation to the sustainability and symbiosis of the environment.
To achieve the circulation of environmental resources, urging the users to manage and use limited resources in an effective way is vital to the sustainable resource management. The study adopts the concepts of resource-based theory, environmental partnerships and non-profit enterprises, effectively integrates the public spirit of the government, the management knowledge of private sectors and the mobilization energy of local communities, and establishes a new cooperation model named ¡§social enterprise¡¨ based on communities.
Based on a case study of Kenting National Park, this thesis first proceeds a survey of evaluation for environmental resources and attitude of local inhabitants and tourists towards the resource management in the restricted area using contingent valuation method (CVM). Through the result of the case study and the practical experiences of environmental partnerships carried in other countries, the thesis then discusses about the present problems of the compensation system in Taiwan and suggests possible strategies for the establishment of future social compensation system based on the concepts of local innovation and environmental partnerships.
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意外事故社會保障之研究--以損害賠償與社會保障法之交互影響為中心詹豐吉, Chan, Feng Chi Unknown Date (has links)
意外事故之發生自古有之,但是在現代社會中,由於事故之數量及所造成的龐大損失,意外事故受害者需求的滿足,成為一項重要的社會問題。在面對這些意外事故所造成問題,國家莫不積極地介入社會生活中。其不但將相當可觀的資源投入事前的各種預防措施,對於各種危險型態從事行政管制。此外,國家基於社會國家的意旨,建立其他替代損害填補來源(Alternative Source of Compensation)以合理救濟受害者之需求,諸如社會保障制度、強制責任保險等機制。
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Die Finanzierung der landwirtschaftlichen Unfallversicherung in Deutschland / Eine inter- und intrasektorale Analyse / The Financing of the German agricultural accident insurance / An inter- and intrasectoral analysisElsner von der Malsburg, Emanuel 17 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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以社會補償作為減除性別刻板印象威脅之方法 / Social Compensation as a Way to Nullify the Gender Stereotype Threat何修慧, Ho, Hsiu Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為2(刻板印象威脅:有 vs. 無)× 2(伙伴性別:男 vs. 女)× 2(伙伴表現:好 vs. 差)的受試者間設計。其中,在刻板印象威脅部分,採用直接告知「女性比男性擅長剪紙作業」的方式引發刻板印象威脅效果。在社會補償方面,分別以「伙伴男性」與「伙伴表現差」二種訊息來引發參與者社會補償。本研究之主要依變項為完成剪紙作業之作業速度與作業品質。本研究有效樣本為121位男性大學生。
研究結果發現,「伙伴表現」與「伙伴性別」二變項之效果皆未達顯著,顯示伙伴訊息未能引發社會補償效果;而針對社會補償是否能減除刻板印象威脅效果之考驗,亦未達顯著水準,因此以社會補償作為減除刻板印象威脅效果的可能性在本研究中未獲支持。然而,卻發現「伙伴表現」與「伙伴性別」的交互作用顯著,即當操弄的伙伴訊息與刻板印象「不一致」時,參與者表現比「一致」時更好,顯示「伙伴訊息」可能另有影響。本文將針對上述結果進行探討,並對研究限制與對未來研究之建議加以說明。 / Different from previous gender stereotype threat studies that use mathematics tests as tools, this study uses the manual task—paper cutting generally not familiar to males as experimental material and take them as stigmatized group numbers. This research take into consideration the group task (cooperation situation) to investigate whether participants’ additional efforts will compensate the degraded performance resulting from gender stereotype threat, in the situation that a stereotype can cause people to lower their effort as a result of their worry about their perceived poor performance (stereotype threat) and can also motivate them to make more effort thanks to their prediction of their partner’s poor performance (social compensation).
The participants were randomly assigned to one of the eight conditions in a factorial design: 2 (stereotype threat: salience, not salience) × 2(partner’s gender: male, female)× 2(partner’s performance: good, bad). To evoke stereotype threat effect, the experimenters directly told the participants that “Females are better than males in the manual task.” To evoke social compensation effect, researchers arranged “males” and “poor performance” information. Valid samples were 121 male undergraduates, and their reaction time and quality of the manual task were measured.
Not as expected, the results do not support hypotheses. However, it has found out that “the interaction of partner’s gender and partner’s performance” was significant. That is, the participant whose partner’s information is consistent with stereotype performs better than the participant whose partner’s information was inconsistent with stereotype. The result suggests that partner’s information may have unexpected influence on participants’ performance. This article also discusses the results, explains the limitations and offers suggestions for future research.
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工作情境、能力高低、與不同激勵策略對工作表現的影響 / Effects of work situation, ability, and different motivation strategies on task performance: A study of social compensation phenomenon黃國倫, Huang, Kuo-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
早期有許多實證研究均發現,個人在團體中的表現,反而不若只有個人獨自一人時的的表現,除了可能有因在團體中彼此協調不足所造成的損失外, Latan'e 等學者 (1979) 更進一步指出,這還有可能是因為當處在團體中時,由於責任分散了而形成混水摸魚的現象,並稱之為「社會閒散」 (social loafing) ,這是一種動機性的損失。
不過,在某些情況下,我們也可能在團體中的表現反而比個人自己一人時更好, Williams 與Karau (1991) 稱此相對於社會閒散的現象為「社會補償」 (social compensation) ,例如,當團體的工作對我們而言是有意義的或重要的,又知覺到團體其他成員的能力較弱時,我們便可能會付出較多的努力工作,以補償同伴能力之不足。本研究之主要目的,即在探討最可能產生社會補償現象的情況。
然而,由於人類行為的複雜性,影響個人是否表現社會補償的因素或許甚多,但本研究者假設,最主要的因素還是在於強化個人主觀覺知的「輸入與輸出的連結強度」以及「不可或缺性」。所以在本研究中,研究者將工作類型限定在不連續性工作上,而操弄工作情境、個人能力高低以及獎懲制度等三個獨變項,而在控制其他變項的情況下,探討獨變項對於引發社會補償現象的影響。因此,本研究實際上為一2×2×2 的三因子受試者間設計。
本研究採實驗室實驗法操弄獨變項,實驗中所要進行的工作為綁提圈作業,研究者藉由指導語的說明及假回饋來操弄175 位大學生對於「輸入與輸出連結強度」及「不可或缺性」的知覺。研究結果顯示,工作情境與個人能力高低在工作表現、知覺到的不可或缺性強度、知覺到的輸入與輸出連結強度、以及個人與他人努力程度差異之預期等方面有交互作用存在,顯示當個人能力高時,團體組受試者比個人組受試者知覺到較高的不可或缺性,而輸入與輸出之連結強度亦變得較緊密;而當個人能力低時,團體組受試者則反而比個人組受試者知覺到較低的不可或缺性,及較弱的輸入與輸出連結強度。
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社會閒散與社會彌補之探討 / Social Loafing and Social Compensation呂錦智, Lu, Chin-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
團體合作的情境對人們工作表現的影響究竟是利抑或是弊?在以往的研究結果大多支持團體合作對人們具有不良的影響,亦即個人在團體中工作會產生偷懶的行為,而且隨著團體愈大,個人的努力程度會愈趨下降,社會心理學家稱之為「社會閒散」現象。然而 Williams 與 Karau(1991)卻發現當工作意義度高且預期到同伴的表現不佳時,團體合作的情境反而會有正面的影響,亦即此時人們會因為重視團體的表現反而較單獨一人時更加努力工作,以彌補同組夥伴表現的不足,故Williams 等人稱之為「社會彌補」現象。此兩種現象均可能發生於團體合作的情境下,但社會彌補現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。現象對組織而言是最有利的,因此若能更進一步地瞭解,則當能有助於組織人力資源
的管理及提高組織的生產力。故本研究的目的主要在於以初探的角度,來探討除 Williams 等人所提的條件外,是否存在其他可能的因素會影響社會彌補現象的發生,並再次驗證社會閒散的現象。 本研究採實驗室實驗法,以 180 位大學部同學為受試,並將實驗情境控制在中等意義度的情況下,操弄四個自變項:(1)工作情境(團體組、個別組);(2)知覺低能力同伴(有、無);(3)人際親疏度(親密、疏遠);(4)團體滲透性(高、低)。但因知覺低能力同伴、人際親疏度及團體滲性均無法在個別組中操弄,故本研究採用不完全受試者間實驗設計(2 x 2 x 2 +1),來分析各組受試在腦力激盪作業上的表現。本研究結果發現不論知覺低能力同伴與否、人際關係親疏及團體滲透性高低,團體組的受試者在從事腦力激盪這種勞心性的作業時,與個別組的受試者在工作表現上並無顯著的差異,亦即並未發現所有自變項的主要效果及交互作用,也未能證
實驗社會彌補及社會閒散現象。最後研究者針對上述的結果探討可能發生的原因,並檢討研究的限制及提出未來研究的建議。 / Most of previous research had supported the social loafing
phenomenon, which suggested that people will tend to spend less effort when working collectively than working alone. However, Williams and Karau (1991) suggested people will work harder collectively than alone when they expect their co-workers to perform poorly on a meaningful task, which they named "social compensation". In thispresent study we try to eximine this two phenomenon via people work either collectively or alone on a medium meaningful task ( brainstorming task ). Subjects were 74 male and 106 female collage students. The results show that neither consciousness of low ability co-worker ( feedback, non-
feedback ), group relationships ( roommate, stranger ) nor group permeability ( open, close ) is associated with subject's performance when they work collectively. In addition,the performance of collective group is the same as alone group (basic contrastgroup ). In other words, the results fail to support either social loafing orsocial compensation phenomenon. Ss' performance has no significant differenceamong nine experiment conditions. Discussion and suggestions are included.
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