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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Voces femeninas de la América decimonónica: Juana Manuela Gorriti, Soledad Acosta de Samper y Joséphine Marchand-Dandurand en sus diarios íntimos y publicaciones periódicas

Michaud-Mastoras, Danaé 07 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche a reçu le soutien financier du CRSH, de la FESP et du DLLM. / Le XIXe siècle représente une période prépondérante de l'histoire des femmes en Occident, celle de la naissance d’une conscience féminine de nature publique, des premiers balbutiements du féminisme. Dans ce contexte, il est important d'étudier où se situent certaines personnalités féminines dans leur société. À cette époque, deux pratiques d'écriture connaissent leur apogée, la presse et le journal intime, qui permettent aux femmes de prendre la parole et d’intervenir dans la sphère publique. Ces formes d'écriture peuvent être considérées comme des espaces discursifs nés de conflits et de tensions sociales; elles sont le produit d’une même personne qui commente l’actualité de façon quotidienne, hebdomadaire ou mensuelle. La femme de lettres reconstitue les événements et faits du passé, transmet ses observations et opinions personnelles sur divers sujets; elle remet aussi en question le discours normatif institutionnel à partir de ses propres expériences et connaissances. Les écritures intime et journalistique témoignent de la vision plurielle du monde des intellectuelles et de leur participation au devenir historique, d'où l'intérêt de les étudier en parallèle dans ce travail. À travers l'étude d’écrits intimes et journalistiques, l'objectif principal de cette thèse est de faire entendre trois voix féminines de l’Amérique face à la culture patriarcale: celles de l'Argentine Juana Manuela Gorriti, de la Colombienne Soledad Acosta de Samper et de la Québécoise Joséphine Marchand-Dandurand. Nous nous demandons dans quelle mesure leur écriture s’inscrit dans un projet collectif lié à l’avancement des femmes et de la nation. L’hypothèse qui guide notre travail est que les auteures développent et partagent une écriture de dénonciation et de revendication liée à la situation des femmes et de la nation. Nous partons du contexte universel d'invisibilité des femmes, de leur manque de reconnaissance comme sujets de la société du XIXe siècle ; nous suivons la ligne foucaultienne de la généalogie, en y ajoutant la variable de genre, dans le but de récupérer les traces d’une contre-mémoire manifeste dans les textes choisis et de mettre l’accent sur la contribution des auteures. L’analyse explore le dialogue entre le discours des écrivaines et l’hégémonie masculine. Elle reconstitue le contenu social de nature idéologique, indique les fonctions des textes analysés, examine attentivement leur contexte de création ainsi que l’expérience biographique des auteures et leur apport intellectuel. Alors que Gorriti, Acosta de Samper et Marchand-Dandurand proviennent de cultures et d’époques différentes, l'objectif est de préciser les éléments homologues sur les plans thématique et stratégique, tant dans leur écriture personnelle que dans leurs publications périodiques. Cet exercice permet de vérifier si, tant au niveau privé qu’au niveau public, les intellectuelles expriment les mêmes idées avec les mêmes stratégies énonciatives ; s’il existe une continuité ou, au contraire, une rupture entre les écrits autobiographiques et les essais publics qui rendent légitime leur vision du monde. Par la même occasion, nous examinons si le « je » des écrits intimes correspond à celui des publications périodiques de chacune des auteures à l’étude. / The nineteenth century is a key period in the history of Western women. This is when a public female consciousness emerges for the first time and an incipient feminism can be observed. In this context, it is important to study how certain female public figures positioned themselves in their respective societies. During this period two genres of writing, journalism and the personal diary, were at their height, and allowed women to take the floor and enter the public sphere. These forms of writing can be regarded as discursive spaces arising from social conflicts and tensions, but they are also the product of an individual who comments daily, weekly or monthly on current events. The woman writer reconstructs events and facts from the past, and reveals her personal observations and opinions on various subjects. She also uses her own experiences and knowledge to cast doubt on normative institutional discourses. Journalistic and personal writing bear witness to the pluralistic worldview of these female intellectuals and to their participation in contemporary historical developments; hence the interest in studying them comparatively in this investigation. The main objective of this dissertation is to analyse, through the study of their journalism and diaries, the work of three female writers from the Americas—the Argentinian Juana Manuela Gorriti, the Colombian Soledad Acosta de Samper, and the Quebecer Joséphine Marchand-Dandurand—whose voices have been silenced by patriarchal culture. Fundamentally, this thesis asks to what extent their writing is inscribed in a collective project related to the advancement of women and the nation. This investigation’s hypothesis is that the authors develop and share a critique of both the situation of women and the nation, as well as calling for women's recognition. Starting from the basis that women's invisibility is universal, and that women were not recognised as subjects in nineteenth-century society, the study deploys the Foucault’s theory of genealogy, adding the gender variable, in order to rescue the traces of a counter-memory in the texts selected and to value the contributions of the authors. The analysis explores the dialogue between the discourse of women writers and male hegemony, restoring the social content of an ideological nature, pointing out the functions provided by the texts analyzed and carefully examining the contexts of their production, as well as the biographical experiences of the writers and their intellectual contributions. Even though Gorriti, Acosta de Samper and Marchand-Dandurand come from different cultures and epochs, the objective is to define the similarities in their personal and journalistic writing on both a thematic and strategic levels. This exercise allows us to verify if these female intellectuals expressed the same ideas in both public and private spheres with the same enunciative strategies; if there is continuity or rupture between autobiographical writings and public essays, which legitimize their worldview. At the same time, the study examines if there is any correspondence between the authorial self of the intimate writings and that of the periodical publications. / El siglo XIX es un período clave en la historia de las mujeres occidentales ya que es el momento en el que surge una conciencia femenina de naturaleza pública y en el que se observan los primeros balbuceos del feminismo. En este contexto, resulta importante estudiar el posicionamiento de ciertas individualidades femeninas frente a la sociedad de su tiempo. Tanto la prensa como el diario personal son dos prácticas escriturales que conocen su auge en esta época y que permiten a las mujeres tomar la palabra y el espacio público. Estas formas de escritura pueden ser consideradas como espacios discursivos surgidos de conflictos y tensiones de carácter social, siendo producto de una misma personalidad que comenta diaria, periódica o mensualmente la actualidad. La mujer escritora reconstituye acontecimientos y hechos del pasado, da a conocer sus observaciones y opiniones personales sobre varios temas; cuestiona también el discurso normalizado e institucionalizado a partir de su propia experiencia y en función de sus conocimientos. Las escrituras íntima y periodística constituyen testimonios de la visión plural del mundo de las intelectuales y de su participación en el devenir histórico. De ahí el interés de estudiarlas en paralelo en este trabajo. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el de hacer oír, a través del estudio de escritos íntimos y periodísticos, tres voces femeninas americanas frente a la cultura patriarcal: las de la argentina Juana Manuela Gorriti, de la colombiana Soledad Acosta de Samper y de la quebequense Joséphine Marchand-Dandurand. Nos preguntamos en qué medida su escritura se inscribe en un proyecto colectivo relacionado con el avance de la mujer y de la nación. La hipótesis que guía nuestra investigación es la de que las autoras desarrollan y comparten una escritura de denuncia y de reivindicación relacionada con la situación de la mujer y de la nación. Partiendo del contexto universal de invisibilidad de la mujer, de su falta de homologación como sujeto en la colectividad decimonónica, seguimos la línea foucaultiana de la genealogía, agregándole la variable de género, con el fin de rescatar las huellas de una contramemoria manifiesta en los textos seleccionados y de valorar las aportaciones de las autoras. El análisis considera la interlocución entre el discurso de las escritoras con la hegemonía masculina, restituyendo el contenido social de naturaleza ideológica, señalando las funciones y apuestas que proporcionan los textos analizados y examinando cuidadosamente el contexto de su creación, así como la experiencia biográfica de las escritoras y su aporte intelectual. Si bien Gorriti, Acosta de Samper y Marchand-Dandurand proceden de culturas y épocas distintas, el objetivo es deslindar los elementos que pueden ser considerados homólogos a nivel temático y estratégico, tanto a través de su escritura personal como de sus publicaciones periódicas. Este ejercicio nos permite comprobar si, tanto en el plano privado como en el público, las intelectuales expresan las mismas ideas con las mismas estrategias enunciativas, si existe continuidad o si, por el contrario, se evidencia una ruptura entre los escritos autobiográficos y los ensayos públicos, que legitiman su visión del mundo. Al mismo tiempo, examinamos si hay una concordancia entre el yo autoral de los escritos íntimos y el de las publicaciones periódicas.

Análisis de la representación de la mujer en la serie Las chicas del cable (Netflix 2017-20XX)

Anthony, Tyler Robert Daniel 17 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.


ITALO PIRES AGUIAR 11 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] A principal sugestão desta tese é que a construção e a formatação original do Estádio do Maracanã não diziam respeito apenas aos interesses das elites nacionais em projetar o Brasil no mundo, mas também à integração popular, com suas demandas e representações, àquele projeto. No percurso de verificação desse argumento, examinaremos os diferentes projetos arquitetônicos habilitados para construção do estádio durante a primeira metade do século XX, os debates suscitados em torno do tema e os atores que os mobilizavam. Do ponto de vista teórico, tomaremos como eixo central o conceito de esfera pública, tal como definida por Jürgen Habermas no livro Mudança estrutural da esfera pública: investigações sobre uma categoria da sociedade burguesa (2014), em permanente diálogo com os novos contornos que o conceito foi adquirindo na produção posterior do autor e de seus interlocutores. / [en] The main suggestion of this thesis is that the construction and original formatting of the Maracanã Stadium did not only concern the interests of national elites in projecting Brazil in the world, but also the popular integration, with their demands and representations, to that project. In the course of verifying this argument, we will examine the different architectural projects authorized for the construction of the stadium during the first half of the 20th century, the debates raised around the theme and the actors that mobilized them. From a theoretical point of view, we will take as a central axis the concept of the public sphere, as defined by Jürgen Habermas in the book The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry Into a Category of Bourgeois Society (2014), in permanent dialogue with the new contours that the concept was acquired in the later production of the author and his interlocutors. / [fr] La principale hypothèse de ce travail est que la construction et la conception originale du stade Maracanã ne concernaient pas seulement les intérêts des élites nationales afin de mettre en avant le Brésil dans le monde, mais aussi l intégration populaire, avec leurs revendications et leurs représentations, à ce projet. Au cours de la vérification de cet argument, nous examinerons les différents projets architecturaux autorisés pour la construction du stade durant la première moitié du XXe siècle, les débats soulevés autour du thème et les acteurs qui les ont mobilisés. D un point de vue théorique, nous prendrons comme axe central le concept d espace public, tel qu il est défini par Jürgen Habermas dans l ouvrage Changement structurel dans la sphère publique: études sur la catégorie de la société bourgeoise (2014), en dialogue permanent avec les nouveaux contours que le concept a acquis dans la production ultérieure de l auteur et de ses interlocuteurs.


PEDRO LINCOLN DE SOUZA FILHO 10 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação visa a aplicar uma metodologia para avaliar as diferenças máximas permissíveis nas operações de transferência de custódia de GLP para cada operação em particular, utilizando testes de hipóteses baseados na incerteza de medição, em contraponto à utilização de valores pré-estabelecidos em normas e regulamentos técnicos metrológicos. Tais documentos propõem um valor único de incerteza máximas nas medições de transferência de custódia, sem estabelecer diferenças máximas permissíveis nas operações entre dois sistemas, cabendo aos fornecedores e clientes negociar este parâmetro, o que frequentemente causa disputas. Os resultados mostraram que, em um sistema isolado, ao contrário de outros métodos, as condições ambientais não influenciam o método de medição de massa e sua incerteza. Nenhuma diferença máxima permissível de massa transferida de GLP entre caminhões-tanque e estações de medição excede 1,0 porcento; em contraste, quando uma esfera de armazenamento é parte de um dos sistemas de medição, este parâmetro depende completamente das condições operacionais e definitivamente um valor único não deve ser considerado. / [en] This dissertation aims to apply a methodology to assess the maximum allowable differences in LPG custody transfer operations for each particular operation, using hypothesis tests based on measurement uncertainty, as opposed to using pre-established values in metrological standards and technical regulations. Such documents propose a single value for maximum uncertainty in custody transfer measurements, without establishing maximum permissible differences in operations between two systems, leaving it up to suppliers and customers to negotiate this parameter, which often causes disputes. The results showed that in an isolated system, unlike other methods, environmental conditions do not influence the mass measurement method and its uncertainty. No maximum permissible difference of transferred mass of LPG between tank trucks and measuring stations exceeds 1.0 percent; in contrast, when a storage sphere is part of one of the measuring systems, this parameter completely depends on the operating conditions and definitely a single value should not be considered.

A regulamentação do trabalho docente no Estado do Ceará na interface público/privado (1942/1962) / The regulation of the teaching work in the State of Ceará in the public/private interface (1942-1962)

SOUSA, Francisco das Chagas de Loiola January 2006 (has links)
SOUSA, Francisco das Chagas de Loiola. A regulamentação do trabalho docente no Estado do Ceará na interface público/privado (1942/1962). 2006. 192f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-11T14:14:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_FCLSOUSA.pdf: 1440050 bytes, checksum: 7ec10f8cafbebf26fd479448f94cac7a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-11T16:15:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_FCLSOUSA.pdf: 1440050 bytes, checksum: 7ec10f8cafbebf26fd479448f94cac7a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-11T16:15:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_FCLSOUSA.pdf: 1440050 bytes, checksum: 7ec10f8cafbebf26fd479448f94cac7a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / The present thesis concerns the process of regulation of the teaching work in the State of Ceará, during the period from 1942 through 1962, in primary and secondary schools of both public and private network. The analysis has as the main focus the constitution of teaching in the ambit of the public sphere, that is, we investigated the way teaching constitutes itself publicly as a profession concerning the new educational reforms of nationalization of the Brazilian teaching system. Thus, we have approached questions related to the professionalism of the teaching activity under the angle of the public/private relations. It was used, as main sources, the educational legislation both federal and from the state, local newspapers and interviews with teachers who have worked in this area in the period investigated in this project. Among the conclusions, we have noted the foot that the regulation of the teaching work, by means of decrees, laws etc, has presented, occasionally, ambiguities and various contradictions, which had their origin in the influences of the private world (of close relatives, politicians and friends). In this sense, the educational politics presented, a more private than public face, whose economic and politic-electoral interests, with a great participation of the Catholic Church, penetrated the public sphere, as the example of the official financing of private schools, the customer activity and the politic favoritism in the magistrate. / A presente tese trata do processo de regulamentação do trabalho docente no Estado do Ceará, no período de 1942 a 1962, em escolas primárias e secundárias das redes pública e particular. As análises têm como foco principal a constituição do trabalho docente no âmbito da esfera pública, ou seja, indagamos como a docência foi se constituindo publicamente como uma profissão em face das reformas educacionais de nacionalização do sistema de ensino brasileiro. Desse modo, abordamos questões relacionadas à profissionalização da atividade docente sob o ângulo das relações público/privado. Foram utilizadas, como fontes principais, a legislação educacional estadual e federal, os jornais locais e as entrevistas com professores que exerceram o magistério no período aqui investigado. Dentre as conclusões, destacamos o fato de que a regulamentação do trabalho docente, por meio de decretos, leis etc., apresentava, não raras vezes, ambigüidades e contradições diversas, as quais tinham origem nas influências do mundo privado (de parentes próximos, políticos e amigos). Nesse sentido, tais políticas educacionais apresentavam, na prática, uma cara mais privada do que pública, cujos interesses econômicos e político-eleitorais, com grande participação da Igreja Católica, penetravam a esfera pública, a exemplo do financiamento oficial das escolas particulares, do clientelismo e do favoritismo político no magistério.

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