Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etablerade"" "subject:"etablerades""
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"Det upplevda hotet mot nationen" : - En kvalitativ studie av radikal högerpopulism bland Sverigedemokraternas väljareGunnarsson, Sofia, Ottosson, Angela January 2013 (has links)
Sverigedemokraterna är ett radikalt högerpopulistiskt parti som fortsätter att öka sedan valet år 2010. Vid en opinionsundersökning i april 2012 skulle partiet få 8 procent av medborgarnas röster. Syftet med vår uppsats är att förstå och förklara vilka orsaker som ligger till grund för att allt fler medborgare röstar på Sverigedemokraterna. För att kunna besvara syftet med uppsatsen har vi valt att göra en kvalitativ studie genom att med semistrukturerade intervjuer undersöka upplevelser och attityder till dagens samhällsförändringar bland Sverigedemokraternas väljare och relatera deras upplevelser till tidigare forskning inom ämnet. För att besvara vårt syfte blir frågeställningarna följande: På vilket sätt kan SD som parti locka allt fler väljare i dagens globaliserade Sverige? Vilka faktorer kan ligga till grund för att vissa medborgare röstar på SD? Samt vad tror de att SD kan bidra med och förändra i det svenska samhället och mer specifikt för deras egen situation? Vårt teoretiska ramverk är globalisering, representationen ”Vi och Dom”, nation/nationalism och välfärdschauvinism. Med dessa teorier kommer vi ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv förklara vilka samhällsprocesser som interagerar med väljarnas vardagssituation och därmed ligger till grund för deras politiska beslut. Det slutgiltiga resultatet visar att radikal högerpopulistisk retorik är genomgående i samtliga intervjuer. Invandring och välfärdsfrågor var det viktigaste faktorerna till varför intervjupersonerna röstade på Sverigedemokraterna. / The Sweden Democrats is a radical right wing party who continue to increase since the elections in 2010. At a poll in April 2012, the party would get 8 percent of the votes. The purpose of our paper is to understand and explain the reasons underlying that more and more citizens vote for the Sweden Democrats. To be able to respond to the purpose of the paper, we have chosen to make a qualitative study by using semi-structured interviews examine the experiences and attitudes of today's social changes among the Sweden Democrats ' voters and relate their experiences to the previous research on the subject. To answer our purpose becomes the following questions: In what way can the SD as an increasing number of voters in the party attract today's globalized Sweden? What factors can serve as the basis for that some citizens vote on SD? What do they think that SD can contribute and change in Swedish society and more specifically for their own situation? Our theoretical framework is globalization, representation "We and Them" nation/nationalism and welfare-chauvinism. With these theories we come from a sociological perspective to explain what social processes that interact with voters ' living situation and thus is the basis for their policy decisions. The final result shows that radical right wing rhetoric is consistently in all interviews. Immigration and welfare issues were the main factors why the respondents voted for the Sweden Democrats.
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En kartläggning av introduktionsprocessen för nyanställda : En studie genomförd på två restaurangerMathisson, Sebastian, Afram, Ramin January 2016 (has links)
Introduktionsprocesser är en viktig del i många verksamheter och speciellt inom restaurangbranschen där nyanställda snabbt ska kunna arbeta självständigt. Restaurangbranschen är också en av de branscherna med högst personalomsättning, vilket kan vara ett problem. Med en genomtänkt och förbättrad introduktion vid nyanställning kan organisationer få sina anställda förstå de mål, visioner och strategier som organisationen satt upp. Detta kan då leda till att personal stannar längre på arbetsplatsen. Målsättningen med denna studie har varit att kartlägga och jämföra hur introduktionen ser ut för nyanställda inom restaurang A och B och vilka åtgärder som kan göras för att förbättra introduktionen med hjälp av etablerade teorier och modeller inom informationslogistik. För att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor har ett deduktivt angreppssätt använts där vi som undersökare gått från empiri till teori. Den data som samlats in kommer från intervjuer och enkätundersökningar som var metodvalen för undersökningen. Två stycken restaurangers introduktionsprocesser för nyanställda kartlades för att se hur de arbetar med introduktionen för nyanställda. Undersökningen gjordes med de ansvariga för respektive introduktion och de personer som varit anställda två år eller kortare. Med hjälp av de intervjuer och enkätundersökning som genomfördes med ansvariga restaurangchefer och anställda inom restaurang A och B kunde en kartläggning av nuläget presenteras. De diskussioner som förts från resultatet av studien har visat att ansvariga för introduktionerna saknar dokumentation för hur processen ska gå till. Introduktion har därför kunnat bli skiftande beroende på hur och när den genomförts. En etablerad introduktionsprocess bör införas, för att varje nyanställd ska få samma förutsättningar att kunna utföra sitt arbete enligt restaurangernas mål, visioner och strategier. De slutsatser som studien presenterar visar på förbättringsförslag genom den empiri som samlats in har kopplats ihop med teori, modeller och tidigare forskning. Dessa förbättringar har skapat introduktionsplan med etablerade processer. / Introduction processes are an important part of many activities, especially in the catering industry, where new employees can quickly work independently. The catering is also one of the sectors with the highest turnover, which could be a problem. With a well thought out and improved introduction for new employees, companies can get their employees to understand the goals, visions and strategies that the company had set up. This can then lead to staff staying longer at work. The aim of this study was to identify and compare how the introduction looks for new employees in the restaurant A and B and the measures that can be done to improve the introduction using the established theories and models in information logistics. To answer the thesis research questions, have a deductive approach been used where we as investigators passed from empiricism to theory. The data collected from interviews and surveys were elections approach for the investigation. Two restaurant's introduction process for new employees was surveyed to see how they work with the introduction of new employees. The survey was conducted with those responsible for each introduction and the people who have been employed for two years or less. With the help of interviews and surveys we conducted with responsible restaurant managers and employees of the restaurant, A and B could be an overview of the current situation presented. The discussions of the results of the study have shown that responsible for the introductions have no documentation of how the process should be conducted. Introduction has therefore been able to be varied depending on how and when it is completed. An established introduction process should be introduced to each new employee should have the same opportunities to carry out their work according to the restaurant's goals, visions and strategies. The conclusions of the thesis present the shows of improvement proposals by the empirical evidence gathered has been linked with the theory, models and previous research. These improvements have created introductory plan with established processes.
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Effekt av fasändringsmaterial på hydratiseringprocessen hos Portlandcement: En experimentell studie / Effect of Phase Change Materials on the Hydration Process of Portland Cement: An Experimental StudyAl-Khaffaf, Lubna, Khalil, Hala January 2020 (has links)
The Phase change materials (PCM) have the ability to absorb and release heat as the temperature changes from high to low temperature and vice versa. The use of phase change materials has increased in the construction sector due to the established environmental requirements and the various application benefits, especially in the thermal comfort of building applications and construction of sustainable infrastructure around the world (Berardi and Gallardo, 2019). Over the past decade, many studies have been conducted on the thermal properties of PCM (phase change material), however, few studies have focused on the study effect of PCM on mechanical and physical properties, although of great importance. In this work, three different microencapsulated types of phase change material (PCM) have been studied, while its effect on the mechanical and hydration properties of the cement paste with regard to constant ratio of water to cement ratio has been taken into account. The PCMs that have been studied are the following: Microencapsulated PCM, which is Nextek 24 D, Nextek 57D (Microtek Laboratories) and Croda Therm ME29P (Croda). In this study, various tests were performed on cementitious paste mixed with different doses of PCM to test the effect that PCM has on the cement hydration (under semi-adiabatic and isothermal conditions), the physical properties (setting time, slump flow, density) and the mechanical properties ( compressive strength). The results of this study indicated that both the melting point of the PCM and its amount have a decisive effect on the properties of the cement paste. Finally, the following conclusions have been drawn: • Additions of different dosage levels of the 24D and Croda PCM types showed that an increase in the dosage resulted in impaired mechanical and physical properties such as compressive strength of the cement paste (mechanical) decreased, and the density and random flow decreased (physical). While Nextek 57D did not show a great effect on cement paste according to density and random flow, which gives reduced negative impact on cement paste workability (physical). According to the mechanical properties, Nextek57D PCM with different levels of levels showed immediate positive effect on cement paste compressive strength compared to reference paste (no addition of PCM), and other cement pastes with other PCM types used in this study. • Mikrotek 57D PCM also gives a positive effect at different dose levels compared to two other types of Nextek 24D and Croda PCM regarding the effect of heat flow, which gives rise to hydration heat during the cement hydration process. However, other types of Nextek 24D and Croda in all quantities showed negligible effect on the heat flow during the cement hydration process.
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Framväxt och utveckling av radikala högerpopulistiska partier i norden : En jämförelse mellan Sverigedemokraterna och Sannfinländarna / Rise and Growth of Radical Right Populist Parties in the Nordic Countries : A Comparison Between the Sweden Democrats and the True FinnsLinnefell, William January 2012 (has links)
Populism has been an integral part of the Finnish political system since the late 1950's. At that time the Agrarian Populist Party, better known as The Rural Party, emerged and thrived for decades until the party financially broke down in the 1990's. Reemerging on the political scene as the True Finns, the party is more radical and more influential than ever, gaining enough support to be the third largest party of the 2011 parliamentary election. Sweden, Finland’s neighbor, in contrast has a history with very little populist presence or radical right populist parties (RRP-parties). However, during the 2010 parliamentary election the Sweden Democrats attained seats in the parliament for the first time in history. In this thesis, these cases, with their different historical backgrounds, are analyzed to explain the rise and growth of RRP-parties. Many political scientists have tried to answer this question before, focusing on system-oriented and contextual factors, but often neglecting factors that incorporate the political actors themselves. What this thesis adds to the previous research is a perspective on the rise and growth of RRP-parties based on the dynamism between system-oriented factors and actor-oriented factors. The theoretical discussion indicates that some system-oriented and contextual factors are significant when explaining the rise and growth of RRP-parties. At the same time, actor oriented factors such as the legacy of the RRP-party and the mainstream party strategies prove to be influential on the electoral strength of the RRP-party. These theoretical approaches are then used and combined in a comparative analysis, which imply two important things. First, the legitimacy of the RRP-party itself is an aspect that does explain the rise and growth of RRP-parties. Second, in the case of Sweden, the system-oriented and contextual factors alone were not able to explain the rise and growth of the Sweden Democrats. Together these findings stress that the dynamic perspective between system-oriented and actor-oriented factors truly is meaningful when trying to explain rise and growth of RRP-parties.
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Etablerade partiers agerande efter populismens intåg i Sverige : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av kommunikationsstrategin hos tre svenska partier / The behaviour of established parties after the entrance of populism in Sweden : - A qualitative content analysis of the communication strategy of three Swedish partiesJohansson, Alvina January 2023 (has links)
Populism as a phenomenon is increasing in Europe. This study is therefore centred on howpopulist parties affect mainstream parties when entering the parliament. Moreover this studyresearches how party behaviour theories such as the median voter theorem and cartel partytheory explains mainstream parties' transition on the political and ideological scale when apopulist party is included in the parliament. This study aims to identify populistic discourse in Swedish parties election manifestos. Additionally, examine if the degree of populisticdiscourse differs from the year 2010 when the populist party entered the parliament, the yearof 2018 and the year of 2022 when the populist party entered an alliance with the government.The methodical approach for this research has been a qualitative content analysis. The categories for populist communication strategy attempts to contribute with an operationalization, a measuring instrument of populism in the empirical material. Moreoverthe categories is based on Jan Jagers and Steffan Walgraves theory surrounding populism as a political communication-style. The eight units of analysis are the election manifestos of the Swedish parties: The christ democratic party, the moderate party and the sweden democrats. The empirical research shows that populism as a communication style appears within the election manifestos and that the degree of populist rhetoric differs within the mainstream parties from when the populist party entered the parliament in 2010 and government alliancein 2022.
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