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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Freqüência das mutações Gln192Arg e Leu55Met no gene da paraoxonase 1 e das mutações Ser311Cis e A148G no gene da paraoxonase 2 em brasileiros de diferentes origens étnicas / Frequency of Q192R and L55M polymorphisms of paraoxonase -1 gene (PON1), A148G and C311S of paraoxonase-2 gene (PON2) in different ethnic groups of brazilian population

Ferreira, Paulo Roberto Santos 14 September 2007 (has links)
Paraoxonase (PON) é uma família multigene de enzimas, a qual inclui PON1, PON2 e PON3. Investigações há mais de duas décadas vêm permitindo um melhor conhecimento da função dos genes da paraoxonase, em especial da PON1, no metabolismo de inseticidas organofosforados, lípides oxidados e medicamentos. O principal local de síntese da PON1 é o fígado, e no soro encontra-se mais comumentente associada à HDL-C. Exibe dois principais polimorfismos, posição 55 (L/M) e 192 (Q/R) que estão relacionados ao nível sérico e atividade enzimática respectivamente. A freqüência dos alelos do gene PON1 apresenta considerável variabilidade entre diferentes populações. São escassos os estudos sobre a PON2, porém sabe-se que é expressa em vários tecidos, sugerindo, dessa forma, que essa enzima tenha uma ação localizada (intracelular). Dois polimorfismos são os mais estudados no gene PON2, posições 148 (A/G) e 311 (C/S) e têm sido associados à numerosas condições fisiopatológicas como variações no metabolismo e níveis plasmáticos de lipoproteínas e glicose. Este trabalho tem por objetivos caracterizar as freqüências das mutações 192 (Q/R) e 55(L/M) no gene da PON1 e 311(C/S) e 148(A/G) no gene da PON2, bem como analisar a atividade das isoformas da enzima PON1 em uma população brasileira, da cidade de São Paulo, de diferentes origens étnicas. O estudo foi realizado entre 2005 e 2006 com 179 doadores de sangue, classificados etnicamente. Foi coletado sangue para extração do DNA genômico, para posterior determinação dos polimorfismos, através da técnica de PCR e soro para a determinação da atividade basal sérica da enzima paraoxonase. Os genótipos LL (46,4%) e LM (45,2%) na posição 55 (L55M) e QR (49,2%) na posição 192 (Q192R) do gene PON1 são os mais freqüentes na população total. Entre os doadores brancos, os genótipos mais freqüentes foram LM (51,9%) posição 55 e QR (45,6%) na posição 192. No caso dos doadores mulatos, LL (50,0%) e QR (52,8%) são os genótipos mais observados e para os doadores negros, os genótipos LL (69,7%) e QR (50,0%) nas posições 55 e 192 respectivamente. O alelo L é o mais freqüente nos três grupos étnicos, no entanto, em relação a freqüência alélica do polimorfismo da posição 192, o alelo Q predomina entre brancos e mulatos, já para os negros o alelo R é mais freqüente. No gene PON2, os genótipos mais freqüentes na população são AA (54,2%) na posição 148 (A148G) e CS (52,5%) na posição 311 (C311S). Quando comparadas as freqüências genotípicas do gene PON2 no polimorfismo da posição 148 (A/G) entre os três grupos étnicos, o genótipo AA foi o mais freqüente, em brancos (60,7%), mulatos (50,0%) e em negros (46,4%). Já para o polimorfismo da posição 311 (C/S), os doadores brancos têm o genótipo CS (46,8%) e SS (46,8%) como o de maior freqüência e nos doadores mulatos e negros o genótipo mais freqüente é CS com 56,9% e 57,1% respectivamente. Não houve diferença na distribuição alélica dos três grupos étnicos, sendo os alelos A e S os mais freqüentes. Em relação à atividade da enzima, as isoformas resultantes dos genótipos LL (posição 55) e RR (posição 192) apresentaram os valores das medianas significantemente maiores que as demais isoformas, sendo mais eficazes na hidrólise do paraoxon. / Paraoxonase (PON) is a multigene family of enzymes that include PON1, PON2 and PON3. Investigations at more than two decade coming to allow the best understanding of the function of the paraoxonase genes, in special of the PON1 in the metabolism organophosphate insecticides, oxidized lipids and drugs. The main place of PON1 synthesis is the liver, and in the serum is currently associated to HDL-C. Show two main polymorphisms, in the position 55 (L/M) and 192 (Q/R) that are relation with serum level and enzymatic activities, respectively. The allele frequency of PON1 genes shows variability in different populations. There is a few studies about PON2, but it is known that is expressed in many tissues, suggesting, the enzyme have a local action (intracellular). Two polymorphisms are the most studied in the PON2 gene, 148 (A/G) and 311 (C/S) positions and they have been associated to a lot of physiologic conditions like metabolisms chances and lipoprotein and glucose plasma level. This work have the objective to characterizer the frequency of 192 (Q/R) and 55 (L/M) mutation in the PON1 gene and 311 (C/S) e 148 (A/G) mutations in the PON2 gene as well as to analyze the enzyme PON isoform activity in the brazilian population of São Paulo City, in different ethnics groups. The study was realized during 2005 to 2006 in 179 blood donor classificated according to the ethnics. It was colleted the blood to DNA genomic extraction after to polymorphisms determination was utilized the PCR technique and the serum to determine the paraoxonase enzyme basal activity. The genotypes LL (46,4%) and LM (45,2%) in the 55 (L55M) positions and QR (49,2%) in the 192 (Q192R) position in the PON1 gene are the most frequently in the total population. Among the white donor, the genotypes most frequently were LM (51,9%) in the 55 position and QR (45,6%) in the 192 position. In mulatoes, LL (50,0%) and QR (52,8%) are the most observed genotypes and black donor, the genotypes LL (69,7%) and QR (50,0%) in the 55 and 192 positions, respectively. The L allele is the most frequently in the three ethnics groups, however, the relation of polymorphism allelic frequency in the position 192, the Q allele to predominate among mutates, and to the negroes the allele R is the most frequency. In the PON 2 gene, the most frequently genotypes are AA (54,2%) in the 148 (A148G) position and CS (52,5%) in the 311 (C311S) position. When they are compared with PON2 genotypes frequency in the polymorphisms of 148 (A/G) position among three etnics groups AA was the most frequently, in the white (60,7%), mulatoes (50,0%) and negroes (46,4%). To the polymorphisms at 311 (C/S) positions is the most frequently in white donors have a genotype CS (46,8%) and SS (46, 8%) and in the mulatoes and negroes donors the most frequency genotypes is CS with 56,9% and 57,1% respectively. There aren?t differences in the allelic distribution in the three ethnics groups, the A and S allelic are the most frequently. In relation to enzyme activity, the product of isoform to LL (55 position) and RR (192 position) genotypes to present the median level are significantly more than another isoforms, they are more efficient in the paraoxon hydrolyzes

Análise da variabilidade métrica dos parâmetros de Antropologia Forense para estimativa do sexo de duas populações: escocesa e brasileira / Analysis of the metric variability of the forensic anthropology parameters for sexing of two populations: Scottish and Brazilian

Lopez Capp, Thaís Torralbo 12 May 2017 (has links)
Antropologia Forense é a aplicação da ciência da Antropologia Física e osteologia humana em casos criminais onde os restos da vítima estão em fase avançada de decomposição. Devido ao grande fluxo migratório descrito no histórico do Brasil, a população brasileira possui características físicas muito heterogêneas quando comparadas com a população escocesa, uma vez que a imigração mais significativa foi proveniente de outras regiões do próprio Reino Unido. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar as variações craniométricas de duas populações (brasileira e escocesa), e avaliar a confiabilidade do método para determinação do sexo nas duas populações, com finalidade forense. A amostra total foi composta por 200 crânios com mandíbulas, sendo que a amostra brasileira foi constituída por 100 crânios completos e a amostra escocesa por 100 crânios e 36 mandíbulas, ambas amostras documentadas. Foram realizadas 72 mensurações sendo 51 cranianas e 21 mandibulares. Os resultados demonstraram que a amostra escocesa apresentou média maior comparada com a amostra brasileira em 54 variáveis do universo de 72 medidas. Trinta e três mensurações cranianas apresentaram diferença significativa entre as duas amostras e dentre as 21 medidas mandibulares analisadas, 05 apresentaram variação superior a 20%, 09 entre 10% e 20%, 07 inferior a 10%. As medidas que apresentaram maior dimorfismo sexual para as duas amostras foram a largura bizigomática (apresentando 73% de acerto para a amostra brasileira e 77% para a amostra escocesa), largura bigoníaca (79% e 83,30%) comprimento Porion-Mastoidale lado esquerdo (76% e 75%) e a altura do corpo mandibular lado esquerdo (67% e 80,60%). A análise discriminante multivariada demonstrou resultados satisfatórios para amostra brasileira com porcentagem de acerto variando entre 76-90% e na amostra escocesa 81-86,6%. Através da análise da curva ROC foram desenvolvidas 04 tabelas de referência sendo 01 para medidas cranianas brasileiras, 01 medida para mandibulares brasileiras, 01 tabela para medidas cranianas escocesas e 01 para medidas mandibulares escocesas. O presente estudo demonstrou que existem diferenças entre as duas amostras estudadas, porém ainda falta elucidar a causa responsável, já que se trata de uma grandeza multifatorial. A metodologia quantitativa analisada demonstrou-se precisa para analisar dimorfismo sexual nas duas amostras. / Forensic anthropology is the application of the physical anthropology science and human osteology in criminal cases where the victim\'s remains are in an advanced stage of decomposition. Due to migration Brazilian population is very diverse, comprising many races and ethnic groups, therefore it is much more varied than the Scottish population, which tends to be more homogenous once there was significant immigration to Scotland from the rest of the United Kingdom. The present study aimed to compare the craniometric variations of two populations (Brazilian and Scottish), and analyze the reliability of sex determination in the two populations for forensic purpose. The total sample was comprised of 200 skulls and 136 mandibles, the Brazilian sample consisted of 100 complete skulls and the Scottish sample was composed of 100 skulls and 36 mandibles, both of which are documented samples. The measure\'s protocol comprised 72 measurements, being 51 cranial and 21 mandibular. The results showed that the Scottish sample had a larger mean compared to the Brazilian sample in 54 variables of the 72 measures. Among the cranial measurements analyzed, 33 variables showed a significant difference between the two samples and among the 21 mandibular measurements considered, 05 presented a variation greater than 20%, 09 between 10% and 20%, 07 lower than 10%. The most dimorphic measurements for both samples were the bizigomatic width (73% of accuracy for the Brazilian sample and 77% for the Scottish sample), the bigoniac width (79% and 83,30%), the Porion-Mastoidale length (76% and 75%), and the left side mandibular body height (67 and 80,60%). The multivariate discriminant analysis showed satisfactory results for the Brazilian sample with a percentage of accuracy varying between 76-90% and in the Scottish sample 81-86.6%. Through the analysis of the ROC curve, four reference tables were developed: 01 for Brazilian cranial measurements, 01 Brazilian mandibular measurements, 01 Scottish cranial measurements and 01 Scottish mandibular measurements The present study showed a difference between the two samples studied, but it is not possible to define an unique cause responsible for that because this comprise multifactorial aspects. The quantitative methodology analyzed showed sexual dimorphism in both samples.

Freqüência das mutações Gln192Arg e Leu55Met no gene da paraoxonase 1 e das mutações Ser311Cis e A148G no gene da paraoxonase 2 em brasileiros de diferentes origens étnicas / Frequency of Q192R and L55M polymorphisms of paraoxonase -1 gene (PON1), A148G and C311S of paraoxonase-2 gene (PON2) in different ethnic groups of brazilian population

Paulo Roberto Santos Ferreira 14 September 2007 (has links)
Paraoxonase (PON) é uma família multigene de enzimas, a qual inclui PON1, PON2 e PON3. Investigações há mais de duas décadas vêm permitindo um melhor conhecimento da função dos genes da paraoxonase, em especial da PON1, no metabolismo de inseticidas organofosforados, lípides oxidados e medicamentos. O principal local de síntese da PON1 é o fígado, e no soro encontra-se mais comumentente associada à HDL-C. Exibe dois principais polimorfismos, posição 55 (L/M) e 192 (Q/R) que estão relacionados ao nível sérico e atividade enzimática respectivamente. A freqüência dos alelos do gene PON1 apresenta considerável variabilidade entre diferentes populações. São escassos os estudos sobre a PON2, porém sabe-se que é expressa em vários tecidos, sugerindo, dessa forma, que essa enzima tenha uma ação localizada (intracelular). Dois polimorfismos são os mais estudados no gene PON2, posições 148 (A/G) e 311 (C/S) e têm sido associados à numerosas condições fisiopatológicas como variações no metabolismo e níveis plasmáticos de lipoproteínas e glicose. Este trabalho tem por objetivos caracterizar as freqüências das mutações 192 (Q/R) e 55(L/M) no gene da PON1 e 311(C/S) e 148(A/G) no gene da PON2, bem como analisar a atividade das isoformas da enzima PON1 em uma população brasileira, da cidade de São Paulo, de diferentes origens étnicas. O estudo foi realizado entre 2005 e 2006 com 179 doadores de sangue, classificados etnicamente. Foi coletado sangue para extração do DNA genômico, para posterior determinação dos polimorfismos, através da técnica de PCR e soro para a determinação da atividade basal sérica da enzima paraoxonase. Os genótipos LL (46,4%) e LM (45,2%) na posição 55 (L55M) e QR (49,2%) na posição 192 (Q192R) do gene PON1 são os mais freqüentes na população total. Entre os doadores brancos, os genótipos mais freqüentes foram LM (51,9%) posição 55 e QR (45,6%) na posição 192. No caso dos doadores mulatos, LL (50,0%) e QR (52,8%) são os genótipos mais observados e para os doadores negros, os genótipos LL (69,7%) e QR (50,0%) nas posições 55 e 192 respectivamente. O alelo L é o mais freqüente nos três grupos étnicos, no entanto, em relação a freqüência alélica do polimorfismo da posição 192, o alelo Q predomina entre brancos e mulatos, já para os negros o alelo R é mais freqüente. No gene PON2, os genótipos mais freqüentes na população são AA (54,2%) na posição 148 (A148G) e CS (52,5%) na posição 311 (C311S). Quando comparadas as freqüências genotípicas do gene PON2 no polimorfismo da posição 148 (A/G) entre os três grupos étnicos, o genótipo AA foi o mais freqüente, em brancos (60,7%), mulatos (50,0%) e em negros (46,4%). Já para o polimorfismo da posição 311 (C/S), os doadores brancos têm o genótipo CS (46,8%) e SS (46,8%) como o de maior freqüência e nos doadores mulatos e negros o genótipo mais freqüente é CS com 56,9% e 57,1% respectivamente. Não houve diferença na distribuição alélica dos três grupos étnicos, sendo os alelos A e S os mais freqüentes. Em relação à atividade da enzima, as isoformas resultantes dos genótipos LL (posição 55) e RR (posição 192) apresentaram os valores das medianas significantemente maiores que as demais isoformas, sendo mais eficazes na hidrólise do paraoxon. / Paraoxonase (PON) is a multigene family of enzymes that include PON1, PON2 and PON3. Investigations at more than two decade coming to allow the best understanding of the function of the paraoxonase genes, in special of the PON1 in the metabolism organophosphate insecticides, oxidized lipids and drugs. The main place of PON1 synthesis is the liver, and in the serum is currently associated to HDL-C. Show two main polymorphisms, in the position 55 (L/M) and 192 (Q/R) that are relation with serum level and enzymatic activities, respectively. The allele frequency of PON1 genes shows variability in different populations. There is a few studies about PON2, but it is known that is expressed in many tissues, suggesting, the enzyme have a local action (intracellular). Two polymorphisms are the most studied in the PON2 gene, 148 (A/G) and 311 (C/S) positions and they have been associated to a lot of physiologic conditions like metabolisms chances and lipoprotein and glucose plasma level. This work have the objective to characterizer the frequency of 192 (Q/R) and 55 (L/M) mutation in the PON1 gene and 311 (C/S) e 148 (A/G) mutations in the PON2 gene as well as to analyze the enzyme PON isoform activity in the brazilian population of São Paulo City, in different ethnics groups. The study was realized during 2005 to 2006 in 179 blood donor classificated according to the ethnics. It was colleted the blood to DNA genomic extraction after to polymorphisms determination was utilized the PCR technique and the serum to determine the paraoxonase enzyme basal activity. The genotypes LL (46,4%) and LM (45,2%) in the 55 (L55M) positions and QR (49,2%) in the 192 (Q192R) position in the PON1 gene are the most frequently in the total population. Among the white donor, the genotypes most frequently were LM (51,9%) in the 55 position and QR (45,6%) in the 192 position. In mulatoes, LL (50,0%) and QR (52,8%) are the most observed genotypes and black donor, the genotypes LL (69,7%) and QR (50,0%) in the 55 and 192 positions, respectively. The L allele is the most frequently in the three ethnics groups, however, the relation of polymorphism allelic frequency in the position 192, the Q allele to predominate among mutates, and to the negroes the allele R is the most frequency. In the PON 2 gene, the most frequently genotypes are AA (54,2%) in the 148 (A148G) position and CS (52,5%) in the 311 (C311S) position. When they are compared with PON2 genotypes frequency in the polymorphisms of 148 (A/G) position among three etnics groups AA was the most frequently, in the white (60,7%), mulatoes (50,0%) and negroes (46,4%). To the polymorphisms at 311 (C/S) positions is the most frequently in white donors have a genotype CS (46,8%) and SS (46, 8%) and in the mulatoes and negroes donors the most frequency genotypes is CS with 56,9% and 57,1% respectively. There aren?t differences in the allelic distribution in the three ethnics groups, the A and S allelic are the most frequently. In relation to enzyme activity, the product of isoform to LL (55 position) and RR (192 position) genotypes to present the median level are significantly more than another isoforms, they are more efficient in the paraoxon hydrolyzes

Symbolic and Material Boundaries : An archaeological genealogy of the Urus of Lake Poopó, Bolivia

Sáenz, Virginia January 2006 (has links)
<p>The thesis focuses on Bolivian Indians who are assimilated into ethnic groups as one of many consequences of the colonial past. An understanding of the complexity of this construction draws from disciplines such as Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Sociology, in an effort to expose the power relations behind the construction. Departing from written sources and the general belief that the area would lodge the most ancient of such Indians, the Uru from Lake Poopó, a specific location has been selected in the Oruro province of the mid Bolivian highlands. The province is named after this people. The identity of the Uru people has been established by reference to other Indians in the Bolivian Andes known as the Aymara or the Quechua. Colonial accounts written by the Spanish conquerors, including priests, soldiers and commoners, as well as modern sources are discussed and analysed. The fieldwork combines archaeological and anthropological methods. Finally, the importance of multidisciplinary approaches is discussed in an effort to contribute to an understanding of multi-cause phenomena in this case the constructed ethnic identity of the Uru people.</p>

Symbolic and Material Boundaries : An archaeological genealogy of the Urus of Lake Poopó, Bolivia

Sáenz, Virginia January 2006 (has links)
The thesis focuses on Bolivian Indians who are assimilated into ethnic groups as one of many consequences of the colonial past. An understanding of the complexity of this construction draws from disciplines such as Anthropology, Archaeology, History, Sociology, in an effort to expose the power relations behind the construction. Departing from written sources and the general belief that the area would lodge the most ancient of such Indians, the Uru from Lake Poopó, a specific location has been selected in the Oruro province of the mid Bolivian highlands. The province is named after this people. The identity of the Uru people has been established by reference to other Indians in the Bolivian Andes known as the Aymara or the Quechua. Colonial accounts written by the Spanish conquerors, including priests, soldiers and commoners, as well as modern sources are discussed and analysed. The fieldwork combines archaeological and anthropological methods. Finally, the importance of multidisciplinary approaches is discussed in an effort to contribute to an understanding of multi-cause phenomena in this case the constructed ethnic identity of the Uru people.

比利時多元文化主義發展之研究 / A study on Belgium’s Multiculturalism

黃鳳儀, Huang, Feng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著世界地球村的概念發展,各國家族群間的文化也漸趨多元,而多元文化主義的興起,主要就是為解決一國之內多元族群間的文化差異造成的問題。近年在英國、挪威、法國發生了幾起相關的社會事件;在瑞士也出現過禁蓋伊斯蘭教宣禮塔的新聞;而法國、比利時則有禁戴伊斯蘭面紗的法案。因此多元文化主義的實行方向在歐洲又重新引起軒然大波,歐洲各國也紛紛開始檢視國內多元文化主義政策及未來發展。 本研究探討比利時政府在面對境內不同語區的文化迥異時,如何推動多元文化主義政策。研究中介紹比利時多元文化主義政策之各基礎面向、分析雙語族群間的歧異點,並藉由禁戴伊斯蘭面紗法案來探討比利時對待國內少數族群的態度。以上述層面來總結比利時多元文化主義發展及挑戰,希冀本研究提供臺灣在面對本土、新移民等文化融合時可做為參考、借鏡。 / With the development of the concept of “global village” , the cultures within the nation have become diverse, and the rise of “multiculturalism” is to solve the problem of cultural differences in the multi-ethnic states. In recent years, the social events in the United Kingdom, Norway, and in Switzerland, there is the ban of the mosque minaret; also in France, Belgium there is the ban of “burka”. Since the implementation of multiculturalism again caused an uproar in Europe, european countries have also begun to review the policy of multiculturalism and its future development. This study examines how Belgian government promotes the policy of multiculturalism when facing the cultural differences between the two linguistic areas. It introduces Belgium’s policies of multiculturalism and the discrepancy points among the bilingual populations, and examines how Belgium confronts domestic minorities through the burka ban act. By summarizing the developments and challenges from the above mentioned, hope this study can provide a reference for Taiwan in the face of cultural integration.

Neighbors at Risk : A Quantitative Study of Civil War Contagion

Forsberg, Erika January 2009 (has links)
While previous research shows that civil wars can spread to neighboring states, we do not know why certain neighbors are more at risk than others. To address this research gap, this dissertation proposes a contagion process approach that can identify the most likely targets of contagion effects from an ongoing conflict. Using data with global coverage, theoretical expectations about why and where civil wars would have contagion effects, are examined in a series of statistical analyses. Paper I argues and empirically supports that a country is more susceptible to contagion effects when it is characterized by ethnic polarization, where few ethnic groups form a delicate balance. Paper II argues and provides evidence that the involvement in conflict by an ethnic group in one country increases the likelihood of ethnic conflict erupting in a neighboring country that shares the same ethnic group. Paper III suggests and finds support that the arrival and long-term hosting of refugees from states in civil conflict make host states more likely to experience civil conflict. Paper IV examines the common notion that the granting of autonomy or independence to separatist groups may spur other ethnic groups to violently pursue similar demands, starting off a domino effect. Using new global data on such territorial concessions, the analysis does not support this version of the “domino theory,” which is popular among policy-makers. In sum, this dissertation contributes by demonstrating the usefulness of the contagion process approach. It offers a more comprehensive view of contagion among neighbors, and as such is able to specify arguments and intuitions in previous research.

Evaluation of sociocultural competency training in enhancing self-efficacy among immigrant and Canadian-born health sciences trainees

Wong, Yuk Shuen 11 1900 (has links)
The study was to investigate the effectiveness of Sociocultural Competency Training (SCCT) as an intervention in enhancing self-efficacy among trainees in the health care profession. The purposes of the study were threefold: (a) to evaluate the effectiveness of the training in enhancing the trainees' self-efficacy and behavioural performance; (b) to examine their personal experiences in the learning ofthe sociocultural competencies, and (c) to identify the factors that contribute to effective outcomes. A sample of 84 participants in the Health Sciences program at the Vancouver Community College was recruited. There were 26 local born Canadians and 32 immigrants in the experimental group, whereas 11 local born Canadians and 15 immigrants were in the control group. Experimental group participants took part in an 18- hour training over a 6-week period as part of their regular Human Relations Skills course curriculum. The control group also took the same training course after post-test data collection. This study used both quantitative and qualitative methods. Self-efficacy and behavioural performance were assessed quantitatively by the results from the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE), Situational Social Avoidance Scale (SSA), Social Self-Efficacy Scale (SSE), and Interpersonal Skills Checklist (ISC-33). Qualitative data was collected through written feedback from 28 participants and semi-structured interviewing with 24 volunteer interviewees in the experimental group. The results of this study supported the hypotheses that the Sociocultural Competency Training was effective in improving the interpersonal skills and lowering the social avoidance tendency among participants in the experimental group when compared to individuals in the control group. The hypothesis that there would be more significant change in participants' social self-efficacy was also supported. The Sociocultural Competency Training offered effective ways of helping people develop positive self-efficacy and behavioural competencies. Participants reported the training enabled them to have the sociocultural competencies to conduct their professional career in a multicultural community. In the future, the training can be used with high school students, college and university students, international students, professionals, business people, and expatriates who need to learn the sociocultural competencies for career success.

Ethnic enclaves in urban Canada : a comparative study of the labour market experiences of the Italiana and Jewish communities in Toronto

Psihopeda, Maria January 1990 (has links)
This thesis is a comparative, data-based analysis of the labour market experiences of the Italian and Jewish populations of Toronto at the end of the 1970s, beginning of the 1980s. It also provides historical and empirical information on the emergence and development of ethnic enclaves, and assesses whether such distinct enclave economies constitute channels for upward mobility for the Italian and Jewish individuals who participate in them. / The historical findings provide evidence for the distinctiveness of an enclave labour market within these two ethnic communities. The empirical evidence reveals however, that participation in the enclave economies is quite low for Toronto's Jewish and Italian communities. The evidence does not indicate that participation in the enclave is associated with either economic benefits or losses. However, informal networks and ethnic ties have strong positive effects on enclavic participation.

Storied identities: Japanese American elderly from a sugar plantation community in Hawai'i

Kinoshita, Gaku 05 1900 (has links)
This is a study of the collective identities of Japanese American elderly in a former sugar plantation community in the rural town of Puna, Hawai'i. Investigating their plantation stories in which they remember, evaluate, and represent their past lives on the plantation from the 1920s, to the 1980s, I explore a process of which they collectively delineate their identities in terms of ethnicity, class, generation, and gender. My analysis focuses on the contents as well as the contexts of plantation stories that include their social and cultural circumstances now and then, transitions in the socioeconomic environment in Hawai'i, and historical events that they have gone through. The purpose of this study is to produce an ethnography of remembering that captures ethnographic voice-cultural testimony in which the Japanese American elderly narrate their plantation experience as both an internally-oriented emotional manifestation and an externally-based common understanding of their community. I demonstrate how the Japanese American elderly employ their memories to reconstruct plantation experience and define their peoplehood as the collective identities of plantation-raised Japanese Americans.

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