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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La prise de décision au sein de la Banque centrale européenne : l'enjeu de la transparence face à l'hétérogénéité de l'Eurozone / The decision-making process in the European Central Bank : the issue of transparency with the heterogeneity of the Eurozone

Buf, Audrey 29 November 2013 (has links)
L’efficacité de la prise de décision au sein du conseil des gouverneurs de la BCE fait l’objet de nombreux débats en raison d’un degré d’hétérogénéité élevé parmi les pays européens et en raison du manque de transparence de la BCE. Ce contexte génère des incertitudes sur la répartition du pouvoir au sein du conseil des gouverneurs. L’objectif de notre travail est d’analyser dans quelle mesure le manque de transparence peut affecter la prise de décision au sein du conseil. Afin de traiter cette problématique ce travail se scinde en deux parties. La première partie tente d’appréhender le risque de biais régional dans les décisions de politique monétaire. Notre analyse révèle que d’importantes hétérogénéités persistent au sein de la zone monétaire entraînant de nombreuses incertitudes au niveau de la gouvernance monétaire de la BCE. La deuxième partie s’attache à identifier les interactions susceptibles d’apparaître au sein du conseil des gouverneurs et s’intéresse principalement à la propension à former des coalitions au sein du comité décisionnel. Notre analyse en termes de pouvoir de vote soutient que les membres du directoire disposent d’une faible influence lors de la prise de décision. Ce travail insiste sur les insuffisances de la structure décisionnelle de la BCE et sur la nécessité d’une réforme. / The lack of transparency of the European Central Bank (ECB), as well as the heterogeneity among European member states have generates many debates about the effectiveness of the decision-making process within the ECB’s governing council. Such a context creates uncertainties about the distribution of power inside the governing council. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse to what extent the decision-making process within the council responds to such lack of transparency. In the first part, we focus on the effect of the regional bias on monetary policy decisions. Our analysis shows that persistent heterogeneities among members generate uncertainties with regard to the effectiveness of the ECB’s monetary governance. In the second part, we analyse the ability of the governing council to generate strategic interactions among its members, and we focus in particular on coalitions formation. Our analysis based on voting power demonstrates that board members have only a weak impact on the decision-making process. Our thesis focuses on the inadequacies of the current ECB’s decision-making framework and on its necessary reform.

Specifika kvantitativního uvolňování ECB a strategie exitu / Specifics of Quantitave Easing of ECB and exit strategy

Matiáš, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Goal of master thesis Specifics of Quantitave Easing of ECB and exit strategy is to analyse monetary policy called Quantitative easing and its exit strategy. Largest part of thesis addresses this monetary policy on example of European central bank but there is also summary transmission mechanisms and opinions of effectivness of this monetary policy on examples of other central banks. On example of ECB this work describes process of quantitative easing. Also there is empicital analysis of impacts of purchases under Securities market programme on yields of goverment bonds. Result of this anylsis is finding that SMP was effective only partly, mainly at time of its announcement. Further the work analysis current balance sheet of ECB from the perspective of exit from quantitative easing concluding that ECB would be able to execute exit strategy to these days.

Hodnotící komparace ústavněprávních pojetí vybraných centrálních bank světa z aspektu perspektiv ČNB. / The comparison of the constitutional conceptions of selected central banks of the world from perspectives of the CNB

Pospíšilová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The master´s thesis is about the conceptions of the Czech National Bank, the Federal Reserve System, the European Central Bank and People's Bank of China. It focuses on the comparison of these conceptions with the created universal model of the central bank and its parameters, and finds out that the selected central banks are lot away from this model. Important is also a perspective of the Czech National Bank after joining the euro area and the fact that at this moment her role will be replaced by the European Central Bank. The European Central Bank, compared with the Federal Reserve and the People's Bank deviates the least from its inflation target and therefore is pretty close to reach a price stability. However, ECB clearly financed some government debts, and that is inconsistent with the law. In conclusion can be noted that the central banks of the Czech Republic, the United States and the euro area reach the high level of freedom and are independent of the other components of state power and vice versa People's Bank of China remains strongly dependent on the executive power.

Three essays on the transmission of monetary policy in the euro area / Trois essais sur la transmission de la politique monétaire en zone euro

Picault, Matthieu 28 June 2017 (has links)
Après Septembre 2008, du fait du gel du marché interbancaire, d’un manque de liquidité, d’une perte de confiance et des difficultés des institutions financières, la transmission de la politique monétaire au sein de la zone euro a été sévèrement altérée. La Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE) a donc dû avoir recours à des politiques monétaires non-conventionnelles. En considérant, au sein de la zone euro, les contraintes imposées à la banque centrale et la fragmentation des marchés financiers, l’objectif de cette thèse empirique est d’évaluer les canaux de transmission des politiques monétaires conventionnelles et non-conventionnelles de la BCE. Les comportements de prêts des banques étant liés à leurs coûts de financement, le premier essai se focalise sur le canal de transmission des prêts bancaires. Il étudie l’évolution des activités de prêts syndiqués d’institutions financières européennes et leur réaction aux politiques de la BCE. La communication de la banque centrale revêt une importance toute particulière dans une union monétaire. Les deuxième et troisième essais se concentrent sur le canal des signaux. Le deuxième essai étudie sur la communication durant les conférences de presse mensuelles ainsi que ses effets sur la prévisibilité des décisions de politique monétaire et sur les rendements et la volatilité des marchés financiers. Le dernier essai se focalise sur l’utilisation du guidage des taux d’intérêt futurs, une communication non-conventionnelle informant les marchés du niveau futur des taux d’intérêt de court-terme. Il étudie l’efficacité de cette annonce et sa capacité à influencer les prévisions de taux d’intérêt faites par les acteurs de marché. / After September 2008, due to a frozen interbank market, shortage of liquidity, loss of confidence, and collapsing financial institutions, the monetary policy transmission in the euro area was severely impaired. Under thus exceptional circumstances, the European Central Bank (ECB) had to turn to non-standard monetary policy measures. Considering, in the euro area, the constrained range of actions and fragmented financial markets, the objective of this empirical thesis is to assess the transmission channels of ECB standard and non-standard monetary policies and their effects on both financial markets and the economy.As banks’ lending behaviors are related to their financing costs, the first essay focuses on bank lending channel. It studies the evolution of lending activities of European financial institutions on the syndicated loan market and its reaction to the ECB standard and non-standard policies. The communication of the central bank is of utmost importance in a monetary union with heterogeneous, in terms of economic situations and cultures, countries. The second and third essays study the signaling channel of monetary policy. The second essay focuses on the communication during monthly press conferences and their effects on the predictability of monetary policy decisions and on financial markets returns and volatility. The last essay concentrates exclusively on the use of \textit{forward guidance} on interest rate, a non-standard central bank communication providing information on future short-term interest rates. It discusses its effectiveness and ability to lower market participants expected interest rates.

Kritická analýza měnové politiky EU a její dopad na státy v eurozóně / Critical Analysis of Monetary Policy of the EU and its Impact on Countries in the Eurozone

Vavříková, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou měnové politiky v Evropské unii, respektive v Evropské měnové unii. Samotnému vzniku Evropské měnové unie předcházelo dlouhé období integračních procesů a je spojováno se dvěma mezníky. Prvním mezníkem byl vznik Evropské centrální banky, která představuje jednu z nejdůležitějších institucí a je zodpovědná za provádění jednotné měnové politiky v eurozóně. Druhým důležitým momentem bylo zavedení společné evropské měny, eura. Navzdory podstatným obchodním výhodám spojených s přijetím eura se brzy ukázalo, že jednotná měnová politika nemusí vyhovovat všem zemím kvůli jejich odlišným ekonomickým potřebám a schopnostem, které vyžadují různou měnovou politiku. Tato práce se soustředí na současnou ekonomickou situaci v eurozóně se zvláštním důrazem na otázku dluhové krize.

Ideální model resolučního mechanismu pro banky v Evropské unii / Ideal Crisis Management Mechanism for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms in the European Union

Kropjok, Vít January 2021 (has links)
Ideal Crisis Management Mechanism for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms in the European Union Abstract: The 2007-8 financial crisis brought about the most severe economic contraction since the Great Depression. Regulators on both sides of the Atlantic were taken aback and soon realized that they had no tools to deal with distressed banks and other financial services firms, failure of which could undermine financial stability not only within individual states, but also on a global scale. As a result, central banks of in particular the United States and the Eurozone became the most important actors in the fight against the unfolding crisis and de facto the only "governmental agencies" capable of swift and decisive measures. Their timely and vigorous reaction most likely warded off the collapse of the global financial system, though it was not without controversies. These controversies are analyzed in this dissertation in order to find out what role should central bank have during financial crisis. Governments followed central banks with massive bank bailouts. In many countries, governments went beyond liquidity provision and nationalized their banks, which threatened their own solvency. Although the global financial system has been largely restored in the last decade, it has been achieved at huge...

Dohled nad bankovnictvím v zemích Evropské unie / Supervision over the banking industry in the EU Member States

Kropjok, Vít January 2014 (has links)
The goal of my thesis on Supervision over the banking industry in the EU member states is to describe critically and to define newly engendering concept of the banking union. It is a very actual topic because the effective mechanism creation, which should solve problems of the European banking sector, is currently one of the primary goals of the European Union. The study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is the theoretical one. The definition and differentiation of the essential terms such as supervision and surveillance can be found there. Further the basic theoretical modules can be found there, from which it is possible to stem during the banking supervision implementation in practice. The second and the third chapters are the analytical parts. The introduction of the second chapter glances at the backgrounds of the legislative proposals acceptance in this area. Afterwards the chapter is already focused on four pillars of the proposed Banking union. The first pillar is formed with so called "single rule book", thus the uniform regulatory rules that are the implementation of the requirements expressed in so called Basel III. In this part of the study there is outlined why it is not quite happy at present to burden the credit institutions in the European Union even more through...

La BCE et l’Eurosystème : exemple d’intégration verticale / The ECB and the Eurosystem : example of vertical integration

Adalid, Sébastien 09 November 2012 (has links)
La banque centrale européenne (bce) n'est pas une institution au sens des traités communautaires. pourtant elle dispose, à l'image des institutions, de pouvoirs législatifs et exécutifs. au sens du droit communautaire, la bce est un <<organe>>, elle jouit donc de la personnalité juridique. dans le paysage institutionnel de l'union, la bce est la seule à disposer à la fois de pouvoirs législatifs et exécutifs et de la personnalité morale. il convient de ce fait de se poser la question de la place de la bce dans ce paysage institutionnel. de plus, les pouvoirs de la bce et leur exercice sont extrêmement flous. tout d'abord, la bce partage certains pouvoirs avec le conseil ecofin, qui lui mêne en partage avec l'eurogroupe. ensuite, les pouvoirs de la bce sont exercés soit par le conseil des gouverneurs, soit par le directoire. les décisions prises par ces organes, sont ensuite mises en oeuvre par la bce elle même ou par les banques centrales nationales. il se pose donc la question des réels pouvoirs de la bce, du fait de son intégration au sein du système européen de banques centrales. beaucoup d'auteurs ont apporté des réponses à ces questions, la bce : banque centrale de la communauté, la bce autorité administrative indépedante, le bce communauté internationale à part. malgré, l'intérêt de ces travaux aucun n'a pris en compte la bce dans sa globalité et dans sa complexité. notre travail de tèse se propose de reprendre l'ensemble des questions relatives à la place de la bce dans les institutions et organes de l'union, afin de mieux définir et comprendre cet organe à part. / The Eurosystem is a unique structure of European Union law which includes the central banks of States that have adopted the euro and the European Central Bank. A theoretical study of the evolution of the exercise of power within the Union demonstrates the emergence of a new methode of integration called "vertical integration." In a dialectical process between theory and reality of the Eurosystem, the main features of the the vertical integration method can be tested and its main qualities and defects disclosed.The method of vertical integration led to the construction of sub-systems composed of national bodies and body of the Union. The method operates in four directions. The sub- system thereby producted relates formally and functionally to the EU and operates in a specific sector which imposes the specificities of its action. It can be said "organized" (its components are interconnected by complex interrelationships guaranteeing the unity and effectiveness of the system). It is independent from the states as it is from the political institutions of the Union.The study of the Eurosystem through this perspective allows to elucidate the nature of this unusual construction whose action in crises - the financial crisis and the sovereign debt crisis - was crucial. Such research can also highlight, under a new perspective, the recent developments in the institutional system of the EU as a whole.

Česká národní banka, právní postavení a náplň činnosti / Czech national bank, legal status and content of activity

Semecký, Petr January 2011 (has links)
disertační práce Petr Semecký Česká národní banka, právní postavení a náplň činnosti 5 Abstract A. Objectives The main goal of the dissertation "The Czech National Bank, legal status and content of activity" is to quantify, qualify and draw as exact as possible conclusions about some aspects of the development, status and activities of the Czech National Bank in the future. To solve this task, the author has used in the introduction of this work three following key questions: 1. What are the implications for the Czech National Bank of the new bodies supervising the financial markets at european level? 2. What are the benefits and negatives of adopting the euro for the Czech Republic and should the Czech Republic actually join the European Monetary Union? 3. What impact will have the amendment of the Capital Adequacy Directive (the "Basel II") on the activities of the Czech National Bank? B. Methods By creating this work was used a wide range of research methods to ensure that there will be drawn conclusions with the best possible informative value. It is possible to mention particularly the method of recherche, abstraction, comparison and synthesis. C. Sources As the most important sources used by creating the work can be mentioned ecpecially, scientific publications, monographs, articles published...

Country size, growth and the economic and monetary union

Alouini, Olfa 12 June 2012 (has links)
Der Zweck dieser Arbeit ist es, die Beziehung zwischen die Größe des Landes und das Wachstum auf internationaler Ebene und vergleichsweise in der Wirtschafts-und Währungsunion zu untersuchen und erarbeiten ihre Folgen für das Verhalten der wachstumsorientierte Finanzpolitik. Um ein globales Verständnis des Zusammenhangs zwischen Größe des Landes und das Wachstum in der EWU weiter verfolgen wir einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, einschließlich der makroökonomischen Modellierung (DSGE), Ökonometrie und Analyse der politischen Ökonomie. Die Kombination dieser Untersuchungen schließen wir, dass die Größe des Landes einen Einfluss auf die wirtschaftlichen Strukturen der Nationen, die Auswirkungen ihrer Politik und damit auf ihre Wachstumsdynamik hat. Aus diesem Grund ist es notwendig, die Bedeutung der Größe des Landes und ihre Folgen für die WWU wieder. / The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between country size and growth at the international level and comparatively in the Economic and Monetary Union, and to draw up its consequences for the conduct of growth-orientated fiscal policies. To further a global understanding of the link between country size and growth in the EMU, we follow an interdisciplinary approach, including macro-economic modelling (DSGE), econometrics and political economy analysis. Combining these analyses, we conclude that country size has an incidence on the economic structures of nations, the effects of their policies and therefore on their pace of growth. For this reason there is a need to reinstate the importance of country size and its consequences for the EMU.

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