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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turizmo paslaugų teikimo teisinio reglamentavimo problemos / Problems of the Legal Regulation for the Provision of Tourist Services

Gliaubertienė, Giedrė 04 March 2009 (has links)
Statistikos duomenys liudija apie didėjantį turizmo paslaugų teikimo srityje atsirandančių visuomeninių santykių aktualumą. Vis aktualesnis tampa ir tinkamas šių visuomeninių santykių teisinis reglamentavimas. Šio darbo tikslas - įvertinti turizmo paslaugų teikimo teisinio reglamentavimo turinį, specifiką bei veiksmingumą Lietuvos Respublikoje. Darbe analizuojami pagrindiniai teisės norminiai aktai, reglamentuojantys turizmo paslaugų teikimą Lietuvoje, trumpai aptariant jų reglamentavimo sferą, pagrindines nuostatas, jų tikslus, tarptautinių ir Europos Sąjungos teisės norminių aktų ryšį su nacionaline teise. Daug dėmesio skiriama praktiniam turizmo paslaugas reglamentuojančių normų įgyvendinimui. Teisės aktai aptariami atskleidžiant su jais susijusias turizmo paslaugų teikimo aktualijas bei teismų praktiką šioje srityje. Lietuvos įstatymų normos lyginamos su kaimyninių Baltijos ir Skandinavijos bei Vokietijos šalių teisės norminiais aktais, vertinamas Europos Sąjungos teisės normų perkėlimas į nacionalinę teisę. Darbe nagrinėjimui pasirinkti opiausi praktikoje klausimai, svarbūs tiek turizmo paslaugų teikėjams, tiek gavėjams. Pasitaikantys teisės normų pažeidimai, skirtingas teisės normų interpretavimas, kartais pačių teisės normų netobulumas lemia ginčų tarp sutarties šalių atsiradimą. Darbas užbaigiamas turizmo paslaugų teikimą reglamentuojančių teisės normų įgyvendinimo užtikrinimo mechanizmo nagrinėjimu. Apibendrinant darbe išdėstytą medžiagą daroma išvada, kad turizmo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Statistics reflect the growth of the importance of the social relations stemming from the field of the provision of tourist services and leads to the growth of relevance of the proper legal regulation of these social relations. The main object of this study is to estimate the substance, peculiarities and effectiveness of the legal regulation of the provision of tourist services in the Republic of Lithuania. Main legal acts that regulate the provision of tourist services in Lithuania are analyzed in the study. Flied of regulation of these legal acts, most important provisions, their evolution, objects, interconnections between national, international law and law of the European Union are discussed. A lot of attention is paid to the research of practical implementation of the legal norms. Legal acts are discussed in the light of the related topicalities and decisions of the courts in the field of the provision of tourist services. Lithuanian legal norms are compared with neighbouring Baltic, Scandinavian and Germany countries legal norms, European Union legal norms transference to the national law is estimated. Topical issues from the practice of the provision of the tourist services, important both to the providers of the servines and to the consumers are chosen to examine. Contraventions, different interpretation and sometimes imperfection of the very legal norms lead to the legal disputes between the parties of the contract. The study is finished with the review of the... [to full text]

Professional civil liability of the financial intermediaries as an instrument of investor protection / Finansų tarpininkų profesinė civilinė atsakomybė, kaip investuotojų apsaugos priemonė

Didžiulis, Laurynas 17 February 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis – to theoretically analyze and scientifically explain civil liability of the financial intermediary as investor protection instrument, to provide reasoned assessment of the regulation of civil liability of the financial intermediary and its application practice in the USA and the EU, to identify relevant problems and suggest theoretically grounded solutions and recommendations for these problems which would also put an emphasis on practical efficiency of civil liability; thus supplementing the doctrine of the EU and national law in this field. This thesis consists of two related yet relatively independent parts. The first part covers the most common issues of civil liability of the financial intermediary against the investor and extensively analyzes the conditions of civil liability of the financial intermediary, i.e. fault, damages, causation and unlawfulness, last one being of particular importance because due to the massive regulation of the activities of financial intermediaries it covers the widest range of legal issues. The second part of the thesis analyzes the relevant questions of the application of civil liability, which is possible only when the required conditions for the rise of civil liability have been established. Therefore, it analyzes the cases under the law or the contract, where the financial intermediary is relieved of liability even if the conditions of civil liability are met. The main focus of the second part is placed on the... [to full text] / Disertacijoje siekiama teoriškai išanalizuoti ir moksliškai paaiškinti finansų tarpininko civilinę atsakomybę, kaip investuotojų apsaugos priemonę, pateikti argumentuotą finansų tarpininko civilinės atsakomybės teisinio reguliavimo ir taikymo praktikos nagrinėtose JAV ir ES jurisdikcijose įvertinimą, identifikuoti aktualias su tuo susijusias problemas ir pasiūlyti teoriškai pagrįstus, tačiau į praktinį civilinės atsakomybės taikymo efektyvumą orientuotus šių problemų sprendimo būdus, bei rekomendacijas, tokiu būdu papildant ES ir nacionalinės teisės doktriną šioje srityje. Disertacijos struktūrą sudaro dvi susijusios, tačiau kartu ir santykinai savarankiškos dalys. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje analizuojami patys bendriausi su finansų tarpininko civiline atsakomybe prieš investuotoją susiję klausimai ir taip pat plačiai analizuojamos finansų tarpininko civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos – kaltė, žala, priežastinis ryšys ir ypač neteisėtumas – atsakomybės sąlyga, kuri dėl masyvaus finansų tarpininkų veiklos teisinio reguliavimo, apima plačiausią klausimų spektrą. Antroji disertacijos dalis skiriama aktualiems civilinės atsakomybės taikymo, kuris aktualus tik tuomet kai nustatytos visos reikiamos civilinės atsakomybės atsiradimo sąlygos, klausimams analizuoti. Todėl joje nagrinėjami įstatymo ar sutarties nustatyti atvejai, kai net ir egzistuojant visoms civilinės atsakomybės sąlygoms, finansų tarpininkas nuo atsakomybės gali būti atleidžiamas, todėl atsakomybė jam netaikoma. Didžiausias... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

La dynamique du principe de proportionnalité : essai dans le contexte des libertés de circulation du droit de l'Union européenne / The dynamics of the principle of proportionality : essay in the context of the freedoms of circulation of European Union law

Marzal Yetano, Antonio 07 October 2013 (has links)
D'apparence banale, le principe de proportionnalité signifie en réalité un bouleversement profond du droit. L'importance de ce développement, ainsi que le retentissement de ce principe partout dans le monde, explique l'intérêt considérable que suscite cette question dans la littérature récente. Cependant, il n'est pas commun d'analyser ce principe dans un contexte particulier, en tant que manifestation d'une culture spécifique. Cette thèse entreprend une telle analyse dans le contexte de l'Union européenne, qui s'avère à maints égards paradigmatique, à partir d'un examen du raisonnement de la Cour de justice dans ses décisions en application des libertés de circulation. Cet examen permet, d'un côté, de prendre acte de l'ampleur du potentiel transformateur du principe de proportionnalité sur les plans formel, matériel et institutionnel. En effet, ce principe ayant été conçu par la Cour comme une évaluation de l'efficience des mesures étatiques, les implications sont lourdes à l'égard de la forme de raisonnement employée par la Cour, la fonction des libertés de circulation et enfin la répartition de compétences entre l'Union et les Etats membres. D'un autre côté, le principe de proportionnalité s'avère également un miroir particulièrement apte à refléter les particularités de la culture juridique de l'Union, au sein de laquelle un discours de nature technocratique se montre prévalent. / Despite its apparent innocuousness, the principle of proportionality actually brings about a profound transformation of the law. The importance of this development, as well as the spread of this principle throughout the world, accounts for the considerable interest that this issue has raised in recent scholarship. However, it is uncommon to analyze this principle within a specific context, as a manifestation of a particular culture. This thesis embarks on such an analysis within the context of the European Union, which would seem paradigmatic, by examining the reasoning of the European Court of Justice in its judgments applying the freedoms of circulation. This examination will make it possible, on the one hand, to take cognizance of the potential for transformation of the principle of proportionality at a formal, substantial and institutional level. lndeed, this principle having been conceived by the Court as an evaluation of efficiency of State measures, the implications are significant with regards to the form of reasoning employed by the Court, the function of the freedoms of circulation and finally the distribution of competence between the Union and the Member States. On the other hand, the principle of proportionality becomes a particularly appropriate mirror for reflecting the specific characteristics of the legal culture of the European Union, within which a technocratic discourse appears prevalent.

La refonte de l'abus de marché en droit financier européen / The market abuse recast in European financial law

Darmon Kestenberg, Géraldine 10 December 2014 (has links)
À la suite de scandales financiers notoires, et au vu de l’évolution des marchés financiers et des nouvelles technologies, l’Union européenne vient renforcer le cadre législatif européen des abus de marché, au nom de l’intégrité des marchés. Loin de constituer un simple regroupement d’infractions boursières, le concept d’abus de marché pourrait être analysé comme une véritable notion juridique. Dès lors, l’essai d’une définition générique de l’abus de marché permettrait d’en clarifier le domaine et d’en guider sa mise en œuvre. L’étude du sens de la notion d’abus de marché permettrait d’éviter les révisions successives de la norme nationale et européenne afin de conférer à l’abus de marché des règles propices à l’intégrité et à l’efficience du marché. Une fois la notion d’abus de marché définie avec précision, sa lutte préventive ou répressive ne pourra être que renforcée. Pour autant, la nouvelle coexistence de la répression administrative et de la répression criminelle de l’abus de marché en droit financier européen conduit à s’interroger sur l’application du principe non bis in idem en la matière. Afin de rendre effective cette refonte, il est ainsi primordial que le droit de la responsabilité civile vienne soutenir le droit de la répression de l’abus de marché. Finalement, pour maintenir la place financière européenne comme une place concurrentielle, il est essentiel que la refonte de l’abus de marché ne se fasse pas de manière déséquilibrée en faveur de l’impératif d’intégrité et au détriment de l’efficience du marché. On ne doit pas omettre que le droit des abus de marché est un droit économique au service de l’efficience du marché. / Following notorious financial scandals, and looking at the evolution of the financial markets and the new technologies, the European Union has reinforced the market abuse's European legal framework in the name of markets integrity. Far from being a mere grouping of financial offenses, the concept of market abuse could be analyzed as a real legal construct. Henceforth, testing a generic definition of the market abuse would allow clarifying its scope and guiding its implementation. Studying the meaning of the market abuse notion would avoid the successive revision of the national and European norm in order to provide the market abuse rules suitable to the market integrity and efficiency. Once the market abuse notion precisely defined, its preventive or repressive fighting could only be reinforced. However, the new coexistence of the administrative and criminal repressions of the market abuse in European financial law leads to some interrogations regarding the non bis idem principle application. In order to make the recast efficient, it is mandatory for the civil responsibility law to sustain the market abuse repressive law. Eventually, in order to maintain the European financial market competitiveness, it is essential that the market abuse recast is not unbalanced in favor of the integrity requirement and against the market efficiency. We shall not forget that the market abuse law is an economic law serving the market efficiency.

Vysílání pracovníků v rámci Evropské unie / Posting of workers in the European Union

Jankovcová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present the phenomenon of posting workers within the EU in the context of the freedom to provide services. The author introduces the de lege lata legal framework in a complex and chronological manner, taking into consideration the motives and political pressure behind key modifications. Accordingly, the thesis examines relevant Treaty provisions, case law and its evolution, key secondary acts, as well as the relation of such sources to legal acts which address posting workers in an indirect manner. The author focuses on the analysis of existing key provisions, their practical impact and insufficiencies. However, she also approaches the topic from the de lege ferenda perspective by presenting the ongoing revision of the current legal framework and by considering other potential changes which could improve the regulation of posted workers in the future. Furthermore, the thesis demonstrates the complexity of posting workers by drawing attention to the colliding interests of involved member states and parties, showing the sensitivity of the subject. This underlines the fact that the phenomenon cannot be separated from its political context and is condemned to a constant balancing of two colliding interests - the freedom to provide services and social protection of posted...

Les rapports de systèmes constitutionnel et européens de protection des droits fondamentaux en France / Relationships between French constitutional and European fundamental rights protection systems

Charpy, Chloé 18 March 2016 (has links)
Les interférences nées de la coexistence des systèmes constitutionnel et européens de protection des droits fondamentaux peuvent, sous certaines conditions, être bénéfiques aux titulaires de ces derniers. Elles comportent cependant une part de risques devant d’autant plus être prise au sérieux que le recours au traditionnel principe hiérarchique est aporétique. Quelle est la gestion faite de ces risques ? Qu’elle soit neutralisée ou, de manière plus aboutie, concurrencée dans ses principales fonctions, la hiérarchie est en tous cas, sinon évitée, du moins relativisée au profit de méthodes de plus en plus perfectionnées s’inscrivant dans une perspective durable et construite d’émergence de principes de régulation des rapports entre les systèmes axés autour des idées maîtresses de coopération et de conciliation. L’hypothèse de la mise en place d’un système de rapports doit toutefois être aussitôt éclairée par le constat de son caractère inabouti, du fait notamment de phénomènes de résurgence de hiérarchie. C’est finalement toute la dialectique de la coopération des systèmes de protection qui se fait jour et révèle le tournant à l’aune duquel se trouvent les rapports étudiés : la limite de la satisfaction paraît avoir été atteinte et des défis d’un genre nouveau apparaissent. Il est primordial que le système d’ensemble parvienne à préserver l’équilibre progressivement construit. Au-delà, c’est également un mouvement de redynamisation qu’il convient d’encourager afin que, dépassant le stade actuel, le défi de l’achèvement et de l’amélioration soit relevé / The interferences between constitutional and European fundamental Rights protection systems can help the subject of fundamental Rights under certain conditions. But they also provide some risks that should be taken seriously, given that the traditional hierarchical principle does not appear to give an appropriate solution. How do the principal actors of the fundamental Rights protection in Europe deal with that? The hierarchy, simply neutralized or challenged in its main functions, is avoid or at least reduced in favor of more sophisticated methods. Those appear to be maintained over time and to give pace to regulation principles within systems, based on cooperation and conciliation ideas. However, the theory of a new system of relations emergence is still incomplete. The perfect normative harmony hasn’t been reached yet, due to several factors, including phenomena of resurgence of hierarchy. In the end, the whole dialectic of system of protection’s cooperation is revealed and highlights a turning point where the studied relations now find themselves: the limitation to the satisfaction appears to be reached as new challenges are emerging. It is crucial that the global system remains in capacity to keep a progressively built balance. Above all, a stimulating impulsion should be encouraged in order to complete and improve what has been started

Les actions en dommages et intérêts pour les infractions au droit de la concurrence / Damages actions for breach of EC antitrust rules

Laurès, Bertrand 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le droit de la concurrence est régi, principalement, par le droit de l’Union européenne. Le "public enforcement" garantit le respect de ce dernier. Le droit de l’Union européenne ne prévoyait pas jusqu’alors de régime juridique permettant aux victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles d’obtenir réparation de leur préjudice, malgré une reconnaissance jurisprudentielle. Le droit national, quant à lui, n’avait pas de régime spécifique et les victimes de pratiques anticoncurrentielles se voyaient appliquer le régime commun de la responsabilité délictuelle sur le fondement de l’article 1382 ancien du Code civil. Vu la complexité du contentieux, cette situation entraînait de grandes difficultés pour les victimes d’obtenir réparation des dommages subis. La directive n°2014/104/UE a créé un régime juridique nouveau et a harmonisé le "private enforcement". Elle a été transposée en droit français par l’ordonnance n°2017-303. Cette réforme très attendue est en demi-teinte. Certes, il existe des avancées non négligeables. La directive facilite la preuve de la faute et organise la communication et la production de pièces pendant l’instance. Elle consacre une présomption de dommage et encadre l’évaluation du préjudice. En revanche, la réforme est plutôt timorée sur d’autres éléments, tels que la faute, l’imputation de la faute, ou encore le financement des actions. Cette étude a pour objectif d’analyser ces nouvelles dispositions afin de vérifier si la directive facilite effectivement les actions en dommages et intérêts pour les infractions au droit de la concurrence. / Competition law is mainly governed by European Union law. Public enforcement ensures fulfilment of EU law. Until recently, and despite recognition in case-law, EU law did not provide for a legal regime enabling victims of anti-competitive practices to obtain compensation of their damage. National law did not have a specific legal regime and victims of anti-competitive practices could apply the common civil liability regime on the basis of ex-Article 1382 of the Civil Code. Given the complexity of litigation, this situation lead to great difficulties for victims to obtain compensation for their damages. EU directive n°2014/104 creates a new legal regime and harmonizes the private enforcement. It has been transposed into French law under ordonnance n°2017-303. This much-awaited reform is subdued. Certainly, there are significant progresses. The directive facilitates the proof of fault, and organizes the communication and production of documents during the proceedings. It establishes a presumption of loss and provides a framework to assess the harm. On the other hand, the reform is rather timid on other elements, such as the fault, its attribution, or the financing of the actions. The purpose of this study is to analyze these new rules to ascertain whether it effectively facilitates actions for damages for infringements of competition law.

Přístup k big data na základě "refusal to supply" judikatury Soudního dvora EU / Access to big data under the "refusal to supply" case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU

Ochodek, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Access to big data under the "refusal to supply" case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU Abstract This thesis deals with the topic of access to the so-called big data from the perspective of EU competition law. The thesis deals with the question whether and if so, to what extent it is possible to use the so-called "refusal to supply" case-law created by the Court of Justice of the EU to gain access to big data held by a dominant undertaking. The thesis finds that, under certain conditions, it is possible for all necessary steps to be fulfilled to allow one undertaking to request access from a dominant undertaking to big data under the control of that undertaking. This thesis therefore firstly discusses what factors affect the so-called online platforms, which can often find themselves in the position of dominant undertakings in terms of access to big data. The thesis analyses the effects of the so-called network effects, the impact of data analysis on their efficiency and the issue of the so-called multi-sided markets in connection with the position of online platforms. Subsequently, an assessment of the individual steps which, in summary, lead to the classification of the behavior of a dominant undertaking as an abuse of its dominant position by refusing access to big data is conducted. From the point...

Question & Answer EU Law

Guth, Jessica, Mowlam, Edward T. 2017 July 1931 (has links)
No / EU law is not a subject enjoyed by most students but it really does not have to be difficult. Every EU law question is likely to ask you to apply your knowledge of the law to a particular context – either a practical one, as in problem questions, or a more theoretical one, as in essay questions. For both you need to remember that EU law does not exist in isolation but is inextricably linked with the national legal systems of the Member States. The interaction between European law and these systems is crucial to understanding how EU law works. EU law is often considered in a political context and this has become very apparent in the UK following the referendum in June 2016 and the vote for ‘Brexit’. At te time of writing Brexit negotiations are continuing and for now EU law applies as it always has in the UK. Recognising that your political stance is likely to influence your views on EU law is valuable and something which can make your answers stronger, particularly in relation to questions on historical, constitutional or institutional issues.

La politique commune des transports aériens de l'Union européenne : compétence partagée ou occupation du terrain?

Vaugeois, Mathieu 07 1900 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail vise à déterminer si le transport aérien en Europe relève d’une compétence partagée entre l’Union européenne (UE) et les États membres, ou s’il s’agit plutôt d’une occupation du terrain par l’UE dans cette matière ? Ainsi, nous verrons en quoi consiste le cadre règlementaire communautaire portant sur le transport aérien en Europe. Dans un premier temps, nous porterons notre attention sur des aspects généraux entourant l’aviation en Europe, comme par exemple la mise en place d’un marché unique de l’aviation ainsi que les ententes « ciel ouvert ». Puis, dans un second temps nous procéderons à l’analyse du cadre règlementaire spécifique portant sur des aspects tels que l’environnement, les droits des passagers aériens, la sécurité et la sûreté. / The purpose of this study is to determine whether air transport in Europe is a shared competence between European Union (EU) and the Member States, or whether it is an a field under the jurisdiction of the EU in this specific area. We will review the EU regulatory framework on air transport in Europe. Initially, we will focus on issues concerning aviation in general in Europe, such as the establishment of a single market for aviation and "open skies" agreements. Then, we will analyze the specific regulatory framework such as the environment, protection of air passengers, the security and safety.

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