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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribution à la modélisation et à l'analyse de la chaîne logistique en utilisant des réseaux de Petri / Contribution to modeling and analysis of supply chain using Petri nets

Benmansour, Nesrine 21 November 2013 (has links)
La modélisation de la chaîne logistique "CL", proposée dans cette contribution, adopte une vision globale et tendancielle du fonctionnement de la chaîne. Vu la complexité et la grande diversité de la CL, la modélisation s'appuie sur une démarche modulaire et générique fondée sur le potentiel des Réseaux de Petri Continus à Vitesse variable (RdPCV) tout en introduisant des concepts issus de l approche systémique. Notre modèle permet d'intégrer à la fois l aspect physique, informationnel et décisionnel de la CL et s adapte à la grande diversité de sa configuration. De plus, il permet, à travers sa description continue du phénomène de transfert des flux de la CL, de pallier les problèmes d explosion combinatoire inhérents à la taille importante de la chaîne. Contrairement aux modèles de la CL existants, notre modèle offre une lisibilité en termes d'analyse des interactions entre les différents acteurs de la chaîne, et donne une vision globale plus claire de l état de cette chaîne facilitant ainsi son analyse, l évaluation de sa performance et le pilotage de ses différents flux. / The proposed model for supply chain in this contribution adopts a global and trend vision of supply chain functioning. Given the complexity and diversity of the supply chain, the modeling follows a modular and generic approach based on the potential of variable speed continuous Petri nets (VCPNs) and the concepts of the systemic approach. Our model allows to integrate both physical, informational and decision-making aspect of the supply chain and it adapts to the great diversity of its configuration. Moreover, through its continuous description of the flow transfer phenomena within the chain, it overcomes the problems of combinatorial explosion related to the large size of the chain. Unlike existing supply chain models, our model provides clarity in terms of interactions analysis between the different actors in the chain, and gives a clearer global vision of the state of this chain thus facilitating its analysis, evaluation of its performance and management of its various flows.

Numerical and statistical approaches for model checking of stochastic processes / Approches numériques et statistiques pour le model checking des processus stochastiques.

Djafri, Hilal 19 June 2012 (has links)
Nous proposons dans cette thèse plusieurs contributions relatives à la vérification quantitative des systèmes. Cette discipline vise à évaluer les propriétés fonctionnelles et les performances d'un système. Une telle vérification requiert deux ingrédients : un modèle formel de représentation d'un système et une logique temporelle pour exprimer la propriété considérée. L'évaluation est alors faite par une méthode statistique ou numérique. La complexité spatiale des méthodes numériques, proportionnelle à la taille de l'espace d'états, les rend impraticables si les systèmes présentent une combinatoire importante. La méthode de comparaison stochastique basée sur les chaînes de Markov censurées réduit la mémoire occupée en restreignant l'analyse à un sous-ensemble des états de la chaîne originale. Dans cette thèse nous fournissons de nouvelles bornes dépendant de l'information disponible relative à la chaîne. Nous introduisons une nouvelle logique temporelle quantitative appelée Hybrid Automata Stochastic Logic (HASL), pour la vérification des processus stochastiques à événements discrets (DESP).HASL emploie les automates linéaires hybrides (LHA) pour sélectionner des préfixes de chemins d'exécution d'un DESP. LHA permet de collecter des informations élaborées durant la génération des chemins, fournissant ainsi à l'utilisateur un moyen d'exprimer des mesures sophistiquées. HASL supporte donc des raisonnements temporels mixés avec une analyse à base de récompenses. Nous avons aussi développé COSMOS, un outil qui implémente la vérification statistique de formules HASL pour des réseaux de Petri stochastiques. Les ateliers flexibles (FMS) ont souvent été modélisés par des réseaux de Petri. Cependant le modélisateur doit avoir une bonne connaissance de ce formalisme. Afin de faciliter cette modélisation nous proposons une méthodologie de modélisation compositionnelle orientée vers les applications qui ne requiert aucune connaissance des réseaux de Petri. / We propose in this thesis several contributions related to the quantitative verification of systems. This discipline aims to evaluate functional and performance properties of a system. Such a verification requires two ingredients: a formal model to represent the system and a temporal logic to express the desired property. Then the evaluation is done with a statistical or numerical method. The spatial complexity of numerical methods which is proportional to the size of the state space of the model makes them impractical when the state space is very large. The method of stochastic comparison with censored Markov chains is one of the methods that reduces memory requirements by restricting the analysis to a subset of the states of the original Markov chain. In this thesis we provide new bounds that depend on the available information about the chain. We introduce a new quantitative temporal logic named Hybrid Automata Stochastic Logic (HASL), for the verification of discrete event stochastic processes (DESP). HASL employs Linear Hybrid Automata (LHA) to select prefixes of relevant execution paths of a DESP. LHA allows rather elaborate information to be collected on-the-fly during path selection, providing the user with a powerful mean to express sophisticated measures. In essence HASL provides a unifying verification framework where temporal reasoning is naturally blended with elaborate reward-based analysis. We have also developed COSMOS, a tool that implements statistical verification of HASL formulas over stochastic Petri nets. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) have often been modelized by Petri nets. However the modeler should have a good knowledge of this formalism. In order to facilitate such a modeling we propose a methodology of compositional modeling that is application oriented and does not require any knowledge of Petri nets by the modeler.

Avaliação de desempenho organizacional em cooperativas de eletrificação: um estudo sobre o uso de indicadores de desempenho / Organizational performance evaluation in cooperatives electrification: a study on the use of performance indicators

Munaretto, Lorimar Francisco 26 April 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo apresentou os objetivos de: desenvolver lista de indicadores para compor modelo de avaliação de desempenho para as CEs e após verificar sobre o uso e finalidade dos indicadores CEs, na sequência foi verificado sobre a existência de correlação (associação) dos indicadores com as finalidades de tomada de decisão estratégica, monitoramento e controle, educação e aprendizagem, legitimidade e comunicação externa, e por fim foi verificado sobre as finalidades mais relevantes no uso dos indicadores nas CEs. O desenvolvimento metodológico do estudo ocorreu em três etapas, sendo que na primeira e segunda etapa a pesquisa se caracterizou como do tipo exploratória, com dados coletados por meio das técnicas de pesquisa de grupo focal e Delphi e a terceira etapa da pesquisa foi do tipo descritiva e correlacional, com dados coletados por meio de pesquisa Survey. A primeira etapa do estudo iniciou a partir da relação teórica de trinta e quatro indicadores, que por meio da pesquisa de grupo focal junto a cooperativa Creluz foi possível acrescentar outros trinta e três indicadores de uso das CEs. Estes indicadores foram distribuídos nas seguintes dimensões: econômico-financeira, eficiência operacional, pessoas e inovação, qualidade técnica e comercial, satisfação do consumidor, relacionamento com associados e benefícios sociais e ambientais. Na segunda etapa do estudo, os 67 (sessenta e sete) indicadores foram submetidos a apreciação de quinze especialistas em eletrificação por meio da técnica de pesquisa Delphi, tendo em vista selecionar os indicadores mais importantes (privilegiados) para compor um modelo de avaliação de desempenho para as CEs - MADCE. Os especialistas indicaram quarenta e um indicadores para compor o modelo de avaliação de desempenho. Na sequência na terceira etapa do estudo os quarenta e um indicadores do modelo de avaliação, foram submetidos por meio de um instrumento de coleta de dados junto as CEs, tendo em vista: i) verificar sobre o uso e as finalidades de uso dos indicadores pelas diretorias das CEs, ii) verificar sobre o grau de associação/correlação do uso dos indicadores com as finalidades de tomada de decisão estratégica, monitoramento e controle, legitimidade, educação e aprendizagem e comunicação externa, e iii) verificar sobre as finalidades mais relevantes no uso dos indicadores. Os resultados demonstram que os indicadores que compõe o modelo de avaliação são quase sempre e sempre utilizados pelas CEs, com níveis de uso variando de 0,49 a 0,87 de uma escala de zero a um. Os indicadores mais utilizados pelas CEs fazem parte das dimensões que retratam sobre a eficiência operacional, o relacionamento com associados e econômico-financeiros. Quanto às finalidades das informações dos indicadores pelas diretorias, os resultados demonstram que os indicadores possuem os seguintes propósitos: i) para o monitoramento e controle (0,70), ii) para a tomada de decisão estratégica (0,67), iii) para a comunicação externa (0,66), iv) para a legitimidade (0,63) e v) para a educação e aprendizagem (0,62) de uma escala de zero a um. Após verificou-se sobre os graus de correlação (associação) dos indicadores com as finalidades descritas. Os resultados demonstram correlações fortes e positiva dos indicadores (variáveis) com a tomada de decisão estratégica e monitoramento e controle e correlação moderada e positiva com a educação e aprendizagem, legitimidade e comunicação externa. Por fim, foi possível verificar sobre as finalidades mais relevantes em função da frequência do número de correlações fortes. Os resultados demonstram que as finalidades mais relevantes no uso dos indicadores são as seguintes, pela ordem: tomada de decisão estratégica, monitoramento e controle, legitimidade e educação, aprendizagem e comunicação externa. / The present study has the following objectives: develop list of indicators to compose model performance evaluation for ECs and after checking on the use and purpose of the indicators ECs following was found on the correlation (association) with the indicators purposes of strategic decision making, monitoring and control, education and learning, legitimacy and external communication, and ultimately was found on the most important purposes in the use of indicators in ECs. The methodological development of the study occurred in three stages, with the first and second stage of the study was regarded as exploratory type, with data collected by the techniques of focus group research and Delphi and the third stage of the research was descriptive and correlational, with data collected through Survey Research. The first phase of the study started from the theoretical relationship of thirty-four indicators that through focus group research with the cooperative Creluz could add another thirty-three indicators of use of ECs. These indicators were distributed in the following dimensions: economic and financial, operational efficiency, people and innovation, technical and commercial quality, consumer satisfaction, and relationship with associated social and environmental benefits. In the second stage of the study, 67 (sixty seven) indicators underwent assessment of fifteen experts electrification through the Delphi survey technique, in order to select the most important indicators (privileged) to compose a model of performance evaluation for ECs - MADCE. Experts indicated forty-one indicators to compose the model performance evaluation. Following the third stage of the study the forty-one indicators of the evaluation model, submitted by an instrument to collect data from the ECs, in order to: i) check on the use and purpose of use of indicators by boards of ECs, ii) check on the degree of association / correlation of the use of indicators for the purposes of strategic decision making, monitoring and control, legitimacy, education and learning and external communication, and iii) check on the most important purposes in use of indicators. The results demonstrate that the indicators that make up the evaluation model are almost always used by CEs and always with use levels ranging from 0.49 to 0.87 on a scale of zero to one. The indicators used by more ECs are part of the dimensions that portray on operational efficiency, relationships with associates and economic-financial. As for information purposes by the boards of the indicators, the results show that the indicators have the following purposes: i) to monitor and control (0.70), ii) for strategic decision making (0.67), iii) for external communication (0.66), iv) to the legitimacy (0.63) ev) for education and learning (0.62) on a scale from zero to one. After it was found on the degrees of correlation (association) of the indicators for the purposes described. The results show strong correlations and positive indicators (variables) with strategic decision making and monitoring and control and moderate and positive correlation with education and learning, legitimacy and external communication. Finally, it was possible to check on the most relevant purposes depending on the frequency of the number of strong correlations. The results show that the most important purpose in the use of indicators are as follows, in order: strategic decision making, monitoring and control, legitimacy and education, learning and external communication.

Contribution de l’étude de l’interaction en environnement virtuel : intérêt de la charge mentale / Study of interaction in virtual environment : focus on workload

Verhulst, Eulalie 14 December 2018 (has links)
Les environnements virtuels (EVs) sont de plus en plus utilisés dans le domaine de la recherche et de la clinique avec pour avantage que chaque environnement peut être adapté au besoin du participant mais avec pour inconvénient que la pluralité des variables mesurées lors des tests virtuels rend la performance du sujet de plus en plus difficile à expertiser. L’objectif de la thèse est de proposer une approche permettant de qualifier, de façon la plus pertinente possible, la performance du participant dans un EV en tentant de comprendre la charge mentale associée à chaque technique d’interaction et comment celle-ci peut venir influencer la performance du participant. Cinquante-trois participants ont réalisé des tâches dans un EV avec une des cinq techniques d’interaction disponible : la souris, le gamepad, le Razer Hydra, le Razer Hydra avec un tracking de tête et le Razer Hydra avec un casque de RV. Ils étaient attribués à une des deux conditions de difficulté de la tâche : une facile et une difficile avec des tâches additionnelles. Le rythme cardiaque du participant était enregistré et ceux-ci ont renseigné des questionnaires de charge mentale, présence et cybermalaise. L’expérimentation a permis de mettre en avant que la différence de charge mentale entre les différentes techniques d’interaction est faible et que celle-ci se manifeste plus sensiblement lorsque les techniques sont regroupées par leurs caractéristiques. Ainsi les techniques avec une sélection en 3D et un steering effectué par les mouvements de la tête demande plus de charge mentale. Le degré d’expertise avec l’utilisation d’une technique d’interaction n’est pas lié à une modulation de la charge mentale. Cependant les utilisateurs qualifiés d’experts sont plus à même d’explorer le VMT que les novices. De plus, la charge mentale est plus perçue dans les conditions où la difficulté de la tâche est faible alors que dans le cas où la difficulté de la tâche est élevée, ce sont les problèmes d’utilisabilité des techniques d’interaction qui s’expriment. Les participants qui ont une charge mentale élevée ont un score plus faible que les participants qui ont une faible charge mentale, en particulier lors des tâches qui réclament des fonctions cognitives variées. / Virtual environments (Ves) can be modulated and be adapted to the need of each user but the several variables used during cognitiv assessment during virtual tests give the user’s performance uneasy to expertise. The objective of the thesis is to propose an approach to qualify user performance taking acount of his/her workload during the task realization. Fifty-three participants realiazed tasks in a VE with one of five interaction technique: mouse, gamepad, Razer Hydra, Razer Hydra and head tracking and Razer Hydra and HMD. They participate in one of the two conditions: the easy one or the more difficult with additionnal tasks. Heart rate, workload, presence and cybersickness were measured. Results showed that there is only a weak difference of workload accross the several interaction technique and the difference is stronger when interaction technique are grouped according their similiarities. Interaction with 3D selection and with head steering ask for more workload. User habilities with the use of an interaction technique is not related to workload but experts are more likely to explore the VE. What’s more the perceived workload is higher in easy condition whereas usability issues are perceived higher in hard condition. Users with high workload have lower score than those with low workload especially for tasks with high cognitiv demand.

Avaliação de desempenho organizacional em cooperativas de eletrificação: um estudo sobre o uso de indicadores de desempenho / Organizational performance evaluation in cooperatives electrification: a study on the use of performance indicators

Lorimar Francisco Munaretto 26 April 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo apresentou os objetivos de: desenvolver lista de indicadores para compor modelo de avaliação de desempenho para as CEs e após verificar sobre o uso e finalidade dos indicadores CEs, na sequência foi verificado sobre a existência de correlação (associação) dos indicadores com as finalidades de tomada de decisão estratégica, monitoramento e controle, educação e aprendizagem, legitimidade e comunicação externa, e por fim foi verificado sobre as finalidades mais relevantes no uso dos indicadores nas CEs. O desenvolvimento metodológico do estudo ocorreu em três etapas, sendo que na primeira e segunda etapa a pesquisa se caracterizou como do tipo exploratória, com dados coletados por meio das técnicas de pesquisa de grupo focal e Delphi e a terceira etapa da pesquisa foi do tipo descritiva e correlacional, com dados coletados por meio de pesquisa Survey. A primeira etapa do estudo iniciou a partir da relação teórica de trinta e quatro indicadores, que por meio da pesquisa de grupo focal junto a cooperativa Creluz foi possível acrescentar outros trinta e três indicadores de uso das CEs. Estes indicadores foram distribuídos nas seguintes dimensões: econômico-financeira, eficiência operacional, pessoas e inovação, qualidade técnica e comercial, satisfação do consumidor, relacionamento com associados e benefícios sociais e ambientais. Na segunda etapa do estudo, os 67 (sessenta e sete) indicadores foram submetidos a apreciação de quinze especialistas em eletrificação por meio da técnica de pesquisa Delphi, tendo em vista selecionar os indicadores mais importantes (privilegiados) para compor um modelo de avaliação de desempenho para as CEs - MADCE. Os especialistas indicaram quarenta e um indicadores para compor o modelo de avaliação de desempenho. Na sequência na terceira etapa do estudo os quarenta e um indicadores do modelo de avaliação, foram submetidos por meio de um instrumento de coleta de dados junto as CEs, tendo em vista: i) verificar sobre o uso e as finalidades de uso dos indicadores pelas diretorias das CEs, ii) verificar sobre o grau de associação/correlação do uso dos indicadores com as finalidades de tomada de decisão estratégica, monitoramento e controle, legitimidade, educação e aprendizagem e comunicação externa, e iii) verificar sobre as finalidades mais relevantes no uso dos indicadores. Os resultados demonstram que os indicadores que compõe o modelo de avaliação são quase sempre e sempre utilizados pelas CEs, com níveis de uso variando de 0,49 a 0,87 de uma escala de zero a um. Os indicadores mais utilizados pelas CEs fazem parte das dimensões que retratam sobre a eficiência operacional, o relacionamento com associados e econômico-financeiros. Quanto às finalidades das informações dos indicadores pelas diretorias, os resultados demonstram que os indicadores possuem os seguintes propósitos: i) para o monitoramento e controle (0,70), ii) para a tomada de decisão estratégica (0,67), iii) para a comunicação externa (0,66), iv) para a legitimidade (0,63) e v) para a educação e aprendizagem (0,62) de uma escala de zero a um. Após verificou-se sobre os graus de correlação (associação) dos indicadores com as finalidades descritas. Os resultados demonstram correlações fortes e positiva dos indicadores (variáveis) com a tomada de decisão estratégica e monitoramento e controle e correlação moderada e positiva com a educação e aprendizagem, legitimidade e comunicação externa. Por fim, foi possível verificar sobre as finalidades mais relevantes em função da frequência do número de correlações fortes. Os resultados demonstram que as finalidades mais relevantes no uso dos indicadores são as seguintes, pela ordem: tomada de decisão estratégica, monitoramento e controle, legitimidade e educação, aprendizagem e comunicação externa. / The present study has the following objectives: develop list of indicators to compose model performance evaluation for ECs and after checking on the use and purpose of the indicators ECs following was found on the correlation (association) with the indicators purposes of strategic decision making, monitoring and control, education and learning, legitimacy and external communication, and ultimately was found on the most important purposes in the use of indicators in ECs. The methodological development of the study occurred in three stages, with the first and second stage of the study was regarded as exploratory type, with data collected by the techniques of focus group research and Delphi and the third stage of the research was descriptive and correlational, with data collected through Survey Research. The first phase of the study started from the theoretical relationship of thirty-four indicators that through focus group research with the cooperative Creluz could add another thirty-three indicators of use of ECs. These indicators were distributed in the following dimensions: economic and financial, operational efficiency, people and innovation, technical and commercial quality, consumer satisfaction, and relationship with associated social and environmental benefits. In the second stage of the study, 67 (sixty seven) indicators underwent assessment of fifteen experts electrification through the Delphi survey technique, in order to select the most important indicators (privileged) to compose a model of performance evaluation for ECs - MADCE. Experts indicated forty-one indicators to compose the model performance evaluation. Following the third stage of the study the forty-one indicators of the evaluation model, submitted by an instrument to collect data from the ECs, in order to: i) check on the use and purpose of use of indicators by boards of ECs, ii) check on the degree of association / correlation of the use of indicators for the purposes of strategic decision making, monitoring and control, legitimacy, education and learning and external communication, and iii) check on the most important purposes in use of indicators. The results demonstrate that the indicators that make up the evaluation model are almost always used by CEs and always with use levels ranging from 0.49 to 0.87 on a scale of zero to one. The indicators used by more ECs are part of the dimensions that portray on operational efficiency, relationships with associates and economic-financial. As for information purposes by the boards of the indicators, the results show that the indicators have the following purposes: i) to monitor and control (0.70), ii) for strategic decision making (0.67), iii) for external communication (0.66), iv) to the legitimacy (0.63) ev) for education and learning (0.62) on a scale from zero to one. After it was found on the degrees of correlation (association) of the indicators for the purposes described. The results show strong correlations and positive indicators (variables) with strategic decision making and monitoring and control and moderate and positive correlation with education and learning, legitimacy and external communication. Finally, it was possible to check on the most relevant purposes depending on the frequency of the number of strong correlations. The results show that the most important purpose in the use of indicators are as follows, in order: strategic decision making, monitoring and control, legitimacy and education, learning and external communication.

Návrh změn v systému hodnocení a odměňování pracovníků obchodního oddělení zabývajícího se exportem ve vybrané společnosti / Proposal for Changes in the Evaluation and Remuneration System of Employees in the Export Department of the Selected Company

Bureš, Ivo January 2017 (has links)
This thesis includes analysis of the evaluation and remuneration system of employees in the cordoba.de department of the company Cordoba s.r.o. and determines proposal of changes. The theoretical part defines concepts and clarifies theory. The practical part consists of analysis and proposals including internal regulations.

Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti s využitím Modelu START / A Company Performance Evaluation Using the START Model

Jaríček, Martin January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on Self-evaluation of Zeppelin SK, s.r.o. .. The diploma thesis is divided into three parts, in the first part is defined theoretical knowledge, in the second part current situation is analyzed in company and in the last part are proposals, how to remove current drawbacks.

Análise do desempenho dos estudantes de Enfermagem no ensino por competências e no ensino para compreensão / Analysis of performance of nursing students by teaching skills and teaching for understanding

Paranhos, Wana Yeda 16 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Como coordenadora de Curso de Enfermagem, vivenciei dois currículos com propostas pedagógicas diferentes levando a seguinte questão em consideração: o desempenho dos estudantes no campo de prática do currículo no modelo da compreensão é diferente dos estudantes do currículo disciplinar? Esta questão motivou a elaboração deste estudo que visa analisar o desempenho dos estudantes de ambos os grupos. Objetivos: Analisar o desempenho dos estudantes no estágio curricular supervisionado do projeto pedagógico baseado em Competências e dos estudantes do projeto pedagógico na perspectiva do Ensino Para Compreensão. Método: Estudo exploratório descritivo, documental, quantitativo que se utiliza de comparações entre os dois currículos e as categorias e subcategorias do instrumento de avaliação de estágio curricular supervisionado. O local da pesquisa foi uma universidade privada do município de São Paulo e os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram os documentos de avaliação de desempenho dos estudantes da disciplina em questão, perfazendo um total de 52 estudantes e 312 instrumentos de avaliação. Resultados e Discussão: Os estudantes são, na sua maioria, mulheres, entre 26 e 35 anos de idade, técnicos de enfermagem que trabalham no turno da tarde. A avaliação do desempenho dos estudantes do currículo A, não teve diferença em relação à média geral dos estudantes do currículo B. Os estudantes do currículo A mostraram melhor desempenho em relação ao B apenas na unidade de terapia intensiva. O estudante mais velho tem melhor desempenho que o mais novo. As mulheres têm desempenho melhor que os homens. Os estudantes que são técnicos de enfermagem têm desempenho melhor que os que são auxiliares de enfermagem e dos que não têm formação na área da saúde. O aluno que trabalha à tarde tem melhores notas na avaliação de desempenho do que aqueles que trabalham à noite e os que não trabalham. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de realizar pesquisas para desmitificar o estudante do turno vespertino, pois existem diversos estudos sobre o estudante e o trabalhador do turno noturno. Conclusão: A hipótese de que o desempenho dos estudantes do currículo modular baseado no marco conceitual do ensino para compreensão era melhor que dos estudantes do currículo por competência não se confirmou. Concluímos também que, como a maioria das variáveis eram as mesmas (campo de estágio, professores e os instrumentos) o currículo passou a ser uma variável de pouca expressão para o resultado final dos alunos. Novas pesquisas são sugeridas para uma melhor interpretação e análise da avaliação de desempenho dos estudantes durante o estágio supervisionado, pois acreditamos ser esse o ponto chave da formação do estudante de enfermagem no qual ele aprende fazendo. Consideramos também que esses dados contribuem para um adensamento da linha de pesquisa \"formação e gerenciamento de recursos humanos em enfermagem e em saúde\" uma vez que aponta a necessidade de melhor estruturação na avaliação de desempenho do estudante no estágio curricular supervisionado e principalmente um processo de capacitação dos professores para a execução dessa atividade. / Introduction: As the coordinator of a Nursing Course, I experienced two curricula with different pedagogical proposals taking the following question into consideration: Is the student\'s performance on the practice field in the curriculum model of understanding different from the student\'s performance on the disciplinary curriculum? This issue motivated the development of this study in order to analyze the performance of students in both groups. Objectives: To analyze the performance of students in the supervised traineeship of the pedagogical design based on skills and students of the pedagogical project \"Teaching For Understanding\". Method: A descriptive exploratory study which uses quantitative comparisons between the two curricula and the categories and subcategories of the assessment instrument of the supervised curricular internship. The search location was one private university in São Paulo and the instruments of data collection were documents for performance evaluation of the students of the discipline in question, making a total of 52 students and 312 assessment tools. Results and Discussion: The students are mostly women between 26 and 35 years old, nursing technicians who work in the afternoon. In the performance evaluation of the curriculum, the students had no difference compared with the overall average student of the curriculum B. The student\'s resume showed better performance compared to B only in the intensive care unit. The older student performs better than the younger one. Women perform better than men. Students who are nursing technicians have better performance than those who are nursing assistants and who have no working experience in healthcare. The student who works in the afternoon have better grades in performance evaluation than those who work at night and do not work. The results indicate the need to conduct research to demystify the student\'s afternoon shift, because there are many studies about the student and the worker who works at the night shift. Conclusion: The hypothesis that the performance of the students from the modular curriculum based on the conceptual framework for teaching for understanding was better than the students of the curriculum for skills was not confirmed. We also conclude that, as most of the variables were the same, (the training field, teachers and instruments) the curriculum was a variable of little importance for the students\' final outcome. Further research to better interpret and analyze the performance evaluation of students during supervised training is suggested, therefore, we believe this is the key point in the training of nursing students, where he learns doing. We also believe that these data contribute in order to intensify the research and training of human resources management in nursing and health research field, since it indicates the need of a better structure in the evaluation of student performance in relation to supervised traineeship and mostly a process of training teachers for the implementation of this activity

Research Subject: A Comparison on the Political Attitude of Foreign Spouses, targeting the Participants of 2007 Chinese-character Recognition Class in Kaohsiung City

Tseng, Ching-chin 06 February 2009 (has links)
More and more foreign spouses have been immigrating to Taiwan. The ¡§New Taiwan Children¡¨ are consequently expected to become the elites of Taiwan¡¦s next generation. The political education and learning in families, as well as the political attitude of the husband¡¦s family, will all influence the political attitude and national identity of foreign spouses and their children. Most of the dissertations regarding foreign spouses now, however, are focused on the life adaption and Chinese character recognition services for foreign spouses. Little effort has been made to explore their political attitudes. In this research, therefore, we focus our research on the participants of the Chinese-character Recognition Classes in 24 elementary and junior high schools in Kaohsiung City and probe their political attitude after attending the courses. In this paper, we will discuss the factors influencing the political attitudes of foreign spouses, particularly, their personal backgrounds (including nationality, language and education), family backgrounds of their husbands (e.g., the political party supported by their spouse and their perspectives on unification or independence), and social inclusion factors (for example, political-related discussions with neighbors and friends, community activities, participation in Chinese-character recognition classes or life adaptation-courses organized by the government, etc.) The ultimate purpose of the study is to determine whether innate factors (i.e., personal backgrounds) or environmental factors (i.e., the social factors) are more influential on their political attitudes. If environmental factors turn out to be more influential, we may expedite the social inclusion process through collaborative efforts between the government and private agencies. We will also incorporate in the ¡§conclusion¡¨ our recommendations for further facilitating social inclusion. It was found in the research process that, in terms of political inclusion, a significant level (P<.001) has been reached in four aspects including ¡§Evaluation of Government Performance¡¨, ¡§National Identity¡¨, ¡§Political Participation¡¨ and ¡§Political Efficacy¡¨. The correlation coefficients between social inclusion and political inclusion are, respectively, .370, .362, .187 and .270. It is therefore recommended that increasing the political participation of foreign spouses may be achieved by encouraging their social inclusion. The research results also show that, for foreign spouses with different language proficiency, there is a significant variance in the extent of social inclusion. On the average, more foreign spouses communicate with the families of their husbands in English, Mandarin or Fukienese, as compared with those communicating in the language of Thailand, Philippines or Indonesia. We suggest that the authorities should provide more subsidies/incentives to encourage foreign spouses to participate in language-training courses. The survey also shows that foreign spouses rarely attend the community activities or discuss with their friends, mainly because of language barriers. Improvement of language ability will be a motivating factor for their social inclusion. Foreign spouses seldom participate in community activities or in political discussions. The main reasons for this include busy with childcare or household chores, language problems or inadequate Chinese proficiency, which causes insufficient social inclusion. It is recommended that the government should provide subsidies/incentives to encourage their participation in community activities, including attending the life coach classes and Chinese-character Recognition Classes, etc. The research shows that foreign spouses with better Chinese proficiency are better prepared to participate in political activities. For example, they will find it easier to read election-related information. Among the foreign spouses surveyed this time, few have the habit of reading political commentary in newspapers or TV programs; this is due to their incompetency in Chinese language. One of the ways to improve their abilities in political participation, therefore, is to encourage them to participate in the Chinese-character Recognition Classes. In our visit to the Immigrant Center of Learning in the city, we learned from an instructor at the YMCA that free Chinese courses are now offered by the YMCA to the foreign spouses. It is our hope that through close cooperation between the government and the private institutions we can expedite the social and political inclusion of foreign spouses, enabling them to enjoy a happy life in Taiwan with all of us.

Modèles d'évaluation des performances économique, environnementale et sociale dans les chaînes logistiques

Baumann, Emilie 10 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire présente un cadre d'évaluation des performances économique, environnementale et sociale dans les chaînes logistiques. Nous avons proposé un modèle de caractérisation de la performance " globale ", intégrant les trois performances liées au développement durable (économique, environnementale et sociale) dans les chaînes logistiques. Ce modèle nous a permis d'analyser les impacts des pratiques de gestion des chaînes logistiques sur un ensemble d'enjeux durables, matérialisés par la Matrice de Performance Globale des Chaînes Logistiques (MPGCL). Un modèle analytique permet ensuite d'évaluer ces impacts sous une forme agrégée par un triplet : . Trois instanciations de la MPGCL ont été réalisées : académique (basée sur l'analyse de la littérature), industrielle (basé sur des référentiels industriels) et empirique (suite à une enquête de terrain). Une approche multicritère d'aide à la décision pour le choix des pratiques à mettre en œuvre (CAMPLID) a été proposée. Son application sur les instances de MPGCL permet un classement de bonnes pratiques des chaînes logistiques basé sur l'amélioration simultanée, et selon différentes stratégies, des trois performances économique, environnementale et sociale. Une étude plus spécifique selon une approche par simulation de l'impact des pratiques d'approvisionnement (approvisionnement individuel / mutualisé, différentes règles de réapprovisionnement) sur des enjeux durables complète ce travail.

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