Spelling suggestions: "subject:"everyday experiences"" "subject:"veryday experiences""
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The Phenomenology of Everyday Experiences of Contemporary Mystics in the Jewish Traditions of KabbalahLevasseur, Priscilla W 01 August 2011 (has links)
This phenomenological study was conducted in order to understand the everyday experiences of contemporary mystics in the Jewish traditions of Kabbalah. This author could find no available information about psychological research of this topic in psychological, educational or psychiatric databases. She used the applied phenomenological methodology of Howard Pollio and the Research Groups at the University of Tennessee. Interviews were conducted by this author with eight volunteer, living, adult participants who lived throughout the United States and ranged in age from 37 to 60+ years. These mystics were found through various means after they had described themselves, by their own definitions, as mystics in the Jewish traditions(s) of Kabbalah. There were six men and two women who participated; four were Jewish and four were not. The interviews ranged from one to three hours in length, were recorded, and later transcribed for confidential analyses. After analyzing the results, the Ground of the participants’ experience was determined to be Being Aware. The Thematic Structure of the participants’ everyday experiences of living with their mystical events and processes contained six themes: 1) Divine/Sacred, 2) Receiving/Calling/Gift, 3) Knowing/Realizing, 4) Practices/Body, 5)Developing/Stages, and 6) Struggling: Self/Others/World. Implications for this study suggest that the everyday experiences of these mystical participants are different in many ways from everyday experiences of non-mystics. There is some support for the ideas of spiritual intelligence, spiritual giftedness, consciousness advancement. Appreciating intuition, higher emotional states, and the deeper, yet usually hidden parts of human experience, along with learning to identify and support young people who are having mystical experiences is a worthwhile goal for psychologists.
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Vi är ju knappast en "Cosby-familj" ... : En tolkande metasyntes om ensamstående mammors utmaningar i vardagen.Olofsson, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kärnfamiljen ses generellt som den gyllene normen för familjebildning men verkligheten visar att familjer ledda av en ensamstående förälder, främst då mammor, är en familjeform som stadigt ökar. Samtidigt visar forskningen att ensamma mammor är en utsatt grupp i samhället med mer generella hälsoproblem. Statistiken lyfter fram att det är negativt för kvinnors hälsa att vara ensamstående mamma. En mer sammansatt bild av mammornas upplevelse av sin vardag kan vara en viktig förutsättning för distriktsköterskan vid mötet med dessa kvinnor. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturgranskning var att identifiera upplevelser av vardagslivets utmaningar som ensamstående mamma. Metod: Litteraturstudie som inkluderade 12 studier med kvalitativ ansats. Analys av data genomfördes utifrån Evans tolkande datasyntes. Resultat: För den ensamstående mamman utgjorde vardagens alla krav en stress. Det som främst stressade var hennes ekonomiska situation och att allt ansvar låg enbart på henne, att det inte fanns någon att dela kraven och intrycken med. Detta gav en känsla av trötthet och utmattning som gav mammorna en känsla av ohälsa både fysiskt och psykiskt. Den främsta faktorn till välbefinnande hos mammorna var i interaktion till andra, sitt sociala nätverk. I de granskade studierna framkom en stolthet över sin förmåga och själva moderskapet lyftes fram som en givande och stärkande roll. Slutsats: Granskningen visade på vikten av ett socialt sammanhang, att ha ett socialt nätverk oavsett storlek. Det gav stora positiva effekter på mammornas välbefinnande. / Background: The ”Cosby-family” is viewed as a standard for family formation, but reality shows that families led by a single parent, especially mothers, are a family form that is steadily increasing in societys. At the same time, the research shows that it is a vulnerable group in society with more general health problems. The statistics emphasize that being a single mother is negative for women's health. A more complex picture of the single mothers' experience of their everyday life can be an important prerequisite for the district nurse in the meeting with these women. Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to identify the experiences of everyday life's challenges as a single mother. Method: A literature study that included 12 studies with a qualitative approach. The analysis of data was carried out based on Evans interpretive data synthesis. Results: For the single mother, the everyday demands were a stressfactor. What mainly stressed her was her financial situation and that all the responsibility lay solely on her, that there was no one to share the demands and feelings with. This gave a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion that gave the mothers a sense of ill-health both physically and mentally. The main factor of well-being of the selected group was when they interacted with others, their social network. In the examined studies, a sense of pride came out for their accomplishments and the motherhood itself was highlighted as a rewarding and strengthening role. Conclusion: The review showed the importance of a social context, to have a social network regardless of it´s size. It had great positive effects on the mother's wellbeing.
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Potencialidades urbanas do cotidiano da cidade de São Paulo: os casos do Vale do Anhangabaú e do Largo da Batata / Urban potentialities of Sao Paulo\'s city everyday life: the cases of the Vale do Anhangabaú and the Largo da BatataMello, Marina Carvalho Ferreira de 25 April 2019 (has links)
Não alheia às mudanças culturais e econômicas ocorridas durante o século XX, é possível dizer que a relação clássica entre homem e cidade também se transforma. Comparáveis a uma composição de retalhos aglutinados, as cidades pós-modernsas se fragmentam e diluem equanto o homem se torna alienado, perdido em meio à homogeneidade e ao caos urbano no qual ele reside. Em resposta a este cenário, diversos autores desde a década de 1960 vêm debatendo a temática da revalorização urbana, sua viabilidade e as possibilidades pelas quais poder-se-ia, eventualmente, reestruturar um vínculo sociourbano íntimo e sólido. Aceitando a premissa e presumindo que a utilização da rua é indispensável para a manutenção de uma vivência urbana mais saudável, o presente trabalho refere-se ao estudo de como, nas cidades contemporâneas, as ruas - vistas enquanto espaços livres - poderiam ser compreendidas como um equipamento urbano para convivência coletiva. Permeando todo o tecido urbano, este se articularia na escala da cidade por meio da influência de pontos polarizadores sociourbanos. Também chamados de lugar, é ponderado que esses pontos são determinantes à revalorização urbana. Assim como outros autores, acredita-se que a terminologia designa um espaço apropriado por meio de seu uso, onde ocorre uma transformação sociourbana intrínseca a partir de então determinante da personalidade de ambas as partes. Dessa forma, o lugar é solo fértil para cultivo de identidades coletivas, imprescindíveis ao processo de referenciamento do homem alienado. Todavia, é exposta a pergunta: que uso, que viviência urbana, seria capaz de desencadear tal processo? No intuito de responder o questionamento, ao longo desta dissertação tentar-se-á argumentar que reside no uso intencional de compartilhar os espaços públicos livres a capacidade de ativar o potencial cívico de um espaço. A fim de problematizar tais apontamentos, foram selecionados dois estudos de caso na cidade de São Paulo: Largo da Batata e Vale do Anhangabaú. Embora ambos sejam praças importantes no contexto da metrópole, por um lado são encontradas pistas de que uma nova vida comunitária nasce no Largo da Batata, enquanto no Vale do Anhangabaú não parece ser encontrada vivência distinta da passagem descompromissada pelo local, alheia à praça. De tal forma, serão analisados aspectos sociais e urbanos de ambos os estudos de caso, estabelecendo um diálogo entre as partes; espera-que ao expor suas similaridades e diferenças seja possível principiar, ou não, respostas às inquietações que movem esta dissertação. / Not oblivious to cultural and economic shifts that occourred in the XX century, it is plausible to say that the bond between humanity and the cities also changes. Comparable to a cluster of scattered images, post modern cities become fragmented and diluted images of itself wereas men becomes alienated, lost amid urban homogenity and chaos. In face of this reality, since the 1960\'s, an wide array of authors have discussed the theme of urban reappropriation, estrategies and visions focused in the relationship between man and cities, in order to stablish, or not, an stronger linkage among them. Accepting this premiss and believing that the use of the streets is indispensible to maintein a healthy urban life, this dissertation intends to debate how, in contemporary cities, streets - read as urban open spaces - could be seen as a community public center. Spread out permeating the urban fabric, this notion would be articulated in the scale of the city by means of influence of a few spots of urban and social significance. Also denominated as place, it is pondered that these spots are of foremost importance to urban revaluation. In accordance to some authors, it is believed that the terminology designates a space that was reappropriated by its social use, where occours an intrinsic social and urban transformation that form than will shape out both personalities. Therefore, the place is seen as fertile ground for cultivating collective identities, indisposable to the process of social referencing of man. Nevertheless, it is wondered: which use is this, which urban experiences, that capable to set of such transformations? Motivated by this question, through out this dissertation it will be argued that resides in the intentional act of sharing urban open spaces the habbility to activate the latent potencial for them to turn into places. In order to problematize these allegations, it was selected two case studies in the city of São Paulo: the Largo da Batata and the Vale do Anhangabaú. Although both are proeminent squares in the metropolis context, while it could be said that a new communal life arises in the Largo da Batata, by other side in Vale do Anhangabaú it is not found distinct experiences other than uncompromised passages, oblivious to the square. Therefore it will be analised social and urban aspects of both case studies to establish a dialogue between them; it is expected that by exposing its similarities and differences it will be possible to answer some of the concerns that motivate this dissertation.
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