Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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Tester kabeláže / Cable harness testerValenta, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
This semestral paper deals with the issues of testing and requirements examinations for cables and cable harnesses. These terms are defined in the work and the difference in their meaning is described. The work also describes the characteristic features of cables and cable harnesses, explains their importance and focuses in more detail on the variable properties that may change over time or that are dependent on manufacturing errors. The principles and procedures of tests of these properties are covered in the work and are the essence of the subsequent practical part. In this part, the work deals with the design of the measuring circuit prototype for testing of the insulation resistance of cables and their desired continuity in bundles. This design is then physically implemented, the processes of designing and implementing are described in detail and finally its functionality is tested and presented to the reader.
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Transmedia Storytelling Systems in Publishing: with Focus on Fantasy FranchisesJacob, Phillip 08 November 2021 (has links)
This master thesis provides an extensive definition of transmedia storytelling systems and the fantasy genre, besides a short overview of publishing management, technology, and marketing. The focus of this master thesis is the practical relevance of transmedia storytelling systems for fantasy franchises, such as Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, or The Lord of the Rings.
This thesis results in the perceptions that potential customers indeed consume storylines across different media types. Most of them only through media types with a low degree of participation. A smaller but significant amount of the customer consumes media types with a high degree of participation. These results are findings from a survey of more than 600 consumers surveyed of selected fantasy franchises.:1 Introduction 9
2 Overview of Publishing Technologies 11
2.1 Principles of publisher’s organization 11
2.2 Cross-media publishing 12
2.2.1 Setup and Integration of a cross-media publishing system 14
2.3 Publisher’s marketing 17
2.3.1 Publishing trademarks 20
2.3.2 Selection of marketing measures 21
3 Principles of Transmedia Storytelling 23
3.1 Transmediality 23
3.2 Transmedia Storytelling 25
3.3 Storyworlds 27
3.4 Transfictionality 29
3.5 Transmedia story systems 30
3.6 Summary 32
4 Examination of the Fantasy Genre 35
4.1 Definition of Fantasy 35
4.1.1 The secondary world 36
4.1.2 Metaphysical power 38
4.1.3 The heroic element 39
4.1.4 Demarcating Fantasy from related terms and genres 40
4.1.5 Summary 42
4.2 The German Fantasy market 43
4.2.1 Fantasy in TV, films, and series 43
4.2.2 Fantasy in books 45
4.2.3 Fantasy in computer games 46
4.2.4 In conclusion 49
5 Implementation of a Survey:
Consumption of the Same Fantasy Narrative in Different Media Types 51
5.1 Methods and systematic 51
5.1.1 Description of the examples 53
5.1.2 Justification and classification 56
5.1.3 Gathering of personal data 58
5.2 Results of the survey 60
Inhaltsverzeichnis VII
6 Discussion of the Perceptions 67
6.1 Interpretation and discussion of the survey’s results 67
6.1.1 Interpretation and discussion concerning the target audience 67
6.1.2 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further media consumption 71
6.1.3 Interpretation and discussion in terms of the media type’s potential 79
6.1.4 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further results and perceptions 86
6.2 Strategic Theses for Publishing Houses and Media Agencies 88
6.2.1 Acquiring the right content 89
6.2.2 How to design a transmedia storytelling system? 91
6.2.3 After obtaining the right stories 93
6.2.4 The right publishing system 96
6.3 In conclusion 98
Bibliography 100
Source materials 102
Statistics 105
Attachement A1 107
Total Results 108
Attachement A2 117
Survey’s structure and results in Detail 118 / Diese Masterarbeit bietet neben einem kurzen Einblick in das Verlagsmanagement, allgemeine Produktionstechniken und Marketing-Strategien eine ausführliche Definition von transmedialen Storytelling-Systemen und des Fantasy-Genres. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Masterarbeit liegt auf der praktischen Relevanz von transmedialen Storytelling-Systemen für Fantasy-Franchises, wie Harry Potter, Game of Thrones oder Der Herr der Ringe. Das Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist die Erkenntnis, dass potenzielle Kunden tatsächlich medienübergreifend Storylines konsumieren. Die meisten von ihnen jedoch nur über
Medientypen mit einem geringen Partizipationsgrad. Ein kleinerer, aber wesentlicher Teil der Rezipienten konsumiert Medientypen mit einem hohen Partizipationsgrad. Diese Ergebnisse sind Erkenntnisse aus einer Befragung von mehr als 600 Rezipienten ausgewählter Fantasy-Franchises.:1 Introduction 9
2 Overview of Publishing Technologies 11
2.1 Principles of publisher’s organization 11
2.2 Cross-media publishing 12
2.2.1 Setup and Integration of a cross-media publishing system 14
2.3 Publisher’s marketing 17
2.3.1 Publishing trademarks 20
2.3.2 Selection of marketing measures 21
3 Principles of Transmedia Storytelling 23
3.1 Transmediality 23
3.2 Transmedia Storytelling 25
3.3 Storyworlds 27
3.4 Transfictionality 29
3.5 Transmedia story systems 30
3.6 Summary 32
4 Examination of the Fantasy Genre 35
4.1 Definition of Fantasy 35
4.1.1 The secondary world 36
4.1.2 Metaphysical power 38
4.1.3 The heroic element 39
4.1.4 Demarcating Fantasy from related terms and genres 40
4.1.5 Summary 42
4.2 The German Fantasy market 43
4.2.1 Fantasy in TV, films, and series 43
4.2.2 Fantasy in books 45
4.2.3 Fantasy in computer games 46
4.2.4 In conclusion 49
5 Implementation of a Survey:
Consumption of the Same Fantasy Narrative in Different Media Types 51
5.1 Methods and systematic 51
5.1.1 Description of the examples 53
5.1.2 Justification and classification 56
5.1.3 Gathering of personal data 58
5.2 Results of the survey 60
Inhaltsverzeichnis VII
6 Discussion of the Perceptions 67
6.1 Interpretation and discussion of the survey’s results 67
6.1.1 Interpretation and discussion concerning the target audience 67
6.1.2 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further media consumption 71
6.1.3 Interpretation and discussion in terms of the media type’s potential 79
6.1.4 Interpretation and discussion in terms of further results and perceptions 86
6.2 Strategic Theses for Publishing Houses and Media Agencies 88
6.2.1 Acquiring the right content 89
6.2.2 How to design a transmedia storytelling system? 91
6.2.3 After obtaining the right stories 93
6.2.4 The right publishing system 96
6.3 In conclusion 98
Bibliography 100
Source materials 102
Statistics 105
Attachement A1 107
Total Results 108
Attachement A2 117
Survey’s structure and results in Detail 118
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Design přístroje na vyšetření zraku / Design of Equipment for Eye ExaminationJankejechová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
The object of my thesis is the analysis and design of equipment for eye examination regarding the aesthetic, environmental and technical requirements. The aim of the design is to create eye examination equipment which manipulation will be comfortable in ergonomic way and the shape will be enriched by other functional elements.
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Srovnání preklinických DCE-MRI perfusních technik / Comparison of the preclinical DCE-MRI perfusion techniquesMinsterová, Alžběta January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with DCE-MRI (Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging) thus one of the contrast magnetic resonance imaging methods. It describes the principle of conventional continuous DCE-MRI, which uses single bolus of contrast agent and further it focuses on the dual bolus contrast agent techniques, especially the interleaved acquisition. The graphical interface for processing Bruker systems data was made. Synthetic data were used to evaluate the influence of this method on the perfusion parameters estimation. Simulations proved that the further the second bolus is from the first one, the better results are. Simulations of acquisition interruption did not lead to the clear result. However, two statements, which are expected to lead to as good estimation of perfusion parameters as possible, were formulated
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Teaching Western classical piano music effectively in West MalaysiaAng, Kathryn January 2013 (has links)
The existing curriculum for piano lessons in West Malaysia is over-reliant on the syllabi of foreign examination boards resulting in a fragmentary curriculum which denies the student access to a wider range of musical experiences. The aim of the study was to identify and suggest solutions to problems by analysing the teaching approaches of piano teachers and to determine if there are elements which are lacking in the lessons. It also aimed to provide solutions by establishing a theoretical framework for effective piano teaching with optimal lesson plans. This study made use of mixed methods research design.
A cross-sectional survey was conducted and data collection was by self-structured questionnaires. In addition, interviews were conducted for the qualitative component of this study. Twenty-five piano teachers with between one to twenty years of teaching experience were randomly selected to participate in the survey. A further fifteen interviews were conducted with teachers who were selected from the participants of the survey by purposive sampling. Interpretative phenomenology analysis was used to analyse the interviews in an effort to gain a better understanding of the nature and quality of the piano teaching in West Malaysia.
The study finds that having piano examinations with regularity, usually on a yearly basis, has largely dominated the curriculum with examination requirements and has resulted in several elements being missing or absent in a typical lesson. Hence the situation is clearly not ideal as lessons are too examination oriented. Furthermore, students are generally not exposed to sufficient opportunities to display their skills and musical achievements. These findings suggest that Western classical piano music can be taught more effectively in West Malaysia if teachers re-think their approach to teaching in terms of planning for an optimal lesson. This would involve having both long-term and short–term goals in which a variety of strategies and important elements are incorporated seamlessly using the “simultaneous learning” approach advocated by Harris, Crozier and Ley. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Music / unrestricted
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Die Abschlussprüfung als geheimer Lehrplan für die Lehr-Lernprozesse im Wirtschafts- und Sozialkundeunterricht der berufsbildenden SchulenBauer, Julia 21 January 2020 (has links)
Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zum dualen Prüfsystem in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Prüfbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde und den schriftlichen Prüfverfahren erörtert. Der anschließende empirische Teil gliedert sich in eine quantitative Dokumentenanalyse im Kapitel 3 und die qualitative Inhaltsanalyse von Experten-interviews im Kapitel 4. Durch die quantitative Datenerhebung werden einerseits Prüfungsaufgabensätze des Bereichs Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde und anderer-seits Curricula, die dem Unterricht im Prüfbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde übergeordnet sind, hinsichtlich ihres inhaltlichen Gehaltes überprüft. Im Anschluss daran werden die Gegebenheiten im Wirtschafts- und Sozialkundeunterricht an sächsischen berufsbildenden Schulen mithilfe der Experteninterviews dargelegt. Das Kapitel fünf verbindet die erzeugten Aussagen aus den einzelnen empirischen Teilen und soll abschließend den Bezug zur These vom heimlichen Lehrplan herstellen. Im letzten Kapitel werden Empfehlungen formuliert, die die Situation der politischen Bildung in der beruflichen Bildung vor allem im Hinblick auf die schriftliche Abschlussprüfung im Bereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde verbessern könnten.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Einleitung 1
2 Das duale Prüfsystem der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 3
2.1 Allgemeine Rechtsgrundlagen 4
2.2 Zuständige Stellen im Prüfprozess 6
2.2.1 Neuregelungen im Berufsbildungsgesetz und deren Konsequenzen 7
2.2.2 Aufgabenerstellungseinrichtungen 8
2.3 Regularien für den Prüfungsbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde 11
2.4 Schriftliche Prüfungsdurchführungsform und ihre Aufgabentypen 7
2.4.1 Gebundene Aufgabentypen 21
2.4.2 Nichtgebundene Aufgabentypen 25
2.4.3 Qualitätskriterien der schriftlichen Prüfung 29
2.5 Schnittmengen von politischer und beruflicher Bildung 31
3 Quantitative Datenerhebung 38
3.1 Analyse der Prüfungsaufgabensätze Wirtschafts- und Sozialkunde 38
3.1.1 Prüfungsaufgabensatz Bürokaufmann/-kauffrau (Winter 2011/12) 42
3.1.2 Prüfungsaufgabensatz Koch/Köchin (Winter 2011/2012) 44
3.1.3 Prüfungsaufgabensatz Mechatroniker/-in (Winter 2011/2012) 46
3.1.4 Zusammenfassung der Aufgabenanalyse 48
3.2 Lehrplananalyse 50
3.2.1 Baden-Württemberg .. 51
3.2.2 Bayern . 55
3.2.3 Berlin und Brandenburg 57
3.2.4 Bremen 60
3.2.5 Hamburg 64
3.2.6 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 66
3.2.7 Niedersachsen 68
3.2.8 Nordrhein-Westfalen 71
3.2.9 Rheinland-Pfalz 73
3.2.10 Saarland 76
3.2.11 Sachsen 78
3.2.12 Schleswig-Holstein 82
3.2.13 Thüringen 86
3.2.14 Zusammenfassung der Lehrplananalyse 89
4 Qualitative Datenerhebung 91
4.1 Forschungsdesign 91
4.2 Methode der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse 92
4.3 Ergebnisse der Inhaltsanalyse 93
4.3.1 Die Abschlussprüfung als Damoklesschwert für den Lehrenden 94
4.3.2 Nomen est omen 98
4.3.3 „Und alles andere hängt vom Lehrer ab, vom Geschick des Lehrers, seinen Unterricht zu gestalten und zu sagen, das ist wichtig.“ (3/343ff.) 101
4.3.4 Berufsbildender Unterricht und Prüfungswesen – Einheit oder Dualismus? 104
5 Konklusion 109
6 Empfehlungen 114
Literaturverzeichnis 116
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Využití eliminace sluchového vnímání u motorické aktivity / The Use of Hearing Perception Elimination in Motoric ActivityKolář, Jáchym January 2020 (has links)
Bibliographical record: KOLÁŘ, J. The Use of Hearing Perception Elimination in Motoric Activity. Prague: Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine 2020. 79 p. Thesis supervisor prof. PaedDr. Pavel Kolář, Ph.D. Abstract This thesis focuses on the importance and significance of human senses - especially hearing and vision - in connection with a performance of a motor activity. The theoretical part brings a summary of knowledge about the influence of hearing and vision on human movements and the induction of changes in the body during the elimination (deprivation) of some of the senses. Furthermore, in this part we briefly inform about the mutual relationship between vision and hearing, ideomotor functions, an auditory deprivation and lastly, we try to point out the possibilities and importance of a neuro-visual complex therapy. The main goal of the practical part is to prove the influence of hearing on the motor expression of the tested probands. A secondary goal of the practical part is to determine the influence of the quality of a visual perception on a motor expression and whether there can be an immediate intensification of a visual perception during auditory deprivation. Methodology: As a part of the main goal of the practical part, we tested 77...
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Problematika diagnostiky afázie v české a zahraniční odborné literatuře / Issue of aphasia diagnostics in czech and foreign literatureStehlíková, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of diagnosis of phatic disorders. The aim of this work is to provide insight into the topic of phatic disorders, especially by introducing diagnostic tests that are used in the Czech Republic and some available materials that are used in English- speaking countries. Individual diagnostic tests are processed on the basis of an analysis of professional literature in Czech and English. The diploma thesis is theoretical and is divided into four parts. The first chapter describes the impaired communication ability, aphasia in terms of definition, etiology, symptomatology and classification approaches. The second chapter presents diagnostic methods created and used in the Czech environment, which differ depending on the theoretical basis of individual experts, respectively. authors of test methods. The third chapter deals with diagnostic procedures abroad, specifically in English-speaking countries. The focus is on the presentation of the most important and available current methods, part of the chapter is a theoretical introduction to the history of aphasiology and fundamental paradigms that affect the form of the diagnostic process. The final part is devoted to the analysis and comparison of these methods. Both approaches agree on the goal of the diagnostic...
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Programmering inkluderar vanligtvis användningen av en dator och en textredigerare, men ändå avslutas programmeringskurser vid högskolor och universitet ofta med traditionella skriftliga tentor för att bedöma studenternas förvärvade praktiska kunskaper. Denna traditionella examineringsmetod begränsar komplexiteten i programmeringsproblem och kan leda till oavsiktliga subjektiva bedömningar. Tidigare studier om datorbaserade programmeringstentor som efterliknar verkliga programmeringsförhållanden tyder på att bedömningen av studenternas förvärvade kunskaper kan effektiviseras samtidigt som både betygs- och administrationsprocesser förenklas. Vi använder Bunges generella vetenskapliga metod och fallstudiemetodik för att utveckla ett system för datorbaserade programmeringstentor som kan implementeras på KTH Kista. Våra resultat tyder på att programmeringstentor kan utföras säkert på studenternas egna datorer genom att starta datorn i en begränsad förkonfigurerad systemmiljö med blockerad internetåtkomst från ett USBminne. Parat med den öppna lärplattformen Moodle kan tentorna administreras elektroniskt och utformas med automatiska rättningssprocesser. För att hjälpa tentavakter utvecklade vi även ett observationsverktyg som kan upptäcka om den begränsade systemmiljön kringgås. Trots uteblivna verkliga tester av systemet på grund av omständigheterna orsakade av den pågående pandemin, drar vi, med stöd av tidigare studier, slutsatsen att vår föreslagna lösning för datorbaserade programmeringstentor kan förbättra kvaliteten och effektiviteten av programmeringskurser och deras examinationsprocesser. / Programming usually includes the use of a computer and a text editor, yet programming courses given at institutions of higher education often conclude with traditional written exams to assess the students’ acquired practical knowledge. This traditional examination method restricts the complexity of programming problems and may result in unintentional subjective assessments. Previous research on computer-based programming exams that mimic real programming conditions suggest that the assessment of the students’ acquired knowledge can be made more efficient while also simplifying both grading and administration processes. We use Bunge’s general scientific method and case study methodology to develop a system for computer-based programming exams that can be implemented at KTH Kista. Our results suggest that programming exams can be safely performed on the students’ own computers by booting the computer into a restricted preconfigured system environment with blocked Internet access from a usb flash drive. Paired with the open-source learning management system Moodle, the exams can be administered electronically and designed with automatic grading processes. To help exam invigilators we also developed an observation tool that can detect if the restricted system environment is circumvented. Despite the lack of real tests of the system due to the circumstances caused by the ongoing pandemic, we conclude, with the support of previous studies, that our proposed solution for computer-based programming exams can improve the quality and efficiency of programming courses and their examination processes.
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Examensbegleitung im Fach Neues Testament: Im Zweischritt von Präsenzeinheiten und E-LearningQuenstedt, Jan 19 February 2019 (has links)
Ausgehend von persönlichen Voraussetzungen der Studierenden beschreibt der Artikel die Konzeption und Durchführung eines Repetitoriums im Fach Neues Testament. Dieses versteht sich als „Examensbegleitung“, die ihren Ausgangspunkt beim individuellen Vorwissen der Teilnehmenden nimmt. Im Zweischritt von Präsenzeinheiten und E-Learning können Unterschiede in diesem und in den Lernprozessen der Studierenden ausgeglichen und für den individuellen Lernerfolg fruchtbar gemacht werden. Ziel ist es, die Struktur der Lehrveranstaltung trotz aller organisatorischen Vorgaben auf die Erfordernisse der Teilnehmenden anzupassen und damit einen maximalen individuellen Lernerfolg zu erreichen.
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