Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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Predicting performance on the Physical Therapist Assistant licensure examinationSchengel, Jonna K. 01 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if there was any relationship between student success as defined by grades in earned in basic sciences of anatomy and physiology as well as overall college grade point average with the score on the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) for Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) students. This pilot study examined the first two cohorts of PTA students at the College of the Sequoias from 2012 and 2013. Correlations and multiples regressions were the primary quantitative methods used to determine which prerequisites were most likely to predict passing the NPTE. Demographic information of ethnicity and age, did not show any significant correlation with score on the NPTE-PTA. Further analysis determined that both anatomy and overall grade point average had statistical correlations. However, overall college grade point average was the only variable that contributed significantly to the NPTE score. Therefore, overall grade point average was used to develop a predictive admission formula that can be used for further research and analysis. The procedures for this pilot study can be used to duplicate the study on a larger scale and continue to build a predictive admission formula that has the potential for establishing a consistent admission criterion for PTA programs. The long range goal of this study has been to help identify students who have the greatest potential to pass the NPTE and become employed as a PTA.
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Skipping Breakfast is Associated with Lower HEI Scores and Diet Quality in US Adults-- NHANES 2005-2016Walls, Christopher A. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Relationship among Mosby's Assess Test Scores, Academic Performance, and Demographic Factors and Associate Degree Nursing Graduates' NCLEX ScoresCloud-Hardaway, Sarah A. (Sarah Anne) 05 1900 (has links)
This ex post facto study sought to examine: the efficacy of Mosby's Assess Test as a valid predictor of NCLEX (National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensure Examination) scores; significant correlations among semester averages, semester tests failed, Nelson Denny Reading Test scores, and NCLEX scores; and differences in NCLEX outcomes in relation to ethnicity, age, and prior practical nursing licensure for 558 associate degree nursing graduates who wrote the NCLEX in 1983 and 1984. Significant positive relationships were found among Mosby scores, Nelson Denny scores, semester averages, and NCLEX scores. A significant negative relationship was found between number of semester tests failed and NCLEX scores. The mean NCLEX score of older graduates was higher than the mean NCLEX score of younger graduates. LPN graduates had a higher mean NCLEX score than non-LPN graduates. White graduates' mean NCLEX score was greater than the average score for black graduates. Combined predictor variables which yielded the best estimate of the criterion variable (NCLEX scores) for all graduates included mean semester average, Mosby scores, age above thirty-three, and Nelson Denny scores, respectively. The most important predictor of black graduates' NCLEX success was prior practical nursing licensure. Other significant predictors for black graduates' NCLEX success were mean semester average, Mosby scores, mean number of semester tests failed, age above thirty-three, and Nelson Denny scores, respectively. Mean semester average, mean score of the Mosby test, mean number of semester tests failed, and age above thirty-three were the most significant predictors of white graduates' NCLEX success. Older graduates had a higher mean Mosby score, a higher mean semester average, and failed fewer semester tests than younger graduates. The study results will be of interest to nurse educators and counselors who are concerned with curricular revision, student counseling, and remediation procedures as these relate to enhancement of graduates' potential for success on the NCLEX.
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IT-verktyg för utvärdering av ingenjörsutbildningLarsson, Erik, Lovén, Per January 2020 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har ett IT-verktyg utvecklats som stödjer kvalitetsutvärderingen av en ingenjörsutbildning. I dagsläget innehåller kvalitetsutvärderingen flera moment som kräver manuell hantering av data. IT-verktyget automatiserar ett flertal av momenten och detta effektiviserar arbetet genom tidsbesparing och minskad risk för misstag. Examensarbetets syfte är således att underlätta genomförandet av kvalitetsutvärderingen genom automatisering. Metoden för arbetet är en fallstudie vid en av Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. Metodvalet ger möjlighet till verkliga tester och evidens för att kontrollera och påvisa att det utvecklade verktyget fungerar i enlighet med de behov som finns. Resultatet av detta examensarbete är ett IT-verktyg som stödjer, underlättar, förfinar och förtydligar kvalitetsutvärdering av ingenjörsutbildning på grundnivå. Verktyget är byggt med tjänster ur Google:s utbud, där användargränssnittet utgörs av produktivitetsapplikationerna Sheets och Forms. Skriptplattformen Apps Script tillför automatisering av repetitiva moment och möjliggör att applikationerna kan sammanlänkas med en databas i molntjänsten Cloud SQL. IT-verktyget bedöms även kunna fungera för andra typer av utbildningar som kvalitetsprövas mot lärandemål och examensmål. / In this thesis an information technology tool is developed to support quality evaluation of an engineering education. Presently the quality evaluation contains several steps that require data to be handled manually. The information technology tool automates several of the steps. This leads to increased work efficiency and reduces the risk of mistakes. The purpose of the thesis is therefor to facilitate the quality evaluation through automatization. The method chosen for development is a case study conducted at a Swedish engineering program. The choice of method makes it possible to conduct tests based on an actual education program to verify and show that the developed tool is functioning correctly according to existing needs. The result of this thesis is a working information technology tool that supports, refines and concretizes quality measurement of engineering education at a bachelor level. The tool is built using services provided by Google. The productivity apps Sheets and Forms are utilized as the user interface, and used in conjunction with the scripting platform Apps Script, the apps are connected with a cloud database in the Cloud SQL service. The tool is assumed to work for other types of educations that are quality checked using intended learning outcomes and examination objectives.
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Fysioterapeuters kunskaper och erfarenheter att undersöka och behandla graviditetsrelaterad bäckensmärta : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Physiotherapists' knowledge and experience in examining and treating pregnancy-related pelvic pain : A qualitativ interview studySjöholm, Anna, Siverhall, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bäckensmärta är en vanlig problematik under graviditet och postpartum. Uppkomsten av problematiken beror på de olika förändringar kvinnans kropp genomgår under graviditeten. Det finns ett antal olika tester som en fysioterapeut kan utföra för att diagnostisera smärtan, såsom P4-test, Patrick´s, FABER, Gaenslens´s test, distraktions test, sidliggande kompression, sacrum tryck och modifierad Trendelenburg´s test. Sedan finns det olika behandlingsalternativ såsom akupunktur, TENS, manipulationer, mobilisering, bäckenbälte och olika träningsformer men det finns inte en stark evidens kring alla dessa. Den kunskap som lärs ut under grundutbildningen ger inte mycket redskap för hur en fysioterapeut ska arbeta med graviditetsrelaterad bäckensmärta. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva kunskaper och erfarenheter från fysioterapeuter inom kvinnohälsa med kompetens att behandla patienter med graviditetsrelaterad bäckensmärta under graviditet och postpartum Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie där fyra fysioterapeuter som arbetar inom kvinnohälsa intervjuades. Insamlad data analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Dataanalysen resulterade i fyra kategorier, grundutbildningen ger basal kunskap, vidareutbildningar fördjupar kunskapen, beprövad erfarenhet prioriteras i mötet med patienten, fysioterapeutens undersökning och behandling av bäckensmärta. Konklusion: Grundutbildningen i fysioterapi upplevdes ge basala kunskaper men sakna djupare kunskap angående kvinnohälsa och graviditetsrelaterad bäckensmärta. Vidareutbildningar inom kvinnohälsa var till stor nytta för att ge god vård åt patienter med bäckensmärta under och efter graviditet. Det upplevdes viktigt att beakta patientens helhetssituation, utifrån ett biopsykosocialt förhållningssätt, ta en noggrann anamnes och kunna bemöta patienten empatiskt. Fysioterapeuterna upplevde det viktigt att ge råd om att tänka på att sköta om sin hälsa och få egen tid. Den fysioterapeutiska undersökningen av graviditetsrelaterad bäckensmärta bör innehålla ett P4-test, ASLR, modifierat trendelenburg och palpation runt bäckenet. I behandlingen bör patienten få ett individuellt träningsprogram med bålstabiliserande övningar för att stärka glutealmuskulaturen. Akupunktur kan vara relevant som smärtstillande behandling. / Background: Pelvic pain is a common problem during pregnancy and postpartum. The emergence of the problem is due to the various changes the woman's body undergoes during pregnancy. There are a number of different tests that a physiotherapist can perform to diagnose the pain, such as the P4 test, Patrick's, FABER's, Gaenslen's test, distraction test, lateral compression, sacrum pressure and modified Trendelenburg's test. Then there are various treatment options such as acupuncture, TENS, manipulations, mobilization, pelvic girdle belt and various forms of exercise, but there are not strong evidence around all of these. The knowledge taught during basic education does not provide much tools for how a physiotherapist should work with pregnancy-related pelvic pain. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the knowledge and experience of physiotherapists in women's health with competence to treat patients with pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy and postpartum. Method: A qualitative interview study where four physiotherapists working in women's health were interviewed. Collected data was analyzed according to qualitative content analysis. Results: The data analysis resulted in four categories, the basic training provides basic knowledge, further education deepens the knowledge, proven experience is prioritized in meeting with the patient, the physiotherapist's examination and treatment of pelvic pain. Conclusion: The basic education in physiotherapy was perceived to provide basic knowledge but lack deeper knowledge regarding women's health and pregnancy-related pelvic pain. Further education in women's health was of great benefit in providing good care to patients with pelvic pain during and after pregnancy. It is important to consider the patient's overall situation, based on a biopsychosocial approach, take a careful history and be able to treat the patient empathetically. The physiotherapists felt it was important to give advice on thinking about taking care of oneself and having personal time. The physiotherapeutic examination of pregnancy-related pelvic pain should include a P4 test, ASLR, modified Trendelenburg and palpation around the pelvis. The patient should receive an individual training program with posterior stabilizing exercises to strengthen the gluteal muscles. Acupuncture can be relevant as a pain-relieving treatment.
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日本の数学教育政策に関する批判的考察 : 数学へのアフェクトに焦点を当てて / ニホン ノ スウガク キョウイク セイサク ニカンスル ヒハンテキ コウサツ : スウガク エノ アフェクト ニ ショウテン オ アテテ今井 敏博, Toshihiro Imai 21 March 2018 (has links)
日本の子どもたちの数学へのアフェクト(意欲、価値意識、不安などの心的要因)は、国際的な調査結果では最低レベルである。明治から戦前までは数学へのアフェクトは扱われず、前後の学習指導要領でも目標において認知面と両輪に一つとされていない。数学へのアフェクトに関する研究は、研究者、教育実践家、経済学者により行われているにも関わらず数学教育政策に反映されていない原因を、アメリカの数学教育政策展開、また、シンガポールやフィンランドの教育政策形成過程との比較、さらに日本の数学教育課程の形成過程から考察している。 / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Ověření čtenářských dovedností při čtení tištěného a digitálního textu u dětí mladšího školního věku / Examination of reading skills in reading printed or digital text by children of younger school age.Marková, Kateřina January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on examination of reading skills in reading printed or digital text from screen by children in elementary school age. Ever younger readers are encountering digital reading at the beginning of the development of their reading skills. Therefore, this work aims to map the effect of screen reading and the differences in the processing and the text comprehension as opposed to printed text. The theoretical part describes the psychological aspects of reading based on Czech and foreign sources. Further, this part summarizes the findings of reading digital text from screen, in particular the factors that affect such reading, its advantages and disadvantages and the processes during this reading. A separate chapter is devoted to reading from the screen by school-age children who were subsequently probands of the research part. The empirical part deals with the verification of several hypotheses. These hypotheses verify differences in reading of printed and digital text of the same difficulty. Proband are elementary school pupils aged 8-10 (n=93, girls n=48, boys n=46). Z. Matějček's Reading Exam was chosen as a method for verifying reading skills, which makes it possible to evaluate the dynamics of reading competencies such as performance in error rate, speed, and comprehension...
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The relationship between body image disturbance and health maintenance behaviors: An assessment of breast self-examination among womenRidolfi, Danielle R. 24 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Candidacy Examinations and Dissertation Grant Proposals as "Writing Games": Two Case Studies of Chinese-Speaking Doctoral Students' ExperiencesCheng, Ying-Hsueh 29 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Patient Recovery Expectations in the Outcomes of Physical Therapist Intervention: A Systematic ReviewWassinger, Craig A., Edwards, D C., Bourassa, Michael, Reagan, Don, Weyant, Emily C., Walden, Rachel R. 01 April 2022 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between baseline patient recovery expectations and outcomes following physical therapy care. METHODS: PubMed, CINAHL Complete, PEDro, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and PsycINFO were searched from inception to February 2021. Concepts represented in the search included physical therapy, patient expectations, patient outcomes, and their relevant synonyms. Two reviewers independently screened studies of article abstracts and full texts. Eligibility criteria included English language studies that evaluated adults seeking physical therapist intervention for any health condition where both patient outcome (recovery) expectations and functional or other outcome measures were reported. Methodologic standards were assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program criteria. Data were extracted using a custom template for this review with planned descriptive reporting of results. Vote counting was used to measure reported outcomes. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies were included in this review, representing 4879 individuals. Studies were most commonly prospective cohort studies or secondary analyses of controlled trials. Varied expectation, outcome, and statistical measures that generally link patient recovery expectations with self-reported outcomes in musculoskeletal practice were used. CONCLUSION: Patient recovery expectations are commonly associated with patient outcomes in musculoskeletal physical therapy. IMPACT: Evidence supports measuring baseline patient expectations as part of a holistic examination process.
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