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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att genomgå en magnetkameraundersökning - ur ett patientperspektiv.  : En litteraturstudie. / Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging - from a Patient’s perspective. : A literary study.

Fritzson, Linnéa, Svedin, Alva January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Magnetresonanstomografi (MRT) innebär stora diagnostiska och medicinska möjligheter, men ofta ett obehag för patienterna som kan bero på en rad olika anledningar. Patienternas upplevelser i samband med en magnetkameraundersökning är viktigt för att röntgensjuksköterskan ska få patienterna att känna en trygghet och kunna etablera kontakt.  Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att belysa patienters erfarenheter i samband med en magnetkameraundersökning. Metod: En litteraturstudie med resultat från åtta kvalitativa studier. Artiklarna kvalitetgranskades samt analyserades. Sökningar har genomförts i PubMed och CINAHL.  Resultat: Utifrån analysen formades tre kategorier och åtta subkategorier. Kategorierna var: Att ligga i mr-kamera, att genomgå undersökningsproceduren samt känslor. Patienter upplever någon form av smärta och obehag i samband med MR-undersökningen. En del patienter upplever någon form av negativa känslor vid undersökningen, medan andra inte.  Konklusion: Kommunikation, trygghet och informationsanpassning är en viktig del för patienternas upplevelser i samband med en magnetkameraundersökning och möjligheten för att reducera dess negativa känslor som uppstår. / Background: Magnetic resonance imaging imply great diagnostical and medical opportunities, but entails often a discomfort for the patient, due to several different reasons. The patients’ experiences regarding the magnetic resonance imaging examination are important for the feeling of safeness and establish a contact with the x-ray nurse.  Aim: The literature study’s aim was to illustrate the experiences of patients regarding examination with magnetic resonance imaging.  Method: A literature study with results from eight qualitative studies. Articles that were reviewed with quality and were also analyzed. Searches have been carried out in PubMed and CINAHL.  Result: From the analysis, three categories were formed and also eight subcategories. The categories were: To lie in an MRI-scan, to undertake the examination procedure and also feelings. Patients experiences some kind of pain and discomfort during the MRI-scan. Some patients experience some negative feelings during the examination, whereas others do not experience that.  Conclusion: Communication, safeness and adaptation of the information are crucial parts for the experiences for the patients, regarding an examination within a magnetic resonance imaging, and the possibilities to reduce the negative feelings that occur during this kind of examination.  Keywords:

Breaking Bad News to Patients With Cancer: A Randomized Control Trial of a Brief Communication Skills Training Module Incorporating the Stories and Preferences of Actual Patients

Gorniewicz, James, Floyd, Michael, Krishnan, Koyamangalath, Bishop, Thomas W., Tudiver, Fred, Lang, Forrest 01 April 2017 (has links)
Objective This study tested the effectiveness of a brief, learner-centered, breaking bad news (BBN) communication skills training module using objective evaluation measures. Methods This randomized control study (N = 66) compared intervention and control groups of students (n = 28) and residents’ (n = 38) objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) performance of communication skills using Common Ground Assessment and Breaking Bad News measures. Results Follow-up performance scores of intervention group students improved significantly regarding BBN (colon cancer (CC), p = 0.007, r = −0.47; breast cancer (BC), p = 0.003, r = −0.53), attention to patient responses after BBN (CC, p < 0.001, r = −0.74; BC, p = 0.001, r = −0.65), and addressing feelings (BC, p = 0.006, r = −0.48). At CC follow-up assessment, performance scores of intervention group residents improved significantly regarding BBN (p=0.004, r = −0.43), communication related to emotions (p = 0.034, r = −0.30), determining patient's readiness to proceed after BBN and communication preferences (p = 0.041, r = −0.28), active listening (p = 0.011, r = −0.37), addressing feelings (p < 0.001, r = −0.65), and global interview performance (p = 0.001, r = −0.51). Conclusion This brief BBN training module is an effective method of improving BBN communication skills among medical students and residents. Practice implications Implementation of this brief individualized training module within health education programs could lead to improved communication skills and patient care.

Tumorska modularna endoproteza zgloba kuka / TUMOR MODULAR ENDOPROSTHESIS OF HIP JOINT

Grujić Jovan 24 February 2018 (has links)
<p>U prvom poglavlju je ukazano na potrebu ugradnje implantata u cilju ponovnog<br />uspostavljanja normalnog funkcionisanja lokomotornog sistema čoveka. Na osnovu<br />analize broja i strukture ugrađenih endoproteza zgloba kuka za 2014. i 2015. godinu na<br />IOHB &bdquo;Banjica&ldquo;, Beograd, i Kliničkom centru Vojvodine Novi Sad, Klinika za ortopediju<br />i traumatologiju, zaključuje se da ovi pokazatelji ukazuju na sličnost i uporedivost, sa<br />podacima iz SAD, u odnosu na broj stanovnika.<br />Drugo poglavlje, u uvodnom delu, sadrži sistematizaciju endoproteza zgloba kuka u skladu sa standardom ISO 7216. Nakon toga, dat je prikaz dosadašnjih rezultata primene tumorskih modularnih endoproteza. Pažnja je poklonjena opisu i varijantnosti konstrukcionih elemenata modularnih endoproteza zgloba kuka, kao i analizi izvedenih konstrukcionih rešenja. Prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja je upotpunjen analizom patentnih rešenja modularnih endoproteza zgloba kuka. Na kraju, polazeći od prethodno sumiranih saznanja, i iskustva u razvoju protetičkih pomagala je definisan cilj istraživanja, osnovne hipoteze, materijal i metode.<br />Treće poglavnje sadrži kratak prikaz koštanih tumora i istorijat tumorske<br />endoproteze. Ukazuje se na komplikacije nakon ugradnje kao i na kriterijume za ugradnju<br />tumorske endoproteze. Primarni i sekundarni tumori, neuspela aloartroplastika,<br />prelomi preko ili ispod trohantera, patološki prelom, često prouzrukuju totalno<br />razaranje gornjeg dela butne kosti, i ovi uslovi predstavljaju indikaciju za zamenu<br />gornjeg dela butne kosti tumorskom endoprotezom. Cilj ugradnje tumorske endoproteze<br />zgloba kuka je da se spase ekstremitet, očuva estetika i obezbedi zadovoljavajuća<br />funkcionalnost i neutrališe prisustvo bola. Ne može se očekivati da endoprotetski<br />sistem ima neograničen vek. Za pojedine delove koji su izloženi intenzivnom habanju u<br />toku eksplatacije potrebno je obezbediti mogućnost jednostavne zamene uz minimalan<br />hirurški zahvat.</p><p>Sa biomehaničkog aspekta projektovanja, sistem fiksacije i konfiguracija tela<br />endoproteze mora biti takav da minimizira naponsko stanje ili obezbedi povoljniju<br />raspodelu napona.<br />Četvrto poglavlje je posvećeno definisanju strukture i dimenzija komponenti sistema<br />tumorske modularne endoproteze zgloba kuka. Ukazuje se na postupak i uticajne faktore<br />na proces projektovanja, kao i na pouzdanost projektovanog rešenja. Posebna pažnja je<br />posvećena dimenzionisanju donje komponente endoproteze sa stanovišta pojave<br />koncentracije napona, kao i elementima za vezu i stezanje komponenti u jedinstven<br />mehanički sistem. Dimenzije pojedinih komponenti su definisane na bazi statističkih<br />razultata do sada ugrađenih tumorskih monolitnih endoproteza na IOHB &bdquo;Banjica&ldquo;<br />Beograd.<br />U okviru petog poglavlja, prikazani su rezultati računarske analize statičkog<br />ponašanja tela monolitne, odnosno donje komponente tumorske modularne endoproteze<br />zgloba kuka. Prvo su prikazana preliminarna ipsitivanja pri statičkom opterećenju, i to<br />računarsko simuliranje eksperimentalnih ispitivanja i sama eksperimentalna<br />ispitivanja za obe vrste tumorskih endoproteza. Na bazi ovih rezultata izvršeno je<br />remodelovanje donje komponente i umesto radijusa prelaza između kragne i tela - mesto<br />maksimalnih napona u implantatu, definisan je optimalni bionički profil prelaza.<br />Nakon izrade donjih komponenti od različitih materijala i različitih profila prelaza<br />realizovana su završna ispitivanja komponenti tumorske modularne endoproteze pri<br />statičkom opterećenju. I kod završnog ispitivanja prvo je izvršeno računarsko<br />modelovanje a nakon toga i eksperimentalno ispitivanje. Pri eksperimentalnom<br />ispitivanju meren je napon u jedanaest mernih tačaka po profilu prelaza između kragne<br />i tela. Dobijeni rezultati su poređeni sa računarskim modeliranjem i konstatovano je<br />zadovoljavajuće poklapanje raspodele i maksimalnih napona po profilu prelaza između<br />kragne i tela endoproteze. Za slučaj delovanja dinamičkog opterećenja izvršena su<br />eksperimentalna laboratorijska ispitivanja. Pri ovom ispitivanju definisane su<br />sledeće promenljive: 1. vrsta endoproteze: monolitna i modularna, 2. materijal:<br />superlegure čelika 316LVM i titanijuma Ti6Al4V, 3. oblik prelaza: sa radijusom i<br />optimizirani prelaz. Cilj ovog ispitivanja ja da se utvrdi broj ciklusa koji će dovesti<br />do početka razlabavljenja tela endoproteze pri maksimalnim uslovima opterećenja, tj.<br />da li navedene promenljive daju statistički značajnu razliku u broju ciklusa do pojave<br />razlabavljenja, kasne mehaničke komplikacije koja prethodi lomu usled zamora<br />materijala, ili zahteva reviziju. Pri ovom ispitivanju fizički prototipovi<br />endoproteza su, izloženi jednosmerno promenljivoj sili, Fmax=2500N, amplitude 2000N i<br />frekvencije 15-20 Hz. Vršena je vizuelena kontrola pojave radiolucentne linije između<br />tela endoproteze i koštanog cementa, odnosno kosti, kao pouzdani znak početka<br />razlabavljenja, kao i Rtg snimaka od strane ortopedskih hirurga nakon svakih 500.000<br />ciklusa, za sve uzorke. Analiza rezultata nakon ispitivanja pri dinamičkom opterećenju<br />uzoraka izrađenih od superlegure čelika 316LVM i uzoraka izrađenih od superlegure<br />titanijuma Ti6Al4V ukazuje na visoku pouzdanost odnosno nizak nivo rizika da može doći<br />do razlabavljenja i do pojave loma usled zamora materijala. Profil prelaza sa velikog<br />na mali prečnik za slučaj radijusa i optimizirani bionički profil nisu pokazali<br />značajnu statističku razliku kod ispitivanja pri dinamičkom opterećenju. Na kraju je<br />pojava razlabavlja utvrđivana i inženjerskom metodom. Nakon ispitivanja dinamičkim<br />opterećenjem fizički prototipovi endoproteza su ponovo izloženi statičkom<br />opterećenju i konstatovano je da nema značajnijih promena u raspodeli i vrednostima<br />maksimalnih napona, što ukazuje da nije došlo da pojave razlabavljenja.<br />Kroz šesto poglavlje dat je kratak opis biokompatabilnih materijala, legura čelika<br />316LVM, kobalta CoCrMo, titanijuma Ti6A14V &bdquo;eli&ldquo;, poroznih i keramičkih materijala,<br />materijala od plastične mase, kompozita i bioreseptivih materijala. Nakon toga su<br />prikazani rezultati ispitivanja biokompatabilnosti materijala koji su primenjeni za<br />izradu elemenata modularnog sistema endoproteza. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali<br />da materijali i tehnološki proces proizvodnje zadovoljavaju sa stanovišta<br />biokompatabilnosti.<br />Sedmo poglavlje sadrži zaključke, na osnovu rezultata pojedinih poglavlja i<br />izvedenih istraživanja. Nakon toga dati su pravci budućih istraživanja.<br />Osmo poglavlje sadrži pregled korišćene literature, koju čini 68 literaturnih<br />naslova od kojih je najveći broj citiran u radu.</p> / <p>In the first chapter, the need of implant insertion was apostrophed, with the purpose to achieve<br />normal functioning of human locomotory system. On the base of analysis of the number and the<br />structure of implanted hip endoprosthesis during the years 2014. and 2015. at IOHB &ldquo;Banjica&rdquo;,<br />Belgrade, and at Clinical center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Clinic of orthopedy and traumatology, it<br />was concluded that the data, related to the number of citizens, show to be similar and<br />comparable with those from the USA.<br />In the second chapter, in the preface section, the systematization of hip endoprosthesis<br />according to the norm ISO 7216 was presented. After that, the results of historical application of<br />modular tumor endoprosthesis was presented. The attention was paid to the description and<br />structure element variants of modular hip endoprosthesis, and also to the analyses of existing<br />prosthesis constructions. The results of up to now conducted research were additionally enriched<br />with patented variants of modular hip endoprosthesis. At the end, based on previously summed<br />knowledge and experiences in the field of development of prosthetic aids, the goal of the<br />research was determined, so as basic hypothesis, materials and methods.<br />Third chapter comprises short description of bone tumors and historic development of tumor<br />endoprosthesis. The complications after implantation were discussed and also the criteria for the<br />implantation of tumor prosthesis. Primary and secondary tumors, failed arthroplasty, fractures<br />across or beneath trochanter and pathologic fractures are frequent causes of total destruction of<br />the upper portion of the femur and require the replacement of it with tumor prosthesis. The aim of<br />hip tumor prosthesis implantation is to save the limb, to preserve esthetic, to provide satisfactory<br />functionality and to neutralize the pain. It is not possible to expect that endoprosthetic system<br />achieves en infinitely long service life. For some of the components, which are during the service<br />exposed to intensive wear and tear, it is necessary to provide the possibility of simple<br />replacement, with the need for a minimal surgical intervention. From the aspect of biomechanical</p><p>design, the fixation system and body configuration of an endoprosthesis must be such, as to<br />minimize stress level and to provide for a convenient stress distribution.<br />The fourth chapter is dedicated to the definition of the structure and components&rsquo; dimensions<br />for a system of modular hip endoprosthesis. It was dealt with the procedure and with the<br />influencefull factors on a design process and also with the reliability of a designed solution.<br />Special care was devoted to the dimensioning of the upper portion of endoprosthesis from the<br />standpoint of stress concentration and to the elements for the connection and joining the<br />elements in a compact mechanical system. The measures of certain components were defined<br />on the base of statistic analysis of up to now implanted monolithic tumor endoprosthesis at IOHB<br />&ldquo;Banjica&rdquo;, Belgrade.<br />Within fifth chapter, the results of computer analysis of static behavior of the body of monolithic<br />component (lower section) of modular tumor hip endoprosthesis was presented. As the first, the<br />results of preliminary examinations with static load were presented, both the computer simulation<br />of experimental testing and the results of real experimental testing, for both types of tumor<br />endoprosthesis. On the base of these results, the remodeling of the lower component was<br />undertaken so that instead of the connection of a collar and the prosthesis body with the shape<br />of a constant radius (the spot with the maximum stress in the prosthesis), an optimal bionically<br />shaped connection was defined. After the production of lower prosthesis components from<br />different materials and with the different shapes, the final examinations of the components of<br />modular tumor hip endoprosthesis under static load were performed. For the final examinations,<br />in the first step also the computer modeling was performed, and consequently experimental<br />testing. When performing experimental testing, the stress level was determined at eleven<br />measuring spots, on the prosthesis section between the collar and the body. Acquired results<br />were compared to the results acquired through computer modeling and an adequate overlapping<br />of stress distribution and maximum stress in the region between the collar and the prosthesis<br />body was detected. For the case of dynamic load, the laboratory experimental examinations<br />were performed. For these examinations the following variables were determined: 1.<br />endoprosthesis type: monolithic and modular, 2. material: steel superalloy 316LVM and of<br />titanium Ti6Al4V, 3. shape of a connection between the collar and prosthesis body: with constant<br />radius and with the optimized shape. The aim of this examination was to determine the number<br />of cycles which would lead to the beginning of the loosening of the prosthesis body under the<br />conditions of maximum load or, with other words, it was to be determined if mentioned variables<br />provide for significant statistic difference in cycle numbers to the point of prosthesis loosening, to<br />the consequent mechanic complication predicting material fatigue failure or demanding surgical<br />revision. When conducting the examination, physical models of endoprosthesis were exposed to<br />the influence of unidirectionally changing force with the parameters of Fmax = 2500N, Fampl =<br />2000N, frequency 15-20 Hz. After every 500.000 load cycles, for all the samples, the appearance<br />of a radiolucent line between the prosthesis body and bone cement and the bone itself, as the<br />reliable sign of the loosening onset, was visually checked on Rtg shots by orthopedic surgeons.<br />The analysis of the results for behavior under dynamic load, for the samples from steel<br />superalloy 316LVM and from titanium Ti6Al4V shows that they posses high reliability and that<br />there is a low probability that the loosening and the fatigue failure will occur. When examined<br />under dynamic load, prosthesis section with the change from small diameter to large diameter,<br />for the case with constant radius and for the case with optimized bionic profile, have not shown<br />statistically significant difference. At the end, the loosening appearance was examined under the<br />application of engineering methods. After exposing the prosthesis to the dynamic load, physical<br />prototypes of prosthesis were anew exposed to static load and it was confirmed that there is no<br />significant change in the distribution and the level of maximum stress, what was the proof that no<br />loosening has occurred.<br />Within the sixth chapter, the short description of biocompatible materials was given, of steel<br />alloy 316LVM, cobalt CoCrMo, titanium Ti6Al4V &ldquo;eli&rdquo;, of porous and ceramic materials, plastic<br />materials, composites and bioreceptive materials. Subsequently, the results of biocompatibility<br />examination of materials which were applied for the production of the elements of modular<br />endoprosthesis system were presented. The acquired results have proved that the materials and<br />the production process are satisfactory from the standpoint of biocompatibility.<br />Seventh chapter comprises the conclusions, based on specific previous chapters and the<br />research results. After that, the suggestions for the future research were outlined.<br />Eight chapter comprises an overview of used literature, with 68 titles, most of which were cited<br />in this work.</p>

Étude des altérations du comportement auditif chez l'enfant avec autisme : mise au point d'un nouvel instrument d'évaluation, l'échelle EACAA-E (Échelle Altérations Comportement Auditif Autisme Enfant) / Study of alterations of the auditory behavior in children with autism : development of a new assessment tool, the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C)

Filipova, Marina 30 November 2016 (has links)
L'autisme est un trouble envahissant du développement qui affecte toutes les fonctions sensorielles, perceptives, cognitives, communicatives, émotionnelles et relationnelles de l'enfant. S'appuyant sur la triade symptomatique autistique (altération qualitative des interactions sociales, altération qualitative de la communication et de l'imagination, caractère restreint, répétitif et stéréotypé des comportements, des centres d'intérêts et des activités), la définition de l'autisme de l'enfant a longtemps exclu les particularités sensorielles dont attestent pourtant à la fois les personnes avec autisme et les études scientifiques. Le DSM-5 a aujourd'hui réparé cet oubli. Actuellement si ces dysfonctionnements auditifs peuvent être identifiés par le clinicien à l'aide d'outils diagnostiques ou comportementaux validés, à notre connaissance, il n'existe pas d'outil spécifique pour les évaluer. Le premier objectif de cette recherche est d'élaborer une échelle d'Évaluation des Altérations du Comportement Auditif Autisme - Enfant (EACAA-E) utilisable par les cliniciens dans des situations d'examen de l'enfant avec TSA et qui présentent les qualités métrologiques nécessaires pour un usage en pratique clinique et en recherche. Le second objectif est de montrer que les altérations du comportement auditif chez des enfants avec TSA seraient une composante particulière de l'autisme, puis qu'indépendantes du degré de sévérité de l'autisme et du degré de sévérité du retard mental. Cinquante enfants et adolescents avec troubles du spectre de l'autisme et d'âge réel compris entre 2 ans et 18 ans sont recrutés dans des services de soins médico-psychologiques (Pédopsychiatrie, CAMSP) et inclus dans la recherche après consentement de la famille. Le diagnostic d'autisme est effectué à partir des critères du DSM 5 (rétrospectivement pour certains d'entre eux pour qui avait été utilisé initialement le DSM-IV-TR) et l'évaluation quantitative diagnostique est effectuée à l'aide de la CARS, de l'ADOS et de l'ADI-R. Le développement intellectuel et psychologique et le degré de sévérité du retard mental sont évalués à l'aide de tests appropriés (PEP 3, EDEI-R, BECS). L'échelle l'EACAA-E est une échelle originale qui a fait l'objet d'une première étude (Master recherche) et d'une première analyse psychométrique (Filipova et al. 2014) qui a abouti à sa forme définitive : l'échelle comporte 24 items couvrant 7 dimensions de la sensorialité auditive (bizarrerie, fascination, paradoxe, inconfort, hypoesthésie, hyperesthésie, difficulté). La cotation des items (de 0 à 4) permet de calculer un score global et un score par dimension. L'observation des comportements auditifs de l'enfant est réalisée au cours d'un examen psychologique du développement de la cognition et de la communication. Cet examen peut être enregistré. La cotation des items de comportements de l'échelle est réalisée à la fin de la séance par l'examinateur. Une double cotation inter et intra-cotateur est effectuée à partir du document vidéoscopique de l'examen. Les analyses psychométriques indiquent une bonne homogénéité de l'échelle et une bonne fidélité inter et intra-cotateur. L'étude antérieure préliminaire avait aussi montré que l'échelle EACAA-E est sensible aux changements induits par une prise en charge intégrative incluant la T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). Ces résultats attestent les qualités métrologiques de l'échelle. Par ailleurs, le score global est corrélé négativement au quotient de développement global, indiquant l'existence d'un lien entre la sévérité du retard mental et l'intensité des altérations du comportement auditif. Par contre, les scores à l'EACAA-E semblent indépendants de la sévérité globale de l'autisme, telle qu'évaluée quantitativement par la CARS. L'EACAA-E apparaît donc comme une échelle clinique francophone pertinente pour l'évaluation des altérations des comportements auditifs chez les enfants présentant un TSA. / Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects all sensory, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional and relationship to the child. Based on the autistic triad of symptoms (qualitative impairment in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication and imagination, restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities), the definition of child's autism has long ruled the sensory characteristics which nevertheless attest to both people with autism and scientific studies. The DSM-5 has now fixed this oversight. Currently if auditory dysfunction can be identified by the clinician using validated diagnostic or behavioral tools, to our knowledge, there is no specific tool to evaluate them. The first objective of this research is to develop the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) for use by clinicians in children's exam situations with ASD and having the metrological required for use in clinical practice and research. The second objective is to show that alterations of the auditory behavior in children with ASD would be a particular component of autism, as independent of the degree of severity of autism and the degree of severity of mental retardation. Participant. Fifty children and adolescents with disorders of the autism spectrum and actual age between 2 and 18 years were recruited from medical and psychological care (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, CAMSP) and included in the search after family consent. The diagnosis of autism is made from DSM 5 (retrospectively for some of them who had initially used the DSM-IV-TR) and diagnostic quantitative evaluation is performed using the CARS, the ADOS and ADI-R. The intellectual and psychological development and severity of mental retardation are evaluated using appropriate tests (PEP 3, EDEI-R, SCEB). Measurement'method. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) is an original scale which was the subject of a first study (Master's degree) and a first psychometric analysis (2014 Filipova et al.) Which resulted in its final form: the scale includes 24 items covering seven dimensions of auditory sensory (oddity, fascinating, paradoxical, discomfort, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, difficulty). The listing of items (0 to 4) calculates an overall score and a score by dimension. The observation of the child's auditory behavior is made during a psychological examination of the development of cognition and communication. This examination can be registered. Trading on the scale behavior of items is performed at the end of the session by the examiner. A double rating by inter and intra-rater is carried out from the document videoscopic examination. Psychometric analysis indicates good homogeneity of the scale and good reliability inter and intra-rater. Preliminary earlier study also showed that ABAA-C scale is sensitive to changes induced by integrative care including T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). These results demonstrate the metrological qualities of the scale. Moreover, the overall score is negatively correlated to the overall development quotient, indicating the existence of a link between the severity of mental retardation and intensity alterations of the auditory behavior. By against and scores to the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appear to be independent of the overall severity of autism, as assessed quantitatively by CARS. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appears as a relevant francophone clinical scale for assessing alterations in auditory behavior in children with ASD.

Academic Predictors of National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses Pass Rates

Elliott, Maybeth J. 01 January 2011 (has links)
The United States continues to be affected by a severe, long-standing nursing shortage that is not projected to resolve within the next 10 or more years. Unsuccessful passage of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) among graduate nurses remains one of several key contributors to the nursing shortage. The goal of this study was to identify if either cumulative fall semester GPA; the overall prenursing science, mathematics, and English GPA; type of high school background; TOEFL score; clinical pass or fail; and on-time program completion best predicted passage of NCLEX-RN. Archived records from the academic years of 2006-2010 of students/graduates of a small, private BSN program were analyzed. A nonconcurrent, prospective design of secondary data was guided by the theoretical implications of the Seidman retention formula that surmises that early identification of academic problems is a necessary precursor to implementations that promote academic success. Significant, positive correlations were found between GPA of prenursing courses and achievement in clinical courses and on-time nursing program completion. Forward and backward, logistic regression procedures revealed that clinical performance was the strongest predictor of NCLEX-RN success but with an inverse relationship. Implications for positive social change include retention of BSN students to improve graduation rates. This ultimately will foster achievement on the NCLEX-RN, resulting in more graduates will be able to competently serve the health care needs of individuals and communities and alleviation of the nursing shortage.

Nursing Student's Breast Cancer Knowledge and Breast- self Examination Technique Confidence

Gaud, Lydia E. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women in the United States. Several factors have been identified that interfere with women's breast cancer screening practices, including lack of knowledge and confidence in the breast self-examination (BSE) technique, and lack of information provided by health care provider. One of the reasons nurses do not teach breast cancer detection could be the little emphasis given to breast cancer examination in nursing schools. The BSE is a measure of significant value in detecting cancer of the breast. However, less than half of the women in the United States are participating in breast cancer screening. The purpose of this quantitative study was to investigate the relationship between the freshman and senior nursing students' breast cancer knowledge (BCK) and breast self-examination technique confidence (BSE_TC). An online survey was administered to measure the students' BCK and their BSE_TC. The social cognitive theory guided this study. A sample 100 nursing students (54 senior and 46 freshman) were included for hypothesis testing. The study results indicate that senior nursing students had higher mean scores on the BCK and BSE_TC, as would be expected. However, senior nursing students' BCK_BSE_TC scores were also very low. This is a concern for the future of breast cancer detection. This study provides data showing breast cancer screening concepts are unclear to freshman students, and remain unclear with senior students. Nursing educational curricula in breast cancer screening should be revised to affect improvements in nurses' role in advising and educating patients.

Acculturation, Inflammation, and Depression Among Hispanic Adults in the United States

Marano, Kristin Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Disparities exist in the recognition and treatment of depression among Hispanics in the United States, creating a social, ethical, economic, and public health burden. This study was designed to generate an improved understanding of the causes of and/or contributors to depression within this population. It was specifically designed to 1) assess the prevalence and severity of depression among Hispanic adults in the United States relative to adults of other race/ethnicities in the United States; 2) clarify the inconsistent results in the literature concerning the relationship between acculturation and depression among Hispanic adults in the United States; and 3) fill a gap in the literature by evaluating the potential for inflammation to mediate the relationship between acculturation and depression among Hispanic adults in the United States. The biopsychosocial model was used as a theoretical foundation for this study. Data from the 2009-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were analyzed descriptively and via logistic regression. Findings confirmed higher prevalence of depression among Hispanic adults compared with non-Hispanic White adults, and that a lower degree of acculturation was consistently associated with a decreased likelihood of depression among Hispanics. No mediating effect of inflammation on the relationship between acculturation and depression was observed. The findings from this study are intended for use by health care providers, health educators, and public health practitioners to improve depression prevention, diagnosis, and treatment opportunities within this population and to accordingly to affect positive social change.

Effect of Eustress, Flow, and Test Anxiety on Physical Therapy Psychomotor Practical Examinations

Bourgeois, Todd Joseph 01 January 2018 (has links)
Students at the graduate level undergo higher levels of stress compared to their peers, and this stress is known to affect academic performance. Most of the research is focused on the negative aspect of stress. Positive psychology aspects, such as eustress and flow, are related to success in some activities; however, it is unknown whether these correlate with academic performance. Several stress-related theories-Yerkes-Dodson curve, cybernetics, conservation of resources, and choking under pressure-guided this quantitative study of the effects of eustress, flow, and cognitive test anxiety (CTA) on a psychomotor practical examination for physical therapy students. A sample of 192 physical therapy graduate students across 3 campuses and 5 programs participated. Immediately following a standard psychomotor practical examination, and prior to any performance feedback, participants' levels of eustress, flow, and CTA were measured. All 3 variables had statistically significant bivariate correlations with exam score, and in the expected direction. In a standard multiple regression flow was the only statistically significant predictor; exam scores increased as flow increased. A follow-up analysis revealed that flow mediated (a) the positive relationship between eustress and exam score, and (b) the negative relationship between CTA and exam score, mitigating CTA's negative effect. Results suggest positive social change interventions focused on enhancing positive psychological states could improve academic performance and clinical training, leading to better clinical practice performance and outcomes for patients.

Examination of invisible injuries: UV-induced fluorescence as a supplement to physical examination for blunt trauma injury

Glauche, Julius 09 November 2017 (has links)
Die Untersuchung von Gewaltopfern und die Dokumentation von Verletzungen gehört zur Routinetätigkeit in der Klinischen Rechtsmedizin. Am häufigsten werden Folgen stumpfer Gewalteinwirkung festgestellt. Diese Untersuchungen geraten an ihre Grenzen, wenn z.B. Hautunterblutungen (noch) nicht oder bereits nicht mehr sichtbar sind. Die vorliegende Arbeit belegt den Nutzen von ultravioletter (UV) Strahlung zur Sichtbarmachung verblasster und mit bloßem Auge nicht erkennbare Hämatome. Die durch UV-Strahlung hervorgerufene Fluoreszenz von gesundem im Vergleich zu geschädigtem Gewebe kann teils noch bis zu Monate nach einer Verletzung Unterschiede aufweisen. Somit stellt das hier untersuchte Verfahren eine kostengünstige, schnelle und zuverlässige Alternative des Methodenspektrums rechtsmedizinischer Untersuchungstechniken dar.:1. Bibliographische Beschreibung 2. Introduction 3. Background 3.1. Hematoma 3.2. Electromagnetic radiation 3.3. Fluorescence 3.4. UV radiation 3.5. UV-induced fluorescence 3.6. Hematoma fluorescence 3.7. UV-photography 3.8. Alternative non-invasive 4. Motivation & Purpose of this Thesis 5. Publication 6. Summary & Conclusion 6.1. Background 6.2. Aim 6.3. Material and Method 6.4. Results 6.5. Thesis 6.6. Conclusion 7. Appendix 7.1. Bibliography 7.2. Core Data 7.3. Declaration of Independence 7.4. Curriculum vitae 7.5. Publications 7.6. Acknowledgements / Identification and age determination of hematomas is daily work in forensic medicine. Following blunt trauma, a hematoma may be visible between a few hours and up to three weeks. Patients presenting their injuries outside of that timeframe usually miss visual signs. Various studies indicate that ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can aid the process of hematoma identification, when visible signs are vague or even absent. In this thesis hematoma identification using UV- induced fluorescence is discussed as simple, economic and convenient method.:1. Bibliographische Beschreibung 2. Introduction 3. Background 3.1. Hematoma 3.2. Electromagnetic radiation 3.3. Fluorescence 3.4. UV radiation 3.5. UV-induced fluorescence 3.6. Hematoma fluorescence 3.7. UV-photography 3.8. Alternative non-invasive 4. Motivation & Purpose of this Thesis 5. Publication 6. Summary & Conclusion 6.1. Background 6.2. Aim 6.3. Material and Method 6.4. Results 6.5. Thesis 6.6. Conclusion 7. Appendix 7.1. Bibliography 7.2. Core Data 7.3. Declaration of Independence 7.4. Curriculum vitae 7.5. Publications 7.6. Acknowledgements

Chyby při řešení maturitních úloh s nízkou úspěšností u žáků střední školy / Secondary school pupils' mistakes when solving school leaving examination problems with a low success rate

Myšáková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
The thesis focuses on problems from the mathematical didactic test, which represents an exam in mathematics in the common part of the school leaving examination. The aim of the work is to identify problems that were solved with low success, explain possible difficulties and propose recommendations, the implementation of which in teaching or training pupils could contribute to their better readiness for similar types of problems in the leaving exam. An analysis of the success in solving the problems of didactic tests is performed based on available anonymized data and the problems with the lowest success rates in solving the spring terms of the leaving exam in 2017-2020 are identified. Several problems are selected for research in this work. First, based on didactic analysis the possible reasons for low success in solving the selected problems are presented. Furthermore, research is carried out. A test is compiled from selected problems and it is presented for solution and optional commenting to respondents from high school. Their solutions are then evaluated and analyzed in detail and discussed with respect to previously formulated expectations. There were errors of a milder nature in the pupils' solutions, as well as errors indicating serious shortcomings in the understanding. Some of the errors...

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