Spelling suggestions: "subject:"examination"" "subject:"eexamination""
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Candidacy Examinations and Dissertation Grant Proposals as "Writing Games": Two Case Studies of Chinese-Speaking Doctoral Students' ExperiencesCheng, Ying-Hsueh 29 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The Role of Patient Recovery Expectations in the Outcomes of Physical Therapist Intervention: A Systematic ReviewWassinger, Craig A., Edwards, D C., Bourassa, Michael, Reagan, Don, Weyant, Emily C., Walden, Rachel R. 01 April 2022 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine the association between baseline patient recovery expectations and outcomes following physical therapy care. METHODS: PubMed, CINAHL Complete, PEDro, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and PsycINFO were searched from inception to February 2021. Concepts represented in the search included physical therapy, patient expectations, patient outcomes, and their relevant synonyms. Two reviewers independently screened studies of article abstracts and full texts. Eligibility criteria included English language studies that evaluated adults seeking physical therapist intervention for any health condition where both patient outcome (recovery) expectations and functional or other outcome measures were reported. Methodologic standards were assessed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program criteria. Data were extracted using a custom template for this review with planned descriptive reporting of results. Vote counting was used to measure reported outcomes. RESULTS: Twenty-one studies were included in this review, representing 4879 individuals. Studies were most commonly prospective cohort studies or secondary analyses of controlled trials. Varied expectation, outcome, and statistical measures that generally link patient recovery expectations with self-reported outcomes in musculoskeletal practice were used. CONCLUSION: Patient recovery expectations are commonly associated with patient outcomes in musculoskeletal physical therapy. IMPACT: Evidence supports measuring baseline patient expectations as part of a holistic examination process.
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Magnetresonanstomografi, ett alternativ vid lungundersökning för patienter med cystisk fibros : en allmän litteraturöversikt / Magnetic resonance imaging, an alternative lung examination for patients with cystic fibrosis : a general literature reviewStålnacke, Malin, Pelimanni, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Cystisk fibros (CF) är en medfödd sjukdom som gör slemmet i kroppen mycket tjockare och segare än vanligt. Sjukdomen drabbar främst lungorna och mag- tarmkanalen. Patientgruppen genomgår upprepade radiologiska undersökningar av lungorna genom hela livet, detta medför en ökad risk för strålinducerad cancer. Syfte: Att sammanställa den aktuella forskningen gällande lungundersökningar med magnetresonanstomografi (MR) och datortomografi (DT) för patienter med cystisk fibros. Metod: Denna studie utfördes som en allmän litteraturöversikt. Elva vetenskapliga artiklar valdes ut, analyserades och sammanställdes. Resultat: DT anses som golden standard för diagnostik av lungorna. Olika MR sekvenser har utvecklats för att matcha kvaliteten hos DT, men något standardprotokoll finns inte idag. Fördelar med MR är att modaliteten både kan visa anatomi och funktion jämfört med DT. Den sämre detaljupplösningen och den längre undersökningstiden anses som nackdelar. Slutsats: MR är ett bättre alternativ än DT som potentiell undersökningsmetod och för uppföljning av sjukdomen för patienter med CF. I dagsläget är DT fortfarande standardundersökningsmetoden, med risk för utveckling av strålningsinducerad cancer.
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”Allt annat är för att förstå SO-ämnet” : En kvalitativ studie av religionslärares ämnesförståelse, faktorer som styr urval, genomförande och kunskaper som bedömsBjellman, Kristin, Uygur, Malin January 2023 (has links)
För den här studien har fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med fem lärare i religionskunskap vid högstadiet för att undersöka deras förståelse av sitt ämne och dess syfte. Två ämnesförståelser identifierades, identitetsorienterad ämnesförståelse samt kritiskt orienterad ämnesförståelse. I ett nästa steg analyserades ett urval av lärarnas examinationsuppgifter för att se vilken ämnesförståelse som återfanns i dem. Identitetsorienterad, kritiskt orienterad samt en bildningsorienterad ämnesförståelse påträffades. Studien har även undersökt vilka faktorer som, utöver lärarnas syn på ämnet, påverkar det urval och den metod lärarna väljer. Tre huvudfaktorer kunde urskiljas: elevförutsättningar, organisatoriska förutsättningar samt individuella förutsättningar. Undersökningen kommer även fram till att lärare med hög ämneskompetens är mer benägna till samtidsrelevant undervisning än lärare med lägre ämneskompetens. / For this study, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with five teachers of religious studies at the secondary level to elucidate their understanding of the subject and its purpose. Two understandings of the subject were identified: identity-oriented subject understanding and critically oriented subject understanding. In a subsequent step, a selection of the teachers' examination tasks was analysed to see which understanding of the subjectwas revealed in them. Identity-oriented, critically oriented, and also an educational-oriented subject understanding were discovered in them. The study also examined factors that, in addition to the teachers' views on the subject, influence the selection and method chosen by the teachers. Three main factors were discerned: student prerequisites, organizational prerequisites, and individual prerequisites. The investigation also concludes that teachers with high subject competence are more inclined towards teaching that is relevant to contemporary issues compared to teachers with lower subject competence.
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Prövning i idrott och hälsa 1 : Diskrepans bidrar till underminering av rättvis och likvärdig bedömning. / Assessment in Physical Education and Health 1 : Discrepancy contributes to the undermining of fair and equal assessment.Österman, Michael January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Prövningar i idrott och hälsa tycks ha ökat de senaste åren och att utforma en prövning i idrott och hälsa som ger förutsättningar att sätta ett rättvist, likvärdigt och rättssäkert betyg kan upplevas som en utmaning. Inte minst då det finns en avsaknad av såväl forskning på området som vägledande riktlinjer att förhålla sig till. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns en konsensus om vad en prövning i idrott och hälsa 1 bör innehålla och utformas för att ge förutsättningar för en rättvis och likvärdig bedömning. Metod: Fem lärare i idrott och hälsa som har genomfört minst en prövning i idrott och hälsa 1 deltog i en strukturerad intervju via e-post. Tre av dessa bidrog även med dokument tillhörande respektive prövning. Materialet genomgick därefter en initial kvalitativ tematisk analys och därefter gjordes en induktiv analys för varje tema. Resultat och diskussion: Resultatet påvisade både likheter och markanta skillnader som under hur lång tid en prövning pågick, om den utfördes enskilt eller tillsammans med andra elever samt om läraren får avsatt tid för prövningen eller ej. Även lärarnas bedömningspraxis skiljer sig åt och man kan konstatera att det finns ett behov av vägledande riktlinjer både gällande förutsättningar och i hur prövning i idrott och hälsa bör utformas för att säkerställa en rättvis, likvärdig och rättssäker bedömning och betygsättning. / Background: Examination (Swe. prövning) in physical education and health seem to have increased in recent years and designing an examination in physical education and health that provides the conditions for setting a fair, equal, and legally secure grade can be perceived as a challenge. Not least because there is a lack of both research and guidelines to relate to. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is a consensus on what a test in Physical Education 1 should contain and be designed to provide conditions for a fair and equal assessment. Method: Five physical education teachers who have completed at least one examination in physical education 1 participated in a structured interview via e-mail, three of them also contributed with documents related to each examination. The material was then subjected to an initial qualitative thematic analysis, followed by an inductive analysis for each theme. Results and discussion: The results revealed both similarities and significant differences, such as the length of time an examination lasted, whether it was carried out individually or together with other pupils, and whether or not the teacher is allocated time for the examination. Teachers' assessment practices also differ, and it can be concluded that there is a need for guidelines regarding both the conditions and how examinations in physical education and health should be designed to ensure fair, equal, and legally secure assessment and grading.
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Factors affecting neuropsychological assessment in a group of South Asian older adultsParveen, F. Choudhry January 2021 (has links)
The accuracy of neuropsychological assessment is critical in the diagnosis of
cognitive impairments in older adults. However, existing neuropsychological
tests may not be suitable for minority populations. This thesis aimed to address
this issue by recruiting cognitively-healthy South Asian older adults and
assessing cognitive function in this group. Results showed that typically used
assessments, despite being translated, were not suitable for this cohort.
Furthermore, skills required for test completion such as mathematics and
writing/hand dexterity (which are related to education levels) influenced test
scores. Therefore, new assessments of general cognitive function and
associative memory were developed to improve the accuracy of
neuropsychological test scores. The new tests were not affected by education
and they achieved high internal and test re-test reliability. Time of day (TOD)
that testing takes place is also known to affect cognition. Interestingly, no TOD
effects were observed in this cohort. It was hypothesised that engagement in
the daily five Islamic prayers may have contributed to this lack of a TOD effect.
However, the results did not confirm this. The thesis then looked at overall
prayer engagement and cognition. Results showed that engagement in the
daily five prayers and Quran recitation significantly increased scores on
assessments of processing speed. This thesis demonstrates that accurately
assessing cognition in South Asian older adults is challenging and that the
cognitive tests used must be suitable for this cohort. Interesting findings
emerged for prayer engagement which may have wider implications for the
field of cognitive reserve.
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Prevalence of Vocal Pathology in Incoming Conservatory Students and Reported Vocal HabitsDonahue, Erin Nicole 01 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The Relationship between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses: Comparing SES indicators in Mediated and Moderated Logistic RegressionMeyers, Timothy Walter 16 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Vibration Assisted Drilling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Titanium Alloy for Aerospace ApplicationHussein, Ramy January 2019 (has links)
The physical and mechanical characteristics of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) and Ti6Al4V make them widely used in the aerospace industry. The hybrid structure of CFRP/ Ti6Al4V material has been used in the new generation of aircraft manufacturing. The drilling process of these materials is often associated with unfavorable machining defects such as delamination, burr formation, reduced surface integrity, and tensile residual stresses. These machining defects are attributed to high thermal load, continuous chip morphology, and poor chips evacuation efficiency. Vibration-assisted drilling (VAD) uses an intermittent cutting process to control the uncut chip thickness and chip morphology. VAD has potential advantages include low thermal load, high chips evacuation effectiveness, and longer tool life.
This thesis presents an experimental investigation into the effect of VAD machining parameters on the cutting energy, CFRP delamination, surface integrity, geometrical geometry, Ti6Al4V burr formation, induced residual stresses, and tool wear during the drilling process of CFRP, Ti6Al4V, and CFRP/Ti6Al4V stacked materials. Moreover, a kinematics model is developed to link the observed results to the independent machining parameters (i.e., cutting speed, feed rate, modulation amplitude, and modulation frequency). The experimental work covers a wide range of machining parameters using four levels of frequencies (83.3, 125, 1500, and 2150 Hz).
The VAD results show up to 56 % reduction in the cutting temperature with a significant enhancement in the CFRP entry and exit delamination, geometrical accuracy, surface integrity, and burr formation. The use of VAD also generates compressive stresses, hence improving the part fatigue life. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Virginia Teacher Licensure Examination Policy: Intended and Unintended Effects on Teacher Availability and Minority RepresentationGrimes-Crump, Ruth H. 30 November 2001 (has links)
A major component of the screening process for prospective teachers is the licensure examination. The examination serves two important functions: (a) sorting and screening candidates and (b) defining the knowledge base for professional practice. The first function receives the most attention from policymakers and serves the symbolic purpose of creating selectivity for entry into the profession. Initial entry typically is controlled by raising or lowering examination passing requirements which simply allows more or fewer persons to pass (Darling-Hammond, Wise & Klein, 1995). The second function presumes that a single instrument exists that not only contains the essential knowledge required for professional practice, but accurately identifies those most qualified to teach.The Virginia Board of Education (VBOE), like several other state boards of education, has authorized validation and standard-setting studies related to its teacher licensure examination policy, and the most recent studies have occurred in the past 20 years. The first study was authorized in April 1981 for the potential use of the National Teachers Examination (NTE). Following completion of validation studies for the Specialty Area Tests and the Core Battery Tests, the NTE was adopted as Virginia's licensure examination which was made effective on July 1, 1986. Ten years later (effective July 1, 1996), the VBOE agreed that prospective teachers would be required to take Praxis I Academic Skills Assessments. Praxis I would replace the NTE Core Battery, however, and the original NTE Specialty Area Tests would be retained. The decision to change teacher licensing examinations was precipitated primarily by the announcement by Educational Testing Service (ETS) that it would introduce new tests and eventually discontinue the NTE Core Battery. The passing requirements for Praxis I (as established in 1995) exceeded those of all states administering the test and were as follows: reading and mathematics - 178, and writing - 176. Review of test data obtained after the effective date of this policy revealed that the passing percentage for all test takers in 1995-96 was reading 72; mathematics 62; and writing 58. For minorities, the passing percentages were 34, 18, and 18, respectively. When these results were compared to test taker performance one year later (1996-97), there were modest percentage increases for all test takers: reading - 74; mathematics - 66; and writing - 63. For minorities, passing percentages were 36, 35 and 28, respectively. Despite these increases, 26 percent of all test takers failed the reading test; 34 percent failed the mathematics test; and 37 percent failed the writing test. The long-range effects of the Praxis I passing requirements on test takers are unknown; however, one of the near-term effects likely will be a reduction in the passing rate for a significant number of persons, particularly racial minorities.This study examined current Virginia teacher licensure policy, its intent, and near-term effects of examination results on teacher availability and minority representation. / Ph. D.
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