Spelling suggestions: "subject:"expectations."" "subject:"ixpectations.""
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Temporal orienting in the human brain : neural mechanisms of control and modulationRohenkohl, Gustavo January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of the experiments reported in this thesis was to explore the neural mechanisms underlying the temporal orienting of attention. In Chapter 3, I explored the possible dissociation between exogenous and endogenous temporal orienting by comparing reaction times to targets appearing after rhythmic or symbolic cues. Behavioural results provided evidence for the existence of dissociable exogenous and endogenous types of temporal orienting of attention. The experiment in Chapter 4 combined spatiotemporal expectations using rhythmic moving cues to test the modulatory effect of exogenous temporal orienting in the brain. Specifically, I used EEG to test the effect of temporal orienting on perceptual and motor stages of target analysis, as well as on anticipatory oscillatory brain activity. The time-frequency analysis revealed that rhythmic cues can entrain slow brains oscillations, providing a putative mechanism for enhancing the perceptual processing of expected events. Spatiotemporal expectations also modulated the amplitude of visual responses and the timing and amount of preparatory motor activity. In Chapter 5, I used a novel task to explore the neural modulatory effects of spatial and temporal expectations acting in isolation or in coordination. For the first time, the analysis of early visual responses demonstrated that temporal expectations alone, independently of spatial orienting, can enhance early visual perceptual processes. The time-frequency analysis in this experiment showed a desynchronisation of alpha oscillations focused over central-parietal electrodes induced by rhythmic cues that were independent of spatial expectations. When rhythmic cues carried spatiotemporal information, the alpha desynchronisation also spread over contralateral occipital electrodes. In Chapter 6, fMRI was used to test the possible neural dissociation between motor and temporal orienting. The results confirmed the large overlap between these two processes, but also indicated independent behavioural and neural effects of temporal orienting. Temporal orienting activated the left IPS across motor conditions, further implicating the left IPS in temporal orienting. Based on the results of these experiments, directions for future studies are discussed.
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Telefonrådgivning - en utmaning : En litteraturstudie ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektivEkman Sundström, Jenniefer, Hagström, Linn January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Telefonrådgivning är en tillgänglig verksamhet som visat sig vara kostnadseffektiv för både uppringarna och samhället. De flesta uppringarna är nöjda med tjänsten när sjuksköterskorna låter dem vara delaktiga i samtalet samt respekterar dem. Sjuksköterskornas främsta uppgift i telefonrådgivning är bedömningar avseende uppringarnas behov av vårdnivå. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att tillhandahålla telefonrådgivning. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes vilken baseras på tio stycken kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Att som sjuksköterska tillhandahålla telefonrådgivning innebär flera utmaningar. Vissa faktorer gällande samtalen komplicerade kommunikationen och sjuksköterskornas bedömningar. Flera krav ställdes på sjuksköterskorna som hanterade dessa med hjälp av kollegor och beslutsstöd. Arbetet i telefonrådgivningen gav kunskap och erfarenheter vilka bidrog till att sjuksköterskorna utvecklades i sin yrkesroll. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser är i stor grad relaterade till avsaknaden av den visuella kontakten samt de bedömningar de förväntas göra i sitt arbete. Mycket förväntas av sjuksköterskorna som upplever att de har ett stort ansvar gentemot uppringarna. / Background: Telenursing is a business that has proven to be cost-effective for both callers and society. Most callers are happy with the service when the nurses let them be involved in the conversation and respects them. The main role of nurses in telenursing is to assess the callers need out of level of care. Aim: The aim is to describe nurse’s experiences of providing telephone advice. Method: A systematic review of descriptive synthesis based on ten qualitative scientific articles. Result: To provide telephone advice involves several challenges. Some factors concerning the talks complicated communication and assessments for the nurses. Several requirements were on the nurses who handled these with the help of colleagues and decision support. The work provided knowledge and experiences which contributed to nurses in their professional role. Conclusion: Nurse’s experiences are related to the lack of visual contact and the assessments they are expected to do in their work. Much is expected of the nurses who perceive that they have a great responsibility to the callers.
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Konsten att axla ett chefsuppdrag som ung : En studie om unga chefers karriärsutmaningarBengtsson, Olivia, Johansson, Emmy January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Konsten att axla ett chefsuppdrag som ung - En studie om unga chefers karriärsutmaningarFörfattare: Emmy Johansson och Olivia Bengtsson Institution: Linnéuniversitetet, Fakultetsnämnden för ekonomi, Ekonomihögskolan Program: Human Resource Management Kurs: Företagsekonomi III - organisation, examensarbete (Kandidat) Handledare: Kjell Arvidsson Examinator: Mikael Lundgren Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera vilka utmaningar unga chefer står inför i sina karriärer, samt hur de hade kunnat förberedas bättre på de upplevda karriärsutmaningarna. Genom att identifiera unga chefers utmaningar önskar vi kunna skapa en ökad medvetenhet hos blivande unga chefer, ledarskapsutbildningar, organisationer och företag. Metodik: Genom en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi har semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med hjälp av unga chefer mellan åldrarna 25-35 år. De valda unga cheferna är verksamma i olika branscher och i olika geografiska områden i Sverige. I syfte att besvara problemformuleringarna har vi utgått från en abduktiv forskningsansats. Slutsats: Unga chefer upplever att chefskapet som ung innebär en del svårhanterliga karriärsutmaningar. Den första utmaningen är åldersskillnaden mellan den unga chefen och de äldre medarbetarna. Unga chefer saknar ofta den naturliga statusen som kommer med åldern, vilket gör det svårt för dem att utföra chefskapet. Unga chefer upplever även svårigheter i att skapa förtroende gentemot sina medarbetare. Orsaken till utmaningen att skapa förtroende grundar sig främst i att de ständigt behöver bevisa sin kompetens och lämplighet för chefsrollen. Unga chefer upplever att det stora ansvaret är en ständig utmaning. Ansvaret leder till stora uppoffringar av privatlivet och kräver både tid och energi av den unga chefen, vilket kan upplevas som övermäktigt. Vidare är digitaliseringen och den ständiga uppkopplingen en återkommande utmaning som många unga chefer upplever svårhanterlig. Den ständiga uppkopplingen och att alltid finnas tillgänglig för sina medarbetare har visat sig vara både stressande och har en negativ effekt på arbetslivet och privatlivet. Det finns även svårigheter i att delegera och prioritera arbetsuppgifter. Unga chefer behöver förberedas bättre med hjälp av en praktik under studietiden och med en större inblick i hur chefsrollen ser ut under tiden som medarbetare. Slutligen har det visat sig att unga chefers tidigare förväntningar på chefsrollen kan vara avgörande för hur de upplever och hanterar karriärsutmaningarna. Nyckelord: Unga chefer, karriärsutmaningar, chefskap, förväntningar / Title: To undertake a management position as a young person - A study about young managers career challenges Authors: Emmy Johansson and Olivia Bengtsson Institution: Linnaeus University, School of Business and Economics Program: Human Resource Management Course: Business Administration III – Organization (Bachelor thesis) Supervisor: Kjell Arvidsson Examiner: Mikael Lundgren Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the challenges young managers faces in their careers, as well as how young managers could be better prepared for the perceived career challenges. By identifying the challenges of young managers, we wish to create increased awareness among prospective young managers, organizations and leadership programs. Methodology: Through a qualitative research strategy, semi-structured interviews has been conducted using young managers between the ages of 25-35 years. The chosen young managers are active in different industries and in different geographic areas in Sweden. In order to answer the problem formulations, we have assumed an abductive research effort.Conclusion: Young managers experience management as challenging and difficult to manage. One of the challenges is the age difference between the young manager and the older employees. Young managers lack the natural status that comes with age which makes it difficult for them to execute the managership. Young managers experience difficulties in creating confidence in their employees. The reason for the challenge of trust is the fact that they constantly need to prove their competence and suitability for their management position. Young managers feels that the large responsibility is a constant challenge. The responsibility leads to large sacrifices of the personal life and requires both time and energy, which can be perceived as hard to handle. The digitization and the constant availability are a recurring challenge which many young managers find difficult to handle. This challenge has been proved to be both stressful and affecting working life and privacy life. There are also difficulties in delegating and prioritizing tasks. Young managers needs to be better prepared for a manager position by using an internship during their studies and with a better knowledge of what a manager's role involves. Finally it has been proved that young managers previous expectations of the management position can be decisive for how they perceive and manage the career challenges. Keywords: Young managers, career challenges, management, expectations
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The individual Controller role : And how the role is affected by increased information and complex report relationsAlin, Gustaf, Thornell, Benjamin January 2016 (has links)
Previous research of the controller role is extensive and has been studied in several sectors, whichprovides a wide range of definitions of the controller role. These definitions have contributed to an ambiguous controller role in regards to what work assignments are most important and to whom the controller should report. This thesis aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the controller role based on work assignments within a decentralised organisation working with complex financial products. This thesis also contributes to an understanding of how controllers perceive that their role is affected by their work with handling information and their report relations. This has generated three research questions: What role does the controller have in a Swedish universal bank based on work assignments? What are the eventual differences in the controller role depending on department in the organisation? How do the controllers perceive that their role is affected by their work with handling information and by their report relations? Delimitation was made to analyse controllers at various levels in Handelsbanken. In order to create an understanding of the controller role in this context, an abductive approach as been used in order to combine existing theories with empirical findings. Based on a qualitative approach, triangulation was chosen to combine assembled empirical data with semi- structured interviews. The result of this study implies that controllers mainly lean towards the role as a Business partner as they work as a support function to provide local or higher managers with relevant analysis for decision-making. Based on work processes with information, the controllers lean towards an Analyst and Coach as they generally handle all business related information. From this case study, controllers in decentralised organisations possess the role as a Specialist as they are situated in separate departments with a clear focus. Results also show that more automated work assignments due to technological development do not increase the controllers’ opportunity to dedicate more time on analysis. Instead, increased information flows require controllers to allocate resources towards assembling information. In terms of report relations, close adherence towards the local managers does not affect the controller’s objective reporting to higher management and the controller can arguably bemore independent within their report relations than what is described by literature.
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Learning as a patient : What and how individuals want to learn when preparing for surgery, and the potential use of serious games in their educationIngadóttir, Brynja January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Surgical patients need knowledge to participate in their own care and to engage in self-care behaviour in the perioperative period which is important for their recovery. Patient education facilitates such knowledge acquisition and several methods can be used to facilitate it, for example, face-to-face education and brochures or using information technology such as website or computer games. Healthcare professionals have been slow to seize the possibilities that information technology has to offer within the field, including the use of serious games. To optimise patient education, the information is needed on the patients’ needs and preferences and what they think about the idea of using a serious game to learn about self-care. Aim: The overall aims of this thesis were to describe the knowledge expectations of surgical patients, to describe how surgical patients want to learn, and to explore the potential use of serious games in patient education. Methods: This thesis includes four studies that used both quantitative and qualitative data to describe aspects of patient learning in relation to surgery. Study I has a prospective and comparative design with survey data collected before surgery and before hospital discharge from 290 patients with osteoarthritis undergoing knee arthroplasty. Data was collected on fulfilment of knowledge expectations and related factors. Study II is a cross-‐sectional study in 104 patients with heart failure who had been scheduled for cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) device implantation. Data was collected on knowledge expectations and related factors. In Study III the perceptions of 13 surgical patients towards novel and traditional methods to learn about post-operative pain management are explored in a qualitative interview study using content analysis. Study IV describes the development and evaluation of a serious game to learn about pain management with the participation of 20 persons recruited from the public. The game was developed by an interdisciplinary team following a structured approach. Data on the efficacy and usability of the game was collected in one session with questionnaires, observations and interviews. Results: Participants reported high knowledge expectations. Knowledge expectations were highest within the bio-physiological knowledge dimension on disease, treatment and complications and the functional dimension on how daily activities are affected, both of which include items on self-care. Most participants wanted to know about the possible complications related to the surgery procedure. In none of the knowledge dimensions the expectations of participants were fulfilled. Participants received most knowledge on the physical and functional issues and received least on the financial and social aspects of their illness. The main predictor of fulfilment of knowledge expectations was having access to knowledge in the hospital from doctors and nurses. Trust in the information source and own motivation to learn shaped how the participants thought about different learning methods. Although the participants were open to using novel learning methods such as websites or games they were also doubtful about their use and called for advice by healthcare professionals. To develop a serious game with the goal to learn about pain management, theories of self-care and adult learning, evidence on the educational needs of patients about pain management and principles of gamification were found useful. The game character is a surgical patient just discharged home from hospital who needs to attend to daily activities while simultaneously managing post-operative pain with different strategies. Participants who evaluated a first version of the serious game improved their knowledge and described usability of the game as high. They were positive towards this new learning method and found it suitable for learning about pain management after surgery in spite of some technical obstacles. Conclusions: Surgical patients have high knowledge expectations about all aspects of their upcoming surgery and although they prefer direct communication with healthcare professionals as a source for knowledge they might be open to try using more novel methods such as games. Preliminary short-‐term results demonstrate that a serious game can help individuals to learn about pain management, and has the potential to improve knowledge. A careful introduction, recommendation, and support from healthcare professionals is needed for implementation of such a novel method in patient education. / Fræðsla gerir sjúklingum betur kleift að taka þátt í umönnun sinni sem er mikilvægt fyrir bata eftir skurðaðgerð. Sjúklingafræðslu má veita með ýmsum aðferðum, til dæmis munnlega, með bæklingum eða með því að nota upplýsingatækni á formi vefsíðna eða kennslutölvuleikja. Heilbrigðisstarfsfólk hefur verið lengi að tileinka sér möguleika upplýsingatækninnar í sjúklingafræðslu, þar með talið notkun kennslutölvuleikja. Þörf er á meiri þekkingu um fræðsluþarfir skurðsjúklinga en jafnframt um viðhorf sjúklinga til nýrra námsaðferða. Kennslutölvuleikir eru ein leið sem gæti gagnast sjúklingum en notagildi þeirra hefur lítið verið rannsakað. Meginmarkmið þessarar ritgerðar var að lýsa væntingum skurðsjúklinga til fræðslu, lýsa því hvernig þeir vilja læra og að kanna möguleika kennslutölvuleikja í sjúklingafræðslu. Ritgerðin samanstendur af fjórum rannsóknargreinum. Notuð vorumegindleg og eigindleg rannsóknargögn til að lýsa ýmsum hliðum náms einstaklinga sem fara í skurðaðgerð. Rannsókn I er framsýn samanburðarrannsókn sem gerð var á 290 sjúklingum með slitgigt sem gengust undir hnéliðskipti. Gögnum var safnað með spurningalistum fyrir skurðaðgerð og fyrir útskrift af sjúkrahúsi um uppfyllingu væntinga til fræðslu og tengda þætti. Rannsókn II er þversniðsrannsókn með þátttöku 104 sjúklinga með hjartabilun sem voru á leið í aðgerð til að fá ígræddan sérstakan hjartagangráð (e. cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT)). Gögnum var safnað með spurningalistum, fyrir ígræðsluna, um væntingar til fræðslu og tengda þætti. Rannsókn III er eigindleg rannsókn með þátttöku 13 sjúklinga sem nýlega höfðu farið í liðskiptaaðgerð eða hjartaskurðaðgerð. Gögnum var safnað með viðtölum þar sem sjúklingar lýstu viðhorfum sínum til nýrra og hefðbundinna aðferða til að læra um verkjameðferð eftir skurðaðgerð. Gögnin voru greind með innihaldsgreiningu. Rannsókn IV lýsir þróun og mati á kennslutölvuleik til að læra um verkjameðferð eftir skurðaðgerð, með þátttöku 20 sjálfboðaliða. Leikurinn var þróaður af þverfaglegum hópi hjúkrunarfræðinga og tölvunarfræðinga. Gagnsemi og notagildi leiksins voru metin með spurningalistum, áhorfi og viðtölum. Þátttakendur höfðu miklar væntingar til fræðslu. Væntingar voru mestar á sviði lífeðlisfræði um atriði er sneru að sjúkdómi, meðferð og fylgikvillum og á sviði færni um áhrif veikinda á daglegar athafnir. Bæði sviðin fela í sér atriði um sjálfsumönnun. Flestir þátttakendur vildu fá fræðslu um mögulega fylgikvilla skurðaðgerðar. Væntingar voru ekki uppfylltar á neinu þekkingarsviði þó best á sviði lífeðlisfræði og færni en síst er vörðuðu fjárhag og félagslegan stuðning í tengslum við veikindi. Væntingar voru best uppfylltar meðal þeirra sem höfðu góðan aðgang að fræðslu á spítalanum frá hjúkrunarfræðingum og læknum. Viðhorf þátttakenda til mismunandi námsaðferða mótaðist af trausti á fræðslumiðli og eigin áhugahvöt. Þátttakendur voru opnir fyrir notkun nýjunga á borð við vefsíður og kennslutölvuleiki en jafnframt nokkuð tortryggnir og töldu mikilvægt að fá ráðleggingar og aðstoð heilbrigðisstarfsfólks við slíka notkun. Kenningar um sjálfsumönnun og nám fullorðinna, aðferðir leikjahönnunar og tiltæk þekking á fræðsluþörfum sjúklinga um verkjameðferð voru notaðar til grundvallar við hönnun kennslutölvuleiksins. Persóna leiksins er nýlega útskrifuð af sjúkrahúsi eftir skurðaðgerð og þarf að sinna daglegum athöfnum jafnframt því að meðhöndla verki sína. Þátttakendur rannsóknarinnar sem lögðu mat á kennsluleikinn bættu þekkingu sína og töldu nothæfni leiksins mikla. Þeir voru jákvæðir gagnvart þessari nýju námsaðferð og fannst hún henta vel til að læra um verkjameðferð eftir skurðaðgerð þrátt fyrir nokkra tæknilega örðugleika. Sjúklingar hafa miklar væntingar til fræðslu fyrir skurðaðgerð. Þeir kjósa helst að leita þekkingar hjá heilbrigðisstarfsfólki en eru þó opnir fyrir að prófa nýjungar eins og kennslutölvuleiki. Fyrstu niðurstöður sýndu að kennslutölvuleikur getur hjálpað einstaklingum að læra um verkjameðferð. Við innleiðingu nýjunga innan sjúklingafræðslu er vönduð kynning, meðmæli og stuðningur af hálfu heilbrigðisstarfsfólks mikilvægur fyrir viðtökur sjúklinga. / <p>The online version is a corrected version of the printed thesis. Download the errata list in order to see thecorrections.</p>
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Spokojenost zákazníků s nabídkou služeb golfových hřišť v Praze a Libereckém kraji / Customer satisfaction with offer of services of golf courses in Prague and in Liberec regionŠíma, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Title: Customer satisfaction with offer of services of golf courses in Prague and in Liberec region Objectives: The Diploma Thesis aims to make a survey of satisfaction and expectations of golf course customers in Liberec region and in the capital city Prague and to compare those regions. Customer satisfaction will be measured by means of questionnaires where each player of each golf course will compare real perceived qualities of a golf course with generally expected qualities. Based on the data obtained, the analysis of values will be carried on, such as golf handicap, age, gender and month income. The Thesis will focus on comparing the expectations and satisfaction of major golf resorts with smaller and not so popular ones. Methods: The research of customer satisfaction was carried on by already proven questionnaire consisting of SERVQUAL method. The research compared expected quality with real quality in seven golf courses in Prague and surroundings and in seven golf courses in Liberec region. The research was carried on from August 2014 till February 2015. Results: The outcome of the thesis is to learn about satisfaction of golfers at golf courses in Prague and Liberec region and submit proposals for improving each golf courses in an effort to achieve improved and better access to customers....
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Elite father and son relationships in Republican RomeMurray, Lauren Donna January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this study is aristocratic fathers and sons in the middle and late Roman Republic (264 – 27 B.C.). By considering legal, literary, and material evidence, it addresses the behaviour of elite families throughout this period. Although there is a great deal of important research conducted on family relations in the ancient world more generally, there is no extensive study which analyses the bonds of duty, obligation, and affection between fathers and sons in republican Rome. It is this gap in the scholarship which is addressed in my thesis. The key aspects of this relationship are considered through several interconnected chapters. Each reflects the social nature of this analysis, and demonstrates that traditional values, dynastic considerations, and social ideals promoted a sense of common identity and unity within the household. Although the hierarchical nature of Roman family life also provided opportunities for conflict between father and son, ultimately the relationship between the two was governed by these three concerns, as well as the close correlation between public and private in the lives of the republican elite. The discussion begins by considering the high valuation of fatherhood at Rome, evidenced by the use of terms derived from pater, and argues that the qualities expected of this individual were similar to those associated with the ideal statesman (Ch. I). From there, depictions of the Roman father by Greek and Roman authors are analysed to show that the former often emphasised the morality of the episode in question, while the latter stressed the conflict between the well-being of the family and the safety of the state (Ch. II). The argument then moves on to explore social expectations. Cicero’s Pro Roscio Amerino provides an example in which the ideals for father and son relationships are manipulated in order to persuade an audience (Ch. III). This shows that pietas, duty, companionship, and support towards one another were recognised as norms for these individuals. The discussion of the paterfamilias in the following chapter demonstrates that he was expected to act as a role model for future generations, and to provide education and protection to his dependants (Ch. IV). The reputation and continuity of the family line were also important considerations for the aristocratic head of household. From there, traditional values, dynastic considerations, and social ideals are explored through the family life-cycle (Ch. V). This section establishes that these three areas fostered a sense of common identity and unity within the household, and exerted significant pressure upon fathers and sons to maintain relatively harmonious relationships. The final chapter considers literary portrayals of Rome’s founders in order to reiterate the close correlation between the ideal of the father and the ideal of the statesman (Ch. VI). It concludes that the use of the father-figure by Augustus and later emperors to legitimise their position in the state develops from the ideological significance of fatherhood in the Republic.
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Bemötande av föräldrar till sjuka barn - enlitteraturstudie om föräldrars perspektiv / Treatment of parents to sick children - a literature review on parents'perspectiveHurri, Edda, Fredin, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att föräldrar är med i vården av sitt sjuka barn har många fördelar och är något att sträva efter. Samtidigt kan föräldrar känna sig stressade och osäkra och har ofta ett behov av att rådfråga en sjuksköterska. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva föräldrars förväntningar på och upplevelse av sjuksköterskans bemötande i omvårdnad av barn med sjukdomar. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och artikelsökning gjordes i Cinahl. Resultat: Tre domäner utformades efter resultatet. Föräldrars förväntningar, upplevelser samt deras syn på gott bemötande. Resultatet visade att föräldrar har stort informationsbehov och önskar en nära relation med sjuksköterskan. De är oroliga över att bli dömda av sjuksköterskan och önskar att bli stärkta i sin föräldraroll. Slutsats: För att föräldrar skall känna sig inkluderade i vården av sitt barn krävs god kommunikation med mycket information samt ett starkt partnerskap. / Background: Involving parents in the healthcare of their sick child has many advantages and is something to strive for. Parents may feel stressed and insecure and they often have a need to consult a nurse. Purpose: The aim of the study was to describe parents’ expectations and experiences of the nurse’s attitudes in the care of their sick child. Methods: The study was conducted as a literature review and article search was made in Cinahl Results: Three domains were formed for the results. Parents expectations, experiences and their views on good treatment. The results showed that parents have a great need for information and they desire a close relationship with the nurse. They are worried about being judged by the nurse and want to be empowered in their parental role. Conclusion: Good communication with a lot of information and a strong partnership is what is needed for parents to feel included in the care of their sick children.
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En studie om ledare och medarbetares upplevelser av organisationsförändring / A study about leaders and employees experience of organizational changeArvidsson, Anna, Johansson, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Att genomföra en organisationsförändring kan vara omtumlande för de individer som arbetar i organisationen. Utvärdering av resultatet eller förändringsprocessen sker sällan och det kan bero på att de resurser som behovs inte finns i organisationen eller att det inte prioriteras. När en organisation ser resultatet jämför de oftast till de mål som ligger till grund för förändringen, uppnåddes målen så var resultatet "lyckat", om inte blev resultatet "misslyckat". Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur ett resultat upplevs av medarbetare och ledning som genomgått en förändring och hur de relaterar det till de mål som satts upp. Fallorganisationen har genomfört en flytt till nya tillfälliga lokaler i väntan på att ombyggnationen blir klar. Vi har valt att studera en avdelning inom organisationen, de har två nivåer, medarbetare- och ledningsnivå. Studien har en kvalitativ inriktning där datainsamlingen består av semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med tolv respondenter, tio medarbetare och två från ledningsgruppen. Dessa har tolkats och presenteras utifrån två teman som är genomgående i hela studien, kommunikation och personliga upplevelser. Det finns flera delar i förändringsprocessen som kan bidra till att förändringen accepteras. Medarbetare har lättare att accepterar förändringen om information kommer tidigt i processen, så att det finns tid sig att anpassa sig (Shin m.fl., 2015). Individer i en organisation behöver bli sedda och få vara delaktiga för att de ska kunna känna sig tillfredsställda med förändringen (Liljengren m.fl., 2003). Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att respondenterna inte har samma upplevelse av resultatet och alla beskrev inte samma mål med förändringen. Alla har fått samma information om flytten, vissa upplever att de har varit delaktiga och känner sig tillfredsställda, andra upplever att de inte har fått vara delaktiga vilket har bidragit till missnöje av förändringen. Slutsatsen av studien är att delaktighet ger en mer positiv upplevelse av resultatet och en högre acceptans för att mindre tillfredställande arbetssituationer kan uppstå. Studien har även visat att det går att se skillnader i upplevelser på medarbetar- och ledningsnivå i en organisation, ett sätt att finna dessa skillnader är att kontinuerligt utvärdera resultatet av en förändring. / To implement an organizational change can be overwhelming for those individuals who work in the organization. Evaluation of results or the process of change rarely occurs and one reason may be lack of resources in the organization or that it´s not a priority. When an organization sees the result they usually compare it to the goals underlying the change, if the result reach the goals it is sees as "successful" if not, the result is "unsuccessful". This study aims to examine how the results are experienced by employees and management who have undergone a change and how they relate it to the goals. The caseorganization has completed a move to new temporary premises while the reconstruction will be completed. We have chosen to study a department within the organization, they have two levels, employee- and management. The study has a qualitative approach where the collection of data is made of semi-structured interviews with twelve respondents, ten employees and two from management. These have been interpreted and presented based on two themes throughout the entire study, communication, and personal experiences. There are several elements in the changeprocess that can contribute to employee acceptance. Employees can more easily accept change if they receive information early in the process which gives time to adapt (Shin et al, 2015). Individuals within an organization need to be seen and to be involved in order to be able to feel satisfied with the change (Liljengren et al, 2003). The result of the interviews showed that respondents don´t have the same experience of the result and that everyone did not describe the same goal with the change. All received the same information about the move, some feel that they have been involved and feel satisfied, others feel that they haven´t been involved, which contributed to the discontent of the change. The conclusion of this study is that participation in the process gives a positive experience of the result and a higher acceptance if less satisfying working condition occurs. This study has shown that there are differences between employees and managements experience of organizational change and one way to find these differences is to routinely evaluate the results.
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Examination of Faculty Expectations of Technical College Administrators as an Important Factor in High Performing EnvironmentsDupuis, Phyllis A. 20 December 2009 (has links)
Popular thought supports the notion that faculty expectations of technical college administrators appear to be linked to the success or failure of an institution at accomplishing its mission. These expectations provide the basis for the development of relationships that foster the growth of technical training and thus the growth of a skilled workforce. Faculty members in technical colleges are responsible for training individuals to meet business and industry needs. Administrators are responsible for efficiently achieving the institution's mission of workforce development. Unknown faculty expectations may inhibit the ability of administrators to achieve the institution's mission in an efficient manner. This project is an exploratory qualitative study of faculty expectations of technical college administrators in a high performing environment. The result of this study increases the administrators' understanding of expectations associated with their role and facilitates the development of an effective workforce training agenda. Five major themes related to expectations of administrator roles emerged from participant interviews: student-, community-, faculty-, administrative-, and attributes-oriented roles as necessary for achieving outcomes in a high performing technical college environment. Study findings reveal major differences in faculty expectations and institutional expectations of the role of technical college administrators. The necessity for reconciliation of these differences in expectations is examined as it relates to the success of high performing institutions. Potential contributions of this study to post-secondary technical and community colleges are numerous. Through the use of Mintzberg's Taxonomy of Managerial Roles (Mintzberg, 1973) as a conceptual framework and actual accounts of eleven technical viii college faculty members, this study seeks to contribute to the training/development of technical and community college administrators, provide a summary of faculty expectations of technical college administrators, identify professional development opportunities to assist faculty in clarification of administrator roles, provide insight into the behaviors deemed necessary for campus administrators to be considered successful, increase faculty job satisfaction and improve morale by providing an opportunity for communication and feedback, and provide insight to current and future leadership development programs and processes.
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