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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Musical Missteps: The Severity of the Sophomore Slump in the Music Industry

Zackery, Shane M. 17 May 2014 (has links)
This study looks at alternative models of follow-up album success in order to determine if there is a relationship between the decrease in Metascore ratings (assigned by Metacritic.com) between the first and second album for a musician or band and the 1) music genre or 2) the number of years between the first and second album release. The results support the dominant thought, which suggests that neither belonging to a certain genre of music nor waiting more or less time to drop the second album makes an artist more susceptible to the Sophomore Slump. This finding is important because it forces us to identify other potential causes for the observed disappointing performance of a generally favorable musician’s second album.

An Anti-Bullying Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Rex, Catherine 01 January 2014 (has links)
The effects of a video modeling intervention, given to six children with ASD, were evaluated through a multiple-baseline and multiple-probe design across children. The research targeted teaching children with ASD to assertively respond to physical bullying, verbal bullying, and social exclusion, as well as telling one’s mother. In baseline, the participants demonstrated inconsistent to no skills for responding to the bullying in the vignette movies (SAAS) and the generalization probe skits. During intervention the participants watched a video of a person assertively responding to bullying, and were assessed through VM questions and SAAS. Post-intervention the children participated in generalization probe skits. The researcher and a blind rater scored the participants’ responses using a four-point scale. A pre-intervention survey of bullying was also given to the parents to assess their child’s victimization. The results showed that video modeling effectively taught all of the participants to assertively respond to bullying and resulted in generalization for 4 of the 6 participants.

Μελέτη της επίδρασης πολιτικών χρέωσης στη σύγκλιση εγωιστικών στρατηγικών παιγνίων συμφόρησης σε αμιγείς ισορροπίες Nash

Φυσικόπουλος, Βησσαρίων 09 September 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι η μελέτη καταστάσεων ανταγωνισμού μεταξύ χρηστών, για τη χρησιμοποίηση ενός συνόλου κοινόχρηστων πόρων. Για την μοντελοποίηση και ανάλυση των καταστάσεων αυτών χρησιμοποιούμε ως εργαλεία, έννοιες από την θεωρία παιγνίων, όπως ισορροπίες Nash, παίγνια συμφόρησης και μηχανισμοί συντονισμού. Ο κάθε κοινόχρηστος πόρος χρεώνει κάποιο κόστος στους χρήστες που τον χρησιμοποιούν. Θεωρούμε ότι οι χρήστες των κοινόχρηστων πόρων είναι εγωιστικοί, δηλαδή μοναδική τους επιδίωξη είναι η μεγιστοποίηση της προσωπικής τους ωφέλειας. Μια ισορροπία Nash είναι μια κατάσταση όπου κανένας χρήστης δεν μπορεί να αυξήσει το εγωιστικό του όφελος αν αλλάξει μονομερώς την στρατηγική του. Πιο συγκεκριμένα ασχολούμαστε με το KP-μοντέλο γνωστό και ως μοντέλο παράλληλων ακμών και ιδιαίτερα με μεθόδους σύγκλισης σε αγνές ισορροπίες Nash, όπου δηλαδή οι στρατηγικές (ακμές) των χρηστών είναι ντετερμινιστικές. Γενικά, ένα παίγνιο (σύστημα) δεν έχει πάντα μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash. Ωστόσο, εμείς θα μελετήσουμε περιπτώσεις που εγγυημένα έχουν τουλάχιστον μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash. Ονομάζουμε πολιτική χρέωσης των ακμών τον τρόπο με τον οποίο υπολογίζεται το κόστος του κάθε χρήστη όταν χρησιμοποιεί μια ακμή. Μια μέθοδος σύγκλισης σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash, είναι να επιτραπεί στους χρήστες να αλλάζουν εγωιστικά τις στρατηγικές τους μέχρι να καταλήξουν σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash. Ενδιαφερόμαστε για την ταχύτητα σύγκλισης σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash, δηλαδή το πλήθος των εγωιστικών αλλαγών στρατηγικών μέχρι να καταλήξουμε σε ισορροπία. Αρχικά, χρησιμοποιείται η πολιτική χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου (Makespan), όπου κάθε ακμή χρεώνει το συνολικό της φορτίο σε κάθε χρήστη που την χρησιμοποιεί. Στην πιο απλή περίπτωση, η όλη διαδικασία χωρίζεται σε βήματα. Σε κάθε βήμα επιλέγεται, από το σύνολο των χρηστών που έχουν όφελος να αλλάξουν στρατηγική, ένας χρήστης ο οποίος αλλάζει στρατηγική. Η επιλογή γίνεται με βάση κάποιον αλγόριθμο προτεραιότητας. Για το μοντέλο αυτό, που ονομάζεται ESS-μοντέλο, η ταχύτητα σύγκλισης είναι στη χειρότερη περίπτωση εκθετική στο πλήθος των χρηστών. Παρουσιάζουμε την επίδραση των αλγορίθμων προτεραιότητας στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης καθώς και αποτελέσματα για τρεις διαφορετικές κατηγορίες ακμών. Μια άλλη προσέγγιση, με εφαρμογή στα κατανεμημένα συστήματα, είναι η παράλληλη αλλαγή στρατηγικών από τους χρήστες (rerouting), όπου περισσότεροι από έναν χρήστες μπορούν να αλλάξουν ταυτόχρονα τη στρατηγική τους. Το μοντέλο αυτό υπερτερεί του ESS στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης καθώς και στο πλήθος των πραγματικών καταστάσεων που μοντελοποιεί. Στη γενικότερη περίπτωση, όπου οι χρήστες επιτρέπεται να συνάπτουν συνασπισμούς (coalitions) μεταξύ τους, χρησιμοποιούμε έννοιες από τη συνεργατική θεωρία παιγνίων. Οπότε έχουμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε ομάδες χρηστών που αλλάζουν εγωιστικά τις ομαδικές στρατηγικές τους. Παρουσιάζουμε ένα ψευδοπολυωνυμικό φράγμα στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης για μια ειδική περίπτωση όπου οι ακμές είναι πανομοιότυπες και επιτρέπονται συνασπισμοί πλήθους το πολύ δύο χρηστών. Ένας άλλος τρόπος σύγκλισης σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash είναι η κατασκευή ενός αλγορίθμου που αναθέτει στρατηγικές στους χρήστες, όχι απαραίτητα με βάση τα εγωιστικά κριτήρια του καθενός, χωρίς να αυξάνει το κοινωνικό κόστος. Με τον όρο κοινωνικό κόστος αναφερόμαστε σε μια συνολική μετρική της απόδοσης του συστήματος σε συνάρτηση με τις στρατηγικές των χρηστών του συστήματος. Ο αλγόριθμος Nashify που παρουσιάζουμε, συγκλίνει σε μια αγνή ισορροπία Nash σε πολυωνυμικό πλήθος βημάτων, χωρίς να αυξάνει το κοινωνικό κόστος. Στη συνέχεια, εισάγουμε την έννοια των μηχανισμών συντονισμού. Οι μηχανισμοί συντονισμού είναι ένα σύνολο πολιτικών χρέωσης για τις ακμές, που έχουν ως στόχο την παροχή κινήτρων στους εγωιστικούς χρήστες έτσι ώστε οι εγωιστικές αλλαγές των στρατηγικών τους να συγκλίνουν σε αγνές ισορροπίες Nash με μειωμένο κοινωνικό κόστος. Στην παρούσα εργασία, μελετάμε την επίδραση των μηχανισμών συντονισμού στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης των εγωιστικών χρηστών σε μια ισορροπία Nash. Εξετάζουμε εκτός από την πολιτική χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου (makespan) και κάποιες διαφορετικές πολιτικές χρέωσης (SJF, LJF, FIFO) και μελετάμε την επίδραση των αλγορίθμων προτεραιότητας στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης τους. Παρουσιάζουμε και αποδεικνύουμε φράγματα στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης για τις SJF και LJF πολιτικές που χρεώνουν τους χρήστες με βάση το μέγεθος των βαρών τους. Τέλος αποδεικνύουμε για την πολιτική χρέωσης FIFO, ένα γραμμικό άνω φράγμα στην ταχύτητα σύγκλισης για την ειδική περίπτωση των πανομοιότυπων ακμών και ένα ψευδοπολυωνυμικό άνω φράγμα για την γενική περίπτωση των ακμών. Τελικά, αξιολογούμε πειραματικά την επίδραση των αλγορίθμων προτεραιότητας στις πολιτικές χρέωσης στο ESS μοντέλo με πανομοιότυπες ακμές. Ουσιαστικά, συγκρίνουμε τις πολιτικές χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου, SJF, LJF και FIFO καθώς και το συνεργατικό με το μη συνεργατικό μοντέλο σχετικά με τη ταχύτητα σύγκλισης τους. Παρατηρούμε ότι για την συνολικού φορτίου, SJF, LJF και FIFO πολιτική χρέωσης τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα επαληθεύουν τα θεωρητικά φράγματα. Δηλαδή η FIFO πολιτική παρουσιάζει ταχύτερη σύγκλιση από τις υπόλοιπες πολιτικές ανεξάρτητα του αλγόριθμου προτεραιότητας. Για την περίπτωση των συνασπισμών με πολιτική χρέωσης συνολικού φορτίου, παρατηρούμε ότι η ταχύτητα σύγκλισης είναι πολυωνυμική στο πλήθος των χρηστών ακόμα και στην χειρότερη επιλογή συνασπισμών. Το αποτέλεσμα αυτό υποδεικνύει ότι το ψευδοπολυωνυμικό θεωρητικό άνω φράγμα μπορεί να βελτιωθεί. / General goal of the current diploma thesis is the study of competitive situations among users of a set of global resources. In order to analyze and model these situations we use as tools, game theoretic elements, such as Nash equilibrium, congestion games and coordination mechanisms. Every global resource debit a cost value to its users. We assume that the users are selfish, that is their sole objective is the maximization of their personal benefit. An Nash equilibrium is a situation in which no user can increase his personal benefit by changing only his or her own strategy unilaterally. More specific, we are interested in the KP-model or parallel links model and we study convergence methods to pure Nash equilibrium, in which all the strategies a user can select are deterministic. Generally, a game has not always a pure Nash equilibrium. Although we are going to study cases in which there is always at least one Nash equilibrium. We define as cost policy of an edge the function which computes the cost of each user of this edge. A method of convergence in a pure Nash equilibrium is, starting from an initial configuration, to allow all users to selfishly change their strategies (one after the other) until they reach a pure Nash equilibrium. We are interested in the convergence time to pure Nash equilibrium, that is the number of these selfish moves. Firstly, we study the makespan cost policy, in which each edge debits its total load to everyone that use it. In the most simple case, the whole procedure is divided into several steps. At each step, the priority algorithm choose one user from the set of users that benefit by changing their current strategy. For this model, named ESS-model, the convergence time is at the worst case exponential to the number of users. We present the effect of several priority algorithms to the convergence time and results for the major different cases of edges (identical, related, unrelated). Another approach, with applications to distributed systems, is the concurrent change of strategies (rerouting) in which more than one users can change simultaneously their strategies. This model is more powerful than ESS because of its real life applications. Another model we study is that of coalitions, in which the users can contract alliances. This model comes from cooperative game theory. In this case we have to deal with groups of users changing selfishly their group strategies. We present a pseudo-polynomial bound to the convergence time in the identical machines model with coalitions of at most 2 users. Another model of convergence, a little different than the others stated above, is the construction of an algorithm that delegates strategies to the users unselfishly without increasing the social cost. Informally, social cost is a total metric of the system performance depending on the users strategies. This model is named nashification and the algorithm nashify that provides converge to a pure Nash equilibrium in polynomial number of steps without increasing the social cost. As far as the coordination mechanisms are concerned, they are a set of cost policies for the edges, that provides motives to the selfish users in order to converge to a pure Nash equilibrium with decreased social cost. In this thesis, we study the effect of coordination mechanisms in the convergence time. We examine, except from makespan, the sjf, ljf and fifo cost policies. Sjf and ljf policies debit the users concerning their weights. The thesis results are divided in two categories. On the one hand, we prove upper and lower bounds of convergence time for sjf, ljf and fifo policies. Especially for fifo we prove in identical machines case a tight linear bound which is independent from the priority algorithm and a pseudo-polynomial bound in unrelated machines case. On the other hand, we implement all the above mentioned models and analyze them experimentally. In our experiments there are 3 parameters: the priority algorithm, the cost policy, and the number of coalitions. In all cases the experimental results follows the theoretical with one exception which is the most interesting among the experiments. In the case of coalitions with at most 2 users the theoretical upper bound is pseudo-polynomial to the number of users but the experimental results shows that the convergence time is polynomial. These results force us to conjecture that there is a polynomial upper bound.

Uma an?lise experimental de abordagens heur?sticas aplicadas ao problema do caixeiro viajante

Prestes, ?lvaro Nunes 27 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlvaroNP.pdf: 769620 bytes, checksum: a6a391c5417e2fcb7b544cc7f3b2140f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-27 / Due to great difficulty of accurate solution of Combinatorial Optimization Problems, some heuristic methods have been developed and during many years, the analysis of performance of these approaches was not carried through in a systematic way. The proposal of this work is to make a statistical analysis of heuristic approaches to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The focus of the analysis is to evaluate the performance of each approach in relation to the necessary computational time until the attainment of the optimal solution for one determined instance of the TSP. Survival Analysis, assisted by methods for the hypothesis test of the equality between survival functions was used. The evaluated approaches were divided in three classes: Lin-Kernighan Algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization. Beyond those approaches, it was enclosed in the analysis, a memetic algorithm (for symmetric and asymmetric TSP instances) that utilizes the Lin-Kernighan heuristics as its local search procedure / Devido ? grande dificuldade de solu??o exata dos Problemas de Otimiza??o Combinat?ria, v?rios m?todos heur?sticos t?m sido desenvolvidos e durante muitos anos, a an?lise de desempenho dessas abordagens n?o foi realizada de maneira sistem?tica. A proposta deste trabalho ? fazer uma an?lise estat?stica de abordagens heur?sticas aplicadas ao Problema do Caixeiro Viajante. O foco da an?lise ? avaliar o desempenho de cada abordagem em rela??o ao tempo computacional necess?rio at? a obten??o da solu??o ?tima para uma determinada inst?ncia do PCV. Para essa an?lise, foi utilizada uma metodologia estat?stica chamada An?lise de Sobreviv?ncia, auxiliada por m?todos para o teste da hip?tese de igualdade entre fun??es. Para uma melhor compreens?o, as abordagens avaliadas foram divididas em tr?s classes: Algoritmos Lin-Kernighan, Algoritmos Evolucion?rios e Algoritmos de Otimiza??o por Nuvem de Part?culas. Al?m das abordagens j? existentes, foi inclu?do na an?lise, um algoritmo mem?tico (para inst?ncias sim?tricas e assim?tricas do PCV) que utiliza o algoritmo de Lin e Kernighan como procedimento de busca local

Comportamento Estrutural de Elementos em Aço Inoxidável / Structural behaviour of stainless steel.elements.

João de Jesus dos Santos 19 November 2008 (has links)
Atualmente, a utilização do aço inoxidável em elementos estruturais ainda é por muitos engenheiros e arquitetos, considerada uma solução extravagante para os problemas da engenharia. Todavia, mudanças de atitudes dentro da construção civil e uma transição global para um desenvolvimento sustentável e redução em impactos ambientais tem seguramente provocado um aumento no uso do aço inoxidável. A maioria das normas de projeto de aço inoxidável atuais ainda são baseadas em analogias assumidas com o comportamento de estruturas de aço carbono. Todavia, o aço inoxidável apresenta quatro curvas tensão versus deformação não-lineares sem patamar de escoamento e região de encruamento claramente definidos (tração e compressão, paralela e perpendicular a direção de laminação), modificando assim, seu o comportamento global. Na presente investigação foram utilizados o aço inoxidável austenítico 304, e o aço carbono USI 300, ambos com tensão de escoamento similares, mas com tensões últimas e ductilidades distintos. Em elementos estruturais submetidos a tensões normais de tração, usualmente a ruptura da seção líquida representa um dos estados limites últimos a serem verificados. Com o objetivo de se avaliar a resistência a tração de elementos estruturais aparafusados em aço inoxidável, este trabalho executou um programa experimental inovador envolvendo ligações aparafusadas defasadas sob tração. O programa experimental foi executado em peças de aço carbono e aço inoxidável de forma a comparar as principais semelhanças e diferenças entre estes dois tipos de aços estruturais. O programa experimental possibilitou que conclusões significativas no comportamento a tração destas ligações pudessem ser observadas. Dentre outras variáveis que controlam estes estados limites últimos foi verificada a influência significativa da espessura da placa de aplicação do carregamento, disposição, configuração e número de parafusos da ligação e propriedades do aço inoxidável como ductilidade e razão entre suas tensões de escoamento e de ruptura. / The use of stainless steel in structural engineering applications is still seen by many architects and engineers as an extravagant solution. However attitude changes in the construction market and the natural transition to a sustainable development reducing environment impacts have boosted the use of stainless steel structures. A substantial majority of stainless steel structural design codes is still based on carbon steel analogies. Despite this fact the stainless steel presents four non-linear tension versus strain curves (tension and compression, parallel and perpendicular to the rolling direction) without a defined yield plateau snf strain hardening zones substantially altering its global structural response. The present investigation adopted the austenitic stainless steel grade 304 and the carbon steel USI300, both with similar yield stresses but with different tension stresses and ductility capacities. Structural elements subjected to tension axial forces usually presents the net section rupture as one of its controlling ultimate limit states. The present study performed an innovative experimental programme to evaluate and investigate the tension capacity of staggered bolted members. The experiments were made with carbon and stainless steels to compare and access their similarities and differences in terms of structural performance. The experimental results enable the observation of significant conclusion concerning the tension response of the investigated bolted staggered members. The controlling ultimate limit states were significantly influenced by various parameters like: the loading plate thickness, the layout, configuration and number of bolts adopted in the joint, and stainless steel properties like ductility capacity and the ratio between the yield and ultimate stresses.


STEFANE RODRIGUES XAVIER LOPES 21 January 2004 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento estático não-linear e possíveis instabilidades de membranas e cascas hiperelásticas. Uma análise experimental detalhada de membranas e cascas com diferentes geometrias e submetidas à tração axial e pressão interna uniforme é realizada. Um aparato foi desenvolvido para possibilitar a tração da estrutura enquanto a mesma era preenchida por ar. As cascas e membranas utilizadas na análise experimental são compostas por elastômero isotrópico, homogêneo e hiperelástico, o qual é modelado como um material Neo- Hookeano incompressível, descrito por uma única constante elástica, ou por material do tipo Mooney-Rivlin ou Ogden, descritos por duas constantes elásticas. Estas constantes são obtidas pela comparação de resultados experimentais e numéricos para a estrutura sob tração axial uniforme. A estrutura foi discretizada utilizando-se elementos finitos de casca ou membrana mais apropriados e as equações de equilíbrio não-lineares resultantes resolvidas usando-se o programa de elementos finitos ABAQUS. Quando a estrutura tracionada é preenchida com ar observa-se que a pressão inicialmente cresce juntamente com o volume interno até um certo valor crítico. Após atingir este valor crítico um bulbo de deformação é formado subitamente num local ao longo do comprimento da estrutura e a pressão interna decresce subitamente, entretanto o volume interno da estrutura continua a crescer. Os resultados experimentais aproximam-se de maneira satisfatória aos resultados numéricos. Uma análise paramétrica detalhada é desenvolvida para estudar a influencia da tração inicial bem como dos parâmetros geométricos no comportamento não-linear e na capacidade de carga da estrutura. A influencia de diferentes tipos de imperfeições locais também é detalhadamente analisada. / [en] This thesis investigates the large deformations of hyperelastic membranes and shells. The static nonlinear behavior and possible instabilities of the membrane are both analyzed. A detailed experimental analysis was carried out involving cylindrical membranes and shells with different geometries and initial axial forces and the influence of the axial force and the internal pressure were investigated. An apparatus was developed to support vertically the extended structure while it is filled with air. The membranes and shells used in the experiments are composed of an isotropic, homogeneous and hyperelastic rubber, which is modeled as a Neo-Hookean incompressible material, described by a single elastic constant, or a Mooney-Rivlin or Ogden material, described by two elastic constants. Theses constants were obtained by comparing the experimental and numerical solutions for the structure under traction. The structure was discretized using appropriate membrane or shell finite elements and the resulting nonlinear equilibrium equations solved using the FE software ABAQUS. When the extended structure was filled with air, it was observed that the pressure increased initially as the volume increased until a certain critical value was reached, after which a bubble was suddenly formed along the structure and the internal pressure decreased markedly with increasing volume. The experimental results are, as shown in the thesis, in satisfactory agreement with the theory. A detailed parametric analysis was also carried out to study the influence of the initial traction and geometric parameters on the non-linear behavior and load carrying capacity of the structure. The influence of different types of local imperfections was also studied in detail.


LARISSA AZEVEDO CURTY 29 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho é uma pesquisa experimental realizada no Laboratório de Estruturas e Materiais da PUC–Rio, utilizando–se a técnica de aplicação do compósito de fibras de carbono (CFC) colados externamente em consoles curtos de concreto armado. Foram ensaiados seis consoles curtos, sendo: um de referência, três com reforço de CFC na horizontal e dois com reforço de CFC na diagonal. A resistência média do concreto aos 28 dias foi de 30 MPa. A seção transversal do pilar foi de 25 cm × 50 cm e a seção do transversal console foi de 25 cm × 37,5 cm. O diâmetro da armadura tracionada em laço era de 10 mm e o diâmetro da armadura de costura era de 6,3 mm. Os consoles foram instrumentados com extensômetros elétricos de resistência na armadura tracionada, no estribo, no concreto e no CFC. Os ensaios comprovaram um razoável desempenho dessa técnica de reforço. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com os resultados obtidos no modelo de Bielas e Tirantes e no modelo cinemático da Teoria da Plasticidade, visando a comparação das forças verticais últimas teóricas e experimentais. Foi avaliado o ângulo de inclinação das bielas e o fator de efetividade da deformação específica no reforço de CFC. / [en] This work is an experimental research of concrete short corbels wrapped with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips. Different strengthening configurations were used. Was carried out on six corbels strengthened by CFRP. One control specimen without CFRP, three corbels with horizontal CFRP strips and two corbels with diagonal CFRP strips. The concrete had a 28 day compressive strength of 30 MPa. The column cross-section dimensions were 25 cm x 50 cm and the corbel cross-section dimensions were 25 cm x 37,5 cm. The flexural reinforcement consisted of four deformed bars each of diameter 10 mm with four transverse bars of diameter 6,3 mm. The corbels were instrumented with strain gages in flexural reinforcement, stirrup, concrete surface and CFRP strips. The analytical models based on Strut-and-Tie model and in the kinematic model of the Theory of Plasticity, allows one to determine the bearing capacity of corbels. The experimental values are then compared with the analytical results, showing good agreement. The strut angle and the strengthening effectiveness were evaluated.

Análise do comportamento a temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos considerando restrição ao alongamento térmico / Analysis on the behaviour of cold formed steel columns under fire conditions with restrained thermal elongation

Saulo José de Castro Almeida 26 October 2012 (has links)
No presente trabalho se desenvolve como proposta principal, uma investigação experimental sobre o comportamento de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos em temperaturas elevadas considerando a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico. Nessa investigação foram avaliadas as distribuições de temperaturas no contorno da seção transversal e ao longo do comprimento dos elementos. Outrossim, avaliou-se a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico sobre o comportamento mecânico dos elementos, em especial sobre o desenvolvimento das forças de restrição que surgem durante a fase de aquecimento dos mesmos. Concernente ao comportamento térmico, os resultados indicam que a temperatura resistente de elementos expostos ao calor por todos os lados deve ser determinada com base nas medições realizadas em seções a meia altura do elemento devido à distribuição não uniforme de temperatura ao longo do comprimento. Com relação ao comportamento mecânico, os resultados experimentais mostraram que a resistência pós-crítica em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos é pequena e nesse sentido é mais coerente considerar como temperatura resistente a temperatura correspondente ao momento da perda de estabilidade dos elementos. Em caráter complementar e exploratório foram realizadas análises numéricas para melhorar o entendimento do comportamento em temperaturas elevadas dos elementos de aço formados a frio investigados experimentalmente no presente trabalho. Nas análises numéricas foi avaliada uma estratégia de modelagem em elementos finitos para simular a restrição ao alongamento térmico axial em elementos comprimidos submetidos a temperaturas elevadas. Os resultados apontam que os modelos numéricos foram eficientes para prescrever força de compressão resistente em temperaturas elevadas e o tempo resistente. Por outro lado não foram eficientes para prescrever as temperaturas críticas. No âmbito normativo foram realizadas as avaliações do método de cálculo simplificado proposto na ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) e da possibilidade de adequar o método simplificado de cálculo do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos. Os resultados sugerem que o método de cálculo simplificado da ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) foi capaz de fornecer satisfatoriamente a força de compressão resistente dos elementos investigados que se enquadravam nas exigências do método. Outrossim, sugerem que o uso do método simplificado do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) com redução da resistência ao escoamento e módulo de elasticidade do aço para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio carece de mais investigações. / The main proposal of this work was an experimental investigation on the behavior of cold-formed steel compressed members at elevated temperatures considering the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation. In this investigation, it was evaluated the temperature distributions on the cross section and along the height of the members. Furthermore, it was evaluated the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation on the mechanical behavior of these members, in particular on the development of restraining forces during their heating phase. Concerning the thermal behavior, the results indicate the critical temperature of members exposed to heat from all sides should be determined based on measurements performed on sections located at mid-span of the members due to the non uniform temperature distribution along the height. With regards to mechanical behavior, the experimental results showed that the post-buckling resistance at elevated temperatures of these members is small and the critical temperature should be considered as the temperature corresponding to the buckling temperature. Additionally numerical analyzes were performed to better understand the behavior of the cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures that were experimentally investigated in this study. In the numerical analyzes a modeling strategy was evaluated on finite elements to simulate the axial restraining to the thermal elongation in compressed members subjected to high temperatures. The results show that the numerical models were effective to prescribe the ultimate loads at elevated temperatures and the critical time considering the influence of the axial restraining to the thermal elongation. On the other hand, the numerical models were not effective to prescribe the critical temperature. Within the normative scope, the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was evaluated as well the possibility of adapting the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines to the design of cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures. The results suggest that the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was able to accurately predict the ultimate test loads of the members that were within the requirements of the method. On the other hand, it was found that the use of the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines with reduction of the mechanical properties at elevated temperatures (yield strength and elastic modulus of steel) for design of compressed cold formed steel members at elevated temperature needs further investigations.

Análise de elementos estruturais de MLC na flexão com base na versão de revisão da norma ABNT NBR 7190:2013. / Analysis of glulam elements in bending based on the revision version of ABNT NBR 7190: 2013 Standard.

Gomes, Nádia Barros 20 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Nádia Barros Gomes (nadiabarrosg@gmail.com) on 2018-04-11T16:08:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO FINAL.pdf: 6090303 bytes, checksum: ce2f253c72b32bcfc50f67b58a252528 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2018-04-12T12:36:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 gomes_nb_me_guara.pdf: 6090303 bytes, checksum: ce2f253c72b32bcfc50f67b58a252528 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-12T12:36:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gomes_nb_me_guara.pdf: 6090303 bytes, checksum: ce2f253c72b32bcfc50f67b58a252528 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo desta pesquisa consistiu na avaliação do modelo de cálculo proposto pela versão de revisão da Norma Brasileira de Estruturas de Madeira ABNT NBR 7190:2013 para avaliação do comportamento de elementos de MLC na flexão. Foram considerados elementos de MLC com dimensões padronizadas de 5 x 5 x 115 cm para realização dos ensaios experimentais de flexão, tendo-se em vista a da rigidez (EI) para posterior comparação com os resultados numéricos e teóricos. Foram avaliados, também neste caso, os modos de ruptura apresentados nos ensaios experimentais por cada sistema. Na confecção dos elementos de MLC foram utilizadas madeiras de reflorestamento de pinus e eucalipto da região de Itapeva – SP coladas com resina resorcinol formaldeído. Todas as lâminas de madeira passaram por processo de classificação mecânica e visual. As simulações numéricas foram realizadas no software ANSYS, que tem como base o método dos elementos finitos e estas serviram para a avaliação das distribuições das tensões nas regiões de interesse dos elementos de MLC. Os ensaios experimentais de flexão e de caracterização dos materiais foram no Laboratório de Propriedades dos Materiais da UNESP/Itapeva a partir da utilização da Máquina Universal de Ensaios EMIC com capacidade de 300 KN. Como resultado, observou-se que o modelo teórico proposto pela ABNT NBR 7190:2013 mostrou, para este trabalho, maior aproximação com os resultados experimentais e numéricos para as madeiras de pinus. Além disso, os modos de ruptura obtidos teoricamente foram verificados para as análises experimental e numérica realizadas. / The aim of this work was to evaluate the calculation model proposed by the revision version of the ABNT NBR 7190: 2013 Wood Structures Brazilian Standard to evaluate the behavior of Glued Laminated Timber in bending. Glulam elements with standard dimensions of 5 x 5 x 115 cm were considered to perform the experimental bending tests considering the stiffness (EI) for later comparison with numerical and theoretical results of EI. The failure modes presented in the experimental tests by each system were also evaluated. In the preparation of the glulam elements, pine and eucalyptus reforestation woods from the Itapeva - SP region were glued with resorcinol formaldehyde resin. All the wood layers were classified by mechanical and visual process. The numerical simulations were performed in the ANSYS software, which is based on the finite element method and these were used to evaluate the stress distributions in the areas of interest of the glulam elements. Experimental bending tests and material characterization tests were performed at the Materials Properties Laboratory of UNESP / Itapeva using the Universal Testing Machine - EMIC with a capacity of 300 KN. As a result, it was observed that the theoretical model proposed by ABNT NBR 7190: 2013 standard showed, for this work, greater approximation with the experimental and numerical results for pine woods. In addition, the failure modes obtained theoretically were verified for the experimental and numerical analyzes performed.

Comportamento Estrutural de Elementos em Aço Inoxidável / Structural behaviour of stainless steel.elements.

João de Jesus dos Santos 19 November 2008 (has links)
Atualmente, a utilização do aço inoxidável em elementos estruturais ainda é por muitos engenheiros e arquitetos, considerada uma solução extravagante para os problemas da engenharia. Todavia, mudanças de atitudes dentro da construção civil e uma transição global para um desenvolvimento sustentável e redução em impactos ambientais tem seguramente provocado um aumento no uso do aço inoxidável. A maioria das normas de projeto de aço inoxidável atuais ainda são baseadas em analogias assumidas com o comportamento de estruturas de aço carbono. Todavia, o aço inoxidável apresenta quatro curvas tensão versus deformação não-lineares sem patamar de escoamento e região de encruamento claramente definidos (tração e compressão, paralela e perpendicular a direção de laminação), modificando assim, seu o comportamento global. Na presente investigação foram utilizados o aço inoxidável austenítico 304, e o aço carbono USI 300, ambos com tensão de escoamento similares, mas com tensões últimas e ductilidades distintos. Em elementos estruturais submetidos a tensões normais de tração, usualmente a ruptura da seção líquida representa um dos estados limites últimos a serem verificados. Com o objetivo de se avaliar a resistência a tração de elementos estruturais aparafusados em aço inoxidável, este trabalho executou um programa experimental inovador envolvendo ligações aparafusadas defasadas sob tração. O programa experimental foi executado em peças de aço carbono e aço inoxidável de forma a comparar as principais semelhanças e diferenças entre estes dois tipos de aços estruturais. O programa experimental possibilitou que conclusões significativas no comportamento a tração destas ligações pudessem ser observadas. Dentre outras variáveis que controlam estes estados limites últimos foi verificada a influência significativa da espessura da placa de aplicação do carregamento, disposição, configuração e número de parafusos da ligação e propriedades do aço inoxidável como ductilidade e razão entre suas tensões de escoamento e de ruptura. / The use of stainless steel in structural engineering applications is still seen by many architects and engineers as an extravagant solution. However attitude changes in the construction market and the natural transition to a sustainable development reducing environment impacts have boosted the use of stainless steel structures. A substantial majority of stainless steel structural design codes is still based on carbon steel analogies. Despite this fact the stainless steel presents four non-linear tension versus strain curves (tension and compression, parallel and perpendicular to the rolling direction) without a defined yield plateau snf strain hardening zones substantially altering its global structural response. The present investigation adopted the austenitic stainless steel grade 304 and the carbon steel USI300, both with similar yield stresses but with different tension stresses and ductility capacities. Structural elements subjected to tension axial forces usually presents the net section rupture as one of its controlling ultimate limit states. The present study performed an innovative experimental programme to evaluate and investigate the tension capacity of staggered bolted members. The experiments were made with carbon and stainless steels to compare and access their similarities and differences in terms of structural performance. The experimental results enable the observation of significant conclusion concerning the tension response of the investigated bolted staggered members. The controlling ultimate limit states were significantly influenced by various parameters like: the loading plate thickness, the layout, configuration and number of bolts adopted in the joint, and stainless steel properties like ductility capacity and the ratio between the yield and ultimate stresses.

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