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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels

Letizia, Luca 01 January 2016 (has links)
This work is focusing to study the structural behavior of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels (COPVs). These COPVs are found in many engineering applications. In the aerospace field, they are installed onto spaceships and aid the reorientation of the spacecraft in very far and airless, therefore frictionless, orbits to save energy and fuel. The intent of this research is to analyze the difference in performance of both perfectly intact and purposely damaged tanks. Understanding both the source and location of a structural fault will help NASA engineers predict the performance of COPVs subject to similar conditions, which could prevent failures of important missions. The structural behavior of six tanks is investigated by means of experimental modal analysis. Knowledge of statistical signal processing methods allows to sort out and extract meaningful features from the data as to gain understanding of the performance of the structures. Structural identification is carried out using Narrow Band and Broad Band algorithms. A comparison through correlation tables and figures presents the differences in natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios of all structures. A careful analysis displays the deviation of these modal parameters in the damaged tanks, highlighting the evident structural defects.


GERMAIN CARLOS VENERO LOZANO 22 December 2003 (has links)
[pt] Identificação paramétrica de sistemas mecânicos é uma das principais aplicações das técnicas de identificação de sistemas na Engenharia Mecânica, especificamente para a identificação de parâmetros modais de estruturas flexíveis. Um dos principais problemas na identificação é a presença de ruido nas medições. Este trabalho apresenta uma análise na presença de ruído de alguns dos métodos no domínio do tempo aplicáveis na identificação de parâmetros modais de sistemas mecânicos lineares invariantes no tempo com múltiplas entradas e múltiplas saídas (MIMO), usando como base o modelo em espaço de estados tipicamente usado em Dinâmica e Vibrações. Os algoritmos de subespaço envolvidos neste estudo destacam-se pela utilização da decomposição em valores singulares (SVD) dos dados, obtendo subespaços ortogonais dos modos associados ao sistema e dos modos associados ao ruído. Outros complicadores no processo de identificação que serão explorados neste trabalho são: flexibilidde e baixo amortecimento. Comparam-se as técnicas usando o modelo no espaço de estado da estrutura Mini- mast desenvolvida pela NASA Langley Research Center e simulações são feitas variando o nível de ruído nos dados, o amortecimento e a flexibilidade da estrutura. O problema de identificação de parâmetros estruturais (matrizes de massa, rigidez e amortecimento) também é estudado, as características e limitações dos algoritmos utilizados são analisados. Como exemplo de aplicação prática, um experimento foi realizado para identificar os parâmetros modais e estruturais de um rotor flexível e os resultados são discutidos. / [en] Parametric identification of mechanical systems is one of the main applications of the system identification techniques in Mechanical Engineering, specifically for the identification of modal parameters of flexible structures. One of the main problems in the identification is the presence of noise in the measurements. This work presents an analysis in the presence of noise of some of the time domain methods applicable in modal parameters identification of linear time-invariant mechanical systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs (MIMO), using as base the state-space model typically used in Dynamics and Vibrations. The subspace algorithms involved in this study are distinguished for the use of the singular values decomposition (SVD) of the data, obtaining ortogonal subspaces of the modes associates to the system and of the modes associates to the noise. Other complicators in the identification process that will be explored in this work are: flexibility and low damping. The techniques are compared using the state-space model of the Mini-mast structure developed for NASA Langley Research Center and simulations are made varying the level of noise in the data, the damping and the flexibility of the structure. The problem of identification of structural parameters (mass, stiffness and damping matrices) also is studied, the characteristics and limitations of the used algorithm is analyzed. As example of practical application, an experiment was made to identify the modal parameters of a flexible rotor and the results are discussed.

Identification modale opérationnelle des robots d'usinage en service / Operational modal identification of machining robots in service

Maamar, Asia 25 March 2019 (has links)
L’identification des paramètres modaux des machines-outils et des robots d’usinage, en service, constitue un levier d’optimisation des performances de coupe. En effet, la connaissance en continue du comportement dynamique d’une machine permet une prédiction fine des conditions de stabilité, bases d’un pilotage intelligent des paramètres du procédé. Cependant, la présence de fortes excitations harmoniques, dues à la rotation de la broche et de l’outil coupant, rend les techniques classiques d’Analyse Modale Opérationnelle (AMO) inapplicables. Le premier objectif de cette thèse consiste à déterminer une méthode d’AMO adéquate pour une application en présence des harmoniques. Une étude comparative des méthodes existantes est conduite, à savoir : la méthode de décomposition dans le domaine fréquentiel (EFDD), la méthode d’identification dans le sous-espace stochastique (SSI), la méthode PolyMAX et la méthode basée sur la fonction de transmissibilité (TFB). La méthode TFB est choisie afin de réaliser une identification modale opérationnelle des robots d’usinage. Cette technique est tout d’abord investiguée sur une machine-outil cartésienne. Cette étape est justifiée par le fait qu’une machine-outil est une structure plus rigide qui présente moins de variations des propriétés dynamiques par rapport à un robot d’usinage. Les résultats montrent la pertinence de la méthode TFB pour identifier les paramètres modaux de la machine-outil en usinage, même en présence des composantes harmoniques fortement dominantes. Ensuite, l’identification modale opérationnelle du robot d’usinage ABB IRB 6660, qui présente une structure moins rigide par rapport à une machine-outil, est menée sur une trajectoire d’usinage. Les résultats obtenus permettent d’établir une base modale du robot montrant l’évolution de son comportement modal en service. L’originalité des travaux présentés réside dans le développement d’une procédure robuste d’identification modale opérationnelle qui permet de suivre l’évolution du comportement modal du robot en cours d’usinage dans son espace de travail. / The identification of the modal parameters of machining robots in service has a significant adverse influence on machining stability, which will, therefore, decrease the quality of the workpiece and reduce the tool life. However, in presence of strong harmonic excitation, the application of Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) is not straightforward. Firstly, the issue of choosing the most appropiate OMA method for an application in presence of harmonic components, is handled. For a comparison purpose, the modified Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) method, the Stochastic Subspace Identification (SSI) method, the PolyMAX method and the Transmissibility Function Based (TFB) method are investigated. The obtained results lead to the adoption of the Transmissibility Function Based (TFB) method for an OMA of machining robots. For an accurate modal identification procedure, the OMA of a machine tool is, initially, conducted. It is a preparation step in order to verify the performance of the chosen method under machining conditions as well as a machine tool is a rigid structure, thus, it has less variation in its dynamic behavior compared to a machining robot. Results demonstrate the efficiency of the TFB method to identify the machine tool modal parameters even in the presence of preponderant harmonic components. Finally, the OMA of the machining robot ABB IRB 6660, which has a flexible structure compared to a machine tool, is carried out for a machining trajectory. The obtained results allow the identification of a modal basis of the machining robot illustrating the evolution of its modal behavior, in service. The main novelty of this thesis lies in the development of a robust procedure for an operational modal identification of machining robots, in service, which makes it possible to continuously follow the variations in the modal parameters of machining robots.

Contribution à l’usage de l’analyse vibratoire comme outils de monitoring et de diagnostic d’avaries pour les machines électriques tournantes. / Contribution to the use of vibration analysis as a tool for monitoring and damage diagnosis for rotating electrical machines.

Sellami, Takwa 16 December 2017 (has links)
Les capacités installées d’énergie éolienne continuent à croître rapidement et prennent une place de plus en plus significative dans le monde. Au fur et à mesure, les études menées sur la conception, la sureté de fonctionnement et la supervision de la chaîne éolienne ont pris progressivement de l’importance. Deux axes de recherche ont été privilégiés dans cette thèse. Le premier concerne la continuité de service d'une éolienne connectée au réseau en présence de défaut de court-circuit entre spires dans une phase du stator de la génératrice asynchrone à cage d'écureuil. L'analyse du défaut ainsi que son impact sur le système éolien et notamment sur la qualité de la puissance produite souligne l'intérêt de développement d'un algorithme de détection et d'isolation rapide, dédié par la suite à la reconfiguration de la commande. Ainsi, une commande tolérante au défaut (CTD) a été conçue de manière à éviter l'arrêt de la production, compenser l'impact de défaut et garder des performances acceptables de la qualité d'énergie produite. Le travail effectué s'est articulé sur les observateurs à mode glissant (OMG), communément connus comme outil puissant pour la supervision et la commande à la fois. Le deuxième axe porte sur la sécurité structurale et la stabilité du système éolien sous contraintes vibratoires. Les travaux se répartissent en deux parties complémentaires : L'établissement d'un modèle numérique tridimensionnel (3-D) sous un logiciel d’analyse par éléments finis (ANSYS) et la réalisation des essais vibratoires sous différentes excitations au sein d'une plateforme vibratoire (TREVISE). Dans ce cadre, un modèle numérique (3-D) d'une éolienne à axe horizontal couplée à un mât et une fondation adéquats a été développé en utilisant la méthode de volumes finis (FVM) afin d'appréhender son comportement vibratoire. Les essais vibratoires expérimentaux valident le modèle numérique et permettent l’identification de la réponse dynamique de la structure d'une manière fine. De plus, nous avons élaboré un modèle expérimental de la tenue de l’éolienne aux contraintes vibratoires de formes aléatoire, sinusoïdale et impulsionnelle. / The wind energy capacity carries on growing quickly and taking an increasingly significant place in the world. Progressively, research studies dealing with designing and supervising wind turbines have become more important. Two areas of research were developed in this thesis. The first one concerns the continuity of service of a wind turbine connected to the grid while an inter-turn short-circuit fault is present in the stator phase of the induction squirrel cage generator. The analysis of the fault as well as its impact on the wind turbine system and mainly on the quality of the produced power highlights the interest of development of a fast detection and isolation algorithm, dedicated to the reconfiguration of the control law. Hence, a fault tolerant control scheme has been established in order to avoid stopping production, compensate the fault impact and maintain acceptable performances of the quality of the produced energy. The carried out work was based on sliding mode observers, commonly known as robust tools for monitoring and controlling at the same time. The second axis concerns the structural modeling and stability checking of the wind system under vibratory stresses. The work is divided into two complementary parts: The establishment of a three-dimensional (3-D) numerical model using a finite element analysis software (ANSYS) and the realization of vibratory tests under different excitations within the platform (TREVISE). In this framework, a numerical (3-D) model of a horizontal axis wind turbine coupled to a suitable tower and foundation was developed basing on the finite volume method (FVM) in order to analyze its vibratory behavior. The experimental vibratory tests validate the numerical model and allow the identification of the dynamic response of the structure in a precise way. In addition, we have developed an experimental model of the behavior of the wind turbine under vibratory stresses of random, sinusoidal and impulse shapes.

Identification et modélisation du comportement dynamique des robots d'usinage / Identification and modeling of machining robots' dynamic behavior

Mejri, Seifeddine 08 April 2016 (has links)
La robotisation des procédés d’usinage suscite l’intérêt des industriels en raison du grand espace de travail et le faible coût des robots par rapport aux machines-outils conventionnelles et la possibilité d’usiner des pièces de formes complexes. Cependant, la faible rigidité de la structure robotique favorise le déclenchement de phénomènes dynamiques liés à l’usinage sollicitant le robot en bout de l’outil qui dégradent la qualité de surface de la pièce usinée. L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse est de caractériser le comportement dynamique des robots en usinage. Ces travaux ont suivi une démarche en trois étapes : La modélisation d’un premier modèle considéré de référence où le robot est au repos. Ensuite l’identification du comportement dynamique du robot en service. Enfin, l’exploitation des modèles dynamiques du robot en vue de prédire la stabilité de coupe. L’originalité de ces travaux porte sur le développement des méthodes d’identification modale opérationnelles. Elles permettent d’intégrer les conditions réelles d’usinage et d’élaborer des modèles plus précis que le premier modèle de connaissance sans être biaisés par l’effet des harmoniques de rotation de l’outil. Enfin, des préconisations sur le choix de configurations du robot et sur la direction des forces d’excitation sont proposées pour assurer la stabilité de la coupe lors de l’usinage robotisé. / Machining robots have major advantages over cartesian machine tools because of their flexibility, their ability to reach inaccessible areas on a complex part, and their important workspace. However, their lack of rigidity and precision is still a limit for precision tasks. The stresses generated by the cutting forces and inertia are important and cause static and dynamic deformations of the structure which result in problems of workpiece surface. The aim of the thesis work is to characterize the dynamic behavior of robots during machining operation. This work followed a three-step approach : Modeling a first model considered as a reference where the robot is at rest. Then the identification of the dynamic behavior in service. Finally, the prediction of the cutting stability using the robot dynamic model. The originality of this work is the development of new operational modal identification methods. They integrate the machining conditions and result into a more accurate model than the first model of reference without being biased by harmonics. Finally, guidlines of robot’s configurations and excitation forces’ direction are proposed to ensure the robotic machining stability.

Určování mechanických charakteristik materiálů vícevrstvých struktur s využitím metody zvukové rezonance a modální MKP analýzy / Determination of the mechanical properties of the multilayer structure materials with utilization of the sonic resonance method and modal FE analysis

Fodor, Ján January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with determination of layerwise mechanical properties of composite ceramics by indirect method, namely Youngs modulus. Based on literature review, it was found that a method to determine elastic properties of one or more components of multi layered composites based on experimental modal analysis and finite element modal analysis, or analytical approach exists. Method based on FE modal analysis was applied to ceramic laminate, where it was attempt to determine youngs modulus of one component. Beyond that, it was attempt to determine Youngs moduli of both components using first two bending resonant frequencies. Results were unsatisfying. Sensitivity analysis showed that layers with unknown Youngs modulus were overly sensitive to small changes in input parameters due to their small relative thickness with respect to thickness of laminate and due to location in laminate. Based on this conclusion, recommendations were made with respect to suitable geometry of test specimens.

Porovnání výsledků modální analýzy desky plošných spojů dosažených výpočtovým a experimentálním modelováním / Printed Circuit Board Modal Analysis Results Comparison from Experimental and Computational Modeling

Oplt, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Modal analysis of printed circuit board results, gained from computional and experimental modeling, have been compared. Anylyses have been performed on dummy boards (models without electronic components), created as one-layered at first, then as three-layered PCB. Board is usually clamped by its longer edges with wedgelock. In order to enable the realization of boundary conditions in computional and experimental modeling, real clamping has been simplified to simply supported. Computional models have used FEM elements, which are comomnly used in this type of problem. Determined results have been evaluated by comparing the experimental modeling results. Models‘ sensitivity on modification of element length and number of elements through thickness have been performed.

Dynamika rotorů moderních turbodmychadel / Rotordynamics of Modern Turbocharger

Fryščok, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
This dissertation thesis consists rotordynamics of modern turbocharger. First part begins with prediction of critical speed, prediction of onset instability of oil whirl and oil whip by XLTRC2 and comparison with measured data (Cascade diagram, shaft motion, FFT analysis). List of measurement method for the detection of the natural frequency of turbocharger (EMA). Create software for long term monitoring and recording and output data size reduction. Detection of critical speed by defined measurement methodology without using software simulation with measured data from the Cascade diagram, move the rotor shaft motion in the bearing, FFT analysis and results from measurements of natural frequencies. Comparison of predicted data (critical speed, prediction of onset instability) program XLTRC2 with the values measured by this approach measurement (waterfall diagram, shaft motion, FFT analysis)

Pilot Testing of a Hydraulic Bridge Exciter / Pilottest av en hydraulisk broexciterare

Borg, Richard, Dymén, Olivier January 2015 (has links)
In the design of a railway bridge that is meant for train speeds larger than 200 km/h, the Swedish Traffic Administration requires a dynamic analysis in addition to the conventional static design. The models used for static design may not always be suitable for dynamic analysis, which could lead to inaccurate estimations of the dynamic response. The reason for this is a limited knowledge of the actual structural dynamic behaviour of bridges, which is why a hydraulic bridge exciter has been developed. With this device, smaller bridges can be excited in a load- or displacement-controlled manner under variable frequency and load. By having known inputs, the bridges’ dynamic properties can be evaluated using experimental modal analysis. A finite element model of the double tracked railway bridge Pershagen was created in order to plan a pilot test of the bridge exciter. The influence of the load amplitude and sweep rate was evaluated. A theoretically optimal excitation position was also investigated in order to excite as many eigenmodes as possible from one position during the pilot test. Based on these results, a pilot test was performed on the Pershagen Bridge. The dynamic properties of the bridge were evaluated based on the results from the test. From the pilot test it could be concluded that the load amplitude had a direct influence on the dynamic properties of the bridge, hence the dynamic behaviour is non-linear. The 1st vertical bending mode and its dynamic properties could also be identified. / Då en järnvägsbro som är avsedd för tåghastigheter över 200 km/h ska dimensioneras ställs det krav av Trafikverket att en dynamisk analys av bron skall utföras, utöver konventionell statisk dimensionering. De bromodeller som används för statisk analys är dock inte alltid lämpliga för dynamisk analys, vilket kan leda till felaktiga skattningar gällande den dynamiska inverkan. Anledningen till detta är att kunskapen om broars dynamiska egenskaper är begränsade, och av denna anledning har en lastexciterare utvecklats. Med hjälp av denna anordning kan mindre broar exciteras med kontrollerad last eller förskjutning under variabel frekvens och last. Då dessa input-parametrar är kända kan broars dynamiska egenskaper utvärderas genom experimentell modal analys. En finit element-modell av den tvåspåriga järnvägsbron vid Pershagen har skapats för att kunna planera ett pilottest av lastexciteraren. Svephastigheten och lastamplituden har analyserats. En teoretiskt optimal exciteringsposition har utvärderats för att excitera största möjliga antal moder från en och samma position under pilottestet. Utifrån dessa resultat utfördes ett pilottest på bron vid Pershagen, där brons dynamiska egenskaper utvärderades utifrån resultaten. Från pilottestet kunde en slutsats dras om att lastamplituden hade en direkt inverkan på de dynamiska egenskaperna, vilket betyder att det dynamiska beteendet är olinjärt. Den första vertikala böjmoden och dess dynamiska egenskaper kunde också fastställas.

Analysis of Powertrain Acoustic Properties / Analysis of Powertrain Acoustic Properties

Ambróz, Richard January 2012 (has links)
Dizertačná práca rieši problematiku analýzy akustických vlastností pohonných jednotiek. V úvodnej časti je teoretický rozbor fyzikálnych princípov vibrácií a hluku a prehľad súčasného stavu riešenia problematiky v oblasti návrhu pohonných jednotiek. Vlastná časť práce popisuje konštrukčný návrh elektrodynamického budiča vibrácií, návrh hodnotenia výsledkov merania a taktiež spôsob spracovania výsledkov. Akustické vlastnosti sú hodnotené pomocou normálových rýchlostí kmitania povrchu. V závere práce sú prezentované ukážky využitia metódy v praktických príkladoch spojených s návrhom pohonnej jednotky. Celé riešenie predstavuje ucelený spôsob analýzy vhodný pre rýchle hodnotenie vplyvu konštrukčných úprav na akustické vlastnosti.

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