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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podstata, provázanost a rozdíly externího a interního auditu / Nature, interconnections and differences of external and internal audit

Jindřichová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis, which is related to the nature, interconnections and differences of external and internal audit, is to bring interested persons closer to the reason for inception of external and internal audit and to define their position and importance in 21st century. Approximation of both audit's contents and going, with regard to their goals, is naturally also a part of work. A piece of work is particularly devoted to external and internal auditor's personality and thus to personal and professional demands for such profession. Not forgotten is the legal adaptation of both audits and it is explain, which audit is under more strict adaptation and why. In the thesis conclusion is located an external-internal auditor comparison summary, together with practical part with examples, that are helpful for better understanding risks of auditor profession and with such disciplines and why internal audit is confused with them.

Využitie dátovej analýzy v internom a externom audite / The Use of Data Analytics in Internal and External Audit

Tecáková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
Data Analytics is one of the fast-developing applications of IT in organizations worldwide. This Master's thesis examines data analytics in the context of internal and external audit. Principal aim of the thesis is to identify the opportunities for data analytics application in both audit disciplines. Secondary goal is to design a data-analytical procedure, apply it to actual business data and thus demonstrate the benefits of employing data analytics. The thesis builds on a summary of theoretical sources of the relevant area, followed by a survey conducted by the author. The survey maps current state of data analytics usage in both internal and external audit in the Czech Republic. The added value of this thesis is, apart from the identification of audit areas in which it is beneficial to use data analytics, the design of an analytical procedure and its application. Another benefit is the survey revealing current state of the art and the insights of interviewed auditors, pointing to both benefits and problems of data analytics application to the performance of the audit profession.

Role interního auditu při řízení operačního rizika / The role of internal audit in operational risk management

Stoklásková, Martina January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the operational risk, its identification, measurement and regulatory requirements associated with it. It defines what is the role of internal audit, departments that perform its function and relationship to the organizational structure of the company. Similarly, it is depict the relationship between internal and external audit. These facts are set in the context of operational risk. In the form of comparison are confronted four major banking institutions operating on the Czech market. The aim is to find out how banks manage operational risk, what tools are used for the quantification and how the whole process involve internal audit services and, finally, how they deal with regulatory requirements on capital.

Nezávislý audit vybrané společnosti - spolupráce externího a interního auditora / Independent audit of the chosen company - cooperation between external and internal audit

Hledíková, Renáta January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis aims to characterise the role and importance of audit in business. After closer look at the definition of audit itself, the international standards and laws are examined, followed by description of each specific step of audit work. At the end of the theoretical part, the clarification of differences between external and internal audit is made, together with suggestions of possible effects of their cooperation. The main part comes after the theoretical introduction and concludes the execution of audit work in cooperation with the real auditor in the chosen company XZ, a.s. In this practical part of the thesis all the theoretical and methodological knowledge from the previous part are implemented.

Nástroje a techniky auditorské práce - testy v externím auditu / Audit instruments and techniques – tests employed in external audits

Talácková, Alena January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the verification of selected internal processes and items in final accounts of the company Graziano Trasmissioni, Ltd. The theoretical basis of the thesis concerns problems with audit planning and performance. It provides an explanation of essential audit definitions, objectives and phases and a description of audit risks. It characterises methods which can be used for obtaining appropriate and sufficient audit evidence that is necessary for expressing the auditor's opinion about credibility of final accounts. The emphasis is on obtaining information with the assistance of control and substantive tests. In the practical part of the thesis, control tests are applied to a purchase and sales process. The test results should show whether the internal control mechanisms are effective or not. The substantive tests validate balances of accounts receivable and accounts payable. The specific objectives are tested and the results prove whether the account balances are misrepresented in the financial statements or not.

Le contrôle des finances publiques dans la République de Djibouti / Control of public finances in the Republic of Djibouti

Ibrahim Abdo Ali, I. 28 November 2016 (has links)
Les dysfonctionnements financiers et budgétaires laissent croire qu’à Djibouti, il n’existe aucune structure de contrôle, aucune loi et aucune orthodoxie et discipline dans la gestion des finances publiques. Pourtant, Djibouti dispose, à l’image des autres pays d’Afrique francophone, de plusieurs institutions de contrôle des finances publiques. L’État djiboutien a mis en place les organes de contrôle interne qui sont chargés de prévenir les irrégularités budgétaires qui viendraient porter préjudice aux finances publiques, le cas échéant, de détecter les irrégularités budgétaires et financières commises. Djibouti a également institué, au titre du contrôle externe, à côté du Parlement qui a un pouvoir général de contrôle en matière budgétaire, la Cour des comptes et de discipline budgétaire. Celle-ci agit a posteriori. Bien que le système du contrôle des finances publiques, qui fait intervenir plusieurs structures, soit formellement organisé, les dysfonctionnements financiers et budgétaires demeurent et compromettent dangereusement la gestion des deniers publics. Si ces problèmes se produisent naturellement dans un environnement juridique et institutionnel peu organisé, tel n’est absolument pas le cas à Djibouti qui dispose, au fond, d’un corpus élaboré d’institutions et de règles relatives au contrôle des finances publiques. Pour comprendre ce phénomène paradoxal, l’on a été conduit à analyser les mécanismes de contrôle. Dans la première partie, l’option retenue a été de réaliser un état de lieu critique du système de contrôle des finances publiques qui se veut ambitieux. Dans la deuxième partie, l’accent a été mis sur les suggestions de nature à corriger les dysfonctionnements et à redynamiser le système du contrôle qui se trouve inopérant. / The financial and budgetary shortcomings suggest that Djibouti, there is no control structure, no law and no orthodoxy and discipline in the management of public finances. However, Djibouti has, like other Francophone African countries, several public audit institutions. The Djiboutian government has implemented internal control organs that are responsible for preventing fiscal irregularities that would bring harm to public finance, as appropriate, detect committed budgetary and financial irregularities. Djibouti has also established, under external control, next to the Parliament, which has a general power to control the budget, the Court of Auditors and budgetary discipline. This is the fact. Although the system of control of public finances, which involves several structures, formally organized, financial and budgetary shortcomings remain dangerously compromise the management of public funds. If these problems occur naturally in some organized legal and institutional environment, this is absolutely not the case in Djibouti, which has, in fact, developed a corpus of institutions and rules on control of public finances. To understand this paradoxical phenomenon, it was taken to analyze the control mechanisms. In the first part, the preferred option was to achieve a state of critical place of the public finance control system that is ambitious. In the second part, the focus was on the nature of suggestions to correct the dysfunctions and to revitalize the control system is inoperative.

A auditoria externa e as demonstrações contábeis no direito comercial / The external audit and financial statements in comercial law

Pereira, Alexandre Demetrius 09 December 2010 (has links)
A auditoria externa de demonstrações contábeis é um dos instrumentos mais importantes para o desenvolvimento do mercado, pelo fato de adicionar credibilidade e segurança às informações financeiras prestadas pelos agentes econômicos que buscam captar recursos junto ao público investidor. A doutrina jurídica pátria, entretanto, ao contrário do que ocorre em outros países, tem relegado o estudo do assunto a um papel secundário, quase não abordado nas obras nacionais, deixando sua pormenorização integralmente sob o domínio da ciência contábil. Esta postura causa um afastamento do jurista da realidade das circunstâncias em que a auditoria se desenvolve, fazendo com que, pela falta de compreensão das peculiaridades da matéria, haja a aplicação inadequada de muitos institutos a uma realidade específica e, muitas vezes, diversa daquela para as quais referidos institutos foram concebidos. Como a matéria abrange tanto o Direito quanto a Contabilidade, tencionamos fazer aqui uma abordagem conjunta, a fim de possibilitar a comunicação das duas ciências e compartilhar os problemas que o tema apresenta. Passamos em revista a natureza dos principais institutos de auditoria; seu relacionamento e importância na economia; as características jurídicas do contrato, suas obrigações, as partes contratantes e os terceiros interessados; o desenvolvimento contábil de sua execução; e seu relacionamento com os sistemas de governança corporativa. Além disso, verificamos as atuais tendências quanto ao sistema de riscos e responsabilidade civil do auditor, matéria amplamente discutida no âmbito internacional. / The external audit of financial statements is one of the most important instruments in market development, to add credibility and security to the financial information provided by economic agents seeking to attract resources from the investor public. The national legal doctrine, however, contrary to what occurs in other countries, has relegated the study of the subject to a secondary role, almost national works not covered in detail, leaving fully under the domain of accountant science. This attitude causes a hivingoff lawyer of the circumstances in which the audit develops, causing, by lack of understanding of the peculiarities of the subject, inadequate application of many institutes to a specific reality occurs and, often, different from that for which these institutes were designed. As the subject covers Law and Accounting, we intend to do a joint approach to enable the communication of both science and share the problems that the theme displays. Passing across the nature of the main audit institutes, their relationship and importance in the economy, the legal characteristics of the agreement, their obligations, the contracting parties and third parties, your ledger development and relationship with the corporate governance systems. In addition, we verify the current trends regarding the system of auditor\'s civil liability and risk, widely discussed internationally.

Análise da qualidade do novo relatório do auditor independente no Brasil: um estudo da implementação das novas normas brasileiras de Contabilidade / Quality analysis of the new independent auditor\'s report in Brazil: a study of the implementation of the new brazilian accounting standards

Carmo, Joice Candida do 23 July 2019 (has links)
As recentes discussões a respeito da relevância das informações apresentadas no relatório do auditor independente e do valor e credibilidade da profissão de auditoria culminaram em propostas de alteração no relatório do auditor, em uma das mais relevantes mudanças recentes para o ramo, passando de um formato padronizado para uma tentativa de individualização, caracterizada pela obrigatoriedade de comunicação dos Principais Assuntos de Auditoria (PAAs). As Normas Brasileiras de Contabilidade que regem o tema foram implementadas para períodos findos em ou após 31 de dezembro de 2016. Com o objetivo de analisar o processo de implementação dessas novas regras e verificar o nível de qualidade observado nos novos relatórios, foi desenvolvido um indicador (o Índice de Qualidade do Novo Relatório do Auditor Independente - IQNRA), considerando requisitos normativos e expectativas dos usuários das informações financeiras. Essa métrica foi aplicada para uma amostra de 189 empresas de capital aberto, em seus dois primeiros relatórios anuais emitidos. Os resultados observados demonstram um bom nível médio de qualidade e, em um processo de adaptação e aprendizado, melhorias do primeiro para o segundo ano de publicação do relatório em seu novo formato. Destaca-se, em linhas gerais, que ainda há melhorias a serem feitas, tanto em itens normativos (forma e conteúdo de apresentação), como em tópicos de divulgação voluntária, requeridos e apontados pelos participantes de mercado como desejáveis (informações sobre materialidade e escopo de auditoria, possíveis valores e impactos financeiros para cada tema relevante reportado, e comparativo das alterações nos principais assuntos relevantes para a auditoria a cada ano). Nota-se, ainda, que as maiores empresas de auditoria tendem a apresentar maior nível de qualidade nos reportes; enquanto o setor econômico a que pertencem as companhias auditadas parece não influenciar o nível de qualidade ou quantidade de assuntos reportados como relevantes (PAAs). Como primeiro trabalho de análise qualitativa do Novo Relatório do Auditor Independente no Brasil, este estudo pode trazer foco ao tema, iniciar discussões e motivar estudos adicionais, mostrando novas direções a seguir na contabilidade e auditoria; além de trazer evidências empíricas sobre a experiência até então observada aos diferentes participantes do mercado, contribuindo e dando insumos quanto aos pontos positivos e possíveis caminhos para a melhoria e evolução. Os resultados foram encorajadores em seu início, porém, talvez ainda seja cedo para se falar em consequências e implicações na literatura e mercado, dada a incipiência do tema. Entende-se que ainda é necessário mais tempo e experiência para uma maior absorção e consequente impacto sobre o comportamento dos produtores e usuários das informações financeiras, bem como desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas, oferecendo mais informações e conclusões sobre os efeitos e consequências da implantação do novo reporte e atendimento aos objetivos traçados pelos órgãos reguladores, de oferecimento de informações mais relevantes aos usuários e reforço do valor e importância da auditoria. / The recent discussions on the relevance of the information presented in the independent auditor\'s report and on the value and credibility of the audit profession have culminated in proposed changes in the auditor\'s report, in one of the most relevant recent changes to the industry, from a standardized format for an attempt of individualization, characterized by the obligation of communication of the Key Audit Matters (KAMs). The Brazilian Accounting Standards governing the theme were implemented for periods ending on or after December 31, 2016. In order to analyze the process of implementing these new rules and verify the level of quality observed in the new reports, an indicator was developed (the New Independent Auditor\'s Report Quality Index - IQNRA), considering the regulatory requirements and expectations of users of financial information. This metric was applied to a sample of 189 publicly held companies in their first two annual reports. The observed results demonstrate a good average level of quality and, in a process of adaptation and learning, improvements from the first to the second year of publication of the report in its new format. It should be noted, in general terms, that there are still improvements to be made, in normative items (form and content of presentation) and in topics of voluntary disclosure, required and pointed out by market participants as desirable (information on materiality and audit scope, possible values and financial impacts for each relevant subject reported, and comparative changes in the main issues relevant to the audit each year). It is also noted that the largest auditing companies tend to present a higher level of quality in the reports; while the economic sector to which the audited companies belong does not appear to influence the level of quality or quantity of subjects reported as relevant (PAAs). As the first qualitative analysis of the New Independent Auditor\'s Report in Brazil, this study can bring focus to the topic, start discussions and motivate additional studies, showing new directions to follow in accounting and auditing; in addition to providing empirical evidence on the experience previously observed to the different market participants, contributing and giving input on the positive points and possible ways for improvement and evolution. The results were encouraging at the outset, but perhaps it is too early to talk about consequences and implications in the literature and market, given the incipience of the subject. More time and experience are needed for a greater absorption and consequent impact on the behavior of producers and users of financial information, as well as the development of new research, offering more information and conclusions on the effects and consequences of the implantation of the new reporting and meeting the objectives set by regulatory bodies, offering more relevant information to users and reinforcing the value and importance of the audit.

Performance Assessment on Compliance with OHSAS 18001:2007: Focus on Wind Power Company

Wazir Malik, Rashid January 2011 (has links)
The current research was a cross sectional research and was designed to assess the performance of the selected wind power company on compliance with health and management system OHSAS 1800:2007. One wind power company in Pakistan was selected for the research purpose. To collect quantitative data survey was conducted based on Questionnaire. For finding gaps within the existing practices and also for effectiveness of the research check list was designed. Questionnaires were distributed to the employees and one check list was given to the top management. The questionnaires were distributed randomly to the employees and out of fifteen questionnaires twelve were received back. After analyzing the data from the eleven questionnaires, the results shows that overall employees are 61 % strongly agree, 30 % agree, 2% disagree and 1% strongly disagree that the requirements of the system OHSAS 18001:2007 are met. 6% did not decide about it. The check list was received from top management after analyzing data from the check list results shows that top management of the subjected wind power organization is 74% strongly agree, 23% agree and 3 % undecided about the implementation of the system OHSAS 1800: 2007. From the results it can be concluded that both employees and top management of the subjected organization are agree with the fact that the H&S system OHSAS18001:2007 is being implemented well within the organization.

Externa och interna bankrevisorers yrkesutövning i det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt

Norell, Stefan, Styren, Nathalie January 2015 (has links)
Titel: Bankrevisorers yrkesutövning i det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt Syfte: Studien syfte är att öka förståelsen samt förklara hur externa och interna bankrevisorer arbetar förebyggande mot penningtvätt inom banksektorn. Syftet besvaras genom att undersöka hur penningtvättslagen tillämpas i bankrevisorers yrkesutövning, hur det arbetet förhåller sig till god revisionssed samt om berörda parter upplever ett förväntningsgap gällande bankrevisorers ansvar att upptäcka finansbrott, såsom penningtvätt. Metod: Studien har tillämpat en kvalitativ forskningsmetod för att studera hur externa och interna bankrevisorers yrkesutövande förhåller sig till det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt. Detta har genomförts med hjälp av tio stycken semi-strukturerade intervjuer med externa och interna bankrevisorer samt berörda parter för att kunna bidra med ytterligare perspektiv. Resultat och slutsats: Ett resultat som studien kan påvisa är att varken interna eller externa bankrevisorer rapporterar misstänkt penningtvätt direkt till Finanspolisen. Interna bankrevisorer rapporterar misstänkt penningtvätt till Compliance-funktionen samt att externa bankrevisorer rapporterar misstänkt penningtvätt till företagets VD eller styrelse i första hand. Studien finner stöd i att god revisionssed är en betydande faktor i det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt för externa och interna bankrevisorer. Det finns även ett förväntningsgap eftersom externa och interna bankrevisorer kan göra mer i deras yrkesutövning för att förebygga penningtvätt inom banksektorn. Förslag till vidare forskning: En liknande studie som enbart fokusera på banker som sysslar med kontanthantering samt att Revisorsnämndens perspektiv beaktas. Studiens bidrag: Studien bidrar till att kartlägga externa och interna bankrevisorers ansvar i det förebyggande arbetet mot penningtvätt inom banksektorn. Studiens resultat bidrar till företagsekonomisk forskning genom att öka förståelsen av samarbetet mellan samtliga parter för att förebygga penningtvätt inom banksektorn. Nyckelord: Bankrevisorer, internrevision, externrevision, penningtvätt, PTL, penningtvättslagen, god revisionssed / Title: Bank auditors professional practice in the prevention of money laundering Aim: The aim of this essay is to increase understanding and explain how external and internal bank auditors work to prevent money laundering in the banking sector. The aim is answered by examining how the Money Laundering Act apply in their professional practice, how the work relates to the generally accepted auditing standards and if concerned parties are experiencing a gap of expectations regarding bank auditors responsibility of detecting financial crimes such as money laundering. Method: The essay has applied a qualitative research method to study how external and internal bank auditors professional practice relates to the prevention of money laundering. This has been achieved by executing ten semi-structured interviews with external and internal bank auditors and other concerned parties to contribute additional perspectives. Results and Conclusions: The result of the essay shows that neither external nor internal bank auditors report suspected money laundering directly to the Finance Police. Internal bank auditors report suspected money laundering to the Compliance department and the external bank auditors report suspected money laundering to the company CEO or board in firsthand. The essay shows that the generally accepted auditing standards are a significant factor in the prevention of money laundering for external and internal bank auditors. The result shows a gap of expectations, the external and internal bank auditors can contribute more in their professional practice to the prevention of money laundering in the banking sector according to concerned parties. Suggestions for future research: A similar study focusing solely on banks with cash management including the Auditor Board´s perspective. Contributions of the essay: The essay helps to identify external and internal bank auditors responsibility in the prevention of money laundering in the banking sector. The results contribute to business research by increasing understanding of the cooperation between concerned parties to prevent money laundering in the banking sector. Keywords: bank auditors, internal audit, external audit, money laundering, PTL, the Money Laundering Act, generally accepted auditing standards

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