Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eyetracking"" "subject:"retracking""
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Visual composition in video games : Visual analyzation using eye-trackingOlsson, Mica January 2017 (has links)
This thesis studies how classical fine art theory and visual structure can be applied to predict the viewers attention and use eye-tracking as a tool to gather results. Also if eye-tracking is applicable for testing game environments and how the artist can affect the player’s choices and actions. First it will go through classic art theory and visual structure principles such as image composition, working with color, line and shapes and contrasts between them. Based on the theory an experiment is made using several pictures and predict where the viewer would look and find interesting and gave the viewer a game environment to interact with and see how it also can be applied in interactive media. All data during these experiments is captured using an eye-tracker system which will register the viewer’s eye movement and placement on the monitor screen. Based on the experiment there is still a lot more to research in using eye-tracking for game analysis. Eye-tracking for still images worked very well and the result data was easy to follow and read, but in interactive environment it becomes more abstract and needs to be evaluated more how to best utilize eye-tracking there. / Denna rapport undersöks hur man kan applicera teori från klassisk konst och visuell struktur till interaktiva spel-miljöer i realtid och kunna påverka en spelares val och handlingar. Först går den igenom teorin som används inom klassisk konst såsom komposition, arbeta med färger, linjer och former samt kontraster mellan dem. Baserat på teorin används olika bilder där teorin appliceras och förutspår vad tittaren ska kolla och finna intressant och vidare därifrån applicera samma metod men på interaktiv media. All data under dessa undersökningar kommer samlas in användandes av eye-tracking system vilket registrerar tittarens ögats rörelse och placering på en datorskärm. Baserat på resultaten finns det mycket mer att studera inom användning av eye-tracking för spelanalys. Eye-tracking för stillbilder fungerar väldigt bra med klar data att se och läsa, men för interaktiva miljöer blir det snabbt mer abstrakt och behöver utvärderas mer om hur Eye-tracking bäst kan användas där.
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What meets the eye : Naturalistic observations of air traffic controllers eye-movements during arrivals using eye-trackingLind-Hård, Viktor January 2019 (has links)
How do air traffic controllers, or ATCos, distribute visual attention and can it vary between controllers? In this study, using primarily eye-tracking data and a couple of on-site interviews, these questions are explored. Two ATCos, with the most similar landings, had their eye-movements recorded with Tobii pro glasses 2 and further analysed by categorizing every fixation into different areas of interest during four landings. Two more ATCos were interviewed briefly during an observational visit to the control tower. The results showed that the ATCos distributed their attention fairly equally between the outside of the control tower and the inside. When attending to something outside the runway was the focus and when attention was inside the control tower the radar was usually the focus. The ATCos differed in their attention distribution by the presumably more experienced ATCo distributing their attention more outside the control tower than the presumably less experienced ATCo. A large number of fixations were not categorized bringing the method of dividing the ATCos eye-tracking view into areas of interest into question.
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Språkliga förmågor i relation till Theory of Mind och implicit/explicit False-Belief förståelse : En studie med barn i treårsåldern / Linguistic Abilities and Their Relation to Theory of Mind and Implicit/Explicit False Belief Understanding : A Study Including Three-Year-Old ChildrenSuljanovic, Sabina, Rydin, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Tidigare studier har påvisat att språkliga förmågor har ett nära samband med Theory of Mind (ToM). På senare tid har studier med hjälp av ögonrörelseteknik kunnat undersöka ToMförmåga implicit och fynden tyder på att barn redan i tvåårsåldern verkar ha en välutvecklad implicit ToM-förmåga. Resultaten från en av dessa studier har funnit att språkutvecklingen kan spela en avgörande roll i tillägnandet av ToM och tyder på att det kan finnas ett orsakssamband mellan språk och ToM. En viktig aspekt för att närmare förstå ToMutvecklingen är att undersöka vilken betydelse den språkliga förmågan har i tillägnandet av ToM. Det är fortfarande oklart om specifika delar av språket har mer betydelse för ToMutvecklingen än andra och hur sambandet mellan språkliga förmågor och ToM ser ut. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur ToM-förmåga och False Beliefförståelse förhåller sig till språkliga förmågor hos typiskt utvecklade barn i treårsåldern samt om dessa förmågor påverkas av barnens demografiska faktorer. Studien inkluderade sammanlagt 21 treåringar. Den språkliga förmågan undersöktes med mått på impressiv och expressiv grammatik samt med mått på expressivt ordförråd, som en del av den semantiska förmågan. För att undersöka ToM-förmågan som helhet användes mått på olika delförmågor av ToM. Vidare undersöktes False Belief-förståelse explicit, med klassiska FB-uppgifter, och implicit, med hjälp av ögonrörelseteknik.Studiens resultat påvisar att språkliga förmågor och ToM-förmåga har ett mycket nära samband, och att den semantiska förmågan är den del av språkförmågan som har den enskilt starkaste påverkan på ToM-förmågan. Resultaten visar även att den impressiva grammatiska förmågan är mer betydande specifikt för FB-förståelse än för ToM-förmågan som helhet. Ingen påverkan på språklig förmåga, ToM-förmåga och FB-förståelse hittades vad gäller barnens demografiska faktorer. Resultaten av det implicita FB-testet visar att majoriteten av de deltagande barnen inte har förstått vad testet går ut på och därför kan inga slutsatser dras vad gäller barnens implicita FB-förståelse. Detta resultat motsäger den tidigare forskningen med yngre barn. Många frågetecken kvarstår kring implicita test, vilket visar på vikten av mer forskning inom området. I den aktuella studien diskuteras även komplexiteten i förhållandet mellan språkliga förmågor och ToM. / Previous studies have shown that linguistic abilities are closely linked with Theory of Mind (ToM). Recently, studies using eyetracking technology have been able to investigate ToM understanding with implicit measures. The findings suggest that children as young as two years old appear to have a well-developed implicit ToM understanding. Results from one of these studies have found that language development could play a crucial role in the acquisition of ToM, suggesting that there may be a causal link between language and ToM. An important aspect to further understand ToM development is to investigate the impact of language in the acquisition of ToM understanding. It remains unclear whether specific aspects of language are more relevant to ToM development than others and how language abilities and ToM are interconnected. The aim of the present study was to investigate how ToM ability and False Belief understanding relates to linguistic abilities of typically developing three-year-olds and if childrens´ demographic factors affect these abilities. The study included a total of 21 children. Language competence was assessed with measures of reception and production of syntax and a measure of vocabulary production, as part of the semantic ability. In order to investigate ToM ability, measures of different types of mental-state understandings were included. False Belief understanding was assessed with explicit measures, using standard FB tasks, and with implicit measures, using eyetracking technology. The results obtained in the present study confirm that linguistic abilities and ToM ability are strongly related, and that semantic ability is the part of language that has the strongest influence on ToM understanding. The results also indicate that receptive syntax is more important to specifically FB understanding, than to ToM ability in general. The childrens´ demographic factors were not found to affect their language ability, ToM ability or FB understanding. Regarding children's implicit FB understanding the results of the implicit measures reveal that the majority of the participating children did not understand the purpose of the test and therefore no conclusions of their implicit understanding could be drawn. This finding contradicts previous research including younger children. Questions remain concerning implicit measures, indicating the importance of further research in this field. The present study also discusses the complexity of the relationship between linguistic abilities and ToM.
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Understanding repeated actions: Examining factors beyond anxiety in the persistence of compulsionsBucarelli, Bianca 28 January 2014 (has links)
Two decades of research on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has helped us develop a strong understanding of why obsessions are often followed by the performance of a compulsive act. What we have understood less well is why that act is repeated, even though it often results in an increase, rather than decrease, in discomfort. Emergent research on compulsive checking
implicates a number of beliefs—including perceived responsibility, perceived harm, need for certainty, and beliefs about one’s memory— that may influence behavioural parameters (e.g., check duration) of checking episodes. Furthermore, it has also been suggested that the act of compulsive checking may recur in part because of a self-perpetuating mechanism in which checking has paradoxical effects on these beliefs. Finally, some researchers have proposed that attentional focus (e.g., focus on threat) during checking may be related these paradoxical outcomes. At present, these ideas are mostly speculative, in part because there have been so few detailed studies of the actual phenomenology of compulsive rituals. The purpose of the present research was to gather phenomenological data on compulsions as performed by a clinical sample under ecologically valid conditions.
Study 1 extended emergent research suggesting that compulsions may persist because the act of checking has a number of ironic effects on beliefs. Individuals with a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and anxious controls (AC) completed a naturalistic stove task in our laboratory kitchen. Participants were fitted with portable eyetracking equipment and left on their own to boil a kettle, turn the stove off, and check to ensure that the stove is safe before leaving the kitchen. Surrounding the stove were household items that are “threatening” (e.g., matches) or “non-threatening” (e.g., mugs). Ratings of mood, responsibility, harm (severity, probability) and memory confidence were taken pre- and post-task and a portable eyetracker was used to monitor attention throughout the stove task. We examined the relations between behavioural indices (check duration, attentional focus) and pre- and post-task ratings of responsibility, perceived harm, mood, and memory confidence. Although we found that OCD (as compared to AC) participants took significantly longer to leave the kitchen after using the stove, we found no evidence that stronger pre-task ratings of responsibility, perceived harm, or memory confidence were associated with longer check duration. However, we found some evidence of an ironic effect whereby greater check duration was associated with greater perceived harm and decreased certainty about having properly ensured the stove was off. Of note, these ironic effects were not unique to participants with OCD, but were also observed in the AC group. With respect to the eyetracking data, we found minimal evidence linking threat fixations and beliefs in participants with OCD. In contrast, a number of interesting relations emerged in the eyetracking data of our anxious control participants. For AC participants, a greater proportion of time spent looking at the stove was associated with greater post-task sense of responsibility for preventing harm, greater post-task harm estimates, decreased certainty (about having ensured the stove was off), and decreased confidence in memory for the task.
In Study 2, individuals with a diagnosis of OCD completed a structured diary of their compulsions as they occurred naturally over a three˗day period. Participants recorded the circumstances leading to each compulsion and reported on the acts involved in the compulsive ritual, the duration and repetitiveness of the ritual, and the criteria used to determine completeness of the ritual. The findings of this study suggest that unsuccessful compulsions (i.e., compulsions in which certainty was not achieved) were associated with a longer duration (trend), more repetitions, a higher standard of evidence, and offered little in the way of distress reduction. These findings are discussed within the theoretical context of cognitive˗behavioural model of obsessive˗compulsive disorder and clinical implications are offered.
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Phonological, Semantic and Root Activation in Spoken Word Recognition in Arabic: Evidence from Eye Movements.Alamri, Abdurrahman January 2017 (has links)
Three eye-tracking experiments were conducted to explore the effects of phonological, semantic and root activation in spoken word recognition (SWR) in Saudi Arabian Arabic. Arabic roots involve both phonological and semantic information, therefore, a series of three studies were conducted to isolate the effect of the root independently from phonological and semantic effects. Each experiment consisted of a series of trials. On each trial, participants were presented with a display with four images: a target, a competitor, and two unrelated images. Participants were asked to click on the target image. Participants' proportional fixations to the four areas of interest and their reaction times (RT) were automatically recorded and analyzed. The assumption is that eye movements to the different types of images and RTs reflect degrees of lexical activation. Experiment 1 served as a foundation study to explore the nature of phonological, semantic and root activation. Experiment 2A and 2B aimed to explore the effect of the Arabic root as a function of semantic transparency and phonological onset similarity. Growth Curve Analyses (Mirman, 2014, GCA;) were used to analyze differences in target and competitor fixations across conditions. Results of these experiments highlight the importance of phonological, semantic and root effects in SWR in Arabic. Fixations to competitors were graded and corresponded to the different amounts of phonological, semantic and morphological overlap between targets and competitors. The results of this work highlight the importance of the Arabic consonantal root as an independent processing unit in lexical access in SWR in Arabic that is separable from phonological and semantic units of processing. Finally, the results of this work provided support to models of SWR that feature both whole-word processing as well as morphological decomposition (e.g. Baayen, Dijkstra, & Schreuder, 1997; Giraudo & Grainger, 2000; Schreuder & Baayen, 1997). They also provide support to the morpheme-based theory of Arabic morphology (McCarthy, 1979, 1981).
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Analýza vlivů vybraných rušivých podnětů na pozornost řidiče / Analysis of Selected Distractive Stimuli on the Driver AttentionBucsuházy, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The dissertation thesis focuses on the problem of driver inattention as one of the main factors contributing to the traffic accidents occurrence. The importance of this topic has been introduce on the basis of the literature review. The theoretical analysis includes terminology in the field of accident analysis related to the topic of this dissertation thesis. Existing methods for driver behavior analysis have been introduced as well as the selected resuls of existing research studies focused on the driver inattention. Research gaps have been identified on the basis of the research review, on some of them has been focused this work. The defined problem situation points to the need to find and verify the relevant modern methods for analysis of driver inattention, respectivaly influence of selected distracting stimuli on the stages of driver information processing. The series of measurements also provides quantified data, especially with regard to the perception duration of selected distracting stimuli.
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Analýza očních pohybů žáků při učení se z učebnice fyziky / Eye movements analysis of students when learning from physics textbooksKrejčí, Alžběta January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to identify indicators suitable for eye-tracking research based on literary research, to assign interpretations to those indicators and to apply them to data. The data used was pre-existing and came from I. Jakubská's research. It contained data from 9 participants. We applied 5 indicators. The results suggest that division between experts and novices or high previous knowledge and low previous knowledge persons is better substituted by division between successful and unsuccessful solvers than it is by division between teachers and pupils, based on the applied indicators of average fixation duration, percentage of fixations of above average duration and regression percentage. Predominant regression type (return sweep vs. backtrack) seems to be an indicator unsuitable for short texts. The order of question assignment can affect values of indicators.
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Effects of Propranolol on Cognition and Eye Contact in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)Saklayen, Sanjida Shoma 25 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Development of Children’s Processing of English Pitch Accents in a Visual Search TaskBibyk, Sarah Alaine 08 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Une approche ergonomique des sites marchands sur internet : de la perception au comportement des consommateurs / An ergonomic approach of commercial websites : from consumer perception to consumer behaviorBelaud, Lydie 07 October 2011 (has links)
L’environnement très concurrentiel de la toile détermine le contexte de la recherche. Attirer un internaute n’est pas simple et de surcroît, cela ne suffit pas puisqu’il faut ensuite qu’il devienne un consommateur fidèle qui recommandera le site marchand. La littérature a identifié certaines variables ergonomiques isolées ou semi-groupées qui auraient une influence sur l’intention comportementale, en termes d’intention d’achat, de retour, ou en termes d’intention de recommander le site, mais aucune approche satisfaisante du construit ergonomie, considéré dans sa globalité, n’est recensée dans la littérature marketing. Ce fut l’un des enjeux de cette recherche doctorale puisque nous nous sommes demandé quelle pouvait être l’influence de la perception de l’ergonomie, comprise de façon holistique, sur l’intention comportementale de l’internaute. Des allers-retours entre la littérature et les études exploratoires nous ont conduits vers des questions de recherche complémentaires. En effet, évaluer l’influence de la perception de l’ergonomie requiert de prendre en considération l’orientation motivationnelle de l'internaute, les efforts sous-jacents au traitement d’un stimulus visuel étant en partie liés à la motivation d'un individu. Par ailleurs, nous avons voulu dépasser la seule perspective cognitive pour considérer une vision plus expérientielle de la consommation. Enfin, nous avons étudié la relation qu’il pouvait y avoir entre le comportement sur le site traduit par les données logs et l’intention comportementale. Ainsi, le paradigme Personne x Objet x Situation nous a paru le mieux adapté à cette recherche doctorale en ce qu'il stipule que pour déterminer les sources ou les causes d’un phénomène il faut à la fois prendre en compte les caractéristiques de l’objet étudié, les caractéristiques de l’individu ainsi que les caractéristiques situationnelles. La circonscription et la mesure de la perception de l’ergonomie, un construit jusque-là non clairement délimité en comportement du consommateur, est l’un des apports théoriques majeurs de cette recherche. Nous avons créé un instrument de mesure court, aux propriétés psychométriques très satisfaisantes et qui est valable pour tout type de site. Le modèle structurel a montré que la perception de l’ergonomie d’un site n’aurait pas d’influence sur l’intention comportementale en ce sens où la relation serait totalement médiatisée par la dimension hédonico sensorielle. D’un point de vue managérial, cette recherche doctorale insiste sur une révision des standards ergonomiques tels qu’ils sont définis actuellement, conjointement à une meilleure prise en compte de la dimension hédonico sensorielle. Le gestionnaire de l’entreprise virtuelle s’interrogera sur un ré-enchantement du site marchand, ainsi que sur le degré de réenchantement de ce site, ce qui passera par une véritable réflexion stratégique quant au positionnement de l’enseigne et un juste équilibre entre standards ergonomiques et variables expérientielles. D’un point de vue méthodologique, nous avons souligné la complémentarité expert/utilisateur et toute la richesse d’une multiangulation des sources de données. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur des méthodologies issues d’autres disciplines comme l’oculométrie traditionnellement utilisée en IHM et qui reste peu répandue en comportement du consommateur. Nous avons montré pourquoi l’utilisation des données eye tracking pouvait se révéler particulièrement intéressante pour le chercheur, la manipulation de variables liées au design étant alors évaluée par une réponse quasi physiologique comme le temps passé sur une zone. Enfin, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthodologie de collecte des logs avec l’utilisation du logiciel Netobserve, un outil particulièrement intéressant pour des sites non administrés par le chercheur et qui rend une relative autonomie dans le choix du terrain de recherche. / Pas de résumé en anglais
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