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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A geophilosofia de Deleuze e Guattari / The Deleuze and Guattari’s geophilosophy / La géophilosophie de Deleuze et Guattari

Araujo dos Santos, Zamara 24 July 2013 (has links)
La Géophilosophie est un concept tardif dans l’oeuvre de Deleuze et Guattari, et bien qu’il s’applique au dernier livre qu’ils ont écrit ensemble « Qu´est-ce que la Philosophie ? », il s’agit d’une notion qui enveloppe leurs principales créations conceptuelles et circonscrit la période de « Capitalisme et schizophrénie », tout en dialoguant avec des notions et des moments distincts de l’oeuvre des auteurs. Sous la rubrique de cette notion, la philosophie se définit selon le rapport entre un plan d’immanence qu’il s’agira de définir et d’un milieu immanent et social constituant une conjonction de relations variables entre le territoire et la terre. Ainsi l’acte de penser ne gravite-t-il pas dans l’orbite des catégories du sujet et de l’objet, mais concerne un milieu intensif et contingent qui, tout en composant une milieu de circonstances extérieures, délimite un champ de connexions et frontières, de relations multiples et de devenirs, qui contournent le molaire et le moléculaire en établissant un régime d’échange, de capture et de surcodage de codes. Selon ce tracé, la pensée et les concepts invoquent un “ dehors”, un devenir moléculaire, que Deleuze et Guattari analysent en utilisant les concepts de devenirs-animaux et imperceptibles. Ce sont ces concepts que nous cherchons à expliquer, dans la mesure où ils explorent le caractère géophilosophique de la pensée, dans son rapport aux concepts de territoire et d’agencements. Nous entendons en délinéer les connexions, les ramifications hétérogènes et rhizomatiques qui suivent des lignes intensives en conjurant des forces et des mouvements de la terre, et qui opèrent par des mouvements diagrammatiques, géodésie et déterritorialisation. En effet, une cartographie des déplacements, directions et chemins circonscrivant la carte d’une géographie agitée par des lignes de fuite, des longitudes et des lattitudes est configurée. Ces conditions définissent le plan d’immanence de la pensée, de sa déterritorialisation et de sa reterritorialisation. / Geophilosophy is a lag concept in Deleuze and Guattari’s work, and besides its can be applied at the last book in partnership « Qu´est-ce que la Philosophie ? », it is a notion that involves their main conceptual creations, circumscribing the period of Capitalisme et schizophrénie, but in dialogue with distincts notions and moments of both autors work. Under the heading of the notion, philosophy consecrates the conexion of a absolut immanence plan derivative of a social and immanent environment that constitutes the conjunction of variable relations between the territory and the earth. This way, the act of thinking doesn’t gravitate in the orbit of the categories of suject and object, but concerns to a intensive and contingent environment, that, setting an ambience of external circunstances, delimits a field of conexions and borders, of multiple relations and becomings that skirts the molar and the molecular, establishing a system of change, capture and overcoding of the codes. In this route, the thought and the concepts invocate an « outside », a molecular becoming, animal and inconspicuous becomings that settle the territory and the assemblages, profiling conexions, heterogeneous and rhizomatic ramifications that follow by intensive lines, conjuring forces and movements of earth that operates by diagrammatic movements, geodey and deterritorialization. Setting up, in effect, a cartography of displacements, directions and pathways that circumscribes the map of a geography agitated by creepage, longitudes and latitudes, being these, by the way, the conditions of the absolut immanence plan of thinking, of its deterritorialization and reterritorialization. / A Geofilosofia é um conceito tardio na obra de Deleuze e Guattari e, embora se aplique aoúltimo livro em parceria, Qu´est-ce que la Philosophie ?, trata-se de uma noção queenvolve suas principais criações conceituais, circunscrevendo o período de Capitalisme etschizophrénie, mas dialogando com noções e momentos distintos da obra dos autores. Soba rubrica da noção, a filosofia consagra a conexão de um plano de imanência absolutoderivado de um meio imanente e social que constitui a conjunção de relações variáveisentre o território e a terra. Assim, o ato de pensar não gravita sob a órbita das categoriassujeito e objeto, mas concerne a um meio intensivo e contingente, que, compondo umaambiência de circunstâncias externas, demarca um campo de conexões e fronteiras derelações múltiplas e devires que contornam o molar e o molecular, estabelecendo umregime de troca, captura e sobrecodificação dos códigos. Nesse traçado, o pensamento e osconceitos invocam um “fora”, um devir molecular, devires animais e imperceptíveis quepovoam o território e os agenciamentos, perfilham conexões, ramificações heterogêneas erizomáticas que seguem por linhas intensivas, conjurando forças e movimentos da terra queoperam por movimentos diagramáticos, geodésia e desterritorialização. Configura-se, comefeito, uma cartografia dos deslocamentos, direções e trajetos que circunscreve o mapa deuma geografia agitada por linhas de fuga, longitudes e latitudes, sendo essas, portanto, ascondições do plano de imanência absoluto do pensamento, de sua desterritorialização ereterritorialização.

Deleuze-Guattarinianas: experimentações educacionais com o pensamento de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari (1990-2013) / Deleuze-Guattarinianas: educational experiments with the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1990-2013)

Vinci, Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães 12 December 2014 (has links)
Essa pesquisa parte da percepção, cada vez mais acentuada, da centralidade que alguns conceitos formulados pelo filósofo Gilles Deleuze e pelo psicanalista Félix Guattari têm tido no pensamento educacional brasileiro. Não é difícil depararmos com apropriações de conceitos tais como nomadismo, devir, cartografia, rizoma, platôs, micropolítica, desterritorialização e tantos outros. A apropriação do conceitual deleuze-guattariano tem produzido deslocamentos e inspirado procedimentos analíticos diversos daqueles que tomaram corpo no início dos anos 1990, no seio dos estudos denominados de póscríticos, abrindo espaço para aquilo que denominamos de experimentações do pensamento. Procurando erigir uma crítica capaz de afectar o leitor e levá-lo a produção um pensamento outro, mais do que conduzi-lo à constatação de uma verdade presente alhures, a produção que tem se valido da filosofia de Deleuze e Guattari assume contornos analíticos até então inéditos, experimentando o intensivo que os conceitos elaborados pela dupla de autores comportam. Diante desse cenário, da imensa miríade de escritos que vemos surgir a cada dia articulando de maneira inusitada o pensamento da diferença de Deleuze e Guattari a tópicos educacionais, faz-se necessário interpelar essa literatura de forma a apreender sua singularidade e os novos procedimentos analíticos resultantes desse cruzamento. Dessa forma, buscaremos apresentar uma problematização dos estudos de cunho deleuze-guattarianos no campo educacional brasileiro, focalizando para tanto os artigos publicados nos 44 melhores conceituados periódicos acadêmicos da área de acordo com a tabela Qualis 2013 entre os anos 1990 e 2013. Orientado por uma abordagem pós-estruturalista em educação, trata-se de um estudo crítico fundamentado nos conceitos de arquivo e problematização, ambos oriundos do legado do pensador francês Michel Foucault; tendo por objetivo apreender as condições de emergência da literatura deleuzeana na seara educacional, tomamos como referência analítica a seguinte questão frente ao fundo documental dos periódicos indexados: de que maneira a produção acadêmica educacional tem experimentado a necessidade de deleuzear ou guattariar ou deleuze-guattariar? / This research aims at developing an analisys about the importance of the concepts formulated by Deleuze and Deleuze-Guattari in Brazilian educational thought. It is not difficult, in academic articles, to come across with concepts such as nomadism, devir, cartography, rhizome, plateaus, deterritorialization and many others. The appropriation of the conceptual deleuze-guattarian has produced displacements and inspired analytical procedures other than those that took shape in the early 1990s , within the study called \"post- critical\" , paving the way for what we call trials of thought. Looking erect a critical able to affect the reader and get him to produce a thought the other , rather than lead him to the discovery of a truth this elsewhere, a production that has been using the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari assumes analytical contours hitherto unpublished , experiencing intensive that the concepts developed by the duo of authors behave . Given this \"deleuzean\" shadow which hovers over the field such as the myriad of writings that we see emerging every day, it is necessary to question this literature in order to set up a possible horizon of dissemination of such thinking in Brazilian education academic production. Therefore, we try to present a problematization of deleuz-guattarian studies in Brazilian educational field, focusing on the top 44 articles published in reputable journals in the area - according to the table Qualis 2013 - between 1990 and 2013. Guided by a post-structuralist approach in education, this research is a critical study which is grounded in an interrogational sitting here on the concepts of file and problematization which comes from the legacy of French thinker Michel Foucault. Our objective is to apprehend the emergency conditions of this Deleuzian literature in the educational studies. We submit the following analytical question to the archive of journals indexed: how educational scholarship has experienced the need for deleuzear or guattariar or deleuze-guattariniar?

Deleuze-Guattarinianas: experimentações educacionais com o pensamento de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari (1990-2013) / Deleuze-Guattarinianas: educational experiments with the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari (1990-2013)

Christian Fernando Ribeiro Guimarães Vinci 12 December 2014 (has links)
Essa pesquisa parte da percepção, cada vez mais acentuada, da centralidade que alguns conceitos formulados pelo filósofo Gilles Deleuze e pelo psicanalista Félix Guattari têm tido no pensamento educacional brasileiro. Não é difícil depararmos com apropriações de conceitos tais como nomadismo, devir, cartografia, rizoma, platôs, micropolítica, desterritorialização e tantos outros. A apropriação do conceitual deleuze-guattariano tem produzido deslocamentos e inspirado procedimentos analíticos diversos daqueles que tomaram corpo no início dos anos 1990, no seio dos estudos denominados de póscríticos, abrindo espaço para aquilo que denominamos de experimentações do pensamento. Procurando erigir uma crítica capaz de afectar o leitor e levá-lo a produção um pensamento outro, mais do que conduzi-lo à constatação de uma verdade presente alhures, a produção que tem se valido da filosofia de Deleuze e Guattari assume contornos analíticos até então inéditos, experimentando o intensivo que os conceitos elaborados pela dupla de autores comportam. Diante desse cenário, da imensa miríade de escritos que vemos surgir a cada dia articulando de maneira inusitada o pensamento da diferença de Deleuze e Guattari a tópicos educacionais, faz-se necessário interpelar essa literatura de forma a apreender sua singularidade e os novos procedimentos analíticos resultantes desse cruzamento. Dessa forma, buscaremos apresentar uma problematização dos estudos de cunho deleuze-guattarianos no campo educacional brasileiro, focalizando para tanto os artigos publicados nos 44 melhores conceituados periódicos acadêmicos da área de acordo com a tabela Qualis 2013 entre os anos 1990 e 2013. Orientado por uma abordagem pós-estruturalista em educação, trata-se de um estudo crítico fundamentado nos conceitos de arquivo e problematização, ambos oriundos do legado do pensador francês Michel Foucault; tendo por objetivo apreender as condições de emergência da literatura deleuzeana na seara educacional, tomamos como referência analítica a seguinte questão frente ao fundo documental dos periódicos indexados: de que maneira a produção acadêmica educacional tem experimentado a necessidade de deleuzear ou guattariar ou deleuze-guattariar? / This research aims at developing an analisys about the importance of the concepts formulated by Deleuze and Deleuze-Guattari in Brazilian educational thought. It is not difficult, in academic articles, to come across with concepts such as nomadism, devir, cartography, rhizome, plateaus, deterritorialization and many others. The appropriation of the conceptual deleuze-guattarian has produced displacements and inspired analytical procedures other than those that took shape in the early 1990s , within the study called \"post- critical\" , paving the way for what we call trials of thought. Looking erect a critical able to affect the reader and get him to produce a thought the other , rather than lead him to the discovery of a truth this elsewhere, a production that has been using the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari assumes analytical contours hitherto unpublished , experiencing intensive that the concepts developed by the duo of authors behave . Given this \"deleuzean\" shadow which hovers over the field such as the myriad of writings that we see emerging every day, it is necessary to question this literature in order to set up a possible horizon of dissemination of such thinking in Brazilian education academic production. Therefore, we try to present a problematization of deleuz-guattarian studies in Brazilian educational field, focusing on the top 44 articles published in reputable journals in the area - according to the table Qualis 2013 - between 1990 and 2013. Guided by a post-structuralist approach in education, this research is a critical study which is grounded in an interrogational sitting here on the concepts of file and problematization which comes from the legacy of French thinker Michel Foucault. Our objective is to apprehend the emergency conditions of this Deleuzian literature in the educational studies. We submit the following analytical question to the archive of journals indexed: how educational scholarship has experienced the need for deleuzear or guattariar or deleuze-guattariniar?

Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari : entre théâtre et philosophie. Pour un théâtre de l’à venir / Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari : between theatre and philosophy. For A Coming Theatre

Garcin-Marrou, Flore 13 December 2011 (has links)
Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari ne sont pas connus pour avoir manifesté un réel intérêt pour le théâtre. En adoptant une première approche historique et biographique, ce jugement s’avère être une injustice profonde envers ces deux esprits, car l’un ne cesse d’évoquer le théâtre afin d’en faire une critique constructive et l’autre se révèle être l’auteur d’une production théâtrale inédite à ce jour, dont nous dévoilons les enjeux dramaturgiques. Dans une seconde partie, il s’agit de cartographier une pensée du théâtre hétérogène, défendue par les deux philosophes : le théâtre est utilisé dans la création de nouveaux concepts et d’une nouvelle énonciation philosophique. Le « théâtre de la pensée », la « dramatisation », le « théâtre de signes », le « schizo-théâtre », le « théâtre mineur », le « théâtre pris dans des devenirs-autres » constituent les signes avant-coureurs d’un « théâtre de l’à venir » qui constitue le fil rouge de notre recherche. Comme une réponse à la crise du drame, Gilles Deleuze oriente le théâtre vers d’autres lignes de fuite qui portent le théâtre vers les limites de l’abstraction pure, pendant que Félix Guattari conçoit un théâtre postdramatique. Cette thèse inclut des index répertoriant le vocabulaire théâtral et les personnalités de théâtre à partir de l’œuvre complète des deux philosophes, ainsi que des interviews de quelques uns de leurs proches amis artistes. / Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari are not famous for having a deep, enduring interest in theatre. This thesis first develops historical and biographical elements to reveal that the notion of their indifference to theatre is cruelly inexact: the former repeatedly mentions drama and constructively criticises it, while the latter turns out to be the author of dramas which are yet unpublished, and whose theatrical characteristics are revealed here. In a more conceptual part, I then offer the mapping of a heterogeneous web of notions that both philosophers abide by: theatre is used in the creation of new concepts; it is at the service of a new wording of philosophy. The Theatre of Thought, the Method of Dramatisation, the Theatre of Cruelty, the Schizo Theatre, the Minor Theatre and the Theatre through the process of Becoming-Other are the signposts of A Coming Theatre that our research sets out to explore. Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy offers a reaction to the crisis of theatre. While Deleuze takes theatre on new lines of flight and pushes it on the verge of pure abstraction, Félix Guattari forges a Postdramatic Theatre. My thesis includes indexes of all the theatrical vocabulary and characters to be found in the works of both philosophers, as well as interviews by some of their close artist friends.

Entre a educação e o plano de pensamento de Deleuze & Guattari: uma vida... / Between the education and the plane of thought of Deleuze & Guattari: a life...

Benedetti, Sandra Cristina Gorni 17 May 2007 (has links)
Por meio de nove atmosferas distintas, distribuídas em três capítulos, construiu-se um esboço de cartografia teórica de alguns estudos educacionais voltados à filosofia das multiplicidades de Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, a partir da seguinte questão: o que se passa entre a educação e o plano de pensamento desses autores? As atmosferas anteriores e o primeiro capítulo dizem da construção do objeto da presente pesquisa: desde sua errância até a opção por tal plano de pensamento, e não outro. No segundo capítulo, são selecionados e apresentados alguns conceitos que permitem considerar a educação escolar na ausência do sujeito da educação, tradicionalmente tomado como fundamento e fim último da lida pedagógica; daí a opção pela concepção de aprendizagem de Deleuze. No último capítulo, questiona-se o lugar da identidade como ficção psíquica que a escola tem auxiliado a construir desde sua fundação, assim como se discutem os devires da educação por meio da análise dos efeitos de ruptura, resistência e criação materializados em 11 textos que enfrentam a tradição pedagógica com novas armas. Municiados de conceitos do plano de pensamento de Deleuze & Guattari e de outros criados a partir deste, os autores realizam uma experimentação que esgarça as concepções de representação e de recognição acopladas à idéia de sujeito da educação, expondo os artifícios de produção e corrupção das subjetividades pelo capitalismo. A última atmosfera, abraçando o derradeiro texto de Deleuze: Imanência: uma vida..., dedica-se a recolher os efeitos de ressonância captados por tal linha minoritária do pensamento educacional atual, a qual enseja fomentar as chances de a escola tornar-se lócus privilegiado de composição de forças desejantes capazes de ampliar a potência de dizer sim a outras formas de existência; existências dispostas, se necessário for, a criarem \"máquinas de guerra\" afeitas a desintegrar tudo o que ofusca a vida, seja na escola, seja fora dela. / Through nine different atmospheres, distributed in three chapters, it was outlined a theoretical cartography of some studies addressed to Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari\'s philosophy of multiplicities, from the following question: what happens between education and the plane of thought of these authors? The Previous atmospheres and the first chapter are on the building of the object of this research from its roaming to the option for such a plane of thought, and not any other one. The second chapter deals with some concepts that allow us to think school education while in the absence of the subject of education, traditionally considered the purpose and the ultimate end of the pedagogical task; thus the reason for the option for Deleuze\'s pedagogical concept. The last chapter argues which is the place of identity as psychic fiction that school has helped us to build since its origins, as well as it discuss the coming-to-be of education through the analysis of the effects of disruption, resistance and e creation developed in 11 essays that face the pedagogical tradition with new weapons. Furnished with the concepts of Deleuze & Guattari\'s plane of thought, and with other ones created from them, the authors make an experimentation that tears apart the conceptions of representation and of recognition connected with the subject\'s idea of education, unveiling the artificialities of production and corruption of the subjectivities by capitalism. The last atmosphere, which embraces Deleuzes\' final essay: Immanence: a life..., gathers the resounding effects picked up by this minor part of the present educational thought, which wishes to promote chances of the school to become privileged locus of the composing of desiring forces able to enlarge the potency to say yes to other forms of existence; forms willing, if necessary, to create \"war machines\" used to disintegrating everything that hinders life, be it at school, or outside it.

Jag vill meddela mig : Exil, psykoanalys, 40-talism och det politiska i Peter Weiss tidiga svenska prosa

Mats O, Svensson January 2015 (has links)
In Peter Weiss debut Från ö till ö (1947) the ‘I’ travels from island to island as a castaway. The island here can signify, or work as a synecdoche for exile and the feeling of isolation that exile often induces. But the movement from island to island also implies a restless state: Peter Weiss shifting from painting to writing to filmmaking and theatre, from German to Swedish and then back to German. The years during exile and the years that followed the exile until his breakthrough in Germany with Schatten des körpers des Kütchens (1960), Abschied von den Eltern (1961) and Fluchtpunkt (1962), were the formative years of Peter Weiss authorship. In Sweden he abandoned a Hesse-influenced new-romanticism – an aesthetical and political dead-end in the 1940s – and oriented towards the Swedish modernists – fyrtiotalisterna – discovered psychoanalysis and became politically “aware”. These happenings – or machines as this essay likes to view them – all influenced and produced Weiss Swedish prose which is this essay’s main focus. Following Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari this essay understands Weiss Swedish authorship as a minor authorship. As Franz Kafka was in the German language, Peter Weiss was a stranger in Swedish and in Sweden, a “foreign bird” as one critic calls him. As a minor writer he is a political writer, the political realities are connected to him, his half-Jewish body is intertwined in the (bio)political realities of mid-century Germany; and those realities are visible in his prose, even if he himself, or his contemporaries, see him as an unpolitical author. Therefore there is no unpolitical and political period in the œuvre of Peter Weiss. Instead there are different flows and movements, from the political, from the production of the psychoanalytic-, modernist- and romantic-machine among others. There are lines of flights, deterritorialization and reterritorialization. This essay aims to follow some of these lines in the Swedish prose of Peter Weiss.

Entre a educação e o plano de pensamento de Deleuze & Guattari: uma vida... / Between the education and the plane of thought of Deleuze & Guattari: a life...

Sandra Cristina Gorni Benedetti 17 May 2007 (has links)
Por meio de nove atmosferas distintas, distribuídas em três capítulos, construiu-se um esboço de cartografia teórica de alguns estudos educacionais voltados à filosofia das multiplicidades de Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, a partir da seguinte questão: o que se passa entre a educação e o plano de pensamento desses autores? As atmosferas anteriores e o primeiro capítulo dizem da construção do objeto da presente pesquisa: desde sua errância até a opção por tal plano de pensamento, e não outro. No segundo capítulo, são selecionados e apresentados alguns conceitos que permitem considerar a educação escolar na ausência do sujeito da educação, tradicionalmente tomado como fundamento e fim último da lida pedagógica; daí a opção pela concepção de aprendizagem de Deleuze. No último capítulo, questiona-se o lugar da identidade como ficção psíquica que a escola tem auxiliado a construir desde sua fundação, assim como se discutem os devires da educação por meio da análise dos efeitos de ruptura, resistência e criação materializados em 11 textos que enfrentam a tradição pedagógica com novas armas. Municiados de conceitos do plano de pensamento de Deleuze & Guattari e de outros criados a partir deste, os autores realizam uma experimentação que esgarça as concepções de representação e de recognição acopladas à idéia de sujeito da educação, expondo os artifícios de produção e corrupção das subjetividades pelo capitalismo. A última atmosfera, abraçando o derradeiro texto de Deleuze: Imanência: uma vida..., dedica-se a recolher os efeitos de ressonância captados por tal linha minoritária do pensamento educacional atual, a qual enseja fomentar as chances de a escola tornar-se lócus privilegiado de composição de forças desejantes capazes de ampliar a potência de dizer sim a outras formas de existência; existências dispostas, se necessário for, a criarem \"máquinas de guerra\" afeitas a desintegrar tudo o que ofusca a vida, seja na escola, seja fora dela. / Through nine different atmospheres, distributed in three chapters, it was outlined a theoretical cartography of some studies addressed to Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari\'s philosophy of multiplicities, from the following question: what happens between education and the plane of thought of these authors? The Previous atmospheres and the first chapter are on the building of the object of this research from its roaming to the option for such a plane of thought, and not any other one. The second chapter deals with some concepts that allow us to think school education while in the absence of the subject of education, traditionally considered the purpose and the ultimate end of the pedagogical task; thus the reason for the option for Deleuze\'s pedagogical concept. The last chapter argues which is the place of identity as psychic fiction that school has helped us to build since its origins, as well as it discuss the coming-to-be of education through the analysis of the effects of disruption, resistance and e creation developed in 11 essays that face the pedagogical tradition with new weapons. Furnished with the concepts of Deleuze & Guattari\'s plane of thought, and with other ones created from them, the authors make an experimentation that tears apart the conceptions of representation and of recognition connected with the subject\'s idea of education, unveiling the artificialities of production and corruption of the subjectivities by capitalism. The last atmosphere, which embraces Deleuzes\' final essay: Immanence: a life..., gathers the resounding effects picked up by this minor part of the present educational thought, which wishes to promote chances of the school to become privileged locus of the composing of desiring forces able to enlarge the potency to say yes to other forms of existence; forms willing, if necessary, to create \"war machines\" used to disintegrating everything that hinders life, be it at school, or outside it.

Art and Becoming-Animal: Reconceptualizing the Animal Imagery in Dorothea Tanning's Post-1955 Paintings

Karam, Samantha 24 April 2013 (has links)
In 1955, American artist Dorothea Tanning abandoned her figurative Surrealist renderings of dream-like scenarios in favor of a complexly abstract and fragmented style of painting. With few exceptions, the ways in which Tanning’s later works function independently of her earlier paintings tends to be downplayed in the scholarship on her oeuvre. Equally sparse is the scholarship on Tanning’s dog imagery, which pervades her oeuvre but becomes most apparent in her later phase. This thesis seeks to shift attention toward Tanning’s later abstract paintings; it also seeks to fill the gap in scholarship on Tanning’s dogs. Specifically, through the study of five Tanning paintings from the late 1950s and 1960s, with the theoretical aid of Deleuze and Guattari’s conception of the becoming-animal, this thesis will investigate how Tanning’s post-1955 paintings create and promote new ways for viewers to think about the relations between humans and animals in the human-dominated modern world.

A deterritorialized history: investigating German colonialism through Deleuze and Guattari

Bullard, Daniel 24 October 2005 (has links)
This study seeks to understand the forces initiating and sustaining colonialism, specifically the German colonial expansion in Africa. The history of this colonialism, and the relations between Germany and Africa, is difficult to understand holistically, given its complex and contentious nature. In order to best comprehend the composite interactions within the expansion of German control over Africa, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s theory of deterritorialization will provide the interpretative framework. This analysis begins by grappling with the notion of deterritorialization and then relates the theory to the social, cultural, economic and political manifestations of German colonial expansion. By taking a broad perspective upon the diverse articulations of power in Africa, the multiple elements of colonial control and resistance are manifest. In conclusion, this study finds difference, syncretism and negotiation between German and African to determine the history of German colonialism in Africa.

The Schizoid Subject : Filth and Desire in Samuel R. Delany's Hogg

Fredriksson, Sophia January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates in which ways Samuel R. Delany’s novel Hogg challenge the discourse of normality as stipulated, supported and maintained by the capitalist Oedipal repression of desire. Drawing from Deleuze and Guattari’s theory of the Anti-Oedipus, this thesis explores how Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of desire as a free and productive force can be seen as a disruptive element in a society that relies on repression of the subject for its stability. Furthermore, this thesis explores how the novel questions the understanding of civilisation being dependent on the individual’s submission to the Oedipus triangulation and in extension the Oedipal capitalist separation between the public and the private sphere. Ultimately, the main argument claims that Oedipal repression of desire only allows desire to invest in a restricted number of representations, making other identities than the heteronormative suspicious or invisible.  Hogg depicts a society where capitalism commodifies everything, and need the Oedipal subject to ensure its stability. The characters in the novel that do not subject themselves to the capitalist discourse escape the subjection to the Oedipal triangulation, and are thus free to invest their desire in any way they choose, primarily in non-heterosexual and salirophiliac activities. These characters can be seen as schizoid subjects that are constantly threatening to expose the fragility of the social structure by embodying a contrast to the hegemonic discourse and therefore constantly question its authority as main creator of reason and reality.

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