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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation de la rupture ductile intragranulaire des aciers irradiés. Effets de l'anisotropie cristalline et du gradient de déformations / Modeling the intragranular ductile fracture of irradiated steels. Effects of crystal anisotropy and strain gradient

Ling, Chao 24 January 2017 (has links)
L'irradiation peut modifier les propriétés mécaniques des aciers inoxydables austénitiques. Une diminution de la ténacité à la rupture des aciers en fonction de la dose est observée. La rupture ductile due à la croissance et la coalescence des cavités est toujours un mécanisme dominant dans les aciers irradiés jusqu'à 10 dpa. Des cavités peuvent être crées de manière différente : nucléées à partir des inclusions ou des précipités d'irradiation, ou créées directement par irradiation. Cette thèse a pour objectif d'étudier la rupture ductile des aciers irradiés due à la croissance et la coalescence des cavités intragranulaires. Basée sur la plasticité cristalline, des simulations en éléments finis sont effectuées sur les cellules unitaires pour étudier l'effet de l'orientation cristallographique et de la triaxialité de contraintes sur la croissance et la coalescence des cavités. L'effet de l'écrouissage post-irradiation sur la croissance et la coalescence des cavités est étudié avec un modèle de la plasticité cristalline prenant compte des défauts d'irradiation. En outre, un modèle élastomère-visco-plastique en grandes transformations est proposé pour décrire la croissance des cavités dans le monocristal. Le modèle est appliqué à la simulation de l'endommagement ductile dans le monocristal et le polycristal. Des cavités peuvent avoir des tailles différentes et la taille peut avoir une influence sur la ténacité à la rupture des aciers. Afin d'étudier cet effet, un modèle micromorphe de plasticité cristalline est proposé et appliqué à la simulation de la croissance et la coalescence des cavités intragranulaires de différentes tailles ainsi qu'aux phénomènes de localisation dans les monocristaux. / Irradiation causes drastic modifications of mechanical properties of austenitic stainless steels and a decrease in the fracture toughness with irradiation has been observed. Ductile fracture due to void growth and coalescence remains one dominant fracture mechanism for doses in the range of 0-10 dupa. Voids may have different origins : nucleated at inclusions or irradiation-induced precipitates during mechanical loading, or produced directly by irradiation. The present work is to investigate ductile fracture of irradiated steels due to growth and coalescence of intragranulaire voids. Based on continuum crystal plasticity theory, FE simulations are performed on unit cells for studying effects of lattice orientation and stress triaxiality on void growth and coalescence. The influence of post-irradiation hardening/softening on void growth ans coalescence is evaluated with a physically based crystal plasticity model. Besides, an elastoviscoplastic model at finite strains is proposed to describe void growth up to coalescence in single crystals, and is assessed based unit cell simulations. The model is then applied to simulate ductile damage in single crystals ans polycrystals. As voids in irradiated steels may have different origins, they may have different sizes, which potentially have an influence on ductile fracture process and fracture toughness of irradiated steels. In order to assess the size effect, a micromorphic crystal plasticity model is proposed and applied to simulate growth and coalescence of intragranular voids of different sizes.

Integração da otimização em tempo real com controle preditivo. / Integration of the optimization on-line with model predictive control.

Souza, Glauce Freitas de 27 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de integração da otimização com o controle preditivo multivariável em uma camada. Os problemas de controle e otimização econômica são resolvidos simultaneamente em um mesmo algoritmo. A função objetivo econômica foi inserida no controlador na sua forma diferencial, ou seja, o gradiente da função objetivo econômica. O método foi testado por simulação para o caso do sistema reator regenerador da UFCC (Unit of Fluid Catalytic Cracker). Esta dissertação descreve a estratégia de otimização integrada ao controlador preditivo cuja função objetivo incorpora componentes dinâmicos e estáticos. Para a determinação das condições ótimas do processo no estado estacionário do conversor (unidade de craqueamento catalítico) foi utilizado um modelo empírico do processo. A melhor trajetória para conduzir o processo para o seu ponto ótimo de operação, maximizando lucro ou produto de maior valor agregado, desde que não sejam violadas as restrições de processo, é predita utilizando um modelo dinâmico, obtido através de dados de testes em degrau em um modelo rigoroso. Este modelo linear possibilitou a obtenção das funções de transferência do processo e o modelo em variáveis de estado. O ponto ótimo que é obtido na execução deste algoritmo, leva em consideração a não violação das restrições das variáveis manipuladas e controladas do processo, tanto para o estado estacionário como para o transiente do problema. O problema de otimização não linear resultante é resolvido através de uma rotina de programação quadrática da biblioteca do Matlab. Uma segunda alternativa apresentada para a estratégia de otimização deste trabalho, é a inclusão do gradiente reduzido na função objetivo do controlador quando são observadas violações das restrições das variáveis controladas. Os resultados simulados através de um modelo não linear rigoroso (Moro&Odloak,1995) mostram um bom desempenho dos algoritmos aqui desenvolvidos tanto com relação aos benefícios econômicos como na estabilização da unidade. / This dissertation aims to develop a strategy to integrate the optimization problem of the plant into the model predictive controller in a one layer strategy, for the real time optimization or online optimization. The control and the optimization of the process are computed simultaneously in the same algorithm. The gradient of the economic objective function is included in the cost function of the controller instead of in its regular form. Thereby, this work describes a predictive control strategy, which can be classified as a one layer strategy and whose objective function has to be optimized obeying constraints, which incorporates dynamic and static components. The optimal conditions of the process in the steady state are defined through the use of an empirical process model. Furthermore, the best trajectory to be followed in order to reach the optimal conditions, without violating the constraints, maximizing profit or the production of its more valuable product, is predicted through the use of the dynamic model, that can be obtained through a plant step test. As a result transfer function and state space models are obtained. The optimal operation point is achieved through the execution of the proposed algorithm. Therefore, the solution to the optimization/control problem will always be in a feasible region, in other words, without violating the process manipulated or controlled variable constraints for both stationary and transient states of the problem. The non-linear optimization problem resulted from the implementation of the proposed algorithm is solved through the quadratic programming routine from the Matlab library. The second online optimization strategy proposed in this work is one that considers the reduced gradient method algorithm modified to evaluate the predicted trajectory. As a result, any violation of the manipulated or controlled variable constraints is prevented and this variable is not considered in the next step of the calculation of the predicted trajectory or even in the search direction of the optimization. Finally the simulations results obtained through the use of a nonlinear rigorous model (Moro&Odloak,1995) presents good performance for the algorithms here proposed, not only related to economic benefits, but also in order to stabilize the unit.

High energy resummation and electroweak corrections in dijet production at hadronic colliders

Medley, Jack James January 2016 (has links)
Coloured final states are ubiquitous at hadron colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Therefore understanding high energy perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD) at these experiments is essential not only as a test of the Standard Model, but also because these processes form the dominant background to many searches for new physics. One such `standard candle' is the production of a dilepton pair in association with dijets. Here we present a new description of this final state (through the production of a Z⁰ boson and γ*). This calculation adds to the fixed-order accuracy the dominant logarithms in the limit of large partonic centre-of-mass energy to all orders in the strong coupling αs. This is achieved within the framework of High Energy Jets. This calculation is made possible by extending the high energy treatment to take into account the multiple t-channel exchanges arising from Z⁰ and gamma* -emissions off several quark lines. The correct description of the interference effects from the various t-channel exchanges requires an extension of the subtraction terms in the all-order calculation. We describe this construction and compare the resulting predictions to a number of recent analyses of LHC data. The description of a wide range of observables is good, and, as expected, stands out from other approaches in particular in the regions of large dijet invariant mass and large dijet rapidity spans. In addition we also present the application of the High Energy Jets framework to two new experimental scenarios. Firstly, we show a comparison of High Energy Jets matched to the ARIADNE parton shower to an ATLAS study of gap activity in dijet events. We see that our description agrees well with the data throughout and in many distributions gives the best theoretical description. This shows the extra logarithmic corrections are essential to describe data already in LHC Run I. Secondly, we present a study of Z⁰/γ* plus dijets at 100 TeV. We compare the behaviour of the high energy logarithmic enhancements to the QCD perturbative series at 7 TeV and 100 Tev and see that at any high energy hadronic Future Circular Collider (FCC) the effects described by our resummation become significantly more important.

Maximizing propylene selectivity while minimizing dry gas yield in FCC unit through post synthetic modifications of nano ZSM-5

Alnaimi, Essa January 2017 (has links)
This research explored different catalytic cracking zeolite additives to improve propylene selectivity and minimize dry gas yield. A comprehensive study of the effect of zeolite structure, pore system and crystal size on maximizing propylene production in FCC unit and the effect of post synthetic modifications on the physicochemical properties and cracking activity of ZSM-5 was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), pyridine adsorption fourier transform infra-red (FTIR), 27Al and 29Si magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) and the catalytic cracking using n-heptane, as a model compound for heavy naphtha. The catalytic performances of these additives were evaluated in a fixed-bed reactor unit using n-heptane as a model compound for naphtha at temperatures 450 - 500 oC and W/F 38 - 92 gcat.h/mol. A range of zeolites were tested with ZSM-5 showing the optimum results at high feed conversion. Further studies on ZSM-5 crystal size illustrated that nano ZSM-5 (300 nm) was superior compared to the regular ZSM-5 (2000 - 4000 nm) in achieved conversion level and propylene selectivity. These improvements were attributed to the shorter path lengths for the reactant reducing diffusion constraints significantly. Modifying nano ZSM-5 acidity using steaming, acid leaching and silanation showed significant improvement over nano ZSM-5 parent. Mild steaming of nano ZSM-5 improved both n-heptane conversion and propylene selectivity whilst severe steaming only improved propylene selectivity. This work attempted to address the often discussed catalytic activity enhancement from mild steaming and identified newly created moderate acid sites as the source of increased activity. Dealumination by acid leaching decreased the total aluminium content of nano ZSM-5 and changed the Brønsted/Lewis ratio. Increasing the B/L ratio, increased the conversion and propylene selectivity. In addition, this research focussed for the first time on the silanation of nano ZSM-5 and its effect on n-heptane cracking, in particular, propylene and dry gas selectivity. Silica was deposited on the external surface of nano ZSM-5 neutralising the acidic sites and as a result, dry gas yield was significantly decreased due to the elimination of non-selective cracking. However, the trade off with conversion was high.

Simulation of hydrogen diffusion in fcc polycrystals. Effect of deformation and grain boundaries : effect of deformation and grain boundaries / Simulation de diffusion de l’hydrogène dans les polycrystaux cfc : effet de la déformation et des joints de grains

Ilin, Dmitrii 14 October 2014 (has links)
Une approche couplée prenant en compte l’interaction de la plasticité cristalline et de la diffusion d’hydrogène a été établie et utilisée pour étudier le transport de l’hydrogène dans les agrégats polycristallins synthétiques de l’acier 316L avec des géométries de grains and des orientations cristallographiques différentes. Les champs mécaniques calculés à l’aide du code ZeBuLoN sont transférés dans un code de diffusion développé dans le cadre de ce travail. Une nouvelle formulation associée à un nouveau schéma numérique permet un calcul qui présente une bonne convergence. Les résultats des simulations montrent la redistribution de l’hydrogène dans les polycristaux due à la présence des hétérogénéités des contraintes hydrostatiques à l’échelle intragranulaire. L’effet de la vitesse de déformation a été quantitativement obtenu. Afin d’enrichir l’approche continue, un intérêt particulier est porté sur le rôle des joints de grains. Des simulations numériques d’un modèle atomique plan par plan ont été développées et appliquées aux bicristaux et aux structures de type ”bambou”. Les effets de puits ou de barrière induits par la présence des joints de grains sont clairement démontrés dans le cas du nickel pur. Pour reproduire ces effets dans les simulations de diffusion avec le modèle continue, une approche originale de simulation”multi-échelles” de la diffusion au joint de grain a été développée, et un nouveau régime de diffusion au joint de grain a été modélisé. / In the present work, we establish a one-way coupled crystal plasticity – hydrogen diffusion analysis and use this approach to study the hydrogen transport in artificial polycrystalline aggregates of 316L steel with different grain geometries and crystallographic orientation. The data about stress/strain fields computed at the microstructure scaleutilizing the crystal plasticity concept are transferred to the in-house diffusion code which was developed using a new numerical scheme for solving parabolic equations. In the case of initial uniform hydrogen content, the heterogeneity of the mechanical fields is shownto induce a redistribution of hydrogen in the microstructure. The effect of strain rate is clearly revealed. In the second part, hydrogen transport across grain boundaries is investigatedconsidering the specific diffusivity and segregation properties of these interfaces. Using a discrete atomic layer model, the retarding impact of grain boundaries is demonstrated on bicrystals and bamboo type membranes with and without external mechanical loading. To reproduce the effects observed in the atomistic simulations into the crystal plasticity – hydrogen diffusion model, a new physically based multi-scale method is proposed. Using this new approach we study the effect of grain boundary trapping kinetics on hydrogen diffusion and reveal a new grain boundary diffusion regime which has notbeen reported before.

Moving Away From Regulation and Legislation: Solving the Network Neutrality Debate During Obama’s Presidency

Daley, Cara J. 01 January 2010 (has links)
This paper examines the Net neutrality, or argument that the Internet should remain and open and equal platform, debate in the United States up to November 2010. After critically examining the past regulatory and legislative efforts, the feasibility of alternate solutions invested in protecting citizens' interests is examined.

Waveform Design for UWB Systems

Liu, Jen-Ting 26 August 2008 (has links)

Inelastic H-Atom scattering from ultra-thin films

Dorenkamp, Yvonne Jeannette 15 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Oxidação de monóxido de carbono sobre catalisadores à base de ferro ou manganês suportados ou trocados em zeólitas H-mordenita ou Ce-mordenita

Sena, Homero Jacinto 18 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:56:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6783.pdf: 3853594 bytes, checksum: 5c76462cb2ede47f0f6638372f3f2364 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-18 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) is one of the most important process in the petroleum refining industry, being responsible for the increase of the yield of the most valuable light hydrocarbons. On the other hand, the FCC process generates big amounts of CO, NOx and SOx emissions. The CO emissions from the most of pollution sources are abatement using noble metal based catalysts. However, the growing demand and scarcity of those metals have caused an increase in the process cost and consequently promoting studies to find alternative catalysts with comparable efficiency and lower in cost. In this respect, the literature had presented interesting results with transitions metal catalysts. Thus, the objective of this work was to prepare exchanged or impregnated Fe or Mn on H-mordenite or Ce-mordenite, which were evaluated between 150 and 550 oC in the CO oxidation with O2, in the presence or absence of interfering compounds (water steam or SO2). The catalysts were characterized by ICP-OES, DRX, DRS-UV-VIS and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The results showed that the preparation procedures of the interchanged or impregnated Fe or Mn catalysts were adequate, and no mordenite crystallinity loss was observed. Contrary to the exchanged Fe or Mn based catalysts, those based on impregnated Fe or Mn oxides showed a important potential as catalysts in the CO oxidation with O2. Then, in the applied operational conditions the Ce-MOR/Fe10, Ce-MOR/Mn5, Ce-MOR/Mn10 e H-MOR/Mn5 catalysts were able to produce an effluent with CO content lower than 500 ppm, which is the allowed limit by the environmental regulations related with FCC units. In the presence of water steam the evaluated Fe or Mn catalysts presented activity loss that was recovered after the elimination of that interfering from the feed. Nevertheless, in the presence of SO2, the tested catalysts showed an irreversible and significantly activity loss. / O craqueamento catalítico fluido (FCC) é uma das etapas mais importantes no refino de petróleo, sendo responsável pelo aumento do rendimento em frações leves, de maior valor agregado. Por outro lado, o FCC é responsável na refinaria por uma grande parcela das emissões de monóxido de carbono (CO), óxidos de nitrogênio (NOx) e óxidos de enxofre (SOx). O CO, em particular, na maioria das fontes poluidoras é eliminado via oxidação sobre catalisadores à base de metais nobres. Porém, o aumento na demanda desses metais e sua baixa disponibilidade criam um forte impacto no custo do processo, surgindo a necessidade de buscar catalisadores alternativos, com eficiência comparável e de menor custo. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar catalisadores à base de ferro ou manganês impregnados ou trocados em H-mordenita ou Ce-mordenita e avaliá-los entre 150 e 550 oC na oxidação de CO com oxigênio (O2), na ausência ou presença de compostos interferentes à reação como vapor de água e dióxido de enxofre (SO2). Os catalisadores foram caracterizados por espectroscopia de emissão atômica (ICP-OES), difração de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia de reflectância difusa (DRS-UV-VIS), redução com H2 à temperatura programada (RTP-H2) e espectroscopia Mössbauer (MOSS). Os resultados mostraram que os procedimentos de preparação dos catalisadores, trocados ou suportados, foram eficientes, não se observando perda de cristalinidade da mordenita. Os catalisadores com óxidos de Fe ou Mn suportados na mordenita apresentaram um importante potencial para serem utilizados como catalisadores na oxidação de CO com O2, contrário ao que ocorreu com cátions de Fe ou Mn em sítios de troca. Assim, nas condições operacionais utilizadas, os catalisadores Ce-MOR/Fe10, Ce-MOR/Mn5, Ce-MOR/Mn10 e H-MOR/Mn5 foram capazes de converter CO suficiente para produzir um efluente gasoso com teor menor que 500 ppm de CO, sendo essa a concentração limite permitida pela legislação que rege as emissões de unidades FCC. Os catalisadores impregnados com Fe e Mn, quando avaliados na presença de vapor de água e de SO2, ocorreu perda da atividade, a que foi recuperada somente no caso do vapor de água.

Integração da otimização em tempo real com controle preditivo. / Integration of the optimization on-line with model predictive control.

Glauce Freitas de Souza 27 April 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de integração da otimização com o controle preditivo multivariável em uma camada. Os problemas de controle e otimização econômica são resolvidos simultaneamente em um mesmo algoritmo. A função objetivo econômica foi inserida no controlador na sua forma diferencial, ou seja, o gradiente da função objetivo econômica. O método foi testado por simulação para o caso do sistema reator regenerador da UFCC (Unit of Fluid Catalytic Cracker). Esta dissertação descreve a estratégia de otimização integrada ao controlador preditivo cuja função objetivo incorpora componentes dinâmicos e estáticos. Para a determinação das condições ótimas do processo no estado estacionário do conversor (unidade de craqueamento catalítico) foi utilizado um modelo empírico do processo. A melhor trajetória para conduzir o processo para o seu ponto ótimo de operação, maximizando lucro ou produto de maior valor agregado, desde que não sejam violadas as restrições de processo, é predita utilizando um modelo dinâmico, obtido através de dados de testes em degrau em um modelo rigoroso. Este modelo linear possibilitou a obtenção das funções de transferência do processo e o modelo em variáveis de estado. O ponto ótimo que é obtido na execução deste algoritmo, leva em consideração a não violação das restrições das variáveis manipuladas e controladas do processo, tanto para o estado estacionário como para o transiente do problema. O problema de otimização não linear resultante é resolvido através de uma rotina de programação quadrática da biblioteca do Matlab. Uma segunda alternativa apresentada para a estratégia de otimização deste trabalho, é a inclusão do gradiente reduzido na função objetivo do controlador quando são observadas violações das restrições das variáveis controladas. Os resultados simulados através de um modelo não linear rigoroso (Moro&Odloak,1995) mostram um bom desempenho dos algoritmos aqui desenvolvidos tanto com relação aos benefícios econômicos como na estabilização da unidade. / This dissertation aims to develop a strategy to integrate the optimization problem of the plant into the model predictive controller in a one layer strategy, for the real time optimization or online optimization. The control and the optimization of the process are computed simultaneously in the same algorithm. The gradient of the economic objective function is included in the cost function of the controller instead of in its regular form. Thereby, this work describes a predictive control strategy, which can be classified as a one layer strategy and whose objective function has to be optimized obeying constraints, which incorporates dynamic and static components. The optimal conditions of the process in the steady state are defined through the use of an empirical process model. Furthermore, the best trajectory to be followed in order to reach the optimal conditions, without violating the constraints, maximizing profit or the production of its more valuable product, is predicted through the use of the dynamic model, that can be obtained through a plant step test. As a result transfer function and state space models are obtained. The optimal operation point is achieved through the execution of the proposed algorithm. Therefore, the solution to the optimization/control problem will always be in a feasible region, in other words, without violating the process manipulated or controlled variable constraints for both stationary and transient states of the problem. The non-linear optimization problem resulted from the implementation of the proposed algorithm is solved through the quadratic programming routine from the Matlab library. The second online optimization strategy proposed in this work is one that considers the reduced gradient method algorithm modified to evaluate the predicted trajectory. As a result, any violation of the manipulated or controlled variable constraints is prevented and this variable is not considered in the next step of the calculation of the predicted trajectory or even in the search direction of the optimization. Finally the simulations results obtained through the use of a nonlinear rigorous model (Moro&Odloak,1995) presents good performance for the algorithms here proposed, not only related to economic benefits, but also in order to stabilize the unit.

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