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The Reverend Carl D. McIntire v. the Fairness DoctrineTownsend, Larry A. (Larry Allan) 05 1900 (has links)
This study explored the development of the Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Doctrine policy from its beginnings in the 1920's until the FCC eliminated most of its requirements in 1987. The chapters discuss the Reverend Carl D. McIntire's battle with the FCC concerning the policy's impact on free speech in broadcasting. McIntire lost his battle with the FCC and became the first broadcaster to lose his license for Fairness Doctrine violations. The problem in this study focused on the difficulty of reconciling government regulation of broadcasting with the rights of licensees to speak freely and be heard by their listeners. The study concluded that today the FCC advocates First Amendment protection for broadcasters but it remains questionable whether present policy will continue.
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Quantification of the Susceptibility to Ductility-Dip Cracking in FCC AlloysLuther, Samuel James 29 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Interaction Region Design for a 100 TeV Proton-Proton ColliderMartin, Roman 20 September 2018 (has links)
Mit der Entdeckung des Higgs-Bosons hat ein Messprogramm begonnen, bei dem die Eigenschaften dieses neuen Teilchens mit der höchstmöglichen Präzision untersucht werden soll um die Gültigkeit des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik zu prüfen und nach neuer Physik jenseits des Standardmodells zu suchen. Für dieses Ziel wird der Large Hadron Collider (LHC) und sein Upgrade, der High Luminosity-LHC bis etwa zum Jahr 2035 laufen und Daten produzieren.
Um an der Spitze der Teilchenphysik zu bleiben, hat die “European Strategy Group for Particle Physics” empfohlen, ambitionierte Nachfolgeprojekte für die Zeit nach dem LHC zu entwickeln. Entsprechend dieser Empfehlung hat das CERN die “Future Circular Collider” (FCC) -Studie gestartet, die die Machbarkeit neuer Speicherringe für Teilchenkollisionen (Collider) untersucht. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung der Wechselwirkungszonen für FCC-hh, einem Proton-Proton-Speicherring mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 100 TeV und einem Umfang von 100 km, beschrieben.
Die Wechselwirkungszone ist das Herzstück eines Colliders, da sie die erreichbare Luminosität bestimmt. Es ist daher entscheidend, schon früh im Entwicklungsprozess eine möglichst hohe Kollisionsrate anzustreben. Ausgehend von der optische Struktur der Wechselwirkungszonen des LHC und dem geplanten High Luminosity-LHC (HL-LHC) werden Strategien zur Skalierung hergeleitet um der höheren Strahlenergie gerecht zu werden. Bereits früh im Entwicklungsprozess wird die Strahlungsbelastung durch Teilchentrümmer vom Wechselwirkungspunkt als entscheidender Faktor für das Layout der Wechselwirkungszone identifiziert und eine allgemeine Design-Strategie, die den Schutz der supraleitenden Endfokussierungsmagnete mit einer hohen Luminosität verbindet, wird formuliert und implementiert. Aufgrund des deutlichen Spielraums in Bezug auf beta* wurde die resultierende Magnetstruktur zum Referenzdesign für das FCC-hh-Projekt. / The discovery of the Higgs boson is the start of a measurement program that aims to study the properties of this new particle with the highest possible precision in order to test the validity or the Standard Model of particle physics and to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. For that purpose, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its upgrade, the High Luminosity-LHC, will operate and produce data until 2035.
Following the recommendations of the European Strategy Group for Particle Physics, CERN launched the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study to design large scale particle colliders for high energy physics research in the post-LHC era. This thesis presents the development of the interaction region for FCC-hh, a proton-proton collider operating at 100 TeV center-of-mass energy.
The interaction region is the centerpiece of a collider as it determines the achievable luminosity. It is therefore crucial to aim for maximum production rates from the beginning of the design process. Starting from the lattices of LHC and its proposed upgrade, the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), scaling strategies are derived to account for the increased beam rigidity. After identifying energy deposition from debris of the collision events as a driving factor for the layout, a general design strategy is drafted and implemented, unifying protection of the superconducting final focus magnets from radiation with a high luminosity performance. The resulting FCC-hh lattice has significant margins to the performance goals in terms of beta*.
Protecting the final focus magnets from radiation with thick shielding limits the minimum beta* and therefore the luminosity. An alternative strategy to increase the magnet lifetime by distributing the radiation load more evenly is developed. A proof of principle of this method, the so-called Q1 split, is provided. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of the derived interaction region lattices, first dynamic aperture studies are conducted.
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Utilización de geopolímero para la mejora de las propiedades en morteros cal-puzolana y su empleo en países en desarrollo.Villca Pozo, Ariel Rey 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] El descubrimiento del cemento Portland ha cambiado nuestra forma de construir, pero también es el responsable de grandes emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera durante su fabricación (~1450 ᴼC), agravando la crisis actual que está sufriendo nuestro planeta debido al cambio climático y sus consecuencias en todo el medio ambiente.
Por lo tanto, una alternativa más sostenible en la construcción es la utilización de la cal que necesita menor temperatura para su fabricación (~900 ᴼC). Si bien la introducción de puzolanas naturales o artificiales en morteros de cal han mejorado sus propiedades mecánicas y de durabilidad, estas aún tienen el inconveniente de ganar resistencias a edades largas de curado. Es por esta razón que en la presente tesis se pretende eliminar este inconveniente técnico, buscando la asociación de la cal con nuevos conglomerantes más sostenibles a partir de residuos para obtener morteros mixtos denominados cal/puzolana-geopolímero.
Los residuos estudiados fueron: el catalizador gastado de craqueo catalítico, la ceniza de cascara de arroz, la tierra diatomea de origen residual y la ceniza de lodo de depuradora. También se estudia una puzolana natural proveniente de la República de Guatemala.
En los morteros cal/puzolana (cal/FCC, cal/CCA, cal/CLD) se ha realizado sustituciones en peso hasta un 50 % de la mezcla cal/puzolana por geopolímero. El geopolímero se obtiene por una combinación del FCC como precursor y diferentes activadores alcalinos siendo estos la mezcla de: NaOH/Na2SiO3, NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN y NaOH/TDR. Los últimos tres sustituyen al silicato comercial como fuente de sílice alternativa.
Asimismo, se realizaron estudios a nivel mecánico y microestructural. Para los estudios microestructurales, tanto de muestras endurecidas como de materiales de partida, se emplearon como técnicas: FRX, ADL, TG, DRX y FESEM.
Los resultados han demostrado con éxito que añadir pequeñas cantidades de geopolímero sobre el sistema cal/puzolana fue notable, debido a que este potenció la formación de los nuevos productos de reacción, lo que mejoró la resistencia mecánica de los morteros desde las primeras horas de curado, llegando a obtener 7 veces más de resistencia que un mortero control cal/puzolana en 1 día de curado.
El reemplazo del silicato de sodio comercial por CCA, TDN, TDR, como fuente de sílice, condujo a mejores desempeños del mortero en términos de resistencia a la compresión. Además, redujo el coeficiente de absorción de agua por capilaridad y aumento el tiempo de exposición a los ciclos hielo-deshielo frente a los morteros activados con activadores comerciales.
Finalmente, los conglomerantes desarrollados en este estudio podría beneficiar tanto a la gestión de residuos como al desarrollo de materiales de construcción más sostenibles, aportando a los objetivos propuestos en la agenda 2030. / [CA] El descobriment del ciment Portland ha canviat la nostra manera de construir, però també és el responsable de grans emissions de CO¿ a l'atmosfera durant la seva fabricació (~1450 ᴼC), agreujant la crisi actual que està patint el nostre planeta degut al canvi climàtic i les seves conseqüències en tot el medi ambient.
Per tant, una alternativa més sostenible en la construcció és la utilització de la calç que necessita menor temperatura per a la seva fabricació (~900 ᴼC). Si bé la introducció de putzolanes naturals o artificials en morters de calç han millorat les seves propietats mecàniques i de durabilitat, aquestes encara tenen l'inconvenient de guanyar resistències a edats llargues de curat. És per aquesta raó que en la present tesi es pretén eliminar aquest inconvenient tècnic, buscant l'associació de la calç amb nous conglomerants més sostenibles a partir de residus per a obtenir morters mixtos denominats calç/putzolana-geopolímer.
Els residus estudiats van ser: el catalitzador gastat del craqueig catalític, la cendra de closca d'arròs, la terra diatomea d'origen residual i la cendra de llot de depuradora. També es va estudiar una putzolana natural provinent de la República de Guatemala.
En els morters calç/putzolana (calç/FCC, calç/CCA, calç/CLD) s'ha realitzat substitucions en pes fins a un 50 % de la barreja calç/putzolana per geopolímer. El geopolímer s'obté per una combinació del FCC com a precursor i diferents activadors alcalins, sent aquests la mescla de: NaOH/Na2SiO3, NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN i NaOH/TDR. Els últims tres substitueixen al silicat comercial com a font de sílice alternativa.
Així mateix, es van realitzar estudis a nivell mecànic i microestructural. Per als estudis microestructurals, tant de mostres endurides com de materia primera, es van emprar tècniques com: FRX, ADL, TG, DRX i FESEM.
Els resultats han demostrat amb èxit que afegir petites quantitats de geopolímer sobre el sistema calç/putzolana va ser notable, pel fet que aquest va potenciar la formació dels nous productes de reacció, la qual cosa va millorar la resistència mecànica dels morters des de les primeres hores de curat, arribant a obtenir 7 vegades més de resistència que un morter control calç/putzolana en 1 dia de curat.
El reemplaçament del silicat de sodi comercial per CCA, TDN, TDR, com a font de sílice, va conduir a millors acompliments del morter en termes de resistència a la compressió. A més, va reduir el coeficient d'absorció d'aigua per capil·laritat i va augmentar el temps d'exposició als cicles gel-desgel enfront dels morters activats amb activadors comercials.
Finalment, els conglomerants desenvolupats en aquest estudi podrien beneficiar tant a la gestió de residus com al desenvolupament de materials de construcció més sostenibles, aportant als objectius proposats en l'Agenda 2030. / [EN] The discovery of Portland cement has changed the way we build; however, it is also responsible for large CO2 emissions into the atmosphere during its manufacturing (~ 1450 ᴼC), thereby aggravating the current crisis that our planet is suffering due to climate change and its consequences in the environment.
Thus, a more sustainable alternative in construction is the use of lime that requires a lower temperature for its manufacturing (~ 900 ᴼC). The introduction of natural or artificial pozzolans in lime mortars has improved their mechanical properties and durability. Nevertheless, they present some technical disadvantages, as the low compressive strength, especially at early curing time.
This thesis aims to eliminate this technical disadvantage by mixing lime with new more sustainable binders derived from waste, obtaining mixed mortars called lime/pozzolan-geopolymer
The waste materials studied included fluid catalytic cracking residue (FCC), rice husk ash (CCA), residual diatomite (TDR) and sewage sludge ash (CLD). A natural pozzolan from the Republic of Guatemala was also studied.
In the experimental procedure, in lime/pozzolan mortar mixtures (lime/FCC, lime/CCA, lime/CLD), up to 50% of their weight was substituted by geopolymer. The geopolymer is obtained by combining FCC as a precursor, and different alkaline activator mixtures including NaOH/Na2SiO3 (commercial waterglass), NaOH/CCA, NaOH/TDN, and NaOH/TDR, with the last three being an alternative silica source to commercial waterglass.
In the same way, both mechanical and microstructural studies were carried out. The following techniques were used: XRF, ADL, TG, XRD and FESEM to assess the microstructural properties of both the raw materials and the hardened samples.
The results have demonstrated that adding small amounts of geopolymer to the lime/pozzolan system was remarkable; it enhanced the formation of new reaction products, which improved the mechanical strength of the mortar from the first hours of curing, obtaining 7 times more strength than the lime/pozzolan control mortar in 1 day of curing.
The replacement of commercial waterglass by CCA, TDN, TDR, as a source of silica, led to better performance of the mortar in terms of compressive strength. In addition, the coefficient of water absorption by capillarity was reduced and the exposure time during freezing-thawing cycles was increased compared to mortars activated with commercial activators.
Finally, the binders developed in this study could benefit both waste management and the development of more sustainable construction materials, contributing to the objectives proposed in the 2030 Agenda. / Gracias al programa ADSIDEO-COOPERACIÓN de la Universitat Politècnica de
València, que me ha brindado financiación para la presente investigación. / Villca Pozo, AR. (2021). Utilización de geopolímero para la mejora de las propiedades en morteros cal-puzolana y su empleo en países en desarrollo [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/172663
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Interferenzanfälligkeit bei kognitiven Leistungen im Altersvergleich: Eine kritische Betrachtung von Modellebene und Empirie / Age comparison of susceptibility to interference in cognitive performance: A critical evaluation of models and empirical evidenceTitz, Cora 25 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Modélisation polycristalline du comportement élasto-viscoplastique des aciers inoxydables austénitiques 316L(N) sur une large gamme de chargements : application à l'étude du comportement cyclique à température élevée / Polycrystalline modeling of the elastic-viscoplastic behavior of 316L (N) austenitic stainless steels over a wide range of loadings : application to the study of high temperature cyclic behaviorGoncalves, Diogo 22 May 2018 (has links)
L’acier 316L(N) est le matériau de référence pour les structures du circuit primaire des réacteurs nucléaires de quatrième génération, en raison de leur résistance mécanique à la température de fonctionnement, de l’ordre de 550°C. La thèse a permis de développer un modèle polycristallin, capable de prédire le comportement de ces aciers, basé sur la description du glissement viscoplastique des dislocation à haute température, de mise en œuvre simple et avec l’identification d’un nombre de paramètres matériau limité. La démarche de modélisation a été progressive. Lors de la première étape, nous avons proposé et validé une loi d'homogénéisation élasto-viscoplastique à champs moyens, grâce à de nombreux calculs par éléments finis, en considérant des durcissements plastique et des viscosités cristallines. Ensuite, un modèle de viscoplasticité cristalline, reposant sur les lois d’évolution des densités de différents types de dislocations, a été implémenté et les prédictions ont été validés en considérant un très grand nombre de résultats expérimentaux à faible. Le modèle a ensuite été enrichi afin de prendre en compte les mécanismes physiques supplémentaires observés à température élevée, comme la montée des dislocations, le vieillissement dynamique et l’apparition d’une structure de dislocation très hétérogène. Le modèle proposé nécessite uniquement l’ajustement de trois paramètres par identification inverse, utilisant seulement des essais de traction monotone avec saut de vitesse. Les prédictions du comportement mécanique en chargement uniaxial et cyclique sont également en bon accord avec les mesures expérimentales aux températures élevées. / The 316L(N) stainless steels is the reference material for the primary circuit structures of fourth-generation nuclear reactors. This alloy present high mechanical resistance at the operation temperature range of these reactors, of the order of 550 °C. This PhD allowed to develop a polycrystalline model based on the description of the viscoplastic dislocation slip at high temperatures, with straightforward implementation and with identification of a limited number of material parameters. The modeling process was progressive. In a first step, we proposed and validated a mean-field elastic-viscoplastic homogenization law, in comparison to numerous finite element calculations, considering crystalline plastic hardening and crystalline viscosity. Then, a model of crystalline viscoplasticity, based on the evolution laws of the different dislocations densities was implemented and the predictions were validated considering a very large number of experimental results at low temperature. The model was then enhanced to take into account the additional physical mechanisms observed at high temperature, such as dislocation climb, dynamic strain aging and the appearance of a very heterogeneous dislocation structure. The proposed model requires the adjustment of only three parameters by inverse identification, using only monotonic tensile tests at different strain rates. The mechanical behavior predictions in uniaxial and cyclic loading are also in good agreement with experimental measurements at high temperature.
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Investigations Of Mechanical And Thermoelectric Properties Of Group (VIB) Transition Metal DisilicidesDasgupta, Titas 12 1900 (has links)
Transition Metal (TM) silicides are potential materials for different high temperature applications due to their high melting points and chemical stability at elevated temperatures. In the present work, the possible use of Gr (VIB) disilicides: MoSi2 and CrSi2 for high temperature structural application and thermopower generation respectively are investigated. Literature reports on MoSi2 indicate this material to have excellent mechanical and thermal behaviors at temperatures greater than 1273 K. The major problems limiting its use are the low temperature brittleness and oxidation at intermediate temperatures and form the scope of this work. Also, CrSi2 is reported to be a narrow band gap semiconductor. Its feasibility as a thermoelectric material for power generation is investigated.
The first chapter briefly summarizes the literature on MoSi2 and CrSi2 relevant to structural and thermoelectric applications respectively. Based on the available literature, the scope of further work is discussed. The second chapter describes the methods of synthesis employed for these materials and the characterization techniques adopted. Some experimental setups like thermal conductivity and hot pressing unit that were fabricated as part of the work are described in detail. The thermal conductivity apparatus is based on the principle of parallel heat flow technique. It allows accurate measurement of K and S in the temperature range 300-700 K. The induction based hot-pressing unit allows compaction of polycrystalline powders to near theoretical densities thereby allowing quantitative evaluation of the physical properties.
In the third chapter, an understanding of ductility/brittleness based of electron charge density distribution is attempted. The electron charge density in Tin and simple metals (BCC and FCC) is analyzed using Bader’s Atoms in Molecule (AIM) theory. Also the relevant surface and dislocation energies in these materials are calculated according to the Rice Model. It is found that the electron densities at the critical points correlate in a simple way with the relevant stacking fault and surface energetics. Based on these results, a ductility parameter (DM odel) based on electron charge distribution, to predict the effects of chemical substitutions on ductility/brittleness in materials is proposed.
In the fourth chapter, possible elements to impart ductility in MoSi2 are identified based on the DM odel values. Calculations indicate, Nb, Ta, Al, Mg and Ga to be suitable candidates for improving ductility in MoSi2. Also oxidation studies based on present experiments and reported literature data reveal, Al to improve the intermediate temperature (773-873 K) oxidation behavior. Thus to simultaneously improve the low temperature ductility and oxidation resistance, Nb and Al were identified as suitable candidates.
In the fifth chapter, the experimental data of Nb and Al co-substituted MoSi2 samples are reported. Oxidation studies carried out by thermogravimetry show improved oxidation resistance in Nb and Al co-substituted samples compared to pure MoSi2 in the temperature range of 773-873 K. Mechanical characterization was carried out for (Mo0.99Nb0.01)(Si0.96Al0.04)2 co-substituted composition. Compression testing at room temperature show plastic deformation at low strain rates (10−3 /sec). Indentation experiments show a reduction in the hardness and stiffness compared to pure MoSi2. There is also an increase in the fracture toughness (K1C ) value with the fracture modes being predominantly transgranular.
The sixth chapter describes the structural, thermal and transport properties of CrSi2. Structural refinement was carried out by Rietveld method and the positional, thermal parameters and occupancy were fixed. Thermo-gravimetric analysis shows oxidation resistance in powdered samples upto 1000 K. Thermal expansion (α) studies reveal anisotropy in the α values with an unusual decrease in the average αV values between 500 and 600 K. Measurements of electrical resistivity and seebeck coefficient indicate a degenerate semiconducting behavior. Electronic band structure calculations indicate a narrow indirect band gap (EG) material with EG~0.35 eV. Thermal conductivity (K) measurements show a decrease in K value with increasing temperature. Calculation of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZT) show a maximum value of 0.18 at 800 K for the temperature range studied. Based on an analysis of the experimental and theoretical results, it is identified that further improvements in ZT of CrSi2 may be possible by reducing the lattice thermal conductivity and optimization of the carrier concentration.
In chapter seven, the effect of particle size on ZT of CrSi2 is studied. Nano powders of CrSi2 were prepared by mechanical milling. Contamination is found to be a major problem during milling and the different milling parameters (milling speed, atmosphere, dispersant etc) were optimized to minimize contamination. The milled powders were further hot pressed to achieve high densities in a short duration thereby minimizing the grain growth. It is observed that the lattice thermal conductivity is reduced significantly with decreasing grain size. Measurements of ZT show a maximum value of 0.20 in the milled sample compared to 0.14 in arc melted CrSi2 at 600 K.
In chapter eight the effect of chemical substitutions on ZT of CrSi2 is studied. Mn substitutions in Cr site were carried out to study the effect of atomic mass on lattice thermal conductivity (KP ). Al substitutions in Si site were carried out to tune the Fermi level. Results of Mn substitution show a large decrease in KP but also a reduction in the thermoelectric power factor (S2σ). The maximum ZT observed in the Mn substituted samples was 0.12 at 600 K. Al substitution results in an increase in the thermoelectric power factor and a subsequent increase in ZT. The maximum ZT observed was 0.27 at 700 K for 10% substitution of Al in Si site.
The work reported in the thesis has been carried out by the candidate as a part of the Ph.D. training programme at Materials Research Centre, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He hopes that this work would constitute a worthwhile contribution towards (a) basic understanding of ductility/brittleness in materials and understanding the effects of chemical substitutions, (b) Suitability of chemically substituted MoSi2 to overcome the problems of low temperature brittleness and oxidation. (c) Development of CrSi2 as a high temperature thermoelectric material.
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Kognitive Hemmung im Alter - Experimente mit dem Directed-Forgetting-Paradigma / Cognitive inhibition in older adults - experiments with the directed forgetting paradigmBehrendt, Jörg 19 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of Structural and Electronic Aspects of Ultrathin Metal NanowiresRoy, Ahin January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The constant trend of device miniaturization along with ever-growing list of unusual behaviour of nanoscale materials has fuelled the recent research in fabrication and applications of ultrathin (~2 nm diameter) nanowires. Although semiconductor nanowires of this dimension is well-researched, molecular-scale single-crystalline metal nanowires have not been addressed in details. Such single crystalline Au nanowires are formed by oriented attachment of Au nanoparticles along [111] direction. A very low concentration of extended defects in these wires result in a high electrical conductivity, making them ideal for nanoscale interconnects. Other metal nanowires, e.g. Ag and Cu, have very low absorption co-efficient useful for fabrication of transparent conducting films. On the other hand, because of the reduced dimensions, there exists a tantalizing possibility of dominating quantum effects leading to their application in sensing and actuation. Also, speaking in terms of atomic structure, these systems suffer from intense surface stress, and the atomistic picture can be drastically different from bulk. Thus, although a myriad of applications are possible with ultrathin metal nanowires, a rigorous systematic knowledge of their atomic and electronic structure is not yet available. This thesis is the first one to model such computationally demanding systems with emphasis on their possible applications.
In this thesis, we have explored various structural and electronic aspects of one-dimensional ultrathin nanowires with ab initio density functional theory coupled with experiments. The merit of Au nanowires has been tested as nanoscale interconnects. From atomistic point of view, these FCC Au nanowires exhibit an intriguing relaxation mechanism, which has been explored by both theory and experiment. The primary factor governing the relaxation mechanism was found to be the anisotropic surface stress of the bounding facets, and it is extended to explain the relaxation of other metallic nanowires. Our studies suggest that AuNWs of this dimension show semiconductor-like sensitivity towards small chemical analytes and can be used as nanoscale sensors. Also, we have found that further reducing the diameter of the Au-nanowires leads to opening of a band gap.
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Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement thermomagnétique d'alliages FeNi pour le prototypage virtuel / Characterization and modeling of the thermomagnetic behavior of FeNi alloys for virtual prototypingMessal, Oualid 09 December 2013 (has links)
L’avènement du Génie électrique, il y a plus d’un siècle maintenant, s’est accompagné dès ses débuts, de recherche de matériaux ferromagnétiques performants pour la réalisation de l’élément central des dispositifs électromagnétiques, le circuit ou noyau magnétique. Ces matériaux, constitués initialement de fer, ont été très vite alliés au silicium, au cobalt et au nickel pour plusd’efficacité énergétique. Pour un dispositif donné, le choix d’un tel ou tel matériau passe souvent par un exercice de compromis vis-à-vis des besoins applicatifs (performances magnétiques, caractéristiques mécaniques et thermiques, etc., et bien sûr coût). La fréquence et la température de fonctionnement sont entre autres des paramètres importants. Parmi ces matériaux, les FeNi, bien qu’ils soient matures industriellement, voient toujours de nouveaux marchés s’ouvrirent à eux année après année grâce à l’attrait technique qu’ils exercent. Ce travail s'inscrit dans la continuité des recherches engagées à AMPERE sur les modèles comportementaux de matériaux magnétiques avec prise en compte des effets de la température. En effet, la recherche permanente de performances et de compacité ou intégration pour tous les dispositifs électromagnétiques soumet les circuits magnétiques à des contraintes physiques et en particulier thermiques de plus en plus sévères. Il est donc nécessaire de caractériser et modéliserprécisément les matériaux ferromagnétiques, et plus particulièrement les alliages FeNi, afin de les intégrer dans les outils de conception et d’optimisation de ces dispositifs. Pour cela, nous avons notamment dû mettre en oeuvre un dispositif expérimental adapté, et réaliser de nombreuses et longues expérimentations afin d’élaborer des modèles performants de comportement de ces matériaux. Ces modèles étudiés ou/et développés ont été ensuite testés sur une démonstrateur réel. Dans le cadre de cette thèse qui s’est déroulée en collaboration avec le Centre de Recherche du groupe APERAM, nous avons choisi une application particulièrement sensible en matière de sécurité des personnes « le système de protection différentielle » où le circuit magnétique (en alliage Fe–50%Ni ou Supra50) constitue une part très importante des performances et de la fiabilité. Enfin, de nouveaux alliages FeNi(Cr, Cu) à faible teneur en Ni (donc économiques) issus du Centre de Recherche d’APERAM ont été étudiés en vue de tester leur aptitude à remplacer le Supra50 dans ces systèmes. Le but est au final de proposer des alliages FeNi économiques aptesà la fabrication du circuit magnétique des relais de disjoncteurs différentiels à propre courant. / The advent of Electrical Engineering has been accompanied since its beginning, by the research of high performance ferromagnetic materials for the realization of the central element of electromagnetic devices, the magnetic core/circuit. These materials initially consisting of iron were alloyed with silicon, cobalt and nickel for more energy efficiency. For a given device, the material must be designed to meet the requirements of the application (magnetic performances, mechanical and thermal characteristics...and cost. The frequency and the operating temperature are, among others, important parameters to be taken into account. Among these materials, the FeNi alloys, although they are industrially mature, see new markets opened to them thanks to their certain specific characteristics and the innovations brought by the manufacturers of these materials. This work is a continuation of ongoing researches in AMPERE laboratory dealing with thebehavioral models of magnetic materials taking into account the effects of temperature. Indeed, there is a trend in a growing number of electromagnetic devices to require high performance and compactness or integration. Thus, in this context, the magnetic circuits are subjected to physical and thermal stresses that are becoming more and more stringent. It is therefore necessary to resort to the experimental characterization and modeling of the behavior of ferromagnetic materials, particularly the FeNi alloys, in order to integrate them into the design and optimization tools of these devices. To do so, we have implemented an appropriate experimental bench, andachieve many and long experiments to develop advanced behavioral models of these materials. These models were then tested on a particularly sensitive application in the field of safety of persons, the differential protection system where the magnetic circuit (of Fe-50% Ni or Supra50) is a very important part of performance and reliability. Finally, new low Ni content FeNi (Cr, Cu) alloys provided by Aperam Research Center in Imphy, were studied in order to test their ability to replace the usual Supra50 alloy in these systems. The final aim is to propose new economic FeNi alloys suitable for the manufacture of the magnetic circuit of industrial ground fault circuit-breaker relay.
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