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Essais sur les oubliés de la société dans les pays émergents / Essays on the left-behinds in emerging countriesHuang, Yang 30 August 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois chapitres indépendants sur les enfants de migrants restés au village en Chine, ainsi que sur les personnes âgées vivant seules en Thaïlande et au Vietnam. Le premier chapitre traite de la manière dont les frais de scolarité dans les zones urbaines affectent la migration des enfants en Chine. Nos résultats suggèrent que des frais plus élevés empêchent les travailleurs migrants d’amener leurs enfants avec eux dans les zones urbaines. Nous trouvons également que les travailleurs migrants dans la situation la plus précaire sont les plus touchés par une augmentation des frais de scolarité. Le deuxième chapitre étudie les répercussions de la migration interne des enfants adultes et de leurs envois de fonds sur l'offre de main-d'œuvre de leurs parents restés en zone rurale au Vietnam. Les résultats montrent que les mères ont tendance à travailler plus si elles ont des enfants migrants, mais à travailler moins lorsqu'elles reçoivent des fonds de leur part. À l'inverse, les pères sont moins touchés par la migration de leurs enfants et par leurs envois de fonds. Le troisième article examine l’impact de la retraite universelle introduite en Thaïlande en 2009 sur le bien-être et l'offre de main-d'œuvre de ses bénéficiaires et de leurs conjoints. Les résultats empiriques montrent que ce régime de retraite ne génère pas d'impact significatif sur la pauvreté ou les dépenses des ménages, mais recevoir une retraite a un impact négatif important sur la participation des bénéficiaires au marché du travail. De plus, les hommes comme les femmes réagissent à la perception d’une retraite par leur conjoint en quittant leur emploi et en restant inactifs. / This dissertation consists of three independent papers on the left-behind children in China and the left-behind elderly in Thailand and Vietnam. The first paper addresses how school fees in urban areas affect child migration in China. Our findings suggest that higher fees deter migrant workers from bringing their children to urban areas, and more vulnerable migrant workers are most affected by an increase in school fees. The second paper investigates the impacts of adult children’s internal migration and remittances on the labor supply responses of the rural left-behind parents in Vietnam. The results show that mothers tend to work more if they have migrant children, and they tend to work less when they receive remittances from their migrant children. Conversely, fathers tend to be less affected by child migration and their remittances. The third paper examines the impacts of the universal social pension introduced in Thailand in 2009 on the well-being and the labor supply responses of the recipients and their spouses. The empirical results show that the social pension scheme does not generate significant impacts on household poverty status or expenditures, but receiving social pensions has a significant negative impact on beneficiaries' own labor market participation. Further, both men and women are found to respond to their spouses' pensions by leaving their jobs and staying inactive.
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Implementation of no-fee schools policy : a case study in Bolobedu Cluster Circuits of Mopani DistrictMokoena, Masilo Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Curriculum Studies)) --University of Limpopo, 2013 / After the establishment of the first democratic government in South Africa in 1994, the Education Ministry started transforming the apartheid education system into the democratic education system aimed at achieving equity, redress and access to education. Amongst the policies developed, were South African Schools Act (Act No. 84 of 1996), National Norms and Standards for School Funding, Exemption of Parents from Payment of School Fees Regulations, Education Laws Amendment Act (Act No. 24 of 2005), Amended National Norms and Standards For School Funding, and No- Fee School Policy.
In this study, I analysed how schools in Bolobedu cluster circuits of Mopani District implemented the No-Fee School policy regarding the use and management of school finances. Qualitative case study was used. Four schools, two primary and two secondary schools, were sampled. Three methods of data collection were used: interviews, document analysis (school records such as SGB minutes, finance policy, School Business Plan/School Development Plan, budgets, auditors’ reports, etc.) and observation. Interviews were conducted with school principals, teachers, parents and learners. The research findings indicate that the three SGBs have the capacity to practise good financial management in relation to the No-Fee school policy, although they still need to improve on some areas of responsibility. These SGBs demonstrated sound and good practice in the use and management of school finances. However, one SGB was struggling to practice good financial management responsibility. This school has the potential to improve its capacity to execute its financial responsibility if provided with support.
Key words: South African Schools Act (SASA), National Norms and Standards for School Funding (NNSSF), Amended National Norms and Standards For School Funding (ANNSSF), No-Fee School Policy, Equity, Access and Redress, Use and management of school finances.
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台灣運動商品化過程中的大眾傳播媒體角色 / The Role of Mass Media in the Commercializational Process of Sports in Taiwan劉昌德, Liu, Chang-De Unknown Date (has links)
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Zur Umsetzung von EG-Richtlinien und staatengerichteten EG-Entscheidungen in deutsches Recht und Überprüfung der Umsetzung der Fleischhygienegebührenrechtsakte der EGTuengerthal, Hansjürgen January 2002 (has links)
Das nationale Recht wird mehr und mehr durch EG-Recht beeinflussst. In diesem Zusammenhang ergeben sich bei denjenigen EG-Rechtsakten, die anders als EG-Verordnungen nicht unmittelbar in den Mitgliedstaaten gelten, sondern von diesen in nationales Recht umgesetzt werden müssen, vielfältige Probleme. Diese Probleme behandelt der Verfasser aus der Sicht des Anwalts in einer Weise, dass diejenigen, die sich in der Praxis mit derartigen Umsetzungsfragen zu beschäftigen haben, wertvolle Hinweise für eine konkret zu lösende Umsetzungsproblematik erhalten. Ergänzt und damit noch transparenter werden seine Lösungsvorschläge dadurch, dass der Verfasser sie im zweiten Teil der Untersuchung auf die konkrete Fragestellung anwendet, inwieweit es zu einer Umsetzung bzw. ordnungsgemäßen Umsetzung der in den Jahren 1988 bis 2001 erlassenen Fleischhygienegebührenrechtsakte der EG gekommen ist.<br />
Diese Arbeit wurde betreut von Professor Dr. D.C. Umbach an der Universität Potsdam. <br />
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Aus dem Inhalt: Abgrenzung der Umsetzungszuständigkeit zwischen Bund und Ländern. Anforderungen an das Vorliegen eines Umsetzungsaktes sowie an eine ordnungsgemäße Umsetzung. Rechtsfolgen bei Umsetzungsverstößen. Prozessuale Fragen. / National law finds itself more and more influenced by EC law. Within this context those EC legal acts who have no direct legal validity in the member states, unlike EC regulations, and which have to be transposed in national law by them, produce diverse problems. These problems are treated by the author from the point of view of a lawyer in such a way, that those who have to deal with these questions of transposition in their practice, find valuable indications for tangible solutions of transposition problems. The proposed solutions are supplemented and therefore more transparent since the author applies these solutions in the second part of his treatise to a concrete statement of problems, i.e. to what extent the EC legal acts concerning meat inspection fees have been transposed, respectively, transposed in due from in the years 1988 until 2001.<br />
The paper has been tutored by Prof. Dr. D. C. Umbach of the University of Potsdam. <br />
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From the content: Delimitation of the competence of transposition between the federal state and his federal states. Requirements concerning the presence of an act of transposition as well as transposition in due form. Legal consequences of any non-transposition. Procedural questions.
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Essays on the Relationship of Competition and Firms' Price ResponsesLee, Sungbok 2010 December 1900 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the relationship of competition and firms' price responses, by analyzing: i) whether new entry reduces price discrimination, ii) when incumbents reduce price discrimination preemptively in response to the threat of entry, and iii) how competition increases prices. The dissertation consists of three independent essays addressing each of the above questions. The first two essays present an empirical analysis of the airline industry and the third essay presents a theoretical analysis of the credit card industry. In the empirical study of the relationship between competition and firms' pricing in the airline industry, I emphasize the importance of distinguishing the equilibrium behaviors with respect to different market characteristics. Major airlines can price discriminate differently in a market where they compete with low-cost carriers comparing to in another market where they don't, and also they can respond dfferently to the threat of entry depending on whether they are certain about the rival's future entry. The study reveals that competition has a positive effect on price discrimination in the routes where major airlines compete against one anther. In these routes, competition reduces lower-end prices to a greater extent than upper-end prices. In contrast, an entry by low-cost carriers results in a significant negative relationship between competition and price discrimination. Thus, the opposite results in the literature are both evident in the airline industry, and it is very important to identify the different forces of competition on price discrimination. Firms can respond to potential competition as well as actual competition. So, I extend the study to the relationship of potential competition and price discrimination, specially in cases where major airlines compete against one another while facing Southwest's threat of entry. I also attempt to suggest major airlines' motives of reducing price discrimination preemptively. The results of the study suggest that incumbents reduce price dispersion when it is possible to deter the rival's entry and that the potential rival discourages incumbents from deterring entry by announcing before its beginning service. Finally, I examine when competition can increase prices in a market, by analyzing the issuing side of the credit card industry. This industry is characterized by a two-sided market with a platform. Under the no-surcharge rule that restricts merchants to set the same price for cash and card purchases, the equilibrium interchange fee increases with competition. This occurs because issuers can compensate losses from competing on the issuing side by collectively increasing the interchange fee. As a result, limiting competition may improve social welfare when the interchange fee is higher than the social optimal level. In contrast, in the absence of the no-surcharge rule, the analysis shows that competition always improves social welfare by lowering the price of the market.
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駐車場所-駐車時間選択行動への離散-連続選択モデルの適用と駐車料金施策分析三輪, 富生, MIWA, Tomio, 山本, 俊行, YAMAMOTO, Toshiyuki, 森川, 高行, MORIKAWA, Takayuki January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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會計師公費揭露與公司治理的市場反應 / Audit Fee Disclosure, Corporate Governance, and Market Reactions.郭青雲, Kuo,Ching Yun Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,相較於不揭露會計師公費的公司,市場對於有揭露會計師公費資訊的公司會給予較正面的反應;其中,有揭露會計師公費的公司,若屬於主動揭露,市場更是會給予正面的肯定;相反的,有揭露會計師公費的公司,若是因非審計公費達審計公費之四分之一以上者而被動揭露者,市場會對此公司之會計師之獨立性有所懷疑,故給予負面的反應。可見會計師公費的資訊對投資大眾而言確實是一項有意義且重要的資訊。本研究並加入公司治理的相關變數,研究結果發現,若公司之治理程度較差,但「有揭露」會計師公費資訊者,投資大眾會給予正面的反應,此外,相對於被動揭露者,市場對於「主動揭露」之公司會給予更正面的肯定。另一方面,若公司之治理程度較佳,但其揭露原因是屬於非審計公費達審計公費四分之一以上而被動揭露者,市場會對會計師獨立性有所質疑,故對於此種公司仍給予負面的反應。 / This study attempts to examine audit fee disclosure and market reactions. We use Cumulative Abnormal Returns to measure market reactions. First, we analyze whether audit fee disclosure has any market reactions at all. Second, we divide the samples into voluntary disclosure and forced disclosure groups. Third, we make further segmentation from the forced disclosure group according to their disclosure reasons, and specially focus on the disclosure reason of high non-audit fees.
We find that market reactions are significantly more positive for firms with audit fee disclosures than for firms without fee disclosure. Market reactions are also significantly better for firms with voluntary disclosure than the forced disclosure group. In contrast, market reactions are significantly lower for firms which disclose audit fees due to high levels of non-audit fees. Our evidence supports that audit fee is a piece of useful and important information to investors. Additionally, we include corporate governance variables in the analysis. We find that when firms’ corporate governance is not good, if they choose to disclose audit fee voluntarily, the market responds with positive reactions. In contrast, if a firm’s corporate governance is quite good but discloses audit fees due to high levels of non-audit fee, the market then reacts with negative returns.
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Μελέτη της ισχαιμίας του νωτιαίου μυελού, κατά τον αποκλεισμό της θωρακικής αορτής, σε εξομοίωση επί πειράματος ζώων / Experimental study of spinal cord ischemia during thoracic aorta cross-clampingΧρονίδου, Φανή 03 May 2010 (has links)
Η νευρολογικές διαταραχές και κυρίως η παραπληγία, αποτελούν τις πιο καταστροφικές επιπλοκές των επεμβάσεων στη θωρακο-κοιλιακή αορτή. Η διαδικασία ισχαιμίας/επαναιμάτωσης κατά τις επεμβάσεις αυτές λόγω του αποκλεισμού της αορτής, προκαλεί την ανάπτυξη τοξικών ελεύθερων ριζών οξυγόνου φαινόμενο που ορίζει το οξειδωτικό stress. Ο σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι ο καθορισμός και η ανίχνευση των ελευθέρων ριζών, αλλά και η επίδραση της Αμιφοστίνης, ενός αντιοξειδωτικού παράγοντα της κατηγορίας των θειολών.
Η μέθοδος αφορά δεκαοκτώ αρσενικούς κονίκλους που υποβάλλονται σε ισχαιμία του νωτιαίου μυελού με αποκλεισμό της αορτής με τη χρήση ενδο-αορτικού ασκού. Ο ασκός προωθείται μέσω της μηριαίας αρτηρίας σε επίπεδο αμέσως κάτωθεν της αριστεράς υποκλειδίου αρτηρίας. Τα ζώα αποτελούσαν τρείς ομάδες. Η Ομάδα Ι αποτέλεσε την ομάδα ελέγχου. Στην Ομάδα ΙΙ η αορτή αποκλείσθηκε για 30΄και ακολούθησε επαναιμάτωση για 75΄. Στην Ομάδα ΙΙΙ χορηγήθηκε Αμιφοστίνη μέσω του καθετήρα αποκλεισμού κατά το δεύτερο ήμισυ της περιόδου αποκλεισμού (των 30΄). Στο τέλος της επαναιμάτωσης δείγματα νωτιαίου μυελού υποβλήθηκαν σε ανάλογη επεξεργασία για την ανίχνευση ελευθέρων ριζών οξυγόνου με τη χρήση υδροεθιδίνης και παραγώγων λιπιδικής υπεροξείδωσης με ιδιαίτερα ευαίσθητη μέθοδο φθορισμού.
Τα αποτελέσματα των μετρήσεων έδειξαν αύξηση του υπεροξειδίου του οξυγόνου στην Ομάδα ΙΙ κατά 27.43% σχετικά με την Ομάδα Ι για να ακολουθήσει μείωση στην Ομάδα ΙΙΙ κατά 42.55% σε σχέση με την Ομάδα ΙΙ και κατά 15.25% από την Ομάδα ΙΙΙ. Η μέτρηση ενώσεων λιπιδικής υπεροξείδωσης που αντιδρούν με θειοβαρβιτουρικό οξύ (TBARSassay) έδειξε αύξηση κατά 55.3% στην Ομάδα ΙΙ σε σχέση με την Ομάδα Ι και μείωση κατά 30.3% στην Ομάδα ΙΙΙ σε σχέση με την Ομάδα ΙΙ. Η στατιστική ανάλυση και των δύο μεθόδων ανέδειξε σημαντική διαφορά με ( p<0.05).
Ο αποκλεισμός της κατιούσας αορτής σε επίπεδο αμέσως κάτωθεν της αριστεράς υποκλειδίου αρτηρίας, προκαλεί αναμφισβήτητα ισχαιμία του νωτιαίου μυελού. Η ανάπτυξη οξειδωτικού stressως αποτέλεσμα της διαδικασίας ισχαιμία/επαναιμάτωση ανιχνεύεται μέσω των ριζών υπεροξειδίου και παραγώγων λιπιδικής υπεροξείδωσης.
Η έγχυση Αμιφοστίνης προτείνεται ως αντιοξειδωτικός παράγων που μπορεί να ανιχνεύσει και να δεσμεύσει τις ελεύθερες ρίζες οξυγόνου κατά το οξειδωτικό stress που προκαλεί η ισχαιμία /επαναιμάτωση του νωτιαίου μυελού. / Paraplegia is the most devastating complication of thoraco-abdominal aortic procedures. An ischemia-reperfusion procedure is known to elevate free radicals causing oxidative stress. The aim of this study is to determine and to detect the free radical products and to examine the influence of Amifostine, a triphosphate agent, on oxidative stress of spinal cord ischemia-reperfusion in rabbits.
Eighteen male, New Zealand white rabbits were anesthetized and spinal cord ischemia was induced by inflation of a coronary artery balloon catheter, advanced to descending thoracic aorta through the femoral artery. The animals were randomly divided into 3 groups. Group I functioned as control. In group II the aorta was occluded for 30 minutes and then re-perfused for 75 min. In group III, 500mg Amifostine was infused into the distal aorta during the second half-time of ischemia period. At the end of reperfusion all animals were sacrificed and spinal cord specimens were examined for superoxide radicals by an ultra sensitive fluorescent assay.
Superoxide radical levels ranged, in group I between 1.52 and 1.76 (1.64±0.10), in group II between 1.96 and 2.50 (2.10±0.21), and in group III (amifostine) between 1.21 and 1.60 (1.40±0.13) (p=0.00), showing a decrease of 43% in the Group of Amifostine. A lipid peroxidation marker measurement ranged, in group I between 0.28 and 0.31 (0.30±0.01), in group II between 0.427 and 0.497 (0.466±0.024), and in group III (amifostine) between 0.343 and 0.357 (0.36±0.005) (p<0.00), showing a decrease of 38% after Amifostine administration.
Occlusion of aorta below left subclavian artery causes spinal cause ischemia without the interference of collateral perfusion. Modified use of hydrο-ethidine is a useful assay for the detection of superoxide radicals.
By direct and indirect methods of measuring the oxidative stress of spinal cord after ischemia/reperfusion, it is suggested that intra-aortic Amifostine infusion significantly attenuated the spinal cord oxidative injury.
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Percepção da área de recursos humanos sobre políticas e ações de retenção de pessoal adotadas na indústria metal-mecânica na região norte de Santa CatarinaChaves, Lise Steigleder 27 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The retention of talent by companies of many different sizes and working areas is na important issue and it is present in the contemporary literature of human resources. And one of the policies adopted by a great number of the organizations is the concession of benefits. Although, the question to be investigated is the efficiency of these actions. Therefore, this study has worked to analyze and verify this efficiency, electing for this means, metal/mechanical companies from the north of Santa Catarina with a thousand or more employees. This choice has presented itself because the state of Santa Catarina and especially the North has had one of the largest levels of economies development in the country, gathering large companies in the metal/mechanical area. Within this perspective, this study shows a conceptual base many management schools and their presumptions and displays results obtained by the application of a questionnaire/interview with human resources managers from seven companies from the chosen region, applying the QUALIQUANTITATIVO model. The data interpretation has led to the conclusion that the companies analyzed have strongly adopted the benefits concession policy as a complementary tool and the socio-economic and educational needs coverage as a guarantee of productivity and the results desired by the company. And moreover the majority of the companies researched who practice this constitute a retention of people. The research has also led to the perception of how much the industrial area is still guided by motivational theories by which people care about the hierarchical needs of motivational factors. The adoption of flexible programs and continuing and consistent communication programs may create competitive advantages in the retention of talent / A questão da retenção de talentos por parte de empresas de diversos portes e áreas de atuação é um assunto importante e presente na literatura contemporânea da gestão de Recursos Humanos. E uma das políticas adotadas por grande parte das organizações é a concessão de benefícios. Porém, a questão que se evidencia é a eficácia dessas ações. Assim, este estudo dedicou-se a analisar e verificar essa eficácia, elegendo para esse fim, empresas metalmecânicas do norte-catarinense com 1.000 ou mais empregados. Essa delimitação deu-se porque o Estado de Santa Catarina e em especial a região norte-catarinense tem um dos maiores índices de desenvolvimento econômico do País, concentrando empresas de grande porte no setor metalmecânico. Dentro dessa perspectiva, este estudo apresenta como base conceitual as diversas escolas de administração e seus pressupostos e expõe os resultados obtidos por meio da aplicação de um questionário/entrevista com gestores de Recursos Humanos de sete empresas da região apontada, aplicando o modelo quali-quantitativo. A interpretação dos dados levou à conclusão que as empresas analisadas adotam fortemente a política de concessão de benefícios como uma ferramenta de complementação e cobertura de carências socioeconômicas e educacionais necessárias para a garantia da produtividade e dos resultados desejados pela empresa. E ainda que para a maioria das empresas pesquisadas essas práticas constituem-se fator de retenção de pessoas. A pesquisa levou também à percepção o quanto o setor empresarial ainda orienta-se por teorias motivacionais nas quais as pessoas se importam com a hierarquia de necessidades de fatores motivacionais. A adoção de programas flexíveis e programas de comunicação contínuos e consistentes podem gerar vantagem competitiva na retenção de talentos
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The Mining Obligations: The Minimum Production, The Right of Validity, The Penalty and Criticisms to its Regulation / Las Obligaciones Mineras: La Producción Mínima, El Derecho de Vigencia, La Penalidad y Críticas a su RegulaciónCuneo Alendez, David 10 April 2018 (has links)
Mining obligations are a matter of great importance in the Mining Law and even more regarding the owners of mining rights, because the breach of any of these obligations by the leatters will lead mining concessions to extinction.This article develops in the first part the general framework for mining obligations, both those borned as a result of the formulation and granting of a mining concession and the consequences generated because of its breach. In the second part we analyze the problem regarding for the poor regulation of expiration (which is one of the most important causes of extinction of a mining concession) and their most notorious example due to lack of knowledge of timely payment. / Las obligaciones mineras son un tema de gran importancia en el Derecho Minero y más aún de los titulares de derechos mineros, debido a que el incumplimiento de alguna ellas priva de efectos a la concesión minera produciendo su extinción.El presente artículo desarrolla –en su primera parte– el marco general de las obligaciones mineras, tanto de aquellas que nacen como consecuencia de la formulación y otorgamiento de una concesión minera, así como las consecuencias que se generan por su incumplimiento. En la segunda parte, analizamos el marco conceptual previsto para la caducidad, como una de las causales de extinción más frecuentes de una concesión minera y la problemática que presenta su aplicación al pretender explicarla también como a ausencia de acreditación oportuna.
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