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La production des circulations ferroviaires a la sncf repose actuellement sur un processus essentiellement sequentiel dans lequel la conception des grilles horaires de circulation (reservation de l'infrastructure pour la circulation des trains de l'offre de transport de la sncf) conditionne largement la conception des planifications des engins ferroviaires (les roulements engins), puis celle des agents de conduite (adc) (les grilles de service des adc). cette strategie de planification sequentielle des ressources ferroviaires a ete massivement adoptee pour des raisons pratiques et scientifiques (historique, savoir-faire, complexite du systeme ferroviaire, etc.). toutefois, cette strategie de planification sequentielle genere des solutions qui peuvent etre de cout eleve et moins robustes aux aleas, car les decisions prises a une etape donnee peuvent reduire considerablement l'ensemble des solutions realisables aux etapes suivantes. face a ce constat et a la forte interaction entre ces trois ressources heterogenes et tres couteuses, la sncf a souhaite investiguer la praticabilite et les apports d'une demarche d'optimisation du plan de transport par planification integree de ces ressources critiques. dans cette optique, les travaux de these ont porte sur l'etude de faisabilite, le prototypage et la validation d'une demarche de planification integree des ressources permettant d'ameliorer l'efficacite globale du plan de transport, d'accroitre la competitivite de la sncf et d'ameliorer la qualite de ses services. nous avons propose une formalisation du probleme de planification integree engins/adc et des algorithmes performants qui s'appuient sur une approche par relaxation lagrangienne pour resoudre de maniere efficace la problematique etudiee. cette approche repose sur l'exploitation de deux briques logicielles developpees a la sncf pour resoudre chacun des sous-problemes de planification des engins et des adc. les algorithmes ont ete testes experimentalement avec des donnees reelles de la region ter bretagne. differentes evolutions des modeles et des algorithmes ont ete etudiees pour rendre ces derniers plus efficaces. les tests de validation sur des jeux de donnees reelles a une echelle industrielle sont encourageants et montrent des gains potentiels allant jusqu'a 4% des adc exploites par rapport a une approche traditionnelle (sequentielle). / The planning of railway production at the french national railways (sncf) is currently based on a mainly sequential process in which the design of railway timetabling widely conditioning design planning of railway equipment (rolling stock), then one of the train drivers (driver rosters). this strategy of sequential planning of railway resources massively adopted for practical and scientific reasons (expertise, complexity of the railway system, etc.). however, this strategy generates solutions which can be more expensive and less robust to uncertainties, because decisions taken at any given stage can significantly reduce the overall feasible solutions of the following steps.given this situation and the strong interaction between these heterogeneous and very expensive resources, the thesis deals with the feasibility and inputs of a process where these critical resources could be planned and optimized in an integrated way. the thesis focuses on the feasibility study, prototyping and validation of an integrated approach for planning rolling stocks and drivers, so as to improve the efficiency of the overall transportation plan, increase sncf competitiveness and enhance the quality of its services. we propose a mixed integer linear programming formulation of the rolling stock/ train drivers integrated planning problem. in this mathematical model, each planning sub-problem is formalized and coupling constraints are further introduced to model the interdependencies of these two resources when they are simultaneously used for train production. in this heuristic, the solution of the lagrangian dual and the calculation of feasible solutions are performed by calling two proprietary software modules available at sncf for planning rolling stocks and train drivers. the heuristic is tested experimentally with real data from the ter bretagne region, and several evolutions are introduced in the models and algorithms so as to improve their performances.validation tests on of real data sets at an industrial scale are encouraging and, when compared to a traditional (sequential) approach, show gain of up to 4% for train drivers used.
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Profilométrie optique par méthodes inverses de diffraction électromagnétiqueArhab, Slimane 02 October 2012 (has links)
La profilométrie optique est une technique de métrologie de surface rapide et non destructive. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons abordé cette problématique par des méthodes inverses de diffraction électromagnétique et dans une configuration de type Microscopie Tomographique Optique par Diffraction (ODTM). La surface est sondée par un éclairement sous plusieurs angles d'incidences ; la mesure en amplitude et en phase du champ lointain diffracté constitue les données du problème. Des profils de surfaces ont été reconstruits en considérant différents modèles de diffraction, parmi lesquelles une méthode approchée fondée sur les approximations de diffusion simple et de paraxialité. La résolution latérale de cette méthode et des techniques classiques de profilométrie est limitée par le critère d'Abbe-Rayleigh, défini sur la base de l'ouverture numérique pour l'éclairement et la détection du champ. Afin de dépasser cette limite de résolution, nous avons développé une méthode itérative de Newton-Kantorovitch régularisée. L'opérateur de diffraction y est rigoureusement modélisé par une méthode des moments, résolution numérique des équations du formalisme intégral de frontière, et l'expression de la dérivée de Fréchet de cet opérateur est obtenue par la méthode des états adjoints, à partir du théorème de réciprocité. Pour les surfaces unidimensionnelles métalliques, notre technique permet d'inverser à partir de données synthétiques des surfaces très rugueuses avec une résolution au delà du critère d'Abbe-Rayleigh. / Optical profilometry is a nondestructive and fast noncontact surface metrology technique. In this thesis, we have tackled this issue with inverse scattering electromagnetic methods and in an Optical Digital Tomographic Microscopy (ODTM) configuration. The surface is probed with illuminations under several incidence angles; the measure of far scattered field amplitude and phase constitutes the problem data. Surface profiles have been reconstructed using different scattering models among which an approximate theory based on single scattering and paraxiality. The lateral resolution of this technique and classical profilometric approaches is limited by the so-called Abbe-Rayleigh's criterion defined out of the numerical aperture for illumination and field detection. In order to overpass this resolution limit, we have developed a regularized iterative Newton-Kantorovitch's method. The scattering operator is rigorously modelized with the method of moments, that is a numerical solution of boundary integral equations, and its Fréchet derivative adjoint states expression is deduced from the reciprocity theorem. For one-dimensional metallic surfaces, our method succeeds in inverting from synthetic data very rough surfaces with the resolutions beyond the Abbe-Rayleigh's criterion. The performance of this technique and inversion conditions clearly differ from one polarization to the other : in the TM case, interactions at longer distance than in the TE case improve yet the resolution. This work includes also an experimental validation of our inverse model on grooves in indium phosphure substrate at 633 nm.
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Development and validation of the Euler-Lagrange formulation on a parallel and unstructured solver for large-eddy simulation / Développement et validation du formalisme Euler-Lagrange dans un solveur parallèle et non-structuré pour la simulation aux grandes échellesGarcía Martinez, Marta 19 January 2009 (has links)
De nombreuses applications industrielles mettent en jeu des écoulements gaz-particules, comme les turbines aéronautiques et les réacteurs a lit fluidisé de l'industrie chimique. La prédiction des propriétés de la phase dispersée, est essentielle à l'amélioration et la conception des dispositifs conformément aux nouvelles normes européennes des émissions polluantes. L'objectif de cette these est de développer le formalisme Euler- Lagrange dans un solveur parallèle et non-structuré pour la simulation aux grandes échelles pour ce type d'écoulements. Ce travail est motivé par l'augmentation rapide de la puissance de calcul des machines massivement parallèles qui ouvre une nouvelle voie pour des simulations qui étaient prohibitives il y a une décennie. Une attention particulière a été portée aux structures de données afin de conserver une certaine simplicité et la portabilité du code sur des differentes! architectures. Les développements sont validés pour deux configurations : un cas académique de turbulence homogène isotrope décroissante et un calcul polydisperse d'un jet turbulent recirculant chargé en particules. L'équilibrage de charges de particules est mis en évidence comme une solution prometteuse pour les simulations diphasiques Lagrangiennes afin d'améliorer les performances des calculs lorsque le déséquilibrage est trop important. / Particle-laden flows occur in industrial applications ranging from droplets in gas turbines tofluidized bed in chemical industry. Prediction of the dispersed phase properties such as concentration and dynamics are crucial for the design of more efficient devices that meet the new pollutant regulations of the European community. The objective of this thesis is to develop an Euler-Lagrange formulation on a parallel and unstructured solver for large- eddy simulation. This work is motivated by the rapid increase in computing power which opens a new way for simulations that were prohibitive one decade ago. Special attention is taken to keep data structure simplicity and code portability. Developments are validated in two configurations : an academic test of a decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence and a polydisperse two-phase flow of a confined bluff body. The use of load-balancing capabilities is highlighted as a promising solut! ion in Lagrangian two-phase flow simulations to improve performance when strong imbalance of the dispersed phase is present
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Strategy for viable, sustainable urban agriculture in a dynamic, urbanising societyLeech, Michael Graham 08 1900 (has links)
At Constitutional level, legislation in South Africa entrenches the provision of food and water for all its citizens. In instances where citizens are unable to provide in these basic requirements for themselves, social assistance should be provided to ensure a healthy life for all. In this regard, legislation and Town Planning ordinances and regulations are in place to ensure that built-up environments in which we live and work are healthy and safe for all. However, this study revealed that food provisioning by community gardeners is peripheral in legislation, ordinances and regulations and the practice of urban agriculture is, in many instances, in conflict with the principle of safe and healthy food for all.
Community gardeners/urban agriculturists are food farmers within the city who produce food for themselves and others without the checks and balances that are otherwise applicable to food brought into the city from outside. While food production on any piece of available land is vital for these community gardeners for their sustenance and survival, it could become a potential health hazard if no checks or testing measures are in place to ensure that the food being produced is safe for human consumption.
The study sought the views and perceptions of community gardeners, residents, Environmental Health Practitioners and Town Planners in the eThekwini Metro region with regards to community gardening/urban agriculture and its impact on food provisioning to citizens. For data collection, a one-on-one interviewing survey method was used with all four groups and results were calculated and converted to average percentages and analysed.
The results revealed that there was conflict between legislation, ordinances and regulations regarding the production of food in the built-up environment of the EThekwini Municipality. It was also revealed that there was no cohesive policy to control the production of food produced and sold by community gardeners in the study area.
The need for control measures and regulations regarding food production and sale by community gardeners was highlighted. Moreover, where ineffective or none such measures or controls exist, a transparent and consultative process involving all stakeholders must take place in order to establish up viable and sustainable control
measures. The people who will be most affected by these rules, namely the community gardeners, should be pivotal role players in the establishment of a sustainable urban agriculture policy.
Recommendations to address the problems illuminated by the study are presented. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)
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Projeto de estruturas considerando o efeito da não-linearidade geométrica utilizando o método de otimização topológica. / Design of structures considering the nonlinear geometric effect using topology optimization method.Lahuerta, Ricardo Doll 11 January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe estudar o projeto de estruturas submetidas a grandes deslocamentos utilizando o Método de Otimização Topológica (MOT). O MOT é um método numérico capaz de fornecer de forma sistemática a distribuição ótima de material no domínio de uma estrutura de forma a atender a um dado requisito de projeto, por exemplo, o valor de flexibilidade máxima permitida em uma estrutura. Desde sua introdução, há quase três décadas, o MOT ganhou popularidade na área acadêmica e na indústria. Até o presente momento (2011), a maioria dos trabalhos relacionados com o método tem se preocupado com a otimização de estruturas com o comportamento linear, ou seja, pequenos deslocamentos. Um pequeno número de artigos e trabalhos tem sido relacionado com a modelagem e otimização topológica de estruturas submetidas a efeitos não-lineares. Este trabalho propõe compilar as formulações descritas na literatura e agregar novas técnicas na implementação da OT de forma a melhorar a robustez na obtenção de resultados sob não-linearidade geométrica. O MOT para o comportamento não-linear geométrico neste trabalho foi implementado utilizando o modelo de material SIMP. O comportamento não-linear geométrico é representado utilizando a formulação Lagrangiana para as leis de material de Kirchhoff-Saint Venant e neo-Hookiana. Ambas as leis de material foram implementadas utilizando o método de elementos finitos (MEF) e o equilíbrio estático da estrutura é obtido através de uma rotina incremental e iterativa de Newton incluindo todos os elementos (inclusive os de baixa densidade) dentro do domínio de projeto. A sensibilidade da função objetivo é deduzida utilizando o método adjunto e o problema de otimização é resolvido utilizando o Método das Assíntotas Móveis (MAM) em conjunto com uma função de Relaxação proposta para estabilizar a solução de OT não-linear. A função de projeção não-linear em conjunto com o Método da Continuação é utilizada para eliminar o problema de tabuleiro e independência de malha, melhorando a convergência dos resultados. A função objetivo para minimização da flexibilidade no ponto de aplicação do carregamento é testada, considerando um carregamento fixo. Neste trabalho, os exemplos mostram que as diferenças na rigidez das estruturas otimizadas utilizando modelagem linear e não-linear são geralmente pequenas para pequenos carregamentos, mas elas podem ser grandes em certos casos envolvendo grandes cargas, acarretando em instabilidades na estrutura, o que pode degenerar a solução obtida. / This work proposes studying the design of structures undergoing large displacement using Topology Optimization Method (TOM). The TOM is a numerical method capable of synthesizing the basic layout of a mechanical structure accomplishing to a given design requirement, for example the maximum strain energy allowed in the structure. Since its introduction nearly three decades, TOM has gained widespread popularity in academia and industry. So far, most papers dealing with the method have been concerned with the optimization of structures with linear geometric and material behavior. Even now a small number of works and articles have been concerned with the modeling and topology optimization of structures undergoing nonlinear effects. This work proposes to compile the formulations described in the literature and adding new techniques to improve the robustness for obtaining results of OT under geometric nonlinearity. The TOM for geometric nonlinear behavior in this work is implemented with Solid Isotropic Microstructure with Penalization (SIMP) material model. The geometrically nonlinear behavior of the structures is modeled using a Lagrangean description for hyperelastic constitutive models for Saint Venant-Kirchhoff and neo-Hookean. Both constitutive models are implemented using the Finite Element Method (FEM) and the static equilibrium of the structure is obtained using an incremental and iterative Full-Newton Method considering all elements and internal force of the design domain (elements called \"voids\"). The sensitivity of the objective function is derived using the adjoint method and the optimization problem is solved using the Optimality Criteria (OC) method and Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) together with a Relaxation Function proposed to stabilize the TO nonlinear solution. The nonlinear projection function in conjunction with the Continuation Method is used to obtain checkerboard-free and mesh-independent designs and to improve the convergence results. The objective function of end-compliance is tested, by minimizing it for a fixed load. In this work, some examples show that differences in stiffness of optimized structures using linear and nonlinear modeling are generally small, however they can be large in certain cases involving buckling or bifurcation point, that degenerate the solution obtained.
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Uma formulação alternativa do método dos elementos de contorno aplicada à análise da propagação de fissuras em materiais quase frágeis / An alternative formulation of the boundary element method applied to crack propagation analysis in quasi-brittle materialsOliveira, Hugo Luiz 25 March 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da análise da propagação de fissuras, independente do tempo, em domínios bidimensionais utilizando uma formulação alternativa do método dos elementos de contorno (MEC). O MEC vem sendo utilizado com sucesso na análise de diversos problemas de engenharia. Considerando problemas de mecânica da fratura, o MEC é especialmente eficiente devido à redução da dimensionalidade de sua malha, o que permite a simulação do crescimento das fissuras sem as dificuldades do processo de remalhamento. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolvem-se formulações não lineares do MEC para a análise da propagação de fissuras em materiais quase frágeis. Nesses materiais, a zona de processo à frente da ponta da fissura introduz efeitos fisicamente não lineares no comportamento estrutural. Assim, para a simulação da presença da zona de processo, modelos não lineares são necessários. Classicamente a formulação dual do MEC é utilizada para modelar propagação de fissuras na quais equações singulares e hipersingulares são escritas para elementos definidos ao longo das faces das fissuras. O presente trabalho propõe uma segunda formulação utilizando um campo de tensões iniciais para a representação da zona coesiva. Nesta formulação, o termo de domínio da equação integral clássica do MEC é degenerado, de forma a atuar somente ao longo do caminho de crescimento das fissuras, sendo que esse procedimento dá origem a uma nova variável denominada dipolo, responsável por garantir o atendimento das condições de contorno. Em conjunto com essa nova formulação, se propõe o uso do operador tangente (OT), que é deduzido no trabalho, a fim de acelerar o processo de convergência da solução. Os resultados obtidos, por meio da formulação alternativa, são comparados tanto com dados experimentais quanto com o MEC dual, ambos disponíveis na literatura. As respostas encontradas foram satisfatórias no sentido de conseguir reproduzir o comportamento real da estrutura explorando as vantagens computacionais proporcionadas pelo OT. / This work presents a time-independent crack propagation analysis, in two-dimensional domains, using an alternative boundary element method (BEM) formulation. BEM has been used successfully to analyze several engineering problems. Considering fracture mechanics problems, BEM is especially efficient due to its mesh reduction aspects, which allows the simulation of crack growth without remeshing difficulties. In this research, nonlinear BEM formulations are develop in order to analyze crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials. Considering these materials, the process zone ahead of the crack tip leads to nonlinear effects related to structural behavior. Thus, nonlinear models are required for simulating the presence of the process zone. Classically, the dual BEM is used for modeling the crack propagation, in which singular and hyper-singular equations are written for elements defined along the crack faces. This work proposes an alternative formulation using the initial stress field to represent the cohesive zone. In this formulation, the classic domain integral term is degenerated in order to be non-null only at the crack growth path. This procedure leads the creation of new variable called dipole, which is responsible for ensuring the compliance of the boundary conditions. In addition to this new formulation, it is proposed the use of the tangent operator (TO), which is derived in this work, in order to accelerate the convergence. The results obtained using the new formulation, are compared with experimental data and dual BEM results available in the literature. The responses were found satisfactory in reproducing the behavior of real structures exploiting the computational advantages provided by the TO.
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Formulações especiais para sorvetes / Specials formulations to ice creamSilva Junior, Elieste da 07 November 2008 (has links)
A elaboração e caracterização de sistemas tão complexos quanto alimentos não são temas que se esgotem ao longo de um único trabalho. Assim, tomando como ponto de partida o desenvolvimento de formulações para sorvetes, são apresentados os princípios gerais da criação e estabilização de um dos gêneros alimentícios mais apreciados n.o mundo todo. O primeiro capítulo aborda interações que ocorrem entre componentes de uso comum na maioria dos alimentos processados e, de modo específico, o papel desempenhado por cada um deles em formulações para sorvetes. São apresentadas características das matérias-primas especiais empregadas no desenvolvimento das formulações propostas, bem como fundamentos de reologia. Tratam-se os princípios gerais do fenômeno speckle, ferramenta bastante útil em caracterizações estruturais, porém ainda pouco explorada na área alimentícia. O segundo capítulo apresenta as formulações para sorvetes que foram elaboradas para este trabalho e os resultados de caracterizações físico-químicas tomadas sobre alguns dos ingredientes utilizados, bem como sobre os produtos finais desenvolvidos. O terceiro capítulo exibe os resultados das avaliações reológicas feitas em ingredientes e misturas formuladas para este estudo. A partir do perfil demonstrado pelos reogramas, interações microscópicas puderam ser cogitadas. Mostram-se também, imagens tomadas por um sistema de videomicroscopia acoplado ao reômetro (módulo Rheoscope), onde puderam ser observadas deformações estruturais em tempo real ocorridas com as amostras durante as avaliações. O quarto capítulo propõe uma nova metodologia de investigação estrutural na qual a análíse dos resultados gerados a partir de um fenômeno de interferência possibilita mapear a evolução da microestrutura de sorvetes ao longo do tempo, quando submetidos a diferentes condições de temperatura. / Elaboration and characterization of systems with high leveI of complexity as foods cannot discussed in an only study. In this work, from development of special ice cream formulations are presenteei the general principIes of creation and stabílízation of one of the most appreciated foodstuffs. In first chapter the interactions that occur among components of current/y use in processed foods and, in a specific manner, the role of each one in ice cream formulations. Characteristics of the special raw materiais employed in development of the proposed formulatíons are presenteei, as well fundamental concepts of rheological behavior. Also, general principies of speckle phenomenon are presented, a very useful tool to structural investigations in several systems, but few explored in food science and technology. In second chapter are presented the ice cream formulations that were elaborated by this research and the results of analysis of both composition and chemical properties taken on some ingredients as well in developed products. In third chapter are exhibited the results from rheological assessments performed in ingredients and formulated ice cream mixes. From rheological curves, microscopic interactions could be cogitated. Images taken by a system of microscopy connected to rheometer shown structural deformatíons in real time occurred with the samples during the evaluations. In fourth chapter is showed a new methodology of structural investigation in which the analysis of results obtained from interference phenomenon allow to generate a map of temporal evolution of ice creams along the time, at different temperature conditions.
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Método dos elementos finitos generalizados em formulação variacional mista / Generelized finite element method in mixed variational formulationGóis, Wesley 03 May 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da combinação entre a formulação híbrida-mista de tensão (FHMT) (Freitas et al. (1996)), para a elasticidade plana, com o método dos elementos finitos generalizados (MEFG), Duarte et al. (2000). O MEFG se caracteriza como uma forma não-convencional do método dos elementos finitos (MEF) que resulta da incorporação a este de conceitos e técnicas dos métodos sem malha, como o enriquecimento nodal proposto do método das nuvens hp". Como na FHMT são aproximados dois campos no domínio (tensão e deslocamento) e um no contorno (deslocamento), diferentes possibilidades de enriquecimento nodal são exploradas. Para a discretização do modelo híbrido-misto empregam-se elementos finitos quadrilaterais com funções de forma bilineares para o domínio e elementos lineares para o contorno. Essas funções são enriquecidas por funções polinomiais, trigonométricas, polinômios que proporcionam distribuição de tensões auto-equilibradas ou mesmo funções especiais relacionadas às soluções dos problemas de fratura. Uma extensão do teste numérico abordado em Zienkiewicz et al. (1986) é proposta como investigação inicial das condições necessárias para garantia de estabilidade da resposta numérica. O estudo da estabilidade é completado com a análise da condição de Babuka-Brezzi (inf-sup). Esta condição é aplicada nos elementos finitos quadrilaterais híbridos-mistos enriquecidos por meio de um teste numérico, denominado de inf-sup teste, desenvolvido com base no trabalho de Chapelle e Bathe (1993). Exemplos numéricos revelam que a FHMT é uma interessante alternativa para obtenção de boas estimativas para os campos de tensões e deslocamentos, usando-se enriquecimento sobre alguns nós de malhas pouco refinadas / This work presents a combination of hybrid-mixed stress model formulation (HMSMF) (Freitas et al. (1996)), to treat plane elasticity problems, with generalized finite element method (GFEM), (Duarte et al. (2000)). GFEM is characterized as a nonconventional formulation of the finite element method (FEM). GFEM is the result of the incorporation of concepts and techniques from meshless methods. One example of these techniques is the nodal enrichment that was formulated in the hp" clouds method. Since two fields in domain (stress and displacement) and one in boundary (displacement) are approximated in the HMSMF, different possibilities of nodal enrichment are tested. For the discretization of the hybrid-mixed model quadrilateral finite elements with bilinear shape functions for the domain and linear elements for the boundary were employed. These functions are enriched with polynomial functions, trigonometric functions, polynomials that generate self-equilibrated stress distribution, or, even special functions connected with solutions of fracture problems. An extension of the numerical test cited in Zienkiewicz et al. (1986) is proposed as initial investigation of necessary conditions to assure the stability of the numerical answer. The stability study is completed with the analysis of the Babuka-Brezzi (inf-sup) condition. This last condition is applied to hybrid-mixed enrichment quadrilaterals finite elements by means of a numerical test, denominated inf-sup test, which was developed based on paper of Chapelle and Bathe (1993). Numerical examples reveal that HMSMF is an interesting alternative to obtain good estimates of the stress and displacement fields, using enrichment over some nodes of poor meshes
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Emprego do extrato de raiz de Pothomorphe umbellata na prevenção das alterações precoces da fotocarcinogênese induzidas pela radiação ultravioleta B na pele de camundongos sem pêlo / Prevention of early alterations in UVB-induced photocarcinogenesis in hairless mice skin by Pothomorphe umbellataSilva, Vanessa Vitoriano da 03 May 2007 (has links)
O uso de antioxidantes de origem natural apresenta uma perspectiva promissora na prevenção dos efeitos adversos causados pela radiação ultravioleta, incluindo o fotoenvelhecimento e a fotocarcinogênese. As atividades antioxidante, fotoprotetora e antienvelhecimento cutâneo foram demonstradas para o extrato de Pothomorphe umbellata. No entanto, seu potencial protetor da fotocarcinogênese ainda não foi estabelecido. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos da aplicação tópica do gel de extrato de raiz de P. umbelallta nas alterações promovidas pelas exposições aguda (dose única - 0,20 KJ/m2) e crônica (4 semanas, dose total de 8,6 KJ/m2, 5 semanas, 13,17KJ/m2, 15 semanas, 55,51 KJ/m2) à radiação ultravioleta B na pele de camundongos sem pelo. Para avaliação dos antioxidantes não enzimáticos, ácido ascórbico e α-tocoferol, foram utilizados métodos de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e para avaliação dos enzimáticos, catalase, superóxido dismutase, glutationa peroxidase e glutationa redutase, métodos espectrofotométricos. As modulações das proteínas p53 e PCNA foram avaliadas por imunohistoquímica. Os resultados demonstram que o tratamento com gel de extrato de raiz de P. umbellata é capaz de modular o sistema antioxidante na pele de camundongos sem pêlo, proporcionando maior proteção frente à exposição à radiação UVB. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que a aplicação tópica de extrato de P. umbellata protege contra os danos causados pela radiação modulando vias de reparo e/ou morte celular. Estes resultados contribuem para elucidação do mecanismo de ação do extrato de P.umbellata na pele exposta à radiação UVB, indicando sua capacidade em preservar a pele sadia após a irradiação. / Topical application of botanical antioxidants has been appreciated as a viable approach to reduce the occurrence of deleterious damage cased by sunlight exposure, such as photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. The plant Pothomorphe umbellata has been shown to exert a potent antioxidant activity on the skin and to delay the onset and reduce the incidence of UVB-induced skin damage and photoaging. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of topical P. umbellata treatment on acute (single dose 0.20 KJ/m2) and chronic (4 weeks, total dose 8.6 KJ/m2, 5 weeks, 13.17KJ/m2, 15 weeks, 55.51 KJ/m2) UVB-induced damage hairless mouse epidermis. Nonenzymic antioxidants, ascorbic acid and α-tocopherol, were assayed by high performance liquid chromatography and enzymic antioxidants, catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, spectrophotometrically. UVB-induced p53 and PCNA were deteted by immunohistochemical technique. The data collected here suggest that topical application of P. umbellata extract affords strong protection against UVB-induced damages in skin epidermis by either preventing DNA damage or enhancing repair and inhibiting UVB-caused apoptosis and sunburn cell formation. Moreover, the results also suggest that P. umbellata extract modulates the cutaneous antioxidant network resulting in reduced susceptibility to UVB-induced oxidative damage. Together these results contribute for the elucidation of the mechanism of action of P.umbellata on UVB exposed skin and indicate the capacity of this extract to preserve skin health after irradiation.
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Emprego de formulações não-convencionais de elementos finitos na análise linear bidimensional de sólidos com múltiplas fissuras / Use of non-conventional formulations of finite element method in the analysis of linear two-dimensional solids with multiple cracksArgôlo, Higor Sérgio Dantas de 24 September 2010 (has links)
O trabalho trata da utilização de formulações não-convencionais de elementos finitos na obtenção de fatores de intensidade de tensão associados a múltiplas fissuras distribuídas num domínio bidimensional. A formulação do problema de múltiplas fissuras baseia-se numa abordagem de sobreposição proposta pelo Método da Partição (\"Splitting Method\"). Segundo essa abordagem a solução do problema pode ser encontrada a partir da sobreposição de três subproblemas combinados de tal forma que o fluxo de tensão resultante nas faces das fissuras seja nulo. O uso do Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) em sua forma convencional pode requerer um refinamento excessivo da rede nesse tipo de problema, aumentando o custo computacional da análise. Objetivando reduzir este custo, empregam-se duas formulações não-convencionais, de forma independente, num dos subproblemas, dito local: a formulação híbrido-Trefftz de tensão e o Método dos Elementos Finitos Generalizados (MEFG). Na formulação híbrido-Trefftz é adotado o recurso do enriquecimento seletivo mediante o refrno- p na aproximação dos campos de deslocamento no contorno do elemento. Já com relação ao MEFG, empregam-se funções polinomiais e a solução analítica da mecânica da fratura como funções enriquecedoras. Exemplos de simulação numérica são apresentados no sentido de comprovar que a utilização dessas formulações não-convencionais juntamente com o Método da Partição viabiliza a obtenção de resultados com boa aproximação com recurso a redes pouco refinadas, reduzindo significativamente o custo computacional de toda a análise. / This paper treats with the use of non-conventional finite element formulations to obtain the stress intensity factor of multiple cracks located in a two-dimensional domain. The formulation of the multiple cracks problem is based on an overlapping approach suggested by the Splitting Method. Accordingly, the solution of the problem can be achieved by dividing the problem in three steps, combined so that the resulting stress flux is zero on the cracks face. The use of the Finite Element Method (FEM) in its conventional formulation requires a mesh refinement in this kind of problem, then increasing the computational cost. Aiming to reduce this cost, two non-conventional formulations are used independently to solve the local problem: the Hybrid-Trefftz stress formulation and the Generalized Finite Elements Method (GFEM). The Hybrid-Trefftz formulation is applied with selective enrichment using p-refinement in the displacements field on the element boundaries. The GFEM employs polynomial functions and analytical solutions of the fracture mechanics as enrichment functions. Examples of numerical simulations are presented in order to show that non- conventional formulations and the Splitting Method can provide accurate results with coarse mesh, thus reducing the computational cost.
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