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The location of Taiwan's FPD industryChen, Shen-wen 15 July 2004 (has links)
The development of Taiwan¡¦s FPD industry was from 1976, and after passing the stage of TN-LCD, STN-LCD, TFT-LCD and OELD, it becomes one of the most important industries in Taiwan. But after searching the thesis that about FPD industry in Taiwan, there is no talking about the location of FPD plants.
This paper reviewed many research about location theory, and try to separate in six part, which is cluster, human resource, cost, government policy, transportation and urban environment. This research use AHP to investigate 13 enterprises which about TFT-LCD and OLED manufactories in Taiwan, and 8 were success. In construct, according to the AHP¡¦s weight, cost factor is the highest, then is human resource, government policy, cluster, urban environment, transportation.
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RUNX1 Mutation Leads to Megakaryocyte-Primed Hematopoietic Stem Cell Blockage and Familial Platelet DisorderWang, Chen 23 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Taiwan's TFT-LCD equipment industry competitive analysisHo, Feng-lin 06 August 2009 (has links)
Japan and Korean¡¦s TFT-LCD industries consider the competitiveness of the cost. So their proportion of local equipment setting is more popular than Taiwan.Instead, Taiwan¡¦s equipment industries development priority need to increase the number of productions by new equipment and shorten the lead time and achieve the high quality of productions. However, TFT-LCD factories can save the cost of investment and raise the investment efficiency of operating cost to improve the ROI (Return On Investment).
This thesis compares and analyzes the competitiveness of the industry in TFT-LCD equipment among Taiwan, Japan and Korea. In the Porter¡¦s (1990) book ¡§The ompetitive Advantage of Nations¡¨ that mentioned about the ¡§Diamond Structure¡¨. So, we have to nalyzeand realize totally at the industry of the equipment¡¦s inside factor with six aspects ¡§ Demand Conditions¡¨, ¡§Firm Strategy, Structure and Rivalry¡¨, ¡§Factor Conditions¡¨ and ¡§Related and Supporting Industries¡¨ and the other outside factors ¡§Government¡¨ and ¡§Opportunity¡¨. The research of this paper shows that how the equipment industries of Taiwan use their own resources and competition advantages to compete with Japan country which quite maturity in TFT-LCD equipments. And Korea country with strong support by their government, for this reason, they can earn their own stage and further surpasses the others among the intense of competition industries. Therefore, widely collecting research paper, industry's news, specialized periodical and interviewing the important grades of personages of related industrial by the questionnaire, with that results. Then we can understand Korea and Japan¡¦s TFT-LCD equipment industry's mpetitiveness deeply. At the end, we can put forward the conclusion and suggestions by these studies and we can take it for our references on industry's development strategy of the equipment and afford the suggestion of consulting to our government's policy for Taiwan.
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Relative bioavailability of terbutaline to the lungs following inhalation using different methodsAbdelrahim, M. E. A. January 2009 (has links)
The primary aim was to validate and implement a urinary pharmacokinetic method for terbutaline to determine the relative lung and systemic bioavailability following inhalation and to measure the in-vitro characteristics of the emitted dose by these inhalation methods. Two new robust, accurate and sensitive high performance liquid chromatography methods for the determination of terbutaline in aqueous and urine samples were validated in accordance with the FDA and ICH guidelines. Terbutaline was extracted using solid phase extraction with salbutamol and bamethane as internal standards. The accuracy, precision, lower limit of detection and recovery for both methods were within recognized limits. The in-vitro characteristics of terbutaline sulphate inhalers were measured according to standard compendial methodology as well as adaptation of this methodology to simulate routine patient use. The dose emission of terbutaline sulphate from a Bricanyl Turbuhaler was determined using an inhalation volume of 4 L at inhalation flows of 10-60 L min-1. The particle size distribution was measured using an Anderson Cascade Impactor (ACI) with a mixing inlet valve to allow measurement at different flows. A steady increase in total emitted dose (TED) and the fine particle dose (FPD) was observed as the inhalation flow increased thereby highlighting the flow dependent dose emission characteristics of the Turbuhaler. The in-vitro dose emission characteristics of terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl MDIs were measured according to the standard compendial methodology at a flow of 28.3 L min-1 using a 4 L inhalation volume. The TED and particle size distribution of terbutaline sulphate from the Bricanyl MDI were determined alone and with different spacers [AeroChamber Max (AMAX), AeroChamber Plus (APLUS), Fisonair and Nebuhaler]. The TED from the MDI alone was significantly higher than all MDI+spacers (p<0.001). The MDI with APLUS resulted in the smallest mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and the highest fine particle fraction (FPF). The MDI with AMAX resulted in the highest FPD. The in-vitro characteristics of terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl respules using the Aeroneb Pro (vibrating mesh) and Sidestream jet nebulisers were determined by the CEN methodology and the Next Generation Impactor (NGI) methodology. The Aeroneb Pro was found to have significantly better aerodynamic properties than the Sidestream. The results from the NGI method were significantly different from the CEN method suggesting further evaluation of both methods. Cooling the NGI decreased the evaporation effect. Twelve healthy volunteers (6 females) completed in-vivo urinary terbutaline pharmacokinetic studies to determine the relative bioavailability following inhalation. The differences between the amounts excreted 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 24 hour post inhalation from a Bricanyl MDI (I) and oral (O) dosing of 500 µg terbutaline sulphate and with the co-administration of oral charcoal (IC and OC, respectively) were studied. No terbutaline was found in OC samples. The amount of terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post I and IC were significantly (p<0.001) higher than post O suggesting that the amount of terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post dosing can be used as an index of the lung deposition. The amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post I was significantly (p<0.01) higher than post O suggesting that the amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post dosing can be used as an index of the relative systemic bioavailability. The dose response relationships and the low inter and intra-subject variability studies confirm the feasibility of this method. To demonstrate the application of the method the effect of inhalation technique on the lung and systemic bioavailability following inhalation from a dry powder inhaler was evaluated. The effect of different spacers on the dose emitted from the Bricanyl MDI and the effect of different nebulisers on the dose emitted were also studied using twelve healthy volunteers (6 females) for each study. A fast inhalation flow using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler resulted in significantly higher amounts of terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing (2 doses of 500µg terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl Turbuhaler) than slow inhalation flow (p<0.001). The Bricanyl MDI alone resulted in a significantly higher amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post dosing (2 doses of 250µg terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl MDI) and significantly lower amounts excreted 30 minutes post dosing than the MDI+Spacers. The AMAX provided a greater amount of urinary terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post dosing than the APLUS and Nebuhaler. The Aeroneb Pro resulted in significantly higher amounts of terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing (1 dose of 5mg/2ml terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl respule) than a Sidestream Jet nebuliser (p<0.001). Further application of the method was demonstrated by 12 (6 female) COPD non-invasive mechanically ventilated patients. One dose of 2mg in 0.8ml terbutaline sulphate respiratory solution from Aeroneb Pro and one dose of 5mg in 2ml terbutaline sulphate respiratory solution from Sidestream jet nebuliser resulted in a similar amounts of urinary terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing. The results were consistent with the results of the ex-vivo study performed on the same patients. The thesis highlights extension of the urinary pharmacokinetic method following inhalation to terbutaline and its application in volunteer and patient studies.
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雙佔模型探討專業電視面板的競爭-台灣的友達與奇美為例 / A Co-Opetitive Study of Prices and Quantities in Duopoly Model of Large-Size TFT LCD TV Panels-A Competitive Study of AUO and CMO陳鴻垣, Chen,Hung-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
液晶面板是跨世紀的新發明,這個產業更是百年產業,隨著技術的演進與產業的更替,這個產業最重要且關鍵殺手級的應用-平面電視機,終於在近些年逐漸引爆且蓬勃發展。本研究應用經濟學寡佔模型中的部分理論,分別就大尺寸電視液晶面板產業的競爭與合作關係依價格與產能兩大關鍵因素進行探討,並運用相關賽局理論探討各競爭廠商的策略思維,以期能對未來產業的競爭或相關類似產業架構的產業提供些許建議。 / The industry of TFT-LCD draws much attention for decades because of the world class business opportunities. The most important killer application, FPD(Flat-Panel Display),starts booming these recent years. This study tries to apply some economy theories such as Oligopoly, Cournot Model and Bertrand Model to analyze the competition between prices and quantities. And we also analyzed the interaction of competition from the view of Game Theory and so on.
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Relative bioavailability of terbutaline to the lungs following inhalation using different methods.Abdelrahim, M.E.A. January 2009 (has links)
The primary aim was to validate and implement a urinary pharmacokinetic method for terbutaline to determine the relative lung and systemic bioavailability following inhalation and to measure the in-vitro characteristics of the emitted dose by these inhalation methods.
Two new robust, accurate and sensitive high performance liquid chromatography methods for the determination of terbutaline in aqueous and urine samples were validated in accordance with the FDA and ICH guidelines. Terbutaline was extracted using solid phase extraction with salbutamol and bamethane as internal standards. The accuracy, precision, lower limit of detection and recovery for both methods were within recognized limits.
The in-vitro characteristics of terbutaline sulphate inhalers were measured according to standard compendial methodology as well as adaptation of this methodology to simulate routine patient use. The dose emission of terbutaline sulphate from a Bricanyl Turbuhaler was determined using an inhalation volume of 4 L at inhalation flows of 10-60 L min-1. The particle size distribution was measured using an Anderson Cascade Impactor (ACI) with a mixing inlet valve to allow measurement at different flows. A steady increase in total emitted dose (TED) and the fine particle dose (FPD) was observed as the inhalation flow increased thereby highlighting the flow dependent dose emission characteristics of the Turbuhaler.
The in-vitro dose emission characteristics of terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl MDIs were measured according to the standard compendial methodology at a flow of 28.3 L min-1 using a 4 L inhalation volume. The TED and particle size distribution of terbutaline sulphate from the Bricanyl MDI were determined alone and with different spacers [AeroChamber Max (AMAX), AeroChamber Plus (APLUS), Fisonair and Nebuhaler]. The TED from the MDI alone was significantly higher than all MDI+spacers (p<0.001). The MDI with APLUS resulted in the smallest mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and the highest fine particle fraction (FPF). The MDI with AMAX resulted in the highest FPD.
The in-vitro characteristics of terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl respules using the Aeroneb Pro (vibrating mesh) and Sidestream jet nebulisers were determined by the CEN methodology and the Next Generation Impactor (NGI) methodology. The Aeroneb Pro was found to have significantly better aerodynamic properties than the Sidestream. The results from the NGI method were significantly different from the CEN method suggesting further evaluation of both methods. Cooling the NGI decreased the evaporation effect.
Twelve healthy volunteers (6 females) completed in-vivo urinary terbutaline pharmacokinetic studies to determine the relative bioavailability following inhalation. The differences between the amounts excreted 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 24 hour post inhalation from a Bricanyl MDI (I) and oral (O) dosing of 500 µg terbutaline sulphate and with the co-administration of oral charcoal (IC and OC, respectively) were studied. No terbutaline was found in OC samples. The amount of terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post I and IC were significantly (p<0.001) higher than post O suggesting that the amount of terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post dosing can be used as an index of the lung deposition. The amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post I was significantly (p<0.01) higher than post O suggesting that the amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post dosing can be used as an index of the relative systemic bioavailability. The dose response relationships and the low inter and intra-subject variability studies confirm the feasibility of this method.
To demonstrate the application of the method the effect of inhalation technique on the lung and systemic bioavailability following inhalation from a dry powder inhaler was evaluated. The effect of different spacers on the dose emitted from the Bricanyl MDI and the effect of different nebulisers on the dose emitted were also studied using twelve healthy volunteers (6 females) for each study.
A fast inhalation flow using the Bricanyl Turbuhaler resulted in significantly higher amounts of terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing (2 doses of 500µg terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl Turbuhaler) than slow inhalation flow (p<0.001). The Bricanyl MDI alone resulted in a significantly higher amount of terbutaline excreted 24 hour post dosing (2 doses of 250µg terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl MDI) and significantly lower amounts excreted 30 minutes post dosing than the MDI+Spacers. The AMAX provided a greater amount of urinary terbutaline excreted 30 minutes post dosing than the APLUS and Nebuhaler. The Aeroneb Pro resulted in significantly higher amounts of terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing (1 dose of 5mg/2ml terbutaline sulphate from Bricanyl respule) than a Sidestream Jet nebuliser (p<0.001).
Further application of the method was demonstrated by 12 (6 female) COPD non-invasive mechanically ventilated patients. One dose of 2mg in 0.8ml terbutaline sulphate respiratory solution from Aeroneb Pro and one dose of 5mg in 2ml terbutaline sulphate respiratory solution from Sidestream jet nebuliser resulted in a similar amounts of urinary terbutaline excreted 0.5 and 24 hour post dosing. The results were consistent with the results of the ex-vivo study performed on the same patients.
The thesis highlights extension of the urinary pharmacokinetic method following inhalation to terbutaline and its application in volunteer and patient studies. / Egyptian Culture Office in UK, Missions Department in Egypt
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Avaliação da adaptação de estruturas em Y-TZP entre diferentes sistemas CAD/CAM / Adaptation assessment of Y-TZP frameworks between different CAD / CAM systemsKoren, Andreas Raphael Ribas 04 March 2013 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: comparar dois sistemas CAD-CAM de diferentes gerações quanto ao grau de adaptação de infraestruturas estéticas de próteses fixas de três elementos para verificar se existe alguma evolução no quesito diminuição do gap marginal e se existe diferença de contração entre blocos de conformações diferentes que podem afetar diretamente a adaptação das mesmas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: para isso foi confeccionado um preparo de prótese fixa de três elementos em manequim odontológico simulando a ausência do elemento dental 25; posteriormente aos preparos foi reproduzido um modelo mestre em liga metálica Co-Cr para serem realizados os testes. O modelo mestre foi submetido a escaneamento em cada sistema comercial para a infraestrutura ser desenhada e fresada. Para serem confrontados, em cada sistema CAD/CAM foi confeccionado cinco infraestruturas em Y-TZP (n=5), sendo que no grupo CT1 foi utilizado um disco (ronde) com dimensões de 98x20 mm capaz de ser fresada até seis infraestruturas de uma só vez enquanto que no grupo CT2 cada infraestrutura foi confeccionada individualmente em um bloco com dimensões de 40x15x19 mm. Uma vez concluídas as infraestruturas, as mesmas foram submetidas a teste de adaptação com a técnica do dedal de silicone e posteriormente em cada preparo, tanto do molar quanto do pré-molar, foi retirada uma fatia de 2 mm de espessura em cada face (mesial, distal, lingual e vestibular) para se analisar a espessura de desadaptação na região de término através da análise de imagem (fotografia das fatias realizado por estereomicroscópio e medição com o software ImageJ). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes de Normalidade e Homocedasticidade (p=0,05) e posteriormente analisados por ANOVA e Tukey (p=0,05). RESULTADOS: as medições foram divididas em dois grupos: 1. Adaptação geral ( medidas por face) e 2. Adaptação circunferencial (média das medidas das quatro faces). Em ambas as medições não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes, permanecendo o gap marginal de ambos os materiais com resultados estatisticamente uniformes. CONCLUSÕES: ambos os sistemas CAD/CAM testados apresentaram resultados semelhantes e satisfatórios, dentro dos padrões clínicos aceitáveis e não houve diferença de contração de sinterização entre o disco (ronde) e o bloco. / OBJECTIVES: compare two CAD-CAM systems of different generations according to the adaptation level of three elements aesthetic FPD to discover if there are any changes in the item \"gap marginal decrease\" and if there is contraction differences between blocks of different conformations that may directly affect the adaptation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: it was made a FPD preparation (total crown preparation in each pillar tooth) in a dental mannequin, simulating the absence of the tooth 25; later was made a master template in Co-Cr alloy to be performed the tests, according to the mannequin preparations. The master model was subjected to scanning in each trading system to be designed the infrastructure and posteriorly milled. It was made five infrastructure in Y-TZP (n = 5) to be compared in every CAD / CAM system, and in the CT1 group was used a disc (ronde) with dimensions of 98x20 millimeters, where it can be milled up to six infrastructure of a once, while in the group CT2 each structure was fabricated into a single block with dimensions of 40x15x19 millimeters. After the infrastructure was milled, they were subjected to the adaptive technique of \"silicone replica\" and subsequently in each preparation (molar and premolar) was withdrawn from a 2 mm thickness slice on each side (mesial, distal, lingual and buccal) to analyze the mismatch thickness in the end region via image analysis (slices photography performed by a stereomicroscope and measured by the ImageJ software). The results were submited by Normality and Homoscedasticity test (p=0.05) and subsequently analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p=0.05). RESULTS: the measurements were divided into two groups: 1. General adaptation (measures per side) and 2. Circumferential adaptation (average measure of the four faces). In both measurements there were no statistically significant differences, remaining both materials with statistically uniform marginal gap. CONCLUSIONS: both CAD / CAM systems tested showed similar and satisfactory results within the acceptable clinical standards and there was no sintering contraction difference between the disk (ronde) and block.
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Avaliação da adaptação de estruturas em Y-TZP entre diferentes sistemas CAD/CAM / Adaptation assessment of Y-TZP frameworks between different CAD / CAM systemsAndreas Raphael Ribas Koren 04 March 2013 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: comparar dois sistemas CAD-CAM de diferentes gerações quanto ao grau de adaptação de infraestruturas estéticas de próteses fixas de três elementos para verificar se existe alguma evolução no quesito diminuição do gap marginal e se existe diferença de contração entre blocos de conformações diferentes que podem afetar diretamente a adaptação das mesmas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: para isso foi confeccionado um preparo de prótese fixa de três elementos em manequim odontológico simulando a ausência do elemento dental 25; posteriormente aos preparos foi reproduzido um modelo mestre em liga metálica Co-Cr para serem realizados os testes. O modelo mestre foi submetido a escaneamento em cada sistema comercial para a infraestrutura ser desenhada e fresada. Para serem confrontados, em cada sistema CAD/CAM foi confeccionado cinco infraestruturas em Y-TZP (n=5), sendo que no grupo CT1 foi utilizado um disco (ronde) com dimensões de 98x20 mm capaz de ser fresada até seis infraestruturas de uma só vez enquanto que no grupo CT2 cada infraestrutura foi confeccionada individualmente em um bloco com dimensões de 40x15x19 mm. Uma vez concluídas as infraestruturas, as mesmas foram submetidas a teste de adaptação com a técnica do dedal de silicone e posteriormente em cada preparo, tanto do molar quanto do pré-molar, foi retirada uma fatia de 2 mm de espessura em cada face (mesial, distal, lingual e vestibular) para se analisar a espessura de desadaptação na região de término através da análise de imagem (fotografia das fatias realizado por estereomicroscópio e medição com o software ImageJ). Os resultados foram submetidos aos testes de Normalidade e Homocedasticidade (p=0,05) e posteriormente analisados por ANOVA e Tukey (p=0,05). RESULTADOS: as medições foram divididas em dois grupos: 1. Adaptação geral ( medidas por face) e 2. Adaptação circunferencial (média das medidas das quatro faces). Em ambas as medições não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes, permanecendo o gap marginal de ambos os materiais com resultados estatisticamente uniformes. CONCLUSÕES: ambos os sistemas CAD/CAM testados apresentaram resultados semelhantes e satisfatórios, dentro dos padrões clínicos aceitáveis e não houve diferença de contração de sinterização entre o disco (ronde) e o bloco. / OBJECTIVES: compare two CAD-CAM systems of different generations according to the adaptation level of three elements aesthetic FPD to discover if there are any changes in the item \"gap marginal decrease\" and if there is contraction differences between blocks of different conformations that may directly affect the adaptation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: it was made a FPD preparation (total crown preparation in each pillar tooth) in a dental mannequin, simulating the absence of the tooth 25; later was made a master template in Co-Cr alloy to be performed the tests, according to the mannequin preparations. The master model was subjected to scanning in each trading system to be designed the infrastructure and posteriorly milled. It was made five infrastructure in Y-TZP (n = 5) to be compared in every CAD / CAM system, and in the CT1 group was used a disc (ronde) with dimensions of 98x20 millimeters, where it can be milled up to six infrastructure of a once, while in the group CT2 each structure was fabricated into a single block with dimensions of 40x15x19 millimeters. After the infrastructure was milled, they were subjected to the adaptive technique of \"silicone replica\" and subsequently in each preparation (molar and premolar) was withdrawn from a 2 mm thickness slice on each side (mesial, distal, lingual and buccal) to analyze the mismatch thickness in the end region via image analysis (slices photography performed by a stereomicroscope and measured by the ImageJ software). The results were submited by Normality and Homoscedasticity test (p=0.05) and subsequently analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p=0.05). RESULTS: the measurements were divided into two groups: 1. General adaptation (measures per side) and 2. Circumferential adaptation (average measure of the four faces). In both measurements there were no statistically significant differences, remaining both materials with statistically uniform marginal gap. CONCLUSIONS: both CAD / CAM systems tested showed similar and satisfactory results within the acceptable clinical standards and there was no sintering contraction difference between the disk (ronde) and block.
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Função de estrutura do antipróton nas interações difrativas a sqrt de s = 1.96 TeV / Antiproton struture function in diffractive interactions at sqrt of s=1.96TeVHelena Brandão Malbouisson 03 July 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Nesta tese são apresentadas a medida da taxa de produção de eventos difrativos e a extração da função de estrutura do antipróton para eventos de difração simples. A análise aqui apresentada é baseada em dados do detector DØ no Tevatron/Fermilab, colisor de prótons-antiprótons à energia de centro de massa de 1.96 TeV. A seleção de eventos difrativos é feita através de intervalos de rapidez - região do detector desprovida de partículas - determinados através da deposição de energia nas células do calorímetro DØ. A função de estrutura obtida nessa análise é comparada com resultados existentes dos experimentos H1 e CDF. / In this thesis we present a measurement of the diffractive to non-diffractive production rate and the extraction of the antiproton diffractive structure function. The analysis presented uses data from the DØ proton-antiproton collider at Tevatron/Fermilab with = 1.96 TeV. The data sample was selected using rapidity gap signatures determined through the sum of energy depositions in the DØ calorimeter cells. The measurements were performed on 0.19 pb-1 of Run IIa DØ data. The results are compared to H1 and CDF results."
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Função de estrutura do antipróton nas interações difrativas a sqrt de s = 1.96 TeV / Antiproton struture function in diffractive interactions at sqrt of s=1.96TeVHelena Brandão Malbouisson 03 July 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Nesta tese são apresentadas a medida da taxa de produção de eventos difrativos e a extração da função de estrutura do antipróton para eventos de difração simples. A análise aqui apresentada é baseada em dados do detector DØ no Tevatron/Fermilab, colisor de prótons-antiprótons à energia de centro de massa de 1.96 TeV. A seleção de eventos difrativos é feita através de intervalos de rapidez - região do detector desprovida de partículas - determinados através da deposição de energia nas células do calorímetro DØ. A função de estrutura obtida nessa análise é comparada com resultados existentes dos experimentos H1 e CDF. / In this thesis we present a measurement of the diffractive to non-diffractive production rate and the extraction of the antiproton diffractive structure function. The analysis presented uses data from the DØ proton-antiproton collider at Tevatron/Fermilab with = 1.96 TeV. The data sample was selected using rapidity gap signatures determined through the sum of energy depositions in the DØ calorimeter cells. The measurements were performed on 0.19 pb-1 of Run IIa DØ data. The results are compared to H1 and CDF results."
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