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Reação de acessos de Capsicum spp. a Colletotrichum sp., agente causal da antracnose das Solanáceas. / Reaction of accesses of Capsicum spp. to Colletotrichum sp., causal agent of anthracnose.Mônica Juliani Zavaglia Pereira 04 March 2005 (has links)
A importância do cultivo de espécies do gênero Capsicum vem crescendo nos últimos anos no Brasil, e consequentemente, a ocorrência de doenças torna-se um problema relevante. A antracnose é a mais comum e destrutiva doença de Capsicum no Brasil e em vários países, podendo ocasionar perdas de até 100%. Seu controle usando resistência genética seria altamente desejável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi (i) caracterizar a reação à antracnose de 90 acessos de Capsicum annuum, 30 de C. baccatum, 16 de C. chinense e um de C. frutescens; (ii) estabelecer a correlação da reação à antracnose entre plântulas e frutos de Capsicum e; (iii) avaliar a reação à antracnose das progênies F3RC1 (C.annuum x C. chinense - resistente) x C. annuum e F2RC2 [(C. annuum x C. chinense) x C. annuum] x C. annuum. Para as inoculações, foram utilizados quatro isolados do fungo Colletotrichum sp. provenientes de pimentão e um isolado de pimenta, obtidos de folhas e frutos doentes. As suspensões de inóculo foram preparadas na concentração de 1 x 106 conídios/ml, separadamente para cada isolado. Após ajustada a concentração das suspensões, estas foram misturadas, a fim de reduzir efeitos de possível variabilidade patogênica dos isolados. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com 20 repetições para plântulas e 15 repetições para frutos verdes destacados. Os ensaios foram conduzidos duas vezes. Nas inoculações das plântulas, foi adicionado 5% de caldo de cana à suspensão, como fonte exógena de energia ao patógeno. A inoculação nas plântulas foi realizada no estádio de primeira folha verdadeira completamente expandida, pela aspersão da suspensão de esporos até o ponto de escorrimento. As plântulas foram mantidas em câmara úmida por 24 horas antes e 72 horas após a inoculação. O ensaio foi instalado em sala climatizada com temperatura de 26 +/- 2°C e fotoperíodo de 12 horas. Foi avaliada a severidade de doença, usando uma escala de notas e também a incidência da doença, com base na percentagem de plântulas doentes. A inoculação nos frutos foi realizada pela deposição de uma gota de 20 µl da suspensão de esporos na parte mediana dos frutos. Posteriormente, com o auxílio de uma agulha entomológica, foi realizado um ferimento abaixo da gota. Os frutos inoculados foram mantidos em câmara úmida durante o período de avaliação. As avaliações foram realizadas pela mensuração do diâmetro médio das lesões, período latente, velocidade de crescimento da lesão e incidência. Baseando-se na avaliação dos frutos para classificação da reação, identificou-se apenas um acesso de C. annuum como resistente (n°233 Jalapeno), um de C. baccatum (n°222 BGH 4176) e dois de C. chinense (n°105 Bode e n°141 Pimenta n°2). Os demais acessos foram suscetíveis. Não houve correlação entre a reação de plântulas e frutos. As plântulas apresentaram menor quantidade de doença, em relação aos frutos. As progênies F3RC1 (3G, 4A, 4B, 4F, 4H, 5H, 6B, 6F, 8B, 8E, 8F, 9B, 9D, 9E, 9J, 10A, 13D, 13F, 14A, 14C, 16D, 16I, 17B, 19B) e as progênies F2RC2 (33F e 40G) não apresentaram lesões no estádio de frutos. Avançou-se geração nas progênies com reação de resistência em frutos, e suas populações F4RC1 e F3RC2 foram avaliadas no estádio de plântulas. Constatou-se variabilidade para a reação de antracnose nestas populações, com expressão de menor severidade e possibilidade de obter cultivares de pimentas e pimentões resistentes à antracnose. / Capsicum cultivation is an increasing activity in Brasil, and, in conseqüence, disease occurence is becoming more frequent. Anthracnose is the most common and desctructive disease of Capsicum in Brasil and other countries. Losses of 100% due to the disease are very frequent. Control of anthracnose using genetic resistance can be very suitable. The aim of this work was (i) to describe the reaction of 90 accesses of Capsicum annuum, 30 of C. baccatum, 16 of C. chinense and one of C. frutescens to anthracnose (ii) to establish the correlation of the reaction to anthracnose between seedlings and fruits of Capsicum and (iii) to evaluate the reaction to anthracnose of the progenies F3RC1 (C.annuum x C. chinense - resistant) x C. annuum and F2RC2 [(C. annuum x C. chinense - resistant) x C. annuum] x C. annuum. Four isolates of Colletotrichum sp. from pepper and one isolate from hot pepper were used for the inoculations, at a concentration of 1 x 106 spores/ml. After adjustment of the concentration of each suspension, they were mixed, in order to reduce possible effects of pathogenic variability among the isolates. The experimental design used was of completely randomized blocks with 20 and 15 replications for seedlings and green-ripe fruits inoculations, respectively. For the inoculation in seedlings, sugarcane juice at 5% was added to the spore suspensions, which were sprayed on the leaves of the seedlings at one-leaf stage. The seedlings were kept in a moist chamber for 24 hours before and 72 hours after the inoculation, at 26 +/-2°C and 12 hours photoperiod, inside a growth chamber. To evaluate anthracnose on the inoculated plants, disease incidence and disease severity were considered. The last variable was rated based on a 1 to 5 scale, according to the amount of disease on the seedlings. The fruits were inoculated with a 20 µl droplet of the spore suspensions. After depositing the inoculum, the fruits were wounded with a needle at the inoculation point and kept at 24 +/- 2°C, inside covered plastic containers. The evaluation was done based on lesions diameter, latent period, growth rate of lesions and incidence. The fruits evaluations were used for classifying the accesses reactions. Only one access of C. annuum (n°233 Jalapeno), one of C. baccatum (n°222 BGH 4176) and two of C. chinense (n°105 Bode and n°141 Pimenta n°2) were considered resistant. The remaining accesses varied in degrees of susceptibility. Positive correlation between levels of disease in seedlings and fruits were not significant. The seedlings showed less amount of disease in relation to fruits. The progenies 3G, 4A, 4B, 4F, 4H, 5H, 6B, 6F, 8B, 8E, 8F, 9B, 9D, 9E, 9J, 10A, 13D, 13F, 14A, 14C, 16D, 16I, 17B, 19B (population F3RC1) and 33F and 40G (F2RC2) did not show lesions at the fruit stage. Generations were advanced in this population and populations F4RC2 and F3RC2 were evaluated at seedling stage. These seedlings showed variability for reaction to anthracnose, with lower severity, suggesting possibility of selection for resistance in Capsicum varieties.
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Localização in situ e caracterização molecular da bactéria endossimbionte de Pleurotus ostreatus / In situ localization and molecular characterization of Pleurotus ostreatus endosymbiont bacteriaRicardo Yara 30 June 2006 (has links)
O fungo Pleurotus ostreatus pertence ao grupo de basidiomicetos que degradam madeira. Este cogumelo cultivado em todo mundo apresenta grande rusticidade e produtividade, e pode ainda ser usado em processos de biorremediação e biopolpação. Devido a seu potencial biotecnológico, torna-se interessante a compreensão da interação deste com outros microrganismos. Neste sentido, recentemente foi observada a presença de bactérias associadas a P. ostreatus em culturas in vitro, que apresentavam grande pleomorfismo. A partir desta observação foram elaborados ensaios que visaram a confirmação da presença de bactérias. Para tanto, foi utilizada a estratégia do Ciclo Completo de Análise do rRNA (full-cycle rRNA analysis) empregada em microrganismos não cultiváveis ou de crescimento fastidioso, além do emprego de técnicas de microbiologia básica, e de estudos de ultraestrutura. Os estudos de microbiologia básica indicaram que se tratava de um microrganismo fastidioso e que se desenvolvia melhor na presença do fungo em sistema de co-cultivo em meios contendo Tween 80 ou Tween 20. Por sua vez, a análise de ultraestrutura demonstrou a presença de estruturas pleomórficas, tanto internamente como externamente à hifa. Em relação ao Ciclo completo de Análise do rRNA este se iniciou pela amplificação e seqüenciamento de parte do rDNA bacteriano, que revelou a proximidade desta bactéria com o Complexo Burkholderia cepacia (CBC). A partir desta seqüência, foi realizado um estudo de bioinformática que indicou sondas específicas para este grupo de bactérias. Completando o Ciclo completo de Análise do rRNA, foram realizados ensaios de hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH) para a confirmar a relação entre as estruturas bacterianas e a seqüência obtida. Este método comprovou a presença das bactérias no interior das hifas de P. ostreatus. Este trabalho constitui o primeiro relato de bactérias pleomórficas pertencente ao complexo B. cepacia associados a P. ostreatus. / The fungus Pleurotus ostreatus, which belongs to white rot basidiomycete group, is a widely cultivated mushroom; this species has high productivity and rusticity, besides its use in biobleaching and bioremediation processes. This biotechnological potential justifies microbial interaction studies between this fungi and others microorganisms. In P. ostreatus mycelia, it has been observed pleomorphic bacteria growing on agar media. This research describes several assays to confirm bacterial presence in this sample. Therefore, the full-cycle rRNA analysis (described for unculturable or fastidious microorganism), ultrastructure and basic microbiology approaches were employed. Basic microbiology approaches indicated slow growing bacteria, which grown faster near to fungi colonies in solid media amended with Tween 80 or Tween 20 (co-culture system). Ultrastructure studies confirm the presence of intracellular and extracellular pleomorphic bacteria. The full-cycle rRNA analysis started with 16S rDNA amplification and sequencing. This approach demonstrated a relation between these bacteria with Burkholderia cepacia complex. By bioinformatics analysis was determinate which DNA probes can be use to identified this bacterial group. The last step for full-cycle rRNA analysis was applying fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). This technique confirmed the relationship between 16S rDNA bacterial sequence and bacterial forms. This is the first time that a pleomorphic bacteria from B. cepacia complex is found associated with P. ostreatus.
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Structure Elucidation and Biological Evaluation of a Novel Steroidal Saponin, Cholestanol Glucoside Isolated from Saraca Asoca Enodophytic Fuungus, Lasiodiplodia TheobromaeValayil, Jinu Mathew January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Although the molecular mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of cancer has been unraveled to a great extend, cancer continues to remain a leading cause of death around the world. Clinical efficacy of the existing anticancer drugs are largely compromised by the inherent and acquired resistance of cancer cell types and the severe side effects evoked by chemotherapeutic agents. Hence, the search for novel anticancer drugs with minimum side effects remains an active area of cancer research.
Although molecular targeted drugs are preferred over the conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy, the screening of natural compounds with cytotoxic potentialities continues as they can serve as lead structures for the development of tumor selective anticancer drugs. Plants and microorganisms have been the prominent sources of therapeutic agents. Microorganisms being readily renewable, inexhaustible sources of diverse bioactive secondary metabolites are preferred over plants as sources of bioactive compounds.
Endophytes are microorganisms that reside within the living tissue of host plant and they enhance the survival value of the host plant by mediating various stress tolerance mechanisms. Endophytic fungi have gained attention as potential sources of bioactive secondary metabolites following the discovery of a taxol producing endophytic fungus Taxomyces adrenae, from Taxus brevifolia. Moreover, endophytes occupy a unique biological niche in which they maintain a balanced interaction with the host organism and other co-inhabiting microorganisms. All these factors contribute to the chemical diversity of the metabolites they produce. Plants restricted to extreme or unique habitats or those with ethnobotanical value are likely to lodge endophytes that possess a unique hoard of secondarymetabolites. Saraca asoca is a traditionalmedicinal plant with its occurrence restricted to countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Burma and Malaysia. The purpose of the present study is to explore the endophytic fungal population associated with S. asoca in search of novel anticancer lead structures.
S. asoca was found to house a diverse endophytic fungal population belonging to 37 different species. Identification of the fungal isolates was based on ITS (internal transcribed spacer region) sequence analysis as well as colony and spore characteristics.
The organic extracts of all fungal species were assessed for their in vitro cytotoxicities in three human cancer cell lines, HeLa, HepG2 and PC3 byMTT assay.
18 species exhibited remarkable cytotoxic activities, among which Pestalotiopsis sp. 6 exhibited themost significant cytotoxicity. The strain with second highest activity was Lasiodiplodia theobromae. In order to identify the active principle present in the organic extracts of Pestalotiopsis sp. 6 and L. theobromae, the organic extracts were chromatographed on TLC plates and individual compounds were recovered by scraping off from the TLC plates and extracting with methanol.
The cytotoxicity assay of the TLC purified compounds suggested the cytotoxic activity of Pestalotiopsis sp.6 to be a synergetic effect of two or more compounds whereas the cytotoxicity of L. theobromae organic extract was largely due to a single compound. Hence the active principle present in L. theobromae organic extract was purified by bioassay - guided column chromatography. Repeated chromatography of the crude extract using three silica gel columns resulted in the isolation of anticancer compound. Based on the analysis of ESI-MS, IR, NMR and UV spectral data, the isolated compound was identified as a novel steroidal saponin, cholestan-3-O-¯-Dglucopyranoside (cholestanol glucoside - CG).
The in vitro cytotoxic effects of CG towards seven human cancer cell lines, HeLa, HepG2, PC3, U251,MCF 7, OVCAR3 and A549 were examined. Among the cell lines screened, HeLa cells weremost vulnerable to CG treatment, with an IC50 value of 3.2 ¹M. Hence themode of cell death induction in HeLa cells by CG was further investigated.
Analysis of cell cycle progression by propidium iodide (PI) staining revealed that CG arrests the cells in S phase of cell cycle prior to the induction of cell death. The morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis were investigated by nuclear staining, DNA fragmentation assay and Annexin V-FITC/ PI dual staining. All these results suggested that CG effectively induced apoptosis in HeLa cells in a concentration dependent manner. It was also found that CG treatment induced remarkable ROS generation and mitochondrial membrane potential loss. The pretreatment of cells with an antioxidant, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), blocked CG induced ROS generation, mitochondrialmembrane depolarization and apoptotic cell death. Hence it could be concluded that CG kills the cancer cells by augmenting their basal oxidative stress and hence is less likely to be toxic to normal cells. Moreover, a high Bax to Bcl-2 ratio, high levels of Apaf-1 and p53, activation of procaspase-3 and procaspase-9 and cleavage of PARP were observed in CG treated HeLa cells. Taken together, our results suggested that CG induced apoptosis in HeLa cells via ROS mediated mitochondria dependent pathway.
Biosynthesis of secondarymetabolites by filamentous fungi is influenced by the availability of nutrient factors. Therefore, it is essential to optimize the culturemedium components to ensure a maximum and consistent yield of desired metabolite by the fungal isolate. We designed a chemically defined production medium for CG production by L. theobromae. Carbon source, nitrogen source and microelements in the production medium were further optimized in stationary flask cultures to improve the mycelial growth and yield of CG by L. theobromae. The conventional one-factor at a time (OFAT)method was employed for the optimization of carbon and nitrogen sourceswhose contribution effects towards the final yield are large. Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed for the optimization of microelements.
Optimization of culturemedium enhanced the yield of CG from 10mg L¡1 to 50mg L¡1. Various secondarymetabolites are produced by organisms in response to different stress conditions. This knowledge has been exploited in plant cell culture systems to increase the yield of particular secondary metabolites by artificial implementation of stress conditions. We investigated the effect of oxidative, osmotic and heat shock stresses on the production of CG by L. theobromae. Heat shock and osmotic stresses in liquid cultures were found to enhance the yield of CG by 1.2-fold, relative to the controls. Oxidative stress by both menadione and H2O2 enhanced the yield by 1.8-fold compared to the controls. Thus oxidative stress proved to be an efficient enhancer of CG production by L. theobromae. These findings ensure a large scale, cost-effective production of CG.
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Metabolismo de 3\',5\' - monofosfato cíclico de adenosina durante o ciclo evolutivo de Blastocladiella emersonii / Metabolism of 3\',5\'- cyclic adenosine monophosphate during the evolutive cycle of Blastocladiella emersoniiSuely Lopes Gomes 15 October 1976 (has links)
Foram estudadas as enzimas implicadas no metabolismo de cAMP, bem como as variações na concentração deste nucleotídeo cíclico e na atividade de adenilato ciclase durante o ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. Demonstrou-se que os zoósporos contêm enzimas específicas e distintas para a hidrólise de cAMP e cGMP. Existe apenas uma espécie molecular da cAMP fosfodiesterase, que hidrolisa cAMP a 5\'-AMP com um Km aparente de 2-4 µM; a presença de cGMP nas misturas de reação, não altera as propriedades cinéticas da enzima. A adenilato ciclase de B. emersonii é uma enzima particulada, provavelmente ligada à membrana plasmática do zoósporo, que exige especificamente Mn2+ para sua atividade. A enzima não é ativada por NaF, catecolaminas ou outros compostos de estrutura semelhante. O estudo das propriedades cinéticas da adenilato ciclase sugere um modelo simples no qual o verdadeiro substrato da enzima é o complexo MnATP2- e tanto ATP corno Mn2+ , nas suas formas livres, competem com o complexo pelo sítio catalítico da enzima, que apresenta uma afinidade maior pelas formas livres do que pelo complexo MnATP2-. A atividade especifica da adenilato ciclase, determinada durante o ciclo biológico do fungo, mostra-se elevada nos zoósporos, cai lentamente durante a germinação e permanece baixa em todo o período de crescimento, só voltando a apresentar um aumento na atividade após a indução da esporulação. Quando este processo e induzido na presença de cicloheximida, a atividade permanece baixa, sugerindo que a enzima é sintetizada \"de novo\" nesta fase do ciclo evolutivo. A concentração intracelular de cAMP foi também determinada nas várias fases do ciclo biológico de B. emersonii. No zoósporo encontrou-se um valor médio de 33 pmoles cAMP/mg proteína. Durante a germinação, os níveis de cAMP aumentam, atingindo um máximo (~ 100 pmoles/mg proteína)quando a quase totalidade dos zoósporos se transformou em esferócitos. A partir daí observou-se um declínio gradual nos níveis de cAMP, que permanecem baixos durante toda a fase de crescimento, voltando a elevar-se na fase final da esporulação até alcançar o nível de zoósporo. O grande aumento na concentração intracelular de cAMP na fase de esferócitos é parcialmente explicado pela predominância da atividade de adenilato ciclase sobre a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase neste período; a possibilidade de uma ativação \"in vivo\" da adenilato ciclase, neste estágio do ciclo, não pode ser excluída. A queda nos níveis de cAMP que ocorre na passagem de esferócito a gérmen, numa fase onde a atividade de cAMP fosfodiesterase já e muito baixa, é devido principalmente a excreção deste nucleotídio cíclico para o meio extracelular. O grande aumento nos níveis de cAMP durante a transição de zoósporo a esferócito pode estar relacionado com a ativação metabólica ocorrendo nesta fase e pode também refletir uma característica de sistemas em diferenciação, isto é, a necessidade de altos níveis de cAMP para a transição entre dois estados celulares diferenciados. / The enzymes involved in the metabolism of cAMP have been studied, as well as the fluctuations in the concentration of this cyclic nucleotide and in the adenylate cyclase activity during the life cycle of B. emersonii. Zoospores were shown to contain independent specific enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP. A single molecular species was found for the cAMP phosphodiesterase activity, which catalyses the hydrolysis of cAMP to 5\'-AMP. This enzyme displays normal Michaelis kinetics with an apparent Km of 2-4 µM; the addition of cGMP to the reaction mixtures does not modify the kinetic properties of the enzyme. Adenylate cyclase activity in B. emersonii is associated with particulate subcellular fractions, most probably bound to the zoospore plasma membrane. The activity requires Mn2+ and it is not activated by NaF, cathecolamines or other related compounds. The enzyme substrate is the MnATP2- complex and the kinetic data obtained studying the adenylate cyclase activity can be explained by a simple model where free ATP and Mn2+ compete with MnATP2- for the catalytic site of the enzyme, the affinity for MnATP2- being lower than for free Mn2+ and ATP. The specific activity of adenylate cyclase has been determined throughout the fungus life cycle. The enzyme activity is high in zoospores, falls slowly during germination remaining low at the growth phase and rising again during the later stage of sporulation. When this process is induced in the presence of cycloheximide, there is no increase in adenylate cyclase activity, suggesting that \"de novo\" synthesis of the enzyme occurs at this stage. Fluctuations in the intracellular levels of cAMP during the cell cycle of B. emersonii have also been shown. Zoospores contain an average concentration of 33 pmoles cAMP/mg protein. During germination, a significant increase in the cAMP levels is observed, reaching a maximum (ca. 100 pmoles/mg protein) when the majority of the zoospores have changed into round cells. From then on a gradual decline in the cAMP levels is observed. During the growth phase the cAMP contents of the cells remain low, increasing again late in the sporulation stage. The large increase in the intracellular concentration of cAMP in the round cell phase is partially explained by the predominance of adenylate cyclase activity over cAMP phosphodiesterase activity (during this stage); the possibility of an \"in vivo\" activation of the adenylate cyclase during this period, however, cannot be excluded. The decrease in the cAMP levels occurring during the passage of round cells to germlings, in a stage where cAMP phosphodiesterase activity is negligible, is mainly due to the excretion of this cyclic nucleotide to the extracellular medium. The rise in cAMP contents during encystment might be related to the activation of metabolism occurring in this phase and may also reflect a characteristic of differentiating systems, that is, high cAMP levels being necessary for a differentiative transition.
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Biological control of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae) by an endophytic fungus (Acremonium alternatum)Auer, Susann 18 August 2015 (has links)
The biological control of plant pests with beneficial microbes has become increasingly important over the last decades. Soil microbes such as fungi and bacteria colonise the roots of plants and promote their growth. Some beneficial microbes can trigger a weak plant defence response that enhances the immune response of the plant at subsequent pathogen attacks and therefore increase the resistance of the plant to other invaders. This mechanism is called “priming”.
While biocontrol agents are applied against a variety of plant pests fundamental knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of plant-microbe interactions is still lacking. Especially molecular studies on the role of resistance genes in the interaction of plants with beneficial endophytic fungi are rare.
In this study it was investigated how the fungal biocontrol agent Acremonium alternatum affects the development of the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae within the plant host Arabidopsis thaliana. Clubroot is a devastating disease in crop plants such as cabbage and rapeseed and causes abnormal root growth that leads to so called “club roots”. P. brassicae develops within the plant roots and forms resting spores that are very durable and stay infective in soils for up to 2 decades. The control of clubroot by chemical means is difficult and the disease continues to spread on all continents and was also found in Saxony, Germany in recent years.
In 2 preliminary studies the co-inoculation of clubroot plants with the fungus A. alternatum resulted in reduced clubroot symptoms in Chinese cabbage and Arabidopsis. It was therefore hypothesised that A. alternatum induces resistance mechanisms in the plant and thus enhances immunity.
The focus of this study was to test this hypothesis by carrying out expression analyses on root tissue of infected Arabidopsis plants. For this the plants were inoculated with spores of P. brassicae and A. alternatum before RNA was extracted from the roots, followed by cDNA synthesis and quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). A microarray of root tissue of infected Arabidopsis plants was carried out to depict the events at the stage of initial root hair infection with the clubroot pathogen. The findings from the gene expression analyses were verified for 2 genes with Arabidopsis mutants that are defective in the respective gene and with 2 overexpressor lines.
Clubroot symptoms were assessed by rating the root galls according to their stage of development. The overall plant health was further evaluated by recording the developmental stage of the plants (generative vs. vegetative), stem lengths and plant biomass. In addition, 2 local varieties of the economically important crop plant rapeseed (Brassica napus var. Ability and var. Visby) were investigated with qRT-PCR and by recording the disease parameters just described.
A second goal of this study was to assess the general biocontrol potential of the yet relatively unknown endophyte A. alternatum in terms of enzymatic activity and competitive behaviour against other phytopathogenic fungi. The potential of this fungus for the use in integrative pest management was investigated. The results presented here are novel findings for this fungus and have not been studied before.
The microarray from Arabidopsis roots revealed that the clubroot pathogen P. brassicae suppresses its recognition by pathogen receptors of the plant and thus prevents the host to induce resistance mechanisms. The fungus A. alternatum boosted the level of the pathogen recognition-related genes BAK1 and FLS2 and thus helped to establish early plant defence responses. PCR analyses confirmed that these early responses led to salicylic acid-dependent resistance in the plants which was maintained for several days as shown by elevated levels of the PATHOGENESIS-RELATED gene PR1. Marker genes for an alternative resistance pathway that is mediated over the plant signals jasmonate and ethylene were not activated in Arabidopsis.
The co-inoculation of Arabidopsis plants with the endophyte A. alternatum resulted in a significant reduction of clubroot symptoms by up to 24%. In rapeseed the reduction of disease symptoms was 19% and 28% when the plants were treated with a crude cell wall extract of A. alternatum before inoculation with the clubroot pathogen. PCR analyses from Arabidopsis showed a strong response of pathogen recognition genes to the cell wall extract and spores of the endophytic fungus. In rapeseed all of the investigated pathogen recognition genes were upregulated after the endophyte treatment but not with the clubroot pathogen. Together with the PCR results from the microarray these findings suggest that A. alternatum primes its host plant and enhances the resistance of the plant towards P. brassicae. In addition, the fungus increased biomass, stem lengths and survival rates of clubroot-infected plants.
In vitro tests revealed that the endophyte can solubilise phosphate and is not very competitive against other phytopathogenic fungi such as Aspergillus or Fusarium which is likely an effect of the relatively slow growth of the endophyte on agar plates.
From this study it can be concluded that i) the fungus Acremonium alternatum induces resistance mechanisms in Arabidopsis and 2 Brassica napus cultivars and facilitates the recognition of the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae; ii) that Arabidopsis and Brassica react differently to this beneficial microbe, a fact that has been observed for Plasmodiophora and other microorganisms as well; iii) living spores are not necessary for clubroot biocontrol in rapeseed as a crude cell wall extract reduces symptoms more efficiently.
Overall the endophyte A. alternatum is a very promising candidate for the use in integrative pest management in plant strengtheners or as biocontrol agent. / Die biologische Kontrolle von Pflanzenkrankheiten gewinnt zunehmend an Bedeutung. Bodenbewohnende Mikroben wie Pilze oder Bakterien kolonisieren die Wurzeln von Pflanzen und fördern deren Wachstum. Einige dieser förderlichen Mikroben aktivieren eine schwache Abwehrreaktion in der Pflanze die sich verstärkt bei einer weiteren Infektion mit einem Krankheitserreger. Dieser Mechanismus, den man “Priming” nennt, führt zu einer verbesserten Resistenz der Pflanze gegenüber Pflanzenpathogenen.
Obwohl natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfer bereits gegen eine Vielzahl an Krankheiten eingesetzt werden, weiss man über grundsätzliche molekulare Mechanismen dieser Pflanzen-Mikroben-Interaktionen nur wenig. Besonders die Rolle von Resistenzgenen ist bisher wenig erforscht, welche bei der Beziehung zwischen Pilzen und Pflanzen eine Rolle spielen.
In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum die Entwicklung des Krankheitserregers Plasmodiophora brassicae in der Pflanze Arabidopsis thaliana beeinflusst. Die Kohlhernie, ausgelöst von P. brassicae, ist eine verheerende Krankheit die u. a. bei Kohl und Raps auftritt und Wurzelgallen, so genannte “Hernien”, hervorruft. Der Krankheitserreger entwickelt sich im Wurzelsystem der Pflanze und bildet Dauersporen, die bis zu 20 Jahre lang im Boden infektiös überdauern können.
Ein Eindämmen der Krankheit mit Pflanzenschutzmitteln ist durch den komplexen Lebenslauf des Erregers sehr schwierig, das führte zu einer weltweiten Verbreitung der Kohlhernie. Auch in Sachsen wurden in den letzten Jahren Fälle von Kohlhernie gemeldet. Wie 2 Studien zeigen, führt die Ko-Inokulation von Kohlhernie-erkrankten Pflanzen mit A. alternatum zu einer Verringerung der Symptome in Chinakohl und Arabidopsis. Es wurde daher die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass der Pilz Resistenzmechanismen in der Pflanze anschaltet und damit ihre Immunität erhöht.
Um diese Hypothese zu testen, wurden in der hier vorliegenden Studie Genexpressionsanalysen an infizierten Arabidopsiswurzeln durchgeführt. Dafür wurden die Pflanzen zunächst mit Sporen des Kohlhernieerregers und des Pilzes inokuliert, es wurde RNA aus den Wurzeln extrahiert, in cDNA umgeschrieben und diese mittels quantitativer Reverse-Transkriptase-Polymerasenkettenreaktion (RT-qPCR) untersucht. Ein Microarray von Wurzeln infizierter Pflanzen wurde durchgeführt um die Ereignisse abzubilden, die sich zeitnah nach der Infektion in den Wurzeln abspielen. Die Ergebnisse der Genexpressionsanalysen wurden dann an Arabidopsismutanten, die einen Gendefekt im jeweiligen Gen haben, und an Überexprimierer-Pflanzen verifiziert.
Kohlherniesymptome an Pflanzen wurden durch eine Kategorisierung der Schadsymptome erfasst. Die allgemeine Pflanzengesundheit sowie der Entwicklungsstand der Pflanze, Stengellängen und das Frischgewicht wurden bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurden 2 Rapssorten, die in Sachsen angebaut werden, untersucht im Hinblick auf die Krankheitsenwicklung und die Reguation von Abwehrgenen.
Ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war es das Biokontrollpotential des bisher schlecht untersuchten Pilzes A. alternatum zu bestimmen. Dazu wurde in vitro die Enzymaktivität des Pilzes getestet sowie seine Konkurrenzfähigkeit gegenüber anderen pflanzenpathogenen Pilzen. Das Potential des Pilzes für die Anwendung im integrierten Pflanzenschutz wurde getestet. Die hier präsentieren Ergebnisse stellen neue Erkenntnisse dar, die für diesen Pilz noch nie untersucht wurden. Der Microarray von Arabidopsiswurzeln zeigte, dass der Kohlhernieerregers die Erkennung durch die Pflanze verhindert und damit Abwehrmechanismen verhindert. Der Pilz A. alternatum förderte die Aktivität der pflanzlichen Erkennungsrezeptoren FLS2 und BAK1 und setzte damit die Erkennung von P. brassicae in Gang. PCR-Analysen ergaben, dass diese früh induzierten Abwehrmechanismen zu einer systemischen Resistenz in der Pflanze führte durch die Aktivierung des Pathogenese-relevanten Gens PR1. Genmarker, die die Aktivität eines alternativen, von Jasmonat und Ethylen vermittelten Abwehrweges anzeigen, waren nicht ativiert.
Die Ko-Inokulation von Arabidopsis mit dem Endophyten führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Krankheitssymptome um 24%. In Raps betrug die Reduktion 19% und 24% wenn die Pflanzen vor der Kohlhernie-Infektion mit einem Zellwandextrakt des Pilzes behandelt wurden. Mittels PCR konnte gezeigt werden, dass Gene für das Erkennen von Pathogenen in der Wurzel von Arabidopsis auf den Zellwandextrakt und Sporen des Pilzes reagieren. In Raps wurden alle der untersuchten Erkennungsgene aufreguliert nach der Infektion mit A. alternatum, nicht jedoch bei der Infektion mit P. brassicae.
Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass der endophytische Pilz A. alternatum die Wirtspflanze auf eine folgende Infektion vorbereitet (Priming) und systemische Abwehr-mechanismen in der Pflanze induziert, wenn diese mit Kohlhernie infiziert ist. Außerdem treibt der Pilz das Sprosswachstum voran, erhöht die Biomasse und fördert das Überleben von Kohlhernie-infizierten Pflanzen. In vitro-Tests ergaben, dass der Endophyt Kalziumphosphat löslich machen kann und wenig kompetitiv gegenüber Pflanzenpathogenen wie Aspergillus oder Fusarium ist. Dies ist vermutlich mit dem langsameren Wachstum des Endophyten im Gegensatz zu den anderen Pilzen zu erklären.
Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lassen sich folgende Schlüsse ziehen: i) der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum induziert Resistenzmechanismen in Arabidopsis und Raps und und fördert die Erkennung des Kohlhernieerregers Plasmodiophora brassicae; ii) Arabidopsis und Raps reagieren unterschiedlich auf diesen förderlichen Pilz, ein solcher Unterschied wurde bereits für Plasmodiophora und andere Mikroben beschrieben; iii) lebende Sporen des Pilzes sind nicht notwendig um Krankheitssymptome der Kohlhernie in Raps zu verringern, ein Zellwandextrakt von A. alternatum ist dafür besser geeignet.
Ganz allgemein lässt sich sagen, dass der endophytische Pilz Acremonium alternatum ein sehr vielversprechender Kandidat ist für den Einsatz im integrierten Pflanzenschutz in Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln oder als Biokontrollorganismus.
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