Spelling suggestions: "subject:"false alarm rate"" "subject:"valse alarm rate""
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A game theoretic analysis of adaptive radar jammingBachmann, Darren John Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Advances in digital signal processing (DSP) and computing technology have resulted in the emergence of increasingly adaptive radar systems. It is clear that the Electronic Attack (EA), or jamming, of such radar systems is expected to become a more difficult task. The reason for this research was to address the issue of jamming adaptive radar systems. This required consideration of adaptive jamming systems and the development of a methodology for outlining the features of such a system is proposed as the key contribution of this thesis. For the first time, game-based optimization methods have been applied to a maritime counter-surveillance/counter-targeting scenario involving conventional, as well as so-called ‘smart’ noise jamming.Conventional noise jamming methods feature prominently in the origins of radar electronic warfare, and are still widely implemented. They have been well studied, and are important for comparisons with coherent jamming techniques.Moreover, noise jamming is more readily applied with limited information support and is therefore germane to the problem of jamming adaptive radars; during theearly stages when the jammer tries to learn about the radar’s parameters and its own optimal actions.A radar and a jammer were considered as informed opponents ‘playing’ in a non-cooperative two-player, zero-sum game. The effects of jamming on the target detection performance of a radar using Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)processing were analyzed using a game theoretic approach for three cases: (1) Ungated Range Noise (URN), (2) Range-Gated Noise (RGN) and (3) False-Target (FT) jamming.Assuming a Swerling type II target in the presence of Rayleigh-distributed clutter, utility functions were described for Cell-Averaging (CA) and Order Statistic (OS) CFAR processors and the three cases of jamming. The analyses included optimizations of these utility functions, subject to certain constraints, with respectto control variables (strategies) in the jammer, such as jammer power and spatial extent of jamming, and control variables in the radar, such as threshold parameter and reference window size. The utility functions were evaluated over the players’ strategy sets and the resulting matrix-form games were solved for the optimal or ‘best response’ strategies of both the jammer and the radar.
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Adaptive PN Code Acquisition Using Smart Antennas with Adaptive Threshold Scheme for DS-CDMA SystemsLin, Yi-kai 27 August 2007 (has links)
In general, PN code synchronization consists of two steps: PN code acquisition (coarse alignment) and PN code tracking (fine alignment), to estimate the delay offset between received and locally generated codes. Recently, the schemes with a joint adaptive process of PN code acquisition and the weight coefficients of smart antenna have been proposed for improving the received signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and simultaneously achieving better mean-acquisition-time (MAT) performance in direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) systems. In which, the setting of the threshold plays an important role on the MAT performance. Often, the received SINR is varying, using the fixed threshold acquisition algorithms may result in undesirable performance. To improve the above problem, in this thesis, a new adaptive threshold scheme is devised in a joint adaptive code acquisition and beam-forming DS-CDMA receiver for code acquisition under a fading multipath and additive white Gaussian-noise (AWGN) channels. The basic idea of this new adaptive threshold scheme is to estimate the averaged output power of smart antenna to scale a reference threshold for each observation interval, such that it can approximately achieve a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) criteria. The system probabilities of the proposed scheme are derived for evaluating MAT under a slowly fading two-paths channels. Numerical analyses and simulation results demonstrate that the proposed adaptive threshold scheme does achieve better performance, in terms of the output SINR, the detection probability and the MAT, compared to a fixed threshold method.
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A game theoretic analysis of adaptive radar jammingBachmann, Darren John Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Advances in digital signal processing (DSP) and computing technology have resulted in the emergence of increasingly adaptive radar systems. It is clear that the Electronic Attack (EA), or jamming, of such radar systems is expected to become a more difficult task. The reason for this research was to address the issue of jamming adaptive radar systems. This required consideration of adaptive jamming systems and the development of a methodology for outlining the features of such a system is proposed as the key contribution of this thesis. For the first time, game-based optimization methods have been applied to a maritime counter-surveillance/counter-targeting scenario involving conventional, as well as so-called ‘smart’ noise jamming.Conventional noise jamming methods feature prominently in the origins of radar electronic warfare, and are still widely implemented. They have been well studied, and are important for comparisons with coherent jamming techniques.Moreover, noise jamming is more readily applied with limited information support and is therefore germane to the problem of jamming adaptive radars; during theearly stages when the jammer tries to learn about the radar’s parameters and its own optimal actions.A radar and a jammer were considered as informed opponents ‘playing’ in a non-cooperative two-player, zero-sum game. The effects of jamming on the target detection performance of a radar using Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR)processing were analyzed using a game theoretic approach for three cases: (1) Ungated Range Noise (URN), (2) Range-Gated Noise (RGN) and (3) False-Target (FT) jamming.Assuming a Swerling type II target in the presence of Rayleigh-distributed clutter, utility functions were described for Cell-Averaging (CA) and Order Statistic (OS) CFAR processors and the three cases of jamming. The analyses included optimizations of these utility functions, subject to certain constraints, with respectto control variables (strategies) in the jammer, such as jammer power and spatial extent of jamming, and control variables in the radar, such as threshold parameter and reference window size. The utility functions were evaluated over the players’ strategy sets and the resulting matrix-form games were solved for the optimal or ‘best response’ strategies of both the jammer and the radar.
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Performance analysis of cognitive radio networks and radio resource allocationSuliman, I. M. (Isameldin Mohammed) 01 July 2016 (has links)
Cognitive radio (CR) is becoming a promising tool for solving the problem of the scarce radio resource and spectrum inefficiency. Spectrum sensing (signal detection) enables real-time detection of spectrum holes by unlicensed secondary users (SUs) in cognitive radio networks (CRNs). In this thesis, performance analysis of CRNs and radio resource allocation are considered. A continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) based analytical model taking into account all relevant elements as well as addressing the issue of the false alarm rate (FAR) associated with the continuous sensing is developed.
In some cases, the PU can be modeled as time-slotted with constant state (transmitting or not) in each slot. In this case, assuming SU can synchronize to the slots, its intuitive to use beginning of a slot for sensing and rest (possibly) for communication. For this model, M/D/1 priority queueing scheme has been applied in this thesis to find waiting time and queue length for PU and SU.
Multiple access among SUs in a time-slotted channel is considered next. A conventional method is e.g. using a channel access probability ψ in each slot similar to the slotted ALOHA. A radically new idea is introduced in this thesis: why not increase the false alarm probability PFA of each SU and use it as a multiple access method?
A game theoretic approach to radio resource allocation for the downlink capacity providing fair resource sharing among mobile nodes located along a multihop link is presented. Furthermore, the problem of resource allocations in heterogeneous wireless networks is also studied.
Finally, device-to-device (D2D) communication - with localized distribution, where users tend to gather around some areas (clusters/hot-spots) within the cell such as buildings is studied. Theoretical analysis with two dimensional clustering is presented including cases with correlated clusters. Correlation in cluster selection is shown to significantly improve performance. / Tiivistelmä
Kognitiivinen radio (CR) on nousemassa lupaavaksi työkaluksi niukkojen radioresurssien ja spektrin käytön tehottomuuden ratkaisemisessa. Spektrin nuuskiminen (signaalin ilmaisu) mahdollistaa spektriaukkojen reaaliaikaisen tunnistamisen toissijaisten käyttäjien (SU) toimesta kognitiivisissa radioverkoissa (CRN). Tässä väitöskirjassa painotus on CRN verkkojen suorituskykyanalyysissa ja radioresurssien hallinnassa. Työssä kehitetään jatkuva-aikaiseen Markov ketjuun (CTMC) perustuva analyyttinen malli joka ottaa huomioon kaikki olennaiset asiat mukaan lukien jatkuva-aikaiseen spektrin nuuskimiseen liittyvän väärien hälytysten tiheyden (FAR).
Joissakin tapauksissa PU:ta voidaan mallintaa aikajaoteltuna siten että PU:n tila on vakio kussakin aikavälissä. Olettaen että SU voi synkronoitua aikaväleihin, on intuitiivista käyttää aikavälin alkua nuuskimiselle ja loppuosaa (mahdollisesti) viestintää varten. M/D/1:n ensisijaisuus-jonotus-suunnitelmaa soveltamalla tässä väitöskirjassa saadaan tuloksia odotusajalle ja jonon pituudelle sekä SU:lle että PU:lle.
Seuraavaksi käsitellään monikäyttöä SU:den joukossa aikajaotellussa kanavassa. Tavanomainen menetelmä käyttää esimerkiksi kanavapääsytodennäköisyyttä ψ kussakin aikavälissä vastaten aikajaoteltua ALOHA protokollaa. Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetään radikaali uusi idea: miksei lisätä väärän hälytyksen todennäköisyyttä kussakin SU:ssa ja käytetä sitä moniliittymämenetelmänä?
Työssä esitetään peliteoreettinen lähestymistapa radioresurssien allokointiin siten että resurssit jaetaan oikeudenmukaisesti monen yhteysvälin linkeissä. Lisäksi tutkitaan myös resursoinnin ongelmaa heterogeenisissa langattomissa verkoissa.
Lopuksi tutkitaan laitteiden välistä suoraa viestintää (D2D) paikallisen jakauman kanssa, jossa käyttäjillä on tapana kasaantua solun sisällä esim. rakennuksiin. Esitetään teoreettinen analyysi kaksiulotteisella klusteroinnilla myös korreloitujen ryhmien kanssa. Osoitetaan että korrelaatio ryhmän valinnassa parantavaa merkittävästi suorituskykyä.
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EEG Data acquisition and automatic seizure detection using wavelet transforms in the newborn EEG.Zarjam, Pega January 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of newborn seizre detection from the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. The ultimate goal is to design an automated seizure detection system to assist the medical personnel in timely seizure detection. Seizure detection is vital as neurological diseases or dysfunctions in newborn infants are often first manifested by seizure and prolonged seizures can result in impaired neuro-development or even fatality. The EEG has proved superior to clinical examination of newborns in early detection and prognostication of brain dysfunctions. However, long-term newborn EEG signals acquisition is considerably more difficult than that of adults and children. This is because, the number of the electrodes attached to the skin is limited by the size of the head, the newborns EEGs vary from day to day, and the newborns are reluctant of being in the recording situation. Also, the movement of the newborn can create artifact in the recording and as a result strongly affect the electrical seizure recognition. Most of the existing methods for neonates are either time or frequency based, and, therefore, do not consider the non-stationarity nature of the EEG signal. Thus, notwithstanding the plethora of existing methods, this thesis applies the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to account for the non-stationarity of the EEG signals. First, two methods for seizure detection in neonates are proposed. The detection schemes are based on observing the changing behaviour of a number of statistical quantities of the wavelet coefficients (WC) of the EEG signal at different scales. In the first method, the variance and mean of the WC are considered as a feature set to dassify the EEG data into seizure and non-seizure. The test results give an average seizure detection rate (SDR) of 97.4%. In the second method, the number of zero-crossings, and the average distance between adjacent extrema of the WC of certain scales are extracted to form a feature set. The test obtains an average SDR of 95.2%. The proposed feature sets are both simple to implement, have high detection rate and low false alarm rate. Then, in order to reduce the complexity of the proposed schemes, two optimising methods are used to reduce the number of selected features. First, the mutual information feature selection (MIFS) algorithm is applied to select the optimum feature subset. The results show that an optimal subset of 9 features, provides SDR of 94%. Compared to that of the full feature set, it is clear that the optimal feature set can significantly reduce the system complexity. The drawback of the MIFS algorithm is that it ignores the interaction between features. To overcome this drawback, an alternative algorithm, the mutual information evaluation function (MIEF) is then used. The MIEF evaluates a set of candidate features extracted from the WC to select an informative feature subset. This function is based on the measurement of the information gain and takes into consideration the interaction between features. The performance of the proposed features is evaluated and compared to that of the features obtained using the MIFS algorithm. The MIEF algorithm selected the optimal 10 features resulting an average SDR of 96.3%. It is also shown, an average SDR of 93.5% can be obtained with only 4 features when the MIEF algorithm is used. In comparison with results of the first two methods, it is shown that the optimal feature subsets improve the system performance and significantly reduce the system complexity for implementation purpose.
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[pt] A probabilidade de alarme falso, alfa, dos gráficos de controle de processos depende dos seus limites de controle, que, por sua vez, dependem de estimativas dos parâmetros do processo. Esta tese apresenta inicialmente uma revisão dos principais trabalhos sobre o efeito dos erros de estimação dos parâmetros do processo sobre alfa quando se utiliza o gráfico de X e S individualmente e em conjunto. O desempenho dos gráficos é medido através de medidas de desempenho (número médio de amostras até o sinal, taxa de alarme falso, distribuição do número de amostras até o sinal, que, em geral, são variáveis aleatórias, função dos erros de estimação. Pesquisas recentes têm focado nas propriedades da distribuição condicional do número de amostras até o sinal, ou ainda, nas propriedades da distribuição da taxa de alarme-falso
condicional. Esta tese adota esta abordagem condicional e analisa o efeito da estimação dos parâmetros do processo no desempenho conjunto dos gráficos de X e S em dois casos: Caso KU (Média conhecida – Variância desconhecida) e Caso UU (Média desconhecida – Variância desconhecida). A quase totalidade
dos trabalhos anteriores considerou apenas um gráfico, isoladamente; sobre efeito da estimação dos parâmetros sobre o desempenho conjunto conhecemos apenas um trabalho, sobre gráficos de X e R, mas nenhum sobre gráficos de X e S. Os resultados da análise mostram que o desempenho dos gráficos pode
ser muito afetado pela estimação de parâmetros e que o número de amostras iniciais requerido para garantir um desempenho desejado é muito maior que os números tradicionalmente recomendados na literatura normativa de controle estatístico de processo (livros texto e manuais). Esse número é, porém, menor que o máximo entre os números requeridos para os gráficos de X e de S individualmente. Questões a serem investigadas como desdobramento dessa pesquisa são também indicadas nas Considerações Finais e Recomendações. / [en] The false-alarm rate of control charts, alpha, depends on the control limits calculated, which depend, in turn, on the estimated process parameters. This dissertation initially presents a review of the main research articles about the effect of the estimation errors of the process parameters upon alpha when X and S charts are used separately and together. The charts performance is evaluated through performance measures (average run-length, false-alarm rate, run-length distribution, etc), which are, in general, random variables, function of the estimation errors. Recent researches focused on the properties of the conditional run-length, or still (in the case of Shewhart charts) on the properties of the conditional false-alarm rate distribution. This dissertation adopts this conditional approach and investigates the effect of parameter estimation on the joint behavior of X and S charts in two cases: KU Case (Known mean – Unknown variance) and UU Case (Unknown mean - Unknown variance). Almost all previous works considered just only one chart separately – just only one joint performance work is known by the author, one about the effect of the estimation errors of the process parameters upon X e R joint performance. The results show that the charts performance can be severely affected by the parameter estimation and the number of initial samples required to ensure the desirable performance is greater than the numbers of initial samples recommended by traditional statistical process control reference texts (books and manuals). This number is, however, smaller than the maximum between the numbers of samples required by the X and the S charts separately. Additional issues for follow-up research are recommended in the concluding section.
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Evaluation of FMCW Radar Jamming SensitivitySnihs, Ludvig January 2023 (has links)
In this work, the interference sensitivity of an FMCW radar has been evaluated by studying the impact on a simulated detection chain. A commercially available FMCW radar was first characterized and its properties then laid the foundation for a simulation model implemented in Matlab. Different interference methods have been studied and a selection was made based on the results of previous research. One method aims to inject a sufficiently large amount of energy in the form of pulsed noise into the receiver. The second method aims to deceive the radar into seeing targets that do not actually exist by repeating the transmitted signal and thus giving the radar a false picture of its surroundings. The results show that if it is possible to synchronize with the transmitted signal then repeater jamming can be effective in misleading the radar. In one scenario the false target even succeeded in hiding the real target by exploiting the Cell-Averaging CFAR detection algorithm. The results suggests that without some smart countermeasures the radar has no way of distinguishing a coherent repeater signal, but just how successful the repeater is in creating a deceptive environment is highly dependent on the detection algorithm used. Pulsed noise also managed to disrupt the radar and with a sufficiently high pulse repetition frequency the detector could not find any targets despite a simulated object in front of the radar. On the other hand, a rather significant effective radiated power level was required for the pulse train to achieve any meaningful effect on the radar, which may be due to an undersampled signal in the simulation. It is therefore difficult based on this work to draw any conclusions about how suitable pulsed noise is in a non-simulated interference context and what parameter values to use.
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