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Medidas implícitas por opciones en el corte transversal de los retornos esperados de accionesMartínez Peña y Lillo, Andrés January 2015 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Industrial / Se sabe que la volatilidad de retornos y del mercado varían en el tiempo donde sus fluctuaciones reflejan cambios en las expectativas de las oportunidades de inversión. Así, según I-CAPM de Merton (1973), medidas que encarnan volatilidad agregada podrían representar oportunamente las expectativas sobre el mercado y, siendo factores de riesgo sistemático, debiesen estar premiada en el corte transversal de los retornos.
Revisando la literatura, mayor volatilidad del mercado representa la deterioración de las oportunidades de inversión según Ang et al. (2006), incluso muestran premios negativos al riesgo de volatilidad en la sección cruzada. Luego, mayor correlación agregada implica estados de la economía con menores beneficios de diversificación, y concuerda con épocas de recesión según Krishnan et al. (2008). Éstos también logran encontrar premios por riesgo negativo por exposición a correlación realizada en el corte transversal. Asimismo, Vassalou y Xing (2004) encuentran premios negativos por riesgo de probabilidad de default en el corte transversal. Así, volatilidad, correlación y riesgo de default agregada se teorizan tener una relación negativa con el bienestar de la economía donde sus innovaciones sí pueden anticipar los cambios a las oportunidades de inversión.
Entonces, el objetivo de este documento es estudiar entre los años 1998 y 2011 el poder explicativo y el premio por riesgo sistemático de tres medidas implícitas de opciones. Primero, se realizan regresiones condicionales para crear portafolios que tengan distintas sensibilidades a las innovaciones a cada medida implícita y se comparan los retornos ex post. Luego, se estiman sus premios por riesgo usando las regresiones de dos etapas de Fama-Macbeth (1973), y controlando por otros factores del corte transversal. Para esto, se usa data diaria de opciones, instrumentos financieros inherentemente predictivos, para construir medidas implícitas de ellas ya que representen expectativas futuras del mercado. La volatilidad implícita se obtiene del índice de volatilidad VXO extraído de opciones del índice S&P100. La correlación implícita se estima del modelo de Martin (2011) mediante el S&P100 y sus constituyentes. El riesgo de default se construye del modelo de Capuano (2008) usando información de opciones sobre acciones de consorcios bancarios.
Consistente a I-CAPM, la volatilidad implícita entre 1998-2011 tiene un premio por riesgo significativo del -0.5% anual. En cambio, la correlación implícita no logra explicar el corte transversal de los retornos esperados mientras el riesgo de default tiene un premio negativo de -0.9% anual entre 1998-2007, al excluir la crisis financiera del 2008, época de volatilidad anormalmente alta. Se estima que la crisis financiera provocó cambios estructurales en la dinámica y valorización de mercados de acciones y opciones, reduciendo el premio por riesgo de volatilidad y distorsionando la medida de default.
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Alterations in the Liquidity Premium as an Effect of Exchange Traded Funds : A Study Performed on Nasdaq Composite between 1997 and 2016Andersson, Axel, Svanberg, Emanuel January 2018 (has links)
Investors have historically demanded a return premium for taking on the risk of illiquidity both in terms of characteristic and systematic liquidity risk. Recent research have presented results suggesting that the liquidity premium is diminishing. The increasing popularity of passive investments such as Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) have been proposed as a driving force for the declining trend. Despite the popularity of ETFs, there is limited research how they impact the financial markets. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the liquidity premium has developed in the United States between 1997 and 2016 and to explore if developments in the liquidity premium can be linked to the capital inflow to the United States ETF market. The thesis uses measures of stocks’ spreads and order book depths as proxies for the characteristic and systematic liquidities. The proxies are used to test if liquidity has influenced stock returns over 1-year, 5-years and the entire 20-year period. The empirical results obtained through Fama-MacBeth regressions show that the liquidity premium can fluctuate by both sign and magnitude year by year. The characteristic risk premium is negative and significant for the entire 20-year period and the 1-year regressions suggests a clear negative trend. The systematic liquidity premium on the other hand is positive and significant for the entire 20-year period but the 1-year regressions do not show a clear trend. The empirical results show no statistical significance that ETFs influence the liquidity premium. However, the graphical interpretation of the 1-year regressions suggests that the characteristic liquidity premium is negatively correlated with the growth of ETFs. The negative characteristic premium implies that investors are not being adequately compensated for the risk of illiquidity and should therefore avoid a liquidity-based investing strategy which has generated excess return in the past.
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Impact of Inflation on Return and Pricing of Swedish Bank Stocks : A Fama-French Analysis on Monthly Stock Returns and Pricing of Handelsbanken, Swedbank, SEB and NordeaWesterberg, Carl, Rolder, Elvin January 2023 (has links)
This study explores the influence of inflation on the monthly total stock returns and stock pricing of Swedish banks. The research question is systematically examined througha cross sectional and time series analysis, utilizing Fama-French, Carhart, and Fama-Macbeth metodologies. Contrary to the initial hypothesis, the outcomes from the Fama-French-Carhart regression, incorporating the inflation factor, reveal a consistently negative effect of inflationon stock returns across Swedish banks. This unexpected result challenges the anticipated relationship between inflation and stock returns. Furthermore, the assessment of risk premiums via the Fama-Macbeth regression does not identify a statistically significant risk premium for inflation exposure. These findings contribute to understanding the dynamics between inflation and the financial performance of Swedish banks, prompting further inquiry into the factors influencing stock returns in the presence of inflationary pressures.
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Tangled Up in Metrics : A Study on Equity Premiums in EuropePersson, Oskar, Lindblom, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Investing has become increasingly popular among individuals in recent years,this has led to multiple investing strategies formalizing. One of them being factorinvesting, a strategy where investors search for companies with certain strongfirm specific financial metrics through screening. Many researchers try to findwhich these metrics are, and which of them has an effect on the cross-sections ofstock returns. This study examines the relationship between the three metrics,earnings-to-price, dividend yield, debt over equity and the European stock marketbetween January 2010 to December 2022. This is done by using the two-stageregression model suggested by Fama and Macbeth (1973). Our results show thatthere is an anomaly in the European stock market and that there is a firmcharacteristic risk associated with these metrics. This suggests that when lookingat individual firms, investors are willing to pay a premium for the metrics studiedin this paper and it is therefore important to take them into account whenscreening for individual companies. As the previous research is mainly focusedon the American stock market and emerging markets in Europe, our thesis fills agap by providing a view on factor premiums in the European market as a whole.
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Formování portfolia firemních investorů: jaká kritéria se používají a jak portfolio ovlivňuje výkonnost korporací? / Corporate venture investors portfolio forming: what criteria is used and how the portfolio affects corporations' performance?Su, Qihao January 2020 (has links)
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is an equilibrium model to test relationship between expected return and market risk (Sharpe, 1964). The model research on pricing and return when the securities market reaches equilibrium and investors are rational and investing by diversification based on Markovitz portfolio theory (Markovitz, 1952). Fama and MacBeth (1973) proposed a cross-sectional testing methodology on CAPM and this regression method has been widely used in testing CAPM in developed markets since then. While CAPM is hard to explain more and more market anomalies (excessive return in smaller market value company) in cross section regression, Fama and French (1992) added two more factors (SMB and HML) and proposed three factor model. The empirical results show that three factor model is superior to CAPM in developed markets. Relevant studies have been conducted by Manjuunatha (2006) and Trimech et al. (2015) but show different results. This dissertation will use Fama-MacBeth cross section approach to test CAPM and Fama-French's three factor model in Chinese and Polish stock market respectively. Following Fama and MacBeth (1972) and Shweta and Anil (2015), three sub periods of Polish and Chinese stock market returns ranging from 2007 to 2018 are examined. The empirical results in this thesis...
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Multifraktalita a prediktabilita finančních časových řad / On multifractality and predictability of financial time seriesHeller, Michael January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine an empirical relationship between multifrac- tality of financial time series and its returns. We approach the multifractality of a given time series as a measure of its complexity. Multifractal financial time series exhibit repeating self-similar patterns. Multifractality could be a good predictor of stock returns or a factor which can be used in asset pricing. We expected that capturing the complexity of a given time series by a model, a positive or a negative risk premia for investing into "more multifractal assets" could be found. Daily prices of 31 stock indices and daily returns of 10-years US government bonds were downloaded. All the data were recorded between 2012 and 2021. After estimation the multifractal spectra, applying MF-DFA method, of all stock indices, we ordered all stock indices from the lowest to the most multifractal. Then, we constructed a "multifractal portfolio" holding a long position in the 7 most multifractal and holding a short position in the 7 least multifractal stock indices. Fama-MacBeth regression with market risk premia and multifractal variable as independent variables was applied. Multi- fractality in all examined financial time series was found. We also found a very low negative risk premia for holding "a multifractal...
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Geo-Political Risk-Augmented Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Effect on Long-Term Stock Market ReturnsNakhjavani, Arya 01 January 2018 (has links)
This paper examines the capital - asset pricing model (CAPM) which has been extended with a factor for geo-political risk. I use monthly stock return data for all stocks listed on a major US exchange from January 1990 to December 2016 and utilize a Fama-Macbeth Regression with Newey-West standard errors to test the geo-political augmented Sharpe-Lintner CAPM. The paper first determines if increased sensitivity to geopolitical risk lead s to lower average returns and second assesses if geo-political risk as an explanatory variable is a significant enough to expose a failure of the CAPM to capture expected returns fully through beta. The results of our regressions do not confirm the hypothesis that firms with high sensitivities to geo-political risk have expressly different returns in the long run. Furthermore, our Fama-Macbeth regression does not find expressly significant average slopes for geo-political risk as a variable.
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Equity Returns and Economic Shocks: A Survey of Macroeconomic Factors and the Co-movement of Asset ReturnsForrester, Andrew C. 01 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Does Idiosyncratic Volatility Proxy for a Missing Risk Factor? Evidence from Using Portfolios as Test AssetsGempesaw, David Conrad 11 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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