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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Newly industrialised country firms in Western Europe : marketing strategies, organisation and performance

Chen, Ivy Siok Ngoh January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

The 'native speaker' frame : issues in the professional culture of a Japanese tertiary EFL program

Lowe, R. January 2017 (has links)
This thesis provides an ethnographic investigation into the ways in which the ideology of native-speakerism operated unrecognized under the surface of a Japanese university EFL program. While the program appeared to be free of explicit expressions of native-speakerism, such as discrimination against teachers, the study found that the claims which were used to justify the practices of the program were underlain by implicitly native-speakerist assumptions based on the stereotyping and Othering of Japanese students and the Japanese education system. The study develops the concept of “the ‘native speaker’ frame” as a way of explaining how, even in cases where native-speakerist ideology appears to be absent, the dominant framing of a program may still be influenced by, and in turn may serve to propagate, native-speakerist ideology. The study further shows how the program utilized a particularly strict teaching methodology, which, along with a specific discourse of ‘professionalism’ and a covert program of reinforcement, resulted in the instructors on the program aligning their own psychological frames almost completely with the program. Finally, it highlights how instructors were able to enact ‘frame transformations’ through acts of cultural resistance which led, in some cases, to a challenging of the ‘native speaker’ framing of the program and changes in the practices of the program itself. This study provides a new perspective on debates around native-speakerism, which have recently tended to focus on explicitly discriminatory beliefs and actions. In contrast, this study shows how the ideology of native-speakerism can exist undetected and unrecognized in the framing and structures of ELT programs and professional practice, and suggests that ‘native speaker’ framing may lie at the heart of much, if not all, of the English language teaching profession.

Prescrire, écrire : pour un portrait du poète en moraliste ? Michaux, Char, Jabès et Jaccottet / Prescribing & writing : questioning the portrait of the poet as a moralist (Michaux, Char, Jabès & Jaccottet)

Meydit-Giannoni, Valentine 14 November 2019 (has links)
Le titre de notre thèse prend appui sur l’une des caractéristiques principales de notre corpus, constitué des quatre poètes que sont Henri Michaux, René Char, Edmond Jabès et Philippe Jaccottet : l’existence d’une modalité prescriptive à valeur éthique particulièrement forte dans leur production littéraire d’après-guerre, au point de justifier chez les critiques de tout acabit le recours au terme de « moraliste » pour les désigner. La thèse que nous avons entreprise se propose donc de donner des assises légitimes et raisonnées à ce qui n’a l’air a priori que d’une formule flirtant avec la subversion et le paradoxe. Qu’implique une telle caractérisation pour la lecture de nos poètes ? N’est-ce pas risquer de trahir leur esthétique poétique, mais aussi de trahir la définition même du moraliste ? L’hypothèse moraliste ne nous pousse-t-elle pas en effet à négliger le substrat métapoétique consubstantiel à l’écriture de nos auteurs ? Ce portrait du poète en moraliste, dès lors qu’il n’est plus une simple formule mais une véritable hypothèse de lecture, ne permet sans doute pas de prendre en compte la complexité du phénomène prescriptif, qui se décline également sur un mode métapoétique. Non seulement ces deux modalités de prescription ne sont pas exclusives l’une de l’autre, mais elles tendent à coïncider l’une avec l’autre ; s’il est des principes de vie énoncés par le poète, ils sont indissociables et superposables à des règles d’écriture nettement établies. Les poètes de notre corpus, loin d’hériter de la morale et de l’esthétique du Grand Siècle, seraient bien les héritiers du XXe siècle, et l’existence d’une indéniable teneur éthique au cœur même de leur poésie se justifierait sans doute par d’autres modèles littéraires… et sapientiaux. / The idea behind the work “Prescribing & writing: questioning the portrait of the poet as a moralist (Michaux, Char, Jabès & Jaccottet)” came from the observation of a misleading but incredibly frequent use of the term “moralist” in the 20th Century literary criticism, specially when applied to describe poets. The misuse of the term “moralist” turned out to be the consequence of its impressionist and versatile definition in the field of the 20th Century studies. Referring to a 20th century writer as a moralist implies, without anachronism intended, that there is some sort of continuity of this type of writing from the Grand Siècle to modern times. In addition, the very artificial link we could indeed try to establish between the two poetics, through the hypothesis of a trans-secular moralist poetics, seems indeed to leave aside a whole other aspect of our poets’ work. If the elements of an ethic we may find in their work are undeniable, the metapoetic reflection is just as important, if not more. The hypothesis of these poets as moralists do not enable the critics to read together the ethic and the poetics which cannot be dissociated, because they are one. The common denominator of our four poets is their incredible ability to create an “art poétique who is also an “art de vivre” and conversely. Michaux, Char, Jabès and Jaccottet shape an ethic which is a poetics and a poetics which is an ethic, so that the relationship to the reader they program also corresponds with the relationship to the other, inside the human community. Don’t these corresponding shapes of the ethic and the poetics evoke another sapiential and literary model than the seventeenth century moralists?

蘇聯解體後俄羅斯對其遠東地區中國移民政策之研究(1992-2010) / A study on post-soviet Russia’s policy on the Chinese migration in Russia’s Far East (1992-2010)

林平平, Lin, Ping Ping Unknown Date (has links)
俄羅斯開發其遠東地區,旨在挹注其總體經濟發展,而開發其遠東地區,則需要引進大量中國勞力;至於引進中國勞力,則是俄中戰略協作夥伴關係雙邊合作機制的一環;然而,一旦中國勞力大量湧進俄羅斯屬遠東地區,勢必對俄羅斯的國家安全造成一定程度的威脅,此一地緣政治考量,無可避免對俄羅斯引進中國勞力的政策產生制約;在此矛盾因素考量之下,對於在遠東地區引進中國勞力的政策,產生正反兩面針鋒相對的爭論;因此,俄羅斯對遠東地區中國移民政策是上述經濟發展、勞動力問題、國際戰略與地緣政治等因素,透過克里姆林政治的互動形塑而成。 上述假設命題又可以引申出下列邏輯相關子命題: (一)俄羅斯為了挹注其總體的經濟發展,需要大量外來勞力來開發其遠東地區。 (二)俄羅斯引進大量中國勞力,乃是俄中戰略協作夥伴關係雙邊合作機制的一環。 (三)俄羅斯引進大量中國勞力,勢必對俄羅斯安全構成威脅。 (四)俄羅斯遠東地區的中國移民政策,乃是克里姆林政治互動的結果。 / The purpose of this study is aimed at exploring the driving forces behind Russia’s policies on Chinese immigration in its Far East in terms of geopolitics, international strategy and the Kremlin politics. It is hypothesized in this study that with the development of Russia’s Far East region, it will help the overall economic development, and, in order to development its Far East, it is necessary for Russian government to recruit a large number of Chinese labors; as for the introduction of Chinese labors, it constitutes a link of Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. However, once Chinese labor forces enter into the Russian Far East, it would create a threat to Russian national security. Under this geo-political consideration, it inevitably constitutes constraints for Russia on the introduction of Chinese labor forces. With these kinds of contradictory considerations, therefore, the formulation of Russia’s policy on Chinese immigration in its Far East should be analyzed in terms of economic, population, international strategy and geopolitics factors through the Kremlin political interaction. The above assumption can also derive the following logically related propositions: (1) In order to inject the overall economic development, Russian government needs a large number of foreign labors to develop the Far East. (2) Importing large quantities of Chinese labors is an integrated link of Sino-Russian partnership of strategic coordination. (3) Introducing a large number of Chinese labor forces constitutes a threat to Russian security. (4) Russia’s policy on Chinese immigration in its Far East is formulated as a result of Kremlin political interaction in terms of economic, population, international strategy and geopolitics factors.

Att ställa ut främmande kultur : En utställningsobservation på Östasiatiska museet / To exhibit foreign culture : An exhibition observation on the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities

Ekström, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte var att belysa vilken typ av information som utställningen ”Mittens rike” på Östasiatiska museet gav och därav visa ett exempel på hur det kinesiska kulturarvet kan tolkas av att befinna sig i en svensk kontext. Genom att belysa de delarna kunde diskussionen angående asiatisk och europeisk kulturvård och kulturarv belysas där deras olika ståndpunkter kring autenticitet och rituella praktiker kunde framhävas. Som undersökningsmetod användes en utställningsobservation som kompletterades med andra personliga kommunikationer och litteratur. Resultatet visade att utställningen delade information om kinesiska föremål från deras bronstid fram till början av 1900-talet som antingen kopplades till en viss dynasti, till olika föremålsutvecklingar med hantverksmetoder eller till olika samhällsfenomen som föremålen representerade. Utställningstexter och föremålsbeskrivningar bidrog med kontextbyggandet av föremålen, men det fanns även några montrar utan utställningstext där besökaren kunde skapa en egen uppfattning av föremålen. Den europeiska och svenska inblandningen visades främst i utställningens exportporslin som fanns över en stor del av utställningens senare halva. Handeln mellan Kina och Europa/Sverige blev därav det centrerade perspektivet i både föremålen och i utställningstexterna vilket skapade en stor kontrast till tidigare del som enbart fokuserat på de kinesiska utvecklingarna. Det resulterade i att det kinesiska kulturarvet hamnade i skuggan av främst den svenska inblandningen, och blev då en biroll i montrarna som framhävde de svenska framgångarna. / The purpose of the study was to enlighten the type of information the exhibition “The middle kingdom” at the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities gave and therefore show how the Chinese cultural heritage can be interpretated by existing in a Swedish context. By showing those parts, the discussion of Asian and European integrated conservation and cultural heritage be uplifted and show the different point of views according to authenticity and ritual usage of objects. An exhibition observation was used as the main method with complementary information from personal correspondence and literature. The result showed the exhibition shared information about Chinese objects from their bronze age to the beginning of the 20th century, all connected to a certain dynasty, to different evolutions of objects with certain craft methods, or other societal evolutions which was represented by certain objects. The exhibition text and the object descriptions contributed to the contextualization of the objects, but also showed showcases without any text, which allowed the visitor to create their own perception about the objects. The European and Swedish involvement was displayed especially in the exhibitions exported porcelain that appeared in a big part of the latter half. The trade between China and Europe/Sweden therefore became the central perspective in both the objects and texts in the exhibition which created a big contrast between the earlier part who only focused on the Chinese evolutions. It resulted in the Chinese cultural heritage placed in the shadows of mainly the Swedish involvement and became a subordinate part in the showcases and highlighted the Swedish success stories.

The Relationships Among English Oral Communication Apprehension, Social Interest, and Locus of Control of Far Eastern Students

Thira Praphruitkit 05 1900 (has links)
This study determined the relationships among English oral communication apprehension, social interest, and locus of control of Far Eastern students, and examined whether differences exist in these variables, compared to gender, age, academic classification, major field of study, employment status, and length of study in the United States. Four instruments, including a demographic questionnaire, the Adapted Personal Report of Communication Apprehension-24 (AFRCA-24), the Social Interest Scale (SIS), and the Rotter's Internal-External (I-E) Scale, were used to collect data from the sample of 240 Far Eastern students enrolled at North Texas State University in the fall semester of 1986.

The Redevelopment of Canada and Japan’s Economic Relationship, 1945-1951: Canadian Perspectives

Kenna, Nathan Noble 07 May 2010 (has links)
Between 1921 to 1941, Canada and Japan were close trading partners. The end of World War II provided the two countries with the opportunity to resume their former economic relationship. However, Japan was a defeated country, lacking in resources and credit, and subject to the Occupation led by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. In contrast, Canada was left with a strong economy and political independence. In 1945, Canada was invited to participate in the Far Eastern Advisory Commission that later became the Far Eastern Commission in 1946. In August 1946, Canada established a Liaison Mission at its former Legation in Tokyo. Using archival material, this study explores how trade was conducted between 1945-1951 and explains how Canada and Japan redeveloped their economic relationship during the challenging years of Occupied Japan.

The Redevelopment of Canada and Japan’s Economic Relationship, 1945-1951: Canadian Perspectives

Kenna, Nathan Noble 07 May 2010 (has links)
Between 1921 to 1941, Canada and Japan were close trading partners. The end of World War II provided the two countries with the opportunity to resume their former economic relationship. However, Japan was a defeated country, lacking in resources and credit, and subject to the Occupation led by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers. In contrast, Canada was left with a strong economy and political independence. In 1945, Canada was invited to participate in the Far Eastern Advisory Commission that later became the Far Eastern Commission in 1946. In August 1946, Canada established a Liaison Mission at its former Legation in Tokyo. Using archival material, this study explores how trade was conducted between 1945-1951 and explains how Canada and Japan redeveloped their economic relationship during the challenging years of Occupied Japan.

La grammatisation du vietnamien (1615-1919) : histoire des grammaires et de l'écriture romanisée du vietnamien / Grammatization of Vietnamese Language (1615-1919) : a History of Grammars and Romanized Script of Vietnamese

Pham, Thi Kieu Ly 21 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur la grammatisation du vietnamien. Nous avons étudié les ouvrages grammaticaux, composés en latin puis en français, par des missionnaires de diverses congrégations, des administrateurs coloniaux et des grammairiens vietnamiens et français entre 1651 et 1919. L’objectif était de montrer dans un premier temps comment le modèle de la grammaire latine opère dans cette grammatographie, en mettant l’accent sur les spécificités de la langue vietnamienne, telles que les auteurs les ont dégagées. Nous avons mis en évidence, dans un deuxième temps, les conditions, les formes et les effets de la transition du modèle latin vers le modèle français dans la description de la langue et en particulier l’évolution de la conception des parties du discours pendant toute la période considérée.Cette thèse porte aussi sur la création de l’écriture romanisée du vietnamien (quốc ngữ) et sur l’histoire des conceptions linguistiques qui la sous-tendent. Nous avons cherché à comprendre selon quelle logique les missionnaires jésuites des premières générations ont transcrit le vietnamien en ayant recours à l’alphabet du latin et à celui des langues romanes. Nous avons retracé l’évolution de cette écriture. L’étude des manuscrits écrits en vietnamien romanisé nous a aussi permis de faire l’histoire des changements du système consonantique vietnamien depuis le 17e jusqu’au début du 20e siècle. Nous avons montré également quels facteurs religieux, culturels et politiques ont pesé sur cette histoire. L’étude des rapports adressés à leurs supérieurs par les jésuites (à partir de 1615) et par les pères des Missions Étrangères de Paris (à partir de 1663) nous a permis de mettre en lumière le rôle de cette écriture, d’abord comme moyen d’apprentissage destiné aux prêtres étrangers, puis comme moyen de communication entre les missionnaires et les prêtres autochtones. Enfin, nous avons étudié les débats relatifs aux systèmes d’écriture et les choix qu’ils ont entraînés, s’agissant de la politique linguistique menée par l’administration coloniale française en Cochinchine et au Tonkin. Le quốc ngữ est introduit dans l’enseignement en 1861 ; il est ensuite promu écriture officielle et remplace les sinogrammes chez les lettrés et dans les actes administratifs ou juridiques après l’abolition des concours de recrutement des mandarins en 1919. / This research focuses on the “grammatization” of Vietnamese language. We have studied grammatical works, composed in Latin and then in French, by missionaries of various congregations, colonial administrators and Vietnamese grammarians between 1651 and 1919. The objective was to show first how the model of Latin grammar operates in this grammatography, focusing on the specificities of the Vietnamese language, as identified by the missionaries. We have then reviewed the grammars written in Latin and French in order to highlight the effects of the transition from the Latin to the French model in the description of the language and in particular the evolution of the conception of the parts of the discourse in the grammatical works throughout the period under consideration.This thesis focuses on the development of Vietnamese Romanized writing (quốc ngữ) and the history of the linguistic conceptions that underlie it, as well. We have tried to understand the logic that the pioneer Jesuit missionaries to Vietnam had used to transcribe the language and to explain their choice of spellings to record Vietnamese. We trace the stages of creation of this script and the evolution of spelling. Furthermore, the study of the manuscripts written in Romanized Vietnamese allows us to study the changes in the consonant system of Vietnamese from the Seventeenth Century to the early Twentieth Century. We also show the religious, political and cultural factors that have influenced all that history. The study of the relationship between the Jesuits (from 1615 onwards) and French missionaries (from 1663 onwards) highlights the changing role of the Romanized writing from a means of learning for foreign priests to a means of communication between missionaries and native priests. Finally, we examine the role played by debates on writing systems and the choices they have led to, in terms of the language policy pursued by the French colonial administration. Quốc ngữ was introduced into elementary education in 1861 and then promoted to the status of official writing, replacing Chinese characters after the abolition of the mandarin recruitment exams in 1919.

“The Best Possible Time for War?” The USS Panay and American Far Eastern Policy During the Roosevelt Presidency

Schnurr, Jeremy 13 December 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines American Far Eastern policy from the beginning of the Franklin Roosevelt presidency through the early months of 1938. This study is chiefly concerned with the attack by Japanese aircraft on the USS Panay and its effect on the course of U.S. foreign policy. Particular attention is paid to the Anglo-American dialogue which occurred throughout the Far Eastern Crisis. Prior to the end of 1938, the U.S. administration’s position in Asia was dictated both by policies inherited from preceding administrations and by the extreme isolationism of the American people. This foundation effectively inhibited any cooperation with foreign powers. Relying on a reactive policy in the Far East, Washington remained aloof from entanglement as the President sought a plan which would permit U.S. involvement without inviting isolationist wrath. This paper traces an evolution in American Far Eastern policy, highlighting the Panay incident as a distinctly identifiable turning point whereby isolationism gave way to internationalism.

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