Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hasta"" "subject:"vasta""
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Ingen rök utan eld - en kartläggning av svenska mordbrännare ur ett geografiskt profileringsperspektivMinic, Johanna, Nilsson, Mathilda January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån ett uppdrag från Christina Innala vid Örebropolisen undersöka huruvida det går att utläsa beteendemönster hos svenska mordbrännare som kan ligga till grund för vidare geografiska analyser. I uppsatsen kommer vi att se närmre på mordbrännare och geografisk profilering utifrån svenska förhållanden. Materialet som ligger till grund för uppsatsen består av domslut gällande mordbränder och dessa analyseras och kategoriseras. De domslut som i materialet har omfattat seriemordbrännare har analyserats utifrån geografisk profilering med hjälp av mjukvaran GeoProfile. Detta för att undersöka hur brottplatser förhåller sig till fasta punkter för svenska seriemordbrännare.Sammanfattningsvis kan man utifrån vårt material identifiera sex stycken kategorier av mordbrännare. Dessa kategorier stämmer överrens med tidigare forskning. Utifrån våra geografiska profileringar kan man dra slutsatsen att seriemordbrännare tenderar att anlägga sina bränder i anslutning till en eller flera fasta punkter. Den svenska mordbrännaren är alltså inte en irrationell individ som slumpmässigt och oberäkneligt anlägger bränder. Bränderna tenderar ofta att uppstå inom en gärningsmans rutinaktivitetsområde, det vill säga att gärningsmannen vanligtvis begår brott i områden som denne känner till. / As an a assignment from Christina Innala at the police in Örebro, this paper aims to investigate whether it is possible to discern behavioral patterns of Swedish arsonists as a point of departure for further spatial analysis. In this paper geographic profiling based on Swedish conditions will be studied. The material that is the basis for the essay consists of judicial decisions regarding arson and these will be analyzed and categorized. The judicial decisions that in the material has included serial arsonists has been analyzed based on geographic profiling using the software GeoProfile. We want to examine wheatear crime scenes are related to anchor-points for Swedish serial arsonists.In summary, based on our material we were able to identify six categories of arsonists. These categories match those of previous research. Based on our geographic profiling it can be concluded that the serial arsonists tend to set their fires in connection with one or more anchor-points. The Swedish arsonist is not an irrational individual that randomly and unpredictably set fires. Fires tend to occur within a criminals routine activity area, in other words the offender usually commits the offense in areas that is known for him/her.
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Investigation on the effect of pore size and surface area of mesoporous silica on the conductivity of solid composite electrolytes / Undersökning av effekten av porstorlek och ytarea av mesoporös kiseldioxid på ledningsförmågan hos fasta kompositelektrolyterPedaprolu, Hitesh Khanna January 2022 (has links)
Solid-state batteries are gaining a lot of attention in the commecial sector today. Development of the solid state electrolytes is an important part in making commercially viable solid-state batteries. While many solid-state electrolytes are struggling with low ionic conductivity, some have shown comparatively high conductivities that can be engineered to perform better to be implemented for consumer market. Silica based solid composite electrolytes (SCEs) are one of the materials that are of huge interest as solid-state electrolytes. As a continuation of the previous research into the silica based SCE’s, the current work focuses on the study of SCEs based on the commercially available mesoporous silica (MPS) of different pore sizes and nanosized silica powder (SNP). Ionic Liquid electrolyte (ILE) based on Li-TFSI and BMP-TFSI mixture was used to prepare composities under different humidity conditions. The effect of the extent of -OH group functionalization of silica, determined by FTIR on treated and untreated powders, on ionic conductivity was also evaluated. Obtained composities were evaluated with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and analysed with TGA to establish correlations based on particle size and pore characteristics of MPS powder. Camparison with SNP was also made in anticipation to draw correlations with MPS. It was found that the pore size and pore volume change have more impact on the conductivity compared to surafce area of commercially obtained MPS and an unexplored pheonomenon was observed in case of SNP based SCE’s. Glovebox (GB) samples at relative humidity (RH)-0.005% have higher conductivity than dryroom samples at RH-0.5%. These findings can be used for a future reference in evaluating commercial MPS based composites as solid-state electrolytes. / Solid-state-batterier får stor uppmärksamhet i den kommersiella sektorn idag. Utveckling av fasta elektrolyter är en viktig del för att göra kommersiellt gångbara solid state-batterier. Medan många fasta elektrolyter kämpar med låg jonledningsförmåga, har vissa visat jämförelsevis höga ledningsförmåga som kan konstrueras för att prestera bättre för att implementeras för konsumentmarknaden. Kiselbaserade fasta kompositelektrolyter (SCE) är ett av de material som är av stort intresse som fasta elektrolyter. Som en fortsättning på den tidigare forskningen om de kiselbaserade SCE:erna fokuserar det nuvarande arbetet på studiet av SCE:er baserade på den kommersiellt tillgängliga mesoporösa kiseldioxiden (MPS) av olika porstorlekar och nanosized kiseldioxidpulver (SNP). Jonisk flytande elektrolyt (ILE) baserad på Li-TFSI och BMP-TFSI-blandning användes för att framställa kompositer under olika luftfuktighetsförhållanden. Effekten av omfattningen av -OH-gruppfunktionalisering av kiseldioxid, bestämd med FTIR på behandlade och obehandlade pulver, på jonkonduktiviteten utvärderades också. Erhållna sammansättningar utvärderades med elektrokemisk impedansspektroskopi (EIS) och analyserades med TGA för att fastställa korrelationer baserat på partikelstorlek och poregenskaper hos MPS-pulver. Kamparison med SNP gjordes också i väntan på att dra korrelationer med MPS. Det visade sig att porstorleken och porvolymsförändringen har mer inverkan på konduktiviteten jämfört med ytan för kommersiellt erhållen MPS och ett outforskat fenomen observerades i fallet med SNP-baserade SCE. Handskbox (GB) prover vid relativ fuktighet (RH)-0,005 % har högre konduktivitet än torrrumsprover vid RH-0,5 %. Dessa resultat kan användas för en framtida referens vid utvärdering av kommersiella MPS-baserade kompositer som fasta elektrolyter.
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Hur påverkas det orala ekosystemet av minskad näringstillgång? / How is the oral ecosystem affected by reduced nutrient availability?Alkademi, Zahraa, Alomari, Mayan January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Att studera den tillgängliga litteraturen om hur minskad näringstillförsel i form av fasta, Anorexia nervosa (AN), protein-energiundernäring (PEU) och sondmatning påverkar det orala ekosystemet. Material och metod: Det utfördes en narrative review på artiklar som identifierats med hjälp av Pubmed databas. Artiklar som handlar om minskad näringstillförsel och dess konsekvenser för den orala miljön har granskats. Resultat: Fasta hade effekt på salivens sammansättning, flödeshastighet och buffringskapacitet. Personer med svält tillståndet Anorexia nervosa (AN) upplevde bland annat förändringar i slemhinnor, saliv pH-värde och salivflödeshastighet. Personer med protein-energiundernäring (PEU) löpte stor risk för flera orala förändringar som medför bland annat högre kariesförekomst och sämre prognos för inflammatoriska lesioner. Flera av bakterierna som dominerade hos personer med sondmatning var patogena bakterier som kan vara hälsoskadliga. Slutsats: Vid fasta uppstår det förändringar i salivflödeshastighet, sammansättning, mängd och buffringskapacitet. AN kan leda till förändringar i saliven. PEU innebär stor risk för flera orala förändringar som medför bland annat högre kariesförekomst och sämre prognos för inflammatoriska lesioner. Tidig PEU har en fortsatt negativ effekt på salivens funktion även i tonårsåldern. Flera av bakterierna som dominerar hos personer med sondmatning är patogenabakterier som kan vara hälsohotande. Flera orala, mikrobiella och biologiska förändringar manifesterar sig i samband med minskad näringstillförsel. Det behövs fler studier för att få en bättre förståelse av dessa förändringars kliniska betydelse. / Aim: To review the available literature on how reduced nutrient supply in the form of fasting, Anorexia nervosa (AN), protein-energy malnutrition (PEU) as well as tube feeding affect the oral ecosystem. Material and method: A narrative review was performed on articles identified using the Pubmed database. Articles about nutritional deficiencies and their consequences on the oral environment have been reviewed. Results: Fasting influenced saliva composition, flow rate and buffering capacity. People with Anorexia nervosa (AN) experienced, among other things, changes inmucous membranes, saliva pH-value and saliva flow rate. It was shown that people with protein-energy malnutrition are at high risk for several oral changesthat lead to a higher incidence of caries and a worse prognosis for inflammatory lesions etc. Several of the bacteria that dominated in people with enteral nutrition were pathogenic bacteria; that can be damaging to health. Conclusions: During fasting, changes in saliva flow rate, composition, amount, and buffering capacity occur. People with AN experience among other things, changes in mucous membranes, pH value and flow rate of saliva. PEU involves a high risk of several oral changes that lead to, among other things, a higher incidence of caries and a worse prognosis for inflammatory lesions. Early PEU has a continued negative effect on saliva function in adolescence. Several of the bacteria that predominate in people with tube feeding are pathogenic bacteria that can be health-threatening. Several oral, microbial, and biological changes manifest themselves in connection with malnutrition. More studies are needed to gain a better understanding of the clinical significance of these changes.
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New Techniques for Estimation of Source Parameters : Applications to Airborne Gravity and Pseudo-Gravity Gradient TensorsBeiki, Majid January 2011 (has links)
Gravity gradient tensor (GGT) data contains the second derivatives of the Earth’s gravitational potential in three orthogonal directions. GGT data can be measured either using land, airborne, marine or space platforms. In the last two decades, the applications of GGT data in hydrocarbon exploration, mineral exploration and structural geology have increased considerably. This work focuses on developing new interpretation techniques for GGT data as well as pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from measured magnetic field. The applications of developed methods are demonstrated on a GGT data set from the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa and a magnetic data set from the Särna area, west central Sweden. The eigenvectors of the symmetric GGT can be used to estimate the position of the causative body as well as its strike direction. For a given measurement point, the eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue points approximately toward the center of mass of the source body. For quasi 2D structures, the strike direction of the source can be estimated from the direction of the eigenvectors corresponding to the smallest eigenvalues. The same properties of GGT are valid for the pseudo-gravity gradient tensor (PGGT) derived from magnetic field data assuming that the magnetization direction is known. The analytic signal concept is applied to GGT data in three dimensions. Three analytic signal functions are introduced along x-, y- and z-directions which are called directional analytic signals. The directional analytic signals are homogenous and satisfy Euler’s homogeneity equation. Euler deconvolution of directional analytic signals can be used to locate causative bodies. The structural index of the gravity field is automatically identified from solving three Euler equations derived from the GGT for a set of data points located within a square window with adjustable size. For 2D causative bodies with geometry striking in the y-direction, the measured gxz and gzz components of GGT can be jointly inverted for estimating the parameters of infinite dike and geological contact models. Once the strike direction of 2D causative body is estimated, the measured components can be transformed into the strike coordinate system. The GGT data within a set of square windows for both infinite dike and geological contact models are deconvolved and the best model is chosen based on the smallest data fit error. / Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 730
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Emblem use in parent-child interaction : A longitudinal studyTahbaz, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates emblem use exploratory in parent-child interaction. Emblems are conventional gestures with a verbal equivalent. The aim of this study was to answer if emblem use facilitates language acquisition. Formulaic gestures – fixed gestures accompanying songs – were examined as a subgesture of emblems. 20 children and their parents’ emblem use were recorded when interacting freely at seven age points: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months. Emblem use was correlated to the children’s productive vocabulary at 30 months. The results showed that parental emblem use at 24 months and child emblem use at 15 months predicted child productive vocabulary at 30 months. T-tests showed how emblem production of children in a lower productive vocabulary group differed from children in a higher productive vocabulary group. A difference between the children of the lower productive vocabulary group and the children of the higher productive vocabulary group emblem use was also found at 15 months, indicating emblem use being important in language acquisition. Formulaic gestures did not correlate to child productive vocabulary. Emblem use developed along with child age and probably inherently with word production. Parents adjust their emblem use to the child’s age and/or possibly language skills, suggesting that child-directed gesturing occurs in parent-child interaction. / Den här studien undersöker emblemanvändning explorativt i förälder-barninteraktion. Emblem definieras som konventionella gester med en verbal motsvarighet. Målet i denna studie var att undersöka om emblemanvändning underlättar språktillägnande. Fasta gester – gester tillhörande sånger – undersöktes som en underkategori till emblem. 20 barn och deras föräldrar spelades in när de interagerade fritt vid sju ålderspunkter: 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 och 24 månader vilket också korrelerades med barnets produktiva ordförråd vid 30 månader. Resultaten visade att föräldrars emblemanvändning vid 24 månader och barns emblemanvändning vid 15 månader korrelerade med barnens ordförråd vid 30 månader, vilket indikerar att emblemanvändning vid dessa ålderspunkter förutsäger ordförrådets storlek några månader senare. T-tester visade att emblemproducering hos barn skiljde sig åt mellan gruppen med barn med lägre produktivt ordförråd och gruppen med barn med högre produktivt ordförråd. Vid 15 månader fanns också en signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna vilket indikerar att emblem spelar en viktig roll vid språktillägnandet. Fasta gester visade ingen korrelation med barnets språkutveckling. Barnens emblemproduktion utvecklades med åldern och troligtvis tillsammans med ordproduktion. Föräldrar verkar justera sitt emblemanvändande till barnets ålder och/eller språkkunskaper, vilket indikerar att ett barnriktat gestikulerande finns vid förälder-barn interaktion. / Modelling child language acquisition from parent-child interaction (MINT: MAW 2011:007)
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Silicon solar cells: basics of simulation and modelling : Using the mathematical program Maple to simulate and model a silicon solar cell / Kisel solceller:Grunderna för simulering och modellering : Använder det matematiska programmet Maple för att simulera och modellera en kisel solcellEkhagen, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis was to simulate a solar cell with the symbolic manipulation tool Maple and discuss the strength and weaknesses of using Maple instead of the already known simulation program PC1D. This was done mainly by solving the three essential differential equations governing the current density and excess electron and hole densities in the solar cell. This could be done easily by using known simplifications especially the low injection assumption. However it was also a success without using this particular simplification but the solutions had to be achieved using a numerical method instead of direct methods. The results were confirmed by setting up the same solar cell with PC1D. The conclusion is that Maple gives the user increased freedom when setting up the solar cell, however PC1D is easier to use if this freedom is not needed. At the end of this thesis a brief introduction is also made on the possibility of using Maple with a tandem cell setup instead of single junction.
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Påverkan av sena tillsatser på medföljande slagg och dess viskositet i LD-processenForsberg, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Vid SSAB Europé i Luleå produceras höghållfaststål. För att uppnå sådan kvalité måste renligheten i stålet vara god i hela processen. Risken att få förhöjda värden av exempelvis vanadin efter LD-processen vid deoxidationssteget, då medföljande vanadininhållande slagg som återreduceras till stålet är hög. Det finns olika system som jobbar för att förhindra medföljande slagg vid tappning av LD-konvertern. På SSAB i Luleå används IR-kamera för att identifiera slagg vid tappning och en mekanisk slaggstoppare som blockerar tapphålet samt tvingar flödet tillbaka in i konvertern med hjälp av kvävgas. Ett annat möjligt system att använda skulle kunna vara slaggens viskositet, då en högviskös slagg skulle fungera som en vortexinhibitor och därigenom reducera mängden medföljande slagg. Målet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka sena tillsatsers påverkan av medföljande slagg, där de sena tillsatserna syftar till att öka viskositeten på slaggen genom att skapa fasta partiklar. I daglig drift görs ingen uppskattning av mängden medföljande slagg eller hur sena slaggtillsatser påverkar detta. Genom slaggprovtagning samt stålprover innan och efter tappning av LD-konvertern kan en massbalans göras av mängden medföljande slagg. Beräkningsämnena som passade bäst i denna studie var kisel och vanadin, två ämnen som oftast återfinns endast i slaggen. Utifrån resultatet av proverna visade sena tillsatser inte ha någon påverkan av mängden medföljande slagg. Ingen påvisad skillnad av viskositetsberäkningarna kunde kopplas till de sena tillsatserna, där beräkningarna gjordes i FactSage. Studien visade att sena tillsatser inte har den önskade effekten på medföljande slagg som man tidigare trott och skulle kunna tas bort helt. Detta för att reducera kostnaderna för tillsatser och deponi. Slaggen fick flytegenskaper redan vid 72% andel fasta partiklar och en temperatur på 1379°C. Vid LD-processen har slaggen 8% andel fasta partiklar och temperatur på 1739°C. Detta påvisar att det blir praktiskt omöjligt att styva upp slaggen i LD-processen med hjälp av sena tillsatser. / SSAB Europé in Luleå produce high-strength steel. To reach this quality the purity must be good in the whole process. There is a risk to get a high value of for example vanadium in the steel after the LD-process at the deoxidations step. The carried-over slag from the LD-process has a high content of vanadium that may reduce back to the steel from the deoxidation agent. Several process systems work to reduce the amount of carried-over slag at LD-converter. At SSAB in Luleå this system is an IR-camera that is used for detecting carried-over slag at the tapping of the converter and a mechanical slagblocker that block the tapping jet and blow back the slag using nitrogen. Another possible system could be to use the slag viscosity. High viscous slag will work like a vortex inhibitor and reduce the amount of carried-over slag. The goal of this master thesis is to study late additives impact of the amount of carried-over slag, there the purpose of the late additives is to increase the viscosity of the slag through solve in solid particles. In the daily operations SSAB doesn´t do an estimate of the amount of carried-over slag or how the late additives affect carried-over slag. By conducting slag and steel sampling before and after tapping the LD-converter a mass balance can be used to calculate the amount of carried-over slag. The base of the mass calculation that fit beast in this study was silicon and vanadium. Two substances that often occurs in the slag. From the results of the samples, the late additive didn´t do any impact on the amount of carried-over slag. No impact of the viscosity calculation could connect to the amount of carried-over slag. The calculation has been done in FactSage. The study shows that late additive don´t have any impact on the amount of carried-over slag and that is why it should be avoided. This could decrease the cost of additive and landfill. The slag gets flow properties as early as 72% share solid particles and temperature at 1379°C and in the LD-process the slag had 8% share solid particles and temperature at 1739°C. This shows that it´s practically impossible to stiff up the slag in the LD-process with help of late additive.
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Real-time characterization of fuel by Near-Infrared spectroscopy : Quantitative measurements of moisture content, ash content, heating value, and elemental compositions in solid biofuel mixturesEdlund, Kajsa, Shahnawazi, Ali Ahmad January 2021 (has links)
The global energy demand supplies mainly from fossil fuels, which is neither sustainable nor environmentally friendly and aims to global warming. Therefore, both more investments in renewable energy sources such as bioenergy are required, as well as new technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) to handle the emissions from existing combined heat and power (CHP) plants. In this degree project, the focus is to determine the moisture content, ash content, heating value, and elemental compositions of solid biofuel mixtures in real-time by utilizing the optical technique of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. A total number of 150 samples of solid biofuel mixtures were prepared and illuminated by NIR light. All spectra of the samples were recorded in a wavenumber range of 12000 cm-1 – 400 cm-1 in a dish on a turn table which was in a moving mode with a speed of 0.5 m/s. Each sample was scanned three times to avoid, or at least minimize the deviation of the spectra and the samples were mixed between each scan to get more reliable representative spectra data. Partial least square regression models were created to analyze the spectra data. A data split was done randomly, 100 for calibration and 50 for validation. Then the data was pre-processed with different methods including multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), standard normal variate (SNV), Savitzky-Golay 1st derivative (SG 1st), Savitzky-Golay 2nd derivative (SG 2nd), and orthogonal signal correction (OSC) to reduce noise and scatter effect. The results of NIR spectra treated by OSC method obtained , RMSE and SE of 0.900, 2.241 and 2.204, respectively for prediction of moisture content, 0.424, 0.913 and 0.922 for prediction of ash content, 0.640, 0.370 and 0.368 for prediction of heating value, respectively. The obtained prediction of , RMSE and SE were 0.687, 0.066 and 0.058 for nitrogen, 0.636, 0.361 and 0.364 for carbon, 0.483, 0.269 and 0.270 for hydrogen, respectively. As the results shows, these models to predict the ash content and hydrogen content has a lower accuracy than what is expected in process modeling while the prediction of moisture content has the highest accuracy.
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Techniky pro porovnávání biologických sekvencí / Techniques for Comparing Biological SequencesSladký, Roman January 2008 (has links)
This work presents the building up of basic biological units DNA, RNA and proteins as well as their function. Provided data are kept in biological databases which are connected worldwide to supply preferable communication along with all kinds of available information to be used in the scientific research. The secret of alive is hidden in genes coded in sequences of nucleotides. Genes enable the creation of proteins which are made of sequences of amino-acids. The wide-spread methods of comparing these sequences are FASTA and BLAST algorithms. Their base is used for the PSProt program which is described in this work. PSProt program is the tool for comparing the sequences of proteins. First it is necessary to synthesise the protein from the DNA oligonucleotide because it codes the surveyed protein. The most similar proteins are searched out by heuristic of hitpoints, then their final score that is essential for aligning is modified by semiglobal alignment algorithm.
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Implementace algoritmu pro hledání podobností DNA řetězců v FPGA / Approximate String Matching Algorithm Implementation in FPGAPařenica, Martin January 2007 (has links)
This paper describes sequence alignment algorithms of nucleotide sequences. There are described pairwise alignment algorithms using database search or dynamic programming. Then in the paper is description of dynamic programming for multiple sequences and algorithm that builds phylogenetic trees. At the end of the first part of the paper is the description of technology FPGA. In the second part that is more practical is described implemntation of the choosen one algorithm. This part includes also examples of some multiple alignments.
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