Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fenton"" "subject:"denton""
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Estudo do emprego de radicais sulfato na degradação de compostos fenólicos / Study of the sulphate radicals use in the degradation of phenolic compoundsGiovana Cristina Liutti 24 October 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho de mestrado descreve a avaliação do emprego de radicais sulfato (SO42-.), obtidos a partir do oxidante persulfato de potássio (K2S2O8) , na degradação de soluções aquosas de fenol. A deterioração dos recursos hídricos tem assumido um caráter preocupante uma vez que as demandas deste bem estão se tornando cada vez maiores. Dentre os compostos responsáveis pela degradação da qualidade dos sistemas aquáticos, destacam-se os compostos orgânicos poluentes como os organoclorados, organofosforados, carbamatos, triazinas, hidrocarbonetos aromáticos polinucleares, fenólicos, etc. Dentre esta série de compostos poluentes, atenção especial tem sido dada ao fenol devido as grandes quantidades em que são gerados e pela diversidade tipos de atividades produtivas que o empregam. Assim, este trabalho avaliou a aplicação de radical SO4 2- do fenol Estudos utilizando ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (EPR) mostraram que o radical SO42- é a principal espécie radicalar obtida a partir da fotólise e termólise do oxidante S2O8-2. A presença de radiação UV contribuiu beneficamente para a degradação do composto orgânicos. Altas temperaturas como 40 0C e 70 <SÙP>0C também levaram a uma maior taxa na degradação do fenol devido a uma maior produção de espécies radicalares oxidantes. Além dos processos fotoassistidos e térmicos, investigou-se também processos de geração dos radicais a partir da ativação do oxidante em diferentes pH (3,0, 5,0, 7,0 e 9,0) e tambem na presença de metais de transição (Co2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+ e Cu2+). A processo não foi afetada pelo pH. Com relação a presença dos metais de transição na solução obteve-se um ganho na eficiência do processo principalmente com o emprego do Fe2+, caracterizando a reação como uma reação do tipo Fenton. De uma maneira geral a utilização de SO4 2- na degradação de fenol mostrou-se bastante promissora para uma aplicação deste processo no tratamento de efluentes contendo estes compostos. / This work describes the evaluation of radicals sulphate (SO42-), obtained from the oxidant potassium persulphate (K2S2O8), in the degradation of phenol aqueous solutions. The deterioration of the aquatic resources has been assumed a preoccupying situation, since a time its demands has been increased constantly. Amongst many compounds in the degradation of aquatic systems quality, special attention has been dispensed to organic compounds such as organochlorinated, organophosphorated, aromatic carbamates, triazines, polynuclear hydrocarbons, phenolic, etc. This work evaluated the application of SO42- radicals in the degradation of phenol. Studies using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) showed that SO4-2 is the main radical species obtained by the S2O8-2 oxidant photolysis and thermolysis. The presence of UV radiation contributed to improve phenol degradation due to the increase in oxidant radicals production. Higher temperatures (40 0C and 70 0C) have also led to an increment in the phenol degradation rate. Beyond the photoassisted and thermal processes, it was also investigated processes of radicals\' generation from the activation of the oxidant in different pH (3.0, 5.0, 7.0 and 9.0) and also in the presence of transition metals (Co2+, Mn2+ , Fe2+ , Fe3+ and Cu2+ ). The efficiency of the process was not affected by the pH. On the other hand, the presence of transition metals in the solution led to considerably better degradation rates, specially applying Fe2+, which could be characterized as a Fenton-like reaction. In a general way, the use of SO42- in the phenol degradation showed promising results for its future application in the treatment of effluent containing these composites.
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Fotodegradação de polímeros solúveis em água e moléculas modelo via processos oxidativos avançados / Photodegradation of water soluble polymers and model molecules via advanced oxidative processesLaís Calixto Santos 13 October 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho foi investigado o mecanismo de fotodegradação de polímeros e também a ação de agentes estabilizantes. Foi investigada a degradação oxidativa de polímeros solúveis em água como poli(vinilpirrolidona), PVP; poli(acrilamida), PAM e poli(etilenoglicol), PEG na presença de peróxido de hidrogênio, reagente de Fenton e sal de ferro. O PVP apresentou a menor fotoestabilidade enquanto a PAM apresentou a maior fotoestabilidade. O sal de ferro não promoveu a degradação. As soluções de PEG foram fotooxidadas com os sistemas UV/H2O2, Fenton e foto-Fenton e as amostras foram analisadas por GPC e HPLC. A análise por GPC das soluções de PEG mostrou que em todas as condições oxidativas usadas, a fotooxidação leva a uma queda acentuada da Mw, caracterizando um mecanismo de quebra de cadeia aleatório. Para os três sistemas usados, a polidispersidade aumenta após a degradação, confirmando o mecanismo de quebra aleatória de cadeia. As medidas de GPC também mostraram que a velocidade de degradação é muito maior com o sistema foto-Fenton (kd = 1,010-4 mol.g-1.min-1), seguida pelo sistema UV/H2O2 (kd = 3,610-5 mol.g-1.min-1). O uso do reagente de Fenton apresentou a menor velocidade de degradação (kd = 1,110-6 mol.g-1.min-1). Os produtos de degradação do PEG, nos três sistemas analisados, foram analisados por HPLC, sendo identificados produtos de menor peso molecular, entre eles, EG, 2EG, 3EG, 4EG, e os ácidos glicólico e fórmico. O mecanismo envolve um processo consecutivo em que os etilenoglicóis de maior peso molecular dão origem aos de menor peso molecular. Etilenoglicóis de cadeia curta foram usados com sucesso como moléculas modelo para prever o mecanismo de fotodegradação do PEG. Fenóis primários combinados com antioxidantes secundários contendo fósforo são os sistemas estabilizantes mais efetivos, amplamente usados na estabilização do processamento e na aplicação de olefinas a longo prazo. O mecanismo de reação de hidrólise dos antioxidantes fosfito, escolhidos para diferenciar na estrutura química e no conteúdo de fósforo, é investigado através da espectrometria de massas. Substituintes diferentes em torno do átomo de fósforo mostram um efeito significativo na estabilidade dos fosfitos com substituintes fenol, produzindo estruturas hidroliticamente estáveis. / The aim of this work was to investigate polymer photodegradation mechanisms and stabilizing agents. The course of photooxidative degradation of some water soluble polymers (poly(vinylpyrrolidone), PVP; poly(acrylamide), PAM and poly(ethylene glycol), PEG) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, Fenton reagent and iron salt has been investigated. PVP showed the lowest photostability while PAM had the greatest photostability. Iron salt was not efficient promoting degradation. PEG has been photooxidized in Fenton, photo-Fenton and UV/H2O2 systems. Samples were analysed using GPC and HPLC. GPC analysis of PEG solutions showed that in all oxidizing conditions used, the photooxidation of PEG aqueous solutions leads to an abrupt decrease of Mw, which means that the degradation of PEG implies a random chain scission mechanism. Polydispersity increases after degradation in all the systems used, confirming a random chain scission mechanism. GPC analysis also showed that the rate of degradation is much higher for the photo-Fenton system (kd = 1,010-4 mol.g-1.min-1), followed by UV/H2O2 system (kd = 3,610-5 mol.g-1.min-1 ). Fenton reagent has the lowest degradation rate (kd = 1,110-6 mol.g-1.min-1). The degradation products of PEG in all oxidizing systems, were analyzed by HPLC and lower molecular weight products were detected, i.e., EG, 2EG, 3EG, 4EG, glycolic and formic acids. The mechanism involved a consecutive process, were the larger ethyleneglycols gave rise, successively, to smaller ones. This suggested that the mechanism involved successive scissions of the polymer chain. Ethyleneglycols were successfully used as model molecules to predict PEGs photodegradation mechanism. Primary hindered phenols in combination with phosphorous-based secondary antioxidants are one of the most effective stabilizing systems, widely used in the processing stabilization and long-term application of polyolefins. The hydrolysis reaction mechanism of phosphite antioxidants, chosen to differ in chemical structure and phosphorus content, is investigated by mass spectrometric means. The analytes under investigation are exposed to accelerated humid ageing conditions and their hydrolytic pathway and stability is investigated. Different substituents around the phosphorus atom are shown to have a significant effect on the stability of the phosphites with phenol substituent producing very hydrolytically stable structures.
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Synthèse et étude d'amidons modifiés pour le développement de procédés d'oxydation du benzo[a]pyrène, un modèle de polluant organique persistant / Synthesis of alkylated potato starch derivatives ands their potential applications for oxidation of benzo[a]pyrene, a model of persistent organic pollutantDospinescu-Rosu, Ana-Maria 18 November 2011 (has links)
Mes recherches s’inscrivent dans une problématique de remédiation des sols pollués par deshydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques (HAP) avec comme modèle de polluant organiquepersistant le benzo[a]pyrène (BaP). La persistance de ce type de molécules dans les sols estprincipalement due à deux paramètres limitants : leur faible biodisponibilité en raison de leur faible solubilité aqueuse et la difficulté pour les microorganismes d’amorcer l’oxydation de molécules aussi stables. Notre approche a consisté en l’utilisation de polysaccharides à base d’amidon comme matrice permettant de stimuler la solubilisation du BaP et comme support à la réaction de Fenton (Fe²⁺ + H2O2 → Fe³⁺ + OH- + OH⁺) en tant que producteur d’un puissant oxydant : le radical hydroxyl OH⁺. Une étude théorique de modélisation moléculaire a permis de mettre en évidence dans lamolécule d’amidon des sites de fixation préférentiels aussi bien pour le BaP que pour le cation Fe ²⁺. Par la suite, l’étude expérimentale a eu pour objectif la synthèse chimique d’amidon modifié utilisantdeux types d’agent alkylant, des époxydes et des anhydrides d’acides carboxyliques. Après la caractérisation chimique de ces molécules par spectroscopie RMN et FTIR, les études de relation structure activité (par fluorescence, MEB et MEB-EDS) entre les amidons modifiés, le BaP et le cation Fe ²⁺ ont permis le criblage d’une vingtaine de molécules d’amidons modifiés et la sélection des amidons modifiés les plus solubles et les plus efficaces dans la solubilisation du BaP. Par exemple, la molécules d’amidon (P17) bialkylé par un époxyde à trois carbones et un anhydride à onze carbones présente une solubilité aqueuse de 4,41 g/l (amidon natif 0,4 g/l) et une capacité à stimuler la solubilité du BaP d’un facteur 20. La dernière étape de mon travail de thèse aborde, in vitro, les applications potentielles des amidons modifiés pour la dégradation du BaP. Les essais réalisés avec la réaction de Fenton nous ont suggéré une hypothèse originale dans laquelle il semblerait que la matrice polysaccharique produirait des radicaux carbohydrates possédant un temps de demi-vie largement supérieur comparé à celui de l’hydroxyl radical leur conférant une meilleure capacité à atteindre et à oxyder le BaP. Les premiers essais couplant l’oxydation chimique et les potentialités de dégradation par des champignons saprotrophes doivent être encore optimisés afin d’utiliser tout le potentiel de la biodiversité des champignons. / My researchs concern remediation of polluted soil by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) with the benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) as a model of persistent organic pollutant. The persistence of these molecules into soil is mainly due to both limiting parameters: their weak biodisponibility due to their low aqueous solubility and the difficulty for microorganisms of starting the oxidation of such stable molecules. Our approach consisted in the use of polysaccharides like starch matrix for stimulating the solubilization of BaP and allowing on such support the Fenton reaction (Fe²⁺+H2O2 → Fe ³⁺+ OH -+ OH ⁺) as a producer of high oxidant i.e. the hydroxyl radicals OH ⁺. A theoretical computer modelling study conducted on potato starch permits to identify the preferential sites for BaP and iron complexation. Thereafter, the experimental study aimed the chemical modification of starch using two types of alkylated agents i.e. epoxides and anhydrides of carboxylic acids. After the chemical characterization of these molecules by NMR and FTIR spectroscopy, the structure activity relationship between the modified starches, BaP and Fe2+ (as studied by fluorescence, SEM and SEM-EDS) allowed the screening of modified starches and the selection of the most soluble starches and the most effective one in BaP solubilization. For example, the molecule of starch (P17) bi-alkyl substituted by an epoxy group with three carbons and an anhydride with eleven carbons has an aqueous solubility of 4,41 g/L (native starch 0,4 g/L) and a capacity to stimulate the BaP solubility by a 20-factor. The last step of this work approaches, in vitro, the potential application of the modified starch for BaP degradation. The tests carried out with Fenton reaction suggested an original hypothesis based on the production of carbohydrate radicals having a higher half-life time compared with that of the hydroxyl radical itself, conferring them a better capacity to reach and to oxidize BaP. The first tests coupling chemical oxidation and the potentialities of fungal degradation must be still optimized in order to use all the potential biodiversity of fungi. / Cercetările acestei teze se înscriu în cadrul unei probleme de remediere a solurilor poluate cu hidrocarburi aromatice policiclice (HAP),având ca model de poluare benzo [a] pirenul (BaP). Persistenţa acestor moleculelor, de acest tip, în soluri este dată în principal de doi parametri limitanţi: biosponibilitatea lor scăzută, datorită solubilităţii apoase scăzute, şi dificultatea, pentru microorganisme de a oxida aceste molecule stabile. Abordarea nostră constă în utilizarea polizaharidelor, având ca suport amidonul: ca matrice permanentă de stimulare a solubilităţii BaPului şi ca suport în reacţia Fenton (Fe²⁺+H2O2 → Fe ³⁺+ OH -+ OH ⁺) producătoare de un oxidant foarte puternic precum radicalul hidroxil OH ⁺. Un studiu teoretic de modelare moleculară a permis punerea în evidenţă în molecula de amidon a unor site-uri de fixare preferenţiale atât pentru BaP cât şi pentru cationul Fe²⁺. Apoi, un studiu experimantal a avut ca obiectiv sinteza chimică a amidonului modificat utilizând două tipuri de agenţi de alchilare: epoxizii şi anhidridele acizilor carboxilici. După caracterizarea chimică a acestor molecule prin spectroscopie RMN şi FTIR, studiile de relaţie structură-activitate (prin fluorescenţă, MEB şi MEB-EDS) între amidonurile modificate, BaP şi cationul Fe²⁺ au permis verificarea a douăzeci de molecule de amidon modificate şi selecţionarea amidonurilor modificate cele mai solubile şi mai eficace în solubilizarea BaPului. De exemplu, molecula de amidon (P17) bialchilată printr-un epoxid cu trei atomi de carbon şi o anhidridă cu unusprezece carboni, prezintă o solubilitate apoasă de 4,41 g/L (faţă de amidonul nativ 0,4 g/L) şi o capacitate de stimulare a solubilităţii BaP de un factor 20. Ultima etapă a acestei teze de doctorat abordează, in vitro, aplicaţiile potenţiale ale amidonurilor modificate pentru degradarea BaPului. Încercările realizate cu reacţia Fenton ne sugerează o ipoteză originală în care se pare că matricea polizaharidică produce radicali carbohidraţi posedând un timp de viaţă superior, comparativ cu cel al radicalului hidroxil, conferind o mai bună capacitate de captare şi oxidare a BaPului. Primele încercări cuplând oxidarea chimică şi potenţialitatea de degradare prin fungi saprotrofi mai trebuie încă optimizată pentru utilizarea întregului potenţial de biodiversitate a fungilor.
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Etude d'élimination de trois herbicides : Atrazine, Sulcotrione et Mésotrione, en milieu aqueux par les procédés électrochimiques d'oxydation avancée / Study on the complete removal of herbicides : Atrazine, Sulcotrione and Mesotrione from water by electrochemical advanced oxidation processesMurati, Minir 07 May 2012 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur l'application d'un procédé électrochimique d'oxydation avancée, le procédé électro-Fenton, au traitement des eaux usées contenant des polluants organiques persistants tels que les herbicides. En fait, le radical hydroxyle qui est un oxydant fort est généré in situ de manière électrocatalytique. Ce radical est capable d'oxyder n'importe quel molécule organique jusqu'à la minéralisation (transformation en CO2 et H2O).La dégradation/minéralisation de trois herbicides (atrazine, mesotrione et sulcotrione) a fait l'objet de ce travail. L'atrazine est un herbicide qui a été très largement utilisé dans le passé et interdit récemment en France à raison de son impact négatif sur l'environnement. L'atrazine constitue un polluant chroniques des eaux de surfaces et souterrains des deux dernières décennies. L'atrazine et ses métabolites seront présents dans les eaux encore pendant plusieurs années. L'atrazine est bien connu comme herbicide problématique quant à leur traitement. L'atrazine est une des molécules rare qui résiste à la minéralisation par les procédés d'oxydation avancée. Mesotrione et sulcotrione se sont des molécules conçus pour remplacer l'atrazine en tant que herbicides. Après avoir optimisé les paramètres opératoires du procédé électro-Fenton (nature et concentration du catalyseur, l'utilisation d'une anode Pt et une anode BDD en diamant dopé au bore, etc.) afin d'augmenter son efficacité, nous l'avons appliqué au traitement des solutions aqueux des polluants organiques. En premier lieu, nous avons identifié et effectué le suivi quantitatif des intermédiaires réactionnels aromatiques et aliphatiques formés lors du traitement. La libération des ions minéraux a été mise en évidence par chromatographie et leur évolution au cours de l'électrolyse a été suivie. L'efficacité de minéralisation des solutions traitées a été déterminée par l'analyse du carbone organique total. Dans le cas de l'atrazine, un taux de minéralisation de 96 % a été obtenu. Un taux si élevé n'est jamais rapporté par un procédé d'oxydation avancée. L'étude cinétique de la dégradation des herbicides étudiés a permis de déterminer les constantes de réaction apparentes de dégradation par les radicaux hydroxyles. Les constantes de vitesse absolue (kabs) de réaction des radicaux hydroxyles sur les herbicides étudiés ont été mesurées par la mise en oeuvre de la méthode de cinétique de compétition. Les valeurs de ( (1,53 x 108 M-1 s-1 ) ,(1.01 x 109 M-1 s-1 ) et ( 8.20 x 108 M-1 s-1)ont été trouvées respectivement pour l'atrazine, la sulcotrione et la Mesotrione / This study concerns the application of an electrochemical advanced oxidation process, namely the "electro-Fenton process", to treatment of waste water containing the persistent organic pollutants such as herbicides. A very strong oxidant, the hydroxyl radical, is generated in situ in electrocatalytic way. This radical is able to oxidize any organic molecule until the ultimate oxidation stage, i.e. mineralization (transformation into CO2 and H2O).Degradation/mineralization of three herbicides (atrazine, sulcotrione and mesotrione) was the subject of this work. Atrazine was very largely used herbicide in the past and prohibited recently in France because of its negative impact on the environment. During the two last decades atrazine constituted the chronic pollutants of surface and underground waters. Atrazine and its metabolites will be present in water still during several years. Atrazine are well-known as problematic herbicides for their treatment. Atrazine is one of the rare molecules which resist to mineralization by the advanced oxidation processes. Mesotrione and sulcotrione are molecules designed to replace the atrazine as weed-killers. After having optimized the operational parameters of the electro-Fenton process (nature and concentration of the catalyst, the use of a boron doped diamond (BDD) instead of Pt, etc.) in order to increase its efficiency, we applied it to treatment of the aqueous solutions of selected herbicides. Initially, we identified and carried out the quantitative follow-up of the aromatic and aliphatic reaction intermediates formed during current controlled electrolysis. The release of the mineral ions was measured by ion chromatography and their evolution during electrolysis was followed. The mineralization efficiency of treated solutions was determined in term of total organic carbon (TOC) measurements. In the case of the atrazine, a mineralization ratio of 96% was obtained. Such mineralization efficiency was never reported by an advanced oxidation process. The degradation kinetics study of the herbicides under examination permitted to determine the apparent rate constants (kapp) of the reactions between herbicides and hydroxyl radical. The absolute rate constants (kabs) of degradation reactions of studied herbicides were determined by employing the competition kinetics method using a standard molecule for which kabs is known. The values of (1,53 x 108 M-1 s-1 ) ,(1.01 x 109 M-1 s-1 ) and ( 8.20 x 108 M-1 s-1) were found respectively for the atrazine, the sulcotrione and the Mesotrione
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Oxidation of phenol and cresol by electrochemical advanced oxidation method in homogeneous medium : application to treatment of a real effluent of aeronautical industryPimentel, Marcio 24 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The present work verified the efficiency of electro-Fenton to destroy phenolic compounds present in Stripping Aircraft Wastewater. This research aimed to elucidate the influence of the catalyst nature, its concentration and of electric current density in efficiency of electro-Fenton process using an indivisible cell with a carbon felt cathode and platinum or borod doped diamond anodes. The experiments compared the effect of these variables to destroy phenol, cresols and their intermediates. The compounds and many intermediates formed were identified in High Perfomance Liquid Chromatograph and allowed obtaining apparent and/or absolute constants and simplified degradation mechanisms. In optimum conditions, measures of Total Organic Carbon showed high mineralization rates. At the end, the application of electro-Fenton process to high organics loads of real Stripping Aircraft wastewater allowed obtaining almost complete mineralization replacing Pt anode by Boron Doped Diamond.
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Oligomerization of Levoglucosan in Proxies of Biomass Burning AerosolsHolmes, Bryan J. 18 June 2008 (has links)
Biomass burning aerosols play an important role in the chemistry and physics of the atmosphere and therefore, affect global climate. Biomass burning aerosols are generally aqueous and have a strong saccharidic component due to the combustion and pyrolysis of cellulose, a major component of foliar fuel. This class of aerosol is known to affect both the absorption and scatter of solar radiation. Also, biomass burning aerosols contribute to cloud formation through their action as cloud-condensation nuclei. Many questions exist about the chemical speciation and chemical aging of biomass burning aerosols and how this affects their atmospheric properties and ultimately, global climate. Also, knowledge of the chemical components of these aerosols is important in the search for chemical tracers that can give information about the point or regional source, fuel type, and age of a biomass burning aerosol parcel. Levoglucosan was chosen for these studies as a model compound for biomass burning aerosols because of its high measured concentrations in aerosol samples. Levoglucosan often dominates the aerosol composition by mass. In this dissertation, laboratory proxy systems were developed to study the solution-phase chemistry of levoglucosan with common atmospheric reactants found in biomass burning aerosols (i.e. H+, •OH). To mimic these natural conditions, acid chemistry was studied using sulfuric acid in water (pH=4.5). The hydroxyl radical (•OH) was produced by the Fenton reaction which consists of iron, hydrogen peroxide and acid (H2SO4) in aqueous solvent. For studies in aqueous sulfuric acid, oligomers of levoglucosan were measured by matrix-assisted laser desorption and ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). A rational mechanism is proposed based on both the acid-catalyzed cationic ring-opening of levoglucosan and nucleophilic attack of ROH from levoglucosan on the hemi-acetal carbon to produce pyranose oligomers through the formation of glycosidic bonds. Oligomer formation is further supported by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Reactions of levoglucosan with •OH produced from Fenton chemistry were studied in solution. Two modes of oligomerization (2000 u) were observed for reaction times between 1 and 7 days using MALDI-TOF-MS and laser desorption ionization (LDI) TOF-MS. Single-mass unit continuum mass distributions with dominant -2 u patterns were measured and superimposed by a +176/+162 u oligomer series. This latter oligomer pattern was attributed to a Criegee rearrangement (+14 u) of levoglucosan, initiated by •OH, forming a lactone (176 u). The acid-catalyzed reaction of any ROH from levoglucosan (+162 u) forms an ester through transesterification of the lactone functionality, whereupon propagation forms polyesters. Proposed products and chemical mechanisms are suggested as sources and precursors of humic-like substances (HULIS), which are known to possess a large saccharic component and are possibly formed from biomass burning aerosols. These products could also serve as secondary tracers, giving further information on the source and age of the aerosol.
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Mechanistic Study of Pollutant DegradationZheng, Weixi 17 December 2004 (has links)
Environmental pollution has been a serious concern worldwide. Many degradation methods have been developed to clean sites contaminated with pollutants. More knowledge and better understanding in this field will help to protect our environment. The goal of the research in this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of organic pollutant degradation in Fenton reactions and sonochemical reactions. Fenton degradation uses hydroxyl radical to oxidize organic compounds. The radical is produced by catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide with Fe(II). Further research has found that addition of cyclodextrins can enhance degradation efficiency of hydrophobic organic pollutants. To study the mechanism of the enhancement, pollutant-cyclodextrin-Fe(II) aqueous systems were studied by fluorescence and NMR techniques. The results indicated the formation of pollutant/carboxymethyl-â-cyclodextrin/Fe(II) ternary complexes in the solution. With the ternary complex, the catalyst Fe(II) becomes closer to the pollutant, therefore leading to more efficient hydroxyl radical attack on the pollutant. Additional studies showed that hydropropyl-â- cyclodextrin, â-cyclodextrin and á-cyclodextrin bound pollutant well, but bound Fe(II) poorly. Sulfated-â-cyclodextrin did not bind well with pollutant although it bound Fe(II) well. Sonochemical degradation is another important pollutant treatment method in practice. It was found that phenol sonolysis can be enhanced by volatile hydrogen atom scavengers such as carbon tetrachloride and perfluorohexane. The non-volatile hydrogen atom scavenger iodate did not enhance phenol degradation. The first order rate constant for aqueous phenol degradation increased by about 2.2-2.8 times in the presence of 150 ìM carbon tetrachloride. In the presence of less than 1.5 ìM perfluorohexane the first order rate constant increased by about 2.3 times. Hydroquinone was the major observed reaction intermediate both in the presence and absence of hydrogen atom scavengers. Hydroquinone yields were substantially higher in the presence of hydrogen atom scavengers, suggesting that hydroxyl radical pathways for phenol degradation were enhanced by the hydrogen atom scavengers. The additives investigated in this study have potential to improve pollutant degradation efficiency. Other fields may also benefit from the information gained in this study. For example the improvement could be achieved in synthetic processes that rely on hydroxyl radical as a key intermediate.
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Contribution à l'étude de dégradation des colorants organiques par le procède d'oxydation avancée UV/Fe-ZSM5/H2O2 / Contribution to the study of organic dyes degradation by advanced Oxidation process “uv/fe-zsm5/h2o2”Bagherzadeh Kasiri, Masoud 01 May 2009 (has links)
L’utilisation de colorants synthétiques se développe depuis de nombreuses années dans des différentes industries. Les procèdes les plus couramment utilises pour le traitement des eaux usées colorées sont les traitements biologiques mais ils ont leurs limites. Les techniques d’oxydation chimique traditionnelle quant a elles conduisent à la coupure de la molécule au niveau du chromophore ne peuvent pas minéraliser totalement des colorants alors que la dépollution complète de ces effluents l’exigerait. Le procède photo-fenton homogène est une technique de traitement qui peut dégrader les effluents colores efficacement. Mais il y a quelques inconvénients majeurs qui limitent l’application industrielle de cette technologie. L’objectif de ce travail de recherche était d’étudier la décoloration et la dégradation des solutions des colorants: acide orange 7 acide orange 8 acide rouge i4 acide rouge 73 et acide bleu 74 par le procède d’oxydation avancée: photo-Fenton heterogene. Dans ce procède la zeolite fe-zsm5 a été utilisée comme un catalyseur heterogene. L’application de ce système nous a permis d une part de diminuer la quantité de boue formée au cours du traitement ainsi que la consommation d’énergie électrique engendrée par l’utilisation d’UV estimée à l aide de la méthode figures-of-merit et d’autre par d’étendre l’application du procède type photo-fenton aux ph plus élevés. La modélisation des procèdes étudies a été faite par deux méthodes à la méthodologie de surface de réponse (RSM) et les réseaux neuronaux artificiels (ANNS) - afin d optimiser la performance de système et également d'évaluer les effets simples et combines des différentes variables sur l’efficacité du traitement. / Large amounts of dyes are annually produced and applied in different industries. The biological methods are widely used for treatment of coloured ef fluents, but they have some limitations. Traditional chemical oxidations that destroy the chromophore of the molecule could not also result the complete mineralisation of the dyes. Homogeneous photo-fenton is a promising technique for treatment of the effluents but there are still some drawbacks that limit the industrial applications of this method. The aim of this work was to study the decolourisation and the degradation of coloured solution containing acid orange 7 acid orange 8 acid red I4 acid red 73 or acid blue 74 by an advanced oxidation process: heterogeneous Photo-fenton. In this study zeolite fe-zsm5 was used as a heterogeneous catalyst. Application of this system not only allowed us to diminish the quantity of sludge formed during the process but also reduced the consummation of electrical energy process keeps its high efficiency even at neutral phs. The modelling of the process was done by two methods - response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial Neural networks (ANNS) in order to optimise the performance of the system and to evaluate the simple and the combined effects of different variables on the process efficiency.
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Étude de dégradation des colorants de textile par les procédés d'oxydation avancée : application à la dépollution des rejets industriels / A study on textile dye degradation by advanced oxidation processes : application to the depollution of industrial effluentsHammami, Samiha 12 December 2008 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’application de différents procédés d’oxydation avancée, POA (plasma d'air humide, électro-Fenton, photo-Fenton et oxydation anodique avec BDD) pour le traitement des colorants de textile. La particularité de ces procédés tient à la génération dans le milieu d’entités très réactives et très oxydantes, les radicaux hydroxyles •OH qui sont capables d’oxyder n’importe quelle molécule organique jusqu’au stade ultime d'oxydation, c'est-à-dire la minéralisation (transformation en CO2 et H2O). Le plasma d'air humide a été appliqué pour l'oxydation d'un colorant azoïque, l'OD 61. Différents catalyseurs (Fe2+, Fe3+ et TiO2) ont été ajoutés dans leurs conditions optimisées afin d'améliorer les performances du système Glidarc. La combinaison des deux catalyseurs: Fe2+ et TiO2 a permis de décolorer 91% de l'OD 61 au bout de 3 heures et d'atteindre un taux d'abattement du COT de l'ordre de 52% après 10 heures de traitement. La méthodologie de la recherche expérimentale a été appliquée dans ce mémoire afin d'étudier l'influence de: l'intensité du courant, la concentration du colorant et le temps d'électrolyse sur la vitesse de disparition de l'OD 61 et afin de déterminer les conditions optimales de sa minéralisation. Dans les conditions optimales obtenues ([colorant] = 0,53.10-3 mol.L-1, I = 250 mA), le procédé électro-Fenton (EF) permet d'atteindre des taux de minéralisation de l'ordre de 98% dans le cas de l'OD 61 et l'AO 7 et de 88% dans le cas de l'indigo carmine. L’identification des produits intermédiaires au cours de l’électrolyse a permis de proposer un mécanisme de minéralisation de l'AO7. Les constantes cinétiques apparentes et absolues ont été déterminées. La dégradation de l'indigo a été étudiée par oxydation anodique avec BDD (OA-BDD) et par procédé photo-Fenton (PF). Cette étude a montré que l'électrolyse de l'indigo suit une cinétique de pseudo premier ordre et que le taux d'abattement du COT était de l'ordre de 97% et 63% respectivement avec OA-BDD et PF. Une étude comparative pour l'oxydation de l'AO 7 a été menée par trois procédés d'oxydation avancée: PF, OA- BDD et EF-Pt et EF-BDD. Cette étude a montré que le procédé photo-Fenton permet d'atteindre des taux d'abattement supérieurs à 90% après seulement 2 heures de traitement. Toutefois, le PF s'est révélé le plus coûteux suite à l'utilisation de la lumière artificielle UV et l'ajout des réactifs. Par ailleurs, le traitement d'un effluent réel issu de l'industrie de textile par le procédé électro-Fenton avec une anode de platine a permis la minéralisation presque totale du rejet initial (94% du COT initial ont été éliminés) / This study concerns the application of various advanced oxidation processes, AOP (humid air plasma, electro-Fenton, photo-Fenton and anodic oxidation with BDD) to treatment of wastewater containing the persistent organic pollutants such as textile dyes. The characteristic of these processes is due to the generation of very reactive and very oxidizing species, hydroxyl radicals •OH which are able to oxidize any organic molecule until the ultimate oxidation stage, i.e. mineralization (transformation into CO2 and H2O). The humid air plasma was applied for DO 61degradation. Various catalysts (Fe2+, Fe3+ and TiO2) were added under their optimized conditions in order to improve the performances of Glidarc system. The combination of Fe2+and TiO2 lead to reach 91% of DO 61 degradation after 3 hours and 52% of TOC abatement after 10 H of treatment. The experimental design methodology was applied in this work in order to investigate the influence of experimental parameters (current intensity, dye concentration and electrolysis time) on the degradation rate of DO 61 dye and then for determining the optimal mineralization conditions. Under the optimal obtained conditions ([dye] = 0.53 10-3 mol.L-1, I = 250 mA), electro-Fenton process can lead to a complete mineralization of dyes: 98% of TOC abatement are obtained in the case of the DO 61 and the AO 7 and 88% in the case of indigo carmine. The identification of the intermediates during electrolysis permitted to propose a mineralization of AO 7 dye under examination. The apparent and absolute kinetic constants were determined. The degradation of indigo dye was studied by anodic oxidation with BDD (AO-BDD) and photo-Fenton process (PF). This study shows a pseudo first order reaction kinetics for indigo degradation. The mineralization efficiency is about 97% and 63% of TOC abatement, respectively with OA-BDD and PF A comparative study of the mineralization efficiency of AO 7 dye was been investigated by different advanced oxidation processes (PF, AO-BDD, EF-Pt, EF-BDD). This study shows that PF process lead to reach more than 95% of TOC abatement after only 2 hours. Nevertheless, this process is the most expensive due to the use artificial UV light and the addition of reagents. The treatment of an industrial textile effluent by electro-Fenton process lead to a complete mineralization (94% of initial TOC were eliminated)
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Fotodegradação de fármacos por procesos oxidativos avançados utilizando fonte de irradiação artificial e solar : avaliação química e toxicológica /Trovó, Alam Gustavo. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Raquel Fernandes Pupo Nogueira / Banca: Andrew George Allen / Banca: Ian Castro-Gamboa / Banca: Eduardo Bessa Azevedo / Banca: Maria Lucia Arruda de Moura Campos / Resumo: Neste trabalho foi avaliada a fotodegradação dos fármacos amoxicilina (AMX), diclofenaco (DCF), paracetamol (PCT) e sulfametoxazol (SMX) por fotólise e por processos oxidativos avançados. A degradação dos compostos foi feita em água destilada (AD), água do mar (AM) e efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) utilizando fonte de irradiação artificial e solar. A concentração dos fármacos foi determinada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e a remoção da carga orgânica por determinações de carbono orgânico total (COT). Os intermediários gerados durante a degradação foram determinados por CLAE acoplada à espectrometria de massas de alta resolução e a toxicidade das soluções por bioensaios com Daphnia magna e Vibrio fischeri. Foi observada uma pequena diferença na degradação de AMX e PCT variando o pH entre 2,5 e 9,0 e independência da concentração de H2O2 (170-3400 mg L-1) quando o processo H2O2/UV foi avaliado. Por outro lado, a espécie de ferro influenciou fortemente a degradação de AMX e PCT quando o processo foto-Fenton foi empregado. A degradação de ambos compostos foi favorecida na presença do complexo ferrioxalato de potássio (FeOx) quando comparado ao Fe(NO3)3. Contudo, na presença de sulfato ferroso, a degradação de PCT foi favorecida em comparação ao FeOx. A aplicação de ambos processos foi avaliada na degradação de AMX e PCT em efluente de ETE usando diferentes fontes de radiação e comparado aos resultados em AD. A eficiência de degradação de AMX usando o processo foto-Fenton foi prejudicada pela matriz ETE. Isso não foi observado usando o processo H2O2/UV. Com relação a eficiência de degradação de PCT, esta não foi influenciada pela matriz quando ambos os processos (H2O2/UV e foto- Fenton) foram empregados. A degradação de AMX e PCT foi favorecida na presença de radiação solar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In this work the photodegradation of the pharmaceuticals amoxicillin (AMX), diclofenac (DCF), paracetamol (PCT) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) by photolysis and advanced oxidation processes was studied. The degradation of the compounds was performed in distilled water (DW), seawater (SW) and sewage treatment plant (STP) using artificial and solar irradiation source. The pharmaceuticals concentrations were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and the organic matter by total organic carbon (TOC). The intermediates generated during degradation were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to the high resolution mass spectrometry and the toxicity of the solutions by bioassays with Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri. It was observed a small difference on the AMX and PCT degradation varying the pH between 2.5 and 9.0 and independence of H2O2 concentration (170-3400 mg L-1) when the H2O2/UV was employed. On the other hand, a strong influence of the iron species was observed on the AMX and PCT degradation when the photo-Fenton process was evaluated. The degradation of both pharmaceuticals was favored in the presence of the potassium ferrioxalate complex (FeOx) when compared to Fe(NO3)3. However, at the presence of ferrous sulphate, the PCT degradation was favored in comparison to FeOx. Both processes were evaluated for the AMX and PCT degradation in STP effluent using different radiation sources and compared with the DW results. The AMX degradation efficiency by the photo- Fenton process was affected by the STP matrix, while no influence was observed by H2O2/UV process. In relation to PCT degradation efficiency, it was not influenced by the matrix using both processes, (H2O2/UV and photo-Fenton). The AMX and PCT degradation was favoured in the presence of solar radiation. After the photo-Fenton application to both compounds and iron species... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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