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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aspects of Conformal Field Theory

Broccoli, Matteo 20 December 2022 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation analysieren wir drei Aspekte von Konforme Feldtheorien (CFTs). Erstens betrachten wir Korrelationsfunktionen von sekundären Zuständen (SZ) in zweidimensionalen CFTs. Wir diskutieren eine rekursive Formel zu ihrer Berechnung und erstellen eine Computerimplementierung dieser Formel. Damit können wir jede Korrelationsfunktion von SZ des Vakuums erhalten und für Nicht-Vakuum-SZ den Korrelator als Differentialoperator, der auf den jeweiligen primären Korrelator wirkt, ausdrücken. Mit diesem Code untersuchen wir dann einige Verschränkungs- und Unterscheidbarkeitsmaße zwischen SZ, i.e. die Rényi-Entropie, den Spurquadratabstand und die Sandwich-Rényi-Divergenz. Mit unseren Ergebnissen können wir die Rényi Quanten-Null-Energie-Bedingung testen und stellen neue Werkzeuge zur Analyse der holographischen Beschreibung von SZ bereit. Zweitens untersuchen wir vierdimensionale Weyl-Fermionen auf verschiedenen Hintergründen. Unser Interesse gilt ihrer Spuranomalie, und der Frage, ob die Pontryagin-Dichte auftritt. Deshalb berechnen wir die Anomalien von Dirac-Fermionen, die an vektorielle und axiale Eichfelder gekoppelt sind, und dann auf einem metrisch-axialen Tensor Hintergrund. Geeignete Grenzwerte der Hintergründe erlauben es dann, die Anomalien von Weyl-Fermionen, die an Eichfelder gekoppelt sind, und in einer gekrümmten Raumzeit zu berechnen. Wir bestätigen das Fehlen der Pontryagin-Dichte in den Spuranomalien. Drittens liefern wir die holographische Beschreibung einer vierdimensionalen CFT mit einem irrelevanten Operator. Wenn der Operator eine ganzzahlige konforme Dimension hat, modifiziert sein Vorhandensein in der CFT die Weyl-Transformation der Metrik, was wiederum die Spuranomalie ändert. Unter Ausnutzung der Äquivalenz zwischen Diffeomorphismen im Inneren und Weyl-Transformationen auf dem Rand, berechnen wir diese Modifikationen mithilfe der dualen Gravitationstheorie. Unsere Ergebnisse repräsentieren einen weiteren Test der AdS/CFT-Korrespondenz. / Conformal field theories (CFTs) are amongst the most studied field theories and they offer a remarkable playground in modern theoretical physics. In this thesis we analyse three aspects of CFTs in different dimensions. First, we consider correlation functions of descendant states in two-dimensional CFTs. We discuss a recursive formula to calculate them and provide a computer implementation of it. This allows us to obtain any correlation function of vacuum descendants, and for non-vacuum descendants to express the correlator as a differential operator acting on the respective primary correlator. With this code, we study some entanglement and distinguishability measures between descendant states, i.e. the Rényi entropy, trace square distance and sandwiched Rényi divergence. With our results we can test the Rényi Quantum Null Energy Condition and provide new tools to analyse the holographic description of descendant states. Second, we study four-dimensional Weyl fermions on different backgrounds. Our interest is in their trace anomaly, where the Pontryagin density has been claimed to appear. To ascertain this possibility, we compute the anomalies of Dirac fermions coupled to vector and axial non-abelian gauge fields and then in a metric-axial-tensor background. Appropriate limits of the backgrounds allow to recover the anomalies of Weyl fermions coupled to non-abelian gauge fields and in a curved spacetime. In both cases we confirm the absence of the Pontryagin density in the trace anomalies. Third, we provide the holographic description of a four-dimensional CFT with an irrelevant operator. When the operator has integer conformal dimension, its presence in the CFT modifies the Weyl transformation of the metric, which in turns modifies the trace anomaly. Exploiting the equivalence between bulk diffeomorphisms and boundary Weyl transformations, we compute these modifications from the dual gravity theory. Our results represent an additional test of the AdS/CFT conjecture.

The twisted story of worldsheet scattering on deformed AdS

Zimmermann, Yannik 23 February 2024 (has links)
Wir untersuchen die perturbative Quantentheorie verschiedener integrabler Yang-Baxter-Deformationen des freien Superstrings auf AdS-Räumen. Dazu berechnen wir die Zwei-Körper-Streumatrix auf Baum-Niveau auf dem Weltenblatt mit Feynman-Diagramm-Methoden. Die verschiedenen Deformationen sind: (1) Alle abelschen Deformationen von AdS₅ ⨉ S⁵, die die Fixierung der Lichtkegel-Eichung erlauben. Diese sind dual zur nicht-kommutativen Super-Yang-Mills-Theorie und werden äquivalent durch TsT-Transformationen oder verwundene Randbedingungen beschrieben. Wir berechnen die bosonische Streumatrix auf Baum-Niveau für den BMN-String in uniformer Lichtkegel-Eichung. Die Streumatrix wird in den meisten Fällen durch einen Drinfeld-Verwindungen ausgedrückt; in einigen Fällen wird sie stattdessen durch eine verschobene Impulsabhängigkeit ausgedrückt. Abschließend vergleichen wir die aus diesen Ergebnissen abgeleiteten Bethe-Gleichungen mit denen des Modells mit verwundene Randbedingungen und stellen eine perfekte Übereinstimmung fest. Für Deformationen des GKP-Strings können wir aufgrund konzeptioneller Hindernisse keine deformierte Streumatrix um die Null-Cusp-Lösung bestimmen. (2) Die inhomogene oder eta-Deformation von AdS₅ ⨉ S⁵ entsprechend dem fermionischen Dynkin-Diagramm. Wir berechnen die Zwei-Körper-Streumatrix auf Baum-Niveau zu quadratischer fermionischer Ordnung in uniformer Lichtkegel-Eichung. Sie erfüllt die klassische Yang-Baxter-Gleichung, faktorisiert in zwei Blöcke und entspricht der exakten Streumatrix für ein Modell mit trigonometrisch quantendeformierter Symmetrie. (3) Inhomogene bi-Yang-Baxter-Deformationen von AdS₃ ⨉ S³ ⨉ T⁴ für mehrere Dynkin-Diagramme. Wir berechnen die Zwei-Körper-Streumatrix auf Baum-Niveau zu quadratischer fermionischer Ordnung in uniformer Lichtkegel-Eichung. Alle Deformationen ergeben die gleiche Streumatrix, die mit der erwarteten exakten Streumatrix bei trigonometrisch quantendeformierter Symmetrie übereinstimmt. / We study the perturbative quantum theory of various integrable Yang-Baxter deformations of the free superstring on AdS spaces. For this we compute the two-body tree-level scattering matrix on the worldsheet using Feynman diagram methods. The various deformations are: (1) All distinct Abelian deformations of AdS₅ ⨉ S⁵ allowing light-cone gauge fixing. These are dual to noncommutative super Yang-Mills theory and equivalently described through TsT transformations or twisted boundary conditions. We compute the bosonic tree-level scattering matrix for the BMN string in uniform light-cone gauge. The scattering matrix is expressed through a Drinfeld twist for most cases; for some cases it is expressed instead through a shifted momentum dependence. Lastly, we compare the Bethe equations derived from these results to the equations of the model with twisted boundary conditions and find perfect agreement. For deformations of the GKP string we are not able to determine a deformed scattering matrix around the null-cusp solution due to actions incompatible with perturbation theory in momentum space. (2) The inhomogeneous or eta deformation of AdS₅ ⨉ S⁵ corresponding to the fermionic Dynkin diagram. We compute the two-body tree-level scattering matrix up to second order in fermions in uniform light-cone gauge. It satisfies the classical Yang-Baxter equation, factorizes into two blocks and matches the exact scattering matrix for a model with trigonometrically quantum-deformed symmetry. (3) Inhomogeneous bi-Yang-Baxter deformations of AdS₃ ⨉ S³ ⨉ T⁴ for multiple Dynkin diagrams. We compute the two-body tree-level scattering matrix up to second order in fermions in uniform light-cone gauge. All deformations give the same scattering matrix, which matches the expected exact scattering matrix with trigonometrically quantum-deformed symmetry.

Adinkras and Arithmetical Graphs

Weinstein, Madeleine 01 January 2016 (has links)
Adinkras and arithmetical graphs have divergent origins. In the spirit of Feynman diagrams, adinkras encode representations of supersymmetry algebras as graphs with additional structures. Arithmetical graphs, on the other hand, arise in algebraic geometry, and give an arithmetical structure to a graph. In this thesis, we will interpret adinkras as arithmetical graphs and see what can be learned. Our work consists of three main strands. First, we investigate arithmetical structures on the underlying graph of an adinkra in the specific case where the underlying graph is a hypercube. We classify all such arithmetical structures and compute some of the corresponding volumes and linear ranks. Second, we consider the case of a reduced arithmetical graph structure on the hypercube and explore the wealth of relationships that exist between its linear rank and several notions of genus that appear in the literature on graph theory and adinkras. Third, we study modifications of the definition of an arithmetical graph that incorporate some of the properties of an adinkra, such as the vertex height assignment or the edge dashing. To this end, we introduce the directed arithmetical graph and the dashed arithmetical graph. We then explore properties of these modifications in an attempt to see if our definitions make sense, answering questions such as whether the volume is still an integer and whether there are still only finitely many arithmetical structures on a given graph.

Teorias de campos discretas e modelos topológicos / Discrete field theories and topological models

Ferreira, Miguel Jorge Bernabé 02 March 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos as teorias de gauge puras (sem campo de matéria) na rede em três dimensões. Em especial, estudamos a subclasse das teorias topológicas. A maneira como denimos e tratamos as teorias de gauge e diferente, mas equivalente, à forma usual apresentada em [2, 3]. Definimos estas teorias via o formalismo de Kuperberg, que é um formalismo puramente matemático de um invariante topológico de variedades tridimensionais. Este formalismo, embora bastante abstrato, pode ser adaptado para descrever as classes de modelos das teorias de gauge na rede, e traz várias vantagens, pois possibilita que tratemos de teorias topológicas e não topológicas, além da fácil identicação dos limites topológicos da função de partição. Estudamos também a classe das teorias chamadas quase topológicas, que podem ser pensadas como deformações de teorias topológicas. Em particular, consideramos teorias de gauge com grupo de gauge Z2, que é o grupo de gauge mais simples possível com dinâmica não trivial. Dentro das teorias de gauge, identicamos as classes de modelos que são quase topológicos, além de outras classes nas quais a função de partição pode ser trivialmente calculada. A função de partição foi calculada explicitamente no caso quase topológico em duas situações: sobre a esfera tridimensional S3 e sobre o toroS1x S1x S1x, que representa uma rede com condições periódicas de contorno. Dois modelos físicos de teorias de gauge, ainda com grupo de gauge Z2, foram estudados: o modelo com ação de Wilson SW = Pfaces [Tr(g) - 1] e o modelo com ação spin-gauge SSG = Pfaces Tr(g). No limite de baixa temperatura ambos os modelos mostram-se ser topológicos, enquanto que no limite de alta temperatura mostraram-se ser trivialmente calculáveis. / In this work we studied the class of models of pure lattice gauge theories (without matter elds) in three dimensions. Especially, we studied the subclass of topological theories. Lattice gauge theories were dened in an unusual way, unlike the description shown in [2, 3]. We dened lattice gauge theories via the Kuperberg\'s formalism [4], which is a mathematical model for a topological invariant of 3-manifolds. Such formalism, although completely abstract, can describe the class of models of lattice gauge theories because it can describe both topological and non topological theories, besides it provides an easy identication of the partition function topological limits. We also studied the class of theories called quasi topological, which can be thought as deformations of topological theories. As an example, we consider Z2 as gauge group, because it is the simplest group that does not imply trivial dynamics. Inside this class of models we identify the subclasses of quasi topological theories and also other classes in which the partition function can be trivially computed. The partition function was explicitly computed in two situations: on the 3-sphere S3 and on the 3-manifold S1 x S1 x S1 that represents periodic boundary conditions. Two physical models were studied: the model with Wilson\'s action SW(conf)1 and the model with spin-gauge action SSG(conf)2. In the low temperature limit both models shown to be topological and in the high temperature limit they could be trivially computed.

Making a market for art : Agnews and the National Gallery, 1855-1928

Pezzini, Barbara January 2018 (has links)
The thesis investigates the interaction that developed between a major art dealer, Thos. Agnew and Sons (Agnews), and a principal public collection, the London National Gallery, from 1855 to 1928. Agnews played a crucial role in the life of the National Gallery and greatly facilitated the museum accession of important paintings, such as the Madonna Ansidei by Raphael, the Rokeby Venus by Velazquez, the Portrait of Doge Vincenzo Morosini by Tintoretto, and many others. In turn, collaborating with the National Gallery allowed Agnews to penetrate the international Old Masters market and reach for higher social standing. Through the analysis of ten case studies of acquisitions, which are supported by new archival evidence and are contextualised within a broader historical and theoretical framework, this thesis charts the emergence, development and decline of the rapport between the two organisations. It analyses how Agnews and the National Gallery began as two unconnected entities in the mid-nineteenth century, explores how their distinct trajectories turned into a close, collaborative rapport during the 1880s, and finally examines how in the third decade of the twentieth century they separated and initiated a newly detached professional relationship. Appropriating sociological theories by Pierre Bourdieu, Bruno Latour, Viviana Zelizer and others, this study investigates museum acquisitions as resulting from complex interplays of cultural and commercial forces within the field of cultural production. Acquisitions are further enlightened by the analysis of the networks that underpin them, which provide additional evidence on how economic factors are embedded within broader social constructs. By detailing and locating these processes and relationships within the historical context of a broad shift towards commercialisation, yet demonstrating that cultural elements are part of the dealers activities and that commercial values are an intrinsic component of the museum, this study provides an insight into the historical origins of modern-day relationships between museums and art dealers.

Teorias de campos discretas e modelos topológicos / Discrete field theories and topological models

Miguel Jorge Bernabé Ferreira 02 March 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos as teorias de gauge puras (sem campo de matéria) na rede em três dimensões. Em especial, estudamos a subclasse das teorias topológicas. A maneira como denimos e tratamos as teorias de gauge e diferente, mas equivalente, à forma usual apresentada em [2, 3]. Definimos estas teorias via o formalismo de Kuperberg, que é um formalismo puramente matemático de um invariante topológico de variedades tridimensionais. Este formalismo, embora bastante abstrato, pode ser adaptado para descrever as classes de modelos das teorias de gauge na rede, e traz várias vantagens, pois possibilita que tratemos de teorias topológicas e não topológicas, além da fácil identicação dos limites topológicos da função de partição. Estudamos também a classe das teorias chamadas quase topológicas, que podem ser pensadas como deformações de teorias topológicas. Em particular, consideramos teorias de gauge com grupo de gauge Z2, que é o grupo de gauge mais simples possível com dinâmica não trivial. Dentro das teorias de gauge, identicamos as classes de modelos que são quase topológicos, além de outras classes nas quais a função de partição pode ser trivialmente calculada. A função de partição foi calculada explicitamente no caso quase topológico em duas situações: sobre a esfera tridimensional S3 e sobre o toroS1x S1x S1x, que representa uma rede com condições periódicas de contorno. Dois modelos físicos de teorias de gauge, ainda com grupo de gauge Z2, foram estudados: o modelo com ação de Wilson SW = Pfaces [Tr(g) - 1] e o modelo com ação spin-gauge SSG = Pfaces Tr(g). No limite de baixa temperatura ambos os modelos mostram-se ser topológicos, enquanto que no limite de alta temperatura mostraram-se ser trivialmente calculáveis. / In this work we studied the class of models of pure lattice gauge theories (without matter elds) in three dimensions. Especially, we studied the subclass of topological theories. Lattice gauge theories were dened in an unusual way, unlike the description shown in [2, 3]. We dened lattice gauge theories via the Kuperberg\'s formalism [4], which is a mathematical model for a topological invariant of 3-manifolds. Such formalism, although completely abstract, can describe the class of models of lattice gauge theories because it can describe both topological and non topological theories, besides it provides an easy identication of the partition function topological limits. We also studied the class of theories called quasi topological, which can be thought as deformations of topological theories. As an example, we consider Z2 as gauge group, because it is the simplest group that does not imply trivial dynamics. Inside this class of models we identify the subclasses of quasi topological theories and also other classes in which the partition function can be trivially computed. The partition function was explicitly computed in two situations: on the 3-sphere S3 and on the 3-manifold S1 x S1 x S1 that represents periodic boundary conditions. Two physical models were studied: the model with Wilson\'s action SW(conf)1 and the model with spin-gauge action SSG(conf)2. In the low temperature limit both models shown to be topological and in the high temperature limit they could be trivially computed.

Equações de difusão para objetos unidimensionais no contexto das teorias de Yang-Mills

Teixeira, Bruno Fernando Inchausp 07 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca do Instituto de Física (bif@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-03-07T18:35:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE.pdf: 797081 bytes, checksum: 36b77c687969ac7b12aeef2589d1d766 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-07T18:35:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE.pdf: 797081 bytes, checksum: 36b77c687969ac7b12aeef2589d1d766 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / O confinamento de quarks e glúons continua sendo um dos maiores problemas da Física atual, mesmo depois de passados 50 anos da criação da cromodinâmica quântica. Existem diversas abordagens que procuram uma explicação para este comportamento. Um destes cenários consiste na supercondutividade dual, proposta por G. t’Hooft em 1978. Aqui, ele discute como a condensação de objetos cromomagnéticos poderia originar um potencial linear entre cargas cromoelétricas. Este mecanismo é um dos mais aceitos atualmente e nos dirige à algumas perguntas cruciais: como estes objetos poderiam se tornar relevantes em teorias de Yang-Mills puras? quais os tipos de objetos que devemos levar em consideração para gerar as propriedades do potencial confinante? Embora a primeira pergunta seja difícil de responder, a segunda pode ser atacada por técnicas diferentes, suportadas pelas descrições na rede e por descrições efetivas de ensembles 1. Nesta tese, me dedico a estudar uma classe de objetos que s˜ao bons candidatos a resolverem a segunda questão: monopólos e vórtices de centro. Quando estamos lidando com as teorias de Yang-Mills puras SU(N), o problema consiste que, em nível clássico, estes defeitos são singulares. Porém, recebendo suporte da rede (nosso laboratório em teoria quântica de campos), podemos imaginar que, devido a flutuações quânticas do vácuo, estes objetos poderiam adquirir algumas propriedades dimensionais, como tensão,rigidez e interações que ajudariam a caracterizar o ensemble magnético nos levando a descrições de campos efetivas, que podem ser utilizadas para extrair a corda elétrica confinante. Utilizando técnicas oriundas da física de polímeros obtivemos equações de difusão que representam objetos unidimensionais, como vórtices de centro em 3D ou monopólos em 4D. O surgimento de uma derivada covariante abeliana, no caso do ensemble de vórtices de centro e instantons correlacionados em 3D, e de uma derivada covariante não abeliana, no caso do ensemble de monopólos coloridos em 4D, foi fundamental paragerar os modelos efetivos correspondentes. Acreditamos que estas equações de difusão poderão ser úteis, no futuro, para relacionar as propriedades do potencial entre quarks e aquelas de seus possíveis ensembles correspondentes. / Nowadays, quark and gluon confinement continues to be one of the most important problems in Physics. It remains unsolved, although 50 years have passed since the foundations of quantum chromodynamics. There are various approaches aimed at explaining this behaviour. One of them is the dual superconductor scenario proposed by G. t’Hooft in 1978. The general idea is that the condensation of chromomagnetics objects could originate a linear potential between chromoelectric charges. This is a promising mechanism that posses some crucial questions: how could these objects be relevant in pure YangMills? what type of object would be needed in order to generate the properties of the confining potential? While the first question is very difficult, the second one can be approached by different techniques, guided by the lattice and effective ensemble descriptions. In this thesis, I’ve been working on some good candidates to solve the second question: monopoles and center vortices. When dealing with pure SU(N) Yang-Mills theory, the problem is that at the classical level these magnetic defects are singular. Nevertheless, supported by the lattice (our laboratory in quantum field theory), we can imagine that, due to quantum vacuum fluctuations, they could acquire dimensionful properties. The tension, stiffness, as well as possible interactions that characterize the magnetic ensemble lead to effective field descriptions, that could be used to extract the corresponding confining electric string. Based on techniques borrowed from the physics of polymers, we obtained diffusion equations that describe magnetic one-dimensional objects, such as center vortices in 3D and monopoles in 4D. The appearance of an Abelian covariant derivative, for an ensemble of chains in 3D, and a non Abelian one, in the case of coloured loops in 4D, was essential to generate the corresponding effective descriptions. We believe that these diffusion equations could be helpful in the future, to relate the properties of the interquark potential and those of the possible underlying ensembles.

Precision calculations in effective theories for Higgs production / Calculs de précision dans des théories effectives pour la physique du boson de Higgs

Deutschmann, Nicolas 08 September 2017 (has links)
Après une introduction générale, ce manuscrit contient deux chapitres préliminaires, l'un décrivant le contexte physique et l'autre les techniques mathématiques utilisées lors de cette thèse.Nous présentons ensuite les travaux développés au cours de cette thèse. Nous commençons par l'extraction de la correction du couplage de Yukawa du quark bottom dans la théorie effective du boson de Higgs par un calcul de correspondance à deux boucles entre cette théorie effective et le modèle standard. Cette correction était la pièce manquante pour l'amélioration de la prédiction de la section efficace de production du boson de Higgs en association avec deux quarks bottom.Les deux chapitres suivants couvrent différents aspects du calcul de la correction au deuxième ordre de la section efficace de production d'un boson de Higgs par fusion de gluon dans la théorie effective du modèle standard. Nous présentons d'abord le calcul des corrections virtuelles de ce processus et exploitons la structure établie des divergences ultraviolettes à une boucle et des divergences infrarouges pour extraire un contre terme à deux boucles qui nous a permis de renormaliser l'amplitude, que nous avons ensuite prolongé analytiquement aux régions physiques.Nous combinons alors ce résultat avec le calcul automatique des corrections par émission réelles par le logiciel Madgraph5_aMC@NLO, qui a permis l'intégration de la section efficace. Nous présentons les résultats pour la section efficace totale et deux distributions de variables cinématiques et commentons l'impact des corrections radiatives sur ces prédictions / After a general introduction, this manuscript presents two preliminary chapters, describing first the physics context and the mathematical techniques used in this thesis.We then present the work performed in this thesis. We start with extraction of the power-suppressed of the Yukawa coupling of the bottom quark in the Higgs Effective Field Theory (HEFT) by a two-loop matching calculation between the Standard Model and the HEFT. This correction was the missing piece to improve the prediction of the production cross section of a Higgs boson in association to a pair of bottom quarks.The two next chapters present different aspects of the NLO corrections to Higgs boson production through gluon fusion in the standard model effective field theory. We first present the evaluation of the virtual corrections to this process and use the known one-loop ultraviolet and infrared divergence structure to extract a two-loop counterterm that allowed us to renormalize the amplitude, which we then analytically continued to the physical regions.We then combine this result with the automatic calculation of the real emission corrections in the program Madgraph5_aMC@NLO. The results are presented for the total cross section and differential distributions and comment on the effect of radiative corrections on these predictions

Construction of extended topological quantum field theories / Construction de théories quantiques des champs topologiques étendus

De Renzi, Marco 27 October 2017 (has links)
La position centrale occupée par les Théories Quantiques des Champs Topologiques (TQFTs) dans l’étude de la topologie en basse dimension est due à leur structure extraordinairement riche, qui permet différentes interactions et applications à des questions de nature géométrique. Depuis leur première apparition, un grand effort a été mis dans l’extension des invariants quantiques de 3-variétés en TQFTs et en TQFT Étendues (ETQFTs). Cette thèse s’attaque à ce problème dans deux cadres généraux différents. Le premier est l’étude des invariants quantiques semi-simples de Witten, Reshetikhin et Turaev issus de catégories modulaires. Bien que les ETQFTs correspondantes étaient connues depuis un certain temps, une réalisation explicite basée sur la construction universelle de Blanchet, Habegger, Masbaum et Vogel apparaît ici pour la première fois. L’objectif est de tracer la route à suivre dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, où la même procédure est appliquée à une nouvelle famille d’invariants quantiques non semi-simples due à Costantino, Geer et Patureau. Ces invariants avaient déjà été étendus en TQFTs graduées par Blanchet, Costantino, Geer and Patureau, mais seulement pour une famille explicite d’exemples. Nous posons la première pierre en introduisant la définition de catégorie modulaire relative, un analogue non semi-simple aux catégories modulaires. Ensuite, nous affinons la construction universelle pour obtenir des ETQFTs graduées étendant à la fois les invariants quantiques de Costantino, Geer et Patureau et les TQFTs graduées de Blanchet, Costantino, Geer et Patureau dans ce cadre général / The central position held by Topological Quantum Field Theories (TQFTs) in the study of low dimensional topology is due to their extraordinarily rich structure, which allows for various interactions with and applications to questions of geometric nature. Ever since their first appearance, a great effort has been put into extending quantum invariants of 3-dimensional manifolds to TQFTs and Extended TQFTs (ETQFTs). This thesis tackles this problem in two different general frameworks. The first one is the study of the semisimple quantum invariants of Witten, Reshetikhin and Turaev issued from modular categories. Although the corresponding ETQFTs were known to exist for a while, an explicit realization based on the universal construction of Blanchet, Habegger, Masbaum and Vogel appears here for the first time. The aim is to set a golden standard for the second part of the thesis, where the same procedure is applied to a new family of non-semisimple quantum invariants due to Costantino, Geer and Patureau. These invariants had been previously extended to graded TQFTs by Blanchet, Costantino, Geer an Patureau, but only for an explicit family of examples. We lay the first stone by introducing the definition of relative modular category, a non-semisimple analogue to modular categories. Then, we refine the universal construction to obtain graded ETQFTs extending both the quantum invariants of Costantino, Geer and Patureau and the graded TQFTs of Blanchet, Costantino, Geer and Patureau in this general setting

Resumovaná chirální poruchová teorie a studium Kl4 rozpadů / Resumovaná chirální poruchová teorie a studium Kl4 rozpadů

Motloch, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The F and G formfactors of Kl4 decays are calculated to O(p4 ) in isospin limit in Resummed Chiral Perturbation Theory. Formulae for reparametrization of low-energy constants L1 - L3 in terms of physical observables are derived. They are used to obtain values of these low-energy constants from recent experimental data, theoretical error of the result is estimated and dependence on parameters X, Z of spontaneous symmetry breaking of SU(3) × SU(3) chiral symmetry and quark mass ratio r is investigated. Convergence of the formfactors in Resummed Chiral Perturbation Theory is discussed and it is suggested that inclusion of σ as an explicit degree of freedom into Chiral Perturbation Theory could significantly improve overall covergence of chiral series. 1

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