Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bfinancial 1instrument"" "subject:"bfinancial detinstrument""
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Transform analysis of affine jump diffusion processes with applications to asset pricingBambe Moutsinga, Claude Rodrigue 11 June 2008 (has links)
This work presents a class of models in asset pricing, whose underlying has dynamics of Affine jump diffusion type. We first present L´evy processes with their properties. We then introduce Affine jump diffusion processes which are basically a particular class of L´evy processes. Our motivation for these is driven by the fact that many financial models are built on them. Affine jump diffusion processes present good analytical properties that allow one to get close form formulas for a wide range of option pricing. The approach we use here is based on the paper by Duffie D, Pan J, and Singleton K. An example will show how incorporating parameters such as the volatility of the underlying asset in the model, can influence the resulting price of the financial instrument under consideration. We will also show how this class of models incorporate well known models, specially those used to model interest rates dynamics, like for instance the Vasicek model. / Dissertation (MSc (Mathematics of Finance))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Mathematics and Applied Mathematics / unrestricted
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Inovativní finanční nástroje: Alternativa k tradičním dotacím / Innovative Financial Instruments: An alternative to traditional grantsJelínek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Innovative financial instruments in the Czech Republic and their hypothetical use in the field of energy efficiency are analysed and assessed in this thesis. We address lim- ited awareness about multiple benefits of energy efficiency improvements and also emerging innovative financial instruments that are promoted by the European Com- mission as a way to multiply impacts of limited public budgets. Then we identify a suitable segment, Czech residential housing stock and public support of insulation, and compare several forms of possible public support in this field. As the main driver of space heating costs, we predict the future development of heat prices, and assess po- tential energy savings resulting from renovations. Finally, we assess and also simulate the potential of such an initiative and identify four suitable settings of the innovative financial instrument for a majority of stakeholders. Our findings support an idea that this innovative financial instrument offers a valuable alternative to traditional grants. It also suggests that such an initiative can be interesting for a private sector as well as a public sector, with benefits to public budgets, equity investors, households and many other stakeholders. Moreover, this initiative can be sustainable in the long run. JEL Classification G23,...
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Emisní povolenka jako cenný papír a investiční nástroj / European Union Allowance as a Security and Financial InstrumentTůma, Jan January 2009 (has links)
European Union Emission Trading System has been in operation since 2005 and to this point the legal nature of European Union Allowances is still controversial. Moreover, this question is complicated by fact, that a member state can not handle this problem, because it is acquis communautaire to solve it. The aim of this study is to explore the legal nature of allowance in Czech legal system, in merito, whether it is a security and/or a financial instrument. In conclusion, allowance is neither of those and its legal nature is still unclear, but also it does not really matter by now. Nevertheless, for the future smooth functioning of the EU ETS it is necessary that European Commission pursues this subject.
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Aplikace limitů pro finanční aktiva v pojišťovnictví / Application of limits on financial assets in insuranceVencbauerová, Šárka January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to clarify the main principle, existence and application of investment limits in insurance industry which are restricting investment activities of insurance companies (pension companies). The thesis contains structure of financial allocation of reserves and investment limits for these financial instruments. The practical part of the thesis outlines applying the investment limits on fictional portfolio of insurance company. In the thesis there can also be found description of regulatory limits of particular funds managed by pension company within II. and III. pillar. Another part of the thesis focuses on introducing actual structure of balance sheet of insurance company and pension company and also concentrates on analysing structure of their assets. One of the final part of the diploma thesis involves comparison of calculations of capital requirement for transformed fund before and after change of risk weight for particular types of financial instruments. The main benefit of the thesis is to show how important are financial assets for operation of innsurance companies and how the monitoring of financial limits works in insurance company. The conclusion of this thesis is to explain and clarify the application of investment limits on financial instruments which are contained in fictional portfolio of insurance company (transformed fund for example).
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Bakgrund och problem: IASB beslutade 2008 att ersätta IAS 39 med IFRS 9 då IAS 39 ses som alltför omfattande och komplex. Processen har delats upp i tre faser. Fas 1 behandlar klassificering och värdering, fas 2 behandlar nedskrivningar och fas 3 behandlar säkringsredovisning. Denna uppsats behandlar endast fas 2. Både redovisare, revisorer och användare av finansiella rapporter anser standarden för finansiella instrument vara komplex. En orsak till komplexiteten är att finansiella instrument i sig är komplexa och begreppet finansiella instrument innefattar en vid variation av instrument. Det konstaterades även under den globala finansiella krisen att IAS 39 innehöll betydande brister.Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera delar av arbetet IASB har gjort för att ersätta IAS 39 med IFRS 9, vilket ger oss möjlighet att studera fas 2 i detta examensarbete. Syftet är att se vad intressenter förväntar sig i redovisning av finansiella instrument och vad det finns för attityder angående förslaget till IFRS 9 fas 2.Avgränsningar: Eftersom det krävs att EU antar standarden för att den ska börja gälla i Sverige har vi även avgränsat oss till att titta på remissvar från enbart EU-länder.Metod: Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ metod där den empiriska undersökningen bestått av 22 remissvar som finns att tillgå på IASB:s hemsida.Resultat och slutsatser: Den genomförda undersökningen visar att det finns ett flertal olika åsikter angående IASB:s arbete med Exposure Draft. Många organisationer är överens om att man vill ha en mer principbaserad standard men vill samtidigt ha mer exempel att tillgå vilket återigen drar mot en mer regelbaserad standard. Slutsatsen är att Exposure Draft fortfarande ses som komplex dock inte i samma bemärkelse som IAS 39. Hur IASB löser denna problematik blir intressant att följa. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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台灣發行之海外存託憑證價格行為反應之研究 / The Price Reaction of Global Depositary Receipts(GDR)--The Empi- rical Study of Taiwanese Listing Companies蔡祖銘, Tsai, Tsu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本,以簡單迴歸及事件研究法來進行實證研究,得到以下的發現: 1:海
比折價的期間還要長。 2:新台幣的匯率效果對於海外存託憑證的報酬率
有影響。 3:台灣發行之海外存託憑證其價格行為反應與表彰股票的反應
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ES paramos verslui įtaka įmonės vertei / EU business support impact on business valueGalinis, Adomas 26 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Ekonominė aplinka svarbi tiek atskiroms šalims ar jų grupei, tiek įmonėms ir įvairioms institucijoms, tiek ir kiekvienam iš mūsų asmeniškai. Ekonominė šalies ir joje veikiančių įmonių galia priklauso nuo turimų resursų panaudojimo efektyvumo, kuris neatsiejamas nuo naujų gamybos technologinių linijų įsigijimo ir įdiegimo, esamų modernizavimo, įmonės vidinių inžinerinių tinklų, reikalingų verslo plėtrai, įrengimo. Europos Sąjungos šalyse narėse, ypač naujosiose, šios sritys yra remiamos įvairių nacionalinių ir bendrijos fondų lėšomis, tačiau, norint įsisavinti paramos lėšas, reikia gerai išmanyti šių fondų išteklių naudojimo principus ir taisykles. Paraiškos su sėkmingais verslo planais virsta realia nauda toms įmonėms, kurios gerai pasiruošusios paramos įsisavinimui. Paramos naudą, teikiamą įmonėms, tikslinga vertinti per visos įmonės vertės prizmę, tuomet įvertinama ne tik paramos teikiama nauda ar projekto vertė, bet ir realus visos įmonės vertės pokytis, gavus paramą. Todėl atsiranda įmonės vertės pokyčio, įsisavinus ES fondų lėšas, įvertinimo ir metodo, kuris įgalintų nustatyti tą pokytį ir palyginti paramą gavusių įmonių vertės pokyčius tarpusavyje, poreikis. Darbo objektas – Europos Sąjungos paramos įtaka įmonės vertei. Šio darbo tikslas – apžvelgti Europos Sąjungos teikiamos paramos principus, sąlygas ir įsisavinimo tendencijas. Išanalizuoti pagrindinius metodus, naudojamus įmonės vertės nustatymui, atsižvelgiant į juos, sudaryti indikatorių, kuris... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topicality. Economical enviroment makes a direct affect on the whole country, businesses and every personality within. Proper comprehension, interpretation and application of the surrounding, possibilities, variuos financing sources and funds are essential for operating a successful business. It is more than important to take advantage of EU‘s funds available for businesses in young economies like Lithiuania. Each fund and investment is believed to take a positive affect to the company and increase the value of it. It is essential to cull from information in quantity only what’s most important and be able to evaluate the impact of an investment to an enterprise properly and determine the change of an enterprise value after the investment. The object of this graduation paper is the impact of EU‘s funds to the value of a business. Main goals: 1. Analyse and describe main theoretical EU‘s support for businesses aspects. 2. Describe and analyse main enterprise evaluation methods in use. 3. Come up with new business evaluation method, based on integrated value indicator, which enables one to evaluate EU‘s support‘s impact on enerprise value and measure the impact among number of companies. 4. Under favour of the new business evaluation method, evaluate the influence of EU‘s funding to the value of three enterprises, come up with conclusions and suggestions. The Results. Main aspects of EU‘s support for businesses and enterprise evaluation methods are presented and described in the... [to full text]
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Propuesta para un nuevo instrumento financiero: Préstamo Multired “Mype” en el Banco de la Nación – Bajo el Enfoque del Benchmarking / Proposal for a new financial instrument: Multired loan "SMBs" in the nation bank - under the benchmarking approachAquino Cabrera, Elmer Arturo, Paucar Espinoza, Lincol David 26 November 2018 (has links)
El Perú se encuentra en una posición económica estable, con una tendencia de crecimiento del PBI superior al 4% anual, en el 2017 las calificadoras de riesgo soberano coincidieron en otorgar la calificación de BBB+ (S&P), A3 (Moodys), BBB+ (Fitch), por la reducción de vulnerabilidad a los choques externos económicos, estabilidad (coherencia política) y jurídica, todo ello contribuye a un escenario favorable para el crecimiento de las inversiones. (MEF, 2017)
Es en este escenario, la importancia de considerar la participación de las micro y pequeñas empresas (MYPE) como eje fundamental generador de empleo, con más del 80% de la fuerza laboral ocupada del país permitiendo así la redistribución del ingreso a los sectores medios y de bajos ingresos; fomentando el desarrollo económico de la nación (cerca del 25% del PBI esta sostenido por las MYPE), teniendo en cuenta lo valioso de la actuación de las MYPE en la economía nacional se hace necesario elaborar e implementar políticas de financiamiento (con tasas de interés competitivas, bajas en costo, y flexibles para su adquisición), que contribuyan a su crecimiento y desarrollo; considerando al banco de la nación como socio estratégico participe de este fin.
Bajo este orden de ideas en el presente trabajo sustentaremos la propuesta para un Nuevo Instrumento Financiero denominado “Préstamo Multired – Micro y Pequeñas Empresas”, que sin duda permitirá el crecimiento económico en términos de rentabilidad y el valor de marca del Banco de la Nación, en el mercado financiero peruano bajo el enfoque del Benchmarking. / Peru is in a stable economic position, with tendencies to GDP growth of more than 4% per year. In 2017, the sovereign risk rating agencies coincided in granting the rating of BBB + (S & P), A3 (Moody’s), BBB + (Fitch), by the reduction of vulnerability to external economic shocks, stability (political coherence) and legal, all this contributes to a favorable scenario for the growth of investments. (MEF, 2017)
It is in this scenario, the importance of considering the participation of medium and small enterprises as a fundamental axis that generates employment, with more than 80% of the labor force, the redistribution of income to the middle and low income sectors; promoting the economic development of the nation (close to 25% of GDP is supported by medium and small companies), taking into account the value of the meditation of medium and small enterprises in the national economy. Financing, which contribute to its growth and development; Subject to the nation's bank as a strategic partner.
Under this order of ideas in this paper we will support the proposal for a New Financial Instrument called "Multiple Loan - Medium and Small Companies", which will undoubtedly allow economic growth in terms of profitability and the brand value of nation bank, in the Peruvian financial market under the Benchmarking approach. / Trabajo de investigación
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Accounting for employee share options : a critical analysisSacho, Zwi Yosef 30 November 2003 (has links)
The main goal of this dissertation was to obtain an understanding as to the true economic nature of employee share options and the problems surrounding the accounting thereof.
The main conclusion of this study is that employee share options should be expensed in the income statement as and when the employee's services are performed. The reason is that employee share options are valuable financial instruments which the employer has used to compensate the employee for his services. It was also concluded that exercise date accounting and classification of outstanding employee share options as liabilities on the balance sheet is the most appropriate accounting treatment. Such accounting treatment trues up the accounting of employee share options with that of cash-settled share appreciation rights, which are economically equivalent transactions.
The measurement of employee share options should be based on their fair value using an option-pricing model adapted for the specific features of employee share options. / Accounting / Thesis (M. Com. (Accounting Science))
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Obstacles to determining the fair values of financial instruments in MozambiqueMunjanja, Innocent 01 1900 (has links)
The implementation of International Accounting Standard 32 Financial Instruments:
Disclosure and Presentation (lAS 32), International Accounting Standard 39 Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (lAS 39) and International Financial Reporting
Standard 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures (IFRS 7) by developing countries has been
met with mixed reactions largely due to the extensive use of the fair value concept by the
three accounting standards. The use of the fair value concept in developing countries has
proved to be a significant challenge due to either a Jack of formal capital market systems
or very thinly traded capital markets. This study investigates the obstacles to determining
fair values of equity share investments, government bonds and corporate bonds, treasury
bills and loan advances in Mozambique.
The study was done through a combination of literature review and empirical research
using a questionnaire. The trading statistics of the financial instruments on the
Mozambique Stock Exchange and the prospectuses of bonds were used. The empirical
research was carried out using a type of non-probability sampling technique called
purposive sampling. A subcategory of purposive sampling called expert sampling was
used to select the eventual sample which was composed of people with specialised
knowledge on the capital market system in Mozambique. The results of the empirical
research were analysed using pie charts to summarise the responses.
The research concluded that the Mozambique Stock Exchange is an inactive market for
financial instruments characterised by thin trading in both equity shares and bonds. The
estimation of fair values evidenced by observable market transactions is therefore
impossible. The absence of credit rating agencies in Mozambique presents a significant
challenge in assigning credit risk and pricing financial instruments such as bonds. The
research also noted that significant volatility of the main economic indicators such as
treasury bills interest rates and inflation made it difficult to determine fair values of financial
instruments using financial modelling techniques. Due to the above obstacles to
determining fair values of certain financial instruments in Mozambique, the best
alternatives are to value these financial instruments at either cost or amortised cost. / Financial Accounting / M. Com. (Accounting)
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