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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Z Excursion : Spel-bidrag till Swedish Game Awards / Z Excursion : Game Entry for Swedish Game Awards

Nylin, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
This report describes my degree project. For my degree project I made a demo for a game idea that I've developed, and implemented for use with Xbox 360. The idea was about converting the feeling and gameplay of old 2D side-scrolling platform games into 3D, viewed from a first-person perspective. The Xbox 360 version of the demo was also submitted for the game competition Swedish Game Awards.  In the report, I explain this idea more extensive, what software I used to implement it, and how I implemented it. Finally, at the end I clarify the results and discuss fulfilled tasks and future improvements. I'm very pleased with my progress so far and I will continue to work on this on my own until it feels like a finished product that can be distributed. / Den här rapporten beskriver mitt examensarbete. För mitt examensarbete så gjorde jag en demoversion av en spelidé som jag utvecklat, och som implementerades för användning på Xbox 360. Idén bestod av att överföra känslan och spelmekaniken från gamla tvådimensionella sidoskrollande plattformsspel till 3D, sett ur ett förstapersonsperspektiv. Demoversionen för Xbox 360 skickades också in som ett bidrag till speltävlingen Swedish Game Awards.  I rapporten så förklarar jag idén mer utförligt, vad för mjukvara jag använde för att implementera den, och hur jag implementerade den. I slutet av rapporten så klargör jag resultaten och diskuterar mål som har uppfyllts samt idéer för att vidareutveckla spelet. Jag är nöjd med det jag åstadkommit hitintills och jag kommer att fortsätta arbeta på spelet själv tills det känns som en färdig produkt som kan distribueras.

Effects of Field-of-View in First-Person Video Games : A Study on Camera Field-of-View in Relation to Game Design

Ljung, Kenth January 2015 (has links)
Field of view in virtual environments such as games is the angular cone-of-vision a camera uses to display content on screen, and is subject to various characteristics and effects. Some of these effects have been documented based on simulation. However little to no research is readily available regarding video games. This paper set out to document and verify if field of view can reliably be used to affect potential game design aspects, particularly for first-person cameras. Several factors were identified and tests constructed which had participants play through a virtual first-person environment on regular computer hardware (no head-mounted display or other viewing mediums). The measured properties were distance, scale and speed as a function of field of view. According to the results, distances appear longer, objects appear smaller and movement faster at higher field of view, however at varying amounts depending on the context, scenario and viewing angle of the camera. In addition it was also shown that text readability and peripheral vision were significantly affected. It was concluded that field of view can be used within games and virtual applications to enable certain game design elements, and that field of view also should be a consideration in designing a game as it may be interpreted differently given a different field of view.

Tutorials påverkan på inlärning I digitala spel / Tutorials effect on learning in digital games

Flodén, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
This paper researches how players with different experiences in games can learn and experience a tutorial. The purpose of this study is to get a better understanding about the practical application of a tutorial and how it needs to be adjusted for different kinds of audiences for them to be able to learn and understand the game. This qualitative study was conducted with 12 participants, six men and six women, who played through a tutorial in a First-Person Puzzle Platform game. The study showed that people with different experiences learn and experience very differently from one another and that the tutorial should be adjusted so that the targeted audience can understand, control and play as they wish. / I denna studie undersöks hur spelare med olika erfarenheter av spel upplever och lär sig av en tutorial. Syftet med studien är att få ökad förståelse om praktisk tillämpning av en tutorial och hur den kan behöva anpassas för olika målgrupper för att de ska kunna lära sig och förstå spelet. Den här kvalitativa studien utfördes med 12 deltagare, varav sex var män och sex var kvinnor som fick spela igenom en tutorial i ett Första-Persons Pussel Plattforms spel. Studien visade att personer med olika erfarenheter upplever och lär sig väldigt olika från varandra och att tutorialen måste vara anpassad så att den riktade spelpubliken kan förstå, kontrollera och att spela som de vill.

Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Beliefs in Motives, First- and Third-Person Effects and Behavioral Consequences

Cheng, Nianyuan 03 November 2016 (has links)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a competitive corporate marketing strategy and gained increasingly more attention among organizations. Drawing from attribution theory, persuasion knowledge model and the first- and third-person effects, this study outlined a survey study designed to examine the relationships among consumers’ beliefs in CSR motives, perceived effects of CSR communication on self and others, and behavioral consequences. Also described is a structural equation model which allows for the testing of the research hypotheses. Data was collected from 202 college students via survey. The results supported that when consumers believe the motives of CSR are other-serving, perceived effects are more positive on self than other and they are able to take action to join. Results also showed that when consumers believe the motives are self-serving, perceived effects are negative on self.

How does Martin Buber's concept of I-Thou dialogue inform the theory and practice of relational leadership?

Reitz, Megan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the possibility of dialogue between leader and follower in order to further develop the theory and practice of relational leadership. It draws from and contributes to Relational Leadership Theory (Uhl-Bien 2006) and Buber’s concept of ‘I- Thou’ dialogue (Buber 1958). Using first-person and co-operative inquiry methods (Reason and Bradbury 2008b) the ‘space between’ (Bradbury and Lichtenstein 2000, Buber 1958) leader and follower is explored in order to reveal the complexities inherent within leadership relations. Four main findings are detailed which enrich our understanding of how leadership relations operate from ‘within living involvement’ (Shotter 2006). Firstly, the quality of leader-follower encounter could be affected by levels of ‘busyness’ and the ensuing assessment and prioritising process. Secondly, the pressure to ‘seem’ rather than ‘be’ may strengthen the construction of a façade which might be dismantled, in part, through disclosure, though this may feel extremely risky given organisational ‘rules’. Thirdly, mutuality between leader and follower may be crucially influenced by the way in which ‘leader’, ‘leadership’ and ‘power’ are constructed in the between space. Finally, ineffable dialogic moments may occur through sensing a particular quality of encounter amidst and despite the complexity of a myriad of micro-processes vying for attention in the between space. This thesis contributes a further strand to RLT constructionist work focused on the quality of leader-follower encounter which has not been previously revealed. Leadership constructs and macro-discourses relating to power, ‘busyness’ and the need for ‘worthwhile meetings’ encourages transactional relating. Consequently, opportunities for genuinely encountering others in organisational settings are suffocated. This holds important implications for ‘leaders’ and ‘followers’ who wish to creatively address pressing organisational issues in the 21st century through dialogue. Fundamentally this thesis suggests we pause to consider the implications that the nature of our encounters in our work-life have upon us as human beings wishing to know what it is to be fully human.

Between Men: A First-Person Documentary Video

prutisto, thomas c 29 August 2014 (has links)

Procedurell Generering eller Manuell Design? : En undersökning av hur Procedurell Generering uppfattas i First Person Shooters / Procedurell Generation or Manual Design? : A survey of how Procedural Generation is perceived in First Person Shooters

Falk, Sean, Renhammar Metus, Viking January 2020 (has links)
När det kommer till procedurell generering så är det inte First Person Shooters (FPS) somde flesta kommer att tänka på. Vi har därför genomfört en undersökning för att ta reda på vad som skiljer handgjorda banor från genererade banor när det kommer till en spelares subjektiva upplevelse inom denna genre. För att ta reda på detta så gjordes efterforskning inom level design, arkitektur från den valda eran samt diverse algoritmer för implementering av en PCG. Vi skapade en FPS tillsammans med två banor; en handgjord och en procedurellt genererad. Sedan fick ett antal testpersoner spela igenom båda och ge sina åsikter för analys. Testerna visade på att det finns ett antal utvecklingsområden som designers av PCG:er behöver tänka på om de vill komma upp i samma kvalitet som handgjorda banor är kapabla att nå. Dessa områden har kategoriserats i fyra teman: ljussättning, planlösning, kontext och geometri.

Problem svesti u filozofiji duha i psihoterapiji

Huber Izabela 30 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Svest je u poslednje tri decenije postala predmetom multidisciplinarnih studija svesti (consciousness studies), &scaron;to je aktualizovalo značaj konceptualne analize pojma svesti i problema koji se javljaju u različitim istraţivačkim pristupima svesti. Da li različite discipline (pa čak i različiti pristupi u okviru iste discipline) govore uop&scaron;te o istom predmetu? Na &scaron;ta se, na primer, odnose savremene neurolo&scaron;ke teorije svesti, kakav teorijski status ima koncept svesti u okviru funkcionalnih dijagrama kognitivne psihologije, o čemu govore psihoterapeuti kada nagla&scaron;avaju značaj svesnosti u psihoterapijskom procesu ili značaj osve&scaron;ćivanja nesvesnog, &scaron;ta imaju u vidu fenomenolozi ili praktičari kontemplativnih tradicija kada se bave neposrednim iskustvom i na kraju, &scaron;ta pod sve&scaron;ću podrazumevaju različite ontolo&scaron;ke pozicije o odnosu duha i tela? Konceptualna analiza koja je sprovedena u ovom radu ima za cilj pobolj&scaron;anje komunikacije izmeĎu disciplina i lokalizaciju te&scaron;koća koje stoje na putu interdisciplinarnim istraţivačkim projektima.<br />Analitička filozofija duha (philosophy of mind) je u poslednje četiri decenije izo&scaron;trila i locirala problematiku svesti, te razvila novi konceptualni aparat i misaone eksperimente koji omogućavaju preciznije razumevanje ograničenja u poku&scaron;aju prirodnonaučne rekonstukcije pojma duha (mind), kakvu su poslednjih decenija, inače sa velikim uspehom, preduzele tzv. mind sciences (poput kognitivne psihologije, ve&scaron;tačke inteligencije, lingvistike, neuronauke) . U radu autorka pokazuje kako različiti savremeni filozofi ukazuju na distinkcije dva lica svesti i duha &ndash; Dţekendofovo razlikovanje računarskog duha (computational mind) i fenomenolo&scaron;kog duha (phenomenological mind), Blokovo razlikovanje A-svesti (access consciousness) i P-svesti (phenomenal consciousness) i Čalmersovo razlikovanje &bdquo;lakog&ldquo; i &bdquo;te&scaron;kog&ldquo; problema svesti. Dok se, na primer, A-svest, odnosi na svest u smislu pristupačnosti, odnosno dostupnosti odreĎenog sadrţaja (mentalne reprezentacije) u kontroli govora, rezonovanja i akcije, P-svest (fenomenalna svest) odnosi se na činjenicu da svesna mentalna stanja poseduju doţivljajne, kvalitativne odlike, koje su dostupne direktno jedino iz subjektivne perspektive prvog lica. Za ovaj aspekat svesti je filozofija duha uvela tehnički termin qualia (lat. sing. quale) i on čini svest drugačijom od ostalih predmeta istraţivanja u dominantnoj objektivističkoj naučnoj paradigmi.<br />U radu autorka diskutuje problem ontolo&scaron;kog statusa qualia, kao problem u formulaciji materijalističkih teorija duha (teza o identitetu, funkcionalističke i reprezentacionalističke teorije), kao i epistemolo&scaron;ke probleme qualia &ndash; problem spoznajno privilegovanog poloţaja, argument nepotpunog znanja (Dţekson) i problem eksplanatornog jaza (Levajn) i njihove reperkusije za filozofiju nauke &ndash; problem odnosa metodologije prvog i trećeg lica, razumevanja i obja&scaron;njenja, duhovnonaučnog i prirodnonaučnog pristupa čoveku. Iz ovog ugla je u novom svetlu sagledano istorijsko smenjivanje paradigmi u glavnim tokovima akademske psihologije.<br />Sve dosada&scaron;nje strategije eliminacije fenomenalne svesti iz psiholo&scaron;kog i filozofskog diskursa vode produbljavanju jaza izmeĎu sveta iskustva (Lebenswelt, Huserl) i prirodnonaučne slike sveta izgraĎene primenom objektivne metodologije. Psihoterapija je, naprotiv, disciplina koja predstavlja jednu od najvaţnijih spona izmeĎu disciplinovanog pristupa subjektivnom iskustvu i objektivnih naučnih činjenica. Zato je paţnja posvećena savremenom konstitusanju psihoterapije kao naučne discipline, kao i njenom pozicioniranju u odnosu na prirodnonaučnu i duhovnonaučnu paradigmu od osnivanja (Frojdovog osciliranja izmeĎu naklonosti prirodnonaučnom modelu i hermeneutičke prakse), preko niza novina i &bdquo;dekonstrukcija&ldquo; prvobitnog modela kroz njenu istoriju, do savremenog trenda &ndash; neuropsihoterapije, koja poslednjih deset godina uvodi nova saznanja neuronauke u sagledavanje psihoterapijskog procesa i unapreĎenje postupaka. Analizirani su značaj i uloga koju različiti psihoterapijski pravci (klasična psihoanaliza, BT, KBT, uključujući i nove mindfulness pristupe, egzistencijalistički, humanistički i konstruktivistički pravci) pridaju svesti, svesnosti i osve&scaron;ćivanju, te koje značenje ovi pojmovi imaju u svetlu distinkcija na koje je ukazala analiza filozofije duha &ndash; reprezentaciono tj. funkcionalno-kauzalno i fenomenalno. Pokazano je i kako se epistemolo&scaron;ki problemi svesti koji su ranije opisani pojavljuju i re&scaron;avaju u psihoterapiji kao praktičnoj disciplini.<br />Integracija fenomenalne svesti u sliku duha, te povezivanje prirodnonaučnih disciplina i disciplina koje se bave iskustvom i subjektivno&scaron;ču mora da poĎe dalje od konceptualno-logičke analize na kojoj ostaje filozofija duha. Prvi korak na tom putu je razvoj metodologije prvog lica, koja omogućava opis mentalnih procesa i sadrţaja onako kako se oni manifestuju iz ugla svesnog subjekta. Stoga je najpre prikazano &scaron;est metoda prvog lica poreklom iz introspektivne psihologije, fenomenolo&scaron;ke filozofije i budističke kontemplativne tradicije, a zatim sprovedena tematska kvalitativna analiza ovih metoda. Postupkom otvorenog kodiranja izdvojeno je deset dimenzija po kojima su uporeĎivane metode. Ovo eksplorativno istraţivanje omogućilo je precizniji uvid u meĎusobne srodnosti i razlike analiziranih metoda, u njihove moći i slabosti, te strategije unapreĎenja, kao i u mogućnosti saradnje sa metodama trećeg lica. Pokazali smo takoĎe da &bdquo;pogled iznutra&ldquo; moţe da otkrije vaţne odlike svesti i duha koji ostaju netransparentni objektivnim metodama.</p> / <p>Consciousness has become the subject of multidisciplinary consciousness studies in last three decades which revived the importance of conceptual analysis of the concept of consciousness and problems that occur in a variety of research approaches to consciousness. Do different disciplines (and even different approaches within the same discipline) speak about the same subject at all? What are modern neurological theories of consciousness related to, for example, what is the theoretical status of the concept of consciousness within functional diagrams of cognitive psychology, what do psychotherapists talk about when they highlight importance of awareness in a psychotherapeutic process and importance of becoming aware of the unconscious, what do phenomenologists or practitioners of contemplative traditions have in mind when dealing with direct experience and, in the end, what do different ontological positions imply with the notion of consciousness in the relationship between mind and body? Conceptual analysis conducted in this paper aims to improve communication between disciplines and localize difficulties that stand in the way of interdisciplinary research projects.<br />Analytic philosophy of mind has sharpened and located the problem of consciousness in last four decades, and has also developed a new conceptual apparatus and thought experiments that enable more accurate understanding of limits in an attempt of a natural science reconstruction of the concept of mind, which in recent decades, usually with large success, have been undertaken by so-called mind sciences (such as cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, linguistics, neuroscience). In this thesis, the author shows how different contemporary philosophers suggest distinctions of two faces of consciousness and mind &ndash; Jackendoff&rsquo;s distinction between computational mind and phenomenological mind, Block&rsquo;s differentiation of A-consciousness (access consciousness) and P-consciousness (phenomenal consciousness) and Chalmers&rsquo; distinction between &quot;easy&quot; and &quot;hard&quot; problems of consciousness. While, for example, A-consciousness, refers to consciousness in terms of accessibility and availability of specific content (mental representations) in the control of speech, reasoning and actions, P-consciousness (phenomenal consciousness) refers to the fact that conscious mental states possess experiential, qualitative characteristics, which are directly available only from the subjective perspective of the first person. Philosophy of mind introduced a technical term qualia (lat. sing. quale) for this aspect of consciousness, and it makes consciousness different from other subjects of research in the dominant objectivist scientific paradigm.<br />In this thesis, the author discusses the problem of the ontological status of qualia, as a problem in the formulation of the materialistic mind theories (the thesis of identity, functionalist and representational theories), as well as epistemological problems of qualia - the problem of privileged access, the argument of incomplete knowledge (Jackson) and the problem of the explanatory gap (Levine) and their repercussions on philosophy of science - the problem of the relationship between first and third-person methodologies, understanding and explanation, a human science and a natural science approach to man. The historical succession of paradigms in the mainstream academic psychology has been viewed from this angle.<br />All previous strategies of eliminating phenomenal consciousness from psychological and philosophical discourse lead to deepening of the gap between the world of experience (Lebenswelt, Husserl) and the natural science picture of the world constructed by using an objective methodology. Psychotherapy, on the contrary, is a discipline that is one of the most important links between a disciplined approach to subjective experience and objective scientific facts. That is why attention has been paid to the contemporary constitution of psychotherapy as a scientific discipline, as well as its positioning in relation to a natural science and a human science paradigm since its establishment (Freudian oscillating between the affection to natural scientific model and hermeneutical practice), through a number of novelties and &quot;deconstructions&quot; of the original model through its history, to the modern trend &ndash; neuropsychotherapy which has introduced new findings of neuroscience in understanding psychotherapeutic processes and improvement of procedures in last ten years. We analyzed the importance and the role that different psychotherapeutic views (classical psychoanalysis, BT, CBT, including new mindfulness approaches, existentialist, humanistic and constructivist views) attach to consciousness, awareness, and raising awareness, as well as the meanings of these terms in the light of distinctions identified by the analysis of philosophy of mind - that is, representational, functional-causal, and phenomenal. It was shown how the epistemological problems of consciousness described above occur and get resolved in psychotherapy as a practical discipline.<br />Integration of phenomenal consciousness into an image of the mind, and connection of natural science disciplines and disciplines which deal with experience and subjectivity has to go beyond a conceptual and logical analysis on which philosophy of mind remains. The first step on this road is development of a first-person methodology, which allows a description of mental processes and content as they are manifested from a perspective of a conscious subject. Therefore, the first things presented were six first-person methods originating from introspective psychology, phenomenological philosophy and Buddhist contemplative tradition, and then, a qualitative thematic analysis of the six methods was conducted. The process of open coding singled out ten dimensions by which methods were compared. This exploratory research has allowed for a more precise insight into mutual similarities and differences of the analyzed methods, into their powers and weaknesses, improvement strategies, as well as opportunities for cooperation with third-person methods. It has shown also that &ldquo;a view from within&quot; can reveal important features of consciousness and mind that remain non-transparent to objective methods.</p>

Designing a Precious Key : A First-Person Creation, Exploration and evaluation-process

Lindberg, Martin January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to explore aspects of a design that makes an electronic key feel precious toa user. The goal is to find information that is useful when designing electronic keys and to serve as partof the research in the project Precious Keys. Several prototypes and designs were created and evaluated,each over a period of several weeks. The designs each had different prominent aspects that were theorisedto carry preciousness and these aspects were analysed during the evaluation process. The designs werethen compared and iteratively improved upon in order to explore each aspect properly. The result showedthat function, visual appeal, fiddle-friendliness, history with the key and friction had the most impact onperceived preciousness. Creating the key with your own hands proved to be the most effective way tocreate preciousness through history. The aspects “unity” and “augmentation” were also discussed butcould not be proven to have an impact on perceived preciousness. In line with presented theories, thisstudy shows clear relations between aspects of design that have a positive impact on the perceivedpreciousness and electronic keys. It is even possible to grade these in terms of most impact to least impact.The study also has shown that first-person research is arguably a good method to research the topic. / Syftet med detta arbete är att utforska designaspekter som gör att en elektronisk nyckel känns värdefull för en användare. Målet är att hitta information som är användbar vid design av elektroniska nycklar och att låta detta arbete fungera som en del av forskningen i projektet Precious Keys. Flera prototyper togs fram och utvärderades, var och en under några veckors tid. De olika utformningarna hade olika framträdande aspekter som enligt teori skulle kunna bidra till att nycklarna skulle kännas värdefulla, och dessa aspekter analyserades under utvärderingsprocessen. Prototyperna jämfördes sedan och förbättrades iterativt för att utforska varje aspekt ordentligt. Resultatet visade att funktion, estetik, hur tillåtande nyckeln var att leka med i handen, erfarenheter med nyckeln samt friktion hade störst inverkan på upplevt värde. Att med egna händer skapa nyckeln visade sig också vara den erfarenhetsaspekt som hade störst inverkan. Aspekterna ”enhetlighet” och ”patina/föråldring” diskuterades också men kunde inte bevisas ha en inverkan på upplevt värde. I enlighet med uppvisad teori är det möjligt att koppla resultatet från denna studie till värdeskapande design-aspekter hos elektroniska nycklar. Det går även att se till vilken grad olika aspekter anses ha en effekt. Studien har även visat att förstapersonsforskning kan användas för att undersöka ämnet.

Architecture as Narrative in First Person Level Design : A Reading of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst

Hemberg, Max, Josefsson, Ludwig January 2021 (has links)
The video games industry is rapidly developing as technology allows designers to create increasingly comprehensive worlds for their players to explore. Acknowledging the experience gained by architects designing similar structures for the physical world, this thesis explorescross-disciplinary research. The relationship between architecture and level design is here utilized to further the understanding of architectural space within first-person video games. A textual analysis is performed on Mirror’s Edge Catalyst to investigate ways in which architecture may contribute to the narrative of a game. This reading embodies the aspirations of precedent studies, used by architects to understand and analyse the components within an architectural composition. The thesis is guided by the question “How can architectural space support the narrative in levels of first-person video games?” and manages to uncover multiple layers to the design of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. The research conveys that the expectedgameplay experience guides the composition of the architecture within the level. Here the horizontal and vertical planes that define space may be utilized to facilitate the narrative throughtheir shape and configuration. The spatial segments are then arranged into linear or centralizedorganizations emphasizing the narrative of the level. Finally, throughout these spatial organizations monumental architecture is applied which provides stages that assist in conveyingthe focal point of the narrative. / Den digitala spelindustrin utvecklas snabbt i samband med teknologiska framsteg. Detta resulterar i förutsättningar för speldesigners att utveckla utförliga virtuella världar för deras spelare att utforska. Genom att erkänna den välutvecklade erfarenheten erhållen av arkitekter i deras arbete att konstruera världens samhällen, antar sig detta kandidatarbete tvärvetenskaplig forskning. Relationen mellan arkitektur och level design används här för att främja förståelsen för arkitektoniskt utrymme inom videospel som utspelar sig i första person. En textanalys är utförd på Mirror’s Edge Catalyst med syftet att undersöka olika möjligheter för arkitektur att bidra till narrativ inom spel. Denna analys aspirerar till att förhålla sig till målet av en prejudikatstudie som tillåter arkitekter att förstå och analysera komponenter inom en arkitektonisk komposition. Kandidatarbetet vägleds av forskningsfrågan ”Hur kan arkitektoniskt utrymme användas för att stödja ett narrativ i banor från första-persons videospel?”. Forskningen visar att den förväntade spelupplevelsen inom en bana styr den arkitektoniska kompositionen. Horisontella och vertikala ytor används för att definiera utrymme medan deras form och sammansättning ger plats åt banans narrativ. Det uppdelade utrymmet placeras sedan in i linjära eller centraliserade organisationer vilket styrker den narrativa upplevelsen som etableras. Under dessa organisationer placeras storslagen arkitektur, vilket ger upphov till scener vars syfte är att underlätta kommunikationen av fokuset inom narrativet.

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