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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinantes da taxa básica de juros no Brasil: uma análise empírica no período de 2000 a 2011 / Analysis of mechanims generators and maintainers of differential interest international and national

Schio, Thyago Américo 26 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:33:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SCHIO_Thyago_2013.pdf: 1707168 bytes, checksum: ee01cd8bc48bf1ff9a2a93c4f336025d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-26 / The existence and maintenance for long years of high domestic interest rate is a phenomenon sweeping the Brazilian economic environment. Although in recent years the domestic interest rate derated, Brazil still is characterized as one of the countries with higher interest rate in the world. In order to contribute to the discussion and understanding of the factors that allows the existence and maintenance for long years of high domestic interest rate, it is investigated the hypothesis that even if the internal interest rate is influenced by the foreign interest rate, there are endogenous mechanisms to the Brazilian economy that allow the reduction of the internal interest rate. Aiming objective responses, it is used a Vector Error Correction (VEC) compounded of six endogenous variables and an exogenous variable. As results, it follows that although there is a relationship between domestic and foreign interest rates, there is space for the economic policy, enabling a continuous reduction in the domestic interest rate. / A existência e manutenção por longos anos de elevada taxa interna de juros é um fenômeno que assola o ambiente econômico brasileiro. Embora nos últimos anos a taxa interna de juros tenha sido reduzida, o Brasil continua a ser caracterizado como um país de elevada taxa de juros. No intuito de contribuir com a discussão e com o entendimento dos fatores que possibilitam a existência e manutenção por longos anos de elevada taxa interna de juros, investigou-se a hipótese de que mesmo sendo a taxa interna de juros influenciada pela taxa externa de juros, há mecanismos endógenos à economia brasileira que possibilitam a redução da taxa interna de juros. Visando obter respostas objetivas, utilizou-se de um Vetor de Correção de Erros (VEC) composto por seis variáveis endógenas e uma variável exógena. Como resultados, obteve-se que embora exista uma relação entre taxa interna de juros e taxa externa de juros há espaço para a política econômica atuar, possibilitando uma contínua redução da taxa de juros interna.

Stock-flow consistent models : evolution, methodological issues, and fiscal policy applications

Kappes, Sylvio Antonio January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo discutir diferentes aspectos de um método de modelagem econômica conhecido por Modelos Stock-Flow Consistent (SFC). Essa classe de modelos tem como principais características a presença de matrizes que representam os balanços patrimoniais dos setores modelados, bem como os fluxos de transações e de fundos financeiros. A primeira etapa do trabalho consiste em analisar as origens dos modelos SFC, apresentando os trabalhos que precederam as primeiras formulações. Em seguida, é feito um survey completo da literatura SFC corrente. Essas duas etapas são realizadas através de uma revisão bibliográfica de artigos, working papers, teses e dissertações. A terceira etapa do trabalho consiste em discutir aspectos metodológicos da modelagem SFC, em especial a modelagem de equações comportamentais de expectativas. Por fim, um modelo SFC é elaborado com o objetivo de analisar o comportamento de uma economia sob quatro regimes fiscais diferentes: (i) balanço equilibrado; (ii) meta de gastos do governo como proporção do PIB; (iii) meta de déficit do governo como proporção do PIB; (iv) meta de dívida pública como proporção do PIB. O comportamento em estado estacionário desses regimes é analisado, bem como sua resiliência a choques. Entre as conclusões, percebeu-se que o segundo regime apresenta a maior taxa de crescimento no steady state, além de ser mais resiliente a choques negativos. / The general goal of this dissertation is to discuss different dimensions of a class of Post-Keynesian models known as Stock-Flow Consistent Models. The main features of these models are: (i) the presence of balance sheets matrices of the sectors to be modeled, guaranteeing the consistency in the economic stocks; (ii) the flow of funds matrix, that records the real and financial transactions of the economy. The first step of the work is to analyze the origins of the SFC models, presenting the works that preceded the first elaborations. Next to it, the current SFC literature is surveyed. These two steps are accomplished by means of a survey of the literature in academic journals, working papers, dissertations and thesis. The third step of the work is a discussion of methodological issues such as the role of expectations in the behavioral functions for consumption. Finally, the fourth step consists of elaborating a SFC model in order to analyze four fiscal policy regimes: (i) balanced budget, (ii) a target for government’s expenditures , (iii) a target for government deficit, and (iv) a target for government debt. The steady state behavior of each regime is analyzed, as well as its resilience to adverse shocks. The second regime is the one with the higher steady state growth rate and also is the more resilient to negative shocks.

The investment process : a study of capital expenditures and the effects on them of fiscal and monetary policies, with special reference to large Canadian corporations, 1954-62

Helliwell, John F. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

The influence of fiscal policy on economic growth in South Africa

Mphinyana, Shonisani Tshinakaho January 2017 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between fiscal policy and economic growth in South Africa for the period 1994-2014. This study examines the relationship between fiscal policy and economic growth within the context of the endogenous growth theory. Three models are estimated. The variables included in the first model are; real GDP, aggregate government expenditure, total taxes and private investment. The second and third models disaggregate government expenditure into productive and non-productive and taxes into distortionary and non-distortionary. The Vector Autoregressive is used to estimate the relationship between fiscal policy and economic growth. The data is quarterly in frequency. The findings of the study suggest that government investment expenditure has negative impact on growth, while government consumption expenditure has positive impact on growth. Furthermore, the findings of the study are that direct taxes have negative impact on the economy while indirect taxes have positive impact on economic growth.

Impactos das políticas monetária e fiscal no gerenciamento da dívida pública : uma análise macro-estrutural

Borges, Daniel de Araujo e January 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em analisar relações existentes entre a gestão da dívida pública e a condução das políticas monetária e fiscal, bem como examinar os efeitos da composição da dívida na trajetória de endividamento para o caso da economia brasileira. Com este foco, foi construído um modelo macro-estrutural que estabelece relações entre o processo de evolução da relação dívida/produto e a trajetória de variáveis macroeconômicas. Foram realizadas simulações utilizando a técnica de Monte Carlo para observar o impacto das trajetórias do hiato do produto e das taxas de câmbio, juros e inflação na evolução da relação dívida/produto em diferentes contextos de atuação das autoridades monetária e fiscal. No modelo estrutural a trajetória da dívida é função da participação dos instrumentos de financiamento na composição da dívida pública. Os instrumentos utilizados são: (i) títulos indexados à taxa Selic; (ii) títulos indexados a índices de preços; (iii) títulos prefixados; e (iv) títulos indexados à taxa de câmbio. O modelo permitiu captar que, quando a sensibilidade da inflação a mudanças na taxa de juros é pequena, os apertos monetários necessários ao cumprimento da meta produzem maior elevação na relação D/Y. Essa elevação se torna ainda mais acentuada quanto maior for a sensibilidade do produto a mudanças na taxa de juros. Os resultados permitem, ainda, analisar os trade-offs entre custo e risco oferecidos pelos instrumentos de financiamento em diferentes posturas das autoridades fiscal e monetária. / The aim of the present work consists in analyzing connections that exist between the management of public debt and the conduct of fiscal and monetary policies, as well as examining the effects of debt composition on the trajectory of the Brazilian Debt/GDP ratio. We propose a macro-structural model for the Brazilian economy to derive relations regarding debt management and the macroeconomic variables. Using Monte Carlo simulations we observed how inflation, GDP, interest rate and exchange rate alter their trajectories when we have changes in the conduct of fiscal and monetary policies. The impacts of these changes on Debt/GDP ratio depend on the debt composition. The funding instruments analyzed are: (i) Selic indexed bonds; (ii) inflation linked bonds; (iii) fixed-rate bonds; and (iv) dollar indexed bonds. The model captured that, the lower the sensibility of inflation associated with changes on interest rates, the higher the impacts on Debt/GDP consequences of a tightening in monetary policy The results allows to observe the tradeoffs between the risk and the cost associated with debt instruments for different scenarios of fiscal and monetary policies.

Ensaios econométricos sobre política fiscal no Brasil

Wichmann, Roberta Moreira January 2012 (has links)
O presente artigo apresenta um estudo econométrico da política fiscal brasileira com o objetivo de avaliar, no período que se estende de 2001 a 2010 utilizando dados mensais, como os diferentes componentes da política fiscal respondem à dinâmica do produto. Primeiramente é feito a identificação e a análise dos componentes da política: impulso fiscal e regra fiscal seguindo a orientação de distintas metodologias (OCDE, FMI, método Holandês e filtro de Kalman). Dessa forma, é possível avaliar se a política é oportuna e ágil, observar qual o tamanho do impacto da resposta de cada componente a choques negativos no produto e, por fim, comparar os resultados fiscais com os encontrados para a política monetária. Para tanto, foi utilizado a técnica da autorregressão vetorial. Os resultados das estimações indicam que a regra fiscal apresenta-se de forma oportuna e reage mais rapidamente, em termos gerais, à redução do hiato quando comparados aos juros e ao impulso fiscal. Em relação ao impulso fiscal os resultados das estimações não foram tão homogêneos. A política monetária apresenta resultados levemente díspares quando se trata da velocidade da adoção de medidas contracíclicas. A decomposição da política fiscal via filtro de Kalman pareceu ser a mais indicada. / This article presents an econometric study of the Brazilian fiscal policy with the objective of evaluating, in the period extending from 2001 to 2010, using monthly data, how the different components of fiscal policy respond to the dynamics of the product. Firstly, the identification and analysis of the components of the policy are made: fiscal impulse and fiscal rule following the guidance of different methodologies (OECD, IMF, Dutch method and Kalman filter). Thus, it is possible to assess whether the policy is timely and responsive, to observe how big the impact of each component of the response to negative shocks is in the product and, lastly, compare the fiscal results with the results also found for monetary policy. For this purpose it used the technique of vector autoregression. The estimation results indicate that the fiscal rule is presented in a timely manner and react more quickly, in general terms, to reduce the gap when compared to interest rates and fiscal stimulus. In relation to fiscal impulse the estimation results were not as homogeneous. Monetary policy has slightly differing results when it comes to the speed of adoption of countercyclical measures. The analysis of fiscal police via the Kalman filter seems to be most suitable.

Ação estatal e política fiscal no Brasil : uma análise do período 2003-2013

Duca, Fernando Murta Ferreira January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como propósito central discutir e analisar as propostas, os fundamentos e a lógica da política econômica do governo federal brasileiro no pós-crise de 2008, com especial predileção para a política fiscal. A fim de permitir uma aproximação apropriada de tal tema, realizou-se uma discussão teórica acerca das finanças públicas e da política fiscal, buscando compreender a importância destas para o sistema econômico. Esta discussão trata de avaliar mais de um modelo teórico, de modo a buscar aquele que melhor atenda aos objetivos da análise proposta. Sendo assim, o capítulo 1 trata fundamentalmente das finanças públicas e de sua relevância para o sistema econômico e sua reprodução, bem como busca compreender os determinantes de sua evolução. O capítulo 2, se volta para a ação estatal propriamente dita, representada pela política fiscal. Dividido em duas partes centrais, o capítulo analisa, de um lado, as teorias acerca dos objetivos que devem ser buscados pela política fiscal, e de outro dos meios que o Estado dispõe para pôr em prática seu projeto. Por último, no capítulo 3, é analisada a evolução do padrão de atuação do Estado brasileiro a partir da mutação de suas estruturas e de sua política fiscal. Esta análise tem início com as respostas do Estado à crise da dívida na década de 1980, por representar uma importante mudança de rumos na sua atuação, e segue até os dias atuais, buscando enfatizar as principais políticas tomadas pelos governos no referido período. Dá-se especial destaque para a mudança ocorrida na condução da política fiscal com a eclosão crise financeira de 2008, discutindo até que ponto esta mudança se refere de fato à busca de um novo paradigma para a atuação do Estado. / This work has as main goal discuss and analyze the proposals, the foundations and the logic of the economic policy of the Brazilian federal government in 2008 after the crisis, with special preference for it's fiscal policy. In order to allow proper approach this theme, a theoretical discussion about public finance and fiscal policy was made, seeking to understand the importance of these to the economic system. This discussion assess more than a theoretical model in order to get the one that best meets the proposed analysis goals. Therefore, Chapter 1 is fundamentally about public finances and its relevance to the economic system and its reproduction, and seeks to understand the determinants of its evolution. Chapter 2, is engaged in the state action, represented by the fiscal policy. Divided into two central parts, the chapter analyzes on the one hand, theories about the objectives to be sought by fiscal policy, and on the other the means that the state has to implement it's project. Finally, Chapter 3 analyzes the evolution of the patterns of the Brazilian State performance from the mutation of its structures and its fiscal policy. This analysis begins with the State's responses to the debt crisis in the 1980s, as it represents a major change of direction in its activities, continue until the present day, seeking to emphasize the main policies taken by governments in that period. It gives special emphasis to the shift in fiscal policy with the outbreak of the 2008 financial crisis, discussing to what extent this change refers in fact to the search for a new paradigm for state action.

Essays on post-crisis fiscal policy

Dinh, Xuan Hai January 2017 (has links)
This thesis comprises of four essays on fiscal policy and fiscal policy adjustment. The first of these essays, Chapter 2, reviews a wide range of literature about fiscal policy. This chapter also discusses the sudden stop and fiscal policy during sudden stops episodes. Chapter 3 constructs a simple dynamic deterministic model to study how the speed of adjustment to a sustainable level of debt affects economic welfare. The simulation results in Chapter 3 suggest that in order to bring the level of external debt to a sustainable level as required by foreign lenders, the small open economy will attempt to delay adjustment as long as possible. Chapter 4 uses a Structural Vector Autoregression Model to estimate government consumption multipliers for groups of countries. The empirical results suggest that: (i) The higher degree of financial openness, the larger the government consumption multiplier. (ii) The government consumption multiplier is significantly bigger in countries with higher levels of external debt. (iii) The higher the level of financial development, the smaller the government consumption multiplier. (iv) The government consumption multiplier in countries with fixed exchange rates seems to be bigger than in countries with a flexible exchange rate regime. Chapter 5 of this thesis analyses four case study countries including Greece, Latvia, Pakistan and Turkey. This chapter finds that fiscal policy choice varies across countries because there are many possible determinants for this. It will also be determined that all factors including the level of public debt, level of external debt and monetary policy, especially exchange rate regime, affects the fiscal policy choice of each country. Furthermore, Chapter 5 also points out that political economy can influence fiscal policy directly and indirectly.

Tři eseje o empirických analýzách ekonomických politik / Three Essays on Empirical Analysis of Economic Policy

Baxa, Jaromír January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the empirical analysis of monetary and fiscal policy using nonlinear models. In the first part, I examine the evolution of monetary policy rules in a group of inflation targeting countries. I apply a moment-based estimator in a time-varying parameter model with endogenous regressors. The main findings are twofold. First, with adoption of inflation targeting, coefficients in the monetary policy rules changed rather gradually. Second, the response of interest rates to inflation is particularly strong during periods when central bankers want to break a record of high inflation. Contrary to common view, the response of interest rates to inflation becomes less aggressive after the adoption of inflation targeting, suggesting a positive anchoring effect of this regime on inflation expectations. The second part discusses whether and how the selected central banks responded to episodes of financial stress over the last three decades. The time-varying monetary policy rule is extended for an indicator of financial stress, in order to show the departures of policy rules under financial instability. The findings suggest that central banks often decrease policy rates in the face of high financial stress. However, the size of the policy response varies substantially over time as well...

The ECB, Austerity and the Fiscal Multiplier: A meta-regression analysis of Fiscal Multiplier Estimates in ECB Policy Recommendations / The ECB, Austerity and the Fiscal Multiplier: A meta-regression analysis of Fiscal Multiplier Estimates in ECB Policy Recommendations

Brüsewitz, Caspar Gerbrandt January 2018 (has links)
The primary aim of this thesis is to examine whether the policy recommendations made by the European Central Bank in response to the financial crisis of 2008 were biased towards fiscal consolidation. It posits that such policies, commonly known as austerity, were underpinned by estimates of the fiscal multiplier that were lower than those of international and independent researchers. To analyse this, it provides a systematic overview of the ECB's fiscal multiplier estimates by performing a meta-regression analysis on all ECB working papers making multiplier estimates published between 1992 and 2012, and comparing the results against those of a larger dataset containing multiplier estimates made. It finds that the multiplier estimates of the ECB are significantly lower than the norm, which is potentially suggestive of bias. This thesis contributes to the literature on ideational bias in economic policy-making by providing a systematic literature review that helps inform the discussion on austerity in the EU. It also servers as a replication and expansion of previous meta-regression studies on the fiscal multiplier, by being the first study that specifically examines the estimates of a specific institution.

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