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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeito da aplica??o de molibd?nio em caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) em condi??es de campo / Effect of Mo application in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) growth at field conditions.

Alves, Jos? Milton 27 January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:58:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005 - Jose Milton Alves.pdf: 656917 bytes, checksum: a6be51ffb2d9849d6fe513c9574db587 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-01-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Two experiments were carried out at field conditions in the Department de Fitotecnia UFRRJ with the aims of the study the effect of molybdenum in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.). The seeds from the cultivar CNCx 409-11F-P2 were used with a plant population of 200.000 plants.ha-1. The first experiment was arranged in a factorial block design with 4 replications, 5 levels of Mo (100, 200, 400, 800 g.ha-1) applied in the leaves and the control, 3 times of application (32 days after germination, flowering period and seed pod filling). During the plant development, 3 harvests were made: 48 and 79 DAG and at the end of plant grown. The parameters analyzed were: number and weight of nodules, shoot and root dry weight and productivity. At the second experiment, the treatments were applied: two levels of pH (5.5 and 6.5); six levels of Mo (20, 40, 80, 160, 1280 g. ha-1) applied in the leaves and the control; 2 ways of Mo application (in the soil and foliar application); with 4 replications. The harvests were made at 62, 73 and 87 DAG and at the end of plant growth. The parameters analyzed were: number and weight of nodules, shoot and root dry weight, productivity and Mo concentration in the seeds. The foliar applications of Mo increase the number of nodules. Occurred a significant variation of weight of nodules shoot and root dry weight in function of the form of Mo application, soil or leaves. The range of Mo concentration in the seeds was between 0,45 and 26,93 g.Mo.semente-1. / Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na ?rea experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da UFRRJ com o objetivo de estudar a aplica??o de molibd?nio em plantas de caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos utilizando sementes da linhagem CNCx 409-11F-P2 obtendo-se uma popula??o final de 200 mil plantas.ha-1. O primeiro experimento foi conduzido em um esquema fatorial em delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 4 repeti??es, 5 n?veis de Mo aplicados via foliar (100, 200, 400, 800 g.ha-1) e testemunha, 3 ?pocas de aplica??o (32 Dias Ap?s a Germina??o, Flora??o Plena e Enchimento dos Gr?os), num total de 60 parcelas. Durante o per?odo de desenvolvimento da cultura foram realizadas coletas das plantas com 48 e 79 DAG e no final do ciclo da cultura, para determina??o do n?mero de n?dulos, do peso de n?dulos secos, do peso da parte a?rea e da raiz secas e produtividade. No segundo experimento foram utilizados 2 n?veis de pH (5,5 e 6,5), 6 n?veis de Mo via foliar (20, 40, 80, 160, 1280 g.ha-1) e testemunha, 2 formas de aplica??o do molibd?nio (sulco e foliar) que ocorreu com 56 DAG e 4 repeti??es, num total de 96 parcelas. Foram realizadas coletas das plantas com: 62, 73 e 87 DAG e no final do desenvolvimento da cultura, onde foram determinados o n?mero de n?dulos, peso de n?dulos secos, do peso da parte a?rea e da raiz secas, produtividade e concentra??o de molibd?nio nas sementes. A aplica??o foliar de Mo aumentou o n?mero de n?dulos das plantas de caupi. Ocorreu uma grande varia??o das caracter?sticas avaliadas, peso de n?dulo, raiz e parte a?rea secas em fun??o da forma de aplica??o de Mo e do pH do solo. O aumento da concentra??o de molibd?nio nas sementes foi linear, independente da forma de aplica??o e do pH. As concentra??es de Mo encontradas nas sementes ficaram entre 0,45 a 26,93 g.Mo.semente-1.

Efeito de Alum?nio, Molibd?nio e de Estirpes de Riz?bio em Arachis pintoi / Effect of Aluminum, Molybdenum and strains of Riz?bio in Arachis pintoi

Silva, Humberto Ant?o de Sousa e 14 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:58:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007-Humberto Antao de Sousa e Silva.pdf: 1812876 bytes, checksum: fc5dddb0fe3112c5b22807ccdce3e05b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In a modern cattle-breeding using pastures that allows a gain of weight is an essential factor. The Arachis pintoi is an option to a good alimentary diet and to the recuperation of degraded pastures, due to its potential in biological fixation of nitrogen and resistance to acid soil with high contents of aluminium. Experiments were conducted in greenhouse and growth chamber condition, in order to study the behavior of Arachis pintoi (Amarillo cv., Belmonte cv. and accession BRA-031534) in its relation to inoculation with rhizobial strains, aluminium tolerance and Mo influence. Strains CIAT-5067, CIAT-5083, CIAT-5087, BR-1432 e BR-1433 were used in inoculation experiments. In experiments with aluminium were used: a) A simple nutritive solution, initially with rates 10μM, 20μM, 40μM, 80μM and 160μM, and later 2μM, 4μM, 8μM, 16μM e 32μM, b) A complete nutritive solution with rates 20μM, 40μM, 80μM, 160μM and 320μM at Amarillo cv. and access BRA-031534 propagated by seeds and at the Amarillo and Belmonte cv. and access BRA-031534 vegetatively propagated. In the experiment with Mo, four rates of molybdenum (0g.ha-1, 50g.ha-1, 100g.ha-1 e 200g.ha-1), three levels of pH (4,0; 5,0 e 6,0) and two collection dates (49 days and 78 days) were used. The plants inoculated with CIAT strains, presented a good response to nodulation especially in relation to Belmonte cv., and with the same effectiveness of native strain. It was observed deleterious effect of nitrogen in the number of nodules. The results in simple nutritive solution had shown reduction in growth and dry mass of the root and a reduction evaluated in 27% by the relative root length between the concentration of 16μM and the control. In these experiments were observed responses to the concentration of aluminium, with appearance of mucilage and darkening of the primary root. In studies involving complete nutritional solution, Amarillo cultivar and accession BRA-031534 propagated by seeds had had reduction in the growth of the primary root and in relative length of the root in relation to the control. In the concentrations of 320μM and 160μM, a reduction of 51% and 49% respectively, in the Amarillo cultivar and access BRA-031534. It was also observed in this study with the Amarillo cultivar, roots with tip dark in the concentrations of 160μM and 320μM, and increase in the number of secondary roots from the concentration of 80μM. Pyrocatecol violet dyes seems to be promising in allowing a visualization of aluminum effects to Amarillo cultivar and accession BRA-031534. The aluminum in vegetative propagation influenced the cultivars and accession tested. Belmonte cultivar formed a higher number of adventitious roots when compared with Amarillo cv and accession BRA-031534, and with a concentration of 80μM a reduction in the adventitious roots length of the tested cultivars and access occurred. The molybdenum application promote answer in the second harvest in the pH 6,0 being obtained a larger number of nodules in the concentration of 200g.ha-1.The pH intervened in the nodulation. / Na pecu?ria moderna, o uso de pastagens que permitem um bom ganho de peso ? um fator imprescind?vel. A leguminosa Arachis pintoi apresenta-se como uma op??o tanto para uma dieta alimentar eficiente, como para recupera??o de pastagens degradadas devido ao seu potencial em fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio e resist?ncia a solos ?cidos com teor elevado de alum?nio. Com a finalidade de estudar o comportamento do Arachis pintoi em rela??o ? inocula??o com estirpes de riz?bio, toler?ncia ao alum?nio e a influ?ncia do molibd?nio, foram conduzidos experimentos em condi??es de casa de vegeta??o e c?mara de crescimento. Nos experimentos de inocula??o utilizaram-se as estirpes CIAT-5067, CIAT-5083, CIAT-5087, BR-1432 e BR-1433. Nos experimentos com alum?nio foram utilizadas: a) Solu??o nutritiva simples, (10μM, 20μM, 40μM, 80μM e 160μM) e (2μM, 4μM, 8μM, 16μM e 32μM), na cultivar Amarillo. b) Solu??o nutritiva completa (20μM, 40μM, 80μM, 160μM e 320μM) na cultivar Amarillo e acesso BRA-031534 propagadas por sementes e nas cultivares Amarillo, Belmonte e acesso BRA-031534 propagadas vegetativamente. No experimento com molibd?nio, foi utilizada a cultivar Amarillo, quatro dosagens de molibd?nio (0gha-1, 50g.ha-1, 100g.ha-1 e 200g.ha-1), tr?s n?veis de pH (4,0; 5,0 e 6,0) e duas ?pocas de coleta (49 e 78 dias). Nos experimentos de sele??o de estirpes, as plantas inoculadas com as estirpes CIAT, apresentaram uma boa resposta ? nodula??o principalmente em rela??o ? cultivar Belmonte, e com a mesma efetividade que as estirpes nativas. Na cultivar Belmonte foi observado efeito delet?rio do nitrog?nio no n?mero de n?dulos por planta. Os resultados obtidos nos experimentos com Al, em solu??o nutritiva simples mostraram uma redu??o no crescimento, redu??o na massa seca da raiz e uma redu??o avaliada em 27% pelo comprimento radicular relativo entre as concentra??es de 16μM e o controle. Ocorreram nestes experimentos respostas ?s concentra??es de alum?nio, com aparecimento de mucilagem e escurecimento da raiz prim?ria. Nos estudos envolvendo solu??o nutritiva completa, as pl?ntulas da cultivar Amarillo e do acesso BRA-031534 propagadas por sementes tiveram redu??o no crescimento da raiz prim?ria e no comprimento relativo da raiz em rela??o ? testemunha. Nas concentra??es de 320μM e 160μM, observou-se uma redu??o de 51% e 49% respectivamente, na cultivar Amarillo e no acesso BRA-031534. Tamb?m foi observado na cultivar Amarillo, ra?zes com as extremidades escurecidas nas concentra??es de 160μM e 320μM e aumento no n?mero de ra?zes secund?rias a partir da concentra??o de 80μM. O corante violeta de pirocatecol parece promissor em permitir uma visualiza??o dos efeitos do alum?nio para a cultivar Amarillo e acesso BRA-031534. O alum?nio influenciou as cultivares e acesso testados com a cultivar Belmonte formando um maior n?mero de ra?zes advent?cias que a cv Amarillo e o acesso BRA-031534. A partir da concentra??o de 80μM, ocorreu uma redu??o no comprimento das ra?zes advent?cias das cultivares e acesso testados. A aplica??o de molibd?nio foi eficiente na segunda colheita no pH 6,0 sendo obtido um maior n?mero de n?dulos na concentra??o de 200g.ha-1. O pH interferiu na nodula??o.

Caracteriza??o e uso de bact?rias diazotr?ficas isoladas de diferentes cultivares de arroz origin?rias do estado do Maranh?o. / Characterization and use of diazotrophic bacteria isolated from different rice cultivars originated from Maranh?o State.

Ara?jo, Ant?nio Edilson da Silva 19 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:58:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Antonio Edilson da Silva Araujo.pdf: 1302543 bytes, checksum: cc20c323c83af0e996be61700810ba59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Several works have shown that rice crop can benefit from the association with diazotrophic bacteria. However, the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in rice is dependent of a complex interaction among the plants, microorganisms and the ecosystem. The general objective of this work was to evaluate the contribution of BNF in varieties of rice originated from the State of Maranh?o. The specific objectives were: a- To isolate and characterize native diazotrophic bacteria originated from soil cultivated with rice in Maranh?o; b- to select the most efficient bacteria in relation to dry matter accumulation and grain yield; c- to study the relationship between FBN and the teor of proteins in the grains. For the isolation was used two rice varieties (IR42 and Diamante) and two traditional rice varieties of Maranh?o (Zebu Branco and Manteiga), grown in soil samples originated from three districts of Maranh?o, being one of high lands (Bacabal) and two of lowland area (Arari and Vitoria do Mearim). Samples of roots, stems and leaves were grounded and inoculated in nitrogen free semisolid semiselective media: NFB, JNFB, LGI, LGIP and JMV. Around 304 isolates were obtained and classified as belonging to the species Azospirillum amazonense, Azospirillum lipoferum and Azospirillum brasilense, Herbaspirillum spp. and Burkholderia spp and a non identified group that was clustered based only in the morphological characteristics. The genetic diversity of the isolates was evaluated through the amplification of 16S DNAr subunit using the Polymerize Chain Reaction (PCR) technique and digestion of the amplified products with restriction enzymes (ARDRA). Restriction fragment profiles confirmed the identity of most of the isolated and showed high diversity mainly for the bacterial isolates characterized as Burkholderia. Isolates representative from the different groups were tested in gnotobiotic conditions, in pots and in the field using different rice varieties originated from the Maranh?o State. Two other cultivars were used as controls. It was observed that among the isolates tested, the Azospirillum amazonense AR3122 and Herbaspirillum sp AR1122 howed potential to promote growth of rice plants and to increase the grain yield of this crop. / Diversos trabalhos t?m mostrado que a cultura do arroz pode se beneficiar da associa??o com bact?rias diazotr?ficas. Entretanto, a fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio (FBN) em arroz ? dependente de uma intera??o complexa entre as plantas, os microrganismos e o ecossistema. Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral avaliar a contribui??o da FBN em variedades tradicionais de arroz do estado do Maranh?o. Como objetivos espec?ficos: a- isolar e caracterizar bact?rias diazotr?ficas nativas de solo cultivado com arroz no estado do Maranh?o; b- selecionar as bact?rias mais eficientes quanto ao ac?mulo de biomassa e produ??o de gr?os; c- verificar se existe rela??o entre a FBN e o teor de prote?nas nos gr?os. Para o isolamento foi utilizada como planta isca as cultivares IR42 e Diamante e mais duas variedades tradicionais de arroz do Maranh?o Zebu Branco e Manteiga, crescidas em amostras de solo, provenientes de tr?s munic?pios do Maranh?o, sendo uma de terras altas (Bacabal) e duas de ?rea de baixada (Arari e Vitoria do Mearim). Amostras de ra?zes, colmos e folhas foram maceradas e inoculadas em meios semi-s?lidos semi-seletivos, NFB, JNFB, LGI, LGIP e JMV, sem adi??o de nitrog?nio. Foram obtidos 304 isolados que foram classificados morfologicamente como pertencentes ?s esp?cies Azospirillum amazonense, Azospirillum lipoferum, Azospirillum brasilense, Herbaspirillum spp. e Burkholderia spp., al?m de um grupo n?o identificado. A diversidade gen?tica dos isolados foi avaliada por meio da amplifica??o da regi?o 16S DNAr por meio da rea??o da polimerase em cadeia (PCR) e da digest?o dos produtos de amplifica??o com enzimas de restri??o (ARDRA). O perfil de fragmentos de restri??o confirmou o g?nero da maioria dos isolados, al?m disso, mostrou alta diversidade, principalmente para os isolados bacterianos caracterizados morfologicamente como Burkholderia. Isolados representantes dos diferentes grupos foram testados em condi??es gnotobi?ticas, em vasos e em campo, em diferentes variedades procedentes do Maranh?o utilizando-se tamb?m duas cultivares como controle. Foi observado que entre os isolados testados, AR1122 de Herbaspirillum sp. e AR3122 de A. amazonense apresentaram maior potencial para promover o crescimento das plantas e aumentar a produ??o de gr?os na cultura do arroz.

Contribui??o das bact?rias diazotr?ficas no crescimento de Brachiaria brizhanta cv. Marandu / Contribution of diazotrophic bacteria in the growth of Brachiaria brizhanta cv. Marandu

SHOCKNESS, Leonardo dos Santos Fran?a 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-13T20:11:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Leonardo dos Santos Fran?a Shockness.pdf: 1003791 bytes, checksum: efd5f4204bec8c095ea24c37002fd302 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-13T20:11:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Leonardo dos Santos Fran?a Shockness.pdf: 1003791 bytes, checksum: efd5f4204bec8c095ea24c37002fd302 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / CAPES / One of the main factors that affect growth and persistence of grasses in the tropics, thus increasing the degradation of pastures, is a nitrogen deficiency in the soil. However, nitrogen fertilizers much burden the production costs, and the demand for food increasing year by year, has emphasized the need for sustainable alternatives, such as biological nitrogen fixation. It is necessary to do more research on Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF) in forage grasses, especially about diversity among nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with these plants, so that new bacteria can be discovered, as well as its potential to FBN. This study aimed to isolate diazotrophic bacteria of the genus Azospirillum spp. or Herbaspirillum spp., from two cultivars of B. brizhanta (Marandu and Xara?s) and one of B. decumbens (IPEAN), to test them, and to assess their contribution to the growth of Brachiaria brizhanta cv. Marandu identifying the three most promising. This study was conducted at Embrapa Agrobiology in Serop?dica - RJ, in two stages. The first was to isolate possible diazotrophic bacteria from Brachiaria brizantha and B. decumbens plants, using the cultivars Marandu and Xara?s B. brizantha, and the cultivar IPEAN of B. decumbens. The isolation was performed using three semi-solid media, NFB, LGI and JNFb, where the first two selected bacteria of the genus Azospirillum, and the third one Herbaspirillum bacteria. There were selected 46 isolates and, after purification, it was obtained 15 isolates pure, and made the phenotypic characterization thereof. Further biochemical tests were the phosphate solubilization, acetylene reduction analysis (ARA), and production of acid-3-indole acetic (IAA). All tested isolates produced ARA ethylene, even in small quantities, with prominence for isolates L2, L4, J3, J6, J7 and J8. In the phosphate solubilization the isolates N1, L1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8, and T14 were able to solubilize phosphate. In the EIA production the isolates N1, J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8 and J9 excelled. In the second phase it was conducted an experiment to study plant - bacteria interaction. It consisted of the inoculation of 15 isolates from the first phase plus three isolates known as references (SP245, Z94, CBAMC) in B. brizhanta cultivar Marandu, plus the control without inoculation and without N. In this experiment the isolates L2, L4 and J6 outstand when compared to the other seven parameters evaluated. On the basis of this study we can conclude that there are nitrogen fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizing, and that produce 3-indoleacetic acid, associated to Brachiaria brizhanta and Brachiaria decumbens. The isolated bacteria of the two B. brizhanta cultivars (Marandu and Xara?s), and the Brachiaria decumbens (IPEAN) cultivar were more efficient in the growth of B. brizhanta cultivar Marandu than the bacteria standards obtained from other plant species. Also, among the 15 isolates from Brachiaria plants, the J6, L2 and L4 were statistically different from the others, and are considered the three most promising. / Um dos principais fatores que afeta o crescimento e a persist?ncia de gram?neas nos tr?picos, aumentando assim a degrada??o das pastagens, ? a defici?ncia de nitrog?nio no solo. Entretanto, fertilizantes nitrogenados oneram muito os custos de produ??o, e com a demanda por alimentos crescendo ano a ano, tem-se enfatizado a necessidade de alternativas sustent?veis, tal como a fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio. Faz-se necess?rio pesquisas com Fixa??o Biol?gica de Nitrog?nio (FBN) em gram?neas forrageiras, principalmente sobre diversidade de bact?rias diazotr?ficas associadas a essas plantas, para que novas bact?rias possam ser descobertas, assim como seu potencial de FBN. Este trabalho teve como objetivo isolar bact?rias diazotr?ficas do g?nero Azospirillum Spp. ou Herbaspirillum Spp., provenientes de duas cultivares de B. brizhanta (Marandu e Xar?es) e de uma cultivar de B. decumbens (Ipean), testar as mesmas, e avaliar sua contribui??o no crescimento de Brachiaria brizhanta cv. Marandu identificando as tr?s mais promissoras. O trabalho foi realizado na Embrapa Agrobiologia em Serop?dica ? RJ, em duas etapas. Na primeira foi feito o isolamento de poss?veis bact?rias dizotr?ficas provenientes de plantas de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria decumbens, sendo utilizadas as cultivares Marandu e Xara?s de B. brizantha e a cultivar IPEAN de B. decumbens. O isolamento foi realizado utilizando tr?s meios semiss?lidos, NFB, LGI e JNFB, onde os dois primeiros selecionaram bact?rias do g?nero Azospirillum, e o terceiro bact?rias do g?nero Herbaspirillum. Foram selecionados 46 isolados, e ap?s a purifica??o obteve-se 15 isolados puros, sendo feita a caracteriza??o fenot?pica dos mesmos, e posteriormente os testes bioqu?micos de solubiliza??o de fosfato, an?lise da redu??o de acetileno (ARA) e produ??o de ?cido-3-indolac?tico (AIA). Na ARA todos isolados avaliados produziram etileno, mesmo em pequenas quantidades, tendo destaque os isolados L2, L4, J3, J6, J7, e J8. Na solubiliza??o de fosfato os isolados N1, L1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8 e T14 foram capazes de solubilizar fosfato. Na produ??o de AIA se sobressa?ram os isolados N1, J1, J2, J3, J4, J5, J6, J7, J8 e J9. Na segunda etapa foi realizado o experimento de intera??o planta - bact?ria; que consistiu da inocula??o dos 15 isolados da primeira etapa, acrescidos de tr?s isolados conhecidos como padr?es (SP245, Z94, CBAMC) em B. brizhanta cv. Marandu, mais a testemunha n?o inoculada e sem N. Neste experimento os isolados L2, L4 e J6 se destacaram em rela??o aos outros nos sete par?metros avaliados. Com base neste trabalho podemos concluir que existem bact?rias fixadoras de nitrog?nio, solubilizadoras de fosfato e que produzem ?cido-3-indolac?tico associadas a Brachiaria brizhanta e Brachiaria decumbens. As bact?rias isoladas de duas cultivares de B. brizhanta (Marandu e Xar?es) e de uma cultivar de B. decumbens (Ipean) se mostraram mais eficientes no crescimento de B. brizhanta cv. Marandu do que as bact?rias padr?es provenientes de outras esp?cies de plantas. Ainda, dentre os 15 isolados de plantas do g?nero Brachiaria, os isolados J6, L2 e L4 diferiram estatisticamente dos demais, sendo considerados os tr?s mais promissores.

Estudo da comunidade de bact?rias diazotr?ficas do g?nero Burkholderia em associa??o com cana-de-a??car e descri??o de Burkholderia silvatlantica / Community study of the of Burkholderia diazotrophic bacteria in association with sugarcane and description of Burkholderia silvatlantica

Perin, Liamara 15 February 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T19:39:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Liamara Perin.pdf: 5126010 bytes, checksum: 0973e83f604e8d397ec95ef00c19da99 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The sugarcane crop in Brazil occupies almost six million hectares and it is economically important for the generation of jobs and energy production. Among the Poaceas species, it is the crop that receives more contributions from the biological nitrogen fixation, however until this moment it is unknown what organisms are responsible for the best results observed. Innumerable genuses of diazotrophic bacteria were found in association with sugarcane, among them the genus Burkholderia. However little is known about this genus in association with sugarcane. The objective of this study was to isolate and to characterize diazotrophic Burkholderia bacteria in association with sugarcane, and to describe a new species of diazotrophic Burkholderia bacteria. For that, samples of plants were collected in four crop areas, in different Brazilian states, for counting and isolating the bacteria community using the culture medias LGI and JMV. The isolates were characterized physiological, morphologically and molecularly. Sixty-four Burkholderia diazotrophic isolates were gotten that presented versatile metabolism, and the majority differing from the analyzed species patterns. Only five isolates were identified by the ARDRA technique, two belonging to B. tropica species and three to B. unamae. A big group, with 32 isolates, presented the same restriction profile by the ARDRA technique and differed from the analyzed species. The sequencing of the 16S rDNA region of two of these isolates showed that they don t belong to the already described species. This group, from sugarcane plants together with similar maize and pineapple isolates, was described as a new species named B. silvatlantica. The characterization of this new Burkholderia specie was confirmed by the hybridization DNA: DNA technique, presenting only 30% of similarity with the closest species, and the sequencing of the 16S rDNA region. B. Silvatlantica fixed nitrogen in microaerophilic conditions, and it had no capacity of inorganic phosphate solubilization, it did not produce vegetal hormones and had no nodulation capacity in leguminous. These results confirmed that Burkholderia is a rich genus in diazotrophics species and colonize different habitats. / A cultura da cana-de-a??car no Brasil ocupa mais de seis milh?es de hectares sendo importante economicamente pela gera??o de empregos e bastante promissora para a produ??o de energia. Dentre as Poaceas (gram?neas), ? a cultura que mais recebe contribui??es da fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio, por?m ainda n?o se sabe ou n?o se conhece qual ou quais organismos s?o respons?veis pelos melhores resultados observados. In?meros g?neros de bact?rias diazotr?ficas foram encontrados em associa??o com cana-de-a??car, dentre eles o g?nero Burkholderia, at? o momento pouco estudado em associa??o com esta cultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi isolar e caracterizar bact?rias diazotr?ficas do g?nero Burkholderia em associa??o com cana-de-a??car e descrever uma nova esp?cie de bact?ria diazotr?fica do g?nero Burkholderia. Para tal, foram coletadas amostras de plantas em canaviais de quatro estados brasileiros para contagem e isolamento da comunidade de bact?rias utilizando os meios de cultura LGI e JMV. Os isolados foram caracterizados fisiologicamente, morfologicamente e molecularmente. Foram obtidos 64 isolados diazotr?ficos do g?nero Burkholderia, que apresentaram metabolismo vers?til e diferiram dos padr?es das esp?cies analisadas. Apenas cinco isolados foram identificados pela t?cnica de ARDRA, dois pertenceram a esp?cie B. tropica e tr?s a B. unamae. Um grande grupo, com 32 isolados, apresentou mesmo perfil de restri??o pela t?cnica de ARDRA e diferiu das esp?cies analisadas. O sequ?nciamento da regi?o 16S rDNA de dois destes isolados mostrou que eles n?o pertencem ?s esp?cies j? descritas. Este grupo obtido de plantas de cana-de-a??car, juntamente com isolados similares, obtidos de milho e abacaxi, foi descrito como uma nova esp?cie de nome B. silvatlantica. A nova esp?cie de Burkholderia foi confirmada pelos experimentos de hibridiza??o DNA:DNA, com apenas 30% de similaridade com a esp?cie mais pr?xima. B. silvatlantica fixou nitrog?nio em condi??es microaerof?licas, n?o apresentou capacidade de solubiliza??o de fosfato inorg?nico, n?o produziu horm?nios vegetais e n?o apresentou capacidade de nodula??o em leguminosas. Estes resultados confirmaram que o g?nero Burkholderia ? rico em esp?cies diazotr?ficas e est?o presentes em diferentes habitats.

Efici?ncia da inocula??o de Herbaspirillum seropedicae estirpe ZAE94 em dois gen?tipos de milho (Zea mays) / Efficiency of inoculation of Herbaspirillum seropedicae ZAE94 strain in two genotypes of maize (Zea mays)

BREDA, Farley Alexandre da Fonseca 24 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-20T19:46:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Farley Alexandre da Fonseca Breda.pdf: 375196 bytes, checksum: 7001327c707e778b8396891ebff2285d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-20T19:46:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Farley Alexandre da Fonseca Breda.pdf: 375196 bytes, checksum: 7001327c707e778b8396891ebff2285d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / CAPES / Currently with the constant demand for increased productivity and successive increasing in the prices of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, new technologies are being studied. One that has been highlighted due to low cost of deployment and promising results is the biological nitrogen fixation in grasses. The aim of this work was to study the effect of inoculation of diazotrophic bacteria Herbaspirillum seropedicae strain ZAE94 in two maize genotypes selected for the climatic conditions and low fertility soils, and the ability to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers, as well as increasing crop productivity. To this end, two experiments were implanted, one during the off-season and another in the harvesting of agricultural year 2012/2013. In both experiments the maize hybrids (BRS 1030 and BRS 1060) were inoculated with the ZAE94 strain, following the experimental design of a randomized block design with a factorial 2 x 2 x 3, comprising the inoculation, genotype and fertilization respectively, with six replicates. The variables analyzed were the average yield, weight of 1000 grains, content and accumulation of nitrogen in the grain and nitrogen use efficiency of fertilizer. The results were tested for normality and homogeneity, were subjected to analysis of variance, and when significant treatments, these were subjected to medium testing, using test t at 10%. For all variables the hybrid BRS 1030 was greater than the BRS 1060. For the inoculation factor and in the off-season, it was observed a triple interaction for weight of 1,000 grains; and when the inoculation is associated with the highest nitrogen rate it promoted an increase in the productivity of the hybrid BRS 1060. In harvesting period, regardless of genotype and fertilizer used, it was observed that inoculating the seed of hybrids was always better than without inoculation. For efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer usage it was observed that, in general, the BRS 1030 was more efficient than the BRS 1060. / Atualmente com a constante demanda pelo aumento de produtividade e os sucessivos aumentos nos pre?os dos fertilizantes, principalmente os nitrogenados, novas tecnologias vem sendo estudadas. Uma que vem se destacando devido ao seu baixo custo de implanta??o e os seus promissores resultados ? a fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio em gram?neas. O objetivo dessa disserta??o foi estudar o efeito da inocula??o da bact?ria diazotr?fica Herbaspirillum seropedicae estirpe ZAE94, em dois gen?tipos de milho selecionados devido sua adapta??o a condi??es clim?ticas e solos de baixa fertilidade, e quanto ? capacidade de reduzir o uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados, bem como, incrementar a produtividade da cultura. Para tal, foram implantados dois experimentos um no per?odo da safrinha e outro na safra do ano agr?cola 2012/2013. Em ambos os experimentos os h?bridos de milho (BRS 1030 e BRS 1060) foram inoculados com a estirpe ZAE94, seguindo o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com o fatorial de 2 x 2 x 3, sendo os fatores inocula??o, gen?tipo e aduba??o respectivamente, com 6 repeti??es. As vari?veis analisadas foram produtividade m?dia, peso de 1.000 gr?os, teor e ac?mulo de nitrog?nio nos gr?os e efici?ncia do uso do nitrog?nio fertilizante. Os resultados foram testados quanto a normalidade e homogeneidade, logo ap?s submetidos ? analise de vari?ncia e quando significativo, os mesmos foram submetidos ao teste de media. O teste de m?dia utilizado foi o teste t, a 10%. Para todas as vari?veis analisadas o h?brido BRS 1030, foi superior a BRS 1060. Para o fator inocula??o, no per?odo da safrinha, foi observada uma intera??o tripla para o peso de 1.000 gr?os, onde quando a inocula??o foi associada a maior dose de nitrog?nio ela promoveu um aumento na produtividade do h?brido BRS 1060. No per?odo da safra, independente do gen?tipo e da aduba??o utilizada observou-se que inocular a semente dos h?bridos e sempre melhor do que n?o realizar a inocula??o. Para efici?ncia do uso do nitrog?nio fertilizante foi observado que, de forma geral, o BRS 1030 foi mais eficiente do que o BRS 1060.

Atividade das enzimas nitrogenase e nitrato redutase em plantas de feijoeiro oriundas de sementes com diferentes teores de molibd?nio. / Activities of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase enzymes in common bean plants originating from seeds with different molybdenum concentrations.

Almeida, Fernanda Fatima Delgado de 11 February 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-07T13:07:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Fernanda Delgado Almeida.pdf: 626850 bytes, checksum: 3a7edfb868e6c7a04004c0ce79c36a91 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-07T13:07:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Fernanda Delgado Almeida.pdf: 626850 bytes, checksum: 3a7edfb868e6c7a04004c0ce79c36a91 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Seeds with high molybdenum (Mo) concentration can provide amounts of the nutrient highly enough to guarantee an adequate plant growth. An essay and two experiments were carried out in pots to evaluate the effect of Mo concentration in seeds of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on the assimilation of N from the soil and the biological N2 fixation (BNF), through measuring the activities of the nitrogenase and nitrate reductase enzymes and the contribution of the BNF by the 15N isotope dilution, at different plant growth stages. The substrate was A horizon of Argisol (Hapludult) in 10 kg pots. Seeds of the cultivar Carioca enriched or not with Mo were tested. The essay had a 2x3 factorial design: two seed Mo concentrations (low and high) and three N sources (without N, inoculated and mineral N), with two replicates. Plants were harvested at 42 days after emergence (DAE). High concentration of Mo in seeds increased shoot dry mass, the nitrate reductase activity and shoot N accumulation, but reduced nodule number. The experiment 1 had a 2x2x4 factorial design: two seed Mo concentrations (low and high), two N sources (inoculated and mineral N) and four dates of harvest (20, 34, 45 and 55 DAE), with five replicates. An extra treatment was included, with seeds with high Mo concentration, inoculation and Mo added to the soil, with four harvests. No effect of Mo added to the soil was identified, as compared to the high seed Mo. High seed Mo increased the leaf area and shoot dry mass at the four times of harvest, and the pod mass at 55 DAE, at both N sources. Seeds with high Mo concentration increased the nitrate reductase activity at 45 DAE under mineral N, and nitrogenase activity at 20 and 45 DAE under inoculation. High Mo seeds increased shoot N accumulation at both N sources at pod filling stage. The experiment 2 had a 2x2x2 factorial design: two seed Mo concentrations (low and high), two N sources (inoculated and mineral N) and two dates of harvest (38 and 51 DAE), with five replicates. The soil was previously fertilized with 15N-enriched urea. Non-nodulating bean, sunflower and sorghum were used as control plants. At 51 DAE, plants originating from high Mo seeds had higher shoot mass at both N sources, but lower nodule number under mineral N. High Mo seed increased nitrate reductase activity at 51 DAE at both N sources, and nitrogenase activity at 38 DAE in inoculated plants. High Mo seeds increased shoot N accumulation at both N sources. High Mo seeds improved the contribution of the BNF at the pod filling stage, as estimated by the 15N isotope dilution technique. It is concluded that common bean seeds enriched with Mo stimulate the assimilation of N from the soil and the BNF, increasing the accumulation of biomass / Sementes com elevadas concentra??es de molibd?nio (Mo) podem fornecer quantidades do nutriente suficientes para garantir adequado crescimento ?s plantas. Foram conduzidos um ensaio e dois experimentos com objetivo de avaliar o efeito do teor de Mo em sementes de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) na assimila??o do N do solo e na fixa??o biol?gica do N2 (FBN), atrav?s da mensura??o das atividades das enzimas nitrogenase e nitrato redutase, e da contribui??o da FBN pela dilui??o isot?pica de 15N, em diferentes est?dios de desenvolvimento vegetal. O substrato foi horizonte A de Argissolo em vasos de 10 kg, utilizando-se sementes da cultivar Carioca enriquecidas ou n?o com Mo. O ensaio teve arranjo fatorial 2x3: dois teores de Mo na semente (baixo e alto) e tr?s fontes de N (sem N, inoculado e N mineral), com duas repeti??es e coleta aos 42 dias ap?s emerg?ncia (DAE). O alto Mo da semente aumentou a atividade da nitrato redutase, a massa e a acumula??o de N na parte a?rea, mas reduziu o n?mero de n?dulos. O experimento 1 teve arranjo fatorial 2x2x4: dois teores de Mo na semente (baixo e alto), duas fontes de N (inoculado e N mineral) e quatro ?pocas de coleta (20, 34, 45 e 55 DAE), com cinco repeti??es. Foi inclu?do um tratamento extra, com sementes com alto Mo, inocula??o e adi??o de Mo ao solo. N?o foi identificado efeito do Mo adicionado ao solo quando comparado com o alto Mo na semente. O alto Mo na semente aumentou a ?rea foliar e a massa de parte a?rea nas quatro ?pocas de coleta, e a massa de vagem aos 55 DAE, nas duas fontes de N. Sementes com alto Mo aumentaram a atividade da nitrato redutase aos 45 DAE sob N mineral, e a atividade da nitrogenase aos 20 e 45 DAE sob inocula??o. Sementes com alto Mo aumentaram a acumula??o de N na parte a?rea nas duas fontes de N no est?dio de enchimento das vagens. O experimento 2 teve arranjo fatorial 2x2x2: dois teores de Mo na semente (alto e baixo), duas fontes de N (inoculado e N mineral) e duas coletas (38 e 51 DAE), com cinco repeti??es. O solo foi previamente adubado com ur?ia enriquecida com 15N. O feij?o n?o nodulante, girassol e sorgo serviram como plantas controle. Aos 51 DAE, plantas oriundas de sementes com alto Mo tiveram maior massa de parte a?rea nas duas fontes de N, mas menor n?mero de n?dulos sob N mineral. O alto Mo nas sementes aumentou a atividade da nitrato redutase aos 51 DAE, nas duas fontes de N, e a atividade da nitrogenase aos 38 DAE nas plantas inoculadas. Sementes com alto Mo aumentaram a acumula??o de N na parte a?rea nas duas fontes de N. Sementes com alto Mo aumentaram a contribui??o da FBN no est?dio de forma??o das vagens. Conclui-se que sementes de feijoeiro enriquecidas com Mo estimulam tanto a assimila??o do N do solo quanto a FBN, aumentando a acumula??o de biomassa e de N do feijoeiro.

Metabolismo de nitrog?nio em plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) em associa??o com bact?rias diazotr?ficas endof?ticas / Nitrogen metabolism in rice plants (Oryza sativa, L.) inoculated with endophytic diazotrophic bacteria

Sabino, Daniele Cristina Costa 26 March 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:58:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2003- Daniele Cristina Costa Sabino.pdf: 534915 bytes, checksum: c4045f2c9f540e49bb6c91877c6845ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-03-26 / Funda??o Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Rice is colonized by diazotrophic bacteria that can act as root growth promoting, as well as to increase plant nutrition throw the biological nitrogen fixation process. These associations can modify the plant physiology since they compete for carbohydrate and other compounds necessary to host plants. The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of the endophytic diazotrophic bacteria, Burkholderia brasilensis and Herbaspirillum seropedicae on nitrogen metabolism of two rice cultivars (IR42 and IAC4440). The experiment was carried out in pots containing 3 kg of soil, fertilized with 3 nitrogen levels (0, 40, and 80 kg N ) as (NH4)2SO4, and three inoculation treatments (H. seropedicae (ZAE94), B. brasilensis (M130) and the mixture of both). The plants were harvested at vegetative (45 days of inoculation) and flowering stages (according to the cycle of each cultivar). Bacterial counting, dry matter, N content and the concentration of nitrogen compounds were measured at each harvest. The results showed no statistical differences on bacterial counting. The number of root bacteria was higher than in shoots. A population reduction occurred on the flowering stage as compared to vegetative one. Cultivar IR42 responded to inoculation more noticiable than IAC4440. The dry matter accumulation of the IR42 cultivar at the vegetative stage varied with inoculation and nitrogen dose applied. This cultivar accumulated higher amounts of nitrogen when inoculated with ZAE94 strain, independent of the nitrogen applied. Concentrations of nitrate, free amino acid and soluble sugar in the aerial parts were higher in plants fertilized with 40kgN/ha and inoculated with the mixture of bacteria. These results suggested that the diazotrophic bacteria inoculation could modify the plants nitrogen metabolism and theses effects were variable according to the rice cultivars and nitrogen fertilization level applied. / O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) ? colonizado por bact?rias diazotr?ficas que, podem atuar como promotoras de crescimento das ra?zes, assim como melhorar a nutri??o da planta atrav?s do N2 fixado biologicamente. No entanto, estas associa??es podem modificar a fisiologia das plantas, uma vez que as bact?rias diazotr?ficas para fixarem o nitrog?nio necessitam de carboidratos e outros componentes, competindo, deste modo, com as plantas hospedeiras. Assim sendo, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influ?ncia da inocula??o de bact?rias diazotr?ficas endof?ticas Burkholderia brasilensis e Herbaspirillum seropedicae no metabolismo de nitrog?nio de duas cultivares de arroz adubadas ou n?o com nitrog?nio mineral. Um experimento em condi??es de vasos foi realizado na ?rea experimental da Embrapa Agrobiologia com as cultivares de arroz IR42 e IAC4440. A inocula??o consistiu no uso das estirpes ZAE94 de Herbaspirillum seropedicae, e M130 de Burkholderia brasilensis , a mistura destas duas estirpes e da testemumha (controle n?o inoculado). A aduba??o na forma de (NH4)2SO4, foi aplicada nas concentra??es de 0, 40 e 80 kgN/ha. As coletas foram realizadas no per?odo vegetativo (45 dias) e no florescimento (de acordo com o ciclo de cada cultivar). Os par?metros avaliados foram a presen?a das bact?rias nos tecidos das plantas, o ac?mulo de mat?ria seca da parte a?rea, o ac?mulo de N, e a concentra??o dos compostos nitrogenados na planta. Os resultados mostraram que n?o houve diferen?as nas popula??es das bact?rias em fun??o da inocula??o, por?m, o n?mero de bact?rias na raiz foi ligeiramente maior do que na parte a?rea. Foi tamb?m observado uma redu??o na popula??o no per?odo de florescimento, em rela??o ao per?odo vegetativo. De um modo geral, a cultivar IR42 apresentou maiores respostas ? inocula??o, quando comparada com a cultivar IAC4440. O ac?mulo de mat?ria seca da cultivar IR42 no per?odo vegetativo, variou com a inocula??o e a dose de nitrog?nio aplicada. Por?m, a percentagem de nitrog?nio (%N) acumulada na parte a?rea destas plantas, foi maior nos tratamentos inoculados com a estirpe ZAE94, independente da dose de nitrog?nio aplicada. As plantas que receberam 40 kgN/ha e foram inoculadas com a mistura, apresentaram as maiores concentra??es de nitrato, amino?cidos livres e a??cares sol?veis na parte a?rea. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a inocula??o das bact?rias diazotr?ficas modifica o metabolismo de nitrog?nio e que este efeito foi diferenciado em fun??o da variedade e da dose de nitrog?nio aplicada.

Sele??o de bact?rias diazotr?ficas solubilizadoras de f?sforo e seu efeito no desenvolvimento de plantas de arroz

Bonilla, German Andres Estrada 09 June 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-17T14:23:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011- German Andres Estrada Bonilla.pdf: 1652819 bytes, checksum: 24a4d4664a65dfad88ccdfe17b4a0c02 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-17T14:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011- German Andres Estrada Bonilla.pdf: 1652819 bytes, checksum: 24a4d4664a65dfad88ccdfe17b4a0c02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-09 / Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the major world crops, being widely consumed among people from five continents. In recent years research have increased in relation to the use of plant growth promoting diazotrophic bacteria (PGPB) as a possible solution to reduce the use of chemical nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the physiological potential and inorganic phosphate (IP) solubilization capacity of different diazotrophic strains isolated from rice plants grown in different regions of Brazil as well as to evaluate their role in the development of rice plants. Firstly, the culture media employed to test the phosphate solubilization in petri dishes were standardized. In this study 49 strains were tested for their capability of solibilizing tricalcium phosphate in NBRIP and GL solid media. Afterwards, the soluble P, pH, population and the index of solubilization (IS) were quantified for 7 IP solubilizing strains grown in the NBRIP liquid medium. The IP solubilizing isolates were also tested for the production of indolic compounds (IAA) and the nitrogen fixation capacity through the acetylene reduction activity (ARA). The isolates were taxonomical identified through the amplification and partial sequencing of 16S RNAr and nifH genes. Three of these strains and the controls H. seropedicae ZAE94, G diazotrophicus PAL5 and A.chroochoccum AC1 were tested in greenhouse conditions in association with rice plants. All strains that solubilized IP in NBRIP liquid medium decreased the medium pH while the bacterial population remained around 108 cfu ml-1 for up to 15 days. All strains were capable to produce indole compounds and reduced acetylene. The partial analysis of 16S RNAr and nifH gene indicated the identification of the species Herbaspirillum seropedicae, Burkholderia vietnamiensis and B. kururiensis species. All strains showed an increase in the range of 33 and 47% in grain yield when tricalcium phosphate (PTC) was applied and between 18 and 44% when PSS (simple superphosphate) was used. In general, all of the strains stimulated an increase of total P in the grain and a greater harvest index. The use of these strains as bioinculant is promising and therefore it is necessary to test in the field conditions / O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) ? uma das principais culturas cultivadas, sendo amplamente consumida nos cinco continentes. Nos ?ltimos anos as pesquisas t?m aumentado em rela??o ao uso de bact?rias diazotr?ficas e promotoras de crescimento vegetal (BPCV), como uma poss?vel solu??o para diminuir o uso de fertilizantes qu?micos nitrogenados e fosfatados. Desta forma, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial fisiol?gico e a capacidade de solubiliza??o de fosfato inorg?nico (PI) de diferentes estirpes de bact?rias diazotr?ficas oriundas de plantas de arroz cultivadas em diferentes regi?es do Brasil e seu papel no desenvolvimento de plantas de arroz. Primeiramente foi padronizado o meio de cultura a ser empregado nos ensaios de solubiliza??o de fosfato inorg?nico em placas de petri. Neste estudo foram testadas 49 estirpes em quanto sua capacidade de solubilizar fosfato tric?lcico (PTC) nos meios s?lidos NBRIP e GL. Em seguida foi quantificado o P sol?vel, pH, a popula??o de bact?rias e ?ndice de solubiliza??o (IS) das 7 estirpes solubilizadoras de PI em meio l?quido NBRIP. As estirpes solubilizadoras de PI tamb?m foram testadas quanto ? produ??o de compostos ind?licos (AIA) e capacidade de fixar nitrog?nio atrav?s da atividade de redu??o e acetileno (ARA). As estirpes foram identificadas atrav?s da amplifica??o e do sequenciamento parcial dos genes 16S RNAr e gene nifH. Tr?s destas estirpes foram testadas em condi??es de casa de vegeta??o junto com os controles Herbaspirillum seropedicae BR11417 (ZAE94), Gluconacetobacter diazotophicus BR11281 (PAL5) e Azotobacter Chroochoccum AC1 quanto ? capacidade de aumentar o desenvolvimento e produ??o de plantas de arroz. Todas as estirpes que solubilizaram PI no meio de cultura NBRIP l?quido influenciaram na diminui??o do pH do meio enquanto que a popula??o se manteve em torno de 108 ufc.ml-1 por at? 15 dias. Todas as estirpes apresentaram capacidade de produzir compostos ind?licos e foram capazes de reduzir acetileno. A an?lise parcial do gene 16S RNAr e do gene nifH das sete estirpes possibilitou a identifica??o das esp?cies Herbaspirillum seropedicae, Burkholderia vietnamiensis e B. kururiensis. Todas as estirpes promoveram um aumento na produ??o de massa seca nos gr?os entre 33 e 47% quando foi utilizado o PTC e de 18 a 44% quando foi utilizado o fosfato super simples (PSS). Em geral, todas as estirpes estimularam um maior acumulo de N e P total no gr?o e um maior ?ndice de colheita. O uso dessas estirpes como bioinoculante ? bastante promissor e portanto torna-se necess?rio test?-las em condi??es de campo.

Crescimento e produtividade de gr?os do feijoeiro comum sob inocula??o com Rhizobium e aduba??o nitrogenada / Growth and grain yield of common bean under inoculation with Rhizobium and nitrogen fertilization

Barros, Rodrigo Luiz Neves 11 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-12T13:51:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Rodrigo Luiz Neves Barros.pdf: 1569971 bytes, checksum: bebc280a379491b5d376031d5427175e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T13:51:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Rodrigo Luiz Neves Barros.pdf: 1569971 bytes, checksum: bebc280a379491b5d376031d5427175e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The average productivity of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Brazil is one of the lowest in the world. Alternatives that can increase yield in a sustainable manner should be preconized, such as reducing the use of nitrogen fertilizers through the adoption of biological nitrogen fixation. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of rhizobia inoculation and sowing nitrogen fertilization on growth and common bean yield (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Four experiments were conducted in the field, at the Experimental Station of the Department of Crop Science at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, Brazil. So that each experiment was repeated twice in the same growing season. The experiments were conducted in the dry season and rainy the years 2013 and 2014, In a soil classified as Kanhapudalf. For both experiments, we used the common bean cultivar Carioca, indeterminate growth and high yield potential. In the first year of cultivation in the dry season and rainy the experiments were composed of three treatments: only fertilized with 20 kg N ha-1 at sowing and with 40 kg N ha-1 at 25 DAE (A); only inoculated with Rhizobium at sowing and fertilized with 40 kg N ha-1 at 25 DAE (I+N); and inoculated and fertilized with 20 kg N ha-1 at sowing and with 40 kg N ha-1 at 25 DAE (IA); and an additional treatment only inoculated with Rhizobium with no N fertilization at any phase (I-N), only evaluated in the second year of both growing seasons. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks, with four replications in both years. Each plot consisted of 6 rows of 5 m spaced 0,5 m apart. At pollination, it was evaluated the number of nodules (NN), nodules dry weight (MSN), shoot dry weight (MSPA) and root dry weight (MSR). However, was observed the highest NN and MSN in treatments without nitrogen fertilization at sowing in both years. Also, it was determinate the leaf soluble proteins content (TPSF) in four developmental stages vegetative, pollination, flowering and grain filling), with higher values for the TPSF in the treatment IA flowering stage. Moreover, for the growth analysis, three plants were collected on the second line of each side of the plot, weekly from 14 DAE until physiological maturation. At physiological maturation all the plants of the two central rows were collected from each plot to evaluate the crop yield components: number of pods per plant (NV), number of grains per pod (NGV), 100 grain matter (MS100G) and grain yield (PG). As for the production of components, there was a significant difference only for PG, with IA producing the highest PG in both years. Therefore, based on these results, it can be concluded that the inoculation with Rhizobium may replace the nitrogen fertilization (20 kg ha-1) at planting without yield loss, however, the nitrogen fertilization (20 kg ha-1) combined with inoculation with Rhizobium at sowing partly inhibit the root nodulation of the common bean plants and increased its total dry weight and grain yield, in both season. However, more studies are needed to recommend these agronomic practices / A produtividade m?dia de feij?o comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) no Brasil ? uma das mais baixas do mundo. Alternativas que possam aumentar a produtividade de forma sustent?vel devem ser preconizadas, tais como a redu??o do uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados pela ado??o da fixa??o biol?gica de nitrog?nio (FBN). Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influ?ncia da inocula??o de riz?bios e, ou da aduba??o nitrogenada de semeadura no crescimento e produtividade do feijoeiro comum. Foram instalados quatro experimentos no campo experimental do Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Serop?dica, Brasil, de modo que cada experimento fosse repetido duas vezes na mesma ?poca de cultivo. Os experimentos foram instalados nas ?pocas da seca e das ?guas dos anos de 2013 e 2014, em um solo classificado como Argissolo Vermelho Amarelo. Para ambos os experimentos, foi utilizado o cultivar de feijoeiro comum Carioca, de crescimento indeterminado e alto potencial produtivo. No primeiro ano de cultivo das ?pocas da seca e das ?guas os experimentos foram compostos por tr?s tratamentos: apenas adubado com 20 kg N ha-1 na semeadura e 40 kg N ha-1 aos 25 dias ap?s a emerg?ncia (DAE) (A), inoculado com Rhizobium e adubado com 40 kg N ha-1 aos 25 DAE (I+N), inoculado com Rhizobium e adubado com 20 kg N ha-1 na semeadura e 40 kg N ha-1 aos 25 DAE (IA) e um tratamento adicional somente inoculado com Rhizobium sem aduba??o nitrogenada em nenhum est?dio (I-N), apenas avaliado no segundo ano de ambas as ?pocas de cultivo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeti??es em ambos os anos. Cada parcela foi constitu?da por 6 linhas de 5 m, espa?adas de 0,5 m de dist?ncia. No est?dio de poliniza??o, avaliou-se o n?mero de n?dulos (NN), massa seca de n?dulos (MSN), massa seca de parte a?rea (MSPA) e massa seca raiz (MSR), sendo observado o maior NN e MSN nos tratamentos que n?o receberam aduba??o nitrogenada na semeadura em ambos os anos. Tamb?m foram realizadas coletas de tecido foliar para determina??o do teor de prote?nas sol?veis (TPSF) em quatro est?dios de desenvolvimento (vegetativo, poliniza??o, florescimento pleno e enchimento de gr?os), com valores mais elevados para o TPSF no tratamento IA no est?dio de florescimento. Al?m disso, para an?lise de crescimento, foram coletadas tr?s plantas por parcela, semanalmente dos 14 DAE at? a matura??o fisiol?gica. Na matura??o fisiol?gica foram coletadas todas as plantas das duas linhas centrais de cada parcela, desprezando-se o meio metro final de cada extremidade, para avaliar os componentes de produ??o: n?mero de vagens por planta (NV), n?mero de gr?os por vagem (NGV), massa seca de 100 gr?os (MS100G) e produtividade de gr?os (PG). Quanto aos componentes de produ??o, ocorreu diferen?a significativa apenas para PG, com o tratamento IA apresentando rendimentos mais elevados em ambos os anos. Portanto, segundo os resultados obtidos, a inocula??o de riz?bios pode substituir a aduba??o nitrogenada com 20 kg N ha-1 na semeadura sem perda de produtividade. Al?m disso, a inocula??o com riz?bios, acrescida da aduba??o com 20 kg N ha-1 na semeadura, inibiu parcialmente a nodula??o e propiciou acr?scimo de produtividade em ambas as ?pocas. No entanto, mais estudos s?o necess?rios para recomenda??o dessas pr?ticas agron?micas.

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