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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fizinio smurto šeimoje prieš paauglius ypatumai / The peculiarities of physical violence against children in the family

Kalvinskaitė, Asta 04 June 2012 (has links)
Šios problemos aktualumą lemia smurto prieš vaikus dažnumas, jis mokslinėse publikacijose pateikiamas įvairiu pavidalu: absoliučiais skaičiais, dažnumu vaikų populiacijoje, pagal kreipimosi į medicinos įstaigas dažnumą ir kt. (Jonikaitė-Kievišienė, Ivanauskienė, 2008). Nėra tikslios informacijos, kiek Lietuvoje yra vaikų, patyrusių prievartą ar smurtą. Dažnai oficiali statistika realios situacijos neatskleidžia. Prievartos prieš vaikus mastą nustatyti labai sunku, nes reikia tirti asmeninius vaikų ir suaugusiųjų santykius. O šiuos asmenis dažnai sieja giminystės ryšiai. (Vaškelienė, 2006). / The relevance of this problem is determined by the frequency of violence against children; in the scientific publications, it appears in various forms: absolute rating, frequency in children’ population, according to the frequency to have recurrence to medical facilities and others. (Jonikaitė - Kievišienė, Ivanauskienė, 2008). There is no exact information about how many children, who have experienced abuse or violence, are in Lithuania. The official statistics does not reveal the real situation. It is difficult to determine the extent of violence against children, because of the need to investigate individual relationships between children and adults. These people are often linked by family relationship. (Vaskelienė, 2006).

Pirminės sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose pagalbos fizinį smurtą patyrusiems vaikams organizavimas Kauno m / Organization of help for children who experienced physical violence in the agencies of primary health care

Norvilė, Asta 06 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Management of Public Health Organization of help for children who experienced physical violence in the agencies of primary health care. Asta Norvile Sciential head doc. Hab. Dr. Apolinaras Zaborskis Kaunas University of Medicine, faculty of Public Health, department of Social Medicine. –Kaunas, 2005. –50p. Purpose of the work. To examine a potential of giving aid to the children who have experienced physical violence in the agencies of primary health care in Kaunas. Research tasks. 1. To compute the number of children who are suspected to have experienced a physical violence. 2. To examine giving aid for the children who have experienced physical violence organized by medics. 3. To rate the possibilities of improving facilities for children who have experienced physical violence. 4. to prepare recommendations of how to run a complex aid for the children who have experienced physical violence. Methodology. A questionnaire was made by giving questionnaires to the pediatricians and public caregivers working in BPG in the children clinic Kalnieciu, Dainavos, Centro, Sanciu and Silainiu subdivisions in Kaunas. Number of people working with children was 204, 159 took part in the questionnaire. An anonymic formal questionnaire was used. A questionnaire had 33 questions which were divided into 3 parts. Data was analyzed using a computer version of SPSS 10.0.7 and statistical methods of analyzing data: Chi Square criteria and Stjudent t criteria. Results. In latter years 47... [to full text]

Vaiko apsaugos nuo fizinio smurto teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of child protection from physical violence

Ivanauskaitė-Vindašiuvienė, Indrė 28 January 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje kasmet daugėja vaikų, nukentėjusių nuo nusikalstamų veikų. Apie 15 proc. užregistruotų atvejų sudaro tėvų ar artimų giminaičių smurtas prieš vaikus. Žiniasklaidoje vis dažniau pasirodo pranešimai apie tėvų sunkiai sužalotus ar net nužudytus vaikus, smurtą mokykloje. Susiklosčiusi situacija reikalauja skubaus ir efektyvaus sprendimo. Darbe „Vaiko apsaugos nuo fizinio smurto teisinis reguliavimas“ koncentruotai ir susistemintai pateikiama bei analizuojama tiek sociologinė, psichologinė, tiek ir teisinė fizinio smurto prieš vaiką pusės. Analizuojama ne tik teorinė literatūra bei teisės aktai, bet ir pateikiama autorės atlikto tyrimo duomenų analizė. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje autorė apžvelgia pagrindines sampratas: atskleidžiama vaiko bei vaikystės samprata; analizuojamos smurto bei fizinio smurto sąvokos, šių reiškinių priežastys bei pasekmės vaikui; aptariami vaiko teisinės apsaugos principai bei smurto prevencijos samprata. Tarptautiniu lygmeniu vaiko teises garantuojančios ir ginančios normos įtvirtinamos deklaracijose ir konvencijose. Taip pat daug svarbių nuostatų yra pateikiama valstybėms rekomendacijų forma. Ratifikuotų tarptautinių dokumentų nuostatos turi būti perkeliamos į nacionalinius įstatymus. Antrojoje darbo dalyje autorė apžvelgia šiuos teisės aktus, analizuoja pagrindines jų nuostatas, susijusias su smurto prieš vaikus užkardymu. Taip pat pateikiama ir Lietuvoje egzistuojančios vaiko teises ginančių institucijų sistemos analizė. Trečioji darbo dalis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Every year in Lithuania there is a growing number of victimized children. Around 15% of registered cases are about parents’ or other close relatives’ physical violence against children. Mass media more and more often announces about children seriously injured or killed by their parents, about violence at school. The situation demands a quick and effective solution. The thesis “Legal regulation of child protection from physical violence” contains a concentrated and systemized analysis of sociologic, psychological and legal sides of child’s physical abuse. Not only legal acts and theoretical literature is analyzed, but also the analysis of children’s, parents’ and teachers’ research data is presented. In the first part of thesis author presents the main conceptions: the concept of child and childhood; analysis of violence, physical violence, the reasons of this phenomenon and consequences for a child; the principles of legal protection and prevention of violence. In the international level the rights of the child are established in various declarations and conventions, many important provisions are put in the form of recommendations. The provisions of ratified international documents must be implemented into national law. In the second part of thesis author presents these main legal acts and analyzes the main provisions concerning prevention of violence against children. Also the analysis of existing institutional system is presented. Third part of thesis is dedicated to... [to full text]

Smurtą šeimoje patyrusių vaikų būvis / Life of children who have felt the violence in the family / La vie des enfants qui ont subbit la violence dans la famille

Navikaitė, Rūta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Įtakos smurtui prieš vaikus turi tėvų gyvenimo istorija, asmenybės tipas, socialinė ir kultūrinė tėvų gyvenimo aplinka. Tiriant smurtą prieš vaikus išskiriamos trys jo formos: emocinis, seksualinis ir fizinis. Siekiant didesnio tikslumo ir aiškumo, įvardijamos ir kitokios smurto rūšys. Tai egzistencinis smurtas, religinis arba kulto smurtas, su lytėjimu susijęs smurtas. / The family is a place where are ensure emotional and physical security of children. International relations and laws guarantees the right to life in the family. But lately parents or others members of family commits acts of violence against children. Children felt violence every day. The violence was sudden and unexpectd. Parents, friends or classmates many of cases commit acts of violence against children. Children felt the violence psysical and psychological, insults, humiliations, discrimination and neglect. Consequences of violence are importants and dramatic. / La famille est le cadre le plus apte a proteger l'enfant et a assurer sa securite physique et emotionnelle. Ces dernieres annees on pu documenter la violence commise par des parents ou d'autres members de la famille sur des enfants. Les enfants rappellent qu'ils sont aussi blesses par la repetition frequente, quotidienne de petits actes de violence. La violence soit soudaine et inattendue, la plupart des auteurs des gestes violents contre les enfants sont des gens qu'ils connaissent et auxquels ils devraient pouvoir la confiance: parents, petit ami, camarades de classe. La violence contre les enfants inclue la violence physique ou psychologique comme les insults et humiliations, la discrimination, l'abandon ou la maltraitance.

Lytinė prievarta, jos formos ir atsakomybė už ją pagal LR BK / Indecent assault, its forms and liability for it according to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania

Steponavičiūtė, Jurgita 03 April 2006 (has links)
New Criminal code came into power in 2003. It changed the concept of indecent assault. The new modern concept of indecent assault is more related to the changes in society, but sometimes is difficult to apply, because of its novelty and indetermination. Therefore it is necessary to determine the legal concept of indecent assault in order to avoid controversial evaluation of sexual offences and their elements of proof. So the aim of this study is to analyse indecent assault from historical point of view, to describe forms of indecent assault and aggravating circumstances. The proposed review of indecent assault contains legal evaluation of all attributions according to their legal evaluation in Lithuanian and foreign criminal law. Theoretical evaluation of indecent assault is linked to the examples of court’s practise by underlining controversial aspects of concept of indecent assault and proposing possible ways to define them.

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