Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flocculation"" "subject:"locculation""
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Estudos comparativos de floculação hidráulica para águas de abastecimento em reatores de fluxo ascendente dotados de seixos rolados e de materiais sintéticos / Comparative studies of hydraulic flocculation for supplying water using up flow reactors dowered with stones and other with synthetic materialsLima, Milma Roza de 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ruben Bresaola Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T00:58:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Lima_MilmaRozade_M.pdf: 5486982 bytes, checksum: f022781b42a125131286f8b2864cc00b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A floculação em meio granular fixo desperta bastante interesse por suas possibilidades de aplicação, principalmente em estações de tratamento de água de pequeno porte (vazões menores que 10 L.s-1), devido à sua eficiência, compacidade e baixo custo. No entanto, o reduzido volume de vazios proporcionado pelo meio granular quando comparado ao dos materiais sintéticos favorece o aumento excessivo da perda de carga imposta ao escoamento e consequentemente o inconveniente de freqüentes necessidades de limpeza. Diante da necessidade de atenuar ou mesmo eliminar tais considerações operacionais, este trabalho propõe estudos comparativos de eficiência de floculação hidráulica em meios granulares fixos em sistemas pilotos constituídos por seixos rolados de diferentes granulometrias e outro por manta não tecida (PP) e esferas sólidas (? 9 mm, PS). Os ensaios foram realizados com água coagulada da ETA Bragança Paulista (SABESP) para taxas de aplicação superficial de 50, 75, 100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 e 350 m3.m-2.dia-1, onde foram determinadas as condições operacionais, o período de floculação e a evolução da perda de carga total. Os resultados mostraram que a porosidade mais elevada apresentada pelo sistema piloto constituído de manta sintética e esferas sólidas favoreceu o aumento da taxa de colisões entre as partículas coloidais, o que permitiu a geração de manta de lodo, a formação de escoamento laminar, bem como, a facilidade de liberação do lodo retido para recuperação da carga hidráulica disponível / Abstract: The flocculation in fixed granular media arises plenty of interests in its possibility of applying, mainly in the water treatment plants of small size (flow less than 10 L.s-1), due to its efficiency, compactness and low cost. Nevertheless the reduced volume of voids provided by granular media as compared to the synthetic materials, collaborates to the excessive increasing of head loss imposed to the flowing off and consequently the inconvenient of frequent needs of cleaness. Before the need of reduction or even elimination of the such operational considerations, this work suggests comparative studies of the hydraulic flocculation efficiency by fixed granular media in the pilot systems composed by the stones from different granulametries or another one by non woven synthetic fabric (PP) and solid spheres (? 9mm, PS). The tests have been made with coagulated water from ETA Bragança Paulista (SABESP) to superficial applying rates of 50, 75, 100, 150, 180, 200, 250, 300 and 350 m3.m-2.dia-1, where they were determined the working conditions, flocculation time and evolution of head loss. The results have shown that the most elevated porosity presented in the pilot system composed by non woven synthetic fabric and solid spheres collaborated to the increasing of the collision rates among the particles, which allowed the generation of sludge blanket, the formation of laminar flow such as the facility of discharging of retained sludge for recovery of the hydraulic load available / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Remoção de Microcystis Aeruginosa e Microcistina-LR por coagulação, floculação, sedimentação e filtração seguida de coluna de carvão ativado granularOliveira, Silvânia Nóbrega 30 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The luxuriant proliferation of cyanobacteria in the water used as sources of drinking water is
increasing around the world.The presence of these microorganisms in raw water can difficult
the water treatment and make it more expensive. The main importance of health
cyanobacterial bloom is the possible release of cyanotoxins in the water, which can cause
serious risks to human health and unknown changes in aquatic biota. In the present study tests
were carried out in a bench scale to evaluate the efficiency of removal of whole cells of
Microcystis aeruginosa and the cyanotoxin microcystin-LR extracellular using coagulation,
flocculation, sedimentation and filtration followed by a column of activated granular carbon
produced in the northeast of Brazil. The water used was raw water from an eutrophic reservoir
with addition of M. aeruginosa cells from a fresh culture maintained in laboratory conditions
in order to obtain an initial concentration approximately with 105 cells.mL-1. The efficiency
observed was up to 90% of cells removal using aluminum sulfate at the concentration of 45
mg.L-1 and a coagulation pH equal at 5.5 in the water decanted (with dosages of 40 and 60
mg.L-1 of the coagulant and pH equal at 7.5 the percentage of cells removal was 35%). The
water effluent from the sand filter and the water effluent from the column of granular
activated carbon had averages of M. aeruginosa cells equals to 3,8 and 3,6 log cel.mL-1
respectively. The average concentration of microcystin-LR in the water effluent from the
GACC was 0,15 μg.L-1. Its value is below the limit of detection of the method (0,16 μg.L-1)
and after 60 hours ranged from 0,18 to 0,28 μg.L-1. Both values were below the maximum
allowed by ordinance 2914/11 Ministry of Health of 1 μg.L-1 microcystins in drinking water. / A proliferação luxuriante de cianobactérias na água dos mananciais usados como fontes de
água potável é cada vez mais frequente. A presença desses microrganismos na água bruta
pode dificultar e encarecer o tratamento, mas a principal importância sanitária do
florescimento de cianobactérias é a possível liberação de cianotoxinas na água, que podem
causar sérios agravos à saúde humana e alterações na biota aquática em geral. No presente
trabalho foram realizados ensaios, em escala de bancada, de avaliação da eficiência de
remoção de células inteiras de Microcystis aeruginosa e de uma de suas toxinas, microcistinaLR
extracelular, por coagulação, floculação, sedimentação e filtração seguida de coluna de
carvão ativado granular produzido na região nordeste utilizando-se água bruta de um
manancial eutrofizado adicionada de células de M. aeruginosa cultivadas em laboratório para
obter concentração inicial de aproximadamente 105 cel.mL-1. Observou-se eficiência de até
90% de remoção de células para dosagem superior a 45 mg.L-1 de sulfato de alumínio e pH de
coagulação de 5,5 na água decantada (para dosagens de 40 e 60 mg.L-1 do coagulante e pH de
7,5 o percentual de remoção de células foi de 35%). Na água filtrada e na água efluente a
coluna de carvão ativado granular, a concentração média de células de M. aeruginosa foi de
3,8 e 3,6 log cel.mL-1 respectivamente. A concentração media de MC-LR extracelular na água
efluente da Coluna de Carvão Ativado Granular (CCAG) foi de 0,15 µg.L-1 abaixo do limite
de detecção do método (0,16 µg.L-1) e após 60 horas variou de 0,18 a 0,28 µg.L-1 valores
abaixo do valor máximo permitido pela portaria 2914/11 do Ministério da Saúde de 1 µg.L-1
de microcistinas na água de beber.
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Desenvolvimento e aplicação de biocoagulante magnético Fe3O4-MO para remoção do corante reativo preto 5 em meio aquoso sintético e efluente real têxtil / Development and application of Fe3O4-MO magnetic biocoagulant for removal of reactive dye black 5 in synthetic aqueous mean and real textile effluentMiyashiro, Carolina Sayury 11 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2018-04-25T20:20:41Z
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Carolina_Miyashiro_2017 .pdf: 1779339 bytes, checksum: f6b6d1ffc4073370161792334748de1b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-25T20:20:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-12-11 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / A magnetic biocoagulant (Fe3O4-MO) was produced by the association of nanoparticles of iron oxide (Fe3O4) and Moringa Oleífera Lam (MO) extract in different concentrations (0.5%, 1% and 2%), aiming to evaluate its performance in removal of the reactive dye black 5 (RP5) in aqueous medium (synthetic waste water) and real textile effluent. The MO protein was extracted with saline solution and the nanoparticles were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. The biocoagulant was characterized by X-ray diffractometry (XRD), vibration magnetometry, Fourier Infrared Transformer (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy with X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy (SEM / EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (MET). For the coagulation / flocculation / sedimentation process (C/F/S), the operational parameters studied were sedimentation time, biocoagulant concentration and pH. The efficiency of the C/F/S process was determined by the analysis of the apparent color, absorbance, zeta potential and total organic carbon (TOC). After determining the best conditions (concentration of 0.5% MO, dosage of 100 mg L-1 and pH 7) of the C/F/S process, sedimentation kinetic studies for synthetic wastewater (ARS), real effluent (ERT), both with and without magnetic field and the sludge recovered and regenerated with the saline extract of MO (with magnetic field). At the 100 mgL-1 dosage of magnetic biocoagulant at a concentration of 0.5% MO saline, 89% apparent color removals were obtained in the time of 20 min. The C / F / S process shows dependence on the pH of the reaction medium, because at pH 7 color removal values of 83% and 84% were obtained in reaction time 20 and 40 min, respectively. / Um biocoagulante (Fe3O4-MO) magnético foi produzido pela associação de nanopartículas de óxido ferro (Fe3O4) e extrato de Moringa Oleífera Lam (MO) em diferentes concentrações (0,5%, 1% e 2%), para avaliar sua performance na remoção do corante reativo preto 5 (RP5) em meio aquoso (água residuária sintética) e efluente real têxtil. A proteína da MO foi extraída com solução salina e as nanopartículas foram sintetizadas pelo método de coprecipitação. O biocoagulante foi caracterizado por difratometria de raio-X (DRX), magnetometria vibratória, spectroscopia por transformada de Fourier (FTIR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura com espectroscopia por dispersão de energia de Raios-X (MEV/EDS) e microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). Para o processo de coagulação/floculação/sedimentação (C/F/S) os parâmetros operacionais estudados foram tempo de sedimentação, concentração do biocoagulante e pH. A eficiência do processo C/F/S foi determinada pela análise da cor aparente, absorbância, potencial zeta e carbono orgânico total (COT). Após determinar as melhores condições (concentração de MO 0,5%, dosagem de biocoagulante 100 mg L-1 e pH 7) do processo C/F/S, foram realizados estudos cinéticos de sedimentação para água residuária sintética (ARS), efluente real têxtil (ERT), ambos com e sem campo magnético e o lodo recuperado e regenerado com o extrato salino de MO (com campo magnético). Na dosagem 100 mgL-1 de biocoagulante magnético em concentração de 0,5% de solução salina de MO foram obtidos remoções de cor aparente 82% no tempo de 20 min. O processo C/F/S apresenta dependencia em relação ao pH do meio reacional, pois em pH 7 foram obtidos valores de remoção de cor de 83 % e 84 % em tempo de sedimentação 20 e 40 min., respectivamente. Demonstrando-se um materialpromissor na remoção de RP5 e no tratamento de ERT pois possui alta eficiência, preparo simples e condizentes com questões ambientais.
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Aplicação de coagulantes no afluente de reator anaeróbio de leito expandido alimentado com esgoto sanitário. / Application of coagulants to anaerobic expanded bed reactor influent fed by domestic wastewaterHélio Rodrigues dos Santos 20 April 2001 (has links)
Os reatores anaeróbios de tratamento de esgoto possibilitam elevada remoção de matéria orgânica, com menor custo em comparação com os processos aeróbios. Entretanto, esses reatores geralmente são pouco eficientes na remoção de nutrientes e seu efluente pode apresentar valores relativamente elevados de DQO e de sólidos suspensos. Por isso, investigou-se a aplicação de cloreto férrico e auxiliares de floculação no afluente de um reator anaeróbio de leito expandido em escala real (Volume = 32 m3; TDH = 3,2 h), no intuito de elevar as eficiências de remoção de DQO, turbidez, fósforo e sólidos. Foram realizados testes de Atividade Metanogênica para avaliar a toxicidade do cloreto férrico ao lodo do reator, mas nenhum efeito tóxico foi detectado para concentrações de até 500 mg FeCl3/l. Em seguida, foram realizados testes em reator de bancada (jar test), quando foi investigado o uso de cloreto férrico (dosagens entre 40 e 200 mg/l) em conjunto com um polímero catiônico, um polímero aniônico e amido natural de batata (dosagens entre 0,5 e 2,0 mg/l), sendo obtidos os melhores resultados com cloreto férrico e polímero aniônico. As eficiências médias diárias de remoção no reator de leito expandido foram elevadas de 64% para 71%, para DQO; de 47% para 59%, para turbidez; de 17% para 31%, para fósforo; e de 52% para 77%, para SST, quando aplicadas dosagens de 40 mg/l de cloreto férrico e 1,0 mg/l de polímero aniônico. / Anaerobic reactors for wastewater treatment have high capacity in removing organic matter and lower costs in comparison with aerobic processes. Nevertheless, anaerobic reactors generally are less efficient in nutrient removal and their effluents may present relatively high COD and total suspended solid (TSS) concentrations. Hence, the application of ferric chloride (FeCl3) and flocculant aids to a full-scale (Volume = 32 m3; HRT = 3,2 h) anaerobic expanded bed reactor influent was investigated to improve removal of COD, turbidity, phosphorous and solids. Methanogenic activity tests were conducted to evaluate toxicity of ferric chloride against methanogenic anaerobic reactor sludge. Tests showed that no toxic effect occurred before concentrations of FeCl3 reached 500 mg/l. Conventional bench-scale jar tests were conducted and ferric chloride was tested in combination with a cationic polymer, an anionic polymer and natural potato starch. Best results were obtained when ferric chloride was employed with anionic polymer. Average daily removal rates were increased from 64% to 71% for COD, from 47% to 59% for turbidity, from 17% to 31% for phosphorous and from 52% to 77% for TSS when dosages close to 40 mg/l of ferric chloride and 1,0 mg/l of anionic polymer were applied to anaerobic expanded bed reactor influent.
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Remoção de Giardia spp. e Cryptosporidium parvum em água de abastecimento utilizando flotação: estudo em escala de bancada e desafios de detecção / Removal of Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium parvum in drinking water using flotation: study bench scale and detection challengesFernando César Andreoli 05 September 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a remoção de cistos de Giardia spp. e oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. em água de abastecimento utilizando a tecnologia de tratamento de ciclo completo com flotação (coagulação, floculação, flotação e filtração) em escala de bancada e utilizando cloreto de polialumínio – PAC como coagulante. Para isso, o método de floculação em carbonato de cálcio – FCCa com e sem a separação imunomagnética – IMS foi utilizado para quantificação dos organismos. Os resultados mostraram que as etapas de coagulação, floculação e flotação (Fase1) removeram 1,55 log de cistos de Giardia spp. e 1,21 log de oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. O tratamento apenas com filtração (Fase 2) removeu 1,2 log de cistos de Giardia spp. e 0,88 log de oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. A combinação dos tratamentos (Fase 3) foi capaz de remover 2,64 log de cistos de Giardia spp. e 2,5 log de oocistos de Cryptosporidium spp. Na quantificação de protozoários, o método de FCCa sem IMS demonstrou ser mais econômico e com melhor recuperação do que com IMS. Também foi analisada a influência da terceira dissociação ácida no método com IMS e tal procedimento acarretou em diferenças significativas nos resultados. Mesmo atendendo aos padrões de potabilidade, o tratamento estudado não removeu completamente os protozoários, este fato demonstra a necessidade da preservação dos mananciais, do tratamento dos esgotos e da desinfecção final para maximizar as barreiras que permitam reduzir o risco microbiológico presente na água de consumo. / This research aimed to analyze the removal of Giardia spp. cysts and Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts in drinking water using the full cycle of treatment with flotation technology (coagulation, flocculation, flotation and filtration) at bench scale and using polyaluminum chloride - PAC as coagulant. For this, the flocculation in calcium carbonate - FCCa method with and without immunomagnetic separation - IMS was used for quantification of organisms. The results showed that the stages of coagulation, flocculation and flotation (Step 1) removed 1,55 log Giardia spp. and 1,21 log Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. Only the treatment with filtration (Step 2) removed 1,2 log Giardia spp. and 0,88 log Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. The combination of treatment (Step 3) was able to remove 2,64 log Giardia spp. and 2,5 log Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts. In quantifying of protozoa, the FCCa method without IMS proved to be more economical and better recovery than with IMS. It also analyzed the influence of the third acid dissociation in the method with IMS and this procedure resulted in significant differences in the results. Even taking into account the potability standards, the treatment studied didnt completely remove protozoa, this fact demonstrates the need for preservation of water sources, treatment of sewage and final disinfection to maximize the barriers to reduce the microbiological risk present in drinking water.
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Influência do uso de polímeros sintéticos no desempenho da flotação por ar dissolvido aplicada no tratamento de água para abastecimento / Influence of synthetic polymer usage on the performance of dissolved air flotation applied to supply waterLuci Sartori 14 August 1998 (has links)
O uso de polímeros sintéticos como auxiliares de floculação no tratamento de águas para abastecimento é uma prática que vem sendo bastante estimulada. Contudo o uso na floculação visando a flotação de águas para abastecimento tem sido pouco estudado. Neste trabalho, são apresentados os resultados de estudo da influência da aplicação de polímeros sintéticos como auxiliares de floculação na clarificação, por flotação, de água preparada com cor elevada (100 ± 9,0 uC) e baixa turbidez (6,80 ± 1,0 uT). Foram investigados três diferentes tipos de polímeros (catiônico, aniônico e não iônico), aplicados conjuntamente ao coagulante primário (sulfato de alumínio). Após a otimização da dosagem deste coagulante (40 mg/L), sem emprego de polímeros, foi estudado o desempenho da flotação diante a redução da dosagem de coagulante conjugado à aplicação de diferentes dosagens de polímeros. Também foram investigadas a influência do tempo decorrido após a mistura rápida para a adição do polímero, e do tempo e gradiente médio de velocidade na floculação para a flotação. Foram utilizadas duas unidades de flotação por ar dissolvido, uma em escala de laboratório (Flotateste) e outra em escala piloto (com escoamento contínuo). Após a adequação dos parâmetros de floculação, os ensaios obtidos com o flotateste mostraram que a aplicação de 0,25 mg/L de polímero não iônico permitiu a redução de 50% na dosagem de coagulante, sem queda significativa na eficiência de remoção de cor e turbidez (96% e 93% respectivamente). Por sua vez, o polímero catiônico, na dosagem de 0,25 mg/L, possibilitou redução de 70% na dosagem de sulfato de alumínio, com eficiência de remoção de cor e turbidez de 90%. A instalação piloto de flotação operando com TASap de 262 m3/m2d, e aplicação de polímeros, nas condições otimizadas com o flotateste, foi capaz de fornecer bons resultados de remoção de cor aparente (82% e cor no efluente de 18,6 uC) e de turbidez (80% com turbidez de 1,40 uT no efluente). Nos ensaios com a unidade piloto de flotação operando com TASap de 525 m3/m2d, com redução de 70% na dosagem de coagulante (aplicação de 0,25 mg/L de polímero catiônico), observou-se redução de até 79% na massa de Iodo gerada. / The usage of synthetic polymers as flocculation aids for the treatment of supply water is a practice which have been widely stimulated, however its usage in flocculation aiming supply water flocculation has been scarcely studied. This work presents the results of the study of the influence of synthetic polymer application as a flocculation aids for clarifying prepared water containing high levei of color (100 ± 9.0 CU) and low turbidity (6.80 ± 1.0 NTU) through flotation. Three different kinds of polymers were investigated - cationic, anionic and non-ionic - which were applied together with the primary cogulant (aluminium sulphate). After the optimization of this coagulant dosage (40 mg/L), without the utilization of polymers, it was studied the flotation performance by the reduction of the coagulant dosage together with the application of different polymer dosages. It was also studied the influence of the time after rapid mixing for the polymer addition, and of time and average velocity gradient and flotation. Two units of dissolved air flotation were used, a bench unit and a pilot plant unit (with continuous flow). After the flocculation parameters adequacy, the essays obtained with FLOTATESTE showed that the application of 0.5 mg/L of non-ionic polymer allowed a reduction of 50% on coagulant dosage, without meningful drops of the color and turbidity removal efficient (96% and 93% respectively). On the other hand, the cationic polymer, at 0.25 mg/L, enabled a 70% reduction on the aluminium sulphate dosage with color and turbidity removal efficiency of 90%. The plant flotation unit, operating under a flow rate of 262 m3/m2d and with polymer application, under conditions optimized by FLOTATESTE, was able to provide good results of colour removal (82% and effluent color of 18.6 CU) and turbicity removal (83% with turbicity of 1.23 NTU in the effluent). In the essays with the pilot plant flotation unit, operating under a flow rate of 525 m3/m2d after reduction of 70% on the coagulant dosage (application of 0,25 mg/L of cationic polymer) , an up to 79% reduction in mass of sludge generated was observed.
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Optical monitoring of flocs and filaments in the activated sludge processKoivuranta, E. (Elisa) 10 May 2016 (has links)
Flocculation plays a critical role in the activated sludge process, where flocs are removed by settling and where unsatisfactory flocculation is resulting in poor effluent quality. Control and operation of the process is also challenging as it is sensitive to external and internal disturbances. Furthermore, stricter environmental demands are also being placed on wastewater treatment and discharge quality thus solutions are needed to improve the current systems.
A novel optical monitoring method employing a tube flow and a CCD camera was developed to characterize the flocs and filaments of the sludge, and the method was tested on samples from full-scale activated sludge plants. An online device operating on the same principle was also developed and this was tested over a period of eight months at municipal wastewater treatment plant.
Optical monitoring was employed in the laboratory to study the breakage of activated sludge flocs. Based on the image analysis data, in the industrial plant the major breakage process was large-scale fragmentation. In the two municipal plants, it was surface erosion. The flocs had more filaments and were more irregular in shape in the industrial plant, which could be the reason for the large-scale fragmentation.
The effect of floc morphology on the effluent clarity of the activated sludge process was studied in the industrial and municipal activated sludge plants by optical monitoring over periods of three months and eight months, respectively. The changes in floc morphology took place slowly in both plants. Four major factors that correlated with the purification results were the size and shape of the flocs and the quantities of small particles and filaments. The image analysis results suggested that the settling problem that occurred during the test periods in the industrial plant was caused by dispersed growth, whereas that in the municipal plant was caused by filamentous bulking. In conclusion, it is possible to use the developed method online in order to analyse the state of flocculation. Thus the method could be useful when developing online monitoring applications for quantifying floc characteristics and for diagnosing the causes of settling problems in the wastewater treatment plants. / Tiivistelmä
Aktiivilieteprosessissa flokkulaatiolla on merkittävä rooli, sillä muodostuneet flokit poistetaan prosessista laskeutuksen avulla. Siten huono flokkulaatio johtaa puhdistetun jäteveden kiintoainemäärän lisääntymiseen. Prosessin säätö ja operointi on kuitenkin hankalaa, sillä aktiivilieteprosessi on herkkä ulkoisille ja sisäisille häiriöille. Jätevedenpuhdistukseen liittyvät ympäristövaatimukset ja päästöehdot vesistöihin ovat myös tiukentuneet, joten uusia menetelmiä tarvitaan parantamaan nykyisiä prosesseja.
Tässä työssä kehitettiin uusi, optinen kuvantamismenetelmä karakterisoimaan flokkeja ja rihmoja. Menetelmä hyödyntää putkivirtausta ja CCD-kameraa ja sitä testattiin aktiivilietelaitosten näytteillä. Lisäksi kehitettiin samaa periaatetta noudattava online-laitteisto, jota testattiin kahdeksan kuukauden ajan.
Optista kuvantamista testattiin laboratoriossa flokkien hajoamistutkimuksessa. Kuva-analyysitulosten perusteella kahden kunnallisen aktiivilietelaitoksen flokit hajosivat pintaeroosioon perustuvan mallin mukaan ja teollisen aktiivilietelaitoksen flokit hajosivat fragmentaatiomallin mukaan. Teollisen aktiivilietelaitoksen flokeissa oli enemmän rihmoja ja ne olivat epäsäännöllisemmän muotoisia, mikä voi olla syynä flokkien fragmentaatioon.
Flokkien morfologian vaikutus jäteveden puhdistustuloksiin tutkittiin teollisessa (kolmen kuukauden ajan) ja kunnallisessa (kahdeksan kuukauden ajan) aktiivilietelaitoksessa optisella kuvantamismenetelmällä. Molemmissa laitoksessa muutokset flokkien morfologiassa tapahtuivat hitaasti. Neljä tärkeintä tekijää, jotka korreloivat puhdistustulosten kanssa, olivat flokkien koko ja muoto sekä pienten partikkelien ja rihmojen määrä. Kuva-analyysitulosten perusteella laskeutumisongelma teollisessa jätevesilaitoksessa johtui flokinmuodostajabakteerien liian pienestä määrästä ja kunnallisessa jätevesilaitoksessa rihmamaisten bakteerien liikakasvusta. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että kehitettyä menetelmää on mahdollista käyttää online-mittarina sekä sen avulla voidaan arvioida flokkulaation tilannetta. Siten menetelmää on mahdollista hyödyntää flokkien ominaisuuksien karakterisoinnissa ja arvioidessa jätevedenkäsittelylaitoksen laskeutumisongelmien aiheuttajaa.
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Utilisation des nouvelles propriétés des solutions détergentes régénérées dans le nettoyage en place d'équipements sensibles / Use of the new physicochemical properties of regenerated detergent solutions in the cleaning of sensitive equipmentFuric, Marie 08 July 2016 (has links)
La régénération des solutions de lavage utilisées en Nettoyage En Place (NEP) présente un intérêt, tant économique qu’environnemental, pour les industriels laitiers. L’étape clé du NEP réside dans le lavage alcalin qui assure l’élimination des souillures organiques déposées sur les équipements. Ce lavage est généralement effectué par des lessives de soude, moins onéreuses que celles de potasse. Nos travaux ont visé à appliquer un procédé physico-chimique de régénération à des lessives de potasse en vue de rentabiliser leur intégration au NEP laitier. La régénération de solutions de potasse souillées par du lait a été examinée et comparée à celle de solutions de soude. L’efficacité du procédé à épurer les solutions de potasse en termes d’abattement de la DCO et de Ntot a été démontrée. L’analyse des solutions régénérées a par ailleurs mis en évidence l’amélioration de leurs propriétés interfaciales (tension superficielle, angle de contact). Ces propriétés, dont l’origine a pu être attribuée à l’accumulation de biotensioactifs, confèrent aux solutions de potasse régénérées un meilleur pouvoir nettoyant. Ce point a été validé lors d’essais de nettoyage de membranes organiques d’ultrafiltration colmatées par des protéines laitières. L’optimisation de la formulation de ces solutions a permis l’obtention de performances de nettoyage comparables à celles d’un détergent commercial classiquement utilisé pour ce type d’application. Enfin, les impacts économiques et environnementaux de l’intégration de lessives de potasse en substitution à celles de soude ont été évalués pour un NEP laitier industriel au travers d’une étude technico-économique et d’une Analyse de Cycle de Vie (ACV). / The regeneration of Cleaning In Place (CIP) solutions is interesting, both economically and environmentally, especially in dairy industry. The CIP’s key step lies on the alkaline washing which ensures the removal of organic contaminants deposited on the equipment. This washing is generally done by soda lyes, less expensive than potash ones. Our work aimed to apply a physicochemical regeneration process, based on adsorption-coagulation-flocculation phenomena, on potash lyes to make their integration in the dairy CIP affordable. The regeneration of potash solutions soiled with milk was examined and compared with the soda solutions regeneration. The process effectiveness to purify potash solutions in terms of COD and TN reduction has been shown. The solutions analysis has also highlighted the improvement of their interfacial properties (surface tension, contact angle). These properties, whose origin was attributed to the accumulation of biosurfactants, confer to potash regenerated solutions a best cleaning power. This point was validated during cleaning assays of organic ultrafiltration membranes fouled by milk proteins. The optimization of solutions formulation has also enabled obtaining a cleaning performance as efficient as those of a commercial detergent largely used for this type of application. Finally, economic and environmental impacts of the potash lyes integration in substitution to soda ones were evaluated for dairy industrial CIP through a techno-economic analysis and a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
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Surface Chemical Studies On Oxide And Carbide Suspensions In The Presence Of Polymeric AdditivesSaravanan, L 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Bistrenje soka šećerne repe primenom alternativnih koagulanata i flokulanata / Sugar beet juice clarification by means of alternative coagulants and flocculantsKuljanin Tatjana 04 February 2008 (has links)
<p>Pri proizvodnji kvalitetnog belog konzumnog šećera iz šećerne repe, srećemo se sa problemom prisustva makromolekularnih jedinjenja u soku šećerne repe koja su štetna pa ih je neophodno odstraniti. Uklanjanje ovih jedinjenja, koja čine oko 60 % od ukupno sadržanih nesaharoznih materija u soku šećerne repe, zasniva se na principu taloženja uz primenu različitih koagulanata (najčešće jedinjenja koja sadrže pozitivne jone kalcijuma). Međutim, afinitet vezivanja kalcijuma sa nepoželjnim makromolekulima iz soka šećerne repe je mali, pa su potrebne velike količine ovog jedinjenja u svakodnevnoj proizvodnji šećera.</p><p>Cilj istraživanja obuhvaćenih ovom doktorskom disertacijom usmeren je ka primeni alternativnih koagulanata sa dvo- i trovalentnim katjonima, pre svega soli aluminijuma i bakra koja izlazivaju proces razelektrisavanja makromolekula soka šećerne repe. Merenjem elektrokinetičkih potencijala utvrđene su optimalne količine koagulanata potrebne za uspešnu koagulaciju makromolekularnih jedinjenja iz soka šećerne repe. Ispitivan je i uticaj drugih procesnih veličina kao što su pH, koncentracija makromolekula i uticaj brzine mešanja na efikasnost taloženja makromolekula. Predložen je mehanizam razelektrisavanja makromolekularnih jedinjenja kao i model dvojnogelektričnog sloja koji okružuje koloidne čestice u soku šećerne repe. Ispitivana su dva model-rastvora komercijalno raspoloživih pektina u koncentracijama koje odgovaraju koncentracijama u soku šećerne repe kao i jedan model-rastvor proteinskog preparata. Ispitivani sistemi su tretirani rastvorima CuSO<sub>4</sub> i Al2(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> i rastvorima njihovih smeša u različitim odnosima. Dokazano je, za sva tri ispitivana preparata, da su manje količine Cu<sup>+2</sup> jona u odnosu na Al<sup>+3</sup><sup> </sup>jone potrebne za sniženje vrednosti Zeta potencijala na nulu. Međutim, zbog mogućih nepoželjnih efekata CuSO<sub>4</sub> u obradi hrane, Al(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub> bi se mogao upotrebiti umesto tradicionalnog koagulanta CaO, kako zbog manje potrošnje koagulanta, tako i zbog očuvanja životne sredine. Cilj eksperimenata sa smešama je ispitivanje mogućnosti poboljšanja koagulacionih karakteristika često korišćene soli Al2(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>, dodavanjem malih količina Cu<sup>+2</sup> jona. Međutim, čiste soli su pokazale bolja koagulaciona svojstva. Istraživanja sa flokulantima, odnose se na odabiranje najpogodnijeg tipa i optimalne količine flokulanata, uz primenu predloženih koagulanata. Najveća efikasnost čišćenja soka šećerne repe, uočena je nakon primene anjonskog flokulanta koncentracije 3 mg/dm<sup>3</sup>. Dokazano je da ovaj tip flokulanata dodatno smanjuje vrednost Zeta potencijala prisutnih makromolekula čime se smanjuje potrebna količina ispitivanih koagulanata CuSO<sub>4 </sub>i Al(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><br /><br /> </p><p> </p> / <p>During production of full quality consumed white sugar from sugar beet, there is a problem of the presence<br />of macrom olecular compounds in sugar beet juice, which are harmful and we have to be removed.<br />Separation ofthese compounds, which make around 60% oflotal non-sucrose compounds in sugar beetjuice,<br />is done by the principle of sedimentation with different types of coagulants (mostly compounds with calcium<br />ion). However, affinity of calcium binding with undesirable macromolecules fiom sugar beet juice is not<br />significant and in that way it is necessary a lot of quantities of this compound throughout daily production of<br />sugar.<br />The aim of this doctoral thesis is to consider the application of alternative coagulants with divalent and<br />trivalent cations, especially the salt of aluminum and cooper, which cause the process of dischargeable<br />macromolecules in sugar beet juice.<br />Optimal quantities of coagulants needing for the efficient coagulation of macromolecules compounds from<br />sugar beet juice were determined by means of measuring of electrokinetic potentials. It was investigated the<br />influence of other process variables such as pH, concentration of macromolecules and the impact of speed<br />mixing on the efficiency of sedimentation of macromolecules.<br />Mechanism of discharge of macromolecules compounds as well as the model of double electric layer<br />surrounding colloidal particles in sugar beetjuice are suggested for sugar beetjuice clarification.<br />Two model solutions of pectin are investigated together with one model solution of protein. Their<br />concentration correspond to concentration of these macromolecules in sugar beet juice. All investigated<br />systems were treated by using both solutions of CuSO4 as well as Al2(SO4)3 and slutions of their mixtures in<br />different proportion.<br />It was proven for all three investigated samples that fewer quantities of Cu+2 ions compared to the values of<br />Al+3 ions are needed to reach zero Zeta potential. However, due to possible undesirable effects of CuSO4 on<br />food processing, Al2(SO4)3 is proposed instead of traditional coagulant CaO, not only because of lower<br />consumptions of coagulants but owing to protection of the environment.<br />The objective in the experiments with mixtures was to investigate enhancement of coagulated characteristics<br />with commonly used salt Al2(SO4)3 by adding small quantities of Cu+2 ions. It was proven that pure salts<br />showed better-coagulated properties.<br />Further investigation was focused to selection of the most appropriate type and optimal quantity of chosen<br />flocculants. The highest efficiency of clarification of sugar beet juice was noticed by applying anion<br />flocculants of concentration 3 mg/dm3. It was shown that this type of flocculants additionally decreased the<br />value of Zeta potential of present macromolecules which further reduce required quantity of investigated<br />coagulants CuSO4 and Al2(SO4)3.</p>
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