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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abelianization and Floer homology of Lagrangians in clean intersection

Schmäschke, Felix 14 December 2016 (has links)
This thesis is split up into two parts each revolving around Floer homology and quantum cohomology of closed monotone symplectic manifolds. In the first part we consider symplectic manifolds obtained by symplectic reduction. Our main result is that a quantum version of an abelianization formula of Martin holds, which relates the quantum cohomologies of symplectic quotients by a group and by its maximal torus. Also we show a quantum version of the Leray-Hirsch theorem for Floer homology of Lagrangian intersections in the quotient. The second part is devoted to Floer homology of a pair of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds in clean intersection. Under these assumptions the symplectic action functional is degenerated. Nevertheless Frauenfelder defines a version of Floer homology, which is in a certain sense an infinite dimensional analogon of Morse-Bott homology. Via natural filtrations on the chain level we were able to define two spectral sequences which serve as a tool to compute Floer homology. We show how these are used to obtain new intersection results for simply connected Lagrangians in the product of two complex projective spaces. The link between both parts is that in the background the same technical methods are applied; namely the theory of holomorphic strips with boundary on Lagrangians in clean intersection. Since all our constructions rely heavily on these methods we also give a detailed account of this theory although in principle many results are not new or require only straight forward generalizations.:1. Introduction 2. Overview of the main results 2.1. Abelianization . 2.2. Quantum Leray-Hirsch theorem 2.3. Floer homology of Lagrangians in clean intersection 3. Background 3.1. Symplectic geometry . 3.2. Hamiltonian action functional 3.3. Morse homology . 3.4. Floer homology 4. Asymptotic analysis 4.1. Main statement . 4.2. Mean-value inequality . 4.3. Isoperimetric inequality 4.4. Linear theory 4.5. Proofs 5. Compactness 5.1. Cauchy-Riemann-Floer equation . 5.2. Local convergence . 5.3. Convergence on the ends 5.4. Minimal energy . 5.5. Action, energy and index estimates 6. Fredholm Theory 6.1. Banach manifold . 6.2. Linear theory 7. Transversality 7.1. Setup 7.2. R-dependent structures 7.3. R-invariant structures . 7.4. Regular points . 7.5. Floer’s ε-norm . 8. Gluing 8.1. Setup and main statement 8.2. Pregluing . 8.3. A uniform bounded right inverse 8.4. Quadratic estimate 8.5. Continuity of the gluing map 8.6. Surjectivity of the gluing map 8.7. Degree of the gluing map 8.8. Morse gluing . 9. Orientations 9.1. Preliminaries and notation 9.2. Spin structures and relative spin structures 9.3. Orientation of caps 9.4. Linear theory . 10.Pearl homology 10.1. Overview . 10.2. Pearl trajectories . 10.3. Invariance . 10.4. Spectral sequences 11.Proofs of the main results 11.1. Abelianization Theorem 11.2. Quantum Leray-Hirsch Theorem . 12.Applications 12.1. Quantum cohomology of the complex Grassmannian 12.2. Lagrangian spheres in symplectic quotients A. Estimates A.1. Derivative of the exponential map A.2. Parallel Transport A.3. Estimates for strips B. Operators on Hilbert spaces B.1. Spectral gap B.2. Flow operator C. Viterbo index D. Quotients of principal bundles by maximal tori D.1. Compact Lie groups D.2. The cohomology of the quotient of principle bundles by maximal tori

Invariants spectraux en homologie de Floer lagrangienne

Leclercq, Rémi January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones

Gadbled, Agnès 14 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La condition de monotonie pour les sous-variétés lagrangiennes a été introduite par Oh en 1993. C'est une version relative d'une condition définie par Floer pour les variétés symplectiques. Ces conditions permettent d'obtenir la bonne définition d'homologies de type Floer, en particulier de l'homologie de Floer lagrangienne, outil très utile pour l'étude de plongements lagrangiens.<br /> <br />Dans cette thèse, nous exploitons les hypothèses de monotonie en théorie de Floer sous deux aspects. Un premier aspect est l'étude d'une nouvelle famille d'exemples de variétés symplectiques monotones et de leurs sous-variétés lagrangiennes monotones. Cette famille d'exemples est construite par découpe symplectique à partir du cotangent de variétés munies d'une action libre du cercle. Un second aspect est la construction d'une homologie de type Floer-Novikov pour des sous-variétés lagrangiennes d'un cotangent qui sont dites monotones sur les lacets. On en déduit de nouveaux résultats d'obstruction de plongements lagrangiens monotones sur les lacets dans le cotangent de variétés qui fibrent sur le cercle.

La suite spectrale de Leray-Serre en homologie de Floer des varietes symplectiques compactes a bord de type contact

OANCEA, ALEXANDRU 18 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les groupes d'homologie de Floer pour varietes compactes a bord de type contact n'ont pas de correspondant topologique, a la difference des varietes fermees. Le but de cette these est d'en donner des proprietes qualitatives lorsque la variete est munie de structures topologiques supplementaires. Nous avons en vue les fibrations symplectiques (eventuellement triviales). Le premier chapitre de la these comprend deux parties : la premiere compare les differentes constructions de l'homologie de Floer et met en relief le principe specifique aux varietes a bord, a savoir la necessite d'obtenir des estimations a priori sur les solutions de l'equation de Floer. On explique comment les groupes d'homologie de Floer sont relies a la conjecture de Weinstein et on calcule par une methode nouvelle la cohomologie d'une boule dans un espace vectoriel complexe. La deuxieme partie presente une extension de la definition des groupes d'homologie de Floer par des hamiltoniens ``asymptotiquement lineaires", extension que nous utiliserons par la suite. Nous travaillons directement dans des varietes non compactes convexes a l'infini, qui sont des completees symplectiques de varietes compactes a bord de type contact. Le deuxieme chapitre demontre la formule de Kunneth en homologie de Floer pour un produit de varietes a bord de type contact restreint. Ceci correspond au cas d'une fibration triviale. Le troisieme chapitre donne une interpretation de la suite spectrale de Leray-Serre classique en termes exclusifs d'homologie de Morse, qui constitue un modele simple pour l'homologie de Floer. Le quatrieme chapitre etudie l'existence d'une suite spectrale de Leray-Serre pour un certain type de fibrations symplectiques a bord au-dessus d'une base fermee. L'existence de la suite spectrale est etablie pour les fibres en droites hermitiens a courbure negative. Dans le cas general, son existence est ramenee a une estimation d'energie pour trajectoires de Floer, qui est conjecturee.

On a Heegaard Floer theory for tangles

Zibrowius, C. B. January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to define a “local” version of Ozsváth and Szabó’s Heegaard Floer homology HFL^ for links in the 3-sphere, i.e. a Heegaard Floer homology HFT^ for tangles in the 3-ball. The decategorification of HFL^ is the classical Alexander polynomial for links; likewise, the decategorification of HFT^ gives a local version ∇ˢ of the Alexander polynomial. In the first chapter of this thesis, we give a purely combinatorial definition of this polynomial invariant ∇ˢ via Kauffman states and Alexander codes and investigate some of its properties. As an application, we show that the multivariate Alexander polynomial is mutation invariant. In the second chapter, we define HFT^ in two slightly different, but equivalent ways: One is via Juhász’s sutured Floer homology, the other by imitating the construction of HFL^. We then state a glueing theorem in terms of Zarev’s bordered sutured Floer homology, which endows HFT^ with additional structure. As an application, we show that any two links related by mutation about a (2,−3)-pretzel tangle have the same δ-graded link Floer homology. This result relies on a computer calculation. In the third and last chapter, we specialise to 4-ended tangles. In this case, we give a reformulation of HFT^ with a glueing structure in terms of (what we call) peculiar modules. Together with a glueing theorem, we can easily recover oriented and unoriented skein relations for HFL^. Our peculiar modules also enjoy some symmetry relations, which support a conjecture about δ-graded mutation invariance of HFL^. However, stronger symmetries would be needed to actually prove this conjecture. Finally, we explore the relationship between peculiar modules and twisted complexes in the wrapped Fukaya category of the 4-punctured sphere. There are four appendices, some of which might be of independent interest: In the first appendix, we describe a general construction of dg categories which unifies all algebraic structures used in this thesis, in particular type A and type D modules from bordered theory. In the second appendix, we prove a generalised version of Kauffman’s clock theorem, which plays a major role for our decategorified invariants. The last two appendices are manuals for two Mathematica programs. The first is a tool for computing the generators of HFT^ and the decategorified tangle invariant ∇ˢ. The second allows us to compute bordered sutured Floer homology using nice diagrams.

On The Goresky-Hingston Product

Maiti, Arun 25 January 2017 (has links)
In [GH09] M. Goresky and N. Hingston described and investigated various properties of a product on the cohomology of the free loop space of a closed, oriented manifold M relative to the constant loops. In this thesis we will give Morse and Floer theoretic descriptions of the product. There is a theorem due to J. Jones in [JJ87] which describes an isomorphism between cohomology of the free loop space and Hochschild homology of the singular cochain algebra of M with rational coefficients. We will use the theorem of J. Jones to find an algebraic model for the Goresky-Hingston product. We then use the algebraic model to explore further properties and applications of the Goresky Hingston product. In particular we use it to compute the ring structure for the n-spheres.

Topological and Geometric Methods with a View Towards Data Analysis

Eidi, Marzieh 12 April 2022 (has links)
In geometry, various tools have been developed to explore the topology and other features of a manifold from its geometrical structure. Among the two most powerful ones are the analysis of the critical points of a function, or more generally, the closed orbits of a dynamical system defined on the manifold, and the evaluation of curvature inequalities. When any (nondegenerate) function has to have many critical points and with different indices, then the topology must be rich, and when certain curvature inequalities hold throughout the manifold, that constrains the topology. It has been observed that these principles also hold for metric spaces more general than Riemannian manifolds, and for instance also for graphs. This thesis represents a contribution to this program. We study the relation between the closed orbits of a dynamical system and the topology of a manifold or a simplicial complex via the approach of Floer. And we develop notions of Ricci curvature not only for graphs, but more generally for, possibly directed, hypergraphs, and we draw structural consequences from curvature inequalities. It includes methods that besides their theoretical importance can be used as powerful tools for data analysis. This thesis has two main parts; in the first part we have developed topological methods based on the dynamic of vector fields defined on smooth as well as discrete structures. In the second part, we concentrate on some curvature notions which already proved themselves as powerful measures for determining the local (and global) structures of smooth objects. Our main motivation here is to develop methods that are helpful for the analysis of complex networks. Many empirical networks incorporate higher-order relations between elements and therefore are naturally modeled as, possibly directed and/or weighted, hypergraphs, rather than merely as graphs. In order to develop a systematic tool for the statistical analysis of such hypergraphs, we propose a general definition of Ricci curvature on directed hypergraphs and explore the consequences of that definition. The definition generalizes Ollivier’s definition for graphs. It involves a carefully designed optimal transport problem between sets of vertices. We can then characterize various classes of hypergraphs by their curvature. In the last chapter, we show that our curvature notion is a powerful tool for determining complex local structures in a variety of real and random networks modeled as (directed) hypergraphs. Furthermore, it can nicely detect hyperloop structures; hyperloops are fundamental in some real networks such as chemical reactions as catalysts in such reactions are faithfully modeled as vertices of directed hyperloops. We see that the distribution of our curvature notion in real networks deviates from random models.

The Weinstein conjecture with multiplicities on spherizations / Conjecture de Weinstein avec multiplicités pour les spherisations.

Heistercamp, Muriel 02 September 2011 (has links)
Soit M une variété lisse fermée et considérons sont fibré cotangent T*M muni de la structure symplectique usuelle induite par la forme de Liouville. Une hypersurface S de T*M$ est dite étoilée fibre par fibre si pour tout point q de M, l'intersection Sq de S avec la fibre au dessus de q est le bord d'un domaine étoilé par rapport à l'origine 0q de la fibre T*qM. Un flot est naturellement associé à S, il s'agit de l'unique flot généré par le champ de Reeb le long de S, le flot de Reeb. <p><p>L'existence d'une orbite orbite fermée du flot de Reeb sur S fut annoncée par Weinstein dans sa conjecture en 1978. Indépendamment, Weinstein et Rabinowitz ont montré l'existence d'une orbite fermée sur les hypersurfaces de type étoilées dans l'espace réel de dimension 2n. Sous les hypothèses précédentes, l'existence d'une orbite fermée fut démontrée par Hofer et Viterbo. Dans le cas particulier du flot géodésique, l'existence de plusieurs orbites fermées fut notamment étudiée par Gromov, Paternain et Paternain-Petean. Dans cette thèse, ces résultats sont généralisés. <p><p>Les résultats principaux de cette thèse montrent que la structure topologique de la variété M implique, pour toute hypersurface étoilée fibre par fibre, l'existence de beaucoup d'orbites fermées du flot de Reeb. Plus précisément, une borne inférieure de la croissance du nombre d'orbites fermées du flot de Reeb en fonction de leur période est mise en évidence. /<p><p>Let M be a smooth closed manifold and denote by T*M the cotangent bundle over M endowed with its usual symplectic structure induced by the Liouville form. A hypersurface S of T*M is said to be fiberwise starshaped if for each point q in M the intersection Sq of S with the fiber at q bounds a domain starshaped with respect to the origin 0q in T*qM. There is a flow naturally associated to S, generated by the unique Reeb vector field R along S ,the Reeb flow. <p><p>The existence of one closed orbit was conjectured by Weinstein in 1978 in a more general setting. Independently, Weinstein and Rabinowitz established the existence of a closed orbit on star-like hypersurfaces in the 2n-dimensional real space. In our setting the Weinstein conjecture without the assumption was proved in 1988 by Hofer and Viterbo. The existence of many closed orbits has already been well studied in the special case of the geodesic flow, for example by Gromov, Paternain and Paternain-Petean. In this thesis we will generalize their results.<p><p>The main result of this thesis is to prove that the topological structure of $M$ forces, for all fiberwise starshaped hypersurfaces S, the existence of many closed orbits of the Reeb flow on S. More precisely, we shall give a lower bound of the growth rate of the number of closed Reeb-orbits in terms of their periods. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Quantum structures of some non-monotone Lagrangian submanifolds / Structures quantiques de certaines sous-variétés lagrangiennes non monotones

Ngo, Fabien 03 September 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we present a slight generalisation of the Pearl complex or relative quantum homology to some non monotone Lagrangian submanifolds. First we develop the theory for the so called almost monotone Lagrangian submanifolds, We apply it to uniruling problems as well as estimates for the relative Gromov width. In the second part we develop the theory for toric fiber in toric Fano manifolds, recovering previous computaional results of Floer homology . / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Generalizations of discrete Morse theory

Yaptieu Djeungue, Odette Sylvia 02 February 2018 (has links)
We generalize Forman’s discrete Morse theory, on one end by developing a discrete analogue of Morse-Bott theory for CW complexes, motivated by Morse-Bott theory in the smooth setting. On the other, motivated by J-N. Corvellec’s Morse theory for continuous functionals, we generalize Forman’s discrete Morse-floer theory by considering a vector field more general than the one extracted from a discrete Morse function, and defining a boundary operator from which the Betti numbers of the CW complex are obtained. We also do some Conley theory analysis.

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