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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fetal Outcome in Experimental Diabetic Pregnancy

Zabihi, Sheller January 2008 (has links)
Women with pregestational diabetes have a 2-5 fold increased risk of giving birth to malformed babies compared with non-diabetic women. Diabetes-induced oxidative stress in maternal and embryonic tissues has been implicated in the teratogenic process. The malformations are likely to be induced before the seventh week of pregnancy, when the yolk sac is partly responsible for the transfer of metabolites to the embryo, and the uterine blood flow to the implantation site determines the net amount of nutrients available to the conceptus. We aimed to evaluate the effect on embryogenesis caused by a diabetes-induced disturbance in yolk sac morphology, uterine blood flow or altered maternal antioxidative status in conjunction with a varied severity of the maternal diabetic state. We investigated to which extent maternal diabetes with or without folic acid (FA) supplementation affects mRNA levels and protein distribution of ROS scavenging enzymes (SOD, CAT, GPX), vascular endothelial growth factor-A (Vegf-A), folate binding protein-1 (Folbp-1), and apoptosis associated proteins (Bax, Bcl-2, Caspase-3) in the yolk sacs of rat embryos on gestational days 10 and 11. We found that maternal diabetes impairs, and that FA supplementation restores, yolk sac vessel morphology, and that maternal diabetes is associated with increased apoptotic rate in embryos and yolk sacs, as well as impaired SOD gene expression. We assessed uterine blood flow with a laser-Doppler-flow-meter and found increased blood flow to implantation sites of diabetic rats compared with controls. Furthermore, resorbed and malformed offspring showed increased and decreased blood flow to their implantation sites, respectively. In mice with genetically altered CuZnSOD levels, maternal diabetes increased embryonic dysmorphogenesis irrespective of CuZnSOD expression. We thus found the maternal diabetic state to be a major determinant of diabetic embryopathy and that the CuZnSOD status exerts a partial protection for the embryo in diabetic pregnancy.

Η εγκυμοσύνη μετά τη χειρουργική αντιμετώπιση της παχυσαρκίας : Θρεπτική κατάσταση και έκβαση / Pregnancy following bariatric surgery : Nutritional status and outcome

Mead, Nancy 09 October 2014 (has links)
Nutritional status during pregnancy and the effects of nutritional deficiencies on pregnancy outcomes following bariatric surgery is an important issue that warrants further study. Objective: To investigate pregnancy outcomes and nutritional indices following restrictive and malabsorptive procedures. Setting: University Hospital, Greece. Methods: We investigated pregnancy outcomes of 113 women who gave birth to 150 children following biliopancreatic diversion (BPD), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) between June 1994 and December 2011. Biochemical indices and pregnancy outcomes were compared among the different types of surgery and to overall 20-year hospital data, as well as to 56 pre-surgery pregnancies in 36 women of the same group. Results: Anemia was observed in 24.2% and 15.6% of pregnancies following BPD and RYGB, respectively. Vitamin B12 levels decreased postoperatively in all groups, with no further decrease during pregnancy; however, low levels were observed not only after BPD (11.7%) and RYGB (15.6%), but also after SG (13.3%). Folic acid levels increased. Serum albumin levels decreased in all groups during pregnancy, but hypoproteinemia was seen only after BPD. Neonates after BPD had significantly lower average birth weight without a higher frequency of low birth weight defined as less than 2500gr. A comparison of neonatal data between babies born before surgery (BS) and siblings born after surgery (AS) showed that AS newborns had lower average birth weight with no significant differences in body length or head circumference and no cases of macrosomia. Conclusions: Our study showed reasonably good pregnancy outcomes in this sample population following all types of bariatric surgery provided nutritional supplement guidelines are followed. Closer monitoring is required in pregnancies following malabsorptive procedures especially regarding protein nutrition. / Η θρεπτική κατάσταση κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης και οι συνέπειες διατροφικών ανεπαρκειών στην έκβαση της, που ακολουθεί μια χειρουργική επέμβαση για κλινική σοβαρή παχυσαρκία αποτελεί θέμα που χρήζει περαιτέρω έρευνας. Σκοπός της συγκεκριμένης μελέτης ήταν η διερεύνηση της θρεπτικής κατάστασης και της έκβασης της εγκυμοσύνης, τόσο στις μητέρες όσο και στα νεογνά, σε γυναίκες που είχαν υποβληθεί στο παρελθόν σε περιοριστικές και δυσαπορροφητικές επεμβάσεις για κλινικά σοβαρή παχυσαρκία. Μελετήθηκαν 113 γυναίκες που γέννησαν 150 παιδιά μετά από χολοπαγκρεατική εκτροπή (BPD), Roux-en-Y γαστρική παράκαμψη (RYGB) και επιμήκη γαστρεκτομή μεταξύ Ιουνίου 1994 και Δεκεμβρίου 2011. Συγκρίθηκαν τα αποτελέσματα των θρεπτικών δεικτών και της έκβασης της εγκυμοσύνης μεταξύ των επεμβάσεων καθώς και με τα 20ετή στοιχεία γεννήσεων του νοσοκομείου μας και τα αποτελέσματα από 56 προεγχειρητικές εγκυμοσύνες σε 36 από τις ίδιες γυναίκες. Αναιμία παρατηρήθηκε σε 24.2% και 15.6% των κυήσεων μετά από BPD και RYGB, αντίστοιχα. Τα επίπεδα της βιταμίνης B12 μειώθηκαν μετεγχειρητικά σε όλες τις ομάδες, χωρίς περαιτέρω μείωση κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης• όμως, χαμηλά επίπεδα παρατηρήθηκαν σε κάποιες γυναίκες όχι μόνο μετά από BPD (11.7%) και RYGB (15.6%), αλλά και μετά από SG (13.3%). Τα επίπεδα του φυλλικού οξέος αυξήθηκαν μετεγχειρητικά και κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης. Η τιμή της αλβουμίνης μειώθηκε σε όλες τις ομάδες κατά τη διάρκεια της εγκυμοσύνης, αλλά υποπρωτεϊναιμία παρατηρήθηκε μόνο μετά από BPD. Τα νεογνά μετά από BPD είχαν χαμηλότερο μέσο όρο βάρους γέννησης (p<0.05), χωρίς να υπάρχει μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα χαμηλού βάρους γέννησης (<2500gr). Η σύγκριση μεταξύ των νεογνών που γεννήθηκαν πριν και μετά το χειρουργείο έδειξε ότι τα νεογνά που γεννήθηκαν μετά είχαν χαμηλότερο βάρος (p<0.001) χωρίς σημαντικές διαφορές στη διάρκεια κύησης, στο μήκος ή στην περίμετρο της κεφαλής και καθόλου μακροσωμία. Συμπερασματικά, η δική μας μελέτη έδειξε σχετικά καλή θρεπτική κατάσταση και έκβαση στη εγκυμοσύνη μετά από όλους τους τύπους επεμβάσεων στη συγκεκριμένη πληθυσμιακή ομάδα εφόσον υπάρχει συστηματική παρακολούθηση και ακολουθούνται οι διατροφικές οδηγίες. Πιο στενή παρακολούθηση χρειάζεται μετά από δυσαπορροφητικές επεμβάσεις ιδιαίτερα ως προς το θέμα της πρωτεϊνικής θρέψης

Veränderungen kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren - mit besonderer Betrachtung von Homocystein und hsCRP - unter drei aktuell diskutierten Ernährungsstrategien zur Gewichtsreduktion: Low carb, Low fat und Low fat with reduced glycemic load / Changes in cardiovascular risk factors - with special consideration of homocysteine and hsCRP - while following one of three currently discussed weight-loss strategies: Low carb, low fat and low fat with reduced glycemic load

Hönemann, Ines 24 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

La prise d’acide folique en période périconceptionnelle : une étude sur la concordance aux directives cliniques canadiennes et sur l’impact sur la prévalence des malformations congénitales au Québec

Richard-Tremblay, Audrey-Ann 09 1900 (has links)
La prise d’un supplément d’acide folique en période préconceptionnelle réduit le risque d’une anomalie du tube neural (ATN), une malformation du système nerveux. Dans le but d’en réduire la prévalence, la Société des Obstétriciens et Gynécologues du Canada a émis de nouvelles directives cliniques en 2007 qui tenaient compte de différents facteurs de risque pour les ATN et pour qui la dose recommandée variait selon le profil de risque de la femme, allant de 0,4 à 5,0 mg d’acide folique. Jusqu’à présent, peu de données sont disponibles sur les effets de la prise d’une haute dose d’acide folique. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient: 1) d’évaluer la concordance entre la supplémentation en acide folique chez les femmes enceintes et les nouvelles recommandations canadiennes; 2) d’identifier les déterminants d’une utilisation concordante et 3) d’évaluer si la prise de hautes doses d’acide folique en période périconceptionnelle réduisait le risque de malformations congénitales autre que les ATN. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une étude transversale et une étude écologique ont été effectuées. La première incluait 361 femmes enceintes recrutées aux cliniques d’obstétriques du CHU Sainte-Justine et la deuxième utilisait le Registre Québécois des Grossesses, issu du jumelage de trois banques de données administratives au Québec (RAMQ, Med-Écho et ISQ), où 152 392 couples mère-enfant ont été identifiés. Seul 27% des femmes enceintes ayant participé à l’étude transversale avaient une supplémentation en acide folique, avec ou sans ordonnance, concordante aux lignes directrices canadiennes. La concordance variait selon leur profil de facteurs de risque pour les ATN. Notre étude écologique montre que la prévalence annuelle de l’utilisation de haute dose d’acide folique (avec ordonnance) en période périconceptionnelle a augmenté de 0,17% à 0,80% (p < 0,0001) entre 1998 et 2008 et que la prévalence des malformations congénitales majeures a augmenté de 15% au cours de la même période (3,35% à 3,87%, p<0,0001). Les résultats de nos deux études montrent que l’acide folique n’est pas largement utilisé par les femmes en âge de procréer et ce, peu importe la dose. De nouvelles campagnes de santé publique devront être mises sur pied, afin d’inciter les femmes à consommer de l’acide folique avant et pendant leur grossesse. Également, la prise de haute dose d’acide folique ne semble pas avoir diminué le risque de malformations congénitales, à l’échelle populationnelle. / The use of folic acid during the preconceptionnal period reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTD), a malformation of the nervous system. In order to reduce it’s prevalence, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada proposed new practice clinical guidelines, in 2007, on the use of pre-conceptional vitamin/folic acid supplementation for the prevention of NTDs, with specific recommendations to prevent recurrences and occurrences among women with intermediate to high health risk factors and for whom the dose was different. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the concordance between the new guidelines and folic acid use in real life; 2) to identify predictors associated with a recommended folic acid supplementation, and 3) to evaluate if the use of folic acid could reduce the risk of congenital malformations other than NTDs. A cross-sectional study and an ecological study have been conducted. 361 women were recruited in obstetrics outpatient clinic at the CHU Ste-Justine for the first study and 152,392 pregnancies and babies were identified in the Quebec Pregnancy Registry, which results from the linkage of three administrative health care databases from Quebec (RAMQ, Med-Echo and ISQ) for the second study. Only 27% of the wowen recruited for the first study had periconceptional folic acid supplementation intake that was concordant with guideline. Concordance varied according to their health risk factors profile for NTD. Our ecological study showed that the annual prevalence of periconceptional folic acid use increased from 0.17% to 0.80% (p < 0,0001) from 1998 to 2008 and birth prevalence of major congenital malformations increased by 15% (3.35% to 3.87%, p < 0,0001) during the same period. Our findings highlight the fact that folic acid is not widely used by women of childbearing age, regardless of the dose. There is a need for new public health programs to encourange women to consume folic acid every day before and during pregnancy. Moreover, the use of high dose folic acid does not seem to be correlated with a decline in the prevalence of major congenital malformations, on a populational level.

Studies of electronic and structural properties of molecular clusters of prebiotic importance

Aylward, Nigel Nunn January 2006 (has links)
This thesis applies the ab initio techniques of computational chemistry to studies of molecular clusters containing covalent (strong) or van der Waals (weak) bonds formed in chemistry and biochemistry in the temperature range 10-300 K. Van derWaals complexes with an enthalpy of formation from reactants of less than 25 kJ mol-1 and covalent clusters are described in this thesis. The first group of van der Waals complexes involved the molecule carbon monoxide that possesses a small permanent dipole that could lead to dipole - induced dipole interaction and dipole - dipole interaction with another reactant in addition to dispersion. The substrates investigated were methanimine and cyanogen where endergonic unstable molecules were formed, and the clustering of carbon monoxideon a porphin surface leading to the formation of carbon - carbon fragments. TheFaraday effect was invoked to suggest that this was the original method by which thechirality of the D-sugars was selected. Coordination of imino-compounds on thesame surface involving induction and electrostatic interactions could lead to the preferential formation of L-aziridones, hydrolysable to L-amino-acids.The preferred formation of D-ribose, and the more stable D-2-deoxyribose, andnucleotides polymerisable to deoxyribonucleic acids was described. The second group of van der Waals complexes involved the polymerisation of acetylene molecules, to di- and tri-acetylene complexes where the exchange interaction involved the quadrupole moment of the acetylene radical reacting with acetylene or diacetylene. The reaction of carbon monoxide was extended to include its interaction with diacetylene. The entire potential energy surface for the interaction with diacetylene was investigated. The reaction was shown to be endergonic to produce a reactive species, here postulated to rearrange with a reasonable activation energy toform an aldehyde. The energetics of the formation of diacetylene, triacetylene andhigher polymers was briefly investigated. The reactivity of the acetylene polymeraldehydes with other substrates was briefly investigated. This work has apparently laid a firm basis both, qualitative and quantitative, tounderstand some of the weakest interactions in nature involving the simplest ofreactions that have been important in atmospheric chemistry.

The effect on chromosomal stability of some dietary constituents

Durling, Louise. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Uppsala Universitet, 2008. / This website links to the complete document in PDF format. Title from title screen (viewed on November 22, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.

Metabolismo da homocisteína e defeitos do tubo neural : um estudo bioquímico e molecular no sul do Brasil

Felix, Temis Maria January 2002 (has links)
Os defeitos de fechamento de tubo neural constituem uma das malformações mais freqüentes na espécie humana, apresentando alta morbi-mortalidade. Sua etiologia é considerada multifatorial, estando envolvidos fatores genéticos e ambientais. Estes fatores estão relacionados principalmente com o metabolismo da homocisteína. Realizamos um estudo de caso-controle com o objetivo de estudar os fatores bioquímicos e genéticos relacionados ao DTN na nossa população. Em pares de afetados com DTN e suas mães e pares de pacientes normais e suas mães foram avaliados dosagem de folato, vitamina B12, homocisteína e polimorfismos da enzima metileno tetraidrofolato redutase (MTHFR), C677T e A1298C. A dosagem de folato nos casos foi 11,37 ng/mL(±6,72) e nos controles 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) (p<0,001). O folato sérico das mães foi 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) e 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) nas mães controles (p<0,001). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 foi de 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) nos casos e 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) nos controles (p= 0,205). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 nas mães dos casos foi 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) e 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) nas mães controles (p=0,004). O nível de homocisteína plasmático médio foi 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) para os casos e 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) para os controles (p=0,099). Nas mães dos casos a dosagem média de homocisteína foi 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) e 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) nas mães controles (p=0,666). Não houve diferença entre a freqüência dos genótipos C677T e A1298C da MTHFR nos casos e controles e suas mães. Para o polimorfismo C677T as freqüências dos alelo C e T foram respectivamente 0,6585 e 0,3414 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,6590 e 0,3410 nos controles; 0,6460 e 0,3540 nas mães dos casos e 0,6136 e 0,3860 nas mães controles. Para o polimorfismo A1298C as freqüências dos alelos A e C foram respectivamente 0,7436 e 0,2564 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,7610 e 0,2390 nos controles; 0,8055 e 0,1945 nas mães dos casos e 0,8065 e 0,1935 nas mães controles. Identificamos que indivíduos homozigotos 677TT apresentam um maior nível de homocisteína e este é inversamente relacionado com os níveis de vitamina B12. Estes achados sugerem que uma alteração metabólica relacionada ao metabolismo da homocisteína e principalmente devido à diminuição da vitamina B12 seja um fator de risco para DTN na nossa população. / Neural tube defects (NTD) are among the most common birth defect leading to great disabilities. The etiology is multifactorial, involving the combined action of both genetic and environmental factors. Those factors have been related to homocysteine metabolism. We performed a case control study in order to evaluate the biochemical and genetic factors related to NTD in the South of Brazil. A mother- NTD children pair and mother normal children were evaluated for folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine and two polymorphism of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), C677T and A1298C. The folate level was 11,37 ng/mL (±6,72) in the NTD patients and 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) in the controls (p<0,001). The folate was 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) in the NTD mothers and 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) in the control mothers (p<0,001). The level of vitamin B12 was 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) in the NTD case and 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) in the controls (p= 0,205). The levels of vitamin B12 in the NTD mothers was 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) and 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) in the control mothers (p=0,004). The pasmatic homocysteine level was 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) for the NTD cases and 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) for the controls (p=0,099). The NTD mothers showed homocysteine level of 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) and the controls mothers demonstrated 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) (p=0,666). We could not observed a difference between the frequency of the genotypes C677T and A1298C in case and controls. The frequency of the alele C and T for the polymorphism C677T were respectively 0,6585 and 0,3414 for the NTD patients; 0,6590 and 0,3410 for the controls; 0,6460 and 0,3540 for NTD mothers; 0,6136 and 0,3860 for the control mothers. The frequencies of the allele A and C for the polymorphism A1298C were respectively 0,7436 and 0,2564 for NTD patients, 0,7610 and 0,2390 for controls; 0,8055 and 0,1945 for NTD mothers; 0,8065 and 0,1935 for controls mothers. We could demonstrated that the homozygous 677TT had a higher level of homocysteine and this was related to low level of vitamin B12. Those findings suggest that biochemical and genetic factors related to homocysteine metabolism and vitamin B12 deficiency are a risk factor to NTD in our population.

Metabolismo da homocisteína e defeitos do tubo neural : um estudo bioquímico e molecular no sul do Brasil

Felix, Temis Maria January 2002 (has links)
Os defeitos de fechamento de tubo neural constituem uma das malformações mais freqüentes na espécie humana, apresentando alta morbi-mortalidade. Sua etiologia é considerada multifatorial, estando envolvidos fatores genéticos e ambientais. Estes fatores estão relacionados principalmente com o metabolismo da homocisteína. Realizamos um estudo de caso-controle com o objetivo de estudar os fatores bioquímicos e genéticos relacionados ao DTN na nossa população. Em pares de afetados com DTN e suas mães e pares de pacientes normais e suas mães foram avaliados dosagem de folato, vitamina B12, homocisteína e polimorfismos da enzima metileno tetraidrofolato redutase (MTHFR), C677T e A1298C. A dosagem de folato nos casos foi 11,37 ng/mL(±6,72) e nos controles 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) (p<0,001). O folato sérico das mães foi 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) e 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) nas mães controles (p<0,001). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 foi de 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) nos casos e 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) nos controles (p= 0,205). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 nas mães dos casos foi 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) e 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) nas mães controles (p=0,004). O nível de homocisteína plasmático médio foi 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) para os casos e 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) para os controles (p=0,099). Nas mães dos casos a dosagem média de homocisteína foi 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) e 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) nas mães controles (p=0,666). Não houve diferença entre a freqüência dos genótipos C677T e A1298C da MTHFR nos casos e controles e suas mães. Para o polimorfismo C677T as freqüências dos alelo C e T foram respectivamente 0,6585 e 0,3414 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,6590 e 0,3410 nos controles; 0,6460 e 0,3540 nas mães dos casos e 0,6136 e 0,3860 nas mães controles. Para o polimorfismo A1298C as freqüências dos alelos A e C foram respectivamente 0,7436 e 0,2564 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,7610 e 0,2390 nos controles; 0,8055 e 0,1945 nas mães dos casos e 0,8065 e 0,1935 nas mães controles. Identificamos que indivíduos homozigotos 677TT apresentam um maior nível de homocisteína e este é inversamente relacionado com os níveis de vitamina B12. Estes achados sugerem que uma alteração metabólica relacionada ao metabolismo da homocisteína e principalmente devido à diminuição da vitamina B12 seja um fator de risco para DTN na nossa população. / Neural tube defects (NTD) are among the most common birth defect leading to great disabilities. The etiology is multifactorial, involving the combined action of both genetic and environmental factors. Those factors have been related to homocysteine metabolism. We performed a case control study in order to evaluate the biochemical and genetic factors related to NTD in the South of Brazil. A mother- NTD children pair and mother normal children were evaluated for folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine and two polymorphism of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), C677T and A1298C. The folate level was 11,37 ng/mL (±6,72) in the NTD patients and 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) in the controls (p<0,001). The folate was 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) in the NTD mothers and 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) in the control mothers (p<0,001). The level of vitamin B12 was 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) in the NTD case and 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) in the controls (p= 0,205). The levels of vitamin B12 in the NTD mothers was 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) and 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) in the control mothers (p=0,004). The pasmatic homocysteine level was 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) for the NTD cases and 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) for the controls (p=0,099). The NTD mothers showed homocysteine level of 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) and the controls mothers demonstrated 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) (p=0,666). We could not observed a difference between the frequency of the genotypes C677T and A1298C in case and controls. The frequency of the alele C and T for the polymorphism C677T were respectively 0,6585 and 0,3414 for the NTD patients; 0,6590 and 0,3410 for the controls; 0,6460 and 0,3540 for NTD mothers; 0,6136 and 0,3860 for the control mothers. The frequencies of the allele A and C for the polymorphism A1298C were respectively 0,7436 and 0,2564 for NTD patients, 0,7610 and 0,2390 for controls; 0,8055 and 0,1945 for NTD mothers; 0,8065 and 0,1935 for controls mothers. We could demonstrated that the homozygous 677TT had a higher level of homocysteine and this was related to low level of vitamin B12. Those findings suggest that biochemical and genetic factors related to homocysteine metabolism and vitamin B12 deficiency are a risk factor to NTD in our population.

Metabolismo da homocisteína e defeitos do tubo neural : um estudo bioquímico e molecular no sul do Brasil

Felix, Temis Maria January 2002 (has links)
Os defeitos de fechamento de tubo neural constituem uma das malformações mais freqüentes na espécie humana, apresentando alta morbi-mortalidade. Sua etiologia é considerada multifatorial, estando envolvidos fatores genéticos e ambientais. Estes fatores estão relacionados principalmente com o metabolismo da homocisteína. Realizamos um estudo de caso-controle com o objetivo de estudar os fatores bioquímicos e genéticos relacionados ao DTN na nossa população. Em pares de afetados com DTN e suas mães e pares de pacientes normais e suas mães foram avaliados dosagem de folato, vitamina B12, homocisteína e polimorfismos da enzima metileno tetraidrofolato redutase (MTHFR), C677T e A1298C. A dosagem de folato nos casos foi 11,37 ng/mL(±6,72) e nos controles 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) (p<0,001). O folato sérico das mães foi 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) e 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) nas mães controles (p<0,001). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 foi de 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) nos casos e 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) nos controles (p= 0,205). A média de dosagem de vitamina B12 nas mães dos casos foi 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) e 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) nas mães controles (p=0,004). O nível de homocisteína plasmático médio foi 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) para os casos e 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) para os controles (p=0,099). Nas mães dos casos a dosagem média de homocisteína foi 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) e 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) nas mães controles (p=0,666). Não houve diferença entre a freqüência dos genótipos C677T e A1298C da MTHFR nos casos e controles e suas mães. Para o polimorfismo C677T as freqüências dos alelo C e T foram respectivamente 0,6585 e 0,3414 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,6590 e 0,3410 nos controles; 0,6460 e 0,3540 nas mães dos casos e 0,6136 e 0,3860 nas mães controles. Para o polimorfismo A1298C as freqüências dos alelos A e C foram respectivamente 0,7436 e 0,2564 nos pacientes com DTN; 0,7610 e 0,2390 nos controles; 0,8055 e 0,1945 nas mães dos casos e 0,8065 e 0,1935 nas mães controles. Identificamos que indivíduos homozigotos 677TT apresentam um maior nível de homocisteína e este é inversamente relacionado com os níveis de vitamina B12. Estes achados sugerem que uma alteração metabólica relacionada ao metabolismo da homocisteína e principalmente devido à diminuição da vitamina B12 seja um fator de risco para DTN na nossa população. / Neural tube defects (NTD) are among the most common birth defect leading to great disabilities. The etiology is multifactorial, involving the combined action of both genetic and environmental factors. Those factors have been related to homocysteine metabolism. We performed a case control study in order to evaluate the biochemical and genetic factors related to NTD in the South of Brazil. A mother- NTD children pair and mother normal children were evaluated for folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine and two polymorphism of the methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), C677T and A1298C. The folate level was 11,37 ng/mL (±6,72) in the NTD patients and 5,64 ng/mL(±4,16) in the controls (p<0,001). The folate was 7,27 ng/mL (±4,48) in the NTD mothers and 3,90 ng/mL (±1,77) in the control mothers (p<0,001). The level of vitamin B12 was 641,88 pg/mL ((±262,21) in the NTD case and 743,27 pg/mL (±433,52) in the controls (p= 0,205). The levels of vitamin B12 in the NTD mothers was 354,75 pg/mL (±142,06) and 465,25 pg/mL (±194,91) in the control mothers (p=0,004). The pasmatic homocysteine level was 6,89 μmol/L(±4,48) for the NTD cases and 5,41 μmol/L (±2,55) for the controls (p=0,099). The NTD mothers showed homocysteine level of 7,23 μmol/L (±2,64) and the controls mothers demonstrated 7,00 μmol/L (±2,24) (p=0,666). We could not observed a difference between the frequency of the genotypes C677T and A1298C in case and controls. The frequency of the alele C and T for the polymorphism C677T were respectively 0,6585 and 0,3414 for the NTD patients; 0,6590 and 0,3410 for the controls; 0,6460 and 0,3540 for NTD mothers; 0,6136 and 0,3860 for the control mothers. The frequencies of the allele A and C for the polymorphism A1298C were respectively 0,7436 and 0,2564 for NTD patients, 0,7610 and 0,2390 for controls; 0,8055 and 0,1945 for NTD mothers; 0,8065 and 0,1935 for controls mothers. We could demonstrated that the homozygous 677TT had a higher level of homocysteine and this was related to low level of vitamin B12. Those findings suggest that biochemical and genetic factors related to homocysteine metabolism and vitamin B12 deficiency are a risk factor to NTD in our population.

Prevalência de defeitos do tubo neural no estado de São Paulo antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico / Prevalence of neural tube defects in the state of Sao Paulo before and after fortification of flour with folic acid

Camila Florido Baldino 19 December 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Defeitos do tubo neural (DTN) são as malformações mais freqüentes do sistema nervoso. Decorrem de falha no fechamento do tubo neural embrionário entre 21-28 dias após a concepção e representam importante causa de morbimortalidade infantil passível de prevenção. Os defeitos mais freqüentes são anencefalia e espinha bífida. Considerando que o ácido fólico reduz o risco de DTN, a fortificação compulsória das farinhas de trigo e milho com ferro e ácido fólico passou a ser obrigatória no Brasil desde junho de 2004. Assim, delineou-se este estudo com vistas a proporcionar uma base de referência sobre a evolução do problema no Estado de São Paulo e contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas que visam a prevenção e a minimização desse problema de saúde em nível populacional. Objetivo: Comparar a prevalência de DTN no Estado de São Paulo, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico. Método: Estudo transversal analítico que utilizou dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc) nos períodos antes (2001-2003) e após (2006-2008) a fortificação obrigatória das farinhas com ácido fólico. A variável dependente foi a presença de DTN, identificado pelos códigos Q00 (anencefalia), Q01 (encefalocele) e Q05 (espinha bífida, que inclui meningocele e mielomeningocele) da 10ª Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10). Avaliou-se a prevalência de DTN segundo período (antes/após-fortificação), características maternas e do recém nascido. Odds Ratio (OR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%) foram utilizados para análise dos dados, conduzida no software R. Utilizou-se o teste de qui-quadrado com nível de confiança de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência total de DTN diminuiu significativamente no período estudado, passando de 0,57 por mil nascidos vivos antes da fortificação para 0,37 por mil nascidos vivos após a fortificação (OR:0,65; IC95%:0,59-0,72). Tanto a espinha bífida (OR:0,52; IC95%:0,45-0,59) quanto a anencefalia (OR:0,79; IC95%:0,67-0,92) foram menos prevalentes no período após a fortificação. Encefalocele foi a menos freqüente e não mostrou diferença na prevalência entre os períodos. Análise estratificada segundo características maternas e infantis mostrou associação estatisticamente significativa de DTN com idade materna no período antes da fortificação e com escolaridade materna, número de consultas de pré-natal e duração da gestação em ambos os períodos. As variáveis do recém-nascido que se associaram estatisticamente com DTN foram sexo no período antes da fortificação e peso ao nascer em ambos os períodos. A análise estratificada da prevalência de DTN mostrou redução significativa após a fortificação para mulheres de todas as faixas etárias (exceto para <15 anos), para aquelas com mais de três anos de estudo, com ou sem companheiro, com sete consultas de pré-natal ou mais e menos de 42 semanas de gestação. Em relação às características do recém-nascido, a análise apontou redução significativa para ambos os sexos, para nascidos com menos de 4000g e todas as raça/cor (exceto preta e outros). Conclusões: O estudo mostrou redução significativa na prevalência total de DTN no Estado de São Paulo após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico e também nas prevalências de anencefalia e espinha bífida. Embora tenha que se considerar que outros fatores possam ter contribuído para esse declínio, os resultados reiteram a importância da fortificação das farinhas como medida de prevenção primária na redução da ocorrência de DTN. / Introduction: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most frequent malformations of the nervous system. Result of failure in the embryonic neural tube between 21-28 days after conception and are an important cause of preventable child mortality. The most frequent defects are anencephaly and spina bifida. Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTDs, Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTD, the compulsory fortification of wheat and corn flour with iron and folic acid became mandatory in Brazil since June 2004. Thus, this study was outlined in order to provide a baseline on the evolution of the problem in the State of Sao Paulo and contribute to the improvement of public policies aimed at prevention and minimization of this health problem at the population level. Objective: To compare the prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo, before and after fortification of flour with folic acid. Methods: Analytical transversal study used data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc) in the periods before (2001-2003) and after (2006-2008) the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid. The dependent variable was the presence of NTDs, identified by the codes Q00 (anencephaly), Q01 (encephalocele) and Q05 (spina bifida, meningocele and myelomeningocele including) the 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Evaluated the prevalence of NTDs second period (before / after-fortification), and maternal characteristics of the newborn. Odds Ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (95%) were used for data analysis, conducted in the software R. Was used the chi-square test with a confidence level of 5%. Results: The total prevalence of NTDs decreased significantly during the study period, from 0,57 per thousand live births before fortification to 0,37 for a thousand live births after fortification (OR:0,65; IC95%: 0,59-0,72). Both spina bifida (OR:0,52; IC95%: 0,45-0,59) and anencephaly (OR:0,79; IC95%: 0,67-0,92) were less prevalent in the period after fortification. Encephalocele was less frequent and showed no difference in prevalence between periods. Analysis stratified by maternal characteristics and infant showed a statistically significant association of NTDs with maternal age in the period before fortification and maternal education, number of prenatal visits and duration of pregnancy in both periods. The variables of the newborn that is statistically associated with NTDs were sex in the period before fortification and birth weight in both periods. The stratified analysis of the prevalence of NTDs showed a significant decrease after fortification for women of all ages (except for <15 years) for those with more than three years of study, with or without a partner, with seven prenatal consultations or more and less than 42 weeks of gestation. In relation to the characteristics of the newborn, the analysis showed a significant reduction for both sexes, born to less than 4000g and all race/color (except black and others). Conclusions: The study showed a significant reduction in the overall prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo after fortification of flour with folic acid and also in the prevalence of anencephaly and spina bifida. Although it is found that other factors may have contributed to this decline, the results reiterate the importance of fortification of flour as a measure of primary prevention in reducing the incidence of NTDs.

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