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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fetal Outcome in Experimental Diabetic Pregnancy

Zabihi, Sheller January 2008 (has links)
<p>Women with pregestational diabetes have a 2-5 fold increased risk of giving birth to malformed babies compared with non-diabetic women. Diabetes-induced oxidative stress in maternal and embryonic tissues has been implicated in the teratogenic process. The malformations are likely to be induced before the seventh week of pregnancy, when the yolk sac is partly responsible for the transfer of metabolites to the embryo, and the uterine blood flow to the implantation site determines the net amount of nutrients available to the conceptus. We aimed to evaluate the effect on embryogenesis caused by a diabetes-induced disturbance in yolk sac morphology, uterine blood flow or altered maternal antioxidative status in conjunction with a varied severity of the maternal diabetic state.</p><p>We investigated to which extent maternal diabetes with or without folic acid (FA) supplementation affects mRNA levels and protein distribution of ROS scavenging enzymes (SOD, CAT, GPX), vascular endothelial growth factor-A (Vegf-A), folate binding protein-1 (Folbp-1), and apoptosis associated proteins (Bax, Bcl-2, Caspase-3) in the yolk sacs of rat embryos on gestational days 10 and 11. We found that maternal diabetes impairs, and that FA supplementation restores, yolk sac vessel morphology, and that maternal diabetes is associated with increased apoptotic rate in embryos and yolk sacs, as well as impaired SOD gene expression. We assessed uterine blood flow with a laser-Doppler-flow-meter and found increased blood flow to implantation sites of diabetic rats compared with controls. Furthermore, resorbed and malformed offspring showed increased and decreased blood flow to their implantation sites, respectively. In mice with genetically altered CuZnSOD levels, maternal diabetes increased embryonic dysmorphogenesis irrespective of CuZnSOD expression. We thus found the maternal diabetic state to be a major determinant of diabetic embryopathy and that the CuZnSOD status exerts a partial protection for the embryo in diabetic pregnancy. </p>

La prise d’acide folique en période périconceptionnelle : une étude sur la concordance aux directives cliniques canadiennes et sur l’impact sur la prévalence des malformations congénitales au Québec

Richard-Tremblay, Audrey-Ann 09 1900 (has links)
La prise d’un supplément d’acide folique en période préconceptionnelle réduit le risque d’une anomalie du tube neural (ATN), une malformation du système nerveux. Dans le but d’en réduire la prévalence, la Société des Obstétriciens et Gynécologues du Canada a émis de nouvelles directives cliniques en 2007 qui tenaient compte de différents facteurs de risque pour les ATN et pour qui la dose recommandée variait selon le profil de risque de la femme, allant de 0,4 à 5,0 mg d’acide folique. Jusqu’à présent, peu de données sont disponibles sur les effets de la prise d’une haute dose d’acide folique. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient: 1) d’évaluer la concordance entre la supplémentation en acide folique chez les femmes enceintes et les nouvelles recommandations canadiennes; 2) d’identifier les déterminants d’une utilisation concordante et 3) d’évaluer si la prise de hautes doses d’acide folique en période périconceptionnelle réduisait le risque de malformations congénitales autre que les ATN. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une étude transversale et une étude écologique ont été effectuées. La première incluait 361 femmes enceintes recrutées aux cliniques d’obstétriques du CHU Sainte-Justine et la deuxième utilisait le Registre Québécois des Grossesses, issu du jumelage de trois banques de données administratives au Québec (RAMQ, Med-Écho et ISQ), où 152 392 couples mère-enfant ont été identifiés. Seul 27% des femmes enceintes ayant participé à l’étude transversale avaient une supplémentation en acide folique, avec ou sans ordonnance, concordante aux lignes directrices canadiennes. La concordance variait selon leur profil de facteurs de risque pour les ATN. Notre étude écologique montre que la prévalence annuelle de l’utilisation de haute dose d’acide folique (avec ordonnance) en période périconceptionnelle a augmenté de 0,17% à 0,80% (p < 0,0001) entre 1998 et 2008 et que la prévalence des malformations congénitales majeures a augmenté de 15% au cours de la même période (3,35% à 3,87%, p<0,0001). Les résultats de nos deux études montrent que l’acide folique n’est pas largement utilisé par les femmes en âge de procréer et ce, peu importe la dose. De nouvelles campagnes de santé publique devront être mises sur pied, afin d’inciter les femmes à consommer de l’acide folique avant et pendant leur grossesse. Également, la prise de haute dose d’acide folique ne semble pas avoir diminué le risque de malformations congénitales, à l’échelle populationnelle. / The use of folic acid during the preconceptionnal period reduces the risk of neural tube defects (NTD), a malformation of the nervous system. In order to reduce it’s prevalence, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada proposed new practice clinical guidelines, in 2007, on the use of pre-conceptional vitamin/folic acid supplementation for the prevention of NTDs, with specific recommendations to prevent recurrences and occurrences among women with intermediate to high health risk factors and for whom the dose was different. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the concordance between the new guidelines and folic acid use in real life; 2) to identify predictors associated with a recommended folic acid supplementation, and 3) to evaluate if the use of folic acid could reduce the risk of congenital malformations other than NTDs. A cross-sectional study and an ecological study have been conducted. 361 women were recruited in obstetrics outpatient clinic at the CHU Ste-Justine for the first study and 152,392 pregnancies and babies were identified in the Quebec Pregnancy Registry, which results from the linkage of three administrative health care databases from Quebec (RAMQ, Med-Echo and ISQ) for the second study. Only 27% of the wowen recruited for the first study had periconceptional folic acid supplementation intake that was concordant with guideline. Concordance varied according to their health risk factors profile for NTD. Our ecological study showed that the annual prevalence of periconceptional folic acid use increased from 0.17% to 0.80% (p < 0,0001) from 1998 to 2008 and birth prevalence of major congenital malformations increased by 15% (3.35% to 3.87%, p < 0,0001) during the same period. Our findings highlight the fact that folic acid is not widely used by women of childbearing age, regardless of the dose. There is a need for new public health programs to encourange women to consume folic acid every day before and during pregnancy. Moreover, the use of high dose folic acid does not seem to be correlated with a decline in the prevalence of major congenital malformations, on a populational level.

Uticaj metformina na nastanak deficita vitamina B12 kod pacijenata sa tipom 2 dijabetes melitusa / Effects of metformin induce vitamin B12 deficiency in type 2 Diabetes mellitus

Nikolić Stanislava 17 April 2019 (has links)
<p>Prema podacima iz 2011 godine, u Srbiji je približno 630 000 ljudi (8,6%) obolelo od dijabetes melitus-a, a procenjuje se da će taj broj porasti na 730 000 (10,2%) do 2030 godine. Preko 90% obolelih ima tip 2 dijabetes melitus (T2DM). Prva linija medikamentne terapije predstavljaju bigvanidi čiji je najznačajniji predstavnik metformin. Prema literaturnim podacima, u oko 10-30% sluĉajeva, kontinuirana upotreba metformina ima za posledicu smanjenu intestinalnu apsorpciju vitamina B12. Tačan patofiziolo&scaron;ki mehanizam koji dovodi do metforminom indukovane malapsorpcije vitamina B12 nije u potpunosti ispitan i poznat i postoji nekoliko aktuelnih teorija s ciljem obja&scaron;njenja ovog kompleksnog problema. Cilj rada je bio utvrđivanje nivoa, dinamike, trenda i učestalosti promena vitamina B12, holotranskobalamina (B12 aktiv), homocisteina i folne kiseline tokom kontinuirane primene metformina tokom godinu dana. Studija praćenja je sprovedena u Centru za laboratorijsku medicinu a u saradnji sa Klinikom za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma, Kliničkog centra Vojvodine. Ovom studijom je obuhvaćeno 50 ispitanika obolelih od T2DM a u momentu uvođenja metformina. Svim ispitanicima je određivana koncentracija vitamina B12, B12 aktiva, homocisteina i folne kiseline, u momentu uvođenja terapije kao i nakon 4, 8 i 12 meseci primene metformina. Za dvanaest meseci kontinuirane primene metformina, utvrđen je kontinuirani pad i redukcija vrednosti ukupnog vitamina B12 za 25.29 %, odnosno vrednosti B12 aktiva za 23.26 %. U toku ispitivanja, utvrđen je kontinuirani trend porasta vrednosti homocisteina u krvi, s statistički značajnim porastom vrednosti homocisteina nakon osam meseci primene metformina. Po&scaron;av&scaron;i od predpostavki da metformin istovremeno blokira apsorpciju vitamina B12 u gastrointestinalnom traktu kao i raspoloživost iz postojećih, tkivnih rezervi, zatečene količine ovog vitamina u ciljnim ćelijama se postepeno redukuju i tro&scaron;e, rezultujući krajnjem snižavanju nivoa metabolički aktivnih oblika kobalamina, te posledičnoj akumulaciji homocisteina kako u ćelijskom, tako i u vanćelijskom prostoru. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ispitivanja može se predložiti opservacija nivoa ukupnog vitamina B12 i homocisteina u krvi pre uvođenja metformina u terapiju tipa 2 dijabetes melitusa kao i dvanaest meseci nakon toga. Na osnovu nivoa jednogodi&scaron;njeg pada koncentracija ukupnog vitamina B12, porasta koncentracija homocisteina, kao i drugih kliničkih i laboratorijskih parametara, može se razmatrati opcija uvođenja supstitucione terapije vitaminom B12 ili dalja opservacija nivoa vitamin B12 u krvi i ćelijskom prostoru.</p> / <p>According to data from 2011, in Serbia, approximately 630.000 people (8.6%) were diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and it is estimated that this number will increase to 730.000 (10.2%) by 2030. Over 90% are type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. The first line of medication therapy is metformin. According to the literature data, in about 10-30% of cases, continuous use of metformin causes impared intestinal absorption of vitamin B12. The exact pathophysiological mechanism leading to metformin induced malabsorption of vitamin B12 has not been fully known, and there are several current theories to explain this complex problem. The aim of this study was to determine the level, dynamics, trend and frequency of changes in blood levels of total vitamin B12, holotranscobalamin (B12 active), homocysteine and folic acid during continuous application of metformin, over a year. The study was carried out at the Center of Laboratory Medicine in cooperation with the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Clinical Center of Vojvodina. This study included 50 T2DM patients at the time of the introduction of metformin therapy. Levels of vitamin B12, holotranscobalamin, homocysteine and folic acid are determined before and after 4, 8 and 12 months of metformin administration, to all subjects. After a year of metformin use, the level of total vitamin B12 has been reduced by 25.29%, as well as holotranskobalamin by 23.26%. During the study, a continuous elevation of homocysteine levels was determined, with statistically significant increase in homocysteine values after eight months of metformin administration. Starting from the assumption that metformin blocks the absorption of vitamin B12 in the gastrointestinal tract as well as the availability of existing tissue reserves, the amount of this vitamin in the target cells is gradually reduced, resulting in an extremely low level of metabolically active forms of this vitamin and the consequent accumulation of homocysteine in intracellular and extracellular space. On the basis of the obtained test results, it may suggest observation of the level of total vitamin B12 and homocysteine prior to the introduction of metformin in T2DM therapy and after one year thereafter. Based on the level of one-year decline of total vitamin B12 and the increase of homocysteine concentrations, as well as other clinical and laboratory parameters, substitution therapy with vitamin B12 or further monitoring of laboratory parameters of vitamin B12 metabolism may be proposed.</p>

Etude des facteurs de risque des leucémies de l'enfant / Study of risk factors of childhood leukemia

Amigou, Alicia 24 April 2013 (has links)
Objectif : Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une recherche étiologique sur les leucémies aigues (LA) de l’enfant, pathologies dont les facteurs de risque sont peu connus. Plusieurs hypothèses ont été testées : 1) le rôle protecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique avant et pendant la grossesse et l’investigation par une approche gène-candidat du rôle de polymorphismes communs rs1801133 et 1801131 de MTHFR et rs1801394 et rs1532268 de MTRR supposés modifier le métabolisme des folates, 2) l’association entre la profession et des expositions professionnelles maternelles lors de la grossesse, 3) l’existence d’un lien positif avec l’exposition des enfants au trafic routier. Matériel et méthodes : Les données analysées proviennent d’une étude cas-témoins française, ESCALE, basée sur le Registre National des Hémopathies malignes de l’Enfant et réalisée en population générale sur la période 2003-2004. L’échantillon comportait 648 cas de leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique [LAL], 116 cas de leucémie aiguë non lymphoblastique [LANL], et 1681 témoins de moins de 15 ans. L’échantillonnage a été stratifié sur l’âge et le sexe. Les données ont été recueillies auprès des mères à l’aide d’un questionnaire téléphonique standardisé, identique pour les cas et les témoins. Les génotypes ont été obtenus par génotypage à haut débit, pangénomique pour les cas et à façon pour les témoins, et par imputation pour les polymorphismes non génotypés. Le géocodage des adresses et des indicateurs dérivés de données d’émission de trafic ont permis d’estimer l’exposition des enfants au trafic routier. Les odds ratios (OR) ont été estimés à l’aide de modèles de régression logistique non conditionnelle, incluant les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Résultats : Le risque de LA était significativement inversement associé à une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique avant ou pendant la grossesse (OR=0.4 [0.3-0.6]). Aucun des polymorphismes génétiques de MTHFR et de MTRR n’était associé au risque de LA. Cependant, le fait d’être à la fois porteur homozygote des allèles variants de l’un des polymorphismes de MTHFR, et porteur de deux allèles variants des polymorphismes de MTRR était positivement associé au risque de LA (OR=1.6 [0.9-3.1]). Nous n’observions pas d’interaction entre MTHFR, MTRR et une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique. Des associations positives et significatives on été mises en évidence entre le risque de LA et des expositions auto-déclarées professionnelles maternelles pendant la grossesse, aux teintures de cheveux (OR=3.0 [1.7-5.2]), à des peintures ou vernis et/ou colles (OR=1.5 [1.1-2.2]), et à des rayonnements ionisants (OR=2.4 [1.3-4.6]). Cependant, ces associations étaient limitées aux fréquences d’exposition de moins d’1 heure par semaine et peuvent refléter une sur-déclaration chez les cas. L’exposition maternelle professionnelle aux pesticides n’était pas associée aux LA dans notre étude.Les LA étaient significativement associées à des concentrations élevées de NO2 de fond liées au trafic estimées au lieu de résidence (OR=1.2 [1.0-1.5]) et avec la présence de routes à fort trafic dans un rayon de 500 m centré sur ce lieu (OR=2.0 [1.0-3.6]). Nous observions une association significative entre les LA et une densité élevée de routes à fort trafic dans un rayon de 500 m (OR=2.2 [1.1-4.2]), avec une tendance linéaire positive significative de l’association des LAL avec la longueur totale de routes à fort trafic dans un rayon de 500 m.Conclusion : Cette thèse apporte des arguments en faveur du rôle protecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle périconceptionnelle en acide folique. Elle suggère également un rôle des polymorphismes de MTHFR et MTRR dans le risque des LA, sans interaction toutefois avec la supplémentation. Enfin, elle renforce l’hypothèse que vivre près de routes à fort trafic pourrait augmenter le risque de LA. / Objectives: This work investigated three hypotheses related to the etiology of childhood acute leukemia (AL):1) maternal folic acid supplementation before or during pregnancy reduces AL risk, accounting for the SNPs rs1801133 (C677T) and rs1801131 (A1298C) in MTHFR and rs1801394 (A66G) and rs1532268 (C524T) in MTRR, assumed to modify folate metabolism, 2) maternal occupation and occupational exposure during pregnancy may be link to LA 3) traffic is a source of environmental exposures, including benzene, which may be related to childhood leukemia. Methods: The data were obtained from the national registry-based case-control study ESCALE, carried out in France in 2003-2004. The ESCALE study included 764 cases and 1681 controls less than 15 years old and the controls were frequency matched with the cases on age and gender. The data were collected by a standardized telephone interview of the mothers. Various indicators of exposure to traffic and pollution were determined using the geocoded addresses at the time of diagnosis for the cases and of interview for the controls. The genotypes were obtained using high-throughput platforms and imputation for untyped polymorphisms. CITP-68 classification was used to classify maternal occupation during pregnancy. Indicators of the distance from, and density of, main roads and background traffic NO2 concentrations data were used. Odds ratio (OR) were estimated using unconditional regression models adjusted for potential confounders. Results: AL was significantly inversely associated with maternal folic acid supplementation before and during pregnancy (OR=0.4 [0.3–0.6]). MTHFR and MTRR genetic polymorphisms were not associated with AL. However, AL was positively associated with homozygosity for any of the MTHFR polymorphisms and carriership of both MTRR variant alleles (OR=1.6 [0.9–3.1]). No interaction was observed between MTHFR, MTRR, and maternal folate supplementation. Significant positive associations were observed between childhood AL and self-reported maternal occupational exposures during pregnancy to hair dye (OR=3.0 [1.7-5.2]), to paints or polishs and/or glues (OR=1.5 [1.1-2.2]), and to ionising radiations (OR=2.4 [1.3-4.6]). However, these associations were limited to exposure frequencies of less than 1 hour by week. Maternal occupational exposure to pesticides during pregnancy was not related to AL. AL was significantly associated with high estimates of traffic NO2 concentration at the place of residence(OR=1.2 [1.0-1.5]) and with the presence of a heavy-traffic road within 500 meters compared to the absence of a heavy-traffic road in the same area (OR=2.0 [1.0-3.6]). There was a significant association between AL and a high density of heavy-traffic roads within 500 meters in comparison to the reference category with no heavy-traffic road within 500 meters (OR=2.2 [1.1-4.2]), with a significant positive linear trend of the association of AL with the total length of heavy-traffic road within 500m. Conclusion: The study findings support the hypothesis that maternal folic acid supplementation may reduce the risk of childhood AL. The findings also suggest that the homozygous genotype for any of the MTHFR variants and carrying both MTRR variants could be a risk factor for AL. Finally, the results support the hypothesis that living close to heavy-traffic roads may increase the risk of childhood leukemia.

Análise de intervenção da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico na prevalência de defeitos do fechamento do tubo neural no Brasil / Análise de intervenção da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico na prevalência de defeitos do fechamento do tubo neural no Brasil

Nishida, Fernanda Shizue 28 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Malformações congênitas afetam 2-3% recém-nascidos e estima-se que metade desses problemas poderiam ser prevenidos. Considerando que o ácido fólico reduz o risco de DTN, que a fortificação compulsória das farinhas, de trigo e milho com ferro ácido fólico ocorre desde julho de 2004 e ainda que o Brasil é um país de grande heterogeneidade. Justifica-se, conhecer a evolução dos DTN e sua distribuição espaço-temporal, com vistas a contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas que visem a prevenção e a minimização desse problema na população brasileira. Objetivo: Analisar a intervenção da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico na prevalência de defeitos do fechamento do tubo neural no Brasil. Método: Estudo ecológico, transversal, de desenho misto. Dados foram obtidos do Sinasc. População de estudo foi composta pelos 12.992 casos de DTN (anencefalia, encefalocele e espinha bífida) entre 32.996.065 nascidos no período de 2000-2010. A prevalência de DTN foi calculada para cada 10.000 nascidos vivos. Foi realizada uma analise descritiva exploratória e posterior analise de regressão segmentada e análise espacial com utilização do Índide Global de Moran e indicador Local de Associação espacial. Foram utilizados os softwares Epi info versão 3.4; SPSS versão 17 Terraview versão 3.2.1 e o programa R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria; http://www.r-project.org).. Todos os aspectos éticos foram respeitados quanto ao uso das informações obtidas no banco de dados disponíveis no Datasus. Resultados: A prevalência global dos DTN foi de 3,94 casos para cada 10000nv. Ao longo dos anos, entre os anos de 2000 a 2010, verifica-se que o número de casos apresentou uma taxa de variação positiva de 17,3%. Crescimento representado em 2000, por 3,26 casos/10000nv que passou em 2010 para 4,28 casos/10000nv. Em 2005, verificou-se um declínio na prevalência, momento em que a fortificação estava de fato sendo implantada. Constata-se na análise de regressão segmentada que a tendência em praticamente todos os estados tem três segmentos: uma tendência de aumento, seguido de queda no momento da intervenção e posterior tendência de aumento. Foram mapeadas as prevalências da doença em dois triênios, o primeiro antes da fortificação, entre 2001-2003 e o segundo após entre 2008-2010. A prevalência de DTN aumentou no segundo triênio em 19 estados brasileiros. Observou-se áreas de conglomerados embora nem sempre exista a autocorrelação espacial. Conclusão: Conclui-se que embora a prevalência dos DTN tenha declinado em meados de 2005, ela volta a crescer após esse período de modo significativo em alguns estados. Deve-se buscar monitorar o teor do ácido fólico nas farinhas através da implantação de uma metodologia analítica para monitoramento dos alimentos fortificados. A distribuição espaço temporal dos agravos abordados é importante, pois permite a compreensão desses eventos complexos e dinâmicos. Estudos nessa área contribuem na elaboração de políticas públicas para reduzir a prevalência dessas doenças. / Introduction: Congenital malformations affect 2-3% of newborns and it is estimated that half of these problems could be prevented. Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTDs, the mandatory fortification of flour, wheat and corn with iron folic acid occurs since July 2004 in Brazil and this is a country of great diversity. These aspects justify studying the evolution of NTD and their distribution in time and space, to contribute to the improvement of public policies for the prevention and reduction of these diseases in Brazilian population. Objective: To analyze the intervention of the fortification of flour with folic acid in the prevalence of neural tube defects in Brazil. Methods: Ecological study, cross, mixed design. Data were obtained from SINASC. Study population consisted of 12 992 cases of NTDs (anencephaly, encephalocele and spina bifida) between 32,996,065 born in 2000-2010 period. The prevalence of NTDs was calculated for every 10,000 live births. An exploratory descriptive analysis and later segmented regression analysis and spatial analysis using the Global index Moran and Local. Epi Info version 3.4 software were used; SPSS version 17, Terraview version 3.2.1 and the R program (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria; http://www.r-project.org). All ethical aspects were respected in the use of information obtained the database available in Datasus. Results: The overall prevalence of NTDs was 3.94 cases per 10000nv. Over the years between 2000 and 2010, it was found that the number of cases showed a positive rate of change of 17.3%. Growth represented in 2000 by 3.26 cases / 10000nv that passed in 2010 to 4.28 cases / 10000nv. In 2005, there was a decline in the prevalence, at which time the fortification was actually being implemented. Notes on the segmented regression analysis that the trend in every state has three segments: an increasing trend, followed by a decrease at the time of intervention and subsequent increasing trend. The prevalence of the disease in two periods were mapped, the first before fortification, between 2001-2003 and between 2008-2010 after the second. The prevalence of NTDs increased in the second three years in 19 Brazilian states. It was noted areas where clustering though not always there spatial autocorrelation. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of NTDs has declined in mid-2005, it grows back after this period significantly in some states. It should seek to monitor the content of folic acid in flour through the implementation of an analytical methodology for monitoring of fortified foods. The timeline distribution of diseases covered is important because it gives an understanding of these complex and dynamic events. Studies in this area contribute to the development of public policies to reduce the prevalence of these diseases.

Prevalência de defeitos do tubo neural no estado de São Paulo antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico / Prevalence of neural tube defects in the state of Sao Paulo before and after fortification of flour with folic acid

Baldino, Camila Florido 19 December 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Defeitos do tubo neural (DTN) são as malformações mais freqüentes do sistema nervoso. Decorrem de falha no fechamento do tubo neural embrionário entre 21-28 dias após a concepção e representam importante causa de morbimortalidade infantil passível de prevenção. Os defeitos mais freqüentes são anencefalia e espinha bífida. Considerando que o ácido fólico reduz o risco de DTN, a fortificação compulsória das farinhas de trigo e milho com ferro e ácido fólico passou a ser obrigatória no Brasil desde junho de 2004. Assim, delineou-se este estudo com vistas a proporcionar uma base de referência sobre a evolução do problema no Estado de São Paulo e contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas que visam a prevenção e a minimização desse problema de saúde em nível populacional. Objetivo: Comparar a prevalência de DTN no Estado de São Paulo, antes e após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico. Método: Estudo transversal analítico que utilizou dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc) nos períodos antes (2001-2003) e após (2006-2008) a fortificação obrigatória das farinhas com ácido fólico. A variável dependente foi a presença de DTN, identificado pelos códigos Q00 (anencefalia), Q01 (encefalocele) e Q05 (espinha bífida, que inclui meningocele e mielomeningocele) da 10ª Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID-10). Avaliou-se a prevalência de DTN segundo período (antes/após-fortificação), características maternas e do recém nascido. Odds Ratio (OR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC95%) foram utilizados para análise dos dados, conduzida no software R. Utilizou-se o teste de qui-quadrado com nível de confiança de 5%. Resultados: A prevalência total de DTN diminuiu significativamente no período estudado, passando de 0,57 por mil nascidos vivos antes da fortificação para 0,37 por mil nascidos vivos após a fortificação (OR:0,65; IC95%:0,59-0,72). Tanto a espinha bífida (OR:0,52; IC95%:0,45-0,59) quanto a anencefalia (OR:0,79; IC95%:0,67-0,92) foram menos prevalentes no período após a fortificação. Encefalocele foi a menos freqüente e não mostrou diferença na prevalência entre os períodos. Análise estratificada segundo características maternas e infantis mostrou associação estatisticamente significativa de DTN com idade materna no período antes da fortificação e com escolaridade materna, número de consultas de pré-natal e duração da gestação em ambos os períodos. As variáveis do recém-nascido que se associaram estatisticamente com DTN foram sexo no período antes da fortificação e peso ao nascer em ambos os períodos. A análise estratificada da prevalência de DTN mostrou redução significativa após a fortificação para mulheres de todas as faixas etárias (exceto para <15 anos), para aquelas com mais de três anos de estudo, com ou sem companheiro, com sete consultas de pré-natal ou mais e menos de 42 semanas de gestação. Em relação às características do recém-nascido, a análise apontou redução significativa para ambos os sexos, para nascidos com menos de 4000g e todas as raça/cor (exceto preta e outros). Conclusões: O estudo mostrou redução significativa na prevalência total de DTN no Estado de São Paulo após a fortificação das farinhas com ácido fólico e também nas prevalências de anencefalia e espinha bífida. Embora tenha que se considerar que outros fatores possam ter contribuído para esse declínio, os resultados reiteram a importância da fortificação das farinhas como medida de prevenção primária na redução da ocorrência de DTN. / Introduction: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most frequent malformations of the nervous system. Result of failure in the embryonic neural tube between 21-28 days after conception and are an important cause of preventable child mortality. The most frequent defects are anencephaly and spina bifida. Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTDs, Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTD, the compulsory fortification of wheat and corn flour with iron and folic acid became mandatory in Brazil since June 2004. Thus, this study was outlined in order to provide a baseline on the evolution of the problem in the State of Sao Paulo and contribute to the improvement of public policies aimed at prevention and minimization of this health problem at the population level. Objective: To compare the prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo, before and after fortification of flour with folic acid. Methods: Analytical transversal study used data from the Information System on Live Births (Sinasc) in the periods before (2001-2003) and after (2006-2008) the mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid. The dependent variable was the presence of NTDs, identified by the codes Q00 (anencephaly), Q01 (encephalocele) and Q05 (spina bifida, meningocele and myelomeningocele including) the 10th International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Evaluated the prevalence of NTDs second period (before / after-fortification), and maternal characteristics of the newborn. Odds Ratio (OR) and confidence intervals (95%) were used for data analysis, conducted in the software R. Was used the chi-square test with a confidence level of 5%. Results: The total prevalence of NTDs decreased significantly during the study period, from 0,57 per thousand live births before fortification to 0,37 for a thousand live births after fortification (OR:0,65; IC95%: 0,59-0,72). Both spina bifida (OR:0,52; IC95%: 0,45-0,59) and anencephaly (OR:0,79; IC95%: 0,67-0,92) were less prevalent in the period after fortification. Encephalocele was less frequent and showed no difference in prevalence between periods. Analysis stratified by maternal characteristics and infant showed a statistically significant association of NTDs with maternal age in the period before fortification and maternal education, number of prenatal visits and duration of pregnancy in both periods. The variables of the newborn that is statistically associated with NTDs were sex in the period before fortification and birth weight in both periods. The stratified analysis of the prevalence of NTDs showed a significant decrease after fortification for women of all ages (except for <15 years) for those with more than three years of study, with or without a partner, with seven prenatal consultations or more and less than 42 weeks of gestation. In relation to the characteristics of the newborn, the analysis showed a significant reduction for both sexes, born to less than 4000g and all race/color (except black and others). Conclusions: The study showed a significant reduction in the overall prevalence of NTDs in the State of Sao Paulo after fortification of flour with folic acid and also in the prevalence of anencephaly and spina bifida. Although it is found that other factors may have contributed to this decline, the results reiterate the importance of fortification of flour as a measure of primary prevention in reducing the incidence of NTDs.

Efeitos do ácido fólico não metabolizado na metilação global do DNA, na expressão de RNAm dos genes de DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-&#947;, TNF-&#945; e interleucina-8, e na citotoxicidade das células NK / Effects of unmetabolized folic acid on global DNA methylation, on mRNA expression of DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-&#945;, TNF-&#945; and interleukin-8 genes, and on NK cells cytotoxicity.

Paniz, Clóvis 27 November 2015 (has links)
Com o início da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico (AF) no Brasil, a partir 2004, a população passou a estar exposta de modo compulsório a maiores quantidades desta vitamina. Sabe-se que o AF na sua forma sintética pode não ser completamente convertido para formas metabolicamente ativas, levando ao aparecimento de uma fração não metabolizada no organismo. Este fato é mais preocupante nos indivíduos que além da fortificação, fazem uso terapêutico dessa vitamina, como em pacientes com anemias hemolíticas (esferocitose hereditária (EH), &#946;-talassemia heterozigótica (&#946;-TH), entre outras). O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar se as concentrações séricas de AF não metabolizado (UMFA) afetam a metilação global do DNA; a expressão de RNAm de genes da DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-&#947;, TNF-&#945; e interleucina (IL)-8; e a citotoxicidade de células NK. Foram incluídos 27 pacientes com EH, 50 indivíduos com &#946;-talassemia heterozigótica (&#946;-TH) e 136 indivíduos saudáveis. Outros 30 indivíduos saudáveis foram incluídos num estudo de intervenção com 5mg/dia de AF durante 90 dias. Foram realizadas as análises de: ácido fólico sérico, eritrocitário e UMFA, vitamina B12, homocisteína total; expressões de RNAm dos genes de MTHFR, DHFR, IFN-&#947;, TNF-&#945; e IL-8; citotoxicidade das células NK; metilação global do DNA e citocinas séricas IL6, IL-8, IL10, IFN-&#947; e TNF-&#945;. Resultados: Os pacientes EH apresentaram maiores concentrações de AF (sérico, eritrocitário e UMFA) que seus controles, sendo que 55,5% (método microbiológico) e 74,1% (método LC-MS/MS) apresentaram concentrações suprafisiológicas da vitamina, e 74,1% apresentaram concentrações aumentadas de UMFA. No grupo &#946;-TH foi observado maiores concentrações de folato eritrocitário comparado ao controle e 22% dos indivíduos tinham concentrações suprafisiológicas de AF. No estudo de intervenção, após 45 e 90 dias de uso de AF as concentrações suprafisiológicas estavam presentes em 93,3% dos indivíduos e 100% deles apresentavam concentrações aumentadas de UMFA. Não foram observadas diferenças nas taxas de metilação global do DNA entre os grupos EH e &#946;-TH quando comparados aos seus controles e não foi verificada correlação entre metilação global e concentrações de UMFA. Tanto EH quanto &#946;-TH apresentaram maior expressão de RNAm de IL-8, quando comparados aos seus controles. No grupo de intervenção houve maior expressão de IL-8 após 45 dias de uso de AF quando comparado ao período pré-intervenção. Foi mostrada uma correlação inversa entre as concentrações de folato eritrocitário com o número de células NK no grupo EH e com a capacidade citotóxica das células NK no grupo total (EH + controle). No grupo intervenção foi observado menor número e menor capacidade citotóxica das células NK após 90 dias de uso de AF. Conclusões: O uso de AF 5mg/dia foi associado com aumento expressivo das concentrações de folato sérico, eritrocitário, UMFA, na expressão de RNAm de genes da citocina inflamatória IL-8 e redução do número e da citotoxicidade das células NK. Dessa forma, altas doses de AF podem resultar em alterações de componentes do sistema imune podendo prejudicar os mecanismos de vigilância celular das células NK. Os nossos achados sugerem que é importante o acompanhamento terapêutico dos pacientes que fazem uso de AF, especialmente aqueles indivíduos que fazem uso crônico desta vitamina por longo tempo, como os pacientes com anemias hemolíticas, mulheres que desejam engravidar e gestantes. / With the beginning of the fortification of flour with folic acid (FA) in Brazil, since 2004, the population has been exposed compulsorily to larger amounts of this vitamin. It is known that FA in its synthetic form can not be completely converted to metabolically active forms, leading to the appearance of an unmetabolized fraction in the body. This fact is more worrying in subjects beyond fortification, make therapeutic use of this vitamin, such as patients with hemolytic anemia (hereditary spherocytosis (HS), &#946;-thalassemia heterozygotic (&#946;-TH), among others). The aim of this study was to evaluate if serum concentrations of unmetabolized FA (UMFA) affect the global DNA methylation; mRNA expression of DHFR, MTHFR, interferon-&#947;, TNF-&#945; and interleukin (IL)-8 genes; and on cytotoxicity of NK cells. It was included 27 patients EH, 50 subjects &#946;-TH and 136 healthy subjects. Another 30 healthy subjects were included in an intervention study with 5 mg/FA daily during 90 days. Analyzes performed were: serum and erythrocyte folate, and UMFA, vitamin B12, tHcy; mRNA expression of MTHFR, DHFR, IFN-&#947;, TNF-&#945; and IL-8 genes; cytotoxicity of NK cells; global DNA methylation and serum cytokines IL6, IL-8, IL10, IFN-&#947; and TNF-&#945;. Results: EH patients presented higher FA concentrations (serum, erythrocytes and UMFA) than controls ones, and 55.5% (microbiologic method) and 74.1% (LC-MS/MS method) showed supraphysiologic concentrations of vitamin, and 74.1% presented increased concentrations of UMFA. In &#946;-TH group, it was observed higher erythrocyte folate concentrations compared with the control and 22% of subjects had supraphysiological concentrations of FA. In the intervention study, after 45 and 90 days of FA use, supraphysiological concentrations were present in 93.3% of subjects and 100% of them showed increased concentrations of UMFA. It was not observed differences in global methylation of DNA between EH and &#946;-TH groups when compared to their controls and it was not observed significant correlation between global DNA methylation and UMFA levels. Both EH and &#946;-TH showed higher mRNA expression of IL-8 gene, when compared to controls. In the intervention group, there was higher mRNA expression of IL-8 gene after 45 days of FA use when compared to pre-intervention period. It was demonstrated an inverse correlation between erythrocyte folate levels and the number of NK cells in EH group; and cytotoxic capacity of NK cells on total group (EH + control). In intervention group, it was observed fewer number and lower cytotoxic capacity of NK cells after 90 days of AF use. Conclusions: The use of AF 5mg daily was associated with a significant increase in serum and erythrocytes folate levels, accompanied by increase in UMFA levels, an increase in mRNA expression of IL-8 gene, and reduction of the number and the cytotoxicity capacity of NK cells. Thus, high doses of AF can result in modifications of the immune system components, which may damage the cell surveillance mechanisms of NK cells. Our findings suggest that is important the therapeutic follow up of patients that are using AF, especially those subjects with chronic use of this vitamin, such as patients with hemolytic anemia, women who wish to become pregnant and pregnant women.

Efeito da suplementação de ácido fólico e do exercício físico sobre as concentrações plasmáticas de indivíduos portadores de hipertensão arterial essencial ou Efeito da suplementação de ácido fólico e do exercício físico sobre as concentrações de homocisteína plasmática em indivíduos portadores de hipertensão arterial essencial / Effect of folic acid supplementation and physical exercises on plasma concentrations of homocysteine in essencial hypertensive subjects

Pereira, Avany Fernandes 20 October 2004 (has links)
A homocisteína plasmática é considerada marcador de risco para doenças cardiovasculares e sua associação com a hipertensão arterial essencial parece ser importante no agravamento desta doença. O exercício físico tem mostrado eficácia na redução da pressão arterial e o ácido fólico suplementar a dieta como a melhor conduta para a redução da homocisteinemia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da suplementação de ácido fólico e/ou do exercício físico sobre as concentrações plasmáticas de homocisteína em hipertensos essenciais medicados. Para tanto foram estudados 69 hipertensos (57&#177;10 anos), sendo 22 do sexo masculino e 47 do sexo feminino, divididos em dois grupos: grupo 1 medicado com diurético e grupo 2 medicado sem diurético, sendo o tiazídico o diurético mais utilizado (80%). Foram realizadas avaliações médica, antropométrica, dietética, pressórica, bioquímica e o teste de aptidão cardiorrespiratória. Os indivíduos receberam suplementação com 500 &#181;g/dia de ácido fólico, em estudo do tipo cruzado, e foram submetidos a treinamento com exercícios físicos supervisionados, sendo reavaliados a cada dois meses até o final do estudo. Os grupos foram homogêneos em relação a todas as variáveis estudadas exceto a homocisteína plasmática que foi maior significativamente no grupo 1. Não houve diferença significativa entre os sexos para todas as variáveis estudadas. Os hipertensos eram em sua maioria (62%) não controlados e portadores de síndrome metabólica (77%). O exercício físico apresentou efeito benéfico na reclassificação dos hipertensos leves e moderados para a classe de limítrofes sem normalizar a pressão arterial. Não houve efeito do exercício na composição corporal e na homocisteinemia. A suplementação de ácido fólico reduziu a hiperhomocisteinemia em 11% no grupo 1 e 19% no grupo 2 frente a aumentos similares na folacemia. Em relação à pressão arterial houve normalização da homocisteinemia apenas nos hipertensos com pressão arterial normalizada. Os hipertensos limítrofes e leves apresentaram reclassificação da hiperhomocisteinemia limítrofe para moderada. A presença de diurético potencializou a normalização da pressão pelo exercício físico e indiretamente influenciou, nesses casos, a normalização da homocisteína. Entretanto, a maior redução das concentrações médias de homocisteína ocorreu coma oferta de ácido fólico na ausência de diurético. Desta forma, recomenda-se a adequação dietética do folato como adjuvante terapêutico da hipertensão arterial associadamente ao exercício físico e/ou medicamentos / The plasma homocysteine is considered to be a risk indicator for cardiovascular diseases and its association with essential hypertension seems to be important to the worsening of this disease. Physical exercises are efficient to reduce blood pressure and the dietary supplements of folic acid are considered the best way to decrease homocysteine. The aim of this study was investigate the effect of acid folic supplementation and physical exercises on plasmatic levels of homocysteine in essential hypertensive medicated individuals. In order to that, 69 hypertensive subjects were studied (22 men and 47 women) divided in two groups: group 1 medicated with diuretic and group 2 medicated without diuretic. Medical, anthropometrical, dietetic, blood pressure, biochemistry and cardio-respiratory capacity evaluations were performed. These individuals received 500 &#181;g/dia of folic acid supplementation in a cross-over design and were submitted to daily supervisioned physical exercise. They were evaluated every two months until the end of the study. The groups were similar for all variables except for the homocysteine which was significantly greater in the group 1. There were no difference for the gender to all variables. The high blood pressure was not controlled (62%) and 77% of the patients showed metabolic syndrome. The physical exercise showed benefit on the reclassification of slight and moderated hypertensives to border-line hypertension, however, it did not normalize the blood pressure. There were no effects on the body composition and on homocysteine values . Folic acid supplementation decreased 11% of hyperhomocysteinemia in the group 1 and 19% in group 2 face to similar increases in folate. Regarding to high blood pressure subjects the homocysteine normalization occurred only in hypertensive subjects with normalized blood pressure. The border and slightly hypertensive individuals had border-line hyperhomocysteine wich were reclassificated to moderated c1ass. The use of diuretic enhanced blood pressure normalization with the physical exercise and indirectly influenced the plasma homocysteine normalization. However the greater decreasing mean homocysteine concentration occurred with folic acid but in the diuretic absence. So we strong recommend an adequate folate intake as a terapheutical adjuvant to arterial hypertension treatments either with physical exercise and/or antihipertensive drugs.

Análise de intervenção da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico na prevalência de defeitos do fechamento do tubo neural no Brasil / Análise de intervenção da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico na prevalência de defeitos do fechamento do tubo neural no Brasil

Fernanda Shizue Nishida 28 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Malformações congênitas afetam 2-3% recém-nascidos e estima-se que metade desses problemas poderiam ser prevenidos. Considerando que o ácido fólico reduz o risco de DTN, que a fortificação compulsória das farinhas, de trigo e milho com ferro ácido fólico ocorre desde julho de 2004 e ainda que o Brasil é um país de grande heterogeneidade. Justifica-se, conhecer a evolução dos DTN e sua distribuição espaço-temporal, com vistas a contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento das políticas públicas que visem a prevenção e a minimização desse problema na população brasileira. Objetivo: Analisar a intervenção da fortificação de farinhas com ácido fólico na prevalência de defeitos do fechamento do tubo neural no Brasil. Método: Estudo ecológico, transversal, de desenho misto. Dados foram obtidos do Sinasc. População de estudo foi composta pelos 12.992 casos de DTN (anencefalia, encefalocele e espinha bífida) entre 32.996.065 nascidos no período de 2000-2010. A prevalência de DTN foi calculada para cada 10.000 nascidos vivos. Foi realizada uma analise descritiva exploratória e posterior analise de regressão segmentada e análise espacial com utilização do Índide Global de Moran e indicador Local de Associação espacial. Foram utilizados os softwares Epi info versão 3.4; SPSS versão 17 Terraview versão 3.2.1 e o programa R (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria; http://www.r-project.org).. Todos os aspectos éticos foram respeitados quanto ao uso das informações obtidas no banco de dados disponíveis no Datasus. Resultados: A prevalência global dos DTN foi de 3,94 casos para cada 10000nv. Ao longo dos anos, entre os anos de 2000 a 2010, verifica-se que o número de casos apresentou uma taxa de variação positiva de 17,3%. Crescimento representado em 2000, por 3,26 casos/10000nv que passou em 2010 para 4,28 casos/10000nv. Em 2005, verificou-se um declínio na prevalência, momento em que a fortificação estava de fato sendo implantada. Constata-se na análise de regressão segmentada que a tendência em praticamente todos os estados tem três segmentos: uma tendência de aumento, seguido de queda no momento da intervenção e posterior tendência de aumento. Foram mapeadas as prevalências da doença em dois triênios, o primeiro antes da fortificação, entre 2001-2003 e o segundo após entre 2008-2010. A prevalência de DTN aumentou no segundo triênio em 19 estados brasileiros. Observou-se áreas de conglomerados embora nem sempre exista a autocorrelação espacial. Conclusão: Conclui-se que embora a prevalência dos DTN tenha declinado em meados de 2005, ela volta a crescer após esse período de modo significativo em alguns estados. Deve-se buscar monitorar o teor do ácido fólico nas farinhas através da implantação de uma metodologia analítica para monitoramento dos alimentos fortificados. A distribuição espaço temporal dos agravos abordados é importante, pois permite a compreensão desses eventos complexos e dinâmicos. Estudos nessa área contribuem na elaboração de políticas públicas para reduzir a prevalência dessas doenças. / Introduction: Congenital malformations affect 2-3% of newborns and it is estimated that half of these problems could be prevented. Considering that folic acid reduces the risk of NTDs, the mandatory fortification of flour, wheat and corn with iron folic acid occurs since July 2004 in Brazil and this is a country of great diversity. These aspects justify studying the evolution of NTD and their distribution in time and space, to contribute to the improvement of public policies for the prevention and reduction of these diseases in Brazilian population. Objective: To analyze the intervention of the fortification of flour with folic acid in the prevalence of neural tube defects in Brazil. Methods: Ecological study, cross, mixed design. Data were obtained from SINASC. Study population consisted of 12 992 cases of NTDs (anencephaly, encephalocele and spina bifida) between 32,996,065 born in 2000-2010 period. The prevalence of NTDs was calculated for every 10,000 live births. An exploratory descriptive analysis and later segmented regression analysis and spatial analysis using the Global index Moran and Local. Epi Info version 3.4 software were used; SPSS version 17, Terraview version 3.2.1 and the R program (The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria; http://www.r-project.org). All ethical aspects were respected in the use of information obtained the database available in Datasus. Results: The overall prevalence of NTDs was 3.94 cases per 10000nv. Over the years between 2000 and 2010, it was found that the number of cases showed a positive rate of change of 17.3%. Growth represented in 2000 by 3.26 cases / 10000nv that passed in 2010 to 4.28 cases / 10000nv. In 2005, there was a decline in the prevalence, at which time the fortification was actually being implemented. Notes on the segmented regression analysis that the trend in every state has three segments: an increasing trend, followed by a decrease at the time of intervention and subsequent increasing trend. The prevalence of the disease in two periods were mapped, the first before fortification, between 2001-2003 and between 2008-2010 after the second. The prevalence of NTDs increased in the second three years in 19 Brazilian states. It was noted areas where clustering though not always there spatial autocorrelation. Conclusion: Although the prevalence of NTDs has declined in mid-2005, it grows back after this period significantly in some states. It should seek to monitor the content of folic acid in flour through the implementation of an analytical methodology for monitoring of fortified foods. The timeline distribution of diseases covered is important because it gives an understanding of these complex and dynamic events. Studies in this area contribute to the development of public policies to reduce the prevalence of these diseases.

Facteurs de risque des leucémies aigues de l’enfant : analyse de l’enquête ESTELLE / Risk Factors of Childhood Acute Leukemia : Analysis of the ESTELLE Study

Ajrouche, Roula 18 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a porté sur l’étiologie des leucémies aigües (LA) de l’enfant, et s’est concentré sur les questions (1) du risque de LA chez les enfants conçus par assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP) ; (2) du rôle protecteur d’une supplémentation maternelle en acide folique ; (3) du rôle protecteur de l’exposition précoce à des facteurs induisant une stimulation du système immunitaire ; (4) d’un effet protecteur des antécédents d’allergie sur le risque de LA de l’enfant. Les données analysées proviennent de l’étude cas-témoins française, ESTELLE, réalisée en 2010-2011. Les cas ont été identifiés par le Registre National des Hémopathies malignes de l’Enfant et les témoins ont été recrutés en population générale par téléphone, avec une stratification sur l’âge et le sexe. L’échantillon comportait 636 cas incidents de leucémie aiguë lymphoblastique (LAL), 100 cas incidents de leucémie aiguë myéloblastique (LAM), et 1421 témoins de moins de 15 ans. Les données ont été recueillies auprès des mères à l’aide d’un questionnaire téléphonique standardisé, identique pour les cas et les témoins. Les odds ratios (OR) ont été estimés par régression logistique non conditionnelle ajustée sur l’âge, le sexe, le niveau d’éducation maternel, la catégorie socio-professionnelle du foyer, et les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Nous n’avons pas observé d’augmentation du risque de LA chez les enfants dont la conception avait été difficile (OR=0,9[0,7-1,2]), ou avait nécessité la prise d'un traitement d’infertilité (OR=0,8[0,5-1,1]). La supplémentation préconceptionnelle en acide folique était inversement associée au risque de LA (OR=0,7[0,5-1,0]), sans spécificité de sous-type. Le risque de LAL était inversement associé aux infections banales avant l’âge de 1 an (OR=0,8[0,6-1,0]), à la fréquentation d’une crèche avant 1 an (OR=0,7[0,5-1,0]), à l'allaitement maternel (OR=0,8[0,7-1,0]) , et à des contacts réguliers avec les animaux domestiques à un âge précoce (OR=0,8[0,7-1,0]). En revanche, nous n’avons pas observé d’influence du mode d’accouchement sur le risque de LA. Enfin, les LA étaient inversement associées aux antécédents de rhinite allergique, d’eczéma, de dermatite atopique, d’allergie alimentaire; et d’asthme ou bronchite asthmatiforme traité par antihistaminique. Ces résultats ne sont pas en faveur d’un risque de LA associé aux techniques d’aide médicale à la procréation. Ils renforcent l’hypothèse d’un effet protecteur de la supplémentation préconceptionnelle en acide folique pour les LA. Enfin, ils apportent des arguments supplémentaires en faveur du rôle d’une stimulation précoce du système immunitaire dans la survenue des LAL. / The aim of this study was to investigate whether the following factors: 1) conception by assisted medical procreation (AMP), 2) maternal folic acid supplementation, 3) factors related to early stimulation of the immune system, and 4) the history of allergy were related to the risk of childhood acute leukemia (CL). The data were obtained from the national registry-based case-control study, Estelle, carried out in France in 2010-2011. Population controls were recruited by random digit dialing, with quotas on age and sex. The sample included 636 cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 100 cases of acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML), and 1421 controls less the 15 years old and frequency matched on age and sex. The data were collected by telephone interview of the mothers, using the same standardized questionnaire for cases and controls. Odds ratios (OR) were estimated using unconditional regression models adjusted for age, sex, maternal education, parental socioeconomic status , and potential confounders. We did not observe any increase in CL risk in children who were conceived with difficulty (OR=0,9[0,7-1,2]) or with the use of any fertility treatments (OR=0,8[0,5-1,1]). Preconceptional folic acid supplementation was inversely associated with CL (OR=0,7[0,5-1,0]), without subtype-specificity. Early common infections before 1 year (OR=0,8[0,6-1,0]), attendance to day-care before 1 year (OR=0,7[0,5-1,0]), breastfeeding (OR=0,8[0,7-1,0]) and regular contact with pets in the first year (OR=0,8[0,7-1,0]) were inversely associated with ALL. However, the mode of delivery was not associated with ALL. Finally, reported history of eczema, atopic dermatitis, food allergy, allergic rhinitis, asthma or asthmatic bronchitis treated with anti-histaminic was inversely associated with CL. Our findings do not suggest that fertility treatments are risk factors for CL. They suggest that folic acid supplementation during pregnancy may reduce the risk of CL. They also support the hypothesis that some conditions promoting the maturation of the immune system may decrease the risk of ALL.

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