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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oxidative stress in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma, and TP53 mutations and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma

Peroja, P. (Pekka) 10 April 2018 (has links)
Abstract Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and follicular lymphoma (FL) are two of the most common lymphomas in the Western world. DLBCL is an aggressive disease with a good response to treatment; about 75% of patients achieve permanent remission after first-line treatment. In patients with relapses or primary refractory disease, prognosis is dismal; only 10–20% of them can be cured, even with aggressive treatments. FL is an indolent lymphoma with a very good response to treatment and slow progression. Median survival with modern treatments is over 15 years. Nevertheless, some patients have short remissions and succumb to disease. Oxidative stress, TP53 mutations, and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 have been linked in many neoplasms to aetiology and poor prognosis. This thesis concerns oxidative stress and redox-state-regulating enzymes in DLBCL and FL, and TP53 mutations and translocations of MYC, Bcl-2 and Bcl-6 in DLBCL. High expression levels of the antioxidant enzyme thioredoxin and a marker of oxidative stress, nitrotyrosine, were related to poor prognosis in DLBCL. In FL, high-level expression of peroxiredoxin was associated with good prognosis. TP53 mutations in specific regions LSH and L3 and concurrent translocation of Bcl-2 were associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL. Not all TP53 mutations predicted survival. High expression levels of Bcl-2 and MYC were associated with poor prognosis in DLBCL. Based on the results presented here, antioxidant function may have protective roles, but also may cause resistance to treatment. TP53 mutations have prognostic roles in DLBCL, but should be further defined. Novel therapies could be developed in connection with these mechanisms. / Tiivistelmä Diffuusi suurisoluinen B-solulymfooma (DLBCL) ja follikulaarinen lymfooma (FL) ovat kaksi yleisintä lymfoomaa länsimaissa. DLBCL on aggressiivinen syöpä, joka reagoi hyvin hoitoihin, jopa 75 % paranee. Kuitenkin potilailla, joilla syöpä uusiutuu hoitojen jälkeen tai etenee hoidon aikana, on erittäin huono ennuste, noin 10-20 % näistä potilaista voidaan parantaa. FL on hyväennusteinen lymfooma, joka yleensä reagoi hyvin hoitoihin. Mediaani elossaoloaika kaikilla FL potilailla on yli 15 vuotta taudin toteamisesta. Osalla potilaista FL kuitenkin on aggressiivisempo. Oksidatiivinen stressin, TP53- mutaatioiden, MYC, Bcl-2 ja Bcl-6 -translokaatioiden on todettu olevan huonoon ennusteeseen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä monissa syövissä, kuten lymfoomissa. Tämä väitöskirja tutki oksidatiivisen stressin ja hapetus-pelkistys reaktioon liittyvien entsyymien osuutta R-CHOP-hoidetuissa DLBCL:ssa ja FL:ssa immunohistokemian (IHC) avulla. DLBCL:ssa tutkittiin lisäksi TP53 mutaatioita, MYC, Bcl-2 ja Bcl-6 translokaatioiden roolia taudin kulussa. Korkea ekspressio oksidatiivisen stressin merkkiainetta nitrotyrosiinia ja antioksidantti thioredoksiinia olivat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen DLBCL:ssa. FL:ssa runsas ilmentyminen antioksidativiisiin entsyymeihin kuuluvia peroksiredoksiineja olivat yhteydessä hyvään ennusteeseen. TP53 mutaatiot LSH ja L3 alueella ja Bcl-2 -translokaatiot yhdessä olivat yhteydessä huonoon ennusteeseen DLBCL:ssa. Kaikki TP53-mutaatiot eivät olleet assosioituneet huonoon ennusteeseen. DLBCL:ssa Bcl-2 ja MYC –proteiinien runsas ilmentyminen IHC:llä arvioituna liittyi huonoon ennusteeseen. Tulosten perusteella solujen hapetus-pelkistystilaa säätelevillä entsyymeillä voi olla dualistinen rooli, osittain suojeleva ja osittain vahingoittava lymfoomissa. TP53 -mutaatioilla voi olla ennusteellista merkitystä, mutta tämä vaatii lisää tutkimuksia.

Evaluation de l'impact de la prise en charge thérapeutique sur la survie et la qualité de vie des patients atteints d'un lymphome folliculaire ou d'un lymphome B diffus à grandes cellules / Evaluation of the impact of therapeutic management on the survival and quality of life of patients with follicular lymphoma or diffuse large B cell lymphoma

Dandoit, Mylène 27 October 2014 (has links)
En France, les hémopathies lymphoïdes, se situant au sixième rang des cancers les plus fréquents, sontun problème majeur de santé publique. Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier l’impact de la prise en charge thérapeutiquesur la survie et sur la qualité de vie (QdV) des patients atteints de ce type d’hémopathies. Le premierobjectif de ce travail est un état des lieux de l’épidémiologie des hémopathies lymphoïdes avec l’étudede l’évolution de l’incidence et de la survie nette en Côte d’Or entre 1980 et 2009. L’incidence, en nette augmentationdepuis 1980, semble se stabiliser depuis les années 2000 pour certaines entités, notamment pourles lymphomes folliculaires (LF) et les lymphomes B diffus à grandes cellules (LBDGC). Nous observons globalementune amélioration de la survie nette avec, toutefois, un pronostic à court et à long terme qui restedéfavorable pour certaines entités. Les LF et les LBDGC sont les premiers lymphomes à bénéficier de l’introductiondes anticorps monoclonaux dans leur prise en charge thérapeutique. Notre deuxième étude a pourobjectif demesurer l’impact du rituximab sur la survie globale des patients atteints d’un LF ou d’un LBDGC enCôte d’Or en utilisant une méthodologie basée sur le score de propension. Nos résultats confirment le bénéficesignificatif du rituximab sur la survie globale en population générale, sans critère de sélection. En vue de cesrésultats, nous avons étudié la QdV de ces patients pendant et à la suite de la prise en charge thérapeutique. LaQdV évolue différemment au cours du suivi en fonction du type de lymphome. / In France, hematologic malignancies, which are the sixthmost common cancers, are amajor public healthproblem. This work aimed to study the impact of the therapeutic management on survival and healt-relatedquality of life (HRQoL) in patients with these hematologic malignancies. The first objective of this work is topresent an overview of the epidemiology of lymphoid malignancies with a study of changes in the incidenceand net survival in the Côte d’Or department between 1980 and 2009. The incidence, which has increased since1980, seems to have stabilized since the 2000s for some entities, including follicular lymphoma (FL) and diffuselarge B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Overall, we observed an improvement in net survival, with, however, a lessfavorable prognosis in the short and long-term for some entities. FL and DLBCL were the first lymphomas tobenefit from the introduction of monoclonal antibodies in their therapeutic management. Our second studyaimed to assess the impact of rituximab on overall survival in patients with FL or DLBCL in the Côte d’Or departmentusing a methodology based on the propensity score. Our results confirmed the significant benefit ofrituximab on overall survival in an unselected population of patients. In view of these results, we studied theHRQoL of these patients during and after treatment. HRQoL evolved differently during follow-up dependingon the type of lymphoma.

Targeting B non-Hodgkin lymphoma and tumor-supportive follicular helper T cells with anti-CXCR5 CAR T cells

Pfeilschifter, Janina Marie 09 September 2021 (has links)
CAR-T-Zell-Therapie ist eine vielversprechende neuartige Behandlungsform für Patienten mit aggressiven B-Zell Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen (B-NHL). In dieser Arbeit wurde die anti-CXCR5 CAR-T-Zell-Therapie als Alternative zur anti-CD19 CAR-T-Zell-Therapie für die Behandlung von reifen B-NHLs untersucht. CXCR5 ist ein B-Zell-homing Rezeptor, der von reifen B Zellen und follikulären T-Helferzellen (TFH Zellen) exprimiert wird. TFH Zellen wurden als tumor-unterstützend in chronisch lymphatischer Leukämie (CLL) und im follikulären Lymphom (FL) beschrieben. Dieses Expressionsmuster erlaubt es, auf einzigartige Weise zeitgleich die malignen Zellen und die tumorunterstützende Mikroumgebung mithilfe von CAR-T-Zell-Therapie gerichtet gegen einen Chemokinrezeptor anzugreifen. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit waren, dass (1) die anti-CXCR5 CAR T-Zellen zielgerichtet CXCR5 positive reife B-NHL Zelllinien und Patientenproben in vitro eliminierten und eine starke anti-Tumor Reaktivität in einem immundefizienten Xenotransplantationsmausmodell zeigten, (2) die anti-CXCR5 CAR T-Zellen zielgerichtet die tumorunterstützenden TFH Zellen in CLL und FL Patientenproben in vitro erkannten und dass (3) CXCR5 ein sicheres Expressionsprofil zeigte. CXCR5 war stark und häufig auf B-NHL exprimiert und die Expression auf gesundem Gewebe war auf lymphoide Zellen beschränkt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass die anti-CXCR5 CAR-T-Zell-Therapie eine neue Behandlungsmöglichkeit für Patienten mit reifen B-NHL darstellt, indem durch die anti-CXCR5 CAR-T Zellen sowohl der Tumor als auch ein Anteil der tumorunterstützende Mikroumgebung eliminiert werden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Eμ-Tcl1 murine CLL Lymphommodell genutzt um die Auswirkung der Lymphomentwicklung auf die CXCR5+ T Zellen zu untersuchen. Mittels RNA-Einzelzell-Sequenzierung konnte ein profunder Einfluss des Lymphomwachstums auf das T Zell-Kompartiment der Mäuse, denen Eμ-Tcl1 Zellen gespritzt wurden, gezeigt werden. / CAR T cell therapy is a promising new treatment option for patients suffering from aggressive B non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHLs). In CAR T cell therapy, patient-derived T cells are genetically modified to express a chimeric receptor commonly directed towards a surface antigen expressed by neoplastic cells. In this thesis, anti-CXCR5 CAR T cell therapy was investigated as an alternative to anti-CD19 CAR T cell therapy for the treatment of mature B-NHLs. CXCR5 is a B cell homing receptor expressed by mature B cells and follicular helper T (TFH) cells. TFH cells were described to support the tumor cells in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and follicular lymphoma (FL). This expression pattern allows simultaneous targeting of the malignant cells and the tumor-supporting microenvironment by CAR T cell therapy against a chemokine receptor in an unprecedented manner. Main findings included that (1) anti-CXCR5 CAR T cells targeted specifically CXCR5 expressing mature B-NHL cell lines and patient samples in vitro and showed strong in vivo anti-tumor reactivity in an immunodeficient xenograft mouse model, (2) anti-CXCR5 CAR T cells targeted tumor-supportive TFH cells derived from CLL and FL patient samples in vitro and (3) CXCR5 showed a safe expression profile. CXCR5 was strongly and frequently expressed by B-NHLs and its expression on healthy tissue was restricted to lymphoid cells. In summary, anti-CXCR5 CAR T cell therapy presents a novel treatment option for patients suffering from mature B-NHLs by eliminating the tumor and part of the tumor-supportive microenvironment. The second part of the project, the Eμ-Tcl1 murine lymphoma model, which mimics human CLL, was used to study the impact of lymphomagenesis on CXCR5+ T cells. Using single cell RNA sequencing, a profound influence of lymphoma growth on the T cell compartment in Eμ-Tcl1 tumor-challenged mice could be shown.

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