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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de marcadores forenses (STRs e SNPs) rotineiramente empregados na identificação humana utilizando sequenciamento de nova geração / Analysis of forensic markers (STRs and SNPs) routinely used in human identification assays by means of next generation sequencing

Guilherme do Valle Silva 05 October 2018 (has links)
A genética forense vem se desenvolvendo cada vez mais, com novas tecnologias e implementação de novos conjuntos de marcadores de DNA com maiores níveis de informatividade. Os marcadores genéticos são amplamente usados na identificação humana, pois permitem distinguir indivíduos com alta acurácia. Duas classes de marcadores muito utilizadas atualmente são os STRs (Short Tandem Repeats) e os SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms). Os STRs são altamente informativos e, portanto, úteis para a prática forense. Kits mais novos como GlobalFiler (Thermo Fisher Scientific) e PowerPlex Fusion System (Promega) apresentam a análise de mais de 20 loci STRs de uma só vez. Já os SNPs, por possuírem sua informatividade mais reduzida (necessita de mais loci analisados), são menos utilizados, porém apresentam vantagem em amostras degradadas de DNA; assim, conjuntos de identificação como o 52-plex desenvolvido pelo consórcio SNPforID e o conjunto IISNPs, vêm sendo estudados em várias populações do mundo. Com o desenvolvimento de técnicas de sequenciamento de nova geração (NGS Next Generation Sequencing) para análise de DNA, a obtenção de perfis de DNA se tornou mais acurada. Algumas plataformas permitem gerar perfis de até 96 indivíduos simultaneamente. Este estudo tem por objetivo principal analisar 171 marcadores genéticos (Amelogenina, Y-INDEL, 30 STRSs e 139 SNPs) em 340 indivíduos miscigenados da região da cidade de Ribeirão Preto (SP) utilizando a plataforma de sequenciamento de nova geração MiSeq Personal Sequencer (Illumina Inc.), bem como calcular as frequências alélicas e genotípicas, verificar a aderência ao equilíbrio de HardyWeinberg e estimar parâmetros forenses para os diferentes conjuntos de marcadores. Análises de ancestralidade foram realizadas para os conjuntos de SNPs. Para o preparo das bibliotecas de amostras a serem sequenciadas, foi utilizado o kit HaloPlex (Agilent Technologies, Inc), onde foram incluídos os marcadores dos kits GlobalFiler e PowerPlex Fusion System, e os SNPs existentes no conjunto do consórcio SNPforID (52-plex) e IISNPs (92 SNPs). De todos os marcadores incluídos no ensaio, apenas um SNP (rs763869) presente no conjunto SNPforID não pôde ser analisado devido a questões técnicas. Dos 139 SNPs analisados apenas seis apresentaram desvios significativos em relação ao equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg,número este esperado devido ao acaso. Os conjuntos de SNPs apresentam elevada informatividade com Probabilidade de Match de 6,48 x 10-21 (52-plex) a 4,91 x 10-38 (IISNP), e Poder de Exclusão de 0,9997 (52-plex) e 0,99999997 (IISNP). De modo geral, as inferências de ancestralidade obtida utilizando estes conjuntos, indicaram elevada contribuição europeia (superior a 70%) e baixa contribuição ameríndia (inferior a 10%) na população, enquanto que as análises de mistura individual se mostraram consistentes, com a maioria dos indivíduos apresentando elevada ancestralidade europeia. Os resultados dos marcadores relativos ao sexo (Amelogenina, Y-INDEL e DYS391) foram consistentes com o sexo dos doadores das amostras. As frequências alélicas e parâmetros forenses foram calculados para os STRs, revelando uma alta informatividade. A Probabilidade de Match combinada e o Poder de Exclusão combinado foram de 1,19 x 10-36 e 0,999999999997 respectivamente. Dos 29 STRs autossômicos presentes, seis apresentaram desvios ao equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg, refletindo possíveis falhas no sequenciamento e genotipagem destes marcadores / The field of forensic genetics has developed increasingly with the implementation of new sets of DNA markers with higher levels of informativeness. The genetic markers are widely used in human identification as they allow distinguishing individuals with high accuracy. Two of the most commonly used markers are the Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) and the Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Newer kits such as GlobalFiler (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and PowerPlex Fusion System (Promega) can analyze more than 20 STRs loci at once. When comparing with STRs, the SNPs are less informative and many more loci are needed to reach the same informativeness of STR kits. However, they are advantageous when using degraded DNA samples. The identification sets such as the 52-plex developed by the SNPforID Consortium and the IISNPs have been analyzed in many worldwide populations. With the development of next generation sequencing techniques (NGS Next Generation Sequencing), obtaining DNA profiles has become more accurate and some platforms allow generating profiles of up to 96 individuals simultaneously. The main goal of this study is to analyze 171 markers (Amelogenin, Y-INDEL, 30 STRs and 139 SNPs) in 340 admixed individuals from Ribeirão Preto, SP, using the NGS platform MiSeq Personal Sequencer (Illumina Inc.). This will allow the calculation of allele and genotype frequencies, the verification of adherence to Hardy-Weinbergs equilibrium and the estimation of forensic parameters for each set of marker. Ancestry analysis was performed for the sets of SNPs. The HaloPlex kit (Agilent Technologies, Inc) was used for library preparation including the STRs from the kits GlobalFiler and PowerPlex Fusion System and the SNPs from the SNPforID consortium (52-plex) and IISNPs (92 SNPs) identification sets. A single SNP (rs763869) from the SNPforID set was not analyzed due to technical issues. Only six of the 139 analyzed SNPs presented significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations, which is expected by chance alone. The SNPs sets exhibited high informativeness, with matchprobability ranging from 6.48 x 10-21 (52-plex) to 4.91 x 10-38 (IISNPs) and exclusion power of 0.9997 (52-plex) and 0.99999997 (IISNPs). In general, ancestry estimates obtained using these sets indicated a high European contribution (higher than 70%) and low Amerindian contribution (less than 10%) in the population sample, while the individual admixture analyses exhibited were highly consistent, with the majority of individuals presenting high European ancestry. The results of the sex markers (Amelogenin, Y-INDEL and DYS391) were in agreement with the reported sexes from sample donors. The allele frequencies and forensic parameters calculated for the STRs revealed high informativeness. The combined match probability and the combined exclusion power were 1.19 x 10-36 and 0.999999999997 respectively. Six of the 29 autosomal STRs presented significant deviations from the HardyWeinberg equilibrium expectations, reflecting possible failures in sequencing and genotyping of these markers

Varijabilnost mikrosatelitskih lokusa X hromozoma u populaciji Vojvodine / Genetic variability of X chromosome microsatellite loci in population of Vojvodina

Vapa Dušan 29 January 2016 (has links)
<p>Kratki uzastopni ponovci predstavljaju klasu mikrosatelitskih segmenata DNK, rasprostranjenih &scaron;irom genoma čoveka. Građeni su od uzastopno ponavljajućih sekvenci dužine 2-6 parova nukleotida. Zahvaljujući različitom broju ponavljanja repetitivne jedinice, većina mikrosatelitskih markera pokazuje visok stepen polimorfizma dužine, koji je moguće ispitati primenom tehnike lančane reakcije polimeraze. Pored utvrđivanja spornih srodničkih odnosa, analiza X hromozom mikrosatelitskih markera može se uspe&scaron;no koristiti i u oblastima kriminalistike, humane identifikacije, populaciono-genetičkim i demografskim istraživanjima i dr. Cilj istraživanja je izrada populacione studije, iz koje će se izračunati broj i frekvencija alela, struktura i frekvencija haplotipova, utvrditi vrednosti relevantnih statističkih parametara, oceniti mogućnost primene analize X-STR markera u slučajevima iz oblasti medicinske kriminalistike, humane identifikacije i ve&scaron;tačenja spornih srodničkih odnosa u populaciji Vojvodine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 200 odraslih, međusobno nesrodnih osoba. Izolacija DNK materijala iz krvnih mrlja vr&scaron;ena je Chelex metodom, a amplifikacija dobijenih uzoraka DNK metodom PCR, uz kori&scaron;ćenje komercijalnog Mentype&reg; Argus X-12 PCR Amplification Kit &ndash; a. Razdvajanje i detekcija dobijenih fragmenata izvr&scaron;eno je kapilarnom elektroforezom GeneScan i Genotyper programom. Statististička obrada rezultata izvr&scaron;ena je pomoću Arlequin i GENEPOP programa. Za vizuelizaciju interpopulacionih genetičkih odnosa, upotrebljen je program POPTREE2 i koordinatna analiza (Principal Coordinate Analysis - PCoA). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se analiza ispitivanih X-STR markera može uspe&scaron;no primeniti u slučajevima iz oblasti medicinske kriminalistike, humane identifikacije i ve&scaron;tačenja spornih srodničkih odnosa u populaciji Vojvodine, kao i da mogu poslužiti kao osnova za dalja istraživanja u&nbsp; populacionogenetičkim, antropolo&scaron;kim, demografskim i drugim oblastima.</p> / <p>Short tandem repeats (STR) represent a class of microsatellites, widely spread throughout the human genome, consisting of tandemly repeated sequences of 2-6 bp. Related to variation in the number of repeat unit displayed, most of microsatellites show a high degree of length polymorphism, investigated by the PCR techniques. The aim of this research is to create a population study, which will be used to calculate allele and haplotype frequencies, determine the value of relevant statistical parameters and assess the possibility of applying X-STR markers analysis in the fields of forensics, human identification and kinship testing. The study included 200 unrelated adults. DNA isolation was performed by Chelex method and DNA amplification by PCR, using commercial Mentype Argus X-12 PCR Amplification Kit. Separation and detection of fragments was obtained by capillary electrophoresis using Gene Scanand Genotyper program. Statistical analysis of the result was performed using Arlequin and GENEPOP program. For visualization of inter population genetic distances POPTREE2 program and coordinate analysis (PCoA) was used. The results show that the analysis of X-STR markers can be successfully applied in the field of forensics, human identification and kinship testing in the population of Vojvodina, as well as to serve as a basis for further research in population genetic, anthropological, demographic and other scientific areas.</p>

Identificação Genética e Crime : a introdução dos bancos de DNA no Brasil

Richter, Vitor Simonis January 2016 (has links)
Em 2012, o Brasil aprovou a lei 12.654 que regulamenta o uso dos bancos de perfis genéticos para fins de investigação criminal. Esta lei é um dos marcos nas discussões acerca do uso do DNA nas investigações criminais que se intensificaram no país a partir de 2009 quando o FBI doou ao Brasil o Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). A chegada dos bancos de dados de DNA ao Brasil faz parte de um processo de expansão internacional de bancos nacionais de perfis genéticos. Esta tese trata do processo de introdução desta tecnologia no Brasil. Através de entrevistas com especialistas de diferentes áreas, tais como perícia criminal, direito e bioética, da observação e participação em seminários e congressos de perícia criminal e das discussões travadas em publicações de revistas científicas esta pesquisa busca uma compreensão etnográfica dos nexos entre ciência, direito, tecnologia, segurança e poder em torno do processo de introdução dos bancos de perfis genéticos no Brasil. Na primeira parte, a tese descreve algumas relações e significados que fizeram a identificação genética vir a ser sinônimo de precisão científica acerca da identificação humana e o deslizamento para sua aplicação nas investigações criminais. Na segunda parte, aborda os primeiros efeitos do processo de introdução da tecnologia de bancos de perfis genéticos no Brasil a partir do processo de elaboração da lei dos bancos de DNA, da emergência de novas trajetórias de peritos criminais em genética forense e de alguns desafios do cotidiano da coleta, análise e armazenamento dos vestígios da cena do crime. Conhecer e entender como são colocadas em prática as diversas mediações que envolvem a estabilização do banco de DNA para fins de investigação criminal no Brasil permite refletir como a relação entre tecnociência, direitos, cidadania e políticas de segurança implicam em opções técnicas, éticas e políticas. / In 2012, Brazil approved the Federal Law 12.654, which regulates the use of genetic profiles for criminal investigations. Such law is one of the main landmarks in discussions concerning the use of DNA in criminal investigations that have intensified across the country since 2009, when the FBI donated to Brazil the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). The arrival of these databases in Brazil is part of an international expansion process of national genetic profiles databases. This dissertation is about the introduction process of such biotechnology in Brazil. Through interviews with specialists from different areas, such as forensic sciences, law and bioethics, from observation and participation in forensics seminars and congresses and from discussions set in scientific publications this research aims for an ethnographic understanding of the nexus between science, law, technology, security and power around the introductory process of the genetic profile databases in Brazil. In its first part, the dissertation describes some relations and meanings that made genetic identification become a synonym of scientific precision concerning human identification and the transition for its application in criminal investigation. In its second part, it approaches the first effects of the introductory process of the technology in Brazil through the DNA database’s law elaboration process, from the emergency of new trajectories of genetic forensic experts and from a few challenges of the daily collection, analysis and storage of evidences of the crime scene. To know and to understand the mediations involved in the stabilization of the DNA databases for criminal investigation allow us to reflect on how the relation between technoscience, law, citizenship and safety politics affects and engenders technical options, ethics and policies.

Aplicação da metodologia de dissociação em alta resolução (HRM) para determinação de perfis genéticos com interesse forense / Application of the high resolution melting (HRM) methodology to determine genetic profiles with forensic interest

Alípio dos Santos Rocha 06 February 2015 (has links)
A genética forense tem grande importância na geração de provas em casos de violência sexual, paternidade criminal, identificação de cadáveres e investigação de evidências de locais de crime. A análise de STRs apresenta grande poder de discriminação, mas é uma metodologia multi-etapas, trabalhosa, cara e em muitos casos a análise genética é prejudicada pela baixa quantidade e qualidade das evidências coletadas. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e caracterizar uma metodologia de triagem de amostras forenses através da análise de perfis de dissociação em alta resolução (HRM) de regiões do DNA mitocondrial, o qual está presente em maior número de cópias e mais resistente a degradação. Para tanto, foram extraídos DNAs de 68 doadores. Estas amostras foram sequenciadas e analisadas por HRM para sete alvos no DNA mitocondrial. Também foram realizados ensaios para determinar a influência do método de extração, da concentração e nível de degradação do DNA no perfil de HRM obtido para uma amostra. Os resultados demonstraram a capacidade da técnica de excluir indivíduos com sequências diferentes da referência comparativa em cinco regiões amplificadas. Podem ser analisadas em conjunto, amostras de DNA com variação de concentração de até a ordem de 100 vezes e extraídas por diferentes metodologias. Condições de degradação de material genético não prejudicaram a obtenção de perfis de dissociação em alta resolução. A sensibilidade da técnica foi aprimorada com a análise de produtos de amplificação de tamanho reduzido. A fim de otimizar o ensaio foi testada a análise de HRM em reações de PCR duplex. Um dos pares de amplificação forneceu perfis de HRM compatíveis com resultados obtidos de reações com amplificação de apenas um dos alvos. Através da análise conjunta das cinco regiões, esta metodologia visa a identificação de indivíduos não relacionados com as referências comparativas, diminuindo o número de amostras a serem analisadas por STRs, reduzindo gastos e aumentando a eficiência da rotina de laboratórios de genética forense. / The forensic genetics has an important role in the generation of evidence in cases of sexual assault, criminal paternity, identification of corpses and crime scenes investigation. The analysis of STRs has great power of discrimination, but it is a multi-stage methodology, complex, expensive and in many cases the genetic analysis is hampered by the low quantity and quality of evidence collected. This study aimed to develop and characterize a forensic samples screening methodology to examine high resolution melting profiles (HRM) of regions of the mitochondrial DNA, which is present in more copies and more resistant to degradation. Thus, we extracted DNA from 68 donors. These samples were sequenced and analyzed by HRM to seven mitochondrial DNA targets. Tests were also conducted to determine the influence of extraction method, concentration and DNA degradation level of HRM profile obtained for a sample. The results demonstrated the technical ability to exclude individuals with different sequences of comparative reference amplified in five regions. Can be analyzed together samples with varying concentration to the order of 100 times and extracted by different methods. Genetic material degradation conditions did not prevent obtaining high resolution melting profiles. The sensitivity of the technique was improved with the analysis of reduced size amplification products. In order to optimize the assay HRM analysis was tested in duplex PCR reactions. A pair of amplification provided HRM profiles consistent with results from amplification in reactions with only one of the targets. Through the joint analysis of the five regions, this approach aims to identify individuals not related to comparative references, reducing the number of samples to be analyzed by STRs, reducing costs and increasing the efficiency of the routine of forensic genetics laboratories.

Estudo da associação de genes de pigmentação com cor da pele, cabelo e olhos para fenotipagem forense em amostra brasileira / Association study of pigmentation genes with skin, hair and eyes color for forensic phenotyping purposes in Brazilian sample

Lima, Felícia de Araujo 04 May 2017 (has links)
A pigmentação humana é uma característica variável e complexa determinada por fatores genéticos e hormonais, exposição à radiação ultravioleta, idade, doenças, entre outros. Alguns polimorfismos em genes de pigmentação têm sido associados com a diversidade fenotípica de cor da pele, cabelo e olhos e em populações homogêneas. A técnica denominada Fenotipagem Forense pelo DNA (FDP) vem beneficiando a ciência forense em vários países e auxiliando investigações criminais por ser capaz de sugerir, com boa precisão, os possíveis fenótipos para as características externamente visíveis (EVCs) em amostras de origem desconhecida. No presente trabalho foram avaliadas as associações entre os SNPs presentes nos genes SLC24A5 (rs1426654; rs16960620; rs2555364), TYR (rs1126809) e ASIP (rs6058017) com cor de pele, cabelo e olhos em indivíduos da população brasileira para apontar o possível uso desses marcadores na prática forense em populações miscigenadas. Os voluntários responderam um questionário no qual fizeram a autodeclaração dessas características e estes dados foram usados para as comparações entre genótipos e fenótipos. Os resultados mostraram que para os SNPs rs2555364 e rs1426654 o alelo ancestral esteve associado com as características cor de pele negra, cabelos castanhos ou pretos e olhos castanhos. Além disso, o alelo ancestral do SNP rs6058017 foi significativamente associado com cor de pele negra e olhos castanhos. Inversamente, os alelos variantes destes SNPs são correlacionados com características de pigmentação clara para as EVCs avaliadas, corroborando os estudos prévios realizados em diferentes populações. Esses resultados mostram que a informação molecular pode ser útil para a inferência de EVCs, e a técnica de FDP é uma importante ferramenta para estudos forenses em amostra brasileira / Human pigmentation is a variable and complex trait determined by genetic and hormonal factors, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, age, diseases, among others. Some polymorphisms in pigmentation genes have been associated with the phenotypic diversity of skin, hair and eyes color in homogeneous populations. Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) is benefiting forensic science in several countries, helping in criminal investigations due to its ability to suggest, with good accuracy, the possible phenotypes for externally visible characteristics (EVCs) in samples of unknown origin. Herein, we evaluated the associations between the SNPs present in the genes SLC24A5 (rs1426654; rs16960620; rs2555364), TYR (rs1126809) and ASIP (rs6058017) with skin, hair and eyes color in individuals of the Brazilian population in order to point out the possible use of these markers in forensic practice in admixed populations. The volunteers answered a questionnaire in which they self reported these characteristics for comparison between genotypes and phenotypes. The results showed that for the SNPs rs2555364 and rs1426654 the ancestral allele was associated with characteristics of black skin color, brown or black hair and brown eyes. In addition, the ancestral allele of the SNP rs6058017 was significantly associated with black skin color and brown eyes. Inversely, the variant alleles of these SNPs are correlated with fair pigmentation characteristics for the evaluated EVCs, corroborating the previous studies performed in different populations. These results show that molecular information may be useful for the inference of EVCs, and the FDP technique is an important tool for forensic studies in a Brazilian sample

Mitochondrial DNA in Sensitive Forensic Analysis

Nilsson, Martina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Genetic profiling is commonly performed on the autosomes using multiple DNA markers. Although routine forensic DNA analysis is robust and based on reliable technologies, samples with degraded or limited amounts of DNA often fail. In these cases, the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be very valuable due to the high copy number per cell. This thesis describes evaluation and modifications of existing technologies that are useful in forensic DNA typing, mainly focusing on mtDNA.</p><p>DNA quantities isolated from common evidence materials such as hairs, fingerprints and accessories were estimated using a real-time quantification assay. Knowledge of quantitative differences between materials can guide forensic scientists to perform the best analysis (Paper I).</p><p>The current mtDNA analysis is based on hypervariable region (HVI/HVII) sequencing, which is the most rigorous and time-consuming forensic DNA analysis. Therefore, we evaluated the possibility to exclude individuals by screening for non-matching samples using the rapid and easy mtDNA Linear Array Assay (Paper II). </p><p>The major disadvantage using mtDNA is the lower discrimination power compared to multiple nuclear DNA markers. In contrast to the nuclear genome, due to the uniparental (maternal) mode of inheritance, no individual has unique mtDNA. We investigated the possibility of increasing the discrimination power by using pyrosequencing technology to analyse parts of the coding region in addition to HVI/HVII (Paper III). Furthermore, the addition of coding mtDNA information was evaluated by comparing several recently published mtDNA coding region assays (Paper IV). </p><p>Mixtures of DNA are common in forensic genetics due to contribution of DNA from several individuals, contamination or heteroplasmy. To resolve mixtures we have developed a pyrosequencing-based assay for the accurate quantification of the mtDNA mixture components (Paper V).</p><p>In conclusion, this thesis describes several assays that are valuable in forensic genetics for DNA quantification, improved mtDNA analysis, and mtDNA mixture interpretation.</p>

Mitochondrial DNA in Sensitive Forensic Analysis

Nilsson, Martina January 2007 (has links)
Genetic profiling is commonly performed on the autosomes using multiple DNA markers. Although routine forensic DNA analysis is robust and based on reliable technologies, samples with degraded or limited amounts of DNA often fail. In these cases, the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be very valuable due to the high copy number per cell. This thesis describes evaluation and modifications of existing technologies that are useful in forensic DNA typing, mainly focusing on mtDNA. DNA quantities isolated from common evidence materials such as hairs, fingerprints and accessories were estimated using a real-time quantification assay. Knowledge of quantitative differences between materials can guide forensic scientists to perform the best analysis (Paper I). The current mtDNA analysis is based on hypervariable region (HVI/HVII) sequencing, which is the most rigorous and time-consuming forensic DNA analysis. Therefore, we evaluated the possibility to exclude individuals by screening for non-matching samples using the rapid and easy mtDNA Linear Array Assay (Paper II). The major disadvantage using mtDNA is the lower discrimination power compared to multiple nuclear DNA markers. In contrast to the nuclear genome, due to the uniparental (maternal) mode of inheritance, no individual has unique mtDNA. We investigated the possibility of increasing the discrimination power by using pyrosequencing technology to analyse parts of the coding region in addition to HVI/HVII (Paper III). Furthermore, the addition of coding mtDNA information was evaluated by comparing several recently published mtDNA coding region assays (Paper IV). Mixtures of DNA are common in forensic genetics due to contribution of DNA from several individuals, contamination or heteroplasmy. To resolve mixtures we have developed a pyrosequencing-based assay for the accurate quantification of the mtDNA mixture components (Paper V). In conclusion, this thesis describes several assays that are valuable in forensic genetics for DNA quantification, improved mtDNA analysis, and mtDNA mixture interpretation.

Comparison of Middle Eastern Bedouin genotypes with previously studies populations using polymorphic Alu insertions

Pitt, Alison Patricia January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Polymorphic Alu insertions (POALINs) are known to contribute to the variation and genetic diversity of the human genome. In this report specific POALINs of the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) were studied. Previous population studies on the MHC POALINs have focused on individuals of African, European and Asian descent. In this study, we expand the research by studying a new and previously uncharacterised population, focusing on the Bedouin from the Middle East. Specifically we report on the individual insertion frequencies of four POALINs within the MHC class I region of this population. POALINs are members of a young Alu subfamily that have only recently been inserted into the human genome. POALINs are either present or absent at particular sites. Individuals that share the inserted (or deleted) polymorphism inherited the insertion (or deletion) from a common ancestor, making Alu alleles identical by decent. In population genetics a comparison of the resulting products from each population can then be done by comparing the lengths of the PCR products in a series of unrelated individuals and may also detect polymorphisms with regard to the presence or absence of the Alu repeats. As a direct result of their abundance and sequence identity, they promote genetic recombination events that are responsible for large-scale deletions, duplication and translocations. The deletions occur mostly in the A-T rich regions and have found to be unlikely to have been created independently of the insertions of the Alu elements (Callinan et al, 2005) The easy genotyping of the POALINs has proven to be very valuable as lineage markers for the study of human population genetics, pedigree and forensics as well as genomic diversity and evolution. POALINs have been used in a range of applications, primarily focusing on anthropological analysis of human populations. As a result of its ease of use and its utility as a marker in human evolutions studies, combining the POALINs along with other markers used in forensics could lead to improved identity testing in forensic science. More specifically, in combination with more traditional markers, race specific genotypes and haplotypes could be used for profiling crime scene samples. ... This is supported by previously reported molecular data using various types of genetic markers. In a study using six separate Alu genes, Antunez-de-Mayolo et al were able to generate a phylogenetic tree, in which the biogeographical groups followed a pattern. The biogeographical groups started with African populations that were found to relate closely to the hypothetical ancestral African population. The African populations were then followed in order by Southwest Asian populations, European populations which include Middle Eastern groups (Antunez-de-Mayolo et al, 2002). This study shows the similarities and differences between the frequencies of the Middle Eastern Bedouin and the rest of the compared populations. Though no clear results were determined, the information from the POALINs along with information provided from other genetic markers can lead to further research on the Bedouin population and the improvement of the forensic population database in order to accurately test individual ethnic background of samples to be analysed.

Identificação Genética e Crime : a introdução dos bancos de DNA no Brasil

Richter, Vitor Simonis January 2016 (has links)
Em 2012, o Brasil aprovou a lei 12.654 que regulamenta o uso dos bancos de perfis genéticos para fins de investigação criminal. Esta lei é um dos marcos nas discussões acerca do uso do DNA nas investigações criminais que se intensificaram no país a partir de 2009 quando o FBI doou ao Brasil o Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). A chegada dos bancos de dados de DNA ao Brasil faz parte de um processo de expansão internacional de bancos nacionais de perfis genéticos. Esta tese trata do processo de introdução desta tecnologia no Brasil. Através de entrevistas com especialistas de diferentes áreas, tais como perícia criminal, direito e bioética, da observação e participação em seminários e congressos de perícia criminal e das discussões travadas em publicações de revistas científicas esta pesquisa busca uma compreensão etnográfica dos nexos entre ciência, direito, tecnologia, segurança e poder em torno do processo de introdução dos bancos de perfis genéticos no Brasil. Na primeira parte, a tese descreve algumas relações e significados que fizeram a identificação genética vir a ser sinônimo de precisão científica acerca da identificação humana e o deslizamento para sua aplicação nas investigações criminais. Na segunda parte, aborda os primeiros efeitos do processo de introdução da tecnologia de bancos de perfis genéticos no Brasil a partir do processo de elaboração da lei dos bancos de DNA, da emergência de novas trajetórias de peritos criminais em genética forense e de alguns desafios do cotidiano da coleta, análise e armazenamento dos vestígios da cena do crime. Conhecer e entender como são colocadas em prática as diversas mediações que envolvem a estabilização do banco de DNA para fins de investigação criminal no Brasil permite refletir como a relação entre tecnociência, direitos, cidadania e políticas de segurança implicam em opções técnicas, éticas e políticas. / In 2012, Brazil approved the Federal Law 12.654, which regulates the use of genetic profiles for criminal investigations. Such law is one of the main landmarks in discussions concerning the use of DNA in criminal investigations that have intensified across the country since 2009, when the FBI donated to Brazil the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). The arrival of these databases in Brazil is part of an international expansion process of national genetic profiles databases. This dissertation is about the introduction process of such biotechnology in Brazil. Through interviews with specialists from different areas, such as forensic sciences, law and bioethics, from observation and participation in forensics seminars and congresses and from discussions set in scientific publications this research aims for an ethnographic understanding of the nexus between science, law, technology, security and power around the introductory process of the genetic profile databases in Brazil. In its first part, the dissertation describes some relations and meanings that made genetic identification become a synonym of scientific precision concerning human identification and the transition for its application in criminal investigation. In its second part, it approaches the first effects of the introductory process of the technology in Brazil through the DNA database’s law elaboration process, from the emergency of new trajectories of genetic forensic experts and from a few challenges of the daily collection, analysis and storage of evidences of the crime scene. To know and to understand the mediations involved in the stabilization of the DNA databases for criminal investigation allow us to reflect on how the relation between technoscience, law, citizenship and safety politics affects and engenders technical options, ethics and policies.

Utilização de sistema multiplex de marcadores do tipo INDELs em identificação humana por DNA / Use of multiplex system with INDELs markers in human identification by DNA

Alexandre Caiafa Ribeiro 30 May 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Os INDELs são polimorfismos de comprimento, gerados a partir de inserções e/ou deleções de um ou mais nucleotídeos. Os marcadores INDELs, que estão amplamente distribuídos pelo genoma e se caracterizam pela alta estabilidade devido à baixa taxa mutacional (10-9), podem ser analisados a partir da amplificação por PCR (Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase). A facilidade de análise e a possibilidade de construção de sistemas multiplex capazes de gerar amplicons curtos (menores que 100 pb) tornam os INDELs uma importante ferramenta para identificação humana por DNA. Para avaliar a eficiência e validar a metodologia que emprega os polimorfismos de inserção/deleção na identificação humana, utilizamos o sistema Indel-plex ID, capaz de amplificar simultaneamente 38 loci INDELs bialélicos de cromossomos autossomos. Diferentes amostras biológicas (cabelo, saliva, sangue, sêmen e urina) foram genotipadas apresentando reprodutibilidade entre todas as tipagens. A concentração mínima de DNA necessária para amplificação dos 38 loci INDELs foi de 0,5 ng. Artefatos do tipo split peaks foram observados em algumas amostras. Os produtos da PCR foram purificados em resina Sephadex proporcionando melhores condições de análise, redução de artefatos e aumento na intensidade média de fluorescência dos alelos amplificados. A eficiência do sistema Indel-plex ID na amplificação de DNA degradado foi verificada durante as análises das amostras de DNA extraídas de restos mortais (ossos e dentes). Comparativamente ao sistema Identifiler, o Indel-plex ID, se mostrou mais eficiente em termos de número de loci genotipados e qualidade de amplificação. Nas investigações de vínculos genéticos realizadas com o sistema Indel-plex ID foi possível corroborar resultados anteriores obtidos pela análise de marcadores STR. Nas análises com amostras in vivo foram obtidos valores máximos de Probabilidades de Paternidade de 99,99998%. Para casos envolvendo supostos pais falecidos, o sistema Indel-plex ID reforçou resultados obtidos com o sistema Identifiler e Minifiler. A Probabilidade de Paternidade de 99,953%, obtida com o sistema Indel-plex ID, conjugada com a Probabilidade de Paternidade de 99,957%, obtida como o sistema Minifiler, possibilitou um índice final de 99,99998%. Os resultados evidenciaram que os loci INDELs do sistema Indel-plex ID são altamente informativos, constituindo uma ferramenta importante em estudos de identificação humana e de relações de parentesco / INDELs are length polymorphisms, generated from insertions and/or deletions of one or more nucleotides. The INDEL markers, which are widely distributed throughout the genome and characterized by high stability due to their low mutational rate (10-9), can be analyzed based on amplification by PCR (Polimerase Chain Reaction). This ease in being analyzed and the possibility of building multiplex systems capable of generating short amplicons (smaller than 100 pb), render INDELs an important tool for DNA-based human identification. So as to evaluate the efficiency and validate the methodology which makes use of insertion/deletion polymorphisms in human identification, we have employed the Indel-plex ID system, capable of simultaneously amplifying 38 INDEL loci of biallelic autosome chromosomes. Different biological samples (hair, saliva, blood, semen and urine) were genotyped showing reproducibility of all typing. The minimum DNA concentration for the amplification of the 38 INDEL loci is 0,5 ng. Artifacts of the split peaks type were observed in some samples. The purification of the PCRs products in Sephadex resin provided better conditions for analysis, reduction of artifacts and increased the average intensity of allele fluorescence. The efficiency of the Indel-plex ID system in the amplification of degraded DNA was verified in analysis of DNA samples extracted from mortal remains (bones and teeth). In comparison with the Identifiler system, the Indel-plex ID has proven more efficient in terms of the number of genotyped loci and amplification quality. During the investigation of genetic relations, carried out with the Indel-plex ID system, it was possible to corroborate previous results obtained through the analysis of STR markers. In investigations based on in vitro samples, maximum values of 99,99998% in Paternity Probabilities were obtained. In genetic investigations related to deceased supposed parents, the Indel-plex ID system corroborated results obtained with the Identifiler and Minifiler systems. The Paternity Probability of 99,953% obtained with the Indel-plex ID system, allied with the Paternity Probability of 99,957% obtained with the Minifiler rendered possible the final indicator of 99,99998%. The results have made evident that the INDEL loci of the Indel-plex ID system are highly informative and constitute an important tool for studies in both human identification and parenthood relations identification

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