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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Berechnung von STM-Profilkurven und von Quantenbillards endlicher Wandhoehe

Sbosny, Hartmut 09 September 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit befasst sich mit zweierleiZum einen wird der STM-Abbildungsprozess simuliert, indem Probe und Spitze durch zweidimensionale Sommerfeld-Metalle frei waehlbarer Geometrie beschrieben werden und der Tunnelstrom im Transfer-Hamiltonian-Formalismus bestimmt wird. Die Berechnung der Eigenzustaende der Elektroden erfolgt numerisch durch Diskretisierung der Schroedingergleichung im Differenzenverfahren. Ueber die geometrische Entfaltung der erhaltenen Konstantstromprofile mit der Spitzengeometrie werden der Vergleich zum geometrischen (mechanischen) Abtasten gezogen und Moeglichkeiten einer Vermessung von Spitze und Probe diskutiert. Zum anderen wird durch Berechnung von Eigenzustaenden in grossen zweidimensionalen Potentialkaesten (Quantenbillards) endlicher Wandhoehe der Frage nachgegangen, welchen Einfluss klassisch verbotene Gebiete (Aussenraum, Tunnelbarriere) auf Eigenfunktionen in semiklassisch grossen Systemen haben. Betrachtet wird insbesondere ein Gesamtsystem bestehend aus zwei Potentialkaesten, die ueber eine Tunnelbarriere koppeln (¨Quantenbillards endlicher Wandhoehe im Tunnelkontakt¨). Bei einer Reihe von Zustaenden zeigen sich Scars, die aus der Barriere austreten und in diese zuruecklaufen. Das Gesamtsystem ist in hohem Masse nichtintegrabel, ¨sichtbar¨ wird dieses aber nur fuer Bahnen entweder des Kontinuums oder fuer komplexe Orbits. Eine semiklassische Beschreibung dieses Phaenomens mit der gegenwaertigen, auf klassischen Orbits fussenden Theorie periodischer Bahnen ist nicht mehr moeglich. Die Einbeziehung komplexer Orbits oder Bahnen des Kontinuums (¨ungebundener Orbits¨) wird durch diese Ergebnisse angemahnt.

Pojmotvorný proces ve výuce geometrie na základní škole. / The process of creating the concept in teaching geometry.

SAMCOVÁ, Soňa January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to gather information related to the concept formation process in geometry. Reading available literature and writing the basic terms and facts on a given subject. Part of the thesis is a collection of exercises related to the principles of the concept formation process and due to revision of Bloom's taxonomy. Then realization of active research. The research detects if the problematics of triangles in five classes of elementary school is taught according to the principles of the concept formation process.

Strategie řešení slovních úloh v průběhu studia na ZŠ / Strategies for solving word problems in the course of study in primary school

HÁJKOVÁ, Radka January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of my thesis is the investigation and description of students' strategies for solving word problems at basic schools. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The first part describes the types of word problems at the basic school, pupils? and teaching strategies. There are also explained meaning of terms algorithms and didactic contract. There is also own confrontation of textbooks which are used at secondary schools. The theoretical part is formed the experiment that was performed at the second stage of a basic school in two parallel classes. In the experiment there were entered three types of identical tests for solving word problems. There is judged pupils? improvement, using different strategies and effect of algorithms and didactic contract. In conclusion there are summarized results and knowledge from the experiment.

Lorentzova grupa a její aplikace v kvantové teorii gravitace / Lorentz group and its application in the theory of quantum gravity

Pejcha, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we are dealing with basic methods of theoretical physics focusing on quantum theory of gravity, that are: Hamilton-Dirac formalism for singular systems, Dirac`s method of quantizing systems with constraints and its mathematical formulation - refined algebraic quantization, representation of compact groups and representation of Lorentz group. We apply these methods to find eigenstates of Lorentz group and General linear group generators. We construct a physical Hilbert space on temporal part of 3+1 decomposition of Einstein-Cartan theory. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

NExpTime-complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains

Lutz, Carsten 20 May 2022 (has links)
Aus der Einleitung: „Description logics (DLs) are a family of logical formalisms well-suited for the representation of and reasoning about conceptual knowledge on an abstract logical level. However, for many knowledge representation applications, it is essential to integrate the abstract logical knowledge with knowledge of a more concrete nature. As an example, consider the modeling of manufacturing processes, where it is necessary to represent 'abstract' entities like subprocesses and workpieces and also 'concrete' knowledge, e.g., about the duration of processes and physical dimensions of the manufactured objects [2; 25].”

Formalismus v právu / Formalism in Law

Brezina, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is "formalism in law" as a concept that permeates an essential part of modern legal thinking. This work shows that it is usually perceived as a critical concept, but without a clear and steady meaning. In recent times, however, the discussion involving this concept changed so that it now includes individuals positively acknowledging themselves as formalists. An overview of this debate (only marginally concerning the Czech environment yet, however) forms the bulk of the thesis. The second essential part of it is a separate rethinking of the place of formalism in law, in all its aspects - in interpretation and application of law, in the creation of law, even in legal education and legal scholarship. This thesis consists of three unequal parts, the first of which is further divided into three sections. The first part deals with the formalism as a topic of discussion in legal philosophy during the entire 20th century, and the intention is to present this debate to Czech readers. Its first section is devoted to a topic typically linked to criticism of formalism in law in Western legal scholarship, as it presents the American legal realism of the interwar period. It shows it as a strong and visible culmination of earlier critical efforts visible on both sides of the Atlantic...

Delay effects on synchronization in networks of dynamical systems

Murugesan, Manju Shrii 18 November 2013 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden wir die Wirkung der Verzögerung Kupplung auf Netzwerke von chaotischen erkunden dynamischer Systeme mit dem Rahmen der Master Stabilität Formalismus. Wir werden untersuchen das Phänomen der Verzögerung-verstärkter und Verzögerungen-induzierte stabile Synchronisation in einer willkürlichen Verzögerung gekoppelt Netzwerk von zeitkontinuierlichen dynamischen Systemen. Wir demonstrieren, dass es immer existieren eine erweiterte Regime des stabilen synchronen Zustand als eine Funktion der Kopplungsstärke geeignete Verbindung Verzögerungen, die nicht ohne Verzögerung in die Kupplung beobachtet werden kann. Wir schlagen eine partielle verzögerung Verbindung als eine Kombination von sowohl den momentanen und der komplett Verzögerung Verbindung mit gewissen Gewichten Bestimmung ihrer Beiträgen. Wir werden zeigen, dass die partielle Verzögerung Verbindung beide Grenzfälle des momentanen und der komplett Verzögerung Kupplung am synchronizabilit von Netzwerken übertrifft. Der Rahmen fuer Master Stabilität Formalismus ist mit einem Netzwerk von intrinsischen Zeitverzögerung Systeme, deren Knoten Dynamik durch Verzögerung Differentialgleichungen beschrieben erweitert, zum ersten Mal in der Literatur und veranschaulicht das allgemeine Verhalten des Master-Stabilisierungsfunktion in Netzwerken skalare Zeit Einschaltverzögerung Systeme auf den Synchronisations-Eigenschaften des Netzes. Außerdem untersuchen wir das Zusammenspiel von Lärm und verzögert in das Phänomen der Lärmverstärkter Phasensynchronisierung in beiden unidirektional und bidirektional gekoppelt zeitverzögerung systeme. / In this thesis, we will explore the effect of delay coupling on networks of chaotic dynamical systems using the framework of master stability formalism. We will investigate the phenomenon of delay-enhanced and delay-induced stable synchronization in an arbitrary delay coupled network of time-continuous dynamical systems. We will demonstrate that there always exist an extended regime of stable synchronous state as a function of coupling strength for appropriate coupling delays, which cannot be observed without any delay in the coupling. We will also propose a partial delay coupling as a combination of both the instantaneous and the completely delay coupling with certain weights determining their contributions. We will show that the partial delay coupling outperforms both limiting cases of the instantaneous and the completely delay coupling on the synchronizability of networks. The framework of master stability formalism is extended to a network of intrinsic time-delay systems, whose node dynamics are described by delay differential equations, for the first time in the literature and illustrated the generic behavior of the master stability function in networks of scalar time-delay systems based on the synchronization properties of the network. We also investigate the interplay of noise and delay in the phenomenon of noise-enhanced phase synchronization in both unidirectionally and bidirectionally coupled time-delay systems.

Theory of many-body effects in the Kondo-lattice model

Hickel, Tilmann 26 June 2006 (has links)
Das magnetische Verhalten zahlreicher Materialien lässt sich auf eine indirekte Wechselwirkung lokalisierter magnetischer Momente, vermittelt durch die Elektronen eines Leitungsbandes, zurückführen. Das Kondo-Gitter-Modell hat sich als elegante Möglichkeit bewährt, diesen Prozess quantenmechanisch zu beschreiben. Es reduziert die Physik auf eine intraatomare Wechselwirkung der Spins von lokalisierten und itineranten Elektronen. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist den analytischen Eigenschaften dieses Modells gewidmet. Die besondere Herausforderung des Kondo-Gitter-Modells besteht dabei im Zusammenwirken zweier verschiedener Teilchensorten, beschrieben durch Fermi-Operatoren sowie quantenmechanische Spins. Bisherige Untersuchungen haben sich in der Regel nur auf eine der beiden Teilchensorten konzentriert. Mit der Projektions-Operator-Methode stellen wir eine Möglichkeit vor, beide Teilsysteme in gleicher Qualität zu behandeln. Die Auswertung des Teilsystems der itineranten Elektronen führt auf einen Ausdruck für die Selbstenergie, der lineare und quadratische Effekte in der Wechselwirkung exakt beschreibt. Die resultierenden Zustandsdichten weisen starke Korrelationseffekte auf. Deren Untersuchung dient sowohl der Bestätigung von Ergebnissen weniger systematischer Zugänge als auch dem Aufzeigen neuer Vielteilchen-Phänomene. Die Anwendung der Projektions-Operator-Methode auf das System der lokalisierten Momente führt zu einer Analyse der bereits bekannten RPA (random phase approximation). Zu diesem Zweck werden die Magnonenspektren und die Curie-Temperaturen systematisch untersucht. Dabei treten bisher unbekannte Schwachpunkte der RPA zu Tage, die auch die Kombination mit Theorien für das itinerante Teilsystem verhindern. Verbesserungen und Alternativen zur RPA werden diskutiert. / The magnetic behaviour of various materials is due to an indirect interaction of localized magnetic moments, which is based on itinerant electrons in a conduction band. The Kondo-lattice model is an elegant approach for a quantum-mechanical description of this process. It reduces the relevant physics to an intra-atomic exchange interaction of the localized and the itinerant electrons. The aim of the present work is a detailed investigation of analytic properties of this model. Here, the interplay of two distinct types of particles, described by Fermi operators and quantum-mechanical spin operators respectively, is a major challenge of the considered model. Previous studies have focused on one of these subsystems only. Using the projection-operator method, we suggest an efficient way to describe both subsystems on the same level of approximation. An evaluation of the subsystem of itinerant electrons yields an expression for the self-energy, which describes linear and quadratic interaction effects exactly. The densities of states derived with this theory show strong correlation effects. We were able to assess results obtained with less systematic approaches and to predict new many-particle effects. The application of the projection-operator method to the subsystem of localized magnetic moments results in a detailed analysis of the RPA (random phase approximation). The dependence of magnon spectra and Curie temperatures on model parameters are investigated systematically. Previously unknown drawbacks of the RPA are revealed, which prevent the combination of these results with theories for the itinerant subsystem. Improvements beyond RPA and alternative approximations are discussed.

Eticky problematické oblasti inspekcí kvality sociálních služeb / The ethical dimension of quality inspection in social services

BICKOVÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on problematic question of social services quality inspection. First part of the thesis aids on conception of quality in context of social services. This part also describes development of social services and their practical use in law system of Czech Republic. We can also find description of inspection methods and their system. Third charter is mainly focused on dimension of inspector's ethic codex. It is aiming on systems of values, professional ethics, ethic codex and education of inspectors. Last and main chapter is trying to explain problematic areas in actual and real conditions of inspection process. Chapter contains suggestions with several solutions. Thesis uses and combines all collected data from verified sources, specialists external inspectors.

Geometrie izolovaných horizontů / Geometry of isolated horizons

Flandera, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
While the formalism of isolated horizons is known for some time, only quite recently the near horizon solution of Einstein's equations has been found in the Bondi-like coordinates by Krishnan in 2012. In this framework, the space-time is regarded as the characteristic initial value problem with the initial data given on the horizon and another null hypersurface. It is not clear, however, what ini- tial data reproduce the simplest physically relevant black hole solution, namely that of Kerr-Newman which describes stationary, axisymmetric black hole with charge. Moreover, Krishnan's construction employs the non-twisting null geodesic congruence and the tetrad which is parallelly propagated along this congruence. While the existence of such tetrad can be easily established in general, its explicit form can be very difficult to find and, in fact it has not been provided for the Kerr-Newman metric. The goal of this thesis was to fill this gap and provide a full description of the Kerr-Newman metric in the framework of isolated horizons. In the theoretical part of the thesis we review the spinor and Newman-Penrose formalism, basic geometry of isolated horizons and then present our results. Thesis is complemented by several appendices.

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