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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formativa bedömningens påverkan på elevers progression i skrivande / The impact of formative assessment on students writing progression

Guardado, Erika, Sköld, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med kunskapsöversikten är att ta reda på hur elevernas skrivutveckling gynnas av en formativ bedömning. Metoden har bestått av informationssökning där resultatet av källorna sedan har bearbetats och noggrant granskats samt slutligen sammanställts. Såväl nationella som internationella studier har använts i kunskapsöversikten. Resultatet visar på att elever uppfattar feedback som något positivt som fokuserar på både styrkorna och vad som kan förbättras och att det faktiskt är till hjälp för deras progression. Forskningen tar även upp två olika verktyg i form av elevportfolion samt kamratbedömning som kan vara användbara i undervisningen.

Musiklärares formativa undervisningsmetoder : En studie i ensemblelärares användande av tecken som verktyg för formativt lärande i gymnasieskolan

Leopoldson, Max January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att observera hur ensemblelärare i gymnasieskolan använder tecken som verktyg för formativ bedömning. Med tecken menas här all form av kommunikation, exempelvis sång, spel, tal, rörelser, noter och ljudinspelningar. Formativ bedömning handlar om att hjälpa elever i sitt lärande, bland annat genom att skapa målsättningar, gärna tillsammans med eleverna, och sedan hjälpa dem att nå målen via metoder som återkoppling, kamratbedömning och självbedömning. Detta i aktiviteter där befintlig kunskap och utvecklingsmöjligheter synliggörs. Tidigare forskning som tas upp i bakgrunden menar på att musiklärare ständigt inkorporerar formativ bedömning i sin reguljära undervisning, ofta utan att ens reflektera över det själva, och mycket av kunskapsutbytet sker outtalat.  En observationsstudie med kompletterande intervju gjordes på tre olika gymnasieskolor för att undersöka användningen av formativ bedömning, och resultatet i studien går i linje med att formativ bedömning ständigt sker i processen genom att exemplifiera hur musiklärare varierar och kombinerar tecken som verktyg för bedömning i ensembleundervisning. Resultatet visar att gymnasielärare instruerar elever genom att sjunga sång- och spelstämmor, samtidigt som de visar de musikaliska dimensionerna tonhöjd, rytm och dynamik genom att komplettera med rörelser med händer, fötter, huvud samt ansiktsuttryck. Detta ger ett fördjupat intryck och lärande, då den musikaliska helhetsbilden konfirmeras av eleven som i sin tur svarar med en egen kombination av spel, sång, tal, gestik och mimik. Dessa teckenkombinationer möjliggör för läraren att uppfatta ett bredare spektrum av kunskap hos eleven, till exempel hur elevens spelstämma förhåller sig till helheten.  Förutom ensemblespel som musikalisk process förekom i studien även en lektion där elever fick kommentera kring sitt ensembleuppspel. Här återkopplade ensemblegrupper på sin egen, sin grupps och lärares prestationer i undervisning och uppspel. Genom detta utvecklades elevers kunskap om musikalisk helhet och gav dem chans att skapa nya målsättningar.

Sebehodnocení žáků na 1. stupni ZŠ / Self-assesment of pupils at a primary school

Škachová, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis has theoretic - empirical character. The thesis is focused on self - assessment proces of pupil on the firt level of primary school. The aim of the work is to ensure and to interpret which of methods and resources the teacher have used for evaluation during the guidance of first grade - pupils to their self - assessment. The theoretical part focuses on purpose and reason of self - assessment and it's position in evaluation procedurs of teacher and on pupil's develipment, which is very essential for self - assessment, too. This part is concentrated on teacher's copmetencies which are very important for his - her option to lead pupils to the assessment. The practical part is based on cognitire investigation. The research part contains some objectives, methods, and research questions: What is the use of methods during the leading of pupils to self assessment? What is the pupil's experience with self - assessment? This part is concentrated on case studies of purposefully selected teachers, teachers and pupil's answer, which were done trough questions of the test. Next it focuses on portfolio analysis, they have a positive impact on children's self - assessment. At the end of the work the above questions were answered. KEY WORDS assessment, self - assessment, teacher, pupil,...

Pojetí hodnocení ve vzdělávacím oboru Přírodopis na 2. stupni základní školy: akční výzkum / School Assessment in Science Education in ISCED 2: Action Research

Čejková, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
The enclosed master thesis focuses on assessment in the Natural History educational area at lower-secondary school (ISCED 2). The main aim of the thesis is to get acquainted with the concepts and methods of school assessment, subsequently to select appropriate methods and approaches to assessment for the education of Natural History and to verify them in practice with the use of action research. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. First, the topics related to the subject matter are presented in the theoretical part. The pedagogical communication is an indivisible part of the assessment process. The assessment is also dependent on the approach to education and applied objectives. Bloom's revised taxonomy is mostly used in the area of cognitive objectives, however Marzano and Kendall's (2007) New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives is also applied nowadays. The assessment includes a wide variety of possibilities and approaches, from which grading and oral assessment are the most common. The terms summative and formative assessment are explained in the thesis. The assessment also covers various methods of education, activating teaching methods and seeking an evidence of students' current understanding. Then the educational area of the Natural History is introduced. The action...

Formative Assessment for Learning EFL in Europe : A systematic literature review

Jönsson, Pontus January 2020 (has links)
This systematic literature review analyses nine research articles about formative assessment and feedback practices in the European EFL context. The aim is to explore previous research about how teachers and students in EFL education employ, process and experience feedback in both oral and written forms. The systematic literature review also highlights challenging areas of formative assessment practice in the research articles in order to offer a backdrop for prospective development of formative assessment procedures in the Swedish EFL context. The reviewed research covers formative assessment practices within the European EFL context of lower and upper secondary education in Sweden, Norway and The Czech Republic, Spain and Greece. The methods of the reviewed research articles included for example classroom observations, questionnaires, and interviews with teachers and students. The results of this systematic literature review indicate that the majority of the teachers in the research articles provided formative feedback which enhanced learning, but that feedback provision depended upon the schools’ assessment culture. The systematization also highlights the fact that teachers in some of the research articles were changing to a more formative assessment culture which promoted learning and peer assessment activities. Regarding challenging areas of formative assessment practices, the review showed that students might find feedback difficult to understand. However, the students improved their language skills if they were able to understand and given time to process the formative feedback on oral and written assignments. The literature review highlights that despite the strong promotion of formative assessment in Sweden, there is a gap in local empirical research showing how it happens. Thus, more empirical research about formative assessment in Sweden is needed.

Hodnotící kompetence učitele na 1. stupni základní školy se zaměřením na sebehodnocení žáků / The teacher's assessment competence at primary school with a focus on self - assessment of Pupils

Homoky, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation refers to the issue of school evaluation. It focuses on the competence of a primary school teacher to develop self-assessment of pupils. The theoretical part is devoted to the personality of the teacher, his profession including the qualities of the teacher and the professional standard. Furthermore, the teacher's professional competences, the concept of teaching and the ability of reflection and self-reflection in the teacher's profession. Then, in this part, autor is dedicated to the personality of the pupil in the learning process, the climate in the classroom and the interaction between the pupil and the teacher. In conclusion, the author focuses on the evaluation in the learning process, the objectives of the evaluation and its types. Particular attention is paid to formative assessment, especially self-evaluation of pupils, methods and methods of implementation. The research part presents the results of the research, for which the qualitative design of the case study was used. The subject of the survey was the evaluation competence of the teacher and activities aimed at self-assessment of pupils. The main objective of the research was to find out how primary school teachers develop the self-assessment of pupils in the learning process. In addition, the author has set several...

Formative Bewertung von Dolmetschleistungen im Studienverlauf: Bewertungskriterien, Bewertungsperspektiven und Vermittlung der Bewertung

Riemer, Sandra 28 November 2019 (has links)
Der anwendungsorientierte Masterstudiengang Konferenzdolmetschen hat die wesentliche Zielsetzung, Studierende auf eine professionelle Dolmetschtätigkeit vorzubereiten. Daher besteht ein überwiegender Anteil der Lehrveranstaltungen und des Selbststudiums darin, die Fähigkeiten zu trainieren, die für die Berufsausübung nötig sind. Um das Lernen zu lenken und den Lernfortschritt zu überwachen, erhalten die Studierenden wiederholt von verschiedenen Seiten Rückmeldungen zu ihrer erbrachten Leistung. Durch diese Bewertungen sollen Stärken und Schwächen aufgezeigt werden, um eine gezielte Weiterentwicklung der Dolmetschkompetenz zu unterstützen. Die zentrale Fragestellung der vorliegenden Arbeit besteht darin, wie diese Bewertungshandlungen in der Praxis ausgestaltet sein sollten, damit sie eine tatsächliche Unterstützung für den Lernprozess darstellen. Eine besondere Relevanz hat diese Fragestellung angesichts der Tatsache, dass nicht nur Dozierende sondern auch Studierende in großem Umfang Dolmetschleistungen bewerten müssen – im Präsenzstudium sowie im Selbststudium. Dabei sollen auch diejenigen studentischen Bewertungsvorgänge, die in Abwesenheit von Dozierenden erfolgen, dazu geeignet sein, die Weitergestaltung des Lernprozesses zielgerichtet zu unterstützen. Das Ziel der Arbeit liegt somit darin, für die Ausbildungspraxis konkrete Hinweise zusammenzutragen, wie Bewertungen von studentischen Dolmetschleistungen gestaltet werden können, um der Forderung nach einer Unterstützung des Lernprozesses gerecht zu werden. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den verwendeten Bewertungskriterien, den möglichen Bewertungsperspektiven und dem Aspekt der Vermittlung der Bewertung. Bei der Präsentation der Ergebnisse werden bereits vorliegende schematische Darstellungen, die die Bewertungsvorgänge in der Praxis unterstützen können, durch weitere eigene Zusammenstellungen ergänzt.:Abbildungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 2 Lerntheorie und Didaktik 2.1 Der Begriff „Lernen“ 2.2 Förderung des Lernerfolgs 2.3 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen 2.4 Bewertung und Lernen 2.4.1 Definition von Feedback und Bewertung 2.4.2 Assessment for learning 2.4.3 Lernende als Feedback-Quelle: Peer assessment und Self-assessment 2.4.4 Eigenschaften unterstützender Bewertung 3 Dolmetschqualität und Dolmetschkompetenz 3.1 Dolmetschqualität – die Güte von Dolmetschprozess und -produkt 3.1.1 Begriffseingrenzung 3.1.2 Bewertende Personengruppen 3.1.3 Qualitätsparameter 3.2 Dolmetschkompetenz – Fähigkeiten von Dolmetschern 4 Didaktik des Konferenzdolmetschens 4.1 Grundlagen der Dolmetschdidaktik 4.2 Zielsetzung der Dolmetschausbildung 4.2.1 Anforderungen des Arbeitsmarkts 4.2.2 Zielsetzungen an Dolmetschausbildungsinstituten 4.2.3 Zielsetzungen in den Abteilungen am IALT 4.3 Lern- und Anforderungsprogression 4.4 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen im Master Konferenzdolmetschen 5 Formative Bewertungshandlungen im Dolmetschstudium 5.1 Aufbau und Ausgestaltung der Bewertung 5.1.1 Bestandteile des Bewertungsprozesses 5.1.2 Produkt- vs. prozessorientierte Bewertung 5.1.3 Weitere Aspekte der Bewertungsgestaltung 5.2 Möglichkeiten der Gewinnung von Bewertungskriterien für Dolmetschleistungen im Studium 5.2.1 Übernahme bestehender Bewertungskriterien 5.2.2 Zusammenstellung von Bewertungskriterien durch Studierende 5.3 Bewertung aus verschiedenen Perspektiven 5.3.1 Perspektive der bewertenden Person 5.3.2 Zeitliche Perspektive 5.4 Leitfaden zur Bewertungsgestaltung 6 Fazit Literaturverzeichnis Anhang: Gesprächsleitfaden zur Befragung von Dozierenden des IALT

Formative assessment in elementary school / Formative bedömning i lågstadiet

Blecher, Hannah, Hörlin, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This study's purpose is to investigate formative assessment/feedback in elementary school. According to the Curriculum (2018), it is essential to use formative feedback in the classroom because it helps students progress in their learning. The aim is to see how formative assessment is conducted in English as a second language/English as a foreign language classroom. The research questions that we used were to what extent is formative feedback used in the elementary classroom? Furthermore, are there different ways of giving formative assessment in an English classroom? The primary method used has been electronic searches in two databases, such as Education research complete and ERIC. The study results will show that the teachers know that formative assessment is beneficial for the students' learning process. However, they do not use it due to the lack of experience, time and knowledge. We investigated the teachers' role in formative assessment and discussed how essential time and prioritizing are.

Att vara resurser för varandra : kamratbedömning i matematikundervisningen / Being resources for one another : peer assessment in mathematics education

Suriya, Ramon January 2019 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för den här litteraturstudien är det sociokulturella perspektivet där lärandet sker i samspelet med varandra. Kamratbedömning delar samma utgångspunkt. Syftet med den här litteraturstudien är att sammanställa och analysera vad forskningen säger om kamrat-bedömningens effekter på matematiklärande. Metoden som används för att få fram ett resultat är en systematisk litteraturstudie. Tjugotre forskningsstudier har kartlagts och analyserats. Resultatet visar att kamratbedömning ger positiva effekter för elevers lärande när det används i ämnet matematik. I det här arbetet delas kamratbedömningens effekter in i två teman (sociala effekter och kognitiva effekter) och fem underteman (samspel, beteende, feedback, reflektion och förståelseutveckling). Resultatet diskuteras utifrån synen på kunskap och lärande utifrån det sociokulturella perspektivet. Avslutningsvis diskuteras vidare forskning och konsekvenser för undervisningen. / The starting point of this literature study is the socio-cultural perspective where learning takes place through interaction with each other. Peer-assessment shares the same point of view. The purpose of this literature study is to compile and analyze what the research says what peer assessment has for effect on mathematics learning. The method that was used for this research is a systematic literature study. Twenty-three research studies have been mapped and analyzed. The result shows that peer tutoring gives positive effects when methods is used it in mathematics. In this study has divided effecter of peer tutoring into two themes (social effects and cognitive effects) and five subthemes (interaction, behavior, feedback, reflection and understanding development). The result is discussed from the viewpoint of knowledge and learning from the socio-cultural perspective. Finally, further research and implications for teaching are discussed.

Effects of Teachers’ Knowledge of formative assessment on teachers’ practices & students’ metacognition : A literature review / Effekter av lärarnas kunskap om formativ bedömning på både lärarens praktik och elevernas metakognition

Sulieman, Nidal, Wannus, Abeer January 2021 (has links)
This literature review examines two major areas: firstly, the impact of teachers’ knowledge about formative assessment on teachers' practices in the classroom; secondly, the role of formative assessment in raising students’ metacognition and how formative activities lead to raising students’ self-awareness and self-regulation. This paper also aims to shed light on the interdependence relation between formative assessment and teaching in general. Ten different primary studies relevant to formative assessment and its effects on teaching/learning have been chosen to investigate the formative assessment in relation with the school subjects and particularly with English as a Foreign Language. The data was collected by exploring different electronic websites. The results of this literature review show that teachers' knowledge of the formative assessment has significant influencing factors on their practices and on supporting students’ metacognition; however, the implementation of formative assessment continues to be hazy.

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