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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Roadblocks Hindering a Fossil-Free Stockholm : Research of the Impact of Food Delivery Technology

Björkbom, Amel, Nguyen, Kimberly January 2021 (has links)
Online food delivery (OFD) services have become increasingly popular and accessible, allowing customers to choose between a wide range of restaurants conveniently, compare meals and prices effectively, and arrange the delivery of the meal immediately. Thus, the number of last-mile online food deliveries has increased, creating challenges for urban cities. Based on the goal that the City Council of Stockholm has set up regarding becoming fossil-free by 2040, this report examines the effects of the last-mile deliveries in the food delivery sector, particularly how the food is delivered to consumers today, and what challenges the OFD companies are facing in relation to lowering emissions from last-mile deliveries in the urban area. The study consists of empirical data collected from a quantitative survey answered by food delivery consumers in Stockholm, a qualitative interview with Sofia Leffler Moberg, Head of Sustainable Transformation at PostNord, and secondary data published online. The results show that there is a discrepancy between how the food was delivered to the customer and what the respective OFD platform recounted in their application to be the delivery method. The in-app visualization shows that the predominant vehicle used for delivery was bicycle, however, the answers from the participants in the investigation indicate that fossil-driven vehicles such as cars and mopeds are used for delivering. The findings also indicate that there is, to a certain extent, an awareness and a presence of sustainability work in relation to carbon dioxide emissions, however, the work is argued to be limited in relation to what is actually needed in order to contribute to becoming a fossil-free city. Therefore, a large commitment by both the OFD companies and the City Council of Stockholm is needed to accelerate the transition from fossil-driven to fossil-free delivery fleets in order to reduce the GHG emissions from the last-mile deliveries within the sector. / Matleveranstjänster har blivit alltmer populära och tillgängliga, vilket gör att kunderna enkelt kan välja mellan ett brett utbud av restauranger, jämföra måltider och priser effektivt och ordna leveransen av maten direkt. Således har antalet sista mil matleveranser ökat och skapat utmaningar för städerna. Baserat på det mål som Stockholms Stad har satt upp om att bli fossilfritt till år 2040, undersöker denna rapport effekterna av leveranserna i sista milen inom matleveranssektorn, särskilt hur maten levereras till konsumenterna idag och vilka utmaningar matleveransföretagen står inför i förhållande till att minska utsläppen från sista milen leveranser i stadsområdet. Studien består av empirisk data insamlad från en kvantitativ undersökning besvarad av personer som konsumerar matleveranstjänster i Stockholm, en kvalitativ intervju med Sofia Leffler Moberg, hållbarhetschef på PostNord, och sekundära data publicerade på nätet. Resultaten visar att det finns en avvikelse mellan hur maten levererades till kunden och vilken leveransmetod respektive matleverans-plattform angav i sin applikation. Visualiseringen i applikationen visade att cykel var vanligast för matleveranser i Stockholm, men deltagarna i undersökningen indikerade att fossila fordon som bilar och mopeder används oftare än cykel. Resultaten tyder också på att det till viss del finns en medvetenhet och närvaro av hållbarhetsarbete i förhållande till koldioxidutsläpp, men arbetet är begränsat i relation till vad som behövs göras för att uppnå målet om att bli en fossilfri stad. Därför behövs ett stort åtagande från både matleverans-företagen och Stockholms Stad för att påskynda övergången från fossildrivna till elektriska leveransflottor för att minska växthusgasutsläppen från sista milen leveranser inom sektorn.

Utsläppsfritt : En fallstudie om en elektrifierad byggarbetsplats

Thelenius Dünesius, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
Studien Utsläppsfritt – En fallstudie om en elektrifierad byggarbetsplats riktar sig till personer och företag som intresserar sig för hållbart byggande. Vi befinner oss i en allvarlig klimatsituation till följd av bland annat global uppvärmning och byggbranschen bidrar i allra högsta grad till utsläpp av fossila gaser. I samarbete med Skanska så är denna kandidatuppsats skriven med syftet att undersöka hur elektrifierad byggproduktion i norra Sverige fungerar och vilka för- och nackdelar det har. Med den informationen är förhoppningen att studien ska bidra till ökad kunskap om ämnet. I huvudsak har kvalitativa metoder använts för att finna svar. Intervjuer med nyckelpersoner i projektet har genomförts och tillsammans med en dokumentstudie har ett resultat om arbetssättets hållbarhet vuxit fram. Resultatet visar att det finns stora fördelar med att bygga elektrifierat men också vissa utmaningar. Positiva effekter på arbetsmiljö är en viktig del samt minskningen av fossila utsläpp. Studien visar också att det i dagsläget inte är hållbart ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv och att det även finns miljömässiga aspekter som kan förbättras. Slutsatsen är ändå att detta varit ett lyckat projekt som är viktigt för framtiden och omställningen mot ett mer hållbart byggande. / This study, called Emission free – A case study about an electrified construction site is aimed at people and companies interested in sustainable building and construction. The planet is in a serious climate situation as a result of, among other things, global warming and the construction industry contributes to the highest degree to the emission of fossil gases. In collaboration with Skanska, this essay was written with the aim of investigating how an emission-free construction project in northern Sweden works and what advantages and disadvantages it has. With that information, it is hoped that the study will contribute to increased knowledge of the subject. In the main, qualitative methods have been used to find answers. Interviews with key people in the project have been carried out and, together with a narrow document study, a result about the sustainability of the working method has emerged. The result shows that there are great advantages to building electrified, but also certain challenges. Positive effects on the work environment are an important part as well as the reduction of fossil emissions. The study also shows that it is currently not sustainable from an economic perspective and that there are also environmental aspects that can be improved. The conclusion is nevertheless that this was a successful project that is important for the future and the transition towards more sustainable construction

Developing an evidence-based approach to climate change communications: Insider Action Research in partnership with Fossil Free Berlin

May, John Paul January 2018 (has links)
Communication practitioners are failing to engage publics and generate sufficient political will for decisive and timely action on climate change. Despite recent progress in climate communications research, a research-practice gap means evidenced-based approaches are not being adopted by practitioners. This degree project seeks to generate practical knowledge to support the campaigning group Fossil Free Berlin (FFB), of which I am a member, and climate communicators more broadly. FFB is part of the global Divestment Movement – a decentralised, grassroots campaign which aims to stigmatise the fossil fuel industry to mitigate climate change. Using Insider Action Research, I collaborated with the group to develop the following research question: “How can FFB positively and effectively engage audiences to act on climate change, in particular target audiences for our upcoming campaign (MP and the general public).” We found that values and frames, appropriate messengers and social norms can be leveraged to reach traditionally sceptical or inactive centre-right audiences. Positive storytelling, and relatable messaging can also bring the problem closer to home, empowering audiences to act – if communicated in conjunction with viable routes to change. As both the primary researcher and a member of the group, I use autoethnography and personal narrative to address issues of subjectivism and representation and communicate findings in an engaging, accessible way. This study is consciously written in the first person using broadly accessible language, and reflects on my feelings and experiences.

An Analysis of Fossil-free Alternatives for Swedish railway

Komuhendo, Martina, Zhai, Yuanjian January 2020 (has links)
The transport sector is a major contributor to the rise in global temperatures and emissions. The use of fossil fuel being one of the main drivers, most modes of transport are looking at alternatives to the limited and environmentally unsustainable fuels. Despite the railway sector being considered the more ‘green’ alternative mode of transport as compared to other modes like air, there exist more work that is required to make the railway sector as efficient and green as possible especially the significant percentage of the railway networks that are still non-electrified. These lines tend to be short, isolated and in some instances with seasonal traffic, hence there not being an urgent need to electrify. The cost of electrification is usually costly especially in terms of initial infrastructure development and alternatives are needed where the cost of electrification is not viable. The main objective of this report is to analyze the current fossil-free alternatives that are available or soon to be available on the market and determine which alternative is suitable for a specific non-electrified line considering factors such as cost, impact to the environment and the long-term strategy. As this is a complex analysis, the authors of this report will utilize the analytical hierarchical process (AHP) model to determine the most suitable choice for each line. The AHP model is one of the multicriteria methods developed to deconstruct complex situations into simple levels with the first level containing the goal: determining the viability of a fossil-free alternative that may be suitable for a particular railway line using the various criteria and sub-criteria. The results differed along the various railway lines with Fryksdalsbanan, Tjustbanan, HällnäsLycksele, Kinnekullebanan and Vaggerydsbanan having battery-operated trains as the optimal choice while the Mellerud-Bengtsfors, Stångådalsbanan, both Inlandsbanan (North and South), HalmstadNässjö, Bockabanan and Nässjö-Vetlanda favoring the hydrogen-fueled trains. In conclusion, both the battery-operated and hydrogen-fueled trains are viable options on the short, low-demand railway lines while the electric trains and diesel-fueled trains are expensive and environmentally unsuitable, respectively.

The role of bioenergy for achieving a fossil fuel free Stockholm by 2040

Dittrich, Linnea, Lillieroth, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Bioenergy is extracted from biomass. What counts as biomass is generally quite diverse, but broadly speaking, it is material that previously lived. Today, energy extracted from biofuels make up around 23% of Stockholm city's total energy consumption. Stockholm city has set a goal to be a fossil-free city by 2040, i.e. zero emissions from energy use. Two sectors have been identified where emissions occur and these are the transport sector and the electricity and heating sector. This thesis will only address the electricity and heating sector. This includes all energy consumption within Stockholm city municipality. When Stockholm is developing towards a fossil fuel free city, it’s interesting to look at how important bioenergy will be as an energy source in the future. This thesis has scrutinized the role of bioenergy in reaching a fossil fuel free city. Three major policies have been investigated. The carbon dioxide tax and the emission rights system have promoted the bioenergy and its deployment in a positive way. The system of electricity certificates has shown to indirectly affect the bio energy in a negative way. The key finding is that bioenergy will have a great impact in reaching the goal mainly through its contributions with negative emissions, but it is also an important substitute to fossil fuels. / Bioenergi utvinns ur biomassa eller biobränslen. Biomassa och biobränslen är ganska diffusa begrepp då definitionen varierar runt om i världen, men generellt sett är det material som tidigare levt. Idag utgör energi från biobränslen cirka 23% av Stockholms stads totala energiförbrukning. Stockholms stad har satt upp ett mål att vara en fossilfri stad år 2040, det vill säga inga utsläpp från stadens energiförbrukning. Det finns två huvudsakliga sektorer där koldioxidutsläpp förekommer, dessa är transportsektorn och eloch värmesektorn. Detta inkluderar all energiförbrukning inom Stockholms kommuns gränser, till exempel uppvärmning av hushåll och energin de fordon som körs i staden förbrukar. När Stockholm utveckling går mot att bli en fossilbränslefri stad är det intressant att se hur viktig bioenergi kommer att vara som energikälla i framtiden. Denna rapport granskar bioenergins roll i att nå klimatmålet till 2040. De huvudsakliga slutsaterna är att bioenergi kommer ha en stor och viktig roll i att nå målet och att dess största inverkan kommer vara de negativa utsläppen. Vissa lagar har främjat bioenergin medans vissa indirekt har påverkat dess utveckling negativt. Bioenergin har en ljus framtid i Stockholm.

Swedish Sustainability Trend : Empirical analysis on the volatility effect of sustainable news on Swedish oil companies using GARCH 1.1

Amadu, Abubakari, Al Samarai, Alexandre January 2017 (has links)
Purpose The main purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the investment attractiveness of oil and gas stocks (registered on Nasdaq Stockholm) in face of the increasing campaigns for the adoption of clean energy. The findings can help in the formulation of relevant policy implications on the campaign for a cleaner environment Design/Methodology/Approach The authors assume positivism and objectivity as the philosophical aspects for the purpose of this study. Following these initial considerations, the nature of the study was adopted as quantitative. This follows a longitudinal design and a deductive approach, basing the paper on previous literature in the areas of environmental sustainability, market efficiency, financial news items and their effect on stock volatility in order to test own hypothesis.    Theory Following the methodological assumptions and the adoption of a deductive approach, relevant theory was selected to address the focus of previous research on which the research gaps and purpose are based. It also plays a role in introducing the reader to the relevant theories which will aid comprehension of further sections of this paper. Theories surrounding market efficiency, risk and return, the oil and gas industry and sustainability have all been mentioned.  Findings In order to fulfil the purpose of the study, the authors studied whether the volatility of oil and gas stocks are affected by clean energy related news. The empirical results suggest that the volatility of oil and gas stocks decline whenever news of clean energy is introduced, implying clean energy news cause lower volatility. To this end, oil and gas stocks are better off whenever clean energy/sustainability news are introduced into the market.  Analysis The empirical results seem to point to the fact that oil and gas firms may be benefiting from the investment they have made within the last two decades towards the issue of doing business in a more sustainable and socially responsible manner. It is therefore possible that investors get to reward them whenever news relating to sustainability and clean energy are announced. Conclusions  This thesis confirms the attractiveness of oil and gas stocks notwithstanding the increasing campaigns and initiatives aimed at promoting the adoption of clean energy.  Research limitations The research was limited in terms of setting since it only covered Sweden and therefore cannot answer questions regarding the overall attractiveness of oil and gas stocks across the globe.

Transition towards digital servitization in fossil-free society : An explorative study in the construction equipment industry

Mobtaker, Sare January 2021 (has links)
Sustainability is one of the mega trends that is emerging nowadays. It is built on protecting our planet and its resources. Agenda 2030 is a universal call to action, which demonstrates the significance of moving towards sustainability in three different areas of environmental, social, and economic at the international level. One of the focal points of environmental sustainability deals with climate change due to using fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden aims to be one of the world’s first fossil-free nations, and its initiative Fossil Free Sweden offers roadmaps in different sectors to accomplish this goal. Growing the service business through using digital technologies is a strategy many companies tend to in the fast-changing world. Although it potentially leads to competitive advantage and enhancing revenues, it is a challenging situation, particularly for industrial firms. This study seeks to consider a more holistic view regarding the transition that companies need to take by 2030 in pursuing digital servitization and at the same time becoming fossil fuel free. Surviving the transition can not happen without revising business models and exploring new business opportunities. To address this issue, an explorative case study is performed in a manufacturing company in the construction equipment industry to collect, analyze and frame the existing knowledge in digital servitization and business model, moreover, to identify the factors that industrial firms should consider in improving their service business in the transition towards fossil-free society. To do so, 1) a set of coproduction sessions are held in the case company with advanced engineering and researchers, 2) as well an online survey is distributed inside the case company, to collect valuable knowledge and practical insight. The outcome of the research is a framework that can be used as a practical guide to support firms in the transition towards digital servitization and help them to figure out their current position in case of offerings and business models and plan for the next steps and new opportunities. In addition, six important factors with their sub-factors are offered accompanied by six general guidelines that firms should consider in their journey towards the transition.

Influence of Oxygen Enrichment on the Oxidation of a Magnetite Pellet Bed During Pot Furnace Induration

Eriksson, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This study was motivated by the excess oxygen that likely results from the current transition to hydrogen-based Swedish steel production. The potential usability of large amounts of oxygen in a process gas for iron ore pellet induration could improve the process efficiency in terms of fuel consumption and productivity. Iron ore pellets constitute the main raw material used in Scandinavian steel production. Knowledge of the effects of the process-gas oxygen level on induration is a prerequisite for establishing if, how, and to what extent oxygen enrichment can be exploited in an optimum manner to control temperature development and oxidation, while maintaining pellet quality. The objectives of this study are as follows: 1) to investigate the effects of the oxygen level in the inflow gas on pellet bed oxidation during induration, as well as the effects on the bed-scale temperature, oxidation degree, and cold compression strength (CCS) development; and 2) to identify the oxidation mechanisms corresponding to various oxygen levels and thermal histories. The current knowledge regarding the effects of high oxygen levels in the gas on oxidation is based on small-scale experiments; this study was conducted on a larger bed-scale and will thus contribute significantly to the knowledge pool of bed-scale effects resulting from different oxygen levels in the inflow process gas. An interrupted pot furnace experimental method was used, with the highest investigated oxygen level in the gas at 40% and an approximate bed-scale of 100 kg of pellets. The following conclusions were drawn from this study. First, efficient heating and a high degree of oxidation of an entire bed were rapidly achieved with the highest investigated oxygen level (40% O₂) compared to the results of the lower oxygen levels (6%, 13% and 30% O₂). The gas with 40% O₂ yielded improved pellet properties and a more uniform oxidation degree along the bed, compared to beds exposed to gas with lower O₂. Second, the temperature at the bottom of the bed increased more rapidly when exposed to a higher oxygen content in the gas compared to when only the gas temperature was increased. Third, the mechanical pellet properties (CCS and macrostructure) were improved in a bed exposed to gas with 40% O₂ compared to beds exposed to gas with lower oxygen levels. Finally, pellets from local conditions with comparable thermal histories oxidised according to similar mechanisms regardless of the oxygen level. Hence, it was demonstrated that the oxygen level influences the oxidation rate, whilst the temperature affects the oxidation mechanism. The overall trends in terms of the positive effect from the high oxygen content in the gas are promising, as they serve as a starting point for enabling faster production rates in the future. / <p>E632 and a digital meeting in Zoom or Teams. Maximum 8 people will be allowed in E632 due to the covid-19 pandemic situation.</p> / HYBRIT research program 1

En fossilfri fordonsflotta inom Polismyndigheten : En realistisk framtid eller en utopi?

Mårtensson, Elvira January 2022 (has links)
För att nå internationella såväl som nationella miljömål står samhället inför en omfattande omställning av fordonsflottan. Utfasningsutredningen (2021) redogör i sin rapport för hur samtliga aktörer i samhället behöver vidta åtgärder för att bidra till måluppfyllnad. En central aktör som i dagsläget vidtar åtgärder är fordonstillverkare som med ett varierande tidsspann har förmedlat ambitionen om att enbart producera fordon med nollnettoutsläpp inom spannet 2030 – 2035. Fordonstillverkarnas omställning kommer att få konsekvenser för andra samhälleliga aktörer som är beroende av en tillförlitlig fordonsflotta i syfte att genomföra sitt uppdrag, en av dessa aktörer är polismyndigheten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga vilka främjande samt hindrande faktorer som finns för implementering av en fossilfri fordonsflotta i dagsläget. Ett särskilt fokus kommer i uppsatsen att vara polisregion Nord som med sina geografiska förutsättningar upptar 55% av Sveriges yta, samtidigt som 26 av Sveriges 30 mest glesbefolkade kommuner återfinns inom regionen. För att kartlägga förutsättningarna ska uppsatsen utifrån implementeringsteoretiska utgångspunkterna förstå, vilja och kunna studera dokument och genomföra intervjuer med relevanta aktörer från nationell, regional samt polisområdesnivå. I dagsläget framgår det av kartläggningen att en fossilfri fordonsflotta inom polismyndigheten snarare är en utopi än en realistisk framtid. Ingen av de valda teoretiska utgångspunkterna förstå, vilja och kunna kan i dagsläget betraktas som helt uppfyllda. I de fall åtgärder inte vidtas kan myndighetens operativa förmåga komma att bli begränsad, vilket kommer särskilt hårt mot polisregion Nord och dess invånare. / To achieve international as well as national environmental targets, society is facing a major shift in the vehicle fleet. Utfasningsutredningen (2021) sets out how all actors in society need to take action to contribute to meet the targets. A key actor currently taking action is vehicle manufacturers. With varying timeframes, several manufacturers have communicated the ambition to produce only vehicles with zero net emissions within the range 2030 - 2035. The transition of vehicle manufacturers will have implications for other societal actors that depend on a reliable vehicle fleet to carry out their mission, one of these actors being the police authorities. The aim of this paper is to identify the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of a fossil-free vehicle fleet in the present time. A special focus will be the police region North which with its geographical conditions occupies 55% of Sweden's surface, where 26 of Sweden's 30 most sparsely populated municipalities are found in the region. To map the conditions, the paper will study documents and conduct interviews with relevant actors from national, regional and police area level based on implementation theory regarding the concepts understanding, will and being able to. At present, the thesis shows that a fossil-free vehicle fleet in the police authority is more of a utopia than a realistic future. None of the implementation theoretical starting points can be considered as fully met at present. If no action is taken, the operational capability of the authority may be limited, which will have a particular impact on the Northern police region and its inhabitants.

En möjlig väg mot ett fossilfritt Sverige : En studie om biobränslens potential att ersätta fossila bränslen genom bruk av outnyttjad åkermark / A possible way to a fossil-free Sweden : A study on the potential of biofuels to replace fossil fuels through the use of unused arable land

Hein, Maria, Malmén, Charlotta January 2018 (has links)
Den svenska regeringen har som mål att Sverige år 2045 inte ska ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser, och därefter sträva efter negativa utsläpp för att motverka den rådande klimatförändringen. Detta då människans användande av fossila bränslen anses vara den största orsaken till de globala klimatförändringarna. För att i framtiden kunna minska människans påverkan är det viktigt att förnybara energikällor fasar ut de fossila, eftersom en markant minskad energikonsumtion inte är rimlig ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. En växande befolkningsmängd och därmed ett ökat energibehov ligger framför oss samtidigt som Sverige har som mål att vara ett föregångsland när det handlar om utfasningen av fossila bränslen. I landet finns det goda geografiska förutsättningar som kan bidra till energiproduktionen på flera olika sätt. Sveriges stora areal i förhållande till befolkningsmängden är också en av fördelarna varför skogsbruk anses vara en av framtidens viktiga näringar och det är därmed av intresse att undersöka dess potential.  I denna studie har potentialen för skogen som energikälla genom brukande av outnyttjad åkermark studerats ingående på en nationell nivå för att kunna undersöka hur stor del av framtidens energisystem i Sverige som kan baseras på inhemsk biomassa. Dessutom har även energigrödan salix behandlats för att visa på ett alternativ till andra trädtyper. Resultaten visar att det finns många komplexa faktorer som måste tas i hänsyn för att odlingen av biomassa för energiproduktion i Sverige ska vara hållbar, även med en ökad intensitet och produktion. Det kommer att krävas noggrann planering och bakomliggande forskning som bidrar till att andra faktorer i naturen inte tar skada av skogsbruket, åtminstone så att denna påverkan minskas i största möjliga mån. Detta genom styrmedel i form av incitament för forskning inom teknisk utveckling samt regler för att kunna styra producenters och konsumenters attityder och agerande gällande hushållning av energi och naturresurser.  Baserat på tre scenarier där energimängd beräknades utifrån tillgänglig åkermarksarea bedöms inhemska biobränslen inte kunna ersätta dagens energianvändning av fossila bränslen. Scenariot med störst bidrag till energisystemet skulle endast ersätta cirka 7 procent av dagens fossila bränsleanvändning i Sverige. Biobränslen kan däremot bidra till mer hållbara alternativ inom bland annat transportsektorn och tillverkningsindustrin. De förnybara biobränslena bidrar framförallt till minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser, samtidigt som en odling av biomassa och framställningen av dessa förnybara bränslen kan innebära negativ påverkan på den lokala miljön. En omställning från ett fossilbaserat system till ett system grundat på förnybara energikällor medför att miljöbelastningen kan komma att överföras från att drabba vissa miljömål till att påverka andra. Det innebär alltså att det behövs en balans och prioritering mellan olika miljömål. Klimatmålet att Sverige ska vara fossilfritt år 2045 är däremot inte omöjligt om fler förnybara energikällor inkluderas samt en viss mängd importeras. / The Swedish Government has set a goal that Sweden will have zero net emissions of greenhouse gases by the year of 2045, and then strive for negative emissions to counter the current climate changes. This is because human usage of fossil fuels is considered to be the main cause of the global climate change. To reduce the human impact in the future it is essential that renewable sources of energy will phase out the fossil ones, since a significantly decrease of energy consumption is not likely from a socioeconomic perspective. A growing population and therefore an increased need of energy lies ahead of us, while Sweden aims to be a leading country regarding phasing out fossil fuels. The country has suitable geographical conditions that in several ways can contribute to the production of energy. Sweden’s large area in relation to population is also one of the reasons why forestry is considered to be one of the most important industries in the future and it is of interest to investigate its potential.  In this study, the potential for the forest as an energy source through the use of unused arable land has been studied extensively at a national level in order to investigate how much of the future Swedish energy system can be based on domestic biomass. In addition, the energy crop salix has been included to show an alternative to other tree types. The results show that there are multiple complex factors that need to be taken into account for the cultivation of biomass to be considered sustainable, even with increased intensity and production. There will a need for careful planning and underlying research that will prevent the forestry from harming other factors in the nature, at least to reduce its impact as much as possible. This can be done with political instruments in terms of incentives for research in technological development and rules for guiding the attitudes and actions of producers and consumers regarding energy and natural resource management.  Based on three scenarios where the amount of energy was calculated from the available arable land area, domestic biofuels are not expected to be able to replace today’s energy use of fossil fuels. The scenario with the greatest contribution to the energy system would only replace about 7 percent of today’s fossil fuel usage in Sweden. Biofuels can, on the other hand, contribute to more sustainable alternatives in the transport and manufacturing sectors. Renewable biofuels contribute primarily to reduced greenhouse gas emissions, while the cultivation of biomass and the production of these renewable fuels can adversely affect the local environment. A transition from a fossil-based system to a system based on renewable energy means that the environmental impact can be transferred from affecting certain environmental goals to affect others. Therefore, there is a need for a balance and prioritization between different environmental goals. The climate target that Sweden will be fossil-free in 2045 might be possible if more renewable sources of energy are included and a certain amount is imported.

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