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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foster care of AIDS orphans : social workers' perspectives

De Jager, Este 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of this study is to shed some light on the needs of children orphaned by AIDS as well as on the training and support that their foster parents will need, in order to provide guidelines for equipping foster parents to care for AIDS orphans. The motivation for this study was the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in the South Africa and the one million South African AIDS orphans left in its wake. Most of these children end up in substitute homes, and many of them in foster care. Researchers agree that AIDS orphans have special needs because of the circumstances surrounding their parents’ death. Foster parents will therefore need to be prepared to meet these needs. It is an internationally documented fact that foster parents have a need for training and support to meet the demands of foster care, and having an AIDS orphan as a foster child will increase, and focus this need. The study was also motivated by the current shortages and challenges in the foster care system in South Africa which makes it difficult for social workers to effectively train and support foster parents, and aims to contribute towards overcoming some of these problems so that foster parents can be properly prepared to see to the well-being of the AIDS orphans in their care. The research was done based on a literature study, which firstly made use of the Ecological Systems Perspective to explore the effects of parental death by AIDS on their children. Subsequently an overview of foster care within the South African context is given, with emphasis on foster care in general, foster care within the challenging South African context and foster care of AIDS orphans. The last part of the literature review discusses foster parent cell groups as a means of training and supporting the foster parents of AIDS orphans for the parenting process. The empirical investigation of the study investigated to what extent, and in what ways, social workers are training and supporting foster parents to care for AIDS orphans. This investigation confirmed some of the findings of the literature study, namely that AIDS orphans have needs that differ from those of other foster children and that social workers are too overburdened to be able to give the foster parents of these orphans the needed training and support. In light of the findings derived from the literature study and empirical research, conclusions and recommendations are made concerning the phenomena under investigation. The recommendations focus on guidelines that can be used by social workers to train and support the foster parents of AIDS orphans. The recommendations centre on the utilisation of resource-friendly methods to train and support foster parents; bringing structure into the foster care process and on social workers having to use research for guidance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om lig te werp op die behoeftes van kinders wat deur VIGS wees gelaat is, sowel as op die opleiding en ondersteuning wat hul pleegouers nodig het, ten einde riglyne te verskaf vir die toerus van pleegouers om na VIGS-weeskinders om te sien. Die studie is gemotiveer deur die vinnige verspreiding van MIV/VIGS in Suid- Afrika en die een miljoen VIGS-weeskinders wat agtergelaat is. Die meeste van hierdie kinders word in plaasvervangende huise ingeneem, waarvan baie pleegsorgplasings is. Navorsers stem saam dat VIGS-weeskinders spesiale behoeftes het as gevolg van die omstandighede wat met hul ouers se dood gepaard gaan. Pleegouers sal dus voorberei moet word om in hierdie behoeftes te voorsien. Internasionale studies bewys dat pleegouers self ‘n behoefte aan opleiding en ondersteuning het om aan die vereistes van pleegsorg te voldoen. Hierdie behoefte verdiep en word meer gefokus vir ‘n pleegouer wat ‘n VIGS-weeskind in pleegsorg neem. Die studie is ook gemotiveer deur die huidige tekortkominge en uitdagings inherent aan die pleegsorgstelsel in Suid-Afrika wat dit vir maatskaplike werkers moeilik maak om pleegouers genoegsaam op te lei en te ondersteun. Die studie het dus ten doel gehad om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die oorkoming van sommige van hierdie probleme sodat pleegouers voorbereid kan wees om na die welsyn van hierdie weeskinders in hulle sorg om te sien. Die navorsing is gebaseer op ‘n verreikende literatuurstudie. Die literatuurstudie het eerstens gefokus op die gebruik van die Ekologiese Sisteemperspektief om die effek van ouers se afsterwe weens MIV/VIGS op kinders te ondersoek. Daarna is ‘n oorsig gegee van pleegsorg binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Klem is geplaas op pleegsorg in die algemeen, pleegsorg binne die uitdagende Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, en pleegsorg spesifiek met VIGS-weeskinders. Die laaste deel van die literatuuroorsig bespreek die moontlikheid om pleegouer-selgroepe te benut om pleegouers die nodige opleiding en ondersteuning te gee vir die proses van ouerskap. Die empiriese studie ondersoek ook in watter mate en op watter manier, maatskaplike werkers besig is om die pleegouers van VIGS-weeskinders op te lei en te ondersteun. Hierdie ondersoek bevestig sommige van die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie; spesifiek dat VIGS-weeskinders unieke behoeftes het en dat maatskaplike werkers te oorlaai is om die pleegouers van hierdie weeskinders die nodige opleiding en ondersteuning te bied. In die lig van die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie en empiriese navorsing is gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings het primêr gepoog om riglyne te verskaf wat deur maatskaplike werkers gebruik kan word om pleegouers op te lei en te ondersteun. Die aanbevelings het gesentreer rondom die gebruik van hulpbronvriendelike maniere om pleegouers op te lei en te ondersteun; die strukturering van die pleegsorgproses en die noodsaaklikheid vir maatskaplike werkers om daadwerklik van navorsing gebruik te maak vir leiding.

Metodes van werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers vir die doeltreffende versorging van sorgbehoewende kinders

Van Der Veen, Danielle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: According to the South African Constitution, every child has the right to parental care, family care or an approriate form of alternative care. In 2005 in South Africa over 3.4 million orphans did not have access to this right. This was as a result of a shortage of alternative care options. The motivation for this study emerged because foster care is the first placement option for family-based care in South Africa. However there is still a gap in South African literature on the recruitment of foster parents, especially the recruitment of non-relative foster parents and foster parents for cluster foster care homes. Without the knowledge of how to recruit and train foster parents effectively, many children in need of care would stay void of their constitutional rights in this regard. To explore the methods of recruitment, selection and training of foster parents, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research approaches were utilised. Together with that approach an exploratory design, was used. This was done to explore the research topic in literature and examine the views of social workers on the recruitment, selection and training of foster parents. In the literature study the nature and structure of foster care was examined in the context of the South African legislation, followed by an outline of the criteria of children in need of care according to the Children's Act (38/2005). The different phases of the foster care process were discussed according to the tasks and responsibilities of the social worker during this process. Then the different methods of recruitment, selection and training of foster parents were discussed individually on the basis of national and international literature. The exploratory research design was used for the purpose of the empirical study to investigate and analyse the views of social workers regarding the recruitment, selection and training of foster parents. Finally conclusions and recommendations were made based on the findings of the empirical study in order to recommend ways for social workers to be more effective in recruitment, selection and training of foster parents for the large number of children in need of alternative care. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elke kind in Suid-Afrika het die reg volgens die Grondwet (1996:1255) tot ouerlike sorg, familiesorg, of andersins tot gepaste alternatiewe sorg. In 2005 het 3.4 miljoen weeskinders in Suid-Afrika nie toegang gehad tot hierdie reg nie, as gevolg van `n tekort aan alternatiewe sorg opsies. Die motivering vir hierdie studie is omdat pleegsorg die eerste plasingsopsie as gesinsgebaseerde-sorg in Suid-Afrika is terwyl daar ʼn leemte in Suid-Afrikaanse literatuur bestaan oor die werwing van pleegouers, spesifiek die werwing van nie-familie lede as pleegouers en pleegouers vir groep pleegsorg skemas. Indien nie genoeg pleegouers gewerf en opgelei word as versorgers van sorgbehoewende kinders nie, word die reg van ouerlike sorg steeds van vele sorgebehoewende kinders weerhou. Om metodes van werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers te ondersoek is ʼn kombinasie van kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenaderings gebruik, tesame met `n verkennende ontwerp om eers die navorsingskwessie in die literatuur te verken en dan te ondersoek wat die sienings van maatskaplike werkers is oor die werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers. Eerstens word die aard en struktuur van pleegsorg in die konteks van die Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing ondersoek, gepaardgaande met `n definieering van die kriteria van sorgbehoewendendheid van kinders volgens die Kinderwet (38/2005). Die verskillende fases van die pleegsorg proses is volgens die take en verantwoordelikhede van die maatskaplike werker bespreek. Tweedens is die verskillende metodes van werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers afsonderlik bespreek aan die hand van nasionale en internasionale literatuur. Die verkennende navorsingsontwerp is vir die doel van die empiriese studie gebruik om die sienings van maatskaplike werkers oor die werwing, keuring en opleiding van pleegouers te ondersoek en te ontleed. Laastens word daar gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings geformuleer wat gebaseer is op die bevindinge van die studie ten einde maatskaplike werkers te lei om meer effektief pleegouers te werf, keur en op te lei vir die groot aantal sorgbehoewende kinders wat volgens die Grondwet(1996:1255) die reg het op ouerlike sorg.

Health information needs for initial assessments of children-in-care

Thompson, Cori Denise 13 April 2017 (has links)
Children and youth in state or statutory care (children-in-care) are at a higher risk of not having their health needs met than the general pediatric population. A literature review found a paucity of evidence on the health information needed for initial assessments of children-in-care in health record information systems in Canada, particularly when compared with information collected in the comparator countries the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia. This qualitative research reviewed six forms currently used in British Columbia (BC) for assessing the health needs of children-in-care, and for planning future health care delivery for these children. The forms were reviewed with social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers to understand how the forms met their needs for health information for initial assessments when a child first enters care. One researcher conducted 31 interviews with 37 participants —a mixture of social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers allowed for source triangulation— in urban and rural communities using a 19-question, nonvalidated interview tool. NVivo-10 was used to inductively encode participant interviews relying on Pava’s 9-step, nonlinear sociotechnical systems approach to identify themes and concepts raised by the interviews. The researcher conducted an informal review of relevant Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) organization documents and method triangulated the results to the interview findings to identify similarities, differences, and gaps. Findings from these two analyses were compared with the literature review findings. The six forms were found to document most of the required information for typical children-in-care provided the forms were available to the care team and completed in full prior to the initial assessment. Additional forms were used for children-in-care with complex health needs. Key health information included parents’ relevant health and social information, prenatal and birth records, medical and social history of the child, immunization record, whether the child had experienced adverse childhood events, and anything that might remind the child of a stressful situation and cause the child an adverse mental or physical outcome. Complexity in acquiring the needed health information comes from a variety of circumstances. For example, the child may transition in and out of care, parents may be unavailable, and social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers may each change while the child is in care. To overcome information-sharing challenges and barriers, research participants recommended several improvements including funding changes to support medical care provider participation, an information-sharing framework, and electronic options such as a centralized child-in-care record with secure email capability. Introducing some practices from other jurisdictions, notably a senior medical advisor role and a medical assessment model, might help address process challenges when health information is missing during the initial medical assessment. These resources would help round out MCFD’s existing conceptual child-in-care health-care framework. Together these changes may support social workers, foster parents, and medical care providers to provide care to and plan for children-in-care. / Graduate / 0723 (Information Science), 0769 (Health Care Management), 0452 (Social Work) / cdthomps@uvic.ca

“Så länge människan funnits har även barnet gått på denna jord" : En litteraturstudie om familjehemsföräldrars biologiska barn / As long as humans have walked the earth, so have children

Grähs, Linnéa, Tidell, Anneli January 2019 (has links)
De flesta barn som blir placerade utanför det egna hemmet lever i familjehem, varav många familjehemsföräldrar även har egna biologiska barn. Dessa barn osynliggörs av socialtjänsten, trots den vikt de tillskrivs i fostringsprocessen av ett placerat barn. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur tidigare forskning har uppmärksammat familjehemsföräldrars biologiska barns uppväxt och på vilket sätt. Utifrån en systematisk, integrativ litteraturstudie har 15 artiklar valts ut och redogörs för i tematisk struktur varpå en analys har genomförts med hjälp av barndomssociologin som teoretisk ansats. Resultatet konstaterar att familjehemsföräldrars biologiska barn har en viktig roll i familjehemmet och är i många fall aktiva i behandlandet av det placerade barnet. Socialtjänsten bör förbereda familjehemsföräldrar och deras biologiska barn för de utmaningar, känslor och tankar biologiska barn kan erhålla när de agerar familjehem. / Most children that are placed in care are living in foster homes where many of the foster parents also have their own biological children. These biological children are found invisible by social services. The purpose of our study was to investigate how and to what extent previous research has drawn attention to foster carers own children. Based on a systematic, integrative literature study, 15 articles have been selected. We have analyzed these articles within the theoretical frame of childhood sociology. The results, states that the biological children have an important role in the foster care process and in the treatment process of the child being placed. The social services should prepare both parents and their children in the foster family for the challenges, feelings and thoughts that the biological children may possibly experience in the foster home care.

Empowering Foster Care Youth

Batista, Tara January 2014 (has links)
This study explores various youth empowerment programs for young people aging out of foster care in the U.S. Youth Empowerment Programs (YEPs) are interventions that encourage youth to make meaningful decisions about program design, implementation, and/or evaluation. This dissertation employed three methods to contribute to the evidence-base on the effect of YEPs for youth aging out of foster care: a qualitative historical study, a comprehensive literature review, and a quantitative cross-sectional survey that utilized a contemporaneous comparison group. The historical study examined the different program aspects of the Children's Aid Society (CAS) to see if there were any empowering parts. CAS was the precursor to the modern day foster care system in the U.S. The study found that much of the programming that occurred in the Boys Lodging Houses in New York City could be classified as youth-led or youth-informed. Specifically, the children's bank, lending library, and military cadet companies provide detailed examples of youth participating in meaningful programmatic decision-making. Other program aspects in the boys lodging houses could be classified as youth dominated or anarchical. The child placement process was found to be disempowering. There was very little evidence of younger children and girls engaging in programmatic decision-making. The literature review included four studies from 2,631 potentially relevant titles and abstracts. Three of the four studies were qualitative and no randomized controlled trials were found, thus meta-analysis was not possible. The review found that the state of the evidence of the effectiveness of YEPs for youth aging out of foster care is sparse and methodologically weak. All four studies found that YEP participation improved various youth development outcomes. One study reported three iatrogenic effects for a subset of youth. The cross-sectional survey examined the level of psychological empowerment of 193 foster care alumni (ages 18-25) who did (n= 99) and did not (n=94) participate in at least one YEP in Florida. Those who participated in a YEP experienced significantly higher perceived control (B = .25, p =.007), motivation to influence their environments (B = .30, SE B =.09, p =.001), self-efficacy for socio-political skills, and participatory behavior (B = .586, SE B= .136, p =.000), than non-YEP participants even when controlling for age at program entry, gender, race, time in foster care, number of placements, and Pinellas County location. Findings from this dissertation suggest that youth empowerment is possible in child welfare and might be beneficial. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Samtal med barnhandläggare : Om barn i familjehem och deras rätt att komma till tals / Child welfare case workers : About children in foster home care and their right to be heard

Olovsson, Katja January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how some child welfare case workers say they go about to give children in foster homes the opportunity to be heard. The idea was also to examine how much weight is given to the children’s views and if the respondents believe that the childrens right to be heard has improved over the time they have been working with foster children and if so, how? The study was conducted by using qualitative research method and the analysis of the results was made using Shier’s model of childrens participation. The results have also been tied to previous research in the area. The conclusions of this study was that according to the respondents it’s important that they get to know the children well so that the children can have confidence enough to speak their minds. They feel it is important that the children are listened to and the childrens views also have some influence in decision-making. The respondents also believe that the opportunities for the children to express their opinions have strengthened in recent years.

The operationalisation of cluster foster care schemes : a social developmental perspective

Du Toit, Willem Johannes 07 February 2014 (has links)
The presence of poverty, unemployment and children been infected or affected by HIV/Aids contributed to a high level of children in need of care and protection (Patel, 2005:165) and forced communities to came up with a ways of addressing this increasing need of alternative care. Cluster foster care schemes were one of the initiatives that were started spontaneously by community members to address need for more alternative care options (Colby-Newton, 2006:18). This form of alternative care was also included with the proclamation of the Children’s Act, 38 of 2005 and the Children’s Amendment Act, Act 41 of 2007 (Matthias, 2010:172-176). Although cluster foster care schemes are acknowledge and practice as a form of alternative care for children in need of care and protection the operationalising thereof remain a grey area. In an unpublished study by Taback and Associates, it was suggested that further research should be conducted regarding elements that need to be included in the operationalising of cluster foster care schemes (Taback and Associates, 2010:4). The above form the motivation for this study and also provide the basis for the formulation of the research question namely: “What are the operational elements necessary for the operationalising of cluster foster care schemes?” Following from the research problem and research question, the goal for this research was to explore and describe the present functioning of cluster foster care schemes in order to identify operational elements to be documented in a guideline for service providers and social workers. The researcher made use of qualitative research approach to explore and describe the participants’ perception on the research problem. This research endeavour firstly falls in the ambit of the phenomenology research design, which aimed to describe the conscious experience of the everyday life of the participants, which were in this study the managers of cluster foster care schemes as well as foster parents that provide foster care as part of a cluster foster care scheme. In addition to this the researcher also opted to include the exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design, which guided the exploration, description and contextualising of the views of the participants on elements needed to operationalise cluster foster care schemes. In order to achieve the above the researcher the researcher decided to make use of an intervention research model by Rothman and Thomas (1994:3-51), namely the “Intervention Develop and Design” framework (IDD framework). In this study the researcher only used phases one to phase four and certain steps of the IDD framework to develop the operational guidelines for the operationalising of cluster foster care schemes. In concluding the report of the study, the researcher provided summaries of and conclusions related to the background rational; research questions; goals and task objective of the study; the research methodology implemented; the empirical findings and literature consulted; and the developed operational guidelines. He concluded the document with recommendation related to the research process and methodology employed; research findings; and recommendation for further research on the research topic. / Social Work / D. Soc.Sc. (Social Work)

'n Eksplorerende studie oor die implementering van permanensiebeplanning by 'n provinsiale administrasie dienskantoor

Conradie, Michelle 03 1900 (has links)
An exploratory study was undertaken of the implementation of permanency planning at a Departemental office. The purpose of the research was to determine the philosophy and the guidelines for permanency planning. A literature study with regard to the philosophy and the guidelines for the implementation of permanency planning was undertaken. Based on this a questionare was compiled and completed from data of the files of 25 children in foster care where permanecy planning have been implemented or is in the process of being implemented. Recommendations have been made for further research and for the institution where the research was done. The most important findings of the research are as follows: Permanency planning is not implimented as a purposeful strategy, but is a long drownout process. The social workers who are responsible for the implementation of permanency planning are unaware of its philosophy and general guidelines. Consequently it is implemented intuitively rather than scientifically. / 'n Eksplorerende studie is onderneem waarin die implementering van permanensiebeplanning by 'n Departementele kantoor geeksploreer is. Die doel van die navorsing was om te bepaal wat die filosofie en die riglyne vir die implimentering van permanensiebeplanning is. 'n Literatuurstudie insake die filosofie en die riglyne vir die implementering van permanensiebeplanning is onderneem. Na aanleiding hiervan is 'n vraelys opgestel en uit 25 leers van pleegkinders by wie permanensiebeplanning ge1mplimenteer is of word voltooi. Voorspruitend hieruit is aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing en vir die instansie waar die navorsing onderneem is, gemaak. Die belangrikste bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek dui op die volgende: Permanensiebeplanning word nie doelgerig ge1mplimenteer nie, maar is 'n lang uitgerekte proses. Die maatskaplike werkers wat die permanensiebeplanning moet implimenteer is onbewus van die filosofie en algemene riglyne vir die implimentering van permanensiebeplanning en daaromword dit volgens intuisie eerder as 'n wetenskaplike proses geimplimenteer. / M.A.(Social Work)

Attachment of children in foster care

Kritzberger, Karen, Peria, Dawn 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis needs assessment of foster youth group homes

Holt-Gaines, Tinya Kay 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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