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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Limit Theorems for Random Fields

Zhang, Na 18 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Approach for frequency response-calibration for microphone arrays / Metod för kalibrering av frekvenssvar för mikrofonarrayer

Drotz, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Matched frequency responses are a fundamental starting point for a variety ofimplementations for microphone arrays. In this report, two methods for frequencyresponse-calibration of a pre-assembled microphone array are presented andevaluated. This is done by extracting the deviation in frequency responses of themicrophones in relation to a selected reference microphone, using a swept sine asa stimulus signal and an inverse filter. The swept sine includes all frequencieswithin the bandwidth of human speech. This allows for a full frequency responsemeasurements from all microphones using a single recording.Using the swept sine, the deviation in frequency response between the microphonescan be obtained. This deviation represents the scaling factor that all microphonesmust be calibrated with to match the reference microphone. Applying the scalingfactors on the recorded stimulus signal shows an improvement for both implementedmethods, and where one method matches the frequency response of the microphoneswith high accuracy.Once the scaling factors of the various microphones is obtained, it can be usedto calibrate other recorded signals. This leads to an minor improvement formatching the frequency responses, as it has been shown that the differencesin frequency response between the microphones is signal-dependent and variesbetween recordings. The response differences between the microphones dependson the design of the array, speaker, room and the acoustic frequency dispersionthat occurs with sound waves. This makes it difficult to calibrate the frequencyresponses of the microphones without appropriate equipment because the responseof the microphones is noticeably affected by these other factors. Proposals to addressthese problems are discussed in the report as future work. / Matchade frekvenssvar är en grundläggande utgångspunkt för ett flertal implementationer för mikrofonarrayer. I denna rapport presenteras och utvärderas tvåmetoder för frekvenssvarskalibrering för en förmonterad mikrofonarray. Detta görsgenom att extrahera avvikelsen i frekvenssvar hos alla mikrofoner i förhållandetill en vald referensmikrofon. Frekvenssvaren tas fram med hjälp av ettsinussvep som stimulanssignal och ett inverterat filter. Sinussvepet inkluderar helafrekvensbredden för mänskligt tal och möjliggör att mikrofonernas fulla frekvenssvarkan analyseras från en enda inspelning.Med hjälp av sinussvepet kan avvikelsen i frekvenssvar mellan mikrofonerna erhållas.Denna avvikelse representerar den skalningsfaktor alla mikrofoner måste kalibrerasefter för att matcha referensmikrofonen. Genom att applicera faktorerna på deninspelade stimulussignalen ses en förbättring för båda implementerade metoderna,där en metod matchar mikrofonernas frekvenssvar med hög noggrannhet.När skalningsfaktorn för de olika mikrofonerna har erhållits kan den användas föratt kalibrera andra inspelade signaler. Detta leder till en liten förbättring i att matchafrekvenssvaren, då det har visat sig att skillnader mellan mikrofonernas frekvenssvarär signalberoende och varierar mellan inspelningar. Skillnader i frekvenssvar mellanmikrofonerna beror på ljudets utbredning i rummet, utformningen av arrayen,högtalaren och den akustiska frekvensspridningen som uppstår hos ljudvågor. Dettagör det svårt att kalibrera frekvenssvaren hos mikrofonerna utan lämplig utrustningeftersom mikrofonernas respons märkbart påverkas av dessa andra faktorer. Förslagför att kringgå dessa problem diskuteras i rapporten och tas upp som framtidaarbete.

Focal plane array-Fourier transform-infrared (FPA-FTIR) spectroscopy as a tool in the simple and rapid classification of common environmental and food spoilage fungi

Pinchuk, Orley R. (Orley Rachel), 1980- January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Design and fabrication of a continuous flow mixer for investigating protein folding kinetics using focal plane array Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

Haq, Moeed. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Optimization of pre-processing variables for hyperspectral analysis of focal plane array Fourier transform infrared images

Pinchuk, Tommy. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Selected applications of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to the study of cells and cellular components

Dubois, Janie January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

A Provacative Test to Determine Brain Compliance in the Management of Patients with Hydrocephalus

Manwaring, Preston K. 18 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Non-invasive techniques to explore intracranial compliance and pressure have been extensively explored in recent years. Previous techniques have used expensive technologies to make these measurements, often with difficulty. We present a novel, inexpensive provocative test to observe trends in intracranial compliance measurement targeted towards the treatment and management of hydrocephalus. Two techniques are proposed which derive data from the digital and supraorbital arteries as well as tympanic membrane displacement. This requires the use of two photo-plethysmographic sensors and a TMD sensor. A common tilt table apparatus is used to methodically and artificially increase intracranial pressure to stress the cranial system during the test. The results from this test are computed using a digital signal processing algorithm to determine phase difference between the waveforms. Further research is also proposed.

Practical Improvements in Applied Spectral Learning

Drake, Adam C. 30 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Spectral learning algorithms, which learn an unknown function by learning a spectral representation of the function, have been widely used in computational learning theory to prove many interesting learnability results. These algorithms have also been successfully used in real-world applications. However, previous work has left open many questions about how to best use these methods in real-world learning scenarios. This dissertation presents several significant advances in real-world spectral learning. It presents new algorithms for finding large spectral coefficients (a key sub-problem in spectral learning) that allow spectral learning methods to be applied to much larger problems and to a wider range of problems than was possible with previous approaches. It presents an empirical comparison of new and existing spectral learning methods, showing among other things that the most common approach seems to be the least effective in typical real-world settings. It also presents a multi-spectrum learning approach in which a learner makes use of multiple representations when training. Empirical results show that a multi-spectrum learner can usually match or exceed the performance of the best single-spectrum learner. Finally, this dissertation shows how a particular application, sentiment analysis, can benefit from a spectral approach, as the standard approach to the problem is significantly improved by incorporating spectral features into the learning process.

Sound propagation modelling with applications to wind turbines

Fritzell, Julius January 2019 (has links)
Wind power is a rapidly increasing resource of electrical power world-wide. With the increasing number of wind turbines installed one major concern is the noise they generate. Sometimes already built wind turbines have to be put down or down-regulated, when certain noise levels are exceeded, resulting in economical and environmental losses. Therefore, accurate sound propagation calculations would be beneficial already in a planning stage of a wind farm. A model that can account for varying wind speeds and complex terrains could therefore be of great importance when future wind farms are planned. In this report an extended version of the classical wave equation that allows for variations in wind speed and terrain is derived which can be used to solve complex terrain and wind settings. The equation are solved with the use of Fourier transforms and Chebyshev polynomials and a numerical code is developed. The numerical code is evaluated against test cases where analytical and simple solutions exist. Tests with no wind for both totally free propagation and with a ground surface is evaluated in both 2D and 3D settings. For these simple cases the developed code shows good agreement to analytical solutions if the computational domain is sufficiently large. More advanced test cases with wind and terrain is not evaluated in this report and needs further validation. If the sound pressure needs to be calculated for a large area, and if the frequency is high, the developed model has problems regarding computational time and memory. These problems could be solved by further development of the numerical code or by using other solution methods.

Theoretical Study of Laser Beam Quality and Pulse Shaping by Volume Bragg Gratings

Kaim, Sergiy 01 January 2015 (has links)
The theory of stretching and compressing of short light pulses by the chirped volume Bragg gratings (CBG) is reviewed based on spectral decomposition of short pulses and on the wavelength-dependent coupled wave equations. The analytic theory of diffraction efficiency of a CBG with constant chirp and approximate theory of time delay dispersion are presented. Based on those, we performed comparison of the approximate analytic results with the exact numeric coupled-wave modeling. We also study theoretically various definitions of laser beam width in a given cross-section. Quality of the beam is characterized by the dimensionless beam propagation products (?x???_x)?? , which are different for each of the 21 definitions. We study six particular beams and introduce an axially-symmetric self-MFT (mathematical Fourier transform) function, which may be useful for the description of diffraction-quality beams. Furthermore, we discuss various saturation curves and their influence on the amplitudes of recorded gratings. Special attention is given to multiplexed volume Bragg gratings (VBG) aimed at recording of several gratings in the same volume. The best shape of a saturation curve for production of the strongest gratings is found to be the threshold-type curve. Both one-photon and two-photon absorption mechanism of recording are investigated. Finally, by means of the simulation software we investigate forced airflow cooling of a VBG heated by a laser beam. Two combinations of a setup are considered, and a number of temperature distributions and thermal deformations are obtained for different rates of airflows. Simulation results are compared to the experimental data, and show good mutual agreement.

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