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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

English as a Lingua Franca and English in South Africa : distinctions and overlap

Onraet, Lauren Alexandra 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (General Linguistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the prevalent, typical linguistic and discursive features of English as it is used as a shared medium of communication by speakers who do not share a first language in the Western Cape (i.e. as a lingua franca). These features were compared to those found in certain second-language varieties in South Africa, namely Black South African English, Cape Flats English and Afrikaans English. Fourteen female students from the University of Stellenbosch between the ages of 18 and 27 from various first language backgrounds were recruited for the data collection. A closed corpus was created in which recordings were made of semi-structured conversations between the participants, paired in seven groups of two speakers each. These recordings were then transcribed. In order to identify and analyse the English as a lingua franca (ELF) phenomena that arose, reference was made to the various linguistic features and methods of analysis of ELF suggested in House (2002), Seidlhofer (2004) and Meierkord (2000), amongst others. These features were then analysed and compared with the features reported in the literature on second-language varieties of English in South Africa. The study reveals that the South African ELF spoken by the participants displays similar features to the ELF(s) spoken in Europe, although certain European ELF features that occur in South African ELF are used to fulfil different functions. The study disclosed three ELF phenomena which have not been reported as such in the European ELF literature and therefore seem to be unique to the South African ELF context. Specifically, these are auxiliary dropping (AUX-drop), explicit self-doubt of a speaker‟s own ELF proficiency, and thinking aloud. Finally, certain South African ELF features are also reported to be features of South African second-language varieties (e.g. AUX-drop). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek heersende, tipiese eienskappe van Engels wat beskryf word as linguisties en diskursief, spesifiek soos die eienskappe voorkom in Engels as ‟n gemeenskaplike vorm van kommunikasie tussen sprekers in die Wes-Kaap wat nie ‟n eerste taal gemeen het nie (m.a.w. waar Engels as ‟n lingua franca gebruik word). Dié eienskappe is vergelyk met ander wat gevind is in sekere tweedetaal-variëteite in SuidAfrika, naamlik Black South African English, Cape Flats English en sg. Afrikaans English. Veertien vroulike studente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 27 en met ‟n verskeidenheid eerstetaal-agtergronde is gebruik vir die datainsameling. ‟n Geslote korpus is gevorm bestaande uit opnames van semi-gestruktureerde gesprekke tussen die deelnemers. Laasgenoemde is verdeel in sewe groepe van twee sprekers elk. Hierdie opnames is later getranskribeer. Ten einde die relevante Engels-aslingua-franca (ELF)-verskynsels te identifiseer en te analiseer, is daar eerstens gekyk na verskeie linguistiese eienskappe en metodes van analise van ELF soos voorgestel deur, onder andere, House (2002, 2009), Seidlhofer (2004) en Meierkord (2000). Hierna is die waargenome eienskappe geanaliseer en vergelyk met die eienskappe wat gerapporteer is in die literatuur oor tweedetaal-variëteite van Engels in Suid-Afrika. Die studie toon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse ELF wat deur die deelnemers gebruik word, soortgelyke eienskappe vertoon as ELF in die Europese konteks, met die uitsondering dat sekere Europese ELF-eienskappe wat in Suid-Afrikaanse ELF voorkom, plaaslik ander funksies vervul. Drie ELF-verskynsels wat nie as sodanig in die literatuur oor Europese ELF gerapporteer is nie, is gevind en is dus waarskynlik eiesoortig aan die Suid-Afrikaanse ELF-konteks. Dít sluit in hulpwerkwoord-weglating (sg. AUX-drop), eksplisiete uitspreek van onsekerheid oor ‟n spreker se eie ELF-bevoegdheid, en hardop dink. Ten slotte is daar ook gevind dat sekere Suid-Afrikaanse ELF-eienskappe tegelykertyd eienskappe van Suid Afrikaanse tweedetaal-variëteite is, soos bv. weglating van die hulpwerkwoord.

English lingua franca as language of learning and teaching in northern Namibia : a report on Oshiwambo teachers’ experiences

Iipinge, Kristof 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: At independence, Namibia chose English as its official language and therefore its language of learning and teaching (LOLT). Since then, government documents and other literature have revealed the poor performance of learners and falling of standards of teaching (Benjamin 2004:25). It seems that teachers are facing several challenges when using English as an LOLT in the classroom. This study therefore investigates the challenges faced by teachers in northern Namibia when using ELF as a LOLT, as well as how teachers overcome these challenges. In this regard, structured, one-on-one interviews were conducted with six Oshiwambo-speaking teachers at a specific homogenous secondary school in the Omusati region of northern Namibia. The findings of this study suggest that teachers believe that the learners’ sole advantage of using ELF as the LOLT is that it may benefit them if they further their studies abroad, as possessing knowledge of English would enable them to communicate with people from different countries. Another main finding, in terms of how teachers overcome the challenges posed by using ELF as the LOLT, is that teachers often resort to code-switching to ensure that their students understand the concepts they are being taught. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die onafhanklikheidswording het Namibië Engels as amptelike taal gekies en gevolglik ook as die taal van onderrig en leer (LOLT). Sedertdien het staatsdokumente en ander literatuur getoon hoe swak leerders presteer en dat daar ‘n daling in onderrigstandaarde is (Benjamin 2004: 25). Dit blyk dat onderwysers verskeie uitdagings met die gebruik van Engels as LOLT in die klaskamer in die gesig staar. Hierdie studie ondersoek dus hierdie uitdagings van onderwysers in die noorde van Namibië wanneer hulle Engels as ‘n lingua franca (ELF) as die LOLT moet gebruik, sowel as hoe onderwysers hierdie uitdagings oorkom. In hierdie opsig is gestrukureerde individuele onderhoude met ses Oshiwambosprekende onderwysers gevoer by ‘n spesifieke homogene sekondere skool in die Omusati omgewing in Noord-Namibië. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie dui aan dat onderwysers glo dat leerders wat ELF as LOLT gebruik net voordeel daaruit sal trek indien hulle hul studies in die buiteland sou voortsit omdat kennis van Engels hulle instaat sou stel om met mense van verskillende lande te kommunikeer. Nog ‘n belangrike bevinding is dat onderwysers heel dikwels van kodewisseling gebruikmaak om te verseker dat hulle studente die terme wat aangeleer word wel verstaan.

Desafios e possibilidades : a luta por (re) costurar a vida /

Silva, Paula Ravagnani. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Helen Barbosa Raiz Engler / Banca: Pedro Geraldo Saadi Tosi / Banca: Hélio Braga Filho / Resumo: O presente trabalho retrata no âmbito do global ao local, o mundo do trabalho, diante de sua trajetória histórica, econômica, social e cultural frente ao processo de reestruturação produtiva e todas as "facetas" advindas desse processo. Dentre as quais, por meio do processo de "terceirização" e do trabalho informal, consolidou alternativa de sobrevivência, principalmente, a muitas mulheres trabalhadoras, que viram por meio do trabalho precário, meio de sobrevivência, nesse ínterim, o município de Franca-SP, conhecido mundialmente pela produção do calçado masculino, se cochou com todas as "mazelas" econômicas e sociais vindas dessas tendências junto à realidade da sua população. Esse cenário foi campo fértil para o afloramento das oficinas de costura de lingerie no município de Franca-SP, haja vista, que junto a essas novas tendências, atreladas a cultura do calçado, se configuraram várias formas de precarização, sonegação de Direitos, múltiplas funções aderidas pelas mulheres nesse contexto, relações familiares afetadas e desgastadas e a cultura do individualismo que permeia a negação do coletivo como força e agente de transformação da realidade concreta dada. Nessa dimensão, contemplamos a importância da práxis da Economia Solidária que visa o "empoderamento" da sociedade precarizada no âmbito do desenvolvimento local, junto à mediação do profissional Assistente Social compromissado com seu Código de Ética, para a contribuição pela transformação social, dando "voz" a quem não tem, por meio do Método da História Oral, provendo a perspectiva do local ao global / Abstract: This work depicts within the global to the local, the world of work before their historic, economic, social and cultural trajectory opposite the restructuring process and all "facets" arising from this process. Out of which, by means of "outsourcing" and the informal labor process, consolidated means of survival, especially to many women workers, who saw through the precarious work, means of survival, in the meantime, the city of Franca-SP, known worldwide for the production of the male footwear if with all the goings economic and social "ills" of these trends with the reality of its population. This scenario was fertile ground for the flowering of the sewing shops for lingerie in the city of Franca-SP field, considering that with these new trends, linked to culture footwear, if configured to the various forms of instability, evasion Rights, multiple functions attached by women in this context, affected and frayed family relationships, the culture of individualism that pervades the denial of collective strength and as an agent of transformation of reality given. In this dimension, we contemplate the importance of praxis Solidarity Economy that aims to "empower" the precarious society under the local development, with the mediation of professional committed to its Code of Ethics Social Worker, for the contribution to social transformation, giving "voice" to those who have, through the method of oral history, providing the perspective from local to global / Mestre

A contribuição do SEBRAE-SP ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas municipais no âmbito de atuação do escritório regional de Franca (2007-2015) /

Prado, Lucimara de Oliveira Correia do. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Paula Regina de Jesus Pinsetta Pavarina / Banca: Alexandre Marques Mendes / Banca: Guilherme Augusto Malagolli / Resumo: Esta dissertação visa analisar a contribuição do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas do estado de São Paulo (SEBRAE-SP) ao estabelecimento de políticas públicas municipais de apoio e fomento às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (MPEs) no âmbito do Escritório Regional de Franca (ER-Franca), pelo período de 2007 a 2015. São diversos atores que atuam em prol do desenvolvimento econômico e este trabalho visa conhecer a atuação de um ator não governamental junto aos entes públicos municipais no processo de regulamentação e implementação das previsões legais da Lei Complementar no 123/2006, também conhecida como 'Lei Geral das MPEs' e legislações subsequentes. Para tanto foram consultados fontes documentais internas do ER-Franca, do website institucional do SEBRAE Nacional e do SEBRAE São Paulo e realizadas oito entrevistas com gestores de políticas públicas vinculados ao Escritório e ao poder público municipal de Franca-SP. Foram descritas e analisados os processos de regulamentação da Lei Geral no âmbito municipal em seis municípios com mais de 20.000 habitantes, dos dezenove atendidos pelo Escritório, além do município sede dada a relevância da densidade empresarial destas localidades. De maneira mais especifica aos gestores regionais do SEBRAE-SP não tem "poder" e "autonomia" para viabilizar ações sem o interesse da parte executora, prefeituras ou câmaras de vereados, o que aponta para a necessidade de uma revisão institucional sobre o papel dos ERs em relação as m... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This dissertation aims to analyze the contribution of the Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas do estado de São Paulo (SEBRAE-SP) to the establishment of municipal public policies to support and promote Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) within the SEBRAE-SP Franca Regional Office for the period 2007 to 2015. There are several actors that work in favor of economic development and this work aims to know the performance of a non-governmental actor with municipal public entities in the process of regulation and implementation of legal forecasts of Complementary Law no. 123/2006, also known as 'General Law for Micro and Small Companies and subsequent legislation. For this purpose, internal documentary sources of the SEBRAE-SP Franca Regional Office, the institutional website of the National SEBRAE and the SEBRAE São Paulo were consulted and eight interviews were conducted with public policy managers linked to the SEBRAE-SP Franca Regional Office and to the municipal public authority of Franca / SP. The processes of regulation of the General Law in the municipal scope were described and analyzed in six municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants, within the area attended by the SEBRAE-SP Franca Regional Office, besides the host city given the relevance of the corporate density of these localities. More specifically, the regional managers of SEBRAE / SP do not have "power" and "autonomy" to carry out actions without the interest of the executing party, city halls or town councils, which suggests the need for an institutional review on the role of ERs in relation to public policy goals. It can be seen that the SEBRAE-SP Franca Regional Office acted in favor of the beneficiation of MSEs, most often autonomously, in line with what was expected by SEBRAE / SP, and the achievement of the goals established by it, but without the autonomy to regulate or implement laws in favor of... / Mestre

Família e cooperativismo : o ethos cooperativista na região de Franca/SP /

Barbosa, Cristiane Olegário. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Cristina Nassif Soares / Banca: Marta Regina Farinelli / Banca: Helen Barbosa Raiz Engler / Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta a pesquisa desenvolvida que buscou conhecer o impacto do cooperativismo no cotidiano das famílias membros de uma cooperativa na região de Franca, com a intencionalidade de identificar a força do cooperativismo como uma forma de desenvolvimento econômico e social e saber se os sujeitos membros da cooperativa têm ciência e entendimento sobre a proposta cooperativista. A primeira parte do texto aborda o histórico do Cooperativismo na região de Franca/SP através da história da Cooperativa de Cafeicultores e Agropecuaristas, universo da pesquisa e o seu produto, o café, fruto do trabalho dos mais de dois mil cooperados da instituição. O trabalho traz uma discussão sobre as famílias e o trabalho na sociabilidade capitalista, apresentando o núcleo familiar com elemento fundante desta sociedade e partícipe importante das relações de produção no cotidiano social. A historicidade cooperativista foi descrita desde o início em Rochdale, na Inglaterra até sua estrutura moderna atual, como os empreendimentos cooperativos, seus ramos de atuação e sua representação no mundo. E de forma especial, os princípios cooperativistas divulgados pelo modo desenvolvimento econômico e social. A segunda parte do trabalho se propôs a dissertar sobre a cultura dita cooperativista e a forma de vivenciar tais princípios e a prática econômica coletiva. A dissertação propõe também uma leitura evidenciando as contribuições do cooperativismo para o desenvolvimento de valores como cidadania, cooperação e educação para as famílias e sociedade. Por fim, aponta as dimensões do trabalho profissional do Assistente Social, a materialização do referencial teórico no exercício profissional e a árdua tarefa de construir a identidade profissional buscando superar as adversidades no trabalho com as famílias e a cooperativa. Os temas abordados no texto são elementos fundantes... / Abstract: This work presents the research developed that sought to know the impact of cooperativism in the daily cooperative families of a cooperative in the region of Franca, with the aim to identify the power of cooperativism as a form of economic and social development and knowing whether its members have awareness and understanding about its proposal. The first part of the text approaches the history of Cooperatives in the region of Franca / SP through the history of Coffee Growers and Agriculturists' Cooperative, the universe of this research and its product, the coffee, that it's the fruit of the work of more than two thousand members of this institution. This research discusses about the families and work in capitalist sociability, presenting the family nucleus as the fundamental element of society and important participant of production relations in everyday social life. The cooperativist historicity was described since the beginning in Rochdale, in England, until its structure in the current modern, as the cooperative enterprises, its branches of actuation and its representation in the world. In addition, presenting a special way, the cooperativist principles published by the economic and social development mode. The second part of this work discourses about the cooperativist culture and the way of experiencing the principles and collective economic practice. The dissertation also proposes a reading evincing the cooperativism's contributions to the development of values such as citizenship, cooperation and education for families and society. Finally, points out the dimensions of the professional work of Social Worker, the materialization of the theoretical framework in the professional exercise and the arduous task of building professional identity seeking to overcome the adversities in working with families and in the cooperative. The themes covered in the text are fundamental elements of working world... / Mestre

English as a lingua franca in political talk : The use of self-repair and repetition as clarification strategies in political interviews with Jean-Claude Juncker

Röde, Silja January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates the use of two communicative strategies in particular, namely self- repair and repetition, in political interviews with Jean-Claude Juncker where English is used as a lingua franca (ELF). While ELF has received increasing attention throughout the past years, with a variety of researched genres ranging from higher education (e.g. Björkman 2011; Kaur 2011; Mauranen 2006) and business (Bjørge 2010; Firth 1996; Ehrenreich 2009; Pullin Stark 2009) to domestic settings (e.g. Klötzl 2014; Pietikäinen 2014), the genre of political interviews remains largely under-researched – despite it being such a highly international and high-stakes domain. Therefore, the aim of the present research is to include this domain to the list of researched genres, and thereby to gain a better understanding of how a politician uses ELF in his official role. The data comprises four interviews with the president of the EU-commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, with a total interview-time of 35 minutes. The interviews have been transcribed in their entirety for the purpose of the present study, and the data was analysed drawing on conversation analytic approaches. Both self-repair and repetition were frequently identified as clarification strategies in the data and their functions comply to a large extent with previous findings from ELF research (e.g. Kaur 2011; Lichtkoppler 2007; Mauranen 2006). Repetition was found to be used as a strategy to specify utterances and ensure understanding and self-repair to either right the wrongs or raise explicitness. In addition to that, the use of repetition showed some interview-genre related functions as well, such as the use of repetition to influence and interrupt the regular turn-taking structure of interviews. This study shows that the use of ELF is in fact to a certain extent different in political interviews than in other researched genres, and therefore suggests that further studies within this genre would significantly contribute to the field of research into ELF.


DANIEL WANDERSON FERREIRA 21 December 2010 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese se propõe examinar os fundamentos sociais e históricos do pensamento de Donatien-Alphonse-François, mais conhecido como Marquês de Sade (1740-1814). Por meio de uma descrição dos regimes discursivos relacionados com uma visão do corpo na França, a constatação da descontinuidade histórica entre as formas enunciativas eróticas, libertinas e pornográficas tornou-se evidente e nos permitiu uma compreensão melhor dos primeiros vínculos sociais e filosóficos dos textos de Sade com o mundo do Antigo Regime. De igual maneira, verificamos mudanças nas formas de compreensão de seus textos; isso em virtude da consolidação de uma imagem de perversidade ligada ao Marquês de Sade e que, acreditamos, guiou a leitura histórica de sua herança crítica desde o século XVIII. Observamos também as preferências de leitura de Sade, o diálogo que ele realizou com seus contemporâneos e suas escolhas de formas de escrever. Acreditamos que tudo isso contribuiu para que ele interpretasse a França e a história por meio de ideias conservadoras, que se traduziram em um pensamento atravessado por algumas apostas céticas de que a vida e a faculdade de julgamento são engendradas em cada situação. Este conservadorismo sugere também possíveis relações de Sade com as concepções populares de corpo e natureza, para as quais há simetria entre o bem e o mal, sendo a vida e a história resultado desse esforço de equilíbrio. / [en] This thesis proposes an examination of social and historic groundings in the thought of Donatien-Alphonse-François, more known as Marquis de Sade (1740-1814). Trough a description of discursive regimens related to a specific vision of the body in France, a historic discontinuity between erotic, libertine, pornographic enunciation forms became evident, and permitted a better comprehension of the philosophic and social liaisons of Sade’s texts to the world of the Ancien Regime. Changes in the ways by which his texts have been comprehended were as well verified, in this case, pointing to the consolidation of certain image of perversity linked to Sade, guiding the historic interpretations of his critic legacy since the 18th century. The reading preferences of the author and the dialogue he evolved with his contemporaries where also observed. These resources leaded to the conclusion that Sade interpreted France and history in general with conservative ideas, translated in a mode of thought permeated by some sceptic stakes. This conservatism also suggests relations of Sade with popular conceptions of body and nature, to which good and evil are symmetrical, so that life is taken as a result of the balance effort generated in this situation. / [fr] Cette thèse a pour but examiner les fondements sociaux et historiques de la pensée de Donatien-Alphonse-François, plus connu comme Marquis de Sade (1740-1814). Par le moyen d’une description des régimes discursives liés à une vision du corps en France, la constatation d’une manque de continuité historique entre les formes énonciatives érotiques, libertines et pornographiques est devenue évidente et elle nous a permis de mieux comprendre les premiers liens sociaux et philosophiques des texts de De Sade avec le monde de l’Ancien Régime. En semblamble, nous avons vérifié les changements de sens donnés à ses texts ; cela est dû on le croit bien, à la consolidation d’une image de perversité que s’est collée au nom de cet auteur et qui a certainement fonctionnée comme guide pour une lecture historique de son héritage critique depuis le XVIIIe siècle. Nous avons également observé les préférences de lecture de M. de Sade, le dialogue qu’il a réalisé avec ses contemporains et les choix qu’il a fait concernant ses différentes façons d’ecrire. Tout cela, à notre avis permis de soutenir la nature conservatrice de l’interpretation qu’il a fait de la France et de la histoire. Chez De Sade, les idées conservatrices peuvent être traduites par une façon de pensée particulière, soit, traversée par certains paris sceptiques tels que : la vie et la faculté du jugé qui sont engendrées à chaque situation. Ces idées approchent aussi les rapports de M. de Sade avec les conceptions populaires du corps et nature à l’égard desquelles il existe une symétrie entre le bien et le mal. La vie et l’histoire pour De Sade ce ne sont enfin que le resultat d’un équilibre entre ces deux forces.


CRISTINA SOARES DE SA 17 November 2010 (has links)
[pt] A insatisfação do consumidor é um tema central em marketing e de grande importância para as empresas. O sucesso ou fracasso de uma organização é determinado pelo consumidor, é ele que ficará satisfeito ou insatisfeito com o produto e/ou serviço oferecido. O foco do presente estudo é na insatisfação do consumidor, que quando bem observada pela empresa pode auxiliá-la na correção de possíveis erros nos produtos e/ou serviços oferecidos ou até mesmo servir como base para a criação de novas ofertas. O estudo, além de explorar a questão da insatisfação do consumidor, volta sua atenção para um fator que pode influenciar o comportamento do consumidor insatisfeito: a cultura. Com o objetivo de examinar se realmente a cultura exerce influência no comportamento do consumidor é realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa através de entrevistas com 20 franceses cuja maioria reside em Paris. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com os resultados encontrados por Chauvel (2000) em sua pesquisa realizada com 33 consumidores da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, sendo possível assim verificar a existência de semelhanças e diferenças nas interpretações e no comportamento de compradores pertencentes às duas culturas. A literatura nacional e internacional é escassa na questão da influência da cultura sobre o comportamento do consumidor insatisfeito. Dessa forma, pretende-se contribuir para o avanço no conhecimento desse tema, obtendo elementos iniciais sobre essa influência. Os resultados trazem uma descrição das semelhanças e diferenças encontradas e buscam relacioná-las com o contexto sócio-cultural de cada país. Sugestões para futuras pesquisas são delineadas ao final do estudo. / [en] The dissatisfaction of consumers is a central subject in marketing and a very important one for companies. The success or failure of an organization is subject to the consumers` responsiveness since they are the ones who will be satisfied or dissatisfied with the product and/or service offered for sale. The focus of this study is the consumer’s dissatisfaction that, when properly observed by the company, can either help it to correct possible mistakes made in relation to the goods and/or services sold or can even be taken as basis to create new products. Besides discussing the consumer`s dissatisfaction issue, the study also draws attention to a factor that may influence the behaviour of a dissatisfied consumer: culture. In order to analyse whether culture really has influence on consumers` behaviour, a qualitative inquiry was carried out by interviewing 20 French who, most of them, live in Paris. The results obtained are compared with the results found by Chauvel (2000) in the research he did with 33 consumers in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Through this comparison, it is possible to notice the existence of similarities and differences in the interpretations and behaviour of the consumers from each culture. National and international literature is deficient with regard to the issue of culture`s influence upon the behaviour of dissatisfied consumers. For that reason, this study aims to contribute for the advance in the knowledge on this subject by getting initial elements as far as the mentioned influence is concerned. The results present a description of the similarities and differences observed and they attempt to relate them to the sociocultural framework of each country. Suggestions for future researches are delineated at the end of the study.

A intersetorialidade das políticas de saúde e de assistência social no sistema de atenção domiciliar em Franca/SP

Martins, Ariana Siqueira Rossi [UNESP] 11 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-05T18:29:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2015-09-11. Added 1 bitstream(s) on 2016-02-05T18:34:03Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000857412.pdf: 1497284 bytes, checksum: 065452dc9bb336d54e97869efc845418 (MD5) / O aumento da população idosa no mundo e no Brasil tem afetado os diferentes serviços de atendimento a esta demanda, impondo um reordenamento das políticas públicas a fim de que atendam de forma integral às necessidades desta demanda específica. Tem sido muito discutida a questão do envelhecimento saudável e ativo, porém há também que se discutir e estudar sobre a fase da vida no processo de envelhecimento, quando não se tem mais a mobilidade e autonomia para as atividades diárias. A dependência de outras pessoas para a realização de atividades e cuidados diários (higiene pessoal, alimentar-se, trocar de vestimenta, tomar a medicação, entre outros) causa mudanças tanto na rotina da própria pessoa idosa, como na de sua família, a qual precisa garantir a presença permanente de um cuidador e de todos os recursos necessários para a realização dos cuidados. Como objetivo deste trabalho propusemos conhecer os recursos e serviços disponibilizados a esta demanda, pelas políticas de saúde e da assistência social do município de Franca/SP, e como se dá também a forma de acesso. Para isso, utilizamos a pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, por meio de entrevistas com os gestores das políticas de saúde e de assistência social do município, representantes dos conselhos municipais, profissionais de entidades assistenciais, cuidadores voluntários e os cuidadores familiares das pessoas idosas acamadas. Utilizamos o método dialético como fundamento teórico por possibilitar a abrangência da complexidade e da totalidade que o tema pesquisado apresenta. Como resultado identificamos que, embora existam diferentes recursos e serviços disponibilizados pelas políticas de saúde e de assistência social, ainda tem sido insuficiente e ineficiente em alguns aspectos, a exemplo da fragmentação dos serviços e das políticas, dificultando o acesso a eles por meio de processos burocráticos e desconexos entre si. A prática de um... / The increase of the aged in the world and in Brazil has affected the different care services to this population, imposing a reordering of public policies so that they meet in full the needs of this specific demand. It has been much discussed the issue of healthy and active aging, but we must also discuss and study the stage of life in the aging process, when it no longer has the mobility and autonomy for daily activities. The dependence on others to perform daily activities and care (personal hygiene, the act of feeding, changing clothes, taking medication, etc.) causes changes in the routine of the aged person, as in the routine of his family, who need to ensure the permanent presence of a caregiver and all the necessary resources for the realization of care. As an objective of this work, we propose to know the resources and services offered to the elderly by health policies and social assistance in the city of Franca / SP, as also check how is the form of access. For this, we used a qualitative approach research through interviews with managers of health policies and social welfare of the municipality, representatives of municipal councils, professional charities, voluntary caregivers and family caregivers of bedridden elderly. We use the dialectical method as a theoretical foundation, for enabling the scope of the complexity and totality that the researched topic shows. As a result, we found that although there are different resources and services provided by health policies and social assistance, has still been insufficient and inefficient in some respects, such as the fragmentation of services and policies, and difficult access to them through bureaucratic and unconnected processes. The practice of an intersectoral and interdisciplinary work points to the possibility of a humanized service, able to contemplate the different aspects related to the care and well-being that the elderly bedridden at home needs. Social work through its... / El aumento de la población anciana en el mundo y en el Brasil tiene perjudicado los diferentes servicios y su demanda, imponiendo una reorganización de las políticas públicas con el fin de satisfacer, en su totalidad, a las necesidades de esta demanda específica. La cuestión de envejecimiento saludable y activo ha sido muy discutida, pero hay también que se discutir y estudiar la etapa de la vida en el proceso de envejecimiento, cuando no hay más la movilidad e la autonomía para las actividades cotidianas. La dependencia de otras personas para la realización de actividades e cuidados diarios (higiene personal, alimentarse, cambiarse de ropa, tomar la medicación etc.) provoca cambio en la rutina de la persona anciana y en la de su familia, que necesita asegurar la presencia permanente de un cuidador e de todos los recursos necesarios a la realización de los cuidados. Como objetivo de la pesquisa proponemos conocer los recursos e servicios disponibles pelas políticas de salud y de la asistencia social de la ciudad de Franca/SP-Brasil y como es la forma de acceso. Utilizamos la pesquisa con enfoque cualitativo mediante entrevistas con gestores de las políticas de salud e de la asistencia social de la ciudad de Franca, representantes de los consejos municipales, profesionales de las entidades asistenciales, cuidadores voluntarios e cuidadores familiares de las personas ancianas debilitadas en la cama. Utilizamos el método dialéctico como base teórica al permitir el alcance de la complejidad y de la totalidad que ha investigado el tema. Como resultado identificamos que, aunque hay diferentes recursos y servicios proporcionados por las políticas de salud y asistencia social, todavía ha sido insuficiente e ineficiente en algunos aspectos, como la fragmentación de los servicios e de las políticas que dificulta el acceso a las personas a través de procesos burocráticos y desconectados. La práctica de un trabajo intersectorial..

Uma hora em comunhão com a Pátria: o canto orfeônico na atuação pedagógica da Professora Lúcia Gissi Ceraso na escola pública de Franca de 1950 a 1971

Chinali, Ana Luisa Giacometti [UNESP] 03 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:30:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 chinali_alg_me_fran.pdf: 485543 bytes, checksum: eac9d888007496b252c8fbf9d22e326f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa tem como proposta estudar o canto orfeônico, que foi uma pedagogia musical desenvolvida no Brasil durante os anos 1930. O canto orfeônico foi uma disciplina curricular das escolas públicas brasileiras e buscava “civilizar” os costumes, favorecer a construção de uma identidade nacional, desenvolver a sensibilidade estética e o gosto musical dos educandos associados a padrões de música ocidental, moderna e erudita, ao mesmo tempo em que resgatava elementos das memórias coletivas dos brasileiros, buscando nas tradições populares a semente da brasilidade. Estas relações serão estudadas a partir da prática pedagógica efetuada na sala de aula entre 1950 e 1971. Para tanto, serão utilizadas fontes escritas da época e orais de ex-alunos da professora Lúcia Gissi Ceraso, que lecionou canto orfeônico na cidade de Franca de 1950 a 1971 / This research has as a proposal to study the orpheonic singing, that was the musical pedagogy developed in Brazil during the 1930´s. The orpheonic singing was a curricular matter of the brazilian public schools and hoped to “civilized” the costumes, in favor of a national identity, develop the static sensibility and the taste for music of the students associated to patterns of western music, modern and erudite, at the same time that recaptured elements of the collective memories of the Brazilians, searching on popular traditions the seeds of Brazil. These relations are study on pedagogic practice in the classroom between 1950 and 1971. Therefore, are used written sources of the time and oral of former students of the teacher Lúcia Gissi Ceraso, that taught the orpheonic singing at the city of Franca from 1950 to 1971

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